Minutes - 06/09/2003 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 2003 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JUNE 9, 2003. CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:05 p.m. with Mayor Figley presiding. 0015 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Figley Bjelland Cox McCallum Nichols Sifuentez Veliz Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Mulder, Finance Director Gillespie, Police Chief Russell, Public Works Manager Rohman, City Recorder Tennant 0040 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) A public hearing before the Woodburn City Council on Annexation #03-01 and Zone Change #03-01 (Food Services of America, 350 S. Pacific Highway) will be held on Monday, June 23, 2003, 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. B) Sign-ups for the Library Summer Reading Program will begin on June 12,2003. APPOINTMENTS. Sign Ordinance Focus Group: Mayor Figley stated that she expects to have all of the names for this group ready for Council consideration prior to the next regular Council meeting with appointments to be made at the next meeting. 0088 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Jeannine Hahn, representing the Chamber, updated the Council on the following Chamber activities: A) On June 10th, the Chamber will be sponsoring the "State of the County" address which will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m.. B) On June 18th, the Chamber Forum will be held at Tukwila Center for Health & Medicine at 12:00 noon. The guest speaker being Marion County Sheriff Raul Ramirez who will update the attendees on Homeland Security and its effect locally. C) The annual Chamber Golf Tournament will be held on June 20, 2003 at Senior Estates Golf & Country Club. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 2003 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 2003 TAPE READING D) On July 2,2003, the Drums of Fire event will be held at the high school athletic field and tickets are available at the Chamber of Commerce office. Volunteers are also needed for this event and interested persons are urged to contact the Chamber office. She also stated that ribbon cutting ceremonies are scheduled for June 13th at Rumors Bar & Grill and June 26th at Perfect Image gift shop. Both ceremonies will be held from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm. Lastly, the new Chamber Directory is ready for distribution and copies of the directory were made available to the Council, staff, and City Hall patrons. 0297 LETTER FROM MARION COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY REGARDING PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES. Administrator Brown stated that, as a government entity, Marion County Housing Authority (MCHA) is not required to pay property taxes on property they own within the City. MCHA does own rental property in the City and, as part of a cooperative agreement with the City since the early 1980's, they make a payment to the City in lieu of property taxes. For fiscal year 2002-03, they have recently made a partial payment of$14,984.56 and another payment will be made within the next few days for a large parcel of rental property they own on Park Avenue. 0399 LETTER FROM WILLAMETTE BROADBAND REGARDING PENDING CABLE TV RATE ADJUSTMENT. The Mayor stated that Willamette Broadband submitted a letter to the City regarding a pending rate adjustment for cable TV services effective July 1, 2003. It was noted that the City has no control over cable TV rates and the letter was included in the agenda packet to alert the Council of the pending increase. 0435 CONSENT AGENDA. A) approve the Council meeting minutes of May 27,2003; B) accept the Woodburn Public Library minutes of May 14, 2003; C) receive the Building Activity report for May 2003; D) receive the Planning Activity Tracking Sheet dated May 23,2003; E) receive the Woodburn Memorial Aquatic Center revenue/attendance reports; and F) receive the Police Department statistics for February 2003. Mayor Figley requested that the Council briefly discuss the Aquatic Center report since this is new and important information for the Council to consider. NICHOLS/BJELLAND...adopt the consent agenda as presented with the exception of the Aquatic Center report which will be discussed separately. The motion passed unanimously. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 2003 r COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 2003 TAPE READING 0516 Mayor Figley stated that the revenue information indicates that revenues continue to increase at the pool even though rates were recently increased by the Council. At the time rates were being discussed, there was some concern about potential decline in pool usage as a result of an increase in rates. Administrator Brown stated that this report provides for 2 full years of activity and, based on the report, there has been some decline in usage but revenues are still increasing in spite of the decrease usage. However, this report will not provide the Council with the full impact of usage versus revenue since the new rates went into effect in May 2003 and future reports will compare revenues and attendance based on the new rates. He stated that Director Westrick was interested in any comments from the Council on the format for future reports. Councilor Bjelland suggested that the year to date information reflect the same period of time from the previous year to this year as opposed to a 12-month yearly total so that the attendance figure is always showing a full 12 months. 0787 COUNCIL BILL 2456 - ORDINANCE DEFINING NUISANCES. PROVIDING FOR NUISANCE ABATEMENT. ESTABLISHING A PENALTY. AND REPEALING ORDINANCES 1616 AND 1822. Councilor Sifuentez introduced Council Bill 2456. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Councilor Cox stated that he was satisfied with the minor changes made to the proposed ordinance. Councilor McCallum thanked the City Attorney, Police Chief, and all other individuals who worked on the revisions to the nuisance ordinance. On roll call vote, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill 2456 duly passed with the emergency clause. 