Agenda - 06/10/2002 AGENDA WOODB URN CITY CO UNCI£ JUNE I0, 2002 - Z'O0 P.M. 270 Montgomery Street ~ ~ Woodburn, Oregon CALL TO OR~ ER AND FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND APPOINTMENTS e e e Ce WoodbUrn Public Library will be closed on Friday, June 21, 2002 for staff training. June 18~ 2002 - 6:30 p.m., City Council Workshop with Marion County Growth Management Task Force, City Hall Council Chambers. June 24~ 2002 - 7:00 p.m. - Public hearing: Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment 01-02, Zone Change 01-05, Site Plan Review 01-13 and Partitioi~ 01-07 on a 1.7 acre lot located at 847 N. Cascade Drive. None PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS - None COMMITTEEi REPORTS Chamber of Commerce. Woodburn Downtown Association. COMMUNICATIONS A. Letter dated May 31, 2002 from Willamette Broadband ............... 6A BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC (This allows the public to introduce items for Council consideration not already scheduled on the agenda.) CONSENT AGENDA - Items listed on the consent agenda are considered routine and may be enacted by one motion. Any item may be removed for discussion at the request of a Council member. Bo Woodburn City Council minutes of May 13, 2002 regular meeting and May 28, 2002 regular and executive meetings .................... 8A Recommended action: Approve the Woodburn City Council minutes. WoodbUrn Planning Commission minutes of May 9, 2002 ............. 8B Recommended action: Accept the Woodburn Planning Commission minutes, Page 1 - Council Agenda of June 10, 2002. Ir I 11. Ce Building Activity Report for May 2002 ............................. 8C Recommended action: Receive the report. De Planning Project Tracking Sheet dated June 3, 2002 .................. 8D Recommended action: Receive the Planning Project Tracking Sheet. Police Department Activities report for April 2002 ................... 8E Recommended action: Receive the report. Em Speed zone investigation requests .................................. 8F Recommended action: Receive the report. Ge Real Estate and Land Use Presentation at Oregon State Bar Conference by City Attorney ..................................... 8G Recommended action: Receive the report. TABLED BUS][NESS PUBLIC HEARINGS A. City of Woodburn 2002-2003 Budget .............................. 10A Recommended action: Conduct public hearing, receive public input and direct staff to prepare an ordinance reflecting Council's decision. GENERAL BUSINESS Ae Council Bill No. 2392 - Ordinance relating to improvements of Boones Ferry Road from Goose Creek to Hazelnut Drive, adopting the Local Improvement District, directing the contract award and providing for payment of costs through assessment of properties in the Local Improvement District ................................ 1 lA Recommended action: Adopt the ordinance. Council Bill No. 2393 - Resolution entering into a grant contract with the State of Oregon for a Community Development Block Grant for the Cipriano Ferrei Education Center, making a declaration of policy regarding the use of excessive force by law enforcement personnel as a condition of grant approval, and authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract and the declaration of policy ..................................... 11B Recommended action: Adopt the resolution. Council Bill No. 2394 - Resolution declaring the City's election to receive state revenues during fiscal year 2002-03 .......................... 11C Recommended action: Adopt the resolution. De Contract award for street resurfacing improvements ................ llD Recommended action: Award the construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Roy L. Houck Construction for the resurfacing Page 2 - Council Agenda of June 10, 2002. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ge Fe improvements for Clackamas Circle, Hawley Street, Judy Street and Julie Court in the amount of $129,873.15. Contract award for pak-flail mower .............................. Recommended action: Award the contract for the purchase of a 96" pak-flail mower to Fischer Mill Supply for the amount of $5,489.00. liE Contract Recomm~ Offset-FI Renewal Recomm the firm. sign the award for offset-flail mower ............................. ~nded action: Award the contract for the purchase of a 98" ,il mower to Ernst Hardware for the amount of $5,499.00. of audit contract ....................................... ;nded action: Approve renewal of the audit contract with C Boldt, Carlisle and Smith and authorize the Mayor to ~ntrac£ llF llG Extensio~ of City liability insurance coverage for July 4th celebration .. 11H Recommqnded action: Authorize extension of City liability insurance for the July 4th c~lebration to be hem at the Woodburn High School athletic field. Grant AWard - Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Program ...................................................... 11I Recommqnded action: Approve receipt and allocation of the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant funds for Woodburn Peer Court and authoriz~ the City Administrator to sign the grant agreement. Yard waSte disposal charge request from United Disposal Service, Inc ... llJ Recommended action: Authorize a rate adjustment for United Disposal Service, Inc. to include a $1.50 per month yard waste disposal charge. Recommended Amendments to the 2001-2002 Master Fee Schedule .... 11K Recommended action: Review the recommended revisions to the Community Development and Finance fees, and authorize staff to prepare an ordinance amending the 2001-2002 Master Fee Schedule. PUBLIC COMMENT NEW BUSINESS PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS - These are Planning Commission actions that may be called up by the City Council. None. CITY ADMINi~STRATOR'S REPORT MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS EXECUTIVE ~ESSION Page 3 - Council Agenda of June 10, 2002. 18. ADJOURNMENT Page 4 - Council Agenda of June 10, 2002. Willamette Broadband 6A May 31, 2002 City of Woodburn 270 Montgomery St Woodburn, Oregon 97071 Dear John Brown, We are notifying all Df our Willamette Broadband customers of a pricing adjustment effective July 1,200~. These notices were typed and processed on each customers cable billing. The adjustments are as follows: Canby Basic Cable - From $16.25 to $16.99 Expanded Basic Cable - From $13.75 to $14.75 Value Plus Cable - $7.95 to $8.25 Woodburn Basic Cable - From $16.25 to $16.99 Expanded Basic Cable - $12.75 to $13.75 Value Plus cable - $6.95 to $7.95 These changes will become effective July 1, 2002. If you have any questions, please call me at 503-266-8262. Sincerely, Sandra Coleman General Manager Willamette Broadband With office locations at: Willamette Broadband, LLC. 191 SE Second Ave, Canby, Oregon 97013, 503 263 8080, 635 Glatt Circle, Woodbum, OR 97071,503 982 4085, Fax 503 982 4804 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, MAY 13, 2002. CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. 0010 ROLL CALL. Mayor Jennings Present Councilor Bj elland Present Councilor Chadwick Present Councilor Figley Present Councilor McCallum Present Councilor Nichols Present Councilor Sifuentez Present Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attomey Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Deputy Police Chief Russell, Community Development Director Mulder, Finance Director Gillespie, Park Director Westrick, Public Works Manager Rohman, Sr. C.E. Tech. Scott 0051 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Public Hearing: The City Budget Committee will hold a public hearing on the proposed City Budget for fiscal year 2002-03 on Tuesday, May 14, 2002, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. B) Memorial Day Holiday Closures: City Hall offices and the Aquatic Center will be closed on Monday, May 27t~, in observance of Memorial Day. The Woodburn Public Library will be closed on May 26th and May 27th in observance of the holiday. C) City Council Meeting regularly scheduled for May 27, 2002 has been rescheduled to Tuesday, May 28, 2002, 7:00 p.m., due to the Memorial Day holiday. D) Town Hall Meeting on Proposed Community Center: This meeting will be held on May 16, 2002,7:00 p.m., at the present Community Center, 491 N. Third Street. Citizens interest in obtaining information on the proposed facility are urged to attend. 0133 APPOINTMENT TO LIVABILITY TASK FORCE. Mayor Jennings appointed Phyllis McKean to serve on the Livability Task Force. FIGLEY/MCCALLUM... approve the appointment of Phyllis McKean to the Livability Task Force. The motion passed unanimously. 0155 PROCLAMATION: POLICE MEMORIAL WEEK - MAY 12-18, 2002. Mayor Jennings declared the week of May 12-18, 2002 as Police Memorial Week in the City of Woodburn and urged all citizens to observe May 15, 2002 as Peace Officers' Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 8A 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING 0290 Memorial Day i~ honor of law enforcement officers for dedicated service to their community. -- PRESENTATI~)N: MARION COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY COORDINATING COUNCIL. 0838 Marion County (~ommissioner Mike Ryan, Chair of the Public Safe~ Council, provided an introduction tO this presentation which focuses on Marion County s criminal justice system and the areas in which improvements need to be made, budget proposals in this area, and the dir0ction the County would like to take in order to address the gaps in the criminal justice ~stem. He reminded the Council that the County criminal justice system involves all of th~ communities in the County whether it be the police, courts, jail, district attorney's officei juvenile, parole/probation, and County mental health section as it relates to the jail popula fion. He stated that the County budget resources for all funds are approximately Si',66 million of which 24% of total budget expenditures are in the health program and 205, in public safety. Since public safety has always been the County's first order ofbusines~ the majority of the budget is allocated to this area. In fiscal year 2002- 2003, Marion Cz unty is facing a multi-year deficit and the projected General Fund deficit for FY 2002-03: s $5.5 million. Public Safety will need to,~t~e a large percentage of the reductions since it is a large spending source in the County s General Fund. He stated that County elec! ed officials and departments were asked to identify cuts that would generate not only the $5.5 million threshold but also additional cuts that would generate $8 million in red~ctions to give the Budget Committee and the Board the ability to make policy decisions,i The issue now before the Budget Committee is to determine which reductions need to be made without making irreparable additional damage to their public safety system as twell as maintaining the program and service delivery that the citizens of Marion County ~xpect to receive. For FY 2003-04, he expressed his feeling that other General Fund departments will take deeper reductions and some of those reductions will be shifted into the public safety programs. Last fall, public safety meetings were held throughout the County in order to receive input from city officials and citizens on expectations of the public safety program. As a result of these meetings, the Public Safety Council has made a recommendation to a sub-group to finish the work on a law enforcement levy that would be referred to the Board of Commissioners in May 2002 and potentially referred to the voters in November 2002. This levy would deal with the identified gaps in a balanced way. Und.ersheriff Grog Olson reviewed the Sheriff Department's mission statement and the services provide~l which include area such as law enforcement, civil process, prisoner transport, court Security, animal control, search and rescue, parole and probation, reserve/cadet program, and warrant service. Currently, the department provides 3 district offices throughout the County plus they prowde patrol to communities which have no Police Departments. He stated that the state average for the number of deputies per 1.,000 Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING population is 1.6 whereas Marion County has .85 deputies per 1,000 population. As a result of the community meetings, it has been recommended by the Public Safety Council that patrol coverage be increased by adding 72 deputies to meet state staffing average which will provide for increased response time to calls for service and additional deputies to do follow-up investigations and drug/gang enforcement activities. Other programs in which gaps were identified include the School Resource program, Civil Process, Animal Control, Search and Rescue, and Court services. Walt Beglau, M~mager of the County's District Attorney's Office, stated that the District Attorney's office is responsible for prosecuting crime within the County. He stated that this office partners with many law enforcement agencies and these agencies must send all of their criminal cases through the County's DA office. The volume of cases has created a bottleneck in which the DA's office cannot handle all of the crimes being submitted which results in the criminal being given immunity when the cases cannot be handled by the DA's office. With the current budget constraints, the DA's office has been unable to prosecute 300 felony narcotics a year plus hundreds of misdemeanor cases in which the DA's office has had to make policy decisions regarding prosecution. Current budget constraints have also resulted in higher caseloads for each prosecutor thereby reducing the number of hours a prosecutor can devote to a case. The proposed budget reduction would layoff up to 4 prosecutors which may result in the DA's office inability to prosecute any misdemeanor in Marion County and may go as far as non-person felonies such as theft in the first degree. Undersheriff Olson then reviewed the Adult Supervision Department which includes corrections and parole/probation. He reviewed the current services provided by the department in this area and reviewed the service gaps which were identified through the community meetings. For the Adult institutions, it has been recommended to increase staff level by 12 deputies and 3 facility security aide positions and to look at ways of increasing the inmate beds. In Adult Parole & Probation, it has been reconunended to add 20 Parole & Probation officers to provide adequate supervision and to provide more treatment services to the offenders. It was noted that since July 1,2001, corrections has lost 208 inmate beds in order to stay within their budget. Larry Oglesby, Director of Juvenile Department, also provided his department's mission statement with the primary roles of the department being 1) hold youth accountable for their delinquent acts and, 2) provide the youth with some reformation and rehabilitation opportunities so that they can get their lives turned around. He reviewed the programs offered which include detention and intake, educational programs, alternative programs, counseling, and family support programs. The department currently has 25 probation officers that supervise about 1300 youth on formal probation and approximately 300-400 on informal probation. Gaps identified include lack of beds and staffing level and ability to provide programs for delinquent youth which will assist in the rehabilitation and treatment process. Initial budget recommendations for fiscal year 2002-03 include Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING 2089 elimination of pqsitions such as probation officers, group workers, youth and family counselor, and probation supervisor; closure of the Stayton and Woodbum offices, and closure of the dayreporting center. Commissioner Ryan stated that the County is now in the process of !nitiating their budget discussions and many of the reductions will be shown in the County s final budget for fiscal year 2002-03. He stated that the cuts will take effect on July 1, 2002 and they will be looking into a criminal justice levy which would not go into effect until July 1, 2003. The levy being d:.scussed by the Public Safety Council would provide approximately $14 million annually and it would levied annually over a 4-year period. He expressed his appreciation to ti Le Council for allowing them to make the presentation on the status of the criminal justi:e system within the County. He also requested that the Council either formally endorse or state the Council's positive feelings on the Public Safety Council's work to the County Commissioners. 2403 PRESENTATION: MARION COUNTY URBAN GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROJECT. Sterling Anderson, Planning Manager for Marion County Planning Division, stated that the Board of Commissioners had adopted a coordinated population projection for Marion County and all the 20 cities in Marion County in 1998. This decision resulted in the need for more in-depth information and funds from the State were obtained to offset costs for a planning consultant to assist with this project. John Fregonese, planning consultant, stated that the first phase of the project was to develop basic data and involve the public by (1) polling them to find out their interest and issues, (2) establishing evaluation criteria, and (3) forming a stakeholder's committee. A model was then established that would identify how much land each of the cities in the County would need under various population assumptions. Workshops were then held in Woodbum and Silverton to invite the public to share their plans for land requirements and population Projections. Phase II of this project was to select the best option and policy package for the County to adopt. The following three alternatives were developed: (1) increase County population increase by 60% over the next 50 years, (2) hold thc urban growth boundaries to current size and focus growth along I-5 which would include Woodburn, Gervais, Donald, Hubbard, and Aurora, and (3) look at which cities would be able to provide for infrastructure such as Woodburn, Silverton, Stayton, and Salem. Thc third alternative seemed to bc the one most accepted by city representatives which would meet the most p01icy goals of both small and large cities. Phase III took the third alternative and, with Woodburn's population growing faster than its forecast, hc suggested that this would be a good opportunity for the City to enter into a discussion with the County ~o develop a long range plan to accommodate the expected growth (Growth Management Framework). Thc implementation process is now being prepared and, even though state law looks at a 20 year forecast, it is being proposed that the Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 .8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING County plan loqk beyond 20 years to 2050. The Growth Management Framework would be a part of the Marion County Coordination Plan and common goals for all cities along with specific forecasts and general plans for each city would be included in the document. The County Planning Department would like cities to submit comments to them regarding the current proposal and make suggested adjustments in order to make the proposal work ~r the city. As part of implementing the Growth Management Framework, the, City would need to revise the City/County Urban Growth Boundary agreement in order to address the topics identified in the Framework. He stated that the City's current census is 20,100 and the 2020 forecast is 26,000 while the Framework proposal for 2050 is 38,000. To accommodate the projected growth to 38,000, an additional 548 acres would be needed by the City with the area projected for growth being to the south and east of the city limits. He reiterated that this project was done through coordination with the cities, citizens, and staff and, even though it is not perfect, it focuses on trying to obtain a general long range plan. He stated that Woodbum has been growing faster than the County as a whole and, if forecasted out, it would reflect 45,000 rather than 38,000. He reiterated that the total projected population of the County has to be balanced county-wide as part of this Framework. The Framework will be reviewed by the County Board and the basic Framework adopted would be a the Marion County Comprehensive Plan Chapter dealing with local coordination. It was requested that the City submit a letter of support to the County Commissioners before the public heating. 3676 Councilor Figley expressed her opinion that the population figures for both 2020 and 2050 are extremely low and, as far as 2020 population for the City's public works facilities, the City is estimating 40,000 which is substantially higher than the County's proposal. She appreciated having the Transportation component considered at the County level and it is hoped that there is the opportunity for Woodbum to talk not only with Marion County but with other cities in our area on transportation issues. Councilor Bjelland stated that an important element of this document is that there will be inter-city agreements and it will be very important to look at the driving factors of growth in each of these areas and to make the appropriate plans to handle that growth. By having a process that involves neighboring cities can be an important element in dealing with Woodbum issues even to the extent of dealing with other issues such as urban growth boundaries and transportation. In general, he is in agreement with the process but there are specific issues that need to be used in the common process involving the County and other cities. Mayor Jennings stated that the presentation was well-done, however, he felt that the Council needs to be given some additional time to review the material before comments will be submitted to the County. Councilor McCallum stated that it is very important that the City does not get locked into a plan until the City examines how this plan will work with what the City has already Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 ~A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING done. Additiona this plan. Administrator B~ City last year, s~ order to get the £ Staff met with th the purpose of ~ given the growth window, staff is that would have ly, the City needs to be able to communicate with surrounding cities on own that, based on the Economic Development Program adopted by the ff has been trying to consolidate all the various periodic review tasks in :ity in a position to try and expand the City's urban growth boundary. ~ County last week to talk about the coordinated population number for 4ng to mn some altematives in this study that might be more realistic the City has experienced in the last 10 years. For the 2020 planning ooking at 35,000 population even though the City had other scenarios t greater population by 2020. At this time, the staffhas a gentleman's agreement with t he County that the 35,000 number can be used provided that the City coordinates with. them more closely and this project would be one of the better ways of working with the m. Staff would like to schedule a workshop with the Council in the month of June ar d the City's consultant who is working on the City's periodic review will be in attendance to provide an analysis of the document along with some recommendations for the Council to consider in providing a letter back to the County. Councilor Figley questioned if Marion County was talking to the adjoining counties since issues such as transportation and development cannot be evaluated in isolation from what is going on the metro area. Mr. Fregonese stated that they are trying to coordinate with Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Govehunents which includes Marion, Polk, and Yamhill counties. There is knowledge of this process at the State level and in the Portland-Metropolitan area when transportation plOnning is addressed. The forecasts in this plan would be used by these jurisdictions when they do their transportation modeling. Lane County is also trying to do this type of coordination but, other than that, there is very little coordination going on within the State. Marion County has a long history of cooperation between cities and this plan will provide the basis for other entities to plan in terms of the larger transportation picture. 