Minutes - 02/10/2003
FEBRUARY 10,2003
CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Figley presiding.
She also called for a few minutes of silence in memory of the Columbia spaceship crew
members who died this past week during their return from space.
Present (7:05 pm)
Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director
Tiwari, Public Works Manager Rohman, Police Chief Russell, Finance Director
Gillespie, Park & Recreation Director Westrick, Senior Engineer Scott, Street
Superintendent Gwynn, Street Foreman Ferguson, City Recorder Tennant
A) Holiday Closures: City business offices and the Library will be closed on Monday,
February 17, 2003 in observance of President's Day.
B) Teen Scene Program Ribbon Cutting: On February 24th, the High School Teen
Scene ribbon cutting ceremony will be held at Legion Park at 3: 15 p.m.. The Middle
School Teen Scene program will open on March 3rd, 3:30 p.m., at Settlemier Park.
Mayor Figley read the proclamation declaring February 25,2003 as Spay Day USA in the
City. She reminded the public that this day has been set aside to advocate the spaying and
neutering of animals and, if possible, the adoption of unwanted dogs and cats by
individuals who are looking for a companion animal.
Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the City's Street Maintenance Program includes
street cleaning; maintenance of public rights-of-way; storm sewer system cleaning, repair,
and extension; tr~e pruning and root cutting; leaf removal; installation and replacement of
street signs; striping and channelization of traffic flow; grading gravel streets; graffiti
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removal; public safety response; and pavement preservation. He stated that it is important
that surface water be removed from the streets in order to protect the pavement from early
deterioration. Street Division is also assigned to remove graffiti that is found within the
public rights-of-way. It was noted that this is a high priority task and staffwill remove
the graffiti within 24 hours of knowledge of the vandalism. In regards to pavement
management, the City does not allow pavement cuts for 5 years after a roadway is
installed or resurfaced unless there is an emergency repair. Therefore, the City contacts
utility companies during the planning stages to alert them ofthe pending improvement
and, in some cases, projects may be postponed until the utility companies finish their
scheduled work. A question arose regarding the extent of time before the trenches were
covered up and roadwork completed in the vicinity of Hall/Leasure/Hayes/Lincoln Street.
It was noted that the trenches were left open for a longer period of time than normal since
the staff was having a dispute with the contractor on a compaction issue before asphalt
was laid. Director Tiwari briefly reviewed the reasons for installing a temporary cold
mix surface restoration versus a permanent hot mix asphalt surface restoration. He
reviewed the various costs related to crack sealing, patching, drag box patch, resurfacing,
and reconstruction. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) is used by the City to evaluate
the condition of pavement and to determine the type of repair needed on a particular
street. Crack sealing is a preventative used in the maintenance program to reduce the
amount of water that may seep into the asphalt and cause early deterioration of the street.
He reviewed the different types of surface repairs utilized by the department before streets
are resurfaced. He also reviewed the difference between drag box asphalt surfacing
versus the application ofa 3/4",1-112", or 2" asphalt lift to a street. Since 1999, almost
all of the projects approved to be resurfaced have been completed. Funding assistance
from the City's General Fund has provided additional mileage of roads to be resurfaced
which has made a difference in the street preservation program. He also complimented
his staff on their efforts to make sure that the work is designed and performed properly to
extend the life of a roadway and in their operation of an efficient maintenance program.
2496 Mayor Figley stated that the work done on South Settlemier was quite praiseworthy and
the presentation on this subject was an good educational tool on how and when decisions
are made to resurface streets.
Councilor McCallum expressed his appreciation to staff for the repair work done on the
Hazelnut bridge in order to provide the bridge with a smoother approach.
Councilor Veliz stated that he would like to see the gravel streets paved within the City.
Director Tiwari stated that gravel streets involve funding issues that go beyond street
preservation. Policy decisions will need to be made as to the level of assessment to be
paid by the benefitted property owners based on the impact each unpaved street has on
the City's transportation system and, in the case of Front Street, application of additional
non-assessment financial resources to pay the cost-share for improvements abutting the
railroad tracks.