0905 COUNCIL BILL 2457 - RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING GRANT FUNDS RECEIVED IN FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 FOR THE CIPRIANO FERREL EDUCATION CENTER. Council Bill 2457 was introduced by Councilor Sifuentez. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill 2457 duly passed. 0967 COUNCIL BILL 2458 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE WOODBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER SERVICES DURING FISCAL YEAR 2003-04. Council Bill 2458 was introduced by Councilor Sifuentez. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 2003 .,. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 2003 TAPE READING Councilor Veliz stated that having the School Resource Officer is a positive addition to the high school and he is glad to see the relationship with the School District continue in this area. Councilor Cox questioned if the 80/20 split in cost is based on the idea that the Police Officer is doing law enforcement work that is not directly related to the work at the school. Administrator Brown stated that there may be times when the officer is pulled off the school campus in addition to doing other work when school is not in session. Councilor Veliz questioned if there would be a change in which officer is assigned as School Resource Officer. Chief Russell stated that there was a change last year and the officer that was in the school last year has requested that he be assigned to the school for the next year. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill 2458 duly passed. 1169 AQUATIC CENTER CHEMICAL SEPARATION BUILDING BID. The only bid received for this project was submitted by Schneider Equipment Company in the amount of$124,700.00. The engineer's estimate for this project was $65,000. BJELLAND/NICHOLS .... reject the bid for the Aquatic Center chemical separation building from Schneider Equipment Company. The motion passed unanimously. 1208 PUBLIC HEARING: WEST LINCOLN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Mayor Figley declared the public hearing open at 7:27 p.m.. Public Works Director Tiwari provided background information on the proposed project which would provide for a 34 foot wide local street, curbs, gutters, bike lanes, and sidewalks. The project area is the unpaved portion of West Lincoln Street located west of Kotka Street and east of Cascade Drive. Funding for this project includes a City contribution of $40,000 with the balance of the costs ($154,500) to be paid by benefitted property owners within a local improvement district. It was noted that the City had installed a water line and storm drain line during the last year in anticipation of this street improvement project. Costs for these lines were borne by the City and are not included in the costs allocated to the property owners. The proposed assessment method provides for 50% of the cost to be allocated based on land area and 50% of the cost to be allocated based on front footage. It was noted that there are two parcels of land that have been allocated with a reduced benefit since the properties have another access to a paved street rather than this street being their only access to a paved street. Benefitted property owners would be allowed to pay for their share of the costs under the Bancroft Bonding program which allows for a 1 O-year payment plan. The estimated interest rate is 6.5% which is .5% over the estimated bond rate. If the local improvement district proceeds to Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9,2003 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 2003 TAPE READING the next step, the ordinance will specify the interest rate which will be updated by the Finance Director prior to approval of the ordinance. The City will borrow funds from other City funds in order to complete the project and, at a later date, will combine multiple improvement projects to sell one large bond issue. To date, there has been no written remonstrances received from benefitted property owners on this project. Councilor Cox questioned if the City would absorb any increase in cost rather than increasing the proposed property assessments. Director Tiwari stated that the property owners would not be assessed for an amount greater than what has been adopted by the Council in the recently published resolution. 2369 Robert Montgomery, one of the partners of Lincoln Estates LLC, stated that they own a 2 acre parcel on the north side (1695 W. Lincoln St) and a 3 acre parcel on the south side of W. Lincoln St. abutting Kotka St. and Cozy Way. They are in the process of planning a 22-10t subdivision on that property and they anticipate being before the Planning Commission on July 10th. He stated that they are in favor of this project and would like to coordinate their subdivision with this improvement project. He briefly reviewed the proposed plat which would provide for a 10-lot development on the north side and a 22- lot development on the south side. Kotka Street would be extended through to a cul-de- sac and Cozy Street would be extended to W. Lincoln Street. He questioned staff on the proposed interest rate since it seems a little high based on current interest rates for tax exempt bonds. He also questioned if staff looked at a wider area for assessment similar to what was done when Cleveland Street was improved a number of years ago. Ben Shevchenko, 344 N. Settlemier, stated that he is the owner of property located at 1515 W. Lincoln Street and is in favor of this project. In his opinion, the City will benefit from the improvement since homes will be built thereby increasing City tax revenues. He also suggested that the assessment area be expanded since the street is used as a through street between Cascade Drive and Settlemier Avenue. 