4732 CHAMBER Ol~ COMMERCE REPORT. Walt Blomberg, representing the Chamber, distributed the Chamber's report which reflects a steady increase in visitors and, in the month April, there were twice as many out-of-state visitOrs who visited the Chamber office. He also pointed out the increase in e-mail and web-site hits which shows that there is interest in either learning more about Woodbum, reloc~ating to Woodbum, or starting a business in Woodbum. Upcoming Chamber events are as follows: 1) On May 17t~, the annual Chamber Golf Toumament will be held at Senior Estates; 2) On May 21st, lhe Leadership Youth group will be installing playground equipment which is a City Project; and Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING 3) On May 22nd, there will be lunch at the Rose Room, 12:00 noon, honoring those students who have been through a year of training in conjunction with the City, Chamber, and School District. Councilor McCallum congratulated Walt Blomberg on his recent appointment as the new Superintendent of St. Helens School District beginning July 1, 2002. 5120 CONSENT AGENDA. A) approve Council minutes of April 22, 2002; B) accept the Planning Commission minutes of April 11, 2002; C) accept the Livability Task Force minutes of March 26, 2002; D) receive the Police Department Activities Report for February 2002; E) receive the Building Activity report for April 2002; F) receive the Planning Tracking Sheet dated May 1, 2002; G) receive the Library Monthly report for March 2002; H) claims for the month of April 2002; I) receive the memo regarding Michael Culver v. City_ of Woodbum; and J) authorize the Mayor to sign the Modified Development Agreement with Hidden Creek Properties, LLC. FIGLE¥/SIFUENTEZ... consent agenda be adopted as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 5152 PUBLIC HEARING: ZONE CHANGE 02-01 AND SUBDIVISION 02-01 (Property_ located at 888 Brown Street.). Mayor Jennings declared the public heating open. Councilor Figley stated that she did look at the affected property yesterday which was educational and the role that it plays in her ultimate decision she will state publicly at the appropriate time. Community Development Director Mulder read the land use statement required by ORS 197. He stated that this proposal is to change the zoning on a portion of the subject property and a request for approval of 13-lot subdivision on the 2.83 acre parcel of land. The property is located north of Comstock Avenue and currently has zoning designations of single family residential and Marion County Urban Transition Farm. Last year, the southern portion of this property was annexed by the City as part of the island annexations but, at that time, no zoning designation was applied. As part of the newly adopted Woodbum Development Ordinance, this property was included in the zone changes within the ordinance, however, this does not take effect until July 1, 2002. The applicant had requested to continue with the zone change so that they could proceed with their development prior to July 1 st. The proposed subdivision lot sizes would range from 6,200 sq. feet to 14,155 sq. feet with all but 3 lots to be accessed off of an extension Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING Tape 2 0046 which is currently, shown as Robin Street. In regards to the street name, there is an existing Robin S[reet which has a house currently addressed as Robin Street. The applicant proposed to name the cul-de-sac Nugget Court but that would be in conflict with the existing street name. Another issue that complicates the street name is that there is already a Robijn Avenue located on the north side of Miles Chevrolet in the West Woodbum area,however, there are no properties addressed off of Robin Avenue and it is unlikely that the~ e would be any properties addressed off of that street. Staff is recommending tltat the cul-de-sac be named Robin Court and it would be at the option of the property own er on Robin Street to change their address to Robin Court. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of this proposal with the conditions that are outlined in their ~'mal order. Councilor Figley stated that the Council had previously approved a large development in that same area at td her concern is that Brown Street is close to capacity and it does not have adequate si~tewalks. She realizes that for a development of this size it would not be appropriate to ixt ~pose the same type of conditions as might be imposed on a 300 lot subdivision, however, there may be a situation in which future property owners may be included in a local improvement district for Brown Street. She questioned if a Brown Street LID was aver brought up by the staff or Commission since infill will ultimately add to the traffic vol~, e on the surrounding streets. Director Mulderldoes not recall if this issue was ever discussed by Public Works. The roadway in fronl~ of the site is already improved so there was no requirement for that portion of the street to be improved. Director Tiwari ~.ta.. ted that the LID boundary is determined by the benefit received and it is not known atlCu's time what benefit this development would receive in ratio to some other properties that are in the surrounding area. Councilor FiglO' questioned if a waiver of non-remonstrance had been discussed that would provide home buyers with some advance notice that a future financial obligation may be assessed as a result of a local improvement district. Mayor Jennings questioned if sidewalks are currently in place along Comstock Avenue. Staff stated that sidewalks along Comstock Avenue are being constructed with building permit issuance. Jeff Twenge, representing the applicant T7 Development, Inc., stated that they had proceeded with the zone change application process in order to get the zoning change designation approved before July 1, 2002. In regards to the street name, it is not material to their subdivislon and the issue was brought up by the Fire Marshall that they would like to see the street name changed. Additionally, he had received a letter from the Fire Department statihg that they did not have an objection to changing the street name to Nugget Court. Mr. Twenge stated that they would change the name to whatever name the City would like it to be called. Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 8A 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING Director Mulder stated that the Planning Commission did not make a recommendation regarding the street name issue. Further discussion was held regarding changing the name of either Robin Street off of Comstock or Robin Avenue in West Woodbum. No one in the audience spoke in opposition to the proposed land use issue. Mayor Jennnings declared the public hearing closed. Director Mulder stated that changing a street name is done by ordinance and, once that has been adopted, the City would send notification to the property owner of the new street name. Administrator Brown stated that the City still does not have a procedure in place for changing street names. In the reviewing procedures followed by other jurisdictions, the potential parties affected would receive a notice prior to the Council consideration of a name change and a public hearing would be held to give the property owners an opportunity to express their views. Even though the City does not have a procedure in place, he suggested that the City hold a public hearing before any action is taken by the Council. Councilor Bjelland questioned if a subdivision can be approved with the street name held in limbo until it is recorded. Director Mulder stated that there is no need to name the street until the plat is actually recorded which could be another six or eight weeks before the applicant is ready to proceed with their development. FIGLEY/NICItOLS ... concur with the Planning Commission's Final Order and approve Zone Change #02-01 and Subdivision #02-01, and instruct staff to prepare an ordinance supporting that decision. The motion passed unanimously. 0742 PUBLIC HEARING: BOONES FERRY ROAD LOCAL IMPROVEMENT - DISTRICT (LID). Mayor Jennings declared the public hearing open and asked for any declarations or potential conflict of interest from the Council. Councilor McCallum stated that he lived and owns property in the proposed LID and, with this passage, he could have a financial gain, he declared a conflict of interest and would not participate in the voting or discussion on the matter. Public Works Director Tiwari presented the staff report outlining the local improvement district process and the steps taken by the City to date. The public hearing notice was published as required and notices were sent to affected property owners to provide them information on the proposed assessment and inform them of the hearing date to discuss the issue with the Council. He stated that there has been substantial growth in that area over the last several years and there is a need for sidewalks, bicycle lane, and a refuge lane on this medal street in order to make the roadway safer for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The estimated cost for this particular local improvement district is $1.3 Page 9 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING 2406 million of whiclx the City will contribute towards the cost of the improvement. He stated that the Boones Ferry Road improvement will encompass the area from Goosecreek north to the north city imits. The project will include the widening of the road to 3 lanes with the middle lane ,eing a turn lane, a bikeway, and sidewalks. Since this roadway is considered an afl erial, the depth of the pavement will be greater than what is required for a two-lane local:~treet. Entered into the record were written remonstrances from Heritage Park M mdows (Lots 1-46), William Powers (940 Tukwila Dr), Don Lindstrom (2298 Boones Ferry Rd), and Donna Baker (1231 Anna St.). Director Tiwari stated that the proposed cost share is similar to other local improvement districts within the City. The proposed as~;essment to property owners is based on a 34 foot local street width and the cost associat~'d with the additional width, bikeways, and depth of street will be paid for through City, funds. In calculating the individual assessment, the method used to determine the co 5t was a combination of land area (25%) and trip generation (75%). The trip generation nUmber was taken from the technically accepted National Transportation Engineer's Man [al. Properties in which Boones Ferry Road is considered to be a primary access would be charged at 100% of the assessment calculation whereas those properties in the reduced a~ea since Boones Ferry Road is considered as a secondary access would be charged at 65% of the assessment calculation. He stated that there is some property located on the West side of Boones Ferry Road near the north city limits which is currently outside~ of the city limits, therefore, the City cannot assess these parcels of property. As a result, staff contacted Marion County and the County has agreed to pay the charges that would otherwise be charged to those properties. The City's share of the project cost is approximately $548,718 which pays for the capacity improvements and two-thirds of the cost to underground utilities. The cost to benefitted property owners is estimated to be $811,062 and $14,000 from Marion County. He reiterated that the total estimated project cost is $1,374,747. He also stated that the developer of Heritage Park is willing to contribute approximately $65,000 to offset assessments to property owners within their particular development. A ten-year payment plan is available to property owners who wish to pay the assessment over a period of time and the interest rate to be charged by the City will be 6.5%. The interim financing proposed by staff involves interfund borrowing rather than borrowing money from a financial institution. In the City's proposal, the cost to the property owner will not be anymore than what has been published and any costs in excess of the estimate will be absorbed by the City. Councilor Bjelland questioned how the assessment was calculated for the parcels of property located ioutside of the city limits. Director Tiwari Stated that the assessments were calculated at the same method as all other properties by using land area (25%) and trip generation (75%). The trip generation figure was based on the approved process whether City or County and, at this time, there is only one unit on each of those properties. Mayor Jennings Stated that he would be exercising a prerogative of the Chair and limit Page 10 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING testimony from individuals to 5 minutes. No one in the audience spoke in favor of the proposed local improvement district. Layne Rowell, 2603 Colony St, stated that he has been a resident since 1999 and it has only been in the last year or so that he has felt that the road improvements are really wan'anted. He spoke in mild opposition since he did not entirely agree with some of the assessments in the plan since Boones Ferry Road is a major arterial coming into the City. Boones Ferry Road will see an increase in traffic as the City continues to growth and he feels that the burden placed on the property owners in the development in which he lives could easily be disbursed out amongst other parts of the City. As an example, he stated that Boones Ferry Rd is used by motorists to get to Amey Road and Woodbum Company Stores in order to avoid Highway 214/I-5. He stated that he is glad that he is a Woodburn resident, however, he did want to speak to the Council and share his perspective. William Christiansen, 1263 Bernard Dr., stated that he has just recently built and moved into his home, however, he was surprised to see that the assessment was being proposed since he thought that he had paid all of the assessments and fees when he purchased his home. He agreed that Boones Ferry Road needs to be improved but he questioned the City Attorney as to what the legal basis is for the proposed selective assessment and how one gets around equal protection under the law. Even though he does not expect an answer at this meeting, he did feel that these were issues. Mark Leach, 1232 Arlington, stated that he had purchased his home approximately two years ago and he had thought that all of his fees were paid. He felt that some improvements could be made to Boones Ferry, however, he did not feel that bikelanes were essential since very rarely do bicycles travel that roadway. Additionally, the foot traffic on that portion of the road is also limited since most pedestrians stay within their development. He stated that he is currently struggling to make necessary mortgage and tax payments and he did not feel that the road improvement would benefit his property. In his opinion, the City and County should absorb the cost of the improvement since they are the main beneficiaries. He was also concerned about the potential increase in track traffic on Boones Ferry Road to Hubbard or Canby once the street is widened. Burton Holcomb, 2345 Miller Court, stated that he has been a resident of Woodbum for 5 years and shares the concerns of earlier speakers in that Boones Ferry Road is an arterial street that is shared by much more than the residents outlined in the local district improvement. Therefore, a majority of the cost should be incurred by the City. He also felt that the property owners in this proposal should have a greater voice in this process by a vote or some other method since he feels the costs are too burdensome on the property owners and should be apportioned differently. Rosemary Hammack, 1320 Althea Street, stated that she has lived in Woodbum for 23 years and agreed that Boones Ferry Road needs to be improved but felt that these Page 11 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING neighborhoods si owners live on Iii reiterated that as property owners: the Council to lo, Wade Anderson, tould not bear the whole cost. She expressed concern that some property nited income and the additional assessment is not acceptable. She an arterial, motorists from all over are using this roadway and yet the .n the area are being asked to pay the majority of the costs. She urged >k at other options in determining how to pay for the improvement cost. 2589 Patriot St., stated that he serves as the Board President of their Neighborhood A~sociation and their group came up with the same opinion in regards to the arterial in that the roadway use is something that expands beyond the current neighborhood. 4mother issue they thought was interesting was that the primary entrance for Senior Estateg happens to be off of Boones Ferry Road, however, they are have not been included in[any part of this assessment. Another issue is that Country Club Road will also have a ~umre LID to improve that street, however, much of that street was tom up similar to Boones Ferry Road to take care of the water system improvements. For their particular dbvelopment, they will be also be paying for a majority of the cost for Country Club Re, ad. They would be surprised if Senior Estates is excluded from that LID since many Senigr Estates residents use Country Club Road to access Boones Ferry Road. 3286 Mayor Jennings gtated that the Country Club Road improvement is part of the total overall project bgt the Country Club Road portion has not been brought before the Council as of this date. Mr. Anderson st,~ted that, from their perspective, they are excited about some of the improvements being looked at since it has been a safety issue for quite some time. John Bechtold, 2510 Patriot St., stated that Boones Ferry Road is clearly a road that has been in use for close to a 100 years and he reiterated that, even though notice is in the paper, not all resldents receive the newspaper. He appreciated receiving the additional notification but ctlearly this is a very small representation of the number of people involved and he ['eels that it would be in order that, if this is pursued, a greater representation of the people involved have a say in this proposal. Bill Cox, Attorney representing Tukwila Partners, Hazelnut Partners, Renaissance Homes, and United Properties, stated that he did not believe that the City could impose this LID on houses that have paid a systems development charge (SDC) or a Transportation Impact Fee (TIF). This whole roadway is under the TIF Capital Improvement Plan and it is from Highway 214 to the urban growth boundary. He read an excerpt from the TIF program which was adopted in 1999, but has been in place since 1993 in some form,: "....basically, the TIF fee has been paid by new construction on each house is to be paid by new development (reading from page 7 of 10/29 TIF program). The SDC is paid by new development and it meets the rough proportionality requirement because it is base~d on the impact of each specific development on the transportation facilities for which the SDC is charged. The TIF is based on the impacts of new trips and the SDC rates are calculated based on specific impacts a development is expected to have Page 12 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING 3845 on the City's transportation system .... ". One other comment out of that same document on page 5 talks about the Dolan test and the rough proportionality and it says ".... the concept of rough proportionality is applied by insuring that new growth is not required to pay an amount beyond the level roughly proportionate to the new development's impacts on facilities through the use of nationally recognized standards for levels of service and trip generation..,". He stated that the City's SDC's are based on trip generation which is the same trip that is being now requested to pay for the LID. That same 9.57 trips that the City's engineer talks about from a residential structure is now being hit a second time and that is not the intention of the City's SDC program. The SDC program was designed to pay for these arterial improvements as growth occurred. He could see the requirement of having a house that accesses directly onto Boones Ferry pay a fee because that has direct access. All of the other roads have been built by the developers at their own expense. The City doesn't pay for local streets and that is why the SDC is designed to cover arterials. He stated that there are two areas in a portion of Tukwila that have conceptually been talked about to be developed but in fact cannot be developed because when the last subdivision that was approved there, the Council said that there would be no more subdivisions there until there is a secondary access. There is no secondary access and, until that ground is brought into the urban growth boundary, there will not be a