Minutes - 08/25/2003 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 25, 2003 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, AUGUST 25, 2003. CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Figley presiding. 0010 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Figley Bjelland Cox McCallum Nichols Sifuentez Veliz Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Police Chief Russell, Public Works Director Tiwari, Recreation and Parks Director Westrick, Finance Director, City Recorder Tennant 0041 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Music in the Park 2003: The last musical performance for this year will be held on Tuesday, August 26th, with Joni Harms & Company performing at this event. B) Holiday Closures: City Hall and the Library will be closed on Monday, September 1 st, in observance of Labor Day. The Aquatic Center will be open on Labor Day from 11:00 am until 5:00 pm. C) Public Hearing: Continued public hearing date set by the Council on the appeal of Design Review 02-12 and Variance 03-01 (Coastal Farm Supply Expansion) is September 22, 2003, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. 0093 APPOINTMENTS. Mayor Figley appointed Pam Kilmurray as the citizen appointee to the Sign Ordinance Focus Group and stated that all the positions are now filled so the group can begin their work. 0151 PROCLAMATION: WORLD CLASS WOMEN'S SOCCER. Mayor Figley stated that some of the World Cup semi-finals games will be played in Portland and, as a result, some of the teams from around the world have come to this area early in order to train and do exhibition games around the greater Portland area. Woodburn will be hosting one ofthe exhibition games on September 1,2003, 1 :00 p.m., at the Woodburn High School athletic field. Prior to this game, a Woodburn girls soccer team will be playing a girls soccer team from Tigard and the public is encouraged to Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, August 25, 2003 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 25, 2003 TAPE READING attend both of these games. In recognition of the world class athletes coming to Woodburn, Mayor Figley proclaimed September 1,2003 as Women's Soccer Team Day in Woodburn and she encouraged the public to welcome world class women's soccer to our community. 0324 WOODBURN DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION (WDA) REPORT. Bruce Thomas, WDA President, updated the Council on the following events: 1) The last Music in the Park performance for 2003 will be held on August 26th and he reported that this event continues to grow in attendance with the August 19th performance drawing as many as 400 people. 2) Saturday Market is doing well with the gross income taken in by the vendors being higher this year than last year. 3) Last Saturday the WDA began a Food Drive to try and raise 500 Ibs. of non-perishable food to be presented on September 13th to the Woodburn Food Bank. Organizers of the Mexican Independence Celebration Day event had requested that non-perishable food items be donated to the Food Bank in lieu of charging admission fees and the WDA decided that they would organize a food drive in advance of the event. Donations will be accepted at the Saturday Market between now and September 13th. 4) The wind from the trains are causing tremendous damage to the lights in the trees along the railroad track. When the leaves fall off the trees this fall, WDA will be trying to re-configure the lights so that the damage, if any, will be minimal. 5) On September 13 and 14,2003, the Mexican Independence Celebration Day will be held in the downtown plaza and Library Park. This is a first-time event but he felt that it will be successful. WDA is trying to get enough volunteers to man a booth for the purpose of sharing information with the public on the WDA. 6) Lastly, a membership drive for WDA will be held during the month of September. 0591 LETTER FROM MID-VALLEY GARBAGE & RECYCLING ASSOCIATION: CURBSIDE FOOD DRIVE. Mayor Figley stated that the 8th Annual Curbside Food Drive will be held during the month of September 2003 and residents will receive a plastic bag for donations of non- perishable food items. 0630 CONSENT AGENDA. A) approve Council regular and executive session minutes of August 11,2003; B) accept the Planning Commission minutes of July 24,2003; C) receive the Library monthly reports for June and July 2003; D) receive the Police Department statistics for January through April 2003; E) receive the informational item on the Silver Falls 911 consolidation with NORCOM 911; and Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, August 25, 2003 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 25, 2003 TAPE READING F) receive the information on the Doman v. City of Wood bum LUBA No. 2003-025. Councilor McCallum questioned if the Planning Commission had received any information from staff regarding the removal of a large tree on Boones Ferry Road within the improvement project area. Administrator Brown stated that it was his understanding that the Commission has indicated to the Planning Director that they wanted to convey some information to the Council regarding their feelings on this particular tree item. He has asked the Community Development Director to hold that information until such time as the Zoning Ordinance is brought back before the Council which should be within the very near future. The Council will be discussing tree protection as part of the zoning ordinance updates. NICHOLS/SIFUENTEZ... adopt the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 0830 Bruce Thomas stated that he had failed to mention that the Food Bank has an extreme need for food at this time of the year which is why other groups are initiating food drives in the area. Councilor Bjelland mentioned that the WDA Food Drive during Saturday Market is separate from the Curbside Food Drive sponsored by the Mid-Valley Garbage and Recycling Association. 