2900 Gary Schnabel, 1720 W. Lincoln St., stated that he owns this one-acre parcel and he lives in the original house which was built in 1910. He objected to this project since it creates a hardship for the resident owners on this street of which he is one of two resident owners. He objected to the method that was used to determine the proposed assessment since developers will reap a financial benefit once the improvement is completed as opposed to a family living on the acre parcel. This was not a neighborhood initiated local improvement district rather it was driven by this development. He referred to a letter he recei ved from Public Works Manager Rohman in September 1996 in response to a letter he had previously written to the City requesting information on options available for dust abatement. At that time, Mr. Rohman had briefly discussed the formation of a local improvement district in order to pave the roadway, however, the cost for the improvement was $245,000. He commented on how this estimate had decreased by $54,000 when the City decided that they wanted to use their authority for the developments to move forward Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9,2003 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 2003 TAPE READING with the improvem~nt. He also stated that owners with one home on a parcel will have less wear and tear on the street whereas the developer will have multiple driveways per acre and more usage of the street but yet they will not be paying a greater share of the cost. He agreed with the other property owners on the expansion of the assessment area since the street is used similar to that of an arterial. Lastly, there are two large black walnut trees that, from what he has learned, were planted by Jesse Settlemier. He questioned ifthere was a way to preserve the trees. Dean Keiling, 1790 W. Lincoln St., also objected to the proposed assessment since there is a substantial amount of traffic on this street from motorists who do not live in the affected area. . Many of the motorists travel this roadway in order to avoid Highway 214 and they use W. Lincoln Street to get to Nellie Muir schooL He also questioned if the pavement at the United Methodist Church will be of the same height as the new street and if the trees would be preserved. Lastly, he stated that a portion of his land has been claimed by the City as a wetland and he does not understand as to why he should have to pay the same amount as other property owners since he is unable to utilize his full parcel of land. No other comments in opposition to the project were received. Public Works Director Tiwari answered the following questions that were brought up by the property owners: 1) In the area abutting the new development, sidewalk delay is dependent upon how long it will take for construction to take place and, ifit is a short duration, staff will work with the developer to make sure work is done correctly. It was noted that with the extension of Cozy Way, more children and motorists will use Cozy Way to get to Nellie Muir School rather than driving down West Lincoln to Cascade Drive. He stated that W. Lincoln Street is considered a local street which is why it will only be improved to a 34 foot width. 2) Interest rate of6.5% will be adjusted prior to adoption of the ordinance. The rate includes the current bond rate plus .5% and that rate will not change when the final assessment is allocated to property owners following completion of the project. 3) The 1996 estimate of $246,000 included costs for the storm drain and water line which has recently been installed and paid for by the City. The City has also allocated another $40,000 to this project thereby reducing the assessments to the property owners. 4) In regards to the trees, the City would prefer to obtain an easement from the property owner if the trees are in the sidewalk area so that the sidewalk can go around the trees. 5) The pavement adjacent to the Church property will match so that there is a smooth transition from the existing pavement to the new pavement. Councilor Cox questioned if wetland property will be excluded from the calculation. Director Tiwari stated that, from his understanding, there is no declared wetland in that area. If there is a declared wetland, then a deduction will be made on the land area for the affected parcel( s) since declared wetland property cannot be used for future development. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 2003 T COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 2003 TAPE READING Mr. Montgomery stated that they had looked at Mr. Keiling's property and there is a wetland on the back portion of his property since the mobile home park runs their storm water runoff onto Mr. Keiling's property. There is a ditch that comes off the back of the properties and they will be moving the ditch to the back of their subdivision. Director Tiwari stated that a storm drain line could be installed by the property owners to connect to the W. Lincoln Street storm drain line. Property owners are responsible for the costs associated with line installation on their own property. Mr. Schnabel expressed concern with the open ditch drain field from the mobile home park to Cozy Way since it could be a public health hazard. Director Tiwari stated that there is no intention by the City to close the ditch at this time but there are better defined ways to be able to drain that area and make sure that, to some degree, a hazard is minimized. He reiterated that if the area is defined as a wetland, then the wetland area will be taken off of the area calculation. Mayor Figley commented that there can be an area of neighborhood concern for Public Warks to follow-up on regarding the man-made drainage ditch that appears to be minicking a natural wetland. Community Development Director stated that the wetland inventory did identify a small non-significant wetland in this area which, from the City's viewpoint, the area can be filled and used by the property owner but the final decision on usage rests with the Division of State Lands. Councilor Nichols questioned where the water from the mobile home park would flow if a line is installed. Director Tiwari stated that, although the City is not proposing it, the property owners of the area that may include the mobile home park could share in the cost of installing a storm drain pipe that would connect to the pipe near Cozy Way, however, any area declared as a wetland would have to be protected. Councilor Sifuentez questioned