secondary access. He does not understand why the engineer projected 5 units per acre on this property when no approval has been given and the property owner is requested to pay full fees for each of those 5 units. He feels that there is a portion of land that cannot be taxed or would fit with the LID at this time because there is no approval only a mere projection. He stated that they have had trouble with this whole Tukwila program all along because initially it was thought that a PUD was approved and all of these individual subdivisions. He reiterated that the City is acting beyond their scope of authority and cannot pass this LID. If the LID is approved, he feels that the City will end up in court. John Baker, 2355 Miller Ct., stated that he believed in the merits of the project and Boones Ferry Road is a highly used venue that does need improvements. However, in this case, he did not believe that the LID is a means to accomplish that goal. He felt that different options needed to be explored regarding the funding of the project. Traffic impact fees have been increasing over a period of time and in 1999, they were approximately $900 per house being constructed, while in 2001 the fee was approximately $3,000 and the current fee is $3,300. He feels that these fees have been increasing to do what Mr. Cox was talking about to help alleviate future growth the City is going to encounter by providing a fund to improve those streets as needed. He suggested that the City look at local bond issues, federal funds, or other financial sources to pay for the proposed improvement. Betty Gemma, 1209 Henry's Blvd., stated that her home abuts the brick wall which parallels Boones Ferry Road and the new road will be coming up next to brick wall. She stated that she has been a resident of Woodbum for 5 years and has seen the development Page 13 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 TAPE READING COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 going on around~er and, as a result, her property value has decreased due to the type of development tha~ is going on around her property. She questioned if this improvement would further decrease her property value. She agreed with many of the individuals that have spoken on t~is issue and she has seen a lot of trucks traveling that roadway which further deteriorates the roadway. The road does need improvement but motorists within their development are not the only ones who use this roadway but they are being affected by everyone else ~ho uses this roadway. Gene Kraiter, 11700 SW Ashwood Ct, Tigard ( property located at 2337 Miller Ct.), stated that he waS under the impression that he had paid his fees that were related to road improvements bdt was surprised to see this LID information. He agreed with the other individuals who ~tddressed the Council in that the people who are living in the immediate area use the roadway substantially less than everybody else who uses that roadway. He stated that when ~e comes to Woodbum, he does not travel 1-5 since that is the slowest way to get to Wo0dburn. Instead, he comes down Boones Ferry Road and to get to the outlet mall he als0 travels Boones Ferry Road. He also questioned if the size of his lot will dictate that he will use the road more that someone who will have a smaller lot with 3 teenage driversi He did not understand how the City could assess their evaluation on the fees according to lot size. For the record, he gave a written remonstrance to the City. Steve Resch, 2610 N. Boones Ferry Rd., stated that he is an affected party who has 3 small children under the age of 5 and they do have a fenced backyard where the children play since the 35 MPH is not enforced and something needs to be done. He feels that the road should have been improved when the developments were approved by the City rather than the older homes incurring the cost. The City should have had the foresightedness to have had the road improved a long time ago and the Council is not representing the City of Woodbum. He did not feel that this is a democratic government. He stated that the road does need to be fixed but there are very few people that walk along Boones Ferry Road because it is dangerous. When a turn lane is constructed, the speed on the road will increase which will make the situation worse. He stated that the people that live in the area do use the road and are willing to pay their fair share but this is about a community that uses the roadway to drive north or bypass the interchange. He is willing to do his part but he will be losing half of his front yard whereas the other property owners in the proposed district only have to come up with money. He also had an issue with constructing a bikelane as part of the improvement. Ted Betts, 563 Ironwood Terrace, expressed her feelings that it had been made very clear from the testimony that Boones Ferry Road is a main arterial that a lot of people are using and she does not believe that they are the majority users of the roadway. She does not feel that the burdgn of payment should be placed on people that live in the proposed district. She stated that there are wide gravel roads and she goes for walks along Boones Ferry Road almost everyday and cars are traveling fast and if the road is improved, the speed will increase even more. She stated that the OGA has not even been mentioned 8A Page 14 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING even though there is extreme use from both directions to use the golf course. In her opinion, the traffic is so fast that it is of more concem than improving the roadway. She stated that, even~ though she sent her children to private schools, she still voted for school levies since it benefits all citizens and if this road is going to be used for all motorists, then it should be paid for by all. She is willing to pay taxes to better the life of a lot of the people that live here, but did not feel that it was fair to tell her that she would have to come up with more money to make a road better that she does not feel needs to be better. 4885 Mayor Jennings stated that there were 3 remonstrances that would be entered into the record. Councilor Bjelland stated that Mr. Cox did represent a number of parties and he did have some interesting things to say. From his own perspective, if Mr. Cox feels that he has some additional points to make that have not been made by himself or by other people, he would be willing to give him a few more minutes to make those points in the interest in getting as much information as possible on this issue. Director Mulder stated that there were 4 remonstrances in opposition entered into the record. The Mayor stated that he would give Mr. Cox another 5 minutes. Bill Cox expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to make additional comments, however, he felt that the public has spoken about the same concept that he would like the Council to consider. Almost all of the houses in the proposed assessment district have been built since 1993 or 1994 have paid an SDC fee which is on that portion of Boones Ferry Road which is on the Capital Improvements list. He did not think that it was proper to come back and ask those people to contribute again since they are still making only that same 9.57 trip per day. He feels that it is contrary to the whole concept of the City's TIF fee. Roy Smith, 2580 N. Boones Ferry Road, expressed his opinion that the assessment is ridiculous because it is exactly what he pays for property taxes. He stated that he retired from the military and he works as a roofer but this assessment is more than he can afford at this time. He feels that this assessment is charging him twice for property and some of his property will be taken away when the road is widened with sidewalks. He purchased the property 4 years ago with a certain amount of land that came with it but some of it is now going to be taken away. He is considering the sale of his property in the near future and will probably see a property value loss. Mayor Jennings stated that he did not think that the City was taking anybody's property rather the City is taking what is in the State right-of-way which is in our right-of-way today. The City is not going into anybody's private property and even though a property owner has planted lawn on it, the right-of-way belongs to the City. Sandra Mosier, 1573 Arlington Ave., stated that the purpose for her attending this hearing was to be informed about the LID. Prior to this meeting, she was for this project because Page 15 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 rTM T 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING 5580 she does see the hearing, she is m experience in wl order to get back Council take this being assessed tt need for sidewalks but, as the individuals have spoken during this ~w in opposition to the proposed project. She related a personal ich it took it her 20 minutes to get out of Lincoln School parking lot in to her home in the Miller Links development. She requested that the information into consideration in that it is not just the developments ~at are the cause of the problem. Public Works Di rector Tiwari stated that the LID the benefit and tl generation. Oth~ judgmental dec[ been used in the used in this case process looks at the way to determine tere are many ways to determine the benefit one of which is trip .,r methods include, but not limited to, area and valuation. There is a ion to be made by the governing body and, even though one method has ~ast on other projects, it does not mean that another method could be He stated that trip generation is being used as a basic method of impact in this case. Many individuals have expressed their opinion that the amount of the dollars charged is rather large compared to what it should be and that there ought to be more contribution from the traffic impact fees. He stated that the traffic impact fees are for the capacity. He stated that the OGA golf course is included in this assessment and their impact has been included in the analysis. There was an issue brought up about the mm lane and the traffic backup to get out of the school parking lot and he stated that it the mm lane will give a little more stacking area. He stated that the City has followed the legal requirements in noticing this proposed LID in addition to sending out letters to property owners to let them know what is being proposed and of the hearing date and time. He reiterated that the City has never denied that Boones Ferry Road is an arterial street which is why the staff has proposed that there be a contribution from Traffic Impact Fees in addition to the assessment. It may be considered that the amount of the City's contribution should be larger but the reason for the use of the Traffic Impact Fees is because it is an arterial. Traffic Impact Fees are for overall City-wide plan and not for one local street. He stated that property is not taken away by the City for any means and if there is a property that belongs to the private property owner and, if for some reason the City needs to acquire some land, there is a process followed by the City to acquire the land with proper compensation. It was noted that the City has not condemned any property over the last 26 years while he has been with the City. 6212 City Attorney Shields stated that he had placed a memo in the Council's packet that related to a procedural issue since the City is not using a land use procedure, therefore, there is no specific hearing procedure is applicable. However, he pointed out that Courts have found that if there is a significant impact on surrounding land uses then a land use procedure does need to be followed. After looking at the material submitted by Public Works and Planning, he believes that the record could be a little more complete in that regard and, if that is done, it would make the Council's final action on this matter more Page 16 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING defensible. He feels that it is proper in this case with a developed area and, with a road as outlined on the map, that this improvement does not seem to affect the surrounding land uses. He recommended that a motion be made to leave the record open until 5:00 p.m. on May 22, 2002 to allow the Planning and Engineering staff to supplement the record and to address the significant impact issue, and, if that action is taken, then close the hearing and LID process which would then the conclude the testimony other than the limited procedural issue. He stated that the Public Works Director's staff report also has a second proposed motion in which case at the same meeting the Council could consider taking some action on all of the testimony and materials received by May 22, 2002. 6643 Tape 3 FIGLEY/BJELLAND .... leave the record open until 5:00 p.m. on May 22, 2002 in order to allow the Planning and Engineering staff to supplement the record to further address the issue as to whether the proposed LID constitutes a significant impact on land use decision. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). Mayor Jennings declared the public hearing closed. BJELLAND/NICHOLS... direct staff to perform an analysis on the public input received, present a recommendation for further action at the next regular scheduled Council meeting. Councilor Bjelland stated that, based on what he has heard during this hearing, much of their concern has been on the issue of whether they will be paying more for the street because of its arterial designation and of the way it is going to be built. Even though the City has had this same issue with East Hardcastle, he is not really sure that it came across clearly to everyone that the way the assessments were being proposed by the Public Works Director is to only charge properties in the assessment district as if it was a local street. Any costs for changing that from a local street to an arterial street is being absorbed by the City's share of what the Public Works Department has proposed. In addition, there has been discussion on the SDC's and TIF's that have been collected from property owners in the affected and whether or not that should be used to pay for the improvements to Boones Ferry Road. As indicated, those SDC's and TIF's are to be used to address all transportation issues that face the City and not just Boones Ferry Road. A significant amount of those monies are being used to fund the City's portion of Boones Ferry Road. He stated that he is a member of the Mid Willamette Valley Area Commission on Transportation which allocates ODOT monies to be allocated on the State highway system and projects that Woodbum has a significant need for include the I- 5 interchange and the widening of Highway 214. Those projects alone constitute a potential $40 million investment of which the City will be asked to come up with a significant portion. Additionally, there are other areas in the City that need improvement, therefore, the SDC's and TIF's need to be spread amongst other areas that have Page 17 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 rr~ I 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING 0328 potentially greater impacts on all residents of the City and not just the Boones Ferry Road area. Admittedly, Boones Ferry Road is an arterial if you look at what Woodburn's population will l~e in 20 years and the turn lane, bikelane, and sidewalks are needed to handle the traffic in the future. Some tough decisions will be faced on how the improvement will be financed if the improvement is made and he thanked the public for their comments {bn this issue. He also requested that the public understand the issues the Council needs to face and the types of decisions the Council will need to make. Mayor Jennings ;eminded the public that the LID before the Council is only part of the total project whi]e the improvement from Goosecreek south to Highway 214 is not even at the LID procel',s as of yet. He stated that there will be SDC's being contributed to that portion of the to al project once the engineering report is completed. The motion pass~ ~ unanimously (5-0). Councilor McCa tlum resumed his seat at the Council bench for the rest of the meeting. Councilor Bjelland stated that, in regard to 13-lot subdivision approval, the condition of approval in the agenda packet shows that Robin Street would be the name on the final subdivision plat Whereas the motion, based on Council discussion, was to leave the option open for ~ street name. Director Mulder[stated that there was no condition of approval in the Planning Commission's final order regarding the street. They did have a recommendation as part of their final order but it was not attached to the project. BJELLAND/FIGLEY... the Council's previous approval includes the recommendation that the stub street be named Nugget Court in Zone Change 02-01 and Subdivision 02-01. The motion passed unanimously. 0350 COUNCIL BILL 2385 - ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2300 (THE 2001-02 MASTIER FEE SCHEDULE) TO INCREASE THE NON-RESIDENT LIBRARY CARD FEE FOR NON-RESIDENTS OF THE CITY RESIDING INSIDE THE CCRLS SYSTEM BOUNDARIES. Councilor Chadwick introduced Council Bill 2385. Director Mulder read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jeunings declared Council Bill 2385 duly passed with the emergency clause. Page 18 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 SA COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 TAPE READING 0693 08lb COUNCIL BH,L 2386 - ORDINANCE ADOPTING PROCEDURES TO PREPARE FO I AND CARRY OUT ACTIVITIES TO PREVENT, MINIMIZE, RESPOND TO OR RECOVER FROM EMERGENCIES; PROVIDING A PROCESS FO [ THE DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCYi GRANTING Ti lIE AUTHORITY TO ORDER MANDATORY EVACUATIONS; AND PRESCR[BING A PENALTY. Council Bill 2386 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. The two readings of the bill were read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Mayor Jennings complimented Deputy Chief Russell on the Emergency Management document that was developed and will be adopted by this ordinance. Deputy Chief Russell stated that he had worked with the City Attorney on this plan and he feels that it will serve the City well in the future. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2386 duly passed with the emergency clause. COUNCIL BILL 2387 - ORDINANCE RELATING TO IMPROVEMENTS TO EAST HARDCASTLE AVENUE FROM PACIFIC HIGHWAY 99E TO THE EAST CITY BOUNDARY; ADOPTING THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT; DIRECTING THE CONTRACT AWARD; AND PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF COSTS THROUGH ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTIES IN THE 0894 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT. Councilor Chadwick introduced Council Bill 2387. Director Mulder read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2387 duly passed with the emergency clause. COUNCIL BILL 2388 - RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE ELIGIBILITY OF THE CITY TO RECEIVE STATE-SHARED REVENUES DURING FISCAl, YEAR 2002-03. Council Bill 2388 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2388 duly passed. 0933 CONTRACT AWARD: EAST HARDCASTLE STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Bids for the East Hardcastle Avenue improvements were received from the following contractors: Wayne Jeskey Construction, $309,091.12; Geico Construction, $336,670.00; D & D Paving, $341,092.16; C R Woods Trucking, $342,959.49; Parker Northwest Paving, $350,249.10; Emery & Sons, $356,895.22; Valley Pacific Construction, $365,054.90; Morse Bros., $366,359.00; North Santiam Paving, $369,395.50; Kerr Contractors, $393,349.25; Roy Houck Construction, $401,414.20; Canby Excavation, Page 19 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 TAPE READING 0981 0994 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 $409,065.09; Sa', $489,761.60. S' the engineer's e: FIGLEY/SIFU Construction in The motion pas~, em Road & Driveway, $440,068.70; and Dirt & Aggregrate, afl recommended the acceptance of the low bid which was 23% below timate. ~NTEZ ... construction contract be awarded to Wayne Jeskey he amount of $309,091.12 for the East Hardcastle street improvements. ~d unanimously. PLANNING C~ )MMISSION ACTIONS. A) Variance 02 01: Planning Commission acceptance of Planning Director's decision to approve a minor variance to reduce the required rear yard setback on a single-family residential lot lo':ated in the Heritage Park Phase 3 Subdivision. No action was ta ken by the Council on this administrative decision. CITY ADMIN]STRATOR'S REPORT. Administrator B :own stated that he and the Mayor had met with ODOT staff and Senator Peter Courtney ~ talk about a strategy to try and fund the interchange improvement using the second roun of Oregon Transportation bond monies which amounts to about $100 million state-wi, [e. The City had tried to get recommended for funds as part of the first round of bond rn'onies but MWACT did not put the City high enough in its reconunendatio~' for the City to get through that funding process. ODOT staff indicated that it would be ,tifficult for the City to try and get the full project funded by the Oregon Transportation £',ommission since total project is estimated at $24 million and Region II may only get $17 million. It was recommended by ODOT Region management that it would be better fOr the bond monies to be used for smaller projects in the State and what was left would then be the larger STIP projects such as Woodbum's. He stated that ODOT staff gave them a clear indication that they would make the City's interchange project as their #1 priority for the Region if that could be swung politically through the various transportation commissions and counties that are involved. He also stated that on the following Thursday, the interchange project came before MWACT and it became #1 in the rating and ranking process for their recommendation for the 2004-07 STIP. More recent estimates for the project are closer to $35 million due to potential right-of-way acquisition costs. ODOT staff is now suggesting that it may be very difficult for the City to see this project funded through the STIP. In attendance at the meeting was a representative from Rep. Hooley's office for the purpose of working towards not only getting on the STIP but getting some federally ear-marked money towards this project so that it can hopefhlly be started by 2007. He stated that the OTC is holding their May meeting on May 14th and Senator Courtney may be in attendance at that meeting. 