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Councilor Bjelland questioned ifthere is an approach that is taken as to the allocation of
funds to a thin lift versus a standard or special lift in order to maximize the useful life of
the various streets.
Director Tiwari stated that a thin lift is generally applied to streets of 15-17 years of age.
Staff does not use a specific formula to allocate the funds, however, they do utilize a
mixture of the lifts during the year to complete as many projects as possible.
Alma Grijalva, representing the Chamber Board, provided an update on upcoming
Chamber events:
1) February 13, 2003 - Business After Hours at the Woodburn Pet Hospital from 4:30 pm
to 6:00 pm.
2) February 27,2003 - Cascade Surge Soccer Team is hosting its Business After Hours at
the Best Western from 4:30 pm to 6:00 p.m.
3) February 19,2003 - Chamber Forum Lunch will be held at 12:00 noon at the Tukwila
Center for Health and Medicine. Guest speaker at the forum will be Senator Peter
4) March 7, 2003 - Distinguished Service Award (DSA) program will be held at Country
Meadows Village. Award winners will be announced on February 19, 2003.
She also provided the Council with copies ofthe new Woodburn Tourism brochure which
will be distributed to a number of different locations throughout the State. The new
Community Guide will be published in March or April of this year.
1) approve the Council regular meeting minutes of January 27, 2003 and the Council
workshop minutes of January 25,2003;
2) accept the Woodburn Recreation and Park Board draft minutes of January 14, 2003;
3) accept the Library Board minutes ofJanuary 15, 2003;
4) accept the Planning Commission minutes of January 9,2003;
5) receive the Police Department Activities Report of October through December 2002;
6) receive the Building Activity Report of January 2003;
7) receive the Planning Project Tracking Sheet dated January 28,2003;
8) receive the Library monthly report for January 2003;
9) accept the Tree Preservation Ordinance status report;
10) receive the memo regarding emergency clauses on City ordinances; and
11) receive the memorandum regarding missing utility bills.
Mayor Figley reported that, as a result of discussions held during the goal setting
workshop on January 25,2003, the Council has determined that the Woodburn
Development CQde should contain some protection for trees planted as a condition of
development approval and prohibit logging of lots prior to development. As far as
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pursuing the issue of mandated restrictions on private property, the only discussion that
the Council had an interest in pursuing was the removal of more than one significant tree
in a year rather than more than three significant trees in a year. She invited the public to
provide the Council with a list of the Settlemier trees or other botanically unique trees so
that an inventory could be developed and a voluntary program promoting pride in those
trees could be initiated.
NICHOLS/MCCALLUM.... adopt the consent agenda as presented.
Councilor Bjelland questioned if the emergency clause must include a justification
City Attorney Shields stated that there is no Oregon case that he is aware of that would
require a justification statement within the emergency clause, however, there have been
cases argued that the justification statement is required. He stated that his memo was
prepared to provide the Council with the legal parameters on this issue.
Councilor Bjelland suggested that future emergency clauses include the justification in
order to provide some record as to why the Council is implementing an ordinance
immediately rather than waiting 30 days for implementation.
The motion to adopt the consent agenda passed unanimously.
Bids were received from the following vendors for an automatic priming centrifugal
pump: King Pump LLC, $18,500.00; Rain for Rent, $19,683.75; ITT Flygt Corp.,
$24,536.00; Triangle Pump & Equipment, $26,289.00; and SRS Crisafulli, $31,123.00.
Staffrecommended that the bid from King Pump LLC be rejected since it did not meet
bid specifications.
NICHOLS/SIFUENTEZ.... reject the bid from King Pump LLC for not being in
compliance with specifications, and award City of Woodburn Bid #23-07 for an
automatic priming centrifugal pump to the low responsible bidder Rain for Rent in the
amount of$19,683.75.
City Attorney Shields stated that it would be preferable to vote on the issues separately
since the Council is taking two different actions related to two different bidders.
BJELLAND/NICHOLS.... separate the rejection of the bid from the bid award.
On the motion to separate the actions, the motion passed unanimously.
On the motion to reject the bid from King Pump LLC, the motion passed unanimously.
