Minutes - 07/22/2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 22, 2002 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JULY 22, 2002. CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m, with Mayor Jennings presiding. 0006 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Jennings Bjelland Chadwick Figley McCallum Nichols Sifuentez Present Present (7:05 pm) Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Public Works Manager Rohman, Asst. City Engineer Torgeson, Acting Police Chief Null, Community Development Director Mulder, Finance Director Gillespie, Park Director Westrick, City Recorder Tennant 0043 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Walt's Run - This annual event will be held on Saturday, August 17,2002, at Centennial Park beginning at 8:00 am, B) Mayor and Council positions: The filing period for the positions of Mayor and City Council Wards III, IV, and V closes on Tuesday, August 27,2002, at 5:00 p.m.. Application materials are available at the City Recorder's office. C) Music in the Park: Tuesday, July 30t\ 7:00 p.m., at Library Park - Invasion Nortefia (Latino music from northern Mexico) Tuesday, August 13t\ 7:00 p.m" at Library Park - Roundhouse (Bluegrass favorites) D) Mayor Jennings stated that Councilor Figley's Basset Hound, Princess, took the gold medal in the tail wagging contest of the Ith annual Olympiad of Basset Hounds event held on July 2 pt. Another Basset Hound from Woodburn took the bronze medal in a different contest at this event. 0174 APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION. Mayor Jennings appointed Rob Mill to Position 1 of the Planning Commission with his term to expire on December 31,2003. FIGLEYINICHOLS... approve the appointment of Rob Mill to the Planning Commission. The motion passed unanimously. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 22, 2002 TAPE READING 0192 Mayor Jennings stated that, unless the Council objected, he would be moving Item 13 (New Business) to follow Item 4C (Storm Drainage Master Plan presentation). 0236 PRESENTATIONS. A) Friend of the Parks Awards: Director Westrick reminded the Council that the month of July is the National Recreation and Parks month and during this month the Park Board presents awards to individuals and organizations who have made an extra effort to promote recreation and parks programs in Woodburn. He presented the Friend of the Parks Awards to the following: 1) Betty Guzman was presented the award for her efforts in getting a new tot lot at the North First Street park. She worked diligently in organizing this project and raising funds for the new tot lot which is utilized by many neighborhood children, 2) Kevin Hendricks was presented the award for his devotion to the Woodburn Junior Football program over the last few years as Head Coach. 3) Woodburn Barracuda Swim Team was presented the award for outstanding service in volunteering and promotion of swimming in Woodburn. The award was accepted by Barracuda Club President Troy Wicks, B) Community Center Planning Committee: Flurry Stone, Committee Co-chair, stated that conceptual drawings have been distributed to the Council for the purpose of allowing them some time to review the designs and give feedback to the Committee prior to the first part of August when the Committee will be preparing their recommendation for a final design which will go before the Council on August 12th. Final numbers for a bond levy measure to be submitted to the voters in November 2002 must be approved by the Council by the first part of September, Director Westrick reviewed the conceptual drawings of the proposed Community Center which would be located on the comer of Front and Oak Streets. He stated that the building would be a complex with the Aquatic Center and the Committee has included a number of outdoor features to enhance the building. The parking area for the Aquatic Center would be relocated to the north side of the Aquatic Center plus additional parking would be constructed south of the new building. He outlined internal features of the Community Center that provides for a multi-purpose building and it reflects the Committee's desire to have this building as a community showplace, Once the final design has been adopted, the Committee will split up their tasks in order to work on fundraising and the upcoming election. Mr. Stone suggested that the Council focus on the landscaping in the front of the building, and the proposed covered pathway concept between the Community Center and the Aquatic Center in order to tie those two buildings together. The Committee was also looking at a campus concept which would tie-in the other surrounding city buildings such as City Hall and the Library. Mayor Jennings complimented the Committee on the work they have done to date and, in Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 22, 2002 TAPE READING his opinion, the concepts brought forth by the Committee are very good. Councilor McCallum requested that a layout and footprint of the building be provided to the Council. Director Westrick stated that the Committee will be meeting on August pI to work on the final design, and on construction and operating costs of the new facility along with revenue projections. Councilor Figley expressed her opinion that addressing the revenue and expense issues in the initial stages will be beneficial and felt that the Council should be a part of that discussion with the Committee. Mr. Stone stated that the Committee's concept is to build a basic building and to look for grants and fundraisers for the features such as landscaping. He encouraged the Council and other interested citizens to attend their August 1 st meeting which will be held at the Settlemier Park Youth Activity Center. 