8A Page 20 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 TAPE READING 1402 1835 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 13, 2002 MAYOR AND ;COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Bjelland stated that he wished that MWACT would have used the point system that was used in the most recent ranking on the original selection of projects since it took away the political issue of the ranking of projects. Unfortunately, with the estimated cost increase for this project, it will lessen the alternatives available for funding this project. He stated that MWACT will be continuing their selection of the more recent bond monies at their next meeting in addition to selecting the STIP projects for 2005-07. Region II may be getting $17 million but MWACT is only 1 of 4 Advisory Commissions in Region II which may only provide MWACT with $5-7 million to spend on the 3 county area (Marion, Polk, and Yamhill counties). Councilor Sifuentez stated that she would be out-of-town from May 15th through May 28th. Councilor Chadwick stated that this was a very interesting meeting and the Council will have a lot of thinking and studying to do before the next meeting. Councilor Nichols reminded the public that the Mayor will be the guest speaker at the Mayor's breakfast and he encouraged the public to attend this event. The Mayor stated that there would be no executive session. ADJOURNMENT. MCCALLUM/BJELLAND... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:15 p.m.. APPROVED RICHARD JENNINGS, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder CityofWoodbum, OR 97071 Page 21 - Council Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2002 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 28, 2002 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, C---0-U-~TY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, MAY 28, 2002. CONVENED. Fhe meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. 0010 ROLL CALL. Mayor Jennings Present Counciloi Bj elland Present Councilor Chadwick Absent Councilor Figley Present Councilor McCallum Present Councilok Nichols Present Councilor Sifuentez Absent Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Commux~ity Development Director Mulder, Police Chief Null, Deputy Police Chief Russell, Pgrk & Recreation Director Westrick, Finance Director Gillespie, Public Works ManagerRohman, City Recorder Tennant 0100 0150 Mayor Jennings stated that Councilor Chadwick is recovering from pneumonia and Councilor Sifuentez is out of state and will be returning on Wednesday. ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Public Hearing: The Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed City Budget for Fiscal Year 2002-03 on Monday, June 10, 2002, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. B) Public Library Closure: The Library will be closed on Friday, June 21, 2002, for staff computer training. C) Dance, Dance, Dance Spring Recital: Students participating in this program will hold their spring recital on June 1, 2002 at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. at the Woodbum High School Lectorium. D) Cascade Surge Soccer: Opening Day for Cascade Surge at Legion Park will be on Saturday, June 8, 2002, at 7:00 p.m.. E) Reception for Community Relations Officer: A reception to introduce the City's new Community Relations Officer Javier Meza-Perfecto will be held on June 30, 2002 from 4:00 pm to[6:00 pm in the City Hall Council Chambers. F) Police Chief Reception: On Friday, May 31, 2002, a farewell reception will be held beginning at 2:00 p.m. for Police Chief Paul Null who is retiring as of that date, and incoming Chief Scott Russell will be swom into office. This event will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers. Page 1 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, May 28, 2002 8A TAPE READING COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 28, 2002 0240 1131 PRESENTAT][ON: OREGON ROUTE 99E CORRIDOR SAFETY REPORT. Dave Bishop, Region II Manager for Oregon Dept. of Transportation, made a presentation to the Council on the Oregon Highway 99E Corridor Safety Report which was a project initiated by the Mid-Willamette Area Commission on Transportation. The report statistics cover the period of January 1994 through December 31, 1999 and it covers a 24- mile distance from the north Salem city limits to the north city limits of Canby. The study utilizes data from the ODOT Safety Management System which is a compilation of statistics from law enforcement agencies filed on traffic accidents and crashes. The study was divided into four segments: 1) Salem to south city limits of Woodburn, 2) within Woodburn city limits, 3) north city limits of Woodburn to south city limits of Canby, and 4) within Canby city limits. As a result of the study, the following recommendations were made by the 'consultant: 1) some capital improvements will be needed that will require some time to be made due to funding; 2) some changes can be made through ODOT maintenance funds and are categorized as maintenance projects; and 3) educational and enforcement activities. The method used to analyze the statistics looked at where the accidents and crashes occurred, crash diagrams, police reports, and pedestrian/bicycle police reports on fatalities, engineer site visits, and data comparing this roadway segment with other similar roadways in the State. Mr. Bishop proceeded to outline the following key findings of the report: 1) There is a higher "rural" crash rate on Highway 99E than the statewide average; 2) On Highway 99E in the urban area, there is a higher to average crash rate than the statewide average, however, the urban area in Hubbard has experience a higher crash rate; 3) There is a much higher rate of fatalities on Highway 99E than the statewide average for similar highway types with the only exception being a small segment of Highway 18 in Yamhill county; 4) Pedestrian fatalities are at 28% while statewide the fatality rate is 11%; 5) The study also shows that crashes seem to be more associated with alcohol and other drugs; and 6) 6% of the total crashes involve Hit and Run whereas the statewide average is 3.5%. He stated that the report does not go into trying to explain the reasons for the findings rather it just provides the data. Mr. Bishop stated that two major projects are being funded to improve the safety of Highway 99E during the 2005 construction season. Those projects are 1) Howell Prairie Road intersection with 99E which will involve the widening of a section of roadway to provide for a left turn refuge, and 2) Boones Ferry Road intersection with 99E which will also provide for a left turn refuge. Potential projects along Highway 99E include 1) installation of a median at the Highway 99E/Highway 211/Highway 214 intersection, and 2) a Highway 99E preservation project to resurface the road from Salem to Woodburn. Mr. Bishop stated that Highway 99E is an extremely important State highway that Page 2 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, May 28, 2002 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 28, 2002 TAPE READING parallels I-5 and transportation ro the cities and col potentially make Mayor Jennings installed on Hig~ Safeway develol; Mr. Bishop state been finalized as Councilor McC~ indicated where. there are times that I-5 is closed with Highway 99E being the alternative ate for motorists. Additionally, ODOT looks forward to working with tnties within this stretch of highway in order to improve the highway and it a safer roadway. ~tated that it was his understanding that a partial median was being tway 99E near the Highway 211/214/99E intersection as a result of the ment. :1 that the partial median was being required, however, the design has not of this date. llum questioned Mr. Bishop as to whether or not the police reports ~lcohol was purchased in those crashes involving alcohol. Mr. Bishop state :1 that the sources are not known, however, the stretch of Highway 99E included in the study does have at least 4 taverns that are right along the highway which may be a contrii~uting factor. Councilor McCallum expressed his hope that ODOT will continue to focus on making improvements tO this problem area in an effort to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities. Mr. Bishop state report and it inC Council that ma cl that all of the recommendations made are listed in latter portion of the udes comments on some of those recommendations. He reminded the or improvements will take time and he suggested an Advisory Committee of 1~ rsons interested in promoting the recommendations be formed to help ODOT to priorit[ze and verify the approaches to improving this segment of Highway 99E. He reiterated that enforcement of traffic laws and educational programs are important factors in makinl; this area safer. Councilor McCa llum stated that the City's Police Department has had the foresight to increase patrols Specific to traffic enforcement in an effort to reduce the number of accidents. He also suggested that the cities and counties within this stretch of roadway receive periodic reports from ODOT on progress made relating to the recommendations within the safety report. 1800 Bob Montgomery, representing the Woodbum Eagles, stated that their organization would like add a 10'x7' (70 sq. foot) freezer onto the back of their building. He objected to the City's site plan review fee of over $1,100 since the City's site plan review fees are by square footage and the minimum cost is $1,100 provided that the review is for 4,000 sq. feet or underi He feels that this is an excessive permit fee and he suggested that the City implement a couple of more graduated fees rather than charging the current amount for a very small ~ommercial building addition. Administrator Brown stated that the Community Development Department will be bringing recommendations to the Council for new fee schedules for all of their various permits which is in conjunction with the new Development Ordinance. He stated that Page 3 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, May 28, 2002 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 28, 2002 TAPE READING staff agrees that there does need to be a lower level of fees than what is currently in place but there will be some set costs such as public notice to surrounding properties. Community Development Director Mulder stated that the zoning ordinance requires review of any addition no matter how large or small the addition will be whereas a building permit is only required for a building of 120 square feet or more. He also stated that, in this case, he has determined that the Eagles were not expanding the square footage since this is a portable unit that will just be attached onto the existing wall. Therefore, the Eagles will not be going through site plan review for the small freezer unit. 2133 CONSENT AGENDA. A) Accept the Planning Commission minutes of April 25, 2002; B) Accept the Library Board minutes of May 8, 2002; and C) Accept the Police Department Activities Report for March 2002. FIGLEY/NICHOLS .... adopt the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 2167 COUNCIL BILL 2389 - ORDINANCE SUBDIVIDING 2.83 ACRES INTO 13 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS LOCATED NORTH OF COMSTOCK AVENUE AND EAST OF BROWN STREET AND CHANGING ZONING DESIGNATION TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RS). Councilor Figley introduced Council Bill 2389. Recorder Tennant read the two bills by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Mayor Jennings stated that his preference is to have a full Council when voting on a land use issue of this sort, however, Councilors Chadwick and Sifuentez were aware of this issue and did not have any objections to the proposal. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2389 duly passed with the emergency clause. 2311 COUNCIL BILL 2390 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO COOPERATIVE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT #19464 WITH THE STATE TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT REGARDING CONSTRUCTION OF FRONTAGE ROAD FROM WOODLAND AVENUE TO I-III,LYER'S FORD Council Bill 2390 was introduced by Councilor Figley. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unardmously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2390 duly passed. 2359 COUNCIL BILL 2391 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF OPERATING CONTINGENCY APPROPRIATIONS DURING FISCAL YEAR 2001-02. Councilor Figley introduced Council Bill 2391. The bill was read by title only since there Page 4 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, May 28, 2002 8A cOUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 28, 2002 TAPE READING were no objections unanimously. 2420 244Q ACCEPTANCE I HARDCASTLE, Staff recommen& property owners: from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed or Jennings declared Council Bill 2391 duly passed. ~F SIDEWALK/UTILITY EASEMENTS RE: EAST ,VENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS: d the acceptance of sidewalk/utility easements from the following Iames and Carol Daggett (Exhibit A), Donald and Agnes Hagenauer (Exhibit B), Pave and Komela Ionko (Exhibit C), William and Susan Wyatt (Exhibit D), James and Rebeo :a Kirsch (Exhibit E), and Karen, Donald & Agnes Hagenauer (Exhibit F). FIGLEY/NICHI ~LS .... accept the sidewalk and utility easements on East Hardcastle which are desigm Lted as Exhibits A through F. The motion passed unanimously. BOONES FERI~,Y ROAD LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (LID). Mayor Jennings .~ rated that Councilor McCallum had previously declared a conflict of interest on this is:;ue. He has advised Councilor McCallum that it is not necessary for him to leave the l~ench, however, he will not participate in the discussion. The Mayor stated that at the last meeting, the public hearing was closed but the record was left open for' staffto solidify some of the issues that needed to be addressed. Since there was no Council discussion at that meeting, this is the time for discussion to be held and a consensus ff the Council can be taken to inform the staff to bring back an ordinance for the next mee~ ing. Once the ordinance is before the Council, it will require a quorum of the Council tol act on the ordinance. Administrator B~own stated that the record was left open in order to allow the City Attorney to file sbme additional information into the record by May 22, 2002, a copy of those documents~are included in this agenda packet. Also received were letters from the Attorney representing the Tukwila Partners in the large undeveloped landowners in the area and a letter from the Presbyterian Church. He stated that the Presbyterian Church raised issues regarding not being notified of this LID hearing and he explained that the Church had not been notified since they are not a part of this particular LID. Legal issues were raised by the attorney representing the large undeveloped landowners regarding the charging a Transportation Impact Fee (TIF) in addition to the LID assessment. A legal opinion from City Attorney Shields is included in the agenda packet which states that the City does have the right to charge for both primarily because the TIF is only allowed for capacity expansion and that is the only portion of this project for which TIF's have been applied. The LiD assessment will take care of reconstructing the existing roadway costs of which cannot!be paid for through TIF's. Another issue related to use of trip generation in calculation of LID's since trip generation is one of the components that factors into TIF's and Attorney Shield's opinion states that it can be done and trip generation is an appropriate method of measuring traffic impact for a number of different spectrums Page 5 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, May 28, 2002 gA COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 28, 2002 TAPE READING including TIF's and LID's. Lastly, there was an issue as to whether or not the apportionment was appropriate in the method that was used by staff and, in Attorney Shields' opinion, the Council has broad discretion to determine the method of apportionment as long as it is being done on a rationale basis. The proposed apportionment is consistent with the way the Council has handled apportionments in other LID situations and in the Reimbursement District for roadway improvements. He stated that the overall project runs from Lincoln Street on Settlemier Avenue north to the north city limits and will take in the intersection at Highway 214/Settlemier Avenue/Boones Ferry Road and Country Club Road fi.om Astor Way east to Boones Ferry Road. The total project is estimated to cost $2.7 million over the next couple of years and this particular segment represents about 50% of the total project. He reminded the Council that a project this large consists of several financing mechanisms and the LID is only one portion of the financing package. The amount of TIF's apportioned to this particular project is the amount that can legally be apportioned if TIF's are going to be used consistent with state law. Therefore, any improvement beyond the 34' foot roadway improvement, which in this case is 14' additional width from curb to curb, is being picked up by the TIF's. Additionally, TIF's can be used to pay for additional costs relating to the depth of the road base which would be required to build a roadway in excess of the 34' foot local street improvement. Other funds beings used to offset the LID's include some developer contributions and Street CIP funds. It was noted that of the total $2.7 million project, more than 1/3 of the cost of the project is being paid through the Street CIP Fund. This particular LID will pay about 33% of the entire project even though it has been pointed out to the Council that it is about 60% of this particular segment. Staff feels that the proposed LID cost for this segment is appropriate since the properties located in this LID will gain the most immediate and consistent benefit from the improvement. If a general obligation bond issue was submitted to the voters, staff felt that past experience would reflect that the likelihood of this measure being approved by the voters being marginal if at all. Staff looked at other funding opportunities but what has been proposed are those funding methods that are legal, rational, and justifiable. Another question asked by individuals at the heating related to speeding in the area if the roadway is improved and widened. Administrator Brown stated that there will be a posted speed limit along this stretch of roadway and the City does have motorcycle units that are dedicated to traffic enforcement and, when complaints are raised by the public, the Police Department does respond to the complaints and assigns traffic units to the area to enforce the laws. He reiterated that the apportionment of costs to the individual properties is based on 25% of the land area and 75% based on trip generation. Within those numbers, if the parcel of land has direct access to the roadway with no other secondary access, then the charge to the property would be 100% whereas if a secondary access was available then the charge to the property would be 65%. The LID involved 660 parcels of land representing approximately 475 property owners. Page 6 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, May 28, 2002 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 28, 2002 TAPE READING Another issue that was raised by a property owner related to the potential taking of his property in orde~ to make this improvement. Administrator Brown stated that this is a territorial road x~hich dates back to 1855 and the right-of-way granted to territorial roads is 60 feet which is the right-of-way to be used for this improvement. He stated that there are 8 or 9 deeds [hat indicate that there is a 5 foot variance on their side of property which means that the d]eeds show that their property comes out 5 feet further than territorial road would indicate t~at it should. Therefore, the City will be negotiating this issue through in the course of trylng to do improvements. In regards to the remonstrances relating to this project, there was an overall rate of 34.7% of the LID which still allows the Council to move forward w~th this project if they so desired. It was also noted that 27.9% of the LID is comprised of~he large properties represented by Tukwila Partners, Renaissance Homes, United l?roperties, and Hazelnut Partners who are represented by Attorney Cox. Property owner~ either objecting verbally or in writing were considered as a remonstrance even though written remonstrances constituted approximately 5% of the total. Staff is recommending that the Council move forward with this project and is willing to bring back an ordinance at the next regular meeting to establish the LID. Councilor Bjelland suggested that the City clarify how remonstrances are identified since there is a legal requirement that remonstrances be written whereas staff includes verbal objections as a remonstrance. Even though the percentage is below the 50% level, the City needs to go on record what is going to be considered as a true remonstrance for purposes of detcanfining whether or not to move forward with an LID. Mayor Jennings stated that the remonstrance issue will be discussed under New Business. The Mayor also stated that, after the hearing, he had spoken with 6 property owners in the proposed LID regarding this project and those owners were more concerned about the principle of the matter rather than the monetary assessment. He expressed his opinion that the City should move ahead with the improvement project. Councilor Nichols stated that the staff report states that no property is being charged twice for the same improvemem which was a questioned raised during the public hearing. He also felt that the City should proceed with the improvement rather than waiting to do the improvement at a later date at a higher cost. Councilor Figley also stated that she was in favor of the improvement and supports the formula used to determine costs within the LID. Additionally, she felt that, at the heating, Councilor Bjelland did an excellent job of informing the public that the City is making a substantial contribution towards this improvement since the roadway is an arterial street. She felt that it is long overdue to have sidewalks along this street since there are a largeinumber of children who reside in the area and walk that roadway in order to get to school. Her one concem on the whole process relates to property owners who purchased new homes within the LID thought they were paying for the improvement as part of the purchase price of their home. Even though that was a reasonable supposition, in this case, it was not true since there was nothing recorded that would alert the Page 7 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, May 28, 2002 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 28, 2002 TAPE READING 4510 purchaser of a potential future obligation. Councilor Bjelland expressed his opinion that improvements are needed on Boones Ferry Road and, even though comments were made that indicate minimal pedestrian and bicycle usage, he feels that the improvements will generate more use these transportation modes. On the issue of defining the boundary of an LID, he felt that some judgement had to be made and the LID boundary was a valid decision on what property should be included based oh benefit. Another issue brought up by Councilor Bjelland related to the letter from Mr. Cox dated May 22, 2002 which indicates that the LID as proposed treats the undeveloped portion of Tukwila as if it had no restrictions. Attorney Shield~ stated that the public testimony for this heating is closed and the record is also closed, but, in the record, there is a letter from Mr. Cox which addresses the Tukwila property and it would not be inappropriate for the Council to ask staff to address the letter. He stated that the law states that the benefit has to be equal to the assessment imposed which is a judgment call and the Council has a high degree of discretion as to what that judgment is as long as it is reasonable. Administrator Brown stated that the staff felt fairly comfortable with the percentage of assignment in that area and in the future, the developers may want to construct a road within their development that would link up to Hazelnut at Boones Ferry. In assessing the undeveloped property, single family residences and single family trip generations is the conservative approach and, if they are able to get a higher density when the property is developed, the trip generation number would be greater. Mayor Jennings stated that, in regards to the Tukwila development that is within the Urban Growth Boundary, the Council did not say that the Urban Growth Boundary needed to be changed only that the developers needed to find a second exit to the Tukwila property. He reiterated that pedestrians need to be protected and proceeding with the improvement will result in the installation of sidewalks along this arterial street. Staff was asked to bring back an ordinance at the next regular meeting. 