if it is possible for a property owner who had a hardship be allowed to payoff the assessment in 12 years versus 10 years. Director Tiwari stated that past practice has been for 10 years and if it is decided to lengthen the repayment period it would be applicable for all property owners. Director Gillespie stated that municipal bonds are usually sold for 10, 15 or 20 year periods and the interest rate is affected when a different bond period is utilized. Councilor Cox also stated that even if the property owner does not make their payments, nothing will happen unless the City Council passes a resolution to foreclose on the property. City Attorney Shields stated that, under the ordinance, written remonstrances need to be received before the close of the hearing and property owners speaking against the assessment project need to have submitted a written objection in order for their objection to be considered as a remonstrance. Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 2003 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 2003 TAPE READING Mayor Figley declared a short recess in order to allow property owners an opportunity to submit a written remonstrance. The recess began at 8:30 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 8:37 p.m.. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that during the recess he had a short discussion with a representative from the mobile home park and the question asked by the representative was if the City would fix his property back to its original condition if some type of drainage is placed adjacent to his property. The Director told him that the City would bring his property back to its original condition. For the record, Mayor Figley stated that the City Recorder had received written objections from Mr. Schnabel and Mr. Keiling. The public hearing was declared closed at 8:40 p.m.. 6393 Councilor Bjelland stated that the Cleveland Street LID included a much wider area since this street is an arterial street and property owners had no other alternative than to use this street in order exit the area. In this case, the surrounding properties have other abilities to access the rest of the City without going through that section ofW. Lincoln Street which is why it is designated as a local street thereby keeping the benefitted properties in the area defined. Brief discussion was held on the paved area in front of the Marion County Housing Authority (MCHA) apartment complex. It was noted that MCHA did the street improvement as part of their development. Councilor Cox agreed with comments made by Councilor Bjelland in that this benfitted area is appropriate since it is not a collector or arterial street. He reiterated that every street will have people from all over the City using the street at one time or another which is considered as general public benefit. He felt that the City's contribution of the line installations and the $40,000 street contribution constitutes the general public benefit. Tape 2 0060 Councilor McCallum appreciated the staffs work to apply consistent standards. He also appreciated the comments made by property owners to preserve the two black walnut trees and staff will do what they can to protect those trees. 0104 COX/MCCALLUM... City Council direct staff to perform an analysis of the input received at this hearing including the written remonstrances and to present a recommendation to the Council for further Council action consistent with the findings. The motion passed unanimously. 0154 PUBLIC HEAiNG: APPEAL OF DESIGN REVIEW 02-12 AND V AffiANCE 03- 01 FOR COAS AL FARM SUPPLY EXPANSION (1550 Mt. Hood Avenue). Mayor Figley stated that the agenda packet includes correspondence from the applicant in which they have consented to waiving the 120-day rule and are requesting a continuation of the public hearing to July 14, 2003. Mayor Figley declared the public hearing open at 8:47 p.m.. Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 2003 ,. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 2003 TAPE READING COXlSIFUENTEZ.... continue the public hearing to July 14,2003. The motion passed unanimously. 0222 PUBLIC HEARING: 2003-04 CITY BUDGET. Mayor Figley declared the public hearing open at 8:48 p.m. to consider public input on the proposed 2003-04 City Budget which includes State Revenue Sharing funds. Finance Director Gillespie reported that the Budget Committee had concluded their budget hearing on May 28, 2003 and unanimously recommended to the Council a proposed budget for fiscal year 2003-04. The financial summary and notice of this hearing was publicized in the local newspaper on June 4, 2003. The Budget Committee recommended that the Council impose a property tax rate of $6.0534 per $1,000 assessed valuation plus a general obligation bond levy in the amount of $175,960. Staffhas recommended a change to the Budget Committee's recommendation which would provide funding for scoreboard pedestals and installation at Centennial Park in the amount of $7,000. This expense would be funded out of contingency funds within the General Capital Improvement Fund. Mayor Figley stated that the scoreboards have already been contributed by private donors and funding needs to be allocated to cover the purchase and installation expenses. No one in the audience commented on the proposed budget document. Mayor Figley declared the budget hearing closed at 8:50 p.m.. BJELLAND/COX... authorize staff to draft a budget ordinance based on the Budget Committee's recommendation including the additional $7,000 for the scoreboard, for a total City budget of $52,341 ,289, including allowable budget adjustments that do not change the tax levy requirement. On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. 0525 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. Administrator Brown stated that he did not have any additional items to report to the Council on at this meeting. 