1471 C) Storm Draina2e Master Plan. Gordon Merseth, Consultant, gave a slide presentation on the status ofthe City's Storm Drainage Master Plan. He stated that the Master Plan is designed to preserve, enhance, and protect the City's watershed. The current service area is 8,680 acres involving two major watersheds and over 50 miles of stormwater lines and ditches, There are approximately 5,500 properties served and the existing investment is approximately $20 million. He reviewed the various goals which include mitigating impacts on downstream properties; safe and economical stormwater conveyance; establishing a drainage routing plan, detention performance criteria, and system ownership criteria; integrating existing policies with detention standards; identifying a reimbursement system to developers who provide an over-sized line for benefit of upstream properties; provide for maintenance of the system; compliance with state and federal regulations; and preservation of natural floodwater storage volumes, It was noted that 4 neighborhood meetings were held on the preliminary work and the input from the public has been integrated into the master plan. He stated that in developing the plan, they took the buildout development of the entire urban area and looked at the amount of runoff that would occur at each of the small sub- basins as the areas are constructed and its effect on storm water flow at varying intensities. It was found that the culvert crossings at Lincoln St., Cleveland St., Young St. and Hardcastle Ave. act as small dams thereby restricting the water in very high flows, which is beneficial to the City, and releasing it over a period of time. There are a couple of small capital improvement projects proposed to fine-tune the culvert system in this area. He stated that the primary drainage ways are the main stem of Senecal Creek and Mill Creek with a couple of its tributaries and the plan would provide that there is no man-made or nature-made impediment that would restrict the 100 year storm flow from going downstream, Secondary drainage ways are major tributaries to Mill Creek and the main tributary to Senecal Creek and drainage sizes would be determined based on a 50- year storm event. Local drainage ways are all of the other areas that would require a 12" Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 22, 2002 TAPE READING to IS" pipe for the purpose of handling a 25-year storm event. Standards for storage and detention include a natural system to protect a 100-year storm event, continue to utilize detention ponds, and to construct a storage system by allowing the shifting of natural storage from one place in the floodplain to another area or by enhancing the existing system. The Storm Flow Management Program would build on existing adopted City policy which specifies the developers responsibility for flow management. It also describes stormwater mitigation options to landowners and developers, incorporates design standards for storm water facilities, and provides for a method to reimburse landowners who spend money that will eventually benefit upstream landowners. The Storm Flow Management document is part of the overall Master Plan of the City, however, it can stand alone and be used with developers and landowners to determine what needs to be done before development plans are finalized. He stated that the future issues to be addressed by the City involve water quality regulations which are currently being developed by EP A and DEQ, and addressing system modifications and financing issues based on the final regulations. It is anticipated that NPDES - Phase II regulations will be adopted by DEQ by January 2003 and the City would then be required to apply for a permit by July 2003. It is also anticipated that the federal government will require the City to develop a Municipal Separated Storm Sewer System (MS4) which involves City documentation of all public education and outreach programs to notify residents of what they should and should not do regarding storm water. The MS4 program will entail public involvement, a program to identify illicit connections to the storm sewer system and the elimination of those connections, documenting construction site runoff control, post construction runoff control programs, and the City's method of preventing general water pollution and keeping the streams as clean as possible. The staff will be bringing the Storm Drainage Master Plan and related policies to the Council for adoption in the near future and it is anticipated that the City will need to respond to the Phase II requirements in early 2003. Staff will also begin preliminary work on the creation ofa utility to fund the capital improvements identified in the Storm Drainage Master Plan and any improvements related to the Phase II requirements. Entail 3575 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Kristi Olson, representing the Chamber Board, presented the Council with their monthly office statistics since January 2002. She also reminded the public that the Woodburn Berry Festival will be held July 26 - 28, 2002 at Centennial Park. Additionally, the annual Chamber auction will be held at the Woodburn Fire Station on September 27th, and the Chamber will hold their first annual Crystal Apple Awards on November 22nd . 