5131 NEW BUSINESS: POLICY DISCUSSION REGARDING CONSTRUCTION OF OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS. Councilor Figley stated that she has had concerns regarding the timing and payment responsibilities for offsite improvements associated with new developments since new homeowners purchase property not always knowing what conditions have been placed on the developer. She stated that most jurisdictions have a waiver of remonstrance where it is put on record that 1) the developer or homeowner is obligated to be a part of a local improvement district as a condition of approval, and 2) home buyers are put on notice that this improvement will be made in the future that will obligate them to pay for a portion of the cost. A recorded document will not only protect the City but it will provide a level of integrity that citizens are entitled to expect when conditions are imposed. As she reflects back on projects that have been or will be assessed, she did not anticipate that Page 8 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, May 28, 2002 ITT I 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 28, 2002 TAPE READING the street and sid~ewalk improvements would be delayed as long as they have and was surprised to lear~ that no record was filed that would provide the home buyers with advance knowledge that the improvement would be made and properties assessed. In the future, she would like to see that improvements are done soon after the development is approved with either the developer making a contribution or the City will execute a non- remonstrance agreement which will be recorded to let home buyers know that the improvement will be made which will involve a financial obligation to the property owner. She stat~d that the City Attorney has drafted a non-remonstrance agreement that addresses the coacems she has expressed which can be recorded at the County. Mayor Jennings ~tated that he also has concems relating to this issue since purchasers of property have a right to know what developers had agreed to at the time the development was approved. ~ Councilor Bjelland stated that his concern relates to the formal remonstrance process and making a decision on what constitutes a remonstrance for future local improvement districts. He agra,'ed that the issue brought up by Councilor Figley and Mayor Jennings needs to be addn :ssed, however, he questioned if a legal remonstrance can nm with the property rather fl tan the property owner. If the developer does contribute to a future improvement, a b. ir share estimate would need to be determined since it may be several years before the .mprovement is constructed. He agreed that this issue needs further examination ani discussion by the staff and Council. Councilor Nicho Is questioned if a waiver of remonstrance can be tied to the property. Attorney Shields stated that some jurisdictions use waiver of remonstrance which can be a recorded docm aent that will nm with the land. He stated that there does need to be a determination under the current law based on the situation the Council is in with the developer as to their relationship between the projected improvement and that development. Councilor McCallum stated that he would like to provide a more in-depth study on this issue. His concerns are 1) new development needs the appropriate infrastructure to work, and 2) property owners need to be protected from surprised financial obligations as a result of conditions imposed upon developers. Tape 2 Administrator Brown stated that it is his understanding that the Council would like to see those who are financially benefitting from the growth they are driving be the ones who primarily pay for the infrastructure improvements and, if they do not pay, then the purchasers of property be well informed. He will come back to the Council with a variety of options that may ~nvolve dtfferent options under different circumstances. If legislative changes will be required, staff will be prepared to draft the necessary resolutions or ordinances to make the changes after the decision has been made by the Council. He also stated that staff Will prepare a staff report on what constitutes a remonstrance which was brought up as a concern by Councilor Bjelland. Page 9 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, May 28, 2002 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 28, 2002 TAPE READING 0088 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. Administrator Brown referred to the letter he had drafted, in collaboration with Deputy Chief Russell, in response to the Public Safety Council that addressed the Council at the last meeting. In summary, the letter states that the City needs the following criminal justice services from the County: 1) prosecution, 2) incarceration, and 3)probation services. These services are necessary to make the City's law enforcement activities meaningful within the City and to protect our citizens. It was the consensus of the Council to have the Mayor sign the letter which will be submitted to the County Budget Committee. 0210 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Nichols stated that there are a lot of activities planned for this summer and he encouraged citizens to take advantage of the activities. Councilor McCallum congratulated the Mayor on the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast and he also congratulated the Administrator in making the retiring Police Chief work up until his last day of employment. Councilor Bjelland stated that 124 baskets were hung around the City and there have been many favorable comments on this program. He also stated that the next Mid Willamette Area Commission on Transportation (MWACT) meeting will address the 2004-07 STIP allocation of monies and he will be talking to staff to develop strategies to try and get our share of monies for the interchange project. As costs continue to rise to do the complete project, the City may need to look at piecemealing the project so that the City does not get shut out completely from being allocated funds 0446 Mayor Jennings presented retiring Chief Null with a Certificate of Appreciation for 29 years of service to the City. As a token of appreciation, Mayor Jennings also gave Chief Null an air-power tool which he can use when doing bodywork on automobiles. 0620 Mayor Jennings called for a brief recess at 8:40 p.m. in order to have a small reception for Chief Null. The meeting reconvened at 8:57 p.m.. 0698 EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mayor Jennings entertained a motion to adjourn to executive session under the authority of ORS 192.660(1)(h) and ORS 192.660(1)(0. NICttOLS/BJELLAND... adjourn to executive session under the statutory authority cited by the Mayor. The motion passed unanimously. The Council adjourned to executive session at 9:00 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:28 p.m.. Page 10 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, May 28, 2002 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 28, 2002 TAPE READING 0751 Mayor Jennings ~tated that there were no decisions made in executive session. ADJOURNMEI~IT. FIGLEY/BJELLAND .... meeting be adjourned. The meeting adj¢.umed at 9:30 p.m.. APPROVED The motion passed unanimously. RICHARD JENNINGS, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennan~, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 11 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, May 28, 2002 8A Executive Session COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES May 28, 2002 DATE. CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, MAY 28, 2002. CONVENED. The Council met in executive session at 9:02 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. ROLLCALL. Mayor Jennings Present Councilor Bj elland Present Councilor Chadwick Absent Councilor Figley Present Councilor McCallum Present Councilor Nichols Present Councilor Sifuentez Absent Mayor Jennings reminded the Councilors, staff, and press that information discussed in executive session is not to be discussed with the public. Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, City Recorder Tennant Press: John Gervais, Woodburn Independent The executive session was called under the following statutory authority: (1) ORS 192.660 (1)(h) to consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed; and (3) ORS 192.660(1)(f) to consider records that are exempt by law from public inspection. ADJOURNMENT. The executive session adjourned at 9:27 p.m.. APPROVED RICHARD JENNINGS, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodbum, Oregon Page 1 - Council Executive Session Minutes, May 28, 2002 8B WOODBURN PLANNING COMMISSION May 9, 2002 CONVENED The Planning Commission met in a session at 7:00 p.m. with Chairperson Cox presiding. ROLL CALL Chairperson Vice Chairperson Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Cox P Lima P Young P Grosjacques P Mill P Bandelow P Lonergan P Staff Present: Jim Mulder, Community Development Director Deniece Won, Assistant City Attorney MINUTES A. Woodburn Planning Commission Minutes of April 25, 2002 ~"ommissioner Mill movedto accept the minutes as written. Commissioner Loner.qan seconded the motion, which unanimously carried? BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE None COMMUNICATIONS A._=. City Council Min~tes of April 8, 2002 PUBLIC HEARING A._.=. Comprehensive P, lan Map Amendment 01-02, Zone Change 01-05, Site Plan Review 01-13 and Partition 0t-07, request to amend the Woodburn Comprehensive Plan Map from Low Density Residential to Hig~ Density Residential and change the zoning designation from Single-Family Residential to Multi-Family Residential on a 1.7 acre lot located at 847 N. Cascade Drive. The request also includes a Site Plan Review proposal for 2 residential care facilities 5,628 sq. fl. in size and a Partition request to divide the lot into 3 parcels. Chairperson Cox provided an opening statement for Public Hearing and opened the hearing. EXPARTE CONTACTS Commissioner Bandelow reported the sale of the property that is involved in this particular public hearing was handled through the office that she works. She indicated it is best that she excused herself from participating in this hearing although she had no direct involvement in that sale but there has been discussion in the office about the Zone Change. Commissioner Mill, Commissioner Lonerqan, Commissioner Youn,q, Vice Cha rperson Lima and Chairperson Cox all reported they drove by and looked at the location. Staff read the applicable ORS Statement and provided a presentation as reflected in the Staff Report. He stated the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change meets all approval criteria for proposed parcels I and 2, but not for parcel 3. Parcel 3 should remain zoned Single Family to provide a transition area and buffer between proposed parcels 1 and 2 and the existing Single Family residence to the south of Parcel 3. He reported the proposed Site Plan meets all municipal code requirements. The Partition also meets all municipal code requirements for partitioning the lot and that they all will be of sufficient size and width to satisfy municipal code. In conclusion, Staff recommended that the Planning Commission deny the request Planning Commission Meeting - May 9, 2002 Page 1 of 10 I for Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment and Zone Change on proposed parcel 3 and recommended approval of the ComprehenSive Plan Map Amendment, Zone Change, Site Plan Review for proposed parcels 1 and 2 and approve the Partition application for all three parcels subject to the conditions of approval outlined in the Staff Report. Commissioner Loner,qan referred to page 9 of the Staff Report and commented the recommendation for the architectural wall is not anYWhere in the conclusion or recommendations. Staff replied he does not see that specific condition in the Staff Report. He indicated that needs to be added as a condition if the Comm!ssion does follow Staff's recommendation. Commissioner Loner,qan also referenced the second paragraph contained on page 19 of the Staff Report and expressed his confusion regarding the RCF's and the lot areas. Staff clarified the 24,597 figure is the lot size and the 5,628 is the area of the structure. He explained within each structure there w I be eleven bedrooms comprising 15 beds. Therefore, 4 of the bedrooms will have 2 beds in each of the roomS. Staff further explained each bedroom, for purposes of calculating the required lot area for multiple family, Was considered a living unit. He further stated this is consistent on how it has been done on other senior projects. It was stated by Staff part of the confusion is the code does not give us a specific way of dealing witl~ senior projects. Vice Chairperson Lima inquired whether the existing North fence will be replaced or remain the same? Staff suggested the question be presented to the applicant as he did not have the answer. TESTIMONY BY APPLICANT Leon Oliver, 1425 NW Ponderosa St., Grants Pass, OR addressed Vice Chairperson Lima's question regarding the fence and stated he has not personally inspected the fence but it may not be adequate for their purposes. He indicated these facilities will be licensed to house Alzheimer patients and therefore they need to have pretty impenetrable fences because Alzheimer patients have a tendency to want to elope at times. Mr. Oliver further stated he does not know whether the present fence belongs to his property or the neighbors property. Additionally, he said the surveys on this property are so old they are going to have pins relocated when they do the partition and they will know at that point who the fence belongs to. It was indicated they were blind sighted when they reCeived the Staff Report on the recommendation of denial for parcel 3 on the Zone Change. Mr. Oliver reported through all of the application process, itwas never mentioned that might remain single family zoning. It seemed obvious to them that it should be RM zone because only 80 feet of its 199 foot boundary at the South line abuts the single family zone. He commented they designed everything based on the idea that the whole thing was going to be zoned RM. It was suggested by Mr. Oliver that they could move the building on parcel 2 slightly to the North to achieve the 15 foot buffer but then they will not conform with the Ordinance Section on Solar because they would be too close to the building on the North. Additionally, he commented had they known that this was going to be an issue, they might have included yet another item in the application for a Variance for the Solar. In closing, Mr. Oliver stated the only solution that would put them in compliance would be if the seller would allow the applicant to purchase another 15 feet of parcel 3. Chairperson Cox questioned if parcel 3 has been separately sold to somebody else? Leon Oliver replied he is not the applicant but the representative. The applicant, Mr. Cummings who is the contractor/owner, is buying the two parcels from the seller subject to this approval and the third parcel would remain with the seller. Mr. Oliver indicated they did not anticipate parcel 3 would remain Single Family zone and it was logical to divide it as equally into thirds as possible. He added the Commission might have seen a different application if they had different information before this last week. Additionally, he clarified what a residential care facility is and stated under Federal Law residential care facilities are allowed in any Single Family zone and can not be conditioned any differently than a Single Family home. The Oregon Law attempted to say that but was worded poorly and it can be interpreted to say that jurisdictions like Woodbum Planning Commission Meeting - May 9, 2002 Page 2 of l 0 ¸8B have discretion on what zone they can put them in. Mr. Oliver stated he included with his application a copy of the Oregon Attorney Gerieral's opinion that states that is not the case and you have to allow them in any Single Family zone. The str~cture looks a lot like a large house inside and out but they only have one kitchen, one laundry facility and one living room. Mr. Oliver further cOmmented they are an alternative to the big box care centers. Commissioner Mill asked if essentially a residential care facility would be an overgrown adult foster home? Leon Oliver responded affirmatively. Comm ssioner Youn.q inquir~ed what level of care will they be providing? Leon Oliver replied it is aging in place concept. It is not a medical facility and there is no nursing staff at the location. He explained a rlurse supervises medication on a monthly basis. The residents are typically ambulatory but are too infir~n to live independently. Commissioner Mill asked the applicant how many people will be on staff? Leon Oliver reported it will vlary according to the time of day but there will be at least one overnight when the residents are asleep. It will ipeak at about 3:00 pm and at shift overlaps which happen around meal time. Vice Chairperson Lima questioned how many of these projects has Mr. Oliver been involved with? Additionally, he requested clarification as to whether they will have Alzheimer residents at this facility. Leon Oliver answered he has been involved in about 20-22 projects. Furthermore, he reported they expect to be licensed for Alzheimer patients so they will have that option available and the buildings will be built with that i~ mind. He explained Alzheimer is a progressive disease and at some point you have to have supervision almost one on {)ne for the patients. Certainly, they do not need that type of supervision at the earlier stages of Alzheimer; Mr. Oliver further explained dementia is put in the same package for State licensing with Alzheimer. Vice Chairperson Lima expressed concerns in that they may have a relatively small number of employees when they are expecting patients requiring full time care. Leon Oliver commented they are residents and not patients. These are folks that may not see their doctor once a month and they are not in the late stages of whatever malady they may have. He explained they do not have capacity anymore lo live entirely on their own. Mr. Oliver pointed out the Rule and Statute Excerpts which are included in the Staff Report provides a lot more insight into what it is they are actually doing. Commissioner Mill expressed curiosity as to why they have a garage rather than converting it into some other type of space. Leon Oliver replied they will use it as storage, additional parking and it does lend to the type of curb appeal of a residence rather than an institution. TESTIMONY BY PROPONENTS Tim Cummings, 236 NW B st., Grants Pass, OR reported unfortunately the State of Oregon minimum requirements for staffing is one staff person for 15 residents. However, they are not proposing to staff at that level. He stated they would be looking at each person and figure out what their daily habits are, wake times, sleep times and eat times because all the residents are different and then they would staff those accordingly. Mr. Cummings further reported they will have an administrator at each facility and a minimum of two people dudng the day and then staff it according to the needs of the residents. He reiterated care plans are prepared for each individual resident. Additionally, he remarked the needs are a little different in larger facilities. Mr. Cummings commented their facility is a little bit different because it is a facility that has more home like setting Planning Commission Meeting - May 9, 2002 Page 3 of 10 and not as much like an institution type setting where they are able to probably be priced a little less than the larger facilities. He addres~-:,cl the garage issue and stated it will be utilized more like storage in the fact that a lot of the residents bring their own furniture and items in and they need a space to