On the motion to award Bid #23-07 to Rain for Rent, the motion passed unanimously.
4480 COUNCIL GO~S FOR 2003-2005.
Goals discussed and agreed upon at the January 25,2003 workshop are as follows:
provide a broader range of affordable youth activities; provide a broader range of self-
supporting adult activities; celebrate culture and diversity; community engagement and
communications; revitalize downtown Woodburn; pursue economic development;
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develop necessary systems infrastructure; enhance and improve livability; manage
growth; museum development; park development; team building and employee
development; develop technological infrastructure; plan and deliver transportation system
improvements; fiscal stability; increase participation in the State and Federal legislative
process; evaluate City facilities for retention, expansion, acquisition, and relocation; and
encourage and employ sustainable practices.
NICHOLS/SIFUENTEZ... adopt the goals for 2003-05 as presented. The motion
passed unanimously.
Mayor Figley requested that the goals be incorporated into the City's website for public
Councilor Bjelland distributed a copy of a report he received at the last Mid- Willamette
Area Commission on Transportation (MW ACT) meeting on the Highway 99E Corridor
Safety Report and Program that has been instituted by Marion County to address the
amount of injuries and accidents on Highway 99E from Salem to the W oodbum area. He
also stated that he had attended a meeting of Willamette Valley Transportation leaders
last week to discuss major transportation issues in the Willamette Valley and how best to
approach the legislator in addressing those transportation issues. It was concluded that
contact should be made to the League of Oregon Cities and the Association of Oregon
Counties to make sure that those organizations are in agreement on the transportation
issues before any presentation is made to the legislator. A list ofprojects that are of great
significance to the Mid- Willamette Valley was developed and the Woodburn Interchange
was one of the projects on the list. He will be contacting Senator Courtney and
Representative Zauner to discuss these transportation issues. At the end of the month,
Area Commissions within Region II will be meeting to further explore the devoting of a
certain percentage of the STIP funds and allocating it for big projects, then developing a
way to prioritizing the other big projects and setting aside the capability to fund a portion
of big projects so that they do not continue to be pushed back into the future resulting in
none of the big projects get adequately addressed.
Councilor Bjelland stated that he had also been contacted by residents who were
dissatisfied with the removal of 2 trees in Settlemier Park where the skate park is being
constructed especially in light of the discussions surrounding tree preservation. He
suggested that in the future the City would try and address those concerns in a timely
Councilor Sifuentez thanked those who supported the Governor's Food Drive for the
City's local food bank which was, once again, successful in providing food supplies for
residents of our community.
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Councilor Veliz thanked the Public Works Department for the work they do on removing
graffiti within the City. He questioned the as to what type of actions are being taken by
the City to combat this problem.
5255 Police ChiefRusSlell stated that the Police Department did make two arrests today of
individuals suspected of being involved in graffiti. The Department is also working with
the downtown businesses to see if a Business Watch group can be formed to work on not
only graffiti but other issues they have in place. In addition to increasing the reward to
$200, the Police Department is working with the Recreation Department in an effort to
reach out to the youth participating in the After School clubs to talk about graffiti and
how use of resources to cover up graffiti limits how much the recreation program can
spend on youth activities.
Mayor Figley urged the public to report graffiti to the Police Department and for property
owners to cover up the graffiti as soon as possible.
Councilor McCallum also thanked the Public Works Department for covering up graffiti
on public property, and on the excellent job the Police Department is doing in terms of
the graffiti and enforcement of the curfew laws. He stated that the graffiti is a result of
just a few individuals and that most kids are doing a great job of being responsible. He
also thanked staff for the excellent job in preparing all of the materials for the goals
workshop and budget workshop.
Mayor Figley stated that the Council goal on facilities will require an additional
workshop and she questioned if the Council would like to meet on a Saturday or off-
Monday night.
It was the consensus ofthe Council to meet on an off-Monday night.
She also stated that staffhad informed her that the Executive Session was not necessary.
SIFUENTEZ/MCCALLUM.... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m..
ATTEST /1~.~
Mary T e t, Recorder
City of Woodburn, Oregon
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