3680 NEW BUSINESS: TREE PRESERVATION. Mayor Jennings stated that two letters had been received from local citizens and he felt that this topic should be addressed by the Council. He had invited Kerin Ostrom to address the Council on this issue. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 22, 2002 TAPE READING Kerin Ostrom, 425 Smith Drive, stated that she has been a lifelong resident of Woodburn and that the trees are a natural attribute and part of the City's heritage. Trees planted by Jesse Settlemier line most of Settlemier Avenue and are also found along those streets that feed into the downtown area. She felt that these trees need to be preserved and the City needs to adopt provisions that would allow tree preservation and give the City a sense of stewardship which can then be passed onto future residents of the City. Lately, the City has lost a few of these historic trees and she encouraged the Council to take some action so that more trees are not lost in this historic area. Corey Zielsdorf stated that he had also written a letter and obtained some signatures from other residents on this issue. He reiterated that it is time to protect the trees that are part of the heritage of Woodburn and planted by Jesse Settlemier. The trees make Woodburn, especially in the downtown area, what it is and he feels that action needs to be taken before more trees are removed by property owners. He suggested that an ordinance be adopted that would require the property owner to come before a Commission or Council who would then make the decision as to whether or not a heritage tree could be removed. 4233 Administrator Brown stated that there are a number of tree ordinances available in Oregon and out of state, all of which have some good things in their ordinance and could be tailored to meet the City's needs. The existing zoning ordinance does include tree preservation provisions but the problem that it presents for residents is that it requires at least 3 significant trees in any annual period of time to be cut down before there is any permit required. Communities that have ordinances regarding heritage trees will sometimes define tree species, stands of trees in an area, the size of the tree trunk, size of the canopy, and height of the tree, He questioned the Council on how much control they would like to impose, whether it be prohibiting the cutting of any tree on private property without a permit on one end of the spectrum, to leaving things the way they are, or defining what a heritage tree is and protecting it with some stricter standards than what is currently in place. He recommended that any additional work on this issue be directed to the Planning Commission so that they can have Planning staff bring forth some appropriate models to review, hold one or more public hearings so residents can proyide their input on this issue, and the Commission can make a recommendation to the Council. Any action would require a zoning ordinance amendment which is why he has suggested Planning Commission involvement. He reiterated that staff is looking for Council guidance and will take whatever action the Council deems applicable. Councilors Sifuentez and Nichols suggested that the issue be forwarded to the Planning Commission for review and public comment, and then a recommendation be made to the Council. Councilor Figley stated that she has two trees on her property that are approximately 100 years old of which one is a good specimen while the other tree is in very poor condition. She stated that she wanted to be sure that any final action taken by the Council does not prohibit property owners from taking necessary measures to remoye dead or diseased trees at a point where they may impose a hazard to the public, In addition to these two Page 5 ~ Council Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 22, 2002 TAPE READING trees, she has a number of trees around the perimeter of her property that, in her opinion, do not have the significance or value that the older trees have and she did not feel it was fair to ask property owners to abide by the same standards if the tree was not of a heritage standard, Lastly, she was interested in having a list compiled for property owners that would provide names of trees that would be an asset to the community over the next 100 years. Councilor Nichols suggested that the Extension Service be utilized to determine whether or not a tree needs to be removed due to a disease. Administrator Brown stated that the ordinances that he has reviewed do not actually prohibit a property owner from removing a tree but it does provide for a certain process to be followed in order to get permission to remove the tree, This may include a large permit fee which may deter the property owner from removing the tree