put those in. It was explained each individual room contains a bedroom and a restroom with all the bathing done in a central location. Commissioner Loner,qan asked what is the average length of stay for their residents? Tim Cummin.qs replied he {Ices not work with that part of the numbers. Vice Chairperson Lima inqtlired if they have any numbers as to how much each resident would be charged? Tim Cummin.qs responded they have not done a study. A new facility will be opening up in Salem around mid- June that is exactly the same as this proposed facility. He reported it would probably run around $2,400 a month. Mel Counts, 1581 Matheny ~Rd. NE, Gervais, OR stated he is the listed agent for the property. He commented he agreed with Staff in that~ere should be a buffer zone. However, he inquired why can't there be a buffer zone or wall for the entire groperty at the southern end of the property? He said Staff mentioned there is a possibility that there could be two residences on the property that is left over. Therefore, you actually have to provide a buffer zone for two residences instead of one which is on the southern property. Additionally, he remarked it is a nice package having the whole thing zoned Multi-Family to the eastern part of the street and the north side. He said he would appreciate it if the Commission would consider zoning the whole parcel Multi-Family. TESTIMONY BY OPPONENTS Ingrid Sti,qerts, 966 Ore,qop Way, Woodburn, OR reported her home looks out onto this property. She prefaced by stating St. Mary's Episcopal Church wanted to do a year ago a complex similar to this but their archdiocese said no because there are too many in the Woodburn area and it would not be profitable. Additionally, she remarked the traffic to make a left turn on Cascade to 214 is usually horrendous. She pointed out several of the other residential facilities are all going to be looking for residents. It was Mrs. Stigerts feeling that if this complex is not going to be filled, it will run down and there will be another landscaping problem. In closing, she said there was no addressing what will be done to the West of this property which abuts the 11~' fairway of the golf course. Leon Oliver interjected a typical solid vinyl fence is proposed to separate the project from the golf course. Barbara Sharp, 855 N. Cascade Dr., Woodbum stated her property is adjacent to parcel 3 and she is highly opposed to this project. Additionally, she is representing five of her neighbors that could not be here tonight. She also referenced the traffic situation Mrs. Stigerts raised and further commented her husband has been asked not to park his truck in front of their home because of the traffic. Mrs. Sharp also reported the street parking is bumper to bumper on both sides of the street when she leaves in the mornings usually about 9:30 am and there is no where to park on that street. If additional vehicles are added, they will be sitting in front of her door. Additionally, she expressed concerns with what is happening to the golf course and expressed disappointment in that the old house is not being sold as one parcel. However, she approves the Commission not approving that third parcel for Multi-Family and would rather see the old house stay than to have an apartment next door to her property. Chairperson Cox asked Staff if there was anything in the Staff Report regarding traffic impact statement? Staff answered there was a traffic study done and the Staff Report addressed that. He reported this facility would generate less traffic than if this property was fully developed with Single Family residences. APPLICANT REBUTTAL Planning Commission Meeting - May 9, 2002 Page 4 of 10 8B Leon Oliver addressed two issues the first being the market place for this type of housing. He indicated they submitted population data based out of the Oregon Blue Book and other resources showing the growth of the over 60 population in Woodbum and showing its relationship to the rest of the State. Mr. Oliver commented they are here tonight because they are confident in the market place and are quite confident that they are not going to have a problem with empty beds. As far as the traffic, he remarked their residents do not drive and do not get constant doctor, nurse or physical therapy visits. Therefore, this project is a very Iow traffic generator. It was reported by Mr. Oliver that his analysis of the two facilities, which they have traffic data on, and full build out on Multi-Family on parcel 3 there was 16 trips per day more than what could be done with a full build out in the Single Family scenario that you have now. He further added 16 trips per day is less than two Single Family homes, it was also indicated by Mr. Oliver most of the traffic generated by the Alzheimer facility typically do not occur at peak hour. Vice Chairperson Lima asked the applicant what license class will they apply for? Leon Oliver replied it would be a Class II license with an Alzheimer endorsement. He explained Health and Human Services puts a alder on your license if you are going to house Alzheimer residents. DISCUSSION Chair~.~.~n Cox closed the Public Heating and opened for Commission discussion. Commissioner Grosiac~ues requested clarification regarding the shadow situation. Staff remarked he does not see that being an issue in this situation although the code does have shadow access protection provisions. However, under the current code that can be waived by the adjacent property owner. He further stated since the applicant controls the affected property, the applicant can waive it or wait until the new development code becomes effective July 1 =~ which does not have as stringent requirements as under the current code. ~ explained for the record that even if the Commission were to approve the Site Development Plan it would be conditioned upon the fact that the Council goes ahead and approves the Zone Change and the Comprehensive Plan change. Commissioner Mill addressed Mrs. Sharp's comments and stated her points are very valid and one that Staff is concerned with as well as himself. The issue being what is going to happen with Parcel 3 as far as changing that to residential multi-family or keep as residential single family. Commissioner Mill agreed that it should be kept as residential single family. He pointed out it does abut a sensitive residential area and for that reason he would conaur with what Staff is saying in that area. Additionally, since there does not seem to be a solar access issue there would not be a need to go into Parcel 3 to erode part of that space to create a 15 foot landscape buffer. In closing, he stated the area should be kept as residential single and not residential multi-family without a firm Site Plan in place for that piece of property at this point in time. Commissioner Loner.qan commented it makes sense that we do leave that as a single family residence and he favored that. The facility would fit well in the rest of the neighborhood and he is glad that there will be an architectural wall as a break. He stated he will have to believe that there is a need and their figures made sense with 22% in the senior population and believed that the applicant would not make this type of investment if there weren't that need. Therefore, he is convinced that Woodburn is destined for this type of facility. He addressed the problem with traffic but he does not think that this facility would generate that much traffic where it would be a problem. Commissioner Youn,q agreed with Staff's placement of the wall and the landscaping strip between Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 because that really is where the transition occurs between multi-family and single family. He remarked parking on the ,street would be one drawback with the project because he knows that street is always fully parked during the day. Planning Commission Meeting - May 9, 2002 Page 5 of 10 Chairperson Cox concurred with his fellow Commissioners. He indicated he might not have any great concern with regard to leaving ParCel 3 as single family rather than changing it to multi-family if he knew they were going to build another facili~ like these two on that third lot. Chairperson Cox stated it would be totally out of character to that neighborhqod and would be an imposition on the people who live to the South along Cascade who bought property which !abutted property zoned single family. He further commented it would be a bad precedent to suddenly pu! apartments next to them and indicated the buffer needs to be preserved. Chairperson Cox believed the line should be drawn where Staff recommends because it seems to make sense and because probal~ly the people who bought along Cascade relied on that when they bought the properties. Additionally, he referred to the pictures contained in the Staff Report and remarked the existing house that is proposed to remain has probably totally outlived its second amount of life and is an eyesore in the neighborhood. He beli~eved the Commission would have the power as part of the conditions that the applicant in order to go ahe~ad and do what they are proposing, that the existing house has to be somehow upgraded at least so it isI not an eyesore in the neighborhood, i.e., repainted, brush cut back. He recommended a condition ibe placed in that the remaining house on the parcel 3 either be removed or upgraded before an occupancy permit is issued on the residential care facility properties. Deniece Won interjected Staff consulted with her today with that question and they were unable to come up with anything in the Zoning Ordinance that has authority for doing that. ,She thought, as a land use matter, the Commission lacked the authority to make that a condition of this approval. Furthermore, she stated there is a potentiality of the buildii~g being a nuisance and being abated under another type of ordinance. Leon Oliver requested the hearing be reopened so that he may address these issues. Chairperson Cox suggested to reopen the headng to address the issue of the condition of either removing or upgrading the remaininglhouse and what is going to happen to it. Commissioner Youn,q explained the reason for dividing the single property into three parcels is to develop Parcel I and Parcel 2. ParCel 3 really is only the dividing line and there really is no connection with Parcel 3 to this project. Chairperson Cox called a 10 minute break. 10 MINUTE BREAK Deniece Won stated she discussed with the applicant dudng the break a number of different scenarios to accommodate the concernS of the Commission and the Chair. She indicated in her mind it was left that the applicant had to decide what they wanted to do as she could not give them any advice because some of it is strategic choices. To some degree, based upon that bit of conversation she thought it might be wise to let the applicant have a say about that one subject. Chairperson Cox reopened the hearing limited to the ability to condition the Commission's decision with respect to doing some aesthetic improvements to the house that would remain. Tim Cummings reported they postponed this application because they thought the noticing requirements were going to change soon but that did not occur. It was indicated by Mr. Cummings the seller is wanting to close on the property and he is reluctant to try to do a continuance. He questioned how substantially changed would the application be if they slid the Site Plan over to Lot 2 and Lot 3? Mr. Cummings requested the Commission go down the road they were intending and try to do that maneuvering prior to the City Council meeting instead of requesting a continuance. Leon Oliver suggested the Commission make a finding in that they shift one of the Site Plans 9 feet to create a 15 foot landscape buffer, then it isn't all that big of a stretch to make a condition that they shift over on the lots. He explained the lots are identical and no difference in utility access and that they submit a revised Site Plan for Staff's review. Planning Commission Meeting - May 9, 2002 Page 6 of 10 8B Deniece Won interjected primarily Staff's view and professional judgement on analyzing the criteria and whether having those residential care facilities close on the lot that they were recommending not do make the Zone Change on in order to have a buffer, is affected and is a legal dilemma. Staff also added it would modify the analysis of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Chairperson Cox questioned Mr. Oliver why could he not get by and do what he wants to do without getting a High Density Residential Zoning on Parcel 3 and just leave it zoned Single Family but go ahead and build the facility there? Leon Oliver responded the Woodburn Ordinance does not acknowledge the case law that allows them in a Single Family Zones. Deniece Won reported there are occasions when our Ordinance is not in compliance with State law. To her knowledge there has not b~en any exploration of the question about whether our existing Ordinance is compliant and whether or not this applicant has a right to do what they want to do under State law and whether or not Staff would recognize that. Commissioner Lone~an said he would feel uncomfortable voting to have all of those change to Multi-Family without knowing what type Of Multi-Family facility would be going in to that North end at this point. Commissioner Lima. commented in the many years he has been on the Planning Commission, this is the most convoluted hearing. He stated the Commission either follows Staff recommendations or goes against it. He thought the Commission can not change what has been proposed at this point. Shifting the parcels to him means a completely new application. ~ interjected he felt the Commission is not in the position to fully analyze this properly at this meeting with what they haVe available to them. He said since the Commission received testimony from proponents, he asked the opponents whether they had anything additional to comment. Barbara Sharp remarked they would not have an objection having a care facility next to them because it would be a lot cleaner to what they have there now. Chairperson Cox re-closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Mill said although he likes the project, he felt the whole application should be denied and have the applicant come back with something that closely fits what is now the desire of the applicant and the neighbors. He further commented he does not see it put together legally where they can do that to the satisfaction of everyone. Commissioner Lima expressed concerns with the lack of clear information by the applicants and it does not appear to him that they know what they are talking about as far as licensing. He said although they may have great knowledge and expertise in building, they have not come prepared to answer some questions in terms of Alzheimer licensing that will affect a lot of people. ha~ commented the Commission does not have the authority or expertise to regulate care facilities. The applicant will have to comply with State regulations and if the applicants are a little vague about what they are, he is sure there is somebody on their team that will get that straightened out before they can open up their doors. Commissioner Mill moved to deny Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment 01-02. There was no second and therefore, motion did not carry. Planning Commission Meeting - May 9, 2002 Page 7 of 10 Commissioner Loner,qan questioned if by accepting the Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Parcel 1 and Parcel 2, he could tie in th(~ building? Staff answered it can not be done with the Comprehensive Plan Amendment but you can condition a Zone Change but Staff was trying to avoid a Conditional Zone Change because it has some inherent difficulties in trying to reconcile it with the Comprehensive Plan Amendment especially if the development does not go forward. However, you have the ability to condition the Zone Change based on this specific project. Commissioner Mill asked if by doing that you would then be keeping the RS for Parcel 3 and RM for Parcels 1 and 2? Additionally, he questioned if this would affect the Partitioning and the Site Plan? Staff responded that is his understanding based on the motion which was to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amelldment to RM on Parcels 1 and 2 and deny the request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment on Parcel 3. {e indicated this would not affect the Partitioning nor this proposed Site Plan. He further stated by approving the Comprehensive Plan Amendment on Parcels I and 2 and the Zone Change to RM, the applicant is not I~ound to construct this project because the zoning is being changed. Unless you were to do a Conditional Zi)ne Change, they could decide to come with an apartment complex on Parcels 1 and 2. Staff stated they di~l not find an issue with that and believes an apartment complex on Parcels I and 2 still makes sense as far as Comprehensive Plan and Zoning as long as Parcel 3 provides the buffering and transition area. ~ Commissioner Loner,qan commented he has problems with transportation issues which opens up a whole new ball game. Staff clarified Staff analyzed the Comprehensive Plan Amendment based on High Density Residential, not on this s0ecific project. The traffic analysis was addressed in the Staff Report and showed if the project was built out to maximum density under Single Family and maximum density under Multi-Family there was only a difference of 40 trips per day, 196 for Single Family and 239 for Multiple Family. Commissioner Loner.qan withdrew his previous motion. Commissioner Mill moved to deny Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment 01-02 as a recommendation to City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lima. Motion carried with Commissioner Young and Chairperson Cox voting NO. Commissioner Bandelow did not vote as she recused herself from this hearing. Deniece Won interjected we need the Commission's findings on all the criteria for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. She summarized the Commission's reasoning appears to be: the applicant had not persuaded them, they had not met the burden of proof, and the criteria were not satisfied with respect to the impacts. Commissioner Loner,qan asked if it is possible to do the Comprehensive Change and tie the Zone Change into this project? Staff replied you have the ability to condition the Zone Change to this specific project. He explained the Comprehensive Plan can not be conditioned. Deniece Won explained the law is not perfectly clear but there is a lot of question about the ability to condition a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and she advised Staff to avoid doing that. She quoted a case that specifically linked a Comp Plan Amendment to a reverter if the development that was expected did not happen. Ms. Won further explained when you go through a Comp Plan Amendment you have to go through a certain procedure and consider certain criteria and you are not doing that at the point in time when you are reverting so you are not in compliance with the Conditioned Comp Plan Amendment. She added you could condition a Zone Change. However, the cleanest way to do it is to link the conditions to one of the approval criteria, i.e., you are not supposed to have impact on the facilities, there is too much traffic for the full set of uses that could be allowed in the zone so you are going to allow uses that go up to a certain point of traffic Planning Commission Meeting - May 9, 2002 Page 8 of 10 8B impact and not beyond. Ms. Won expressed concerns about defending a condition that links the Zone Change to a very particulariSite Plan. However, she could not say that is not defensible. There was consensus by the members of the Commission that voted in favor of the previous motion to reconsider that vote. Commissioner Young recommended approval of Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment 01-02 for Parcels 1 and 2 and recommend to City Council to deny Parcel 3 and requested Staff return with facts and findings to reflect the Commission s request. Commissioner Groslacques seconded the motion, which carried w th Commissioner Mill and ViC~ Chairperson Lima voting No. Commissioner Bandelow did not vote on this motion as she recused herSelf from this hearing. Commissioner Grosiacque8 moved to recommend to City Council the approval of Zone Change 01-05 as to Parcels I and 2 but deny aS, to Parcel 3 and that the change be conditioned upon uses as a residential care facility and Staff return with proposed findings. Commissioner Loner.qan seconded the motion. Motion carded with Commissioner ~Bandelow abstaining from voting as she recused herself from this hearing. Chairperson Cox commented Staff will need to come up with the reasons the Commission is conditioning it. He provided assistance and indicated it is his sense that the applicant has convinced the Commission that they met their burden of persuasion in addressing the various elements of the standards that they have to meet as to this type of use ibut they have not addressed and the Commission are not convinced upon the record before them that they could comply with those standards if they were talking about an otherwise more intensive use that might be allowed in that zone. Commissioner Mill added as well as the fact that it is a compatible use for traffic and surrounding neigl~orhood impact. Deniece Won questioned if in the Commission's mind it is tied to that particular use or is it residential care facilities and any use allowed in the RM zone that is less intensive? There was a consensus by the Commission that it is tied to residential care facility or less intense than a residential care facility. Commissioner Youn,q requested clarification as to the definition of residential care facility. Deniece Won responded future uses are going to be determined under the Woodburn Development Ordinance rather than the Woodbum Zoning Ordinance. She reviewed the permitted uses and commented the one use that is outright permitted that would be clearly a higher intensity use as Multiple Family uses. Every other would be permitted under a decision that limited it to residential care facility. Commissioner Lima moved to approved Partition 01-07 as proposed by Staff. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Grosiacques!, which carried. Commissioner Bandelow excused herself from this hearing and therefore abstained from voting. Chairperson Cox inquired if it is stated in the conditions that the necessary Zone change and Comp Plan change be made? He further indicated it needs to be included if it is not included already. Staff replied it is not included. However, by law, until the Comp Plan and Zoning is approved they can not legally develop it because it does not comply with the Ordinance. He further commented it is not necessary to have it there. Commissioner Lima requested clarification regarding resolution to the wall and fencing issue. Staff clarified the Site Plan showed a 7 foot fence, although it was not clear whether that meant that the applicant was going to build one or whether the existing fence was 7 feet. Under our Landscaping Policy Planning Commission Meeting - May 9, 2002 Page 9 of 10 Standards, there is a buffer requirement between Multiple-Family Residential development that abuts a Commercial Zone to have ia 10 foot planting strip which is provided and a 7 foot wall is required. Staff reported the new Development Ordinance would not require the less intensive use to buffer themselves from more intensive. Certainly the applicant has the opportunity to buffer themselves if they choose. Furthermore, under the new Ordinance When the abutting property is a CO Zone, wall requirements shall be determined in conjunction with the applicable design review process. Chairperson Cox requested Staff's recommendation in determining how to address this issue. Deniece Won interjected it ~hould be addressed as the code requires. She stated the applicant's proposal is judged by the criteria that Were in place when he filed his application and if that code is specific and explicit, that is what he is required t~ do and it should be a condition of the approval. Commissioner Grosjacque8 moved to approve Site Plan Review 01-13 to include the conditions of a 7 foot solid wall on the South proPerty line and that the separation between the property on the North side be a wall in compliance with Chapte~ 8 Section D-4 of the Woodburn Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Lonerqan seconded the motion. Commissioner Mill requested clarification regarding Police Department comments regarding outdoor lighting. Staff cladfied Staff will review and approve the outdoor lighting plan taking into consideration the Police Department recommendations, Motion unanimously carried. Commissioner Bandelow did not vote because of the reasons previously stated. ITEMS FOR ACTION None ' DISCUSSION ITEMS None REPORTS A.~. Building Activity for April 2002 B._~. Planning Project Tracking Sheet (revised 5-1-02) BUSINESS FROM THE COMMISSION Commissioner Bandelow announced she will not be present at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Lima moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded and carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:33 p.m. ATTEST APPROVED CLAUDIO LIMA, RSON Jim I~l(~er, Cor~m[~hity Development Director Cit~ o!.3Noodburn, ~Oregon i// DATE Date Planning Commission Meeting - May 9, 2002 Page 10 of 10 8C CITY OF WOODBURN Community Development MEMORANDUM 270 Montgomery Street Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-5250 Date: To: June 6, 2002 Jim Mulder, Community Development Director From: Building Division Subject: Building Activity for May 2002 2000 2001 2002 Dollar Dollar Dollar No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount New Residence Value 9 $822,173 13 $1,370,390 17 $2,011,266 Multi Farhily 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Residential Adds & Alts I $30,000 3 $62,300 8 $40,499 Industrial 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Commercial Value 0 $0 1 $7,769 9 $5,365,718 Signs, Fences, Driveways 4 $15,598 1 $3,500 1 $1,100 Manufactured Homes 2 $107,000 0 $0 0 $0 TOTALS 16 $974,771 18 $1,443,959 35 $7,418,583 July 1 - June 30 Fiscal Year To Date $28,307,403 $15,370,305 $66,536,576 I:\Communit~ Development~Bldg~Building ActivitytBIdgAct-2002~Activity - May 2002.wpd City of Woodburn Police Department STAFF REPORT 270 Montgomery Stree~t Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-2345 Date: From: To: Thru: May 29, 2002 ~.~~ Chief of Police Mayor and Council John Brown, City Administrator.~ Subject: Police Department Activities - Apr/l, 2002 8E The Consolidated Monthly Report is a monthly analysis of police department calls for service. This report lists all police department incident investigations for the month, shows year to date statistics, and comparisons to the previous year. The report is in conformance with Federal Bureau of Investigations national guidelines for crime classifications and is reported to the State of Oregon Law Enforcement Data System via the Regional Automated Information Network. Should you have questions or wish further information, please contact me. + I ~"0 -,I ..,< · e I + +:'e -~ 0 ~1~.~'' 0 0'0 00iO 0 · 8E + +il + +[+ + +~ 4, I + 8F MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: City council through City Administrator Public V~/orks Program Manager ~~ Speed Zone Investigation Requests June 5,2002 The city will be requesting ODOT to complete a speed zone investigation on North Front Street to assign appropriate speeds along the street from Hardcastle Avenue to the north city limits. As a result of an inquiry from the police department traffic enforcement officers, the city contacted the ODOT traffic engineer's office to determine speed zones that were currently established along North Front Street. There was an existing speed order from 1974 that covered the section from Hardcastle Avenue to the Highway 214 under crossing that indicated a speed of 30 MPH along that section. There was no speed order for the section from the Highway 214 under crossing to the north city limits. The option would be to allow this section to be governed by the basic rule which would be either 25 or 55 MPH. In consultation with the police department, the conclusion was that the above speeds were not appropriate for North Front Street from Hardcastle Avenue to the north city limits. The city is recommending to ODOT, as shown on the attached map, that the following speeds be established along North Front Street: · 25 MPH from Hardcastle Avenue to Hazelnut Drive · 35 MPH from Hazelnut Drive to Shenandoah Lane · 45 MPH from Shenandoah Lane to the north city limits Portions of the affected section of North Front Street are now incorrectly signed and the current speed orders existing for the street have speeds that are not consistent with the character and conditions along the street. The investigation should assign the speeds that the city proposed above which Public Works and the Police Department have determined to be appropriate for the street. MEMO From the Office of the City Attorney TO: FROM: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL N. ROBERT SHIELDS, CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: REAL t~STATE AND LAND USE PRESENTATION OREGON STATE BAR LAND USE CONFERENCE DATE: JUNE 61 2002 I have been invited to give a presentation at a professional conference on representing the government in land use! cases. The conference is sponsored by the Real Estate and Land Use (RELU) Section of the Oregon State Bar. RELU has a statewide membership of 1176 attorneys who practice real estate and land use law. I intend to accept this invitation unless I am advised otherwise. While I believe that my participation in activities such as this one is of some benefit to both me and the city~ I will make it clear that all opinions I express at the conference are my own and not the city's. IOA Memo TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor & Council Ben Gillespie, Finance Director Sohni ow City June 5, 2002 2002-03 Budget Hearing On May 14, 2002 the Budget Committee concluded their hearing on the City's 2002-03 budget and unanimously recommended that the budget document be forwarded to the City Council for the next phase of the budget process. As required by Oregon Budget Law, the notice of this hearing date, along with the financial summary, was published in The Woodburn Independent on May 29, 2002. The financial summary doc~uments a City budget totaling $47,263,521. It includes the Committee's recommendation to impose the property tax limit of $6.0534, and to impose a levy of $127,800 for bonded debt which is excluded fi-om the statutory limitation. Upon completion of the hearing before the Council, staff recommends that the Council authorize staffto draft a budget ordinance based on the Committee's recommendation, including allowable budget adjustments that do not change the tax levy requirement. Management recommends one change to the Budget Committee's Recommended Budget: in the General CIP Fund increase Operating Transfers Out and decrease Contingency by $35,000. In the 2001-02 preliminary budget $50,000 was proposed for construction of a firing range near the sewage treatment plant. Before the budget was adopted, management determined that it would be cheaper to have the sewage plant contractor do the work in fiscal year 2000-01, while his crews were still on site. This avoided the cost of mobilizing a crew at a later date. The 2000-01 budget was amended and the bulk of the work was done in that year. The cost was to be funded in part by a transfer from the General CIP Fund. That transfer was not made in 2000-01, and consequently it should be done now. To do so requires a appropriation of $35,000 in the General CIP Fund. No change is necessary in the Sewer Construction Fund, which paid the contractor in 2000-01 and will be reimbursed once this appropriation is approved. This budget amendment could not be effected in 2001-02 because of statutory constraints on the use of Contingency. IOA Due to the length of the document, the Woodbum 2002- 2003 Recommended Annual Budget is not included with this packet. Copies of the budget will be sent to the Council and Mayor directly. The public may view the recommended budget in the City Administrator's Office, located at 270 Montgomery Street, between the hours of 8am and 5pm, and at the Reference DeSk at the Library. Two public copies of the budget will be available at the door on the night of the hearing. MEMO To: From: Subject: Date: For Council Action, through the City~Administrator<7 Public Works Director ~'~2 f~ Boones Fen5, Road Improvement Ordinance June 5, 2002 RECOMMENDATIO~q: Approve the attached Ordinance ordering improvements to Boones Ferry Road from Goose Creek to Hazelnut Drive and adopting the Local Improvement District for said improvements. llA BACKGROUND: The City Council on May 13, closed the public hearing on Boones Ferry Road Local Improvement District (LID), however the record was kept open until 5:00 p.m. on May 22 to receive additional information from staff. On May 27, at the regularly scheduled meeting the city council reviewed the additional information introduced into the record and instructed staffto prepare an ordinance for the street of improvements of Boones Ferry Road. As l~reviously provided to the council, the summation of written remonstrance received on the Boones Ferry Road LID is approximately 5%. The total number of properties opposing the improvement in writing combined with oral testimony is about 35 percent. All legal requirements have been met and staff~alysis indicates the number of remonstrance' s received are not sufficient to stop the project. The council options are to 1) Approve the LID ordinance as presented, or 2) Postpone the decision and/or modify the terms of the ordinance, or 3) abandon the improvement. Staffis recommending Option I be chosen by the city council. 1lA COUNCIL BILL NO. 9392 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO IMPROVMENTS OF BOONES FERRY ROAD FROM GOOSE CREEK TO HAZELNUT DRIVE, ADOPTING THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, DIRECTING THE CONTRACT AWARD; PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF ~2OSTS THROUGH ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTIES IN THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Council considers the improvement of Boones Ferry Road from Goose Creek to Hazelnut Drive to be necessary and beneficial; and WHEREAS, The City Council has authority to initiate the Local Improvement District improvement and procedure process as per Ordinance No. 2105, and WHEREAS, The City Council instructed the City Engineer to prepare the engineering report for the improvements; and WI:rEREAS, the City Council reviewed and approved the engineering report on the improvement of Boones Ferry Road on April 8, 2002; Wi~EREAS, The City Council by Resolution No 1676, declared it intent to improve though a Local Improvement District process, adopted the method of assessment; and established a date for the public hearing; and WREREAS, a public hearing was held on May 13, 2002 to receive input from affected property owners and insufficient remonstrances were received in either written or oral form to prevent such improvement; NOW, TtIEREFORE, TIlE CITY OF WOODBURN ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council deems it necessary and hereby declares its intention to order the following improvements. Boones Ferry is to be widened to 48 feet in width providing two travel lanes, one turn lane and a bikelanes in each direction. The improvement will be complete with curbs, drainage improvements, installation of sidewalks on both sides, ADA ramps at all intersections and street lighting. The improvement will also include undergrounding of existing utilities PAGE 1- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. llA SECTION 2. PROPOSED METHOD OF FUNDING The funding mechanism to accomplish this project includes the following: A. CITY SUPPORT: All cost of improvements beyond the standard 34 feet wide local residential street is to be funded by the city. (Note: This has been the general practice in the past) Two thirds of the cost ofundergrounding the electrical utility is to be absorbed by the city. (Note: Undergrounding of the utilities will provide a more serviceable utility and desirable corridor therefor, sharing of majority cost by the city is reasonable) B. ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTIES: Limited tO the cost associated with a 34-foot wide standard residential street in the Local Improvement District. In addition, one third of the undergrounding of elecui~ Utmty. C. OTI~.R SUPPORT: County UGB System Development Charges, or other funds are proposed to be used to pay for share allocation ofbenetited properties in the Urban Growth Boundary!but located outside the City Boundary. In addition, developer contributions are proposed to be used to reduce the cost of each lot in the particular development equally. PAGE SECTION 3. BOUNDARY OF TILE. PROPOSED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT: The property subject to the assessment of this district are those properties within the following described boundary: Beginning at the most Northwesterly comer of Heritage Park Meadows subdivision recorded in Marion County Book of Town Plats in Vol. 43 Page 90, being situated in Section 6, Township 5 South, Range I West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County Oregon; Thence in a Southerly direction along the West boundary of said subdivision to the Southwest comer thereof. Thence Southwesterly to the Northwest comer of that certain tract of land conveyed to the City of Woodbum and recorded in reel 1587, page 621 Marion county deed records; Thence Southwesterly 40.01 feet to the Northwest comer of lot 130, Heritage Park Phase 4, Marion County Book of Town Plats Vol.43, 2- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. JlA page 47; Thence Southwesterly along the West line of the said Heritage Park Phase 4 subdivision to the Northwest comer of Heritage Park Phase 3, Marion County book of Town Plats Vel.fl3, page 8; Thence Southwesterly along the West line of Phase 3 to Southwest comer thereot~ Thence Southeast to the Northwest comer of that certain tract of land recorded! in deed reel 1441 Page 91Marion County deed records. Thence Southerly along the West line of said tract to the Northwest comer of said Henrys Farm Subdivision, Vol 41, Page 46 Book of Town Plats; Thence Southwesterly along the West line of said subdivision to the Southwest comer of said Henry Farm subdivision: Thence Easterly along the south line of said subdivision to the Southeast comer thereof} Thence Easterly along ag Easterly extension of the South line of said Henry's Farm Subdivision to a point on the W~est line of Lot 36, Miller Farm Subdivision, Marion County Book of Town Plats Vo1.140, Page 24; Thence Southwesterly along the Westerly line of said Miller Farm Subdivision to the Southwest comer of Lot E; Thence Southeasterly along the Southline of said Lot E; Thence Northeasterly to the initial comer of said Miller Farm Subdivision; Thence Southeasterly to the Southwest comer of Lot 1, Tukwila Subdivision, recorded in Marion County Book of Town Plats Vol. 40, Page 95; Thence Southeasterly to the point of intersection of the East line of Meridian Drive and the most southerly line of said Lot 1; Thence Northeasterly along a Northerly extension of the East line of Meridian Drive, 18.00 feet; Thence South 85° 38' 47" East 197.64 feet to a point on the East line of Lot 1, of said Tukwila Subdivision; Thence Northeasterly along the East line of said Lot 1,876.39 feet to an angle point thereof} Thence South 87° 21' 39" East along the easterly line of LOt 1,242.61 feet; Thence North 02° 40' 09" East, still along the said East line to a point on the Southerly line of Hazelnut Drive; Thence Northeasterly long the a northerly extension of said LOt 1 to a point of intersection with the North line of said Hazelnut Drive. Thence Easterly traversing along the North line of Hazelnut Drive to the Southeast comer of LOt 9, said Tukwila Subdivision; Thence Northeasterly along the West line of said Lot 9, 455.21 feet to angle point in said West line; Thence Westerly still along said West line 39.29 feet; Thence Northerly still along the said West line of LOt 9, to the Northwest comer thereof; Thence Westerly along the North line of said subdivision to a point on the East line of Boones Ferry Road. Thence Southerly along the said East line of Boones Ferry Road to a point of intersection with the extension of the North line of Vanderbeck Lane; Thence Westerly along the North line of Vanderbeck Lane to the point of intersection with the East line of the Miller Links Subdivision, recorded in Marion County Book of Town Plats Vol. 43, Page 66; Thence Northerly along the East line of said Miller Links to the Northeast comer thereof, Thence Westerly along the North line of said Miller Links Subdivision to the Northwest comer thereof, said point also being the Northeast comer of the Heritage Park Meadows Subdivision, recorded in Marion County Book of Town Plats, Vol. 43, Page 90; Thence Northwesterly along the North line of said Heritage Park Meadows to the place of beginning. A map showing the above described district boundary is attached as Exhibit 1 and those properties within that boundary are identified in Section 4. PAGE 3- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. llA SECTION 4. PROPERTIES INCLUDED IN THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT The individual properties located within the district boundaries are as follows: MARION COUNTY MAP tf TAXLOT If '""'051W06CD" "OD100'' ..... 051W06CD" '""'051W06CD" "0~0200" "00300" "'"'051W06CD" "OD400" '""'051W06CD" '""~)51W06CD" "00500" '""'051W06CD" "06700" '""'051W06CD" '""~51W06CD" "008oo- '""'051W06CD" "0~1000" '""'051W06CD" '""'O~IW06CD" "0t 100" 0~200 '""'051W06CD" "0~ 300" '""'051W06CD" '""~351W06CD" "0 t 400" "o 5oo" '""~51W06CD" '~)~!600" '""'051W06CD" "01700" '""'051W06CD" "01800" '""'051W06CD" "0~ 900" '""951W06CD" "0~000" '""'051W06CD" "02100" '""~351W06CD .... 02200" PROPERTY OWNER '""'051W06CD" "03100" '""~)51W06CD" "03200" MILLER,ALLEN RUDD, KENNTH M. M-C BUILDERS INC MENDF?, JESUS SCHMITZ, JULIA MILLER HAMBERGER,JESSE GRAHAM DELBRIDGE, DOROTHY A & STAN ALBRIGHT, GARY J & LESLIE A. GUSTAFSON,DAVlD M M-C BUILDERS INC ARELLANO FERNAND & SANDY MILLER, GARY LEE LLC MATYEEV, DIMITRY & USTINA CHARLESWORTH,JARED W M-C BUILDERS INC M-C BUILDERS INC M-C BUILDERS INC(DETENTION) M-C BUILDERS INC MCGINNIS,BARBARA MILL MCGINNIS,BARBARA MILL M-C BUILDERS INC M-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06CD" "02300" MILLER,ALLEN '""'051W06CD" "02400" THOMPSON,VERN ANTHONY '""'051W06CD" "02500" M-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06CD" "02600" M-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06CD" "02700" M-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06C D" "02800" M-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06CD" "02900" M-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06CD" M-C BUILDERS INC MILLER,ALLEN MILLER, DONALD PAGE 4- COUNCIL BILI., NO. ORDINANCE NO. MARION COUNTY PROPERTY OWNER MAP # TAX ,OT # .... 051W06CD" "0:5300" BOSQUEZ GUSTAVO E & AYDA E '""'051W06CD" "0:~400" M-C BUILDERS INC "'"'051W06CD" "03500" BRAVO TEODORO & GONZALES ANDRES """051W06CD" "0!5600" M-C BUILDERS INC "'"'051W06CD" "0~5700" M-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06CD" "0:3800" RIOS, ALFEDO & SHIRLEY ...... 051W06CD .... 0~900"MILLER,JOHN R-TRUST '""'051W06CD" "0~000" MORALES, MIQUEL & LUZ i & JOSE A "'"'051W06CD" "0~4100" VBS CONST & STATSENKO VALDIMAR '""'051W06CD" "0~4200" MIRANDA, EVELIO & NOEM '""'051W06CD"' "0~,300" MILLER, DONALD i'""'051W06CD" "0~,500" IFIOCCHI,JOHN J & I'""'051W06CD" "04600" FIOCCHI,JOHN J & '""'051W06CD" "04700" M-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06CD" "0¢4800"SCHMITZ, JULIA MILLER '""'051W06CD" "q4900" YOUNG~SONJA F & '""'051W06CD" "05000" MILLER, GARY LEE LLC '""'0~lW06CD" "05100" VALDF__X, GUADALUPE JR & IRENE '""951W06CD" '~5200"M-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06CD" "05300" M-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06CD" "05400" M-C BUILDERS INC '""~51W06CD" "05500" MILLER, GARY LEE LLC '""'051W06CD" "05600" M-C BUILDERS INC(TOT LOT) '""'051W06CD" "05700" SCHMITZ, JULIA MILLER '""'051W06CD" "05800" SMITH,CRAIG W & CAROL '"'"051W06CD" "05900" M-C BUILDERS INC '""~51W06CD" "06000'' MILLER, JOHN R-TRUST '""'051W06CD" ",06100," !M-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06CD" "06200" MILLER, JOHN R-TRUST '""'051W06CD" "06300" VI-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06CD" ",',0~o400" INZHIROV, PETR & SVETL '""'051W06CD" "06500" M-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06CD" "06600.. TOMPKINS,MARY MILLER '""'051W06CD" "06700" BEAN,CANDY K '""'051W06C D" "06800"MCGINNIS,BARBARA MILL '""'051W06CD .... 