0909 COUNCIL BILL 2470 - ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF THORN STREET LOCATED BETWEEN SETTLEMIER AVENUE AND SETTLEMIER PARK. Councilor Sifuentez introduced Council Bill 2470. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill 2470 duly passed. 0987 COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLANS. Director Westrick stated that the 1999 Parks & Recreation Comprehensive Plan update recommended a number of improvements to Settlemier and Legion Parks. The Board felt that master plans were needed to meet the community needs and recommended to the Budget Committee funding of a consultant to assist the Board and staff in plan preparation. The 2002-03 budget included funding for a consultant who began work on this project in February 2003. The City conducted a fairly extensive series of workshops and open houses to publicize what is needed, to develop a vision, and eventually prepare plans for Settlemier Park and Legion Park. The consultant, Moore lacofano Goltsman, Inc (MIG), developed Options A and B for each park. The Board reviewed the options and agreed upon a final plan for each park for Council consideration. The Legion Park plan also looked at expanding the park area to the west that abuts the northern end of the Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, August 25, 2003 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 25, 2003 TAPE READING park that is being considered for purchase by the City. It was noted that the Board felt that there was a need for more open play area that is not dedicated for a specific athletic purpose. Other features on the Legion Park plan provide for new accesses into the park and additional off-street parking, a plaza behind the stadium, age appropriate playgrounds with the archeology theme, resource area along Mill Creek, an archeology interpretive facility, walking paths and an improved signage system. The Settlemier Park plan would include a sign kiosk to direct park visitors to the various park facilities. The Board also recommended a proposed expansion of the parking area in front of the Aquatic Center where the tennis courts are now located and the tennis courts would be moved to the area now occupied by the Drop-In Center (southwest portion of the park). The proposed plan would extend Settlemier Park to Oak Street requiring the acquisition of private property. The open area on the north side of the Aquatic Center is reserved for future expansion of the aquatic facility but no definite plans have been identified for this site. The Mill Creek tributary flows along the southern section of the park and it is proposed that this portion of Settlemier Park become part of the greenway. Councilor Nichols expressed his opinion that the plans look good and the park improvements will enhance the community, however, he was concerned about placing bleachers on the east side of the athletic field since the late afternoon/early evening sunlight limits a person's ability to see the athletic event taking place at that time. He suggested that the stadium facing the east be expanded to the north and south. Councilor McCallum stated that the east side bleachers have normally been assigned to the visiting team spectators rather than placing both the home and visitor spectators in the same seating area. Councilor Veliz questioned if the basketball courts will be installed at the parks since the court that was at Settlemier Park has been removed and the City should not rely on the schools to be the only location in which basketball courts are available for use by the public. Councilor McCallum expressed a concern on the impact park facilities have on the neighborhoods especially in the Legion Park area since event parking generates a lot of on-street parking issues. Director Westrick stated that the Board took parking issues into consideration when developing the proposed plans. In regards to existing trees, the Board would like to hire a professional arborist to assess which trees are healthy and which trees may need to be removed to protect park visitors. Councilor McCallum questioned as to where the Teen Center at Settlemier park will be relocated at if the parking lot redesigned. Director Westrick stated that the master plans are 20-year plans and it is hoped that a new Community Center would house a Teen Center. The Comprehensive Plan calls for a small neighborhood facility at Burlingham Park and it may be feasible to move the modular unit to that area. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, August 25,2003 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 25, 2003 TAPE READING 2200 Mayor Figley was pleased to see that the plan addresses the inadequacy of the Settlemier Park parking area and that the plan does provide for connectivity between the park and the Aquatic Center. Director Westrick stated that the master plans will provide a map for the future general direction of the parks. The plans on display are a combination of Option A and Option B which are included in the proposed plan document. Copies of the plans recommended by the Board will be provided to the Council since those plans were inadvertently left out of the document. Councilor Cox requested that the adoption of the plans be postponed until such time as the recommended plans are provided to the Council in addition to some text that would discuss the Board's final recommendation since this document is a long range plan. Councilor Bjelland also stated that the Board's recommended plan for Settlemier Park indicates that the proposed Community Center site at the comer ofS. Front St. and Oak Street is not a viable location for this facility and the Council needs to understand the consequences of any adoption and future siting of the Community Center. 