and there is generally a specimen tree replacement provision. Additionally, the ordinances did include a provision for the emergency removal of a tree. Many of the ordinances also have a review committee to act on the permit application. Councilor McCallum agreed that Settlemier Avenue is a beautiful tree-lined street but there are other trees throughout the City that need to be potentially protected. This issue does involve property rights but there is also a stewardship to carry on the environment and heritage to the future. He agreed that the health and safety of the citizens of Woodburn need to be a strong consideration at all times, He also expressed the opinion that not all trees should covered under a proposed ordinance, Consideration must also be given on the cost to maintain those trees since it may be a burden on the property owners. He felt that the Planning Commission is an appropriate place to start in addressing this issue. He expressed concern that with this issue being brought forward, there may be a rush to cut trees before any action is taken by the Council. He hoped that property owners would wait to see what develops on this issue, Councilor Chadwick expressed concern regarding removal of healthy trees but felt that property owners should be able to remoye diseased trees. Mayor Jennings stated that this issue will be referred to the Planning Commission for further review. 5630 PROCLAMATION: NATIONAL NIGHT OUT 2002. Mayor Jennings proclaimed August 6,2002, as "National Night Out" in the City and urged city residents to support this national program relating to neighborhood safety and crime prevention programs, He also stated that he would be riding with Deputy Chief Youmans to visit neighborhoods hosting block parties and he urged the Councilors to ride with officers to visit neighborhoods in their Wards. 5976 Niki DeBuse, representing the Woodburn Berry Festival organizers, extended an invitation to the Mayor, Council and general public to join in this signature event for the City. She also recognized Kezia MacAlistaire-Merwin for all of her work in organizing Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 22, 2002 TAPE READING this event. The festival will include musical entertainment, arts and crafts, food, children activities, pancake breakfast, soccer, and hot-air balloon displays. 6202 CONSENT AGENDA. A) approve the Council Minutes of July 8, 2002; B) receive the Library Monthly Report for May 2002; and C) receive the staff report concerning decision making process for multiple land use decisions. Mayor Jennings stated that he appreciated receiving the staff report from Attorney Shields on the decision making process for land use decisions. Councilor Bjelland stated that, from a legal standpoint, there could be potential separation but there are some other administrative issues that might indicate that it is more efficient to process the land use issues all at once. He agreed that a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change are closely related and should most likely stay together on an application whereas a Site Plan Review and a Partition are also closely related but he sees an element of distinction between the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change and the Site Plan Review and Partition. He suggested that if there is any concern about one of these elements, it be separated into two elements rather than 4 elements, Attorney Shields stated that his memo basically said that it is up to the Council and the only legal issues he sees are those that are generally created in cases where issues can be consolidated and then separated resulting in different filing periods for appeals or different effective dates for land use decisions affecting the property. Consolidating an application is at the option of the developer but the Council could separate the land use decisions by adopting separate ordinances, Tape 2 FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ.... accept the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 0062 COUNCIL BILL 2408 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO GRANT AGREEMENT NO. 19759 FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-03. Council Bill 2408 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2408 duly passed. 0120 COUNCIL BILL 2409 - ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 2285 (WOODBURN TRAFFIC ORDINANCE) BY DELEGATING TO THE POLICE CHIEF THE AUTHORITY TO IMPOSE TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURES. Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 22, 2002 TAPE READING Council Bill 2409 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick The two readings of the bill were read by title only since there were no objections by the Council. Mayor Jennings questioned if the Deputy Chief would be given the authority in the event there is no Chief of Police in command at the time of need to impose a temporary closure. Attorney Shields stated that the Police Department does appoint someone in command and he does not feel that there is an issue that needs to be addressed. Councilor McCallum questioned if the 14 days in the ordinance is consecutive. Attorney Shields stated that it allows for 14 consecutive days, Chief Null stated that, for a practical matter, Public Works can close down a street when adverse weather conditions or street blockages occur. The ordinance gives the Police Chief the authority to keep the streets closed until such time as they become safe for travel. The majority of temporary street closures happen during National Night Out but there are a few neighborhood watch parties during the course of the year. Staff will provide the Council with a report after the closure for informational purposes. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2409 duly passed with the emergency clause, 0376 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS ALONG EVERGREEN ROAD AND STACY ALLISON WAY. Staff recommended the improvements which will provide streetlights along this roadway to be installed by Portland General Electric and their sub-contractors. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ.... Approve Option 1 for the electrical lighting improvement by PGE along Evergreen Road and Stacy Allison Way in the amount of$29,586.88, The motion passed unanimously. 0400 FRONT STREET ACCESS RAMP. FIGLEYINICHOLS... authorize the City Administrator to sign the application and direct staff to submit the application for State Highway Approach to Oregon Department of Transportation. The motion passed unanimously. 0432 OREGON LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION: FONZIE'S DELI. 1585 N. Pacific Hi~hway. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ.... approve a Limited On-Premise Sales liquor license for Fonzie's Deli, 1585 N. Pacific Highway, Woodburn. Councilor Figley stated that she had a major concern regarding this application in that 1) the substantial take-out clientele, 2) the normal business hours, and 3) the installation of video lottery machines and on-premise liquor sales sounds more like a tavern than a deli. Normally, she does not have a problem with having alcohol service with meals but in the case of a breakfast and lunch operation, she questioned the need and, with the presence of the lottery machines, if it is even a deli. Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 22, 2002 TAPE READING Councilor McCallum concurred with Councilor Figley's comments and had concern regarding the square footage of the business would restrict the dine-in clientele especially with the lottery machines. He stated that it was his understanding that the business hours listed in the staff memo could be expanded by the owner without having to resubmit a license request to the Council. Chief Null stated that the take-out portion of the business does not include alcohol and, in regards to extension of hours, approval would be given at the GLCC level and not the City Council. He stated that did not know the owners intent, however, it is possible for them to change it to a tavern since there are no restrictions under the license, Lottery machines are not to be in view of minors so the owners will need to either put the machines in a different room or they would allow only individuals age 21 or older into the deli. It was noted that a Limited On-Premise Sales license would require that the alcoholic beverage be consumed on the premise. Attorney Shields reminded the Council that the local process involves a public hearing if the Council is considering denial of the license, Chief Null stated that the Council had adopted criteria in February 2000 relating to licensing of premises in Woodburn and the Council's adopted policy was approved by GLCe. Applicants for licenses within Woodburn receive the City's policy so that they know what the City's policy is and, when the applicant applies for the license in good faith and meets the adopted policy criteria, the City will recommend approval of the license. The City has a 45 day process to make a recommendation to GLCC and, if there is a potential for denial, the City needs to establish a basis for the denial. He has recommended that the City approve the license since the applicant has met all of the criteria. If the Council elects to pursue a denial, a public hearing is required within the 45 day period. He stated that businesses want to have lottery machines but the only way they can receive their machines in their establishment is to have a liquor license. Mayor Jennings stated that the City cannot deny a liquor license just because you do not want it there and a denial will only be upheld if there are legal reasons that would justify a denial of the license. The vote on the motion was 5-1 with Councilor Nichols voting nay. 1030 Helen Able, owner ofFonzie's Deli, stated that her business is definitely a deli, however, many people, especially females, have told her that they would like to have an alcoholic drink with a sandwich or to play video machines but they would not go to a tavern. 