0541 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Bjelland stated that the last Mid- Willamette Area Commission on Transportation (MW ACT) meeting included a presentation on the progress of the W oodbum interchange and receipt of a document prepared by the Willamette Valley Transportation System Alliance which consists of the various Area Commissions on Transportation and the County Commissions throughout the Willamette Valley. This document lists the major transportation projects that should be addressed by the legislature over this session and the next upcoming session. The Woodburn interchange was one of four projects in our region (Newberg-Dundee, Woodburn interchange, Highway 22, and a new bridge over the Willamette River in Salem). Page 9 _ Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 2003 T COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 2003 TAPE READING Councilor Sifuentez stated that there was a couple of individuals who did not speak English in the audience who had some questions regarding the West Lincoln Street project. She did talk to the individuals and answered their questions with staff assistance. She felt that a better procedure should be put in place to make sure that the staff and Council are aware of any interpreter needs that may exist before the meeting or public hearing commences. Administrator Brown stated that Community Relations Officer Perfecto can be in attendance if there is a need for bi-lingual services. Staffwill attempt to do a better job of advertising the fact that if people have the need to communicate to the Council, an interpreter will be available but prior arrangements need to be made. Brief discussion was held on this issue and staff will look into ways of making it known to the public that interpreter services are available. Councilor Veliz congratulated all of the high school and college graduates from around the area for their achievement. He also stated that the Skate Park is up and running and it is his understanding that a law has recently passed that would mandate skateboarders to wear safety gear. He realized that safety gear is strongly recommended but he feels that something needs to be done to require the safety gear in order to reduce injuries. He also felt that some discussion should be held in the future regarding time usage of the skate park by older kids versus younger kids. Councilor Veliz stated that Cascade Surge has had a lot of success here in Woodburn using our soccer field and Woodburn has two local residents on the team, Ricardo and Demitrio Sanchez, which has also generated more interest in community attendance. Lastly, Councilor Veliz stated that the Cipriano Ferrel Education Center grand opening will be held on Sunday, October 5, 2003. Councilor McCallum stated that he had attended the Skate Park dedication and the Mayor did an excellent job at the dedication. In regards to the skateboard helmet law, the Governor has signed the bill which will require use of helmets for youth ages 16 and under, however, the bill will not go into effect for at least 90 days and it may be as long as January 1, 2004 since there was no emergency clause on the bill. Councilor McCallum also stated that he had attended the open house put on by the 1-5 Focus Group. It was his understanding that the group is recommending a partial cloverleaf interchange. Mayor Figley stated that the Focus Group had received various alternatives from the consultant with a partial cloverleaf and a diamond being the most feasible type of interchange. She stated that the partial cloverleaf was one in which the focus group agreed upon since it seemed to cause the least disruption of any of the workable alternatives and it was substantially cheaper than the other alternatives especially for a project of this size. Mayor Figley stated that she had attended the Woodburn High School graduation ceremony and congratulated the Class of2003. Page 10- Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 2003 T COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 2003 TAPE READING As a skate park neighbor and observer of activities at the park, Mayor Figley encouraged skaters of all ages to wear a helmet in order to prevent head injuries. Lastly, the Mayor stated that the 4th of July celebration and fireworks will be held at Centennial Park this year since continuing development in the Tukwila area has made it more difficult to put on a good show due to fire and safety reasons. As part of this year's program, there will be a parade from Settlemier Park to Centennial Park beginning at 1 :00 p.m. and specific information will be put out in the newspaper and to different community groups within the near future. 1328 EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mayor Figley stated that an executive session was only necessary on the labor negotiations item, therefore, she entertained a motion to adjourn to executive session under ORS 192.660(1)(d). MCCALLUM/NICHOLS... adjourn to executive session under ORS 192.660(1)(d) for the purpose of labor negotiations. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 9:07 p.m. and reconvened at 9:27 p.m.. 1352 Mayor Figley stated that no action was taken by the Council in executive session. 1370 ADJOURNMENT. MCCALLUM/NICHOLS....meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m.. ATTEST Mary Ie ant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 11 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 9,2003 Executive Session COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 9, 2003 DATE. CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, ST ATE OF OREGON, JUNE 9, 2003. CONVENED. The Council met in executive session at 9: 1 0 p.m. with Mayor Figley presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Figley Bjelland Cox McCallum Nichols Sifuentez Veliz Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Mayor Figley reminded the Councilors and staff that information discussed in executive session is not to be discussed with the public. Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, City Recorder Tennant The executive session was called to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations pursuant to ORS 192.660(1)(d). ADJOURNMENT. The executive session adjourned at 9:24 p.m.. ATTEST 11~~ Mary Te ant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page I - Executive Session, Council Meeting Minutes, June 9, 2003 r