2664 Director Westrick stated that the Board did not feel that Settlemier Park was a good place for the Community Center, however, they were willing to listen to ideas of the Community Center committee and would consider recommending changes to this plan. Linda Sauer, 402 Oak Street, stated that she and her husband John have lived at that location for over 30 years and they feel that the park plans are great. For many years, Settlemier Park was very nice and well used by people. Then there was a time in which it declined and the landscaping was not as nice in addition to other problems at the park. Once again, the park is on an upswing and the plans are wonderful. She did not object to the placement of a Community Center in the park as long as it was not in her backyard, and urged retention of the tennis courts in Settlemier Park. Lastly, there has been a little issue with their fence agreement with the City but she commended the City Administrator in his working with them to locate the original agreement. 2930 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS. A) Planning Commission's approval of Subdivision 03-01: Subdivides Lot 2 of the Woodburn Town Center Plat into 88 single-family dwelling lots for Phase III of the Montebello Subdivision. No action was taken by the Council on this land use action. B) Planning Commission's approval of Subdivision 03-02, part of Variance 03-11, and Property Line Adjustment 03-04; Denial of Zoning Adjustment 03-01 and part of Variance 03-11: Proposed subdivision located at 1695 West Lincoln Street, 1510 West Lincoln Street, and 1370 West Lincoln Street. No action was taken by the Council regarding the Planning Commission's decision. Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, August 25, 2003 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 25, 2003 TAPE READING 3026 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. A) Emergency Preparedness - Water System during power outages. Public Works Director Tiwari reported that communities along the east coast had recently experienced a variety of power outages that were both planned and unplanned and, as a result, it was determined that a report on Woodburn's emergency preparedness would be appropriate. Over the years, Oregon has also experienced blackouts and brownouts and our prior Councils have directed staff to take necessary measures to be prepared for future blackouts and brownouts. As a result, all but 1 of the City's 7 water wells have an auxiliary power system thereby allowing us to maintain the domestic water supply to our residents. Additionally, auxiliary power systems are located at the wastewater facility and our emergency communications facilities. He assured the Council that the auxiliary equipment is routinely maintained and operated to make sure that the equipment is fully operational in the event an emergency arises. Councilor McCallum questioned as to how residents will be notified of emergency situations. Director Tiwari stated that, in the past, residents have been notified of water shortages through newspaper articles and public announcements. Police Chief Russell stated that the City's Emergency Operations Plan calls for not only cable TV interruption but also emergency warning announcements over the radio. The police cars do have loud speakers which would be used to alert neighborhoods of an emergency situation. Generally, an emergency operation is done in conjunction with the Fire District which includes utilization of their Special Emergency Response Team (SERT) volunteers who are neighborhood specific to give information to residents in their neighborhood. An incident commander has the initial responsibility to deal with an emergency until such time as a quorum of the Council is available to make the official determination. B) City Administrator's Evaluation: Administrator Brown stated that he will have been with the City for 5 years as of September 2003, therefore, he will be distributing evaluation materials to the Council later this week so that the Mayor and Councilors can take time to complete his performance evaluation. An executive session will be scheduled for the next regular meeting. 3888 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Nichols stated that he was told previously that a basketball court would be constructed at Burlingham Park but, to date, no work has begun on this project. He questioned as to when the City plans on constructing this outdoor facility. Director Westrick stated that he would look into matter and report back to the Council. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, August 25, 2003 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 25, 2003 TAPE READING Councilor Veliz reminded the public that school will be re-opening next week and students will be walking to and from school. Councilor McCallum thanked the department heads who submit statistics for Council review since this information is very helpful in keeping them up to date on what is happening within their department and within our community. Mayor Figley stated that she would be on vacation later this week and all of next week. 4157 EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mayor Figley entertained a motion to adjourn to executive session pursuant to the authority ofORS 192.660(1)(e) to conduGt deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions and ORS 192.660(1)(d) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations. NICHOLS/MCCALLUM... adjourn to executive session under the statutory authority cited by the Mayor. The motion passed unanimously. The Council adjourned to executive session at 8:05 p.m. and reconvened at 8:38 p.m. 4189 Mayor Figley stated that no decisions were made by the Council while in executive seSSIOn. 4230 ADJOURNMENT. NICHOLS/MCCALLUM... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.. APPRO ATTEST 11 -r~ Mary~ant, Flecorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, August 25,2003