1075 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS. A) Site Plan Review #02-05 - Farmworker Housing Education Center: No action was taken by the Council regarding the construction of an education facility to be known as the "Cipriano Ferrel Education Center"within the Nuevo Amanecer housing complex located at 1274 Fifth Street. Page 9 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 22, 2002 TAPE READING 1106 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. A) The City Attorney's performance evaluation is during the month of August and the forms will be distributed to the Mayor and Council either in hard copy or electronic format whichever is desired by each member. There are no changes to the form and it is hoped that the Council will be prepared to do the evaluation at the first meeting in August. B) Encroachment in Public Rights-of-Way: Administrator Brown stated that the staff is still working on encroachment in the public rights-of-way as it relates to permanent structures or the erection of structures that people prefer to see as permanent structures. However, staff is also having issues on temporary encroachments on public rights-of-way in many cases dealing with the placement of signs and vehicles parked across sidewalks. Generally a code enforcement action that is taken on these types of temporary encroachments. Most recently, the downtown area is experiencing a large number of temporary encroachments which range from newspaper boxes on the sidewalks to telephone booths that have been installed without permission to stationary food vendors that are in conjunction with existing storefronts. Staff has tried to be consistent in their approach to all of these which has been to follow the ordinance that prohibits encroachment without a permit. However, the City has not established a permitting process to date. Newspaper companies have brought to the staffs attention that there are some First Amendment rights issues that need to be respected by the City and, in some cases, there has been some voluntary removal by the newspaper companies or the boxes have been moved to an area so that the sidewalk is no longer obstructed or creating a trip hazard, The telephone issue becomes more complicated since the telephone company is required to have a franchise and, as a result, it entitles the telephone company to the use of the public rights-of-way. Administrator Brown stated that he has some concerns relating to the permit issuance and he will be working with staff to prepare a report for Council consideration on the issue of permanent structures and temporary encroachment in the public rights-of-way. Until staff has the opportunity to discuss the issue in more detail with the Council, he stated that he would like to take the position consistent with existing ordinances that the City is not issuing permits to operate on the public rights-of- way and the permits will not be granted until the City Council has evaluated the process more formally and adopted ordinance changes that would specify their preferences in this matter. Mayor Jennings recommended that the Administrator move along as proposed, Councilor McCallum suggested that permits for temporary encroachment be limited to specific events. His concern is that business owners may try to have multiple events that would involve encroachment on a regular basis. Administrator Brown stated that when this issue is discussed in more depth by the Council, only a specific number of events be established. Councilor Figley stated that she would like to see trash clean-up obligations that are put Page 10 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 22, 2002 TAPE READING directly onto the permitee. Councilors Nichols and Sifuentez also agreed with the Administrator's proposal. 2159 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Nichols complimented the Code Enforcement Officers in work to keep the tall grass and weeds mowed down in the City. Councilor McCallum stated that he has filed for the position of City Council Ward III in the General Election. Councilor Bjelland stated that the Mid-Willamette Valley Area Commission on Transportation had put forth two Woodburn projects to the Region II all area meeting. The Woodburn Interchange request was for $14.1 million and the other project was for $750,000 for the design, engineering, and some right-of-way acquisition on the widening ofHwy.214. At the all area Region II meeting, Woodburn was given $7,305,000 in funds for the improvement of the interchange with funds dedicated towards right-of-way acquisition, and $550,000 for the widening ofHwy. 214. These projects are now on the STIP process which is an important consideration and it is hoped that on the next round of funding the City will be able to secure more funds to complete these projects. He expressed his disappointment that, in his opinion, MW ACT did not receive their fair share of Region II's funding since they received approximately 29% of the funding whereas Region II represents approximately 40% of the population. 2550 EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mayor Jennings entertained a motion to adjourn to executive session under ORS 192.660( 1)( d). BJELLAND/SIFUENTEZ... adjourn to executive session under the statutory provision cited by the Mayor. The motion passed unanimously The meeting adjourned to executive session at 9: 13 p.m. and reconvened at 10: 19 p.m.. 2600 Mayor Jennings stated that no decisions were made by the Council in Executive Session, 2614 ADJOURNMENT. FIGLEY/MCCALLUM... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p,m.. APPROVED ~ HARD JE~GS~MA YOR ATTEST /17~ /~~ Mary Te nt~ Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon ----- Page 11 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2002