06900" M-C BUILDERS INC '""'051W06CD" "07000" GANOVICHEFF, ANNA '""'051W06CD" "07100" ARELLANO-RODRIGUEZ, MA PAGE 5- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. ° llA MARION COUNTY MAP # TAXLOT # '""'051W06CD" '""'051W06CD" "07300" '""'051W06CD" "07400" '""'051W06CD" '""'051W06CD" "07600" '""'051W06CD" "07700" '""'051W06CD" "d7800" '""'051W06CD" "0~900" '""'051W06CD" "08000" '""'051W06CD" "08100" '""~)51W06CD .... 08,200" '""'051W06CD" "0~300" '""'051W06CD" '""'051W06CD" '""'051W06CD" "~" PROPERTY OWNER HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC ~IERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""~351W06CD" '""~351W06CD" '""~51W06CD" '""'051W06CD" '""'051VV06CD" "ob7oo" IHERITAGE MEADOWS LLC "0~00:' IHERITAGE MEADOWS LLC "oB9oo' IHERITAGE MEADOWS LLC "09000" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '~9100" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""~351W06CD" "09300" '""'051W06CD" ",09400" '""~351W06CD" "09500" '""~)51W06CD" "09600" '""'051W06CD" "09700" '""'051W06CD" "09800" '""'051W06CD" '""'051W06CD" "10100" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC i HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC -IERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06CD" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06CD" "10200" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06C D" "10300" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06CD" "10400" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06CD" "10500" "10600" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06CD" ~ERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06CD" "10700" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06CD" ~ERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06CD" "10800" "10900" '""'051W06CD" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC PAGE 6- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. 'llA MARION COUNTY PROPERTY OWNER MAP # TAXLOT fi ..... 051W06CD" "I 1100" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06CD" "11200" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06CD" "I 1300" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC ...... 051W06CD ..... 1400" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06CD" '" 1500" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06CD' .... 1600" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06CD .... 11700" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC '""'051W06DC" "(:0400" OREGON GOLF ASSOCIATI '""'051W06DC" "(:0500" TUKWlLA PARTNERS '""'051W06DC" "(:,0600" HALTON DEVELOPMENT LT '""'051W06DC" "(:0700" CHARITAR, DINA N & J S '""'051W06DC .... (:0800" JUDSON,DONALD R & RH0 """'051W06DC" "(:0900" TUKWlLA PARTNERS '""'051W06DC" "(:,1000" TUKWILA PARTNERS '""'051W06DC" "(:,1100" TUKWlLA PARTNERS(ACCESS ONLY) '""'051W06DC" "(::,1200" TUKWILA PARTNERS '""'051W06DC" "01300" TUKWlLA PARTNERS '""'051W06DC" "01400" TUKWILA PARTNERS '""'051W06DC" "01500" TUKWlLA PARTNERS '""'051W06DC" "01600'' TUKWlLA PARTNERS(ACCESS ONLY) '""'051W06DC" "01700" TUKWlLA PARTNERS '""'051W06DC" "01800" TUKWILA PARTNERS '""'051W06DC" "01900" TUKWlLA PARTNERS '""~)51W06DC" "02000" EDWARDS,CAROL ANN '""~)51W06DC" "02100" TUKWlLA PARTNERS '""~)51W06DC" "02200" PIERCE,DENNIS & BEECH '""'051W06DC" "02300" TUKWlLA PARTNERS(ACCESS ONLY) '""'051W06DC" "02400" ~,NDERSON,FLORENCE E F '""'051W06DC" "02500" TUKWILA PARTNERS '""'051W06DC" "02600" OREGON GOLF ASSOClATI '""'051W06DC" "02700" TUKWlLA PARTNERS(TENNIS/SWIMMING) '""'051W06DC" "02800" RENAISSANCE CUSTOM HOMES '""'051W06DC" "02900" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "03000" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "03100" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "03200" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "03300" RENAISSANCE CUSTOM HOMES '""'051W06DC" "03400" RENAISSANCE CUSTOM HOMES '""'051W06DC" "03500" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE PAGE 7- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. ' llA MARION COUNTY PROPERTY owNER MAP # TAXLOT # '""'051W06DC" "03600" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "03700" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "03800" UNITED pROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC .... 03900" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC .... 0~, 000" RENAISSANCE CUSTOM HOMES '""'051W06DC .... 04100" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "0~200" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "04300" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "04400" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "04500" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "04600" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "04700" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE ""'051W06DC" "0~,800" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "04900" iUNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W06DC" "0 ~X)0" !UNITED PROPERTIES(EMERG ACCESS) '""'051W07AA" "0 '300" TUKWILA PARTNERS(PED ACCESS), '""'051W07AA" "0 ,400" TUKWILA PARTNERS '""'051W07AA" "0;'500" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""~731W07AA" "0 '600" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""~51W07AA" "0 '700" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""~)51W07AA" "0' '800" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""~)51W07AA" "0' '900" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W07AA" "0~3000" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""~)51W07AA" "08100" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE :'""'051W07AA" "0~1200" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""~)51W07AA" "G k300" UNITED PROPERTIES (TOT LOT) '""'051W07AB" "0~200" RESCH,STEVE F JR & COL '""'051W07AB" "0~300" SMITH,CINDY A & '""'051W07AB" "00400" HAZELNUT A PARTNERS '""'051W07AB" "00500" HAZELNUT A PARTNERS '""'051W07AB" ',' ,0(7600" HAZELNUT A PARTNERS '""'051W07AB" "00700,, WITHERS LUMBER CO lNG '""'051'WOTAB" ",0(?800" HAZELNUT A PARTNERS '""'051WO7AB'' "01000" PARKHURST, GLENN D & B '""'051W07AB" "01100" THELEN,CHRISTOPHER H '""'051W07AB" "01200" EPPS, WILLIAM A '""'051W07AB" "01300" WALSH, SHARON F '""'051W07AB" "01,400"GRISELLvRANDY G & DIA '""'051W07AB" "01,500"HERSHBERGER,WARDE & P PAGE 8- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. *llA MARION COUN~TY PROPERTY OWNER MAP # TA],'LOT # '"'"'051W07AB" ", )1600" REID,O,LI,VER A & MARIE '""'051W07AB" "91700" WlETHORN,VALDON G & P '""'051W07AB" "01800" JAMESON,FRANK O JR & '""'051W07AB" "~ )1900" PHIPPS, SAM & MARYLU '""'051W07AB .... ~ ~2100" POLING, HARpER A & JAC '""'051W07AB" "1~2200" QUAN,SIU W """051W07AB" "~32300" KIGHT, LEONARD G & DEE '""'051W07AB" "~ ~2700" OREGON GOLF ASSOCIATI '""'051W07AB" "~ ~3100" OREGON GOLF ASSOCIATI .... 051W07AB .... (~3300" TUKWILA PARTNERS '""'051W07AB" "(13400" AIKEN,RONALD R 50% & 1'""'051W07AB" "1 13500" BREWER, JEFFERY P & TAWANA G ~'""'051W07AB" "~ 13600" WAGNER, MAVlN G & BONN '""'051W07AB" "(;13700"BARNES,JACK W & ROSIN '""'051W07AB" "(;13800" TUKWlLA PARTNERS(COMMON AREA) '""'051W07AB" "Ci3900"TUKWILA PARTNERS(COMMON AREA) '""~)51W07AB" "C ~000"BRADLEY, BERNADETTE '""'051W07AB" "C 4100" GIBBS TRUST, GIBBS ARDEN A TRUSTEES '""'051W07AB" "(~4200" HILL, RICHARD A & JANI '""~)51W07AB" "04300" BELLUM, RICHARD J & VI '""'051W07AB" "CH400" TUKWILA PARTNERS '""~351W07AB" "04500" WOODBURN CONSTRUCTION '""~51W07AB" "~" ZAUNER~CLIFFORD A & V '""~)51W07AB" "04700" TUKWILA PARTNERS(ACCESS) '""~)51W07AB" "04800" PATTERSON,EDWIN E & C '""'051W07AB" "04900" MORSE, RICHARD L & SHA '""'051W07AB" "05000" MONTGOMERY, JOHN & GAY '""'051W07AB" "05100" MISTRY,ASHISH N & RIT '""'051W07AB" "05200" TUKWILA PARTNERS '""'051W07AB .... 05300" TUKWILA PARTNERS '""'051W07AB" "05400" !TUKWILA PARTNERS .... 051W07AB" "05500" PAYNE, ROBERT D & PATR '""'051W07AB" "05600" POWERS,WILLIAM E & GL '""'051W07AB" "05700" MILLICAN, MARY L '""'051W07AB" "05800" KRAXBERGER,WILLIAM F '""'051W07AB" "05900" TUKWILA PARTNERS(COMMON AREA) '""'051W07AB .... q6000" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W07AB" ",Q6100"OWINGS, SANDRA LEE '""'051W07AB" "06200" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE PAGE 9- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. llA MARION COUNTY PROPERTY OWNER MAP # TAXLOT # '""'051W07AB .... ~300" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W07AB" "(~00" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051w07AB" "(~§00" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W07AB" "06600" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W07AB" "£6700" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W07AB" "(:6800" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W07AB" "(:6900" RENAISSANCE CUSTOM HOMES '""'0$1W07AB .... (:7000" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE ...... 051W07AB .... 07100"UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W07AB" "~17200" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W07AB" "d17300" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""'051W07AB" "07400" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE '""~:)51W07AC" "dO300" WOOSLEY, ROXLYN R-TRUS '""'051W07AC" "do400" VACHTER, BETTY S '""~51W07AC" "do500"ZEHRUNG, DON L & MANET '""'051W07AC" "00600" FILLMORE, KAY '""~}51W07AC" "do7oo" ZULEGER, ROBERT C & CA '""~:)51W07AC" "el 0800"OLSON,NORMA '""'051W07AC" "(}0900"DETERVlLLE, ROCHE J & '""~351W07AC" "ql000" STENLUND, BARRY& JACQ '""'051W07AC" "01001" DETERVlLLE, ROCHE J & '""~:)51W07AC" "d1100" GRINNELL, PHILLIP H & '""~351W07AC" "01200" MILNE,STANLEY D & PAT '""~)51W07AC" "01300" HEER, GARY& TERRIE J '""~351W07AC" "q1400" FLOMER~THOMAS J '""'051W07AC" "01500" BAKER,JOHN E & DELISA '""'051W07AC" "d1600" LARIOS, SALVADOR '""~51W07AC" "01700" JAMISON,THOMAS & GILL '""'051W07AC" '~31800" HOLCOMB,BURTON T & CA '""~351W07AC .... 01900" KRAITER, GENE P-& ELIZABETH '""~)51W07AC" "02000" SCHWAN,F MARTIN & JUD '""'051W07AC" "02100" TYLER, SANDRA R '""'051W07AC" ",0~200" HERMANSON,GLEN H '""'051W07AC" "02300" SAWYER, MARGARET BOONE , '""'051W07AC" "02400" MILLER FARM HOMEOWNER(SWIMMING) '""'051W07AC" "02500" HAZELNUT A PARTNERS '""'051W07AC" "02600" ?IAZELNUT A PARTNERS '""'051W07AC" "02700" IRONS,LLOYD & SVVEENEY '""'051W07AC" "02800" SEITZ, SUE ANN & MARTE PAGE 10- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. MARION cOuNTY PROPERTY OWNER MAP # TA~ :LOT # '""'051W07AC" "(12900" HENKES,RICHARD J & KA .... 051W07AC" "(,3000" HENNY, MILLARD T & I_AU '""'051W07AC" "03100" FABRE, HAROLD A & JO O '""'051W07AC" "(,3200" BAKER, JOHN E '""'051W07AC" "(3300" VIILLER FARM HOMEOWNER(ACCESS) '""'051W07BA" "00105" CITY OF WOODBURN '""'051W07BA" "(0200" WOODBURN ART LEAGUE '""'051W07BA" "(0300" WOODBURN ART LEAGUE '""'051W07BA" "¢ 0400" GORMAN,THOMAS P & HAR '""'051W07BA" "(0500" KWDS LLC & SEC VENTUR '""'051W07BA" "(;0500" KWDS LLC & SEC VENTUR '""'051W07BA" "(;0600" REHDER, DENNIS E ET AL '""'051W07BA" "(;0700" iCITY OF WOODBURN '""'051W07BA .... (;0800" ;CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIS '""'051W07BA" "(;0900" GASCHO,EUGENE R ETAL '""~51W07BA" "(;1000" GASCHO,EUGENE R & JUD '""'051W07BA" "01100" PACIFIC NW BELL TELEP '""'051W07BA" "01200" NAUTA, LOUIS P & RHONDA '""~){51W07BA" "01300"MILLER, STUART M & REBE ,, '""~51W07BA" "01400" NELSON,WARREN F & CAR '""'051W07BA" "01500" KRASKOFF, EVAN & ANNA '""'051W07BA" "01600" MONTGOMERY, LOUISE '""'051W07BA" "01700" SILVER, DONALD M & RUB '""X)51W07BA" ,01800" VACHTER, SCOTT J & RuT '""'051W07BA" "01900" CLARKJANIS H '""'051W07BA" "02000" MATHERS, HANNAH & BEA '""'051W07BA" "02100" MARTINFT,SILVERIO N J '""'051W07BA" "02200" JENNINGS,WlLLIAM J & '""'051W07BA" "02300" ALBRICH,MARY ELIZABET '""'051W07BA" "02400" CITY OF WOODBURN(DETENTION) '""'051W07BA" "02500" JENSEN,BRIAN F & AMAN .... 051W07BA" "02600" PICKETT, CHRISTOPHER L '""'051W07BA" "02700" PHELAN,BILLY W JR & D '""'051W07BA" "02800" WARD,BARRY WILLIAM '""'051W07BA" "02900" LEACH,MARK H '""'051W07BA" "03000" KREBEDUENKEL, DIETER K '""'051W07BA" "03100" SNEGIREV, lVAN '""'051W07BA" "03200" HATCH,EUGENE R & NANE '""'051W07BA" "03300" SONNEN,SlDNEY W PAGE 11- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. MARION COUNTY MAP # TAXLOT # '""'051W07BA" "03400" '""'051W07BA" '""'051W07BA" "03500" "0 00" ,,03~700,, '""'051W07BA" '""'051W07BA" "03800" '""~)51W07BA" "03900" '""'051W07BA" "~000" '""'051W07BA" "04100" '""'051W07BA" "04200" '""'051W07BA" "04300" I ' '""'051W07BA" "04400" '""'051W07BA" "04500" '""'051W07BA" '""'051W07BA" "0~4700" '""'051W07BA" "0~!800" '""'051W07BA" '""~)51W07BA" "04900" '""~51W07BA" "05100" '""'051W07BA" "d5200" '""I)51W07BA" "05300" '""~351W07BA" '""~351W07BA" "05500" '""~:)51W07BA" "05600" '"'~51W07BA" "05700" '""~351W07BA" "05800" '""~)51W07BA" "05900" '""'051W07BA" "06000" '""~)51W07BA" "06100" '""'051W07BA" "06200" .... 051W07BA" "06300" '""'051W07BA" "06400" '""'051W07BA" "06500" '""'051W07BA" "06600" '""'051W07BA" "06700" '""'051W07BA" "06800" '""'051W07BA" "06900" '""'051W07BA" "07000" '""'051W07BA" "07100" '""'051W07BA" "07200" PROPERTY OWNER MOLINA, LUIS R & LUZ M BROWN,JAMES D & LADON GUYTON,GARY & JOCELYN FORD, JENNIFER L PARRACI~RONALD G & SU CHADBURN,MICHAEL W LOPEZ, CHRISTINE V & BUNDYLEONARD&MARGA ATKINSON, JAMES T. ,ROWELL, LAYNE N SH EPHERD~ NADIN E WOLFGANG,ERICH H & DE TUPPER~KEVlN & PARTID CALLAHAN,BARBARA R HUNT, DAVID W & HELEN WRIGHT, PAUL G & CARRI GODINFT, MIGUEL & GRISELDA RITCHIE, CALVlNG & JE JACOBS,NANCY J PEQUENO,ISRAEL L & MA EELLS,ROCKY L MAYFIELD,,CHARLOTTE & ATVVOOD,KATHARINA & DO WATTS~ SHAWN M. & SKYE R. GONZALES,RONNIE N LISOFF,NICK ORTIZ, SYLVIA ARRDYO WIENEKE,CARL W & LORI :'EDERSON,NETTIE S 3ARTEL, RICHARD& JANE MCCAMPBELL,SEAN D & T VlORRISON,DWAYNE F COLEMAN,DIANA M HORTON,STEVEN E TORO,SABINO & SANDRA MILLER, STEVEN D & CYN YOUNG,REX S & KEENIN SONNEN,TY & SHERI L PALAFOX, HUMBERTO & WA PAGE 12- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. MARION COUNTY PROPERTY OWNER MAP fi TAXLOT fi .... 051W07BA" "~17300" MCDERMOTt, DAVID R ..... 051W07BA" "(17400"ROBERTS, RICHARD & MAR '""'051W07BA" "07500" ,HALTER,KAREN E '""'051W07BA .... (17600" ROEDEL,CARSTEN M '""'051W07BA" "£ r7700" TEMPLE,ANTHONY J & MA '""'051W07BA" "(17800" MICHELS,MICHELLE R & """051W07BA" "{:~7900" ANDERSON,WADE E & DIA """051W07BA" "£18000" KARP~SEAN D & MELANIE '""'051W07BA" "( ~8100" KOVAL,WALTERA& LOIS "'"'051W07BA" "£18200"POWERS,STEVE E & LYNE '""'051W07BA" "( ,8300" VELA, JULIO C & KIMBER '""'051W07BA" "(:,8400"BECHTOLD,JOHN E & KAR '""~)51W07BA" "(:8500" FIGUERAS,ANTHONY & MA '""'051W07BA" "(~8600" NEAL, BRUCE W & ANITA '""~)51W07BA" "l:8700" NEJEDLO,NICOLE '""'051W07BA" "1:.8800"WOLFE~LONNIE '""'051W07BA" "q8900" MALLON,DEAN A & SHELL '""'051w07BA" "09000" STUMPF, JERALD L & DEB '""'051W07BA" '~39100" BACKMAN,ERIC '""'051W07BA" "09200" BENAVlDFT~ .AMANDO III .... 051W07BA" "09300" LAUER~JOSH D & AMY '""'051W07BA" "09400" FLETCHER, JEFFEREY S & '""'051W07BA" "09500" HUTrUI_~ DAVID W & DORIS '"'~)51W07BA'' "09600" PARRACK~BRIAN C & PHY '""'051W07BA" "09700" BAILEY~RICHARD J JR & '""'051W07BA" "09800" LOFTIN,MARY M '""'051W07BA" "09900" BISHOFF~ DAVID J & ANGEl_AY ,'""'051W07BA" "10000" HUTTULA, DAVlD W & DOR """'051W07BA" "10100" WHITE,KERRY A & MELIS .... O51WO7BA" "10200" BERNHARDT. PATRICK W '""'051W07BA" "10300"GARClA-PEREZ, POLICARP .... 051W07BA" "10400" RYAN, DALE E & LAURA '""'051W07BA" "10500"ASTORG/~FELIpE & BENI ..... 051W07BA" "10600"ELLIOTT,TENLEY K & '""'051W07BA" "10700" HOLLAND,CATHERINE '""'051W07BA" "10800" FRONTIER HOMES LLC, WADE, ROBERT '""'051W07BA" "110900" PARSONS,JIM P & DIAND '""'051W07BA" "11000" HIDDEN CREEK APARTMEN '""'051W07BA" "11100" TAYLOR~TRACY L PAGE 13- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. llA MARION COUNTY PROPERTY OWNER MAP # TAXLOT # '""'051W07BA" ";I 1200"SANDSTRUM HOMES INC '""'051W07BA" "~ 1300" FLEMING,DAVID K & STEPHANIE L '""'051W07BA" "i 1400" BOWMAN,BRUCE E & JO ANN L '""'051W07BA" "~1500" SANDSTRUM HOMES INC '""'051W07BA" "~ 1600" FREDIANI,FRED A JR '""'051W07BA" "'1700" ROTH,DONALD C &','ROTH,DIANE J '""'051W07BA" " 1800" ,SANDSTRUM HOMES INC '""'051W07BA" "' 1900" BRANNOCK, DUNYA "!2000" BROWN,JOHN C & HAYDIE '""'051W07BA" "'~ JONES,JEFFERY S & '""'051W07BA" 2100" '""'051W07BA" "~ ~:~00" DESSELLIER, BRUCE R&DESSELLIER,JAMIE J '""'051W07BA" "i 2300"FaANKEY, MARCUS '""~351W07BA" "i2400" SANDSTRUM HOMES INC '""'051W07BA" "12500" HUTTULA, DAVlD W & DORIS '""~)51W07BA" "i 2600"BAILEY, JAIME L '""~)51W07BA" "12700" OSBURNE,NATHAINEL R & '""'051W07BA" "~12800" CALLISON,JACK F JR & '""'051W07BA" "12900" CHARLES,CHERYL A '""~3~31W07BA''' "~13000" ARELLANO,GUADALUPE & '""1)51W07BA" "~3100" FERNANDO,LUIS '""'051W07BA" "~t3200" MOESER, CHAD L &,SANDR '""~)51W07BA" "113300"KILMURRAY, PAMELA &KILMURRAY, MICHAEL '""~351W07BA" "13400" QUAN,MON Y & '""~)51W07BA" "13500" WEMLINGEI~MARJORIE SU '""~351W07BA" "113600" BLACKNIAN,BRIAN P '""~)51W07BA" "113700"GILMORE, BRIAN J & ANT '""'051W07BA" "113800" HUTTULA~DAVlD W & DOR '""~)51W07BA" "~139(X)" KULIKOV, PATTY P '""~)51W07BA" "114000" 'RUIZ,ALBERTO & MARGAR '""'051W07BA" "14100" CHAMBERLAIN,RICHARD D & BETH '""'051W07BA" ";14200" SANDSTRUM HOMES INC '""'051W07BA" "~14300" SANDSTRUM HOMES INC '""~)51W07BA" ";14400"GREEN,ROBERT C JR '""'051W07BA" "14500" FlSCHER, JOYCE M '""'051W07BA" "':14600" HERRIGES, GREGORY C & REBEKAH L '""'051W07BA" "14700" ANDERSON,ERIC JOHN& DAWN SHANNON '""'051W07BA" "14800" BOETTCHER, PAUL A JR & '""'051W07BA" "14900" BOLSTER, ROBERT A & '""'051W07BA" "~5000" GRAMZOW, ROBERT W & CA PAGE 14- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. 'llA MARION COUNTY PROPERTY OWNER MAP # TAXLOT # '""'051W07BA' .... 5100" HUTCHINGS,DA LORA C & DOLORES G '""'051W07BA" "' 5200" GIROD,TERESAD '""'051W07BA .... !5300" TUCKER,TERRY L '""'051WO7BA" '" 5400" ARNDT, STEPHEN A &','ARNDT, DIANE L '""'051W07BA' .... 5500" ARMSTRONG,JOHN R '""'051W07BA" '" 5600" CU77ONE,DAVlD E &','CU77ONE,PATRICIA A '""'051W07BA" '" 5700" MCMURPHY, GERALD L & MARY E .... 051W07BA ..... 5800" MCCLAUGHERTY, NICHOLAS& CATHERINE '""'051W07BA" '" 6000" ELLIOI-r, GREGORY L '""'051W07BA" " 6100" JONCICH,SARABELLE I '""'051W07BA" "4 6200" JONCICH,SARABELLE I '""'051W07BA" "1 6300" MCFARLAND, SCOI-r & SI-IA '""'051W07BA" "1 6400" SNEGIREV,VASSA '""'051W07BA" "16500" HANDRAN,TROY A & MELO '""~)51W07BA" "~;16600" SNEGIREFF,VASlLY & ANASTASIA A '""'051W07BA" "16700" KHAMPHILAVONG,SAM & '""'051W07BA" "16800" STONE,JERRY L &','STONE, KAREN A '""'051W07BA" "16900''WOOLBRIGHT,WESLEY L & '""'0~IW07BC" "17300" JOHNSTON,TERRY A '""'051W07BC .... 17400" VAN VELDHUIZEN,DONALD & BELINDA C '""'051W07BC" "17500" TOWN GROUP INC, THE '""'051W07BC" "17600" ,VlAMETIEV, ALEX& ELIZA °""'051W07BC" "17700" TOWN GROUP INC, THE '""~51W07BC" "17800" MYERS,STEWART & HEATH '""'051W07BC" "17900" STRUTHERS,ARCHIE A & '""'051W07BC" "18000" GULLARD,MURRAY M & CA '""'051W07BC" "18100" JAMES,RANDY L & KAREN '""'051W07BC" "18200" BOECKMAN,DONNA K '""'051W07BC" "18300" AMICK~JOSEPH H & SHIR '""'051W07BC" "18400" LARSEN,THOMAS J & '""'051W07BC" "18500" BARTH,DENISE R '""'051W07BC" "18600" BRANNON,TONYA D-ETAL '""'051W07BC" "18700" PFAU,WlLLIAM &','PFAU,GWENDOLYN '""'051W07BC" "18800" NULL, JEFFREY P & ROCH '""'051W07BC" "18900" MASTERSON,MARC S & CAROLYN J '""'051W07BC" "19000" POLONSKI,ANDRES & MAZ '""'051W07BC" "19100" NG,HENRY W '""'051W07BC" ";19200"BOURN~JERRY &','BOURN,JANET '""'051W07BC" "19300" NICHOLS~BERNARD J JR PAGE 15- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. llA MARION cOuNTY PROPERTY OWNER MAP # TAXLOT # '""'051W07BC" "49400" PEROI-[,I,~RR¥,,J~& HAT '""'051W07BC" "19500" HAWES,NEAL A & LAURIE '""'051W07BC" "19600" BAKER,AARON DAVID ..... 051W07BC" "19700" M D CASE ..... 051W07BC .....9800" M D CASE '""'051W07BD" "C0100" SAALFELD,DONALD F &','SAALFELD,TOBI,N L "'"'051W07BD" "C0200" GASCHO,EUGENE R & JUDITH ET AL '""'051W07BD" "C, 0200" GASCHO,EUGENE R & JUDI '""'051W07BD" "C0300" GASCHO,EUGENE & JUDITH ...... 051W07BD" "C0400" GASCHO,EUGENE R & JUDI '""'051W07BD" "C0500" LINDSTROM,DONALD E '""'051W07BD .... C0600" AHO,ARMAS & ELLA L '""'051W07BD" "C0700" MILLER FARM HOMEOWNER '""'051W07BD" "C0800" BARR,WILLIAM S & MARY '""~351W07BD" "C0900" MCMULLEN,LAWRENCE H & DIANE '""'051W07BD" "C,1000" BRACl~BEVERLY JOAN LIVING TRUST, BRACK~BEVERLY JOAN TRUSTEE '""'001W07BD" "C ~1100" MILLER FARM HOMEOWNER '""'051W07BD" "C,1200"HUSSEMAN,KENNETH L & '""~)51W07BD" "C,1300"POORMAN,DON A & DIANA '""'051W07BD" "C,1400" HADER~WILLIAM E & MAR '""~:X51W07BD"' "C4500"SEAMAN,BETTY M & '""'051W07BD" "C,1600" HAZELNUT A PARTNERS '""~:)51W07BD" "C,1700"MILLER FARM HOMEOWNER '""'051W07BD" "C,1800" HAZELNUT A PARTNERS '""'051W07BD" "01900'" HAZELNUT A PARTNERS '""'051W07BD" "02000" HAZELNUT A PARTNERS '""'051W07BD" "02100" HAZELNUT A PARTNERS '""'051W07BD" "02200" TUKVVlLA HOMEOWNERS AS '""'051W07BD" "02600" HENRYS FARM HOMEOWNER '""'051W07BD" "02700" GEMMA, ELiZABETH A '""'051W07BD" "02800" WILHELEM,NEIL '""'051W07BD" "02900" ATKINSON~JAMES T & LA '""'051W07BD .... 03000" HUBENTHAL,ALLEN L & L '""'051W07BD" "03100" LOSCUTOFF,ELIZABETH '""'051W07BD" "03200" HAMMACK, GARY D & ROSE '""'051W07BD" "03300" ASBURY, JULIE A '""'001W07BD" "03400" BOYD,VIRGIL A &SHARRO '""'001W07BD" "03500" KIRI~EUGENE A PAGE 16- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. 'llA MARION COUNTY PROPERTY OWNER MAP # TA)',LOT # '""'051W07BD" "~ 13600" CHADWICI~ELLIS W TRUS '""'051W07BD" "~ ~3700" WOLCO~-r, MARTIN W &','WOLCO I I,PAULA K '""'051W07BD" "03800" TOWN GROUP INC, THE '""'051W07BD" "1t3900" FARIA, MELVIN A & MARl '""'051W07BD" "~ t4000" ZANE,TERENCE A & MONI '""'051W07BD" "1 )4100" WISE,JUDITH A '""'051W07BD" "()4200" KAYSER, SUZANN J "'"'051W07BD" "1 ~4300" iBANDELOW, ROBERT A & E '""'051W07BD" "i )4400" HIM,HENG &','HIM,DOMINIQUE A '""'051W07BD" "~)4500" OSTERGAARD,DEWARD J & '""~351W07BD" ,,1 )4600" MORALES,SALVADOR &','MORALES,IMELDA '""'051W07BD" ", )4700" JOHNSON,ROBERT J JR & '"'051W07BD" "~H800" KLIEN~W. ILLIAM R & PAM '""'051W07BD" "~ )4900" WEGENER~HELEN D '""'051W07BD" "~ )5000" JOY, STEVEN & THERESA ,--,051W07BD,, ",15100" BARNEKOFF,GREG '""'051W07BD" '" )5200" HERMANSEN,SONIA N & M '""'051W07BD" ")5300" WUBBEN,COURTNEY G & B '""~351W07BD" "' )5400" NGUYEN,TAM & THERESA '""'051W07BD" " )5500" AGEE~WlLLAS D & '""'051W07BD" ")5600" TOWN GROUP INC~ THE' :'""~351W07BD" "05700"IGNACIO~MURILLO ET AL '""'051W07BD" "~5800" JONES~RAYMOND A & CHR '""~351W07BD" "05900'' VARGAS,JORGE A & DIAN '""'051W07BD" "06000" LARAMORE,EDWARD A & P ?""'051W07BD" "~06100" CORTINAS,OFELICA G '""'051W07BD" "06200" TOWN GROUP INC, THE '""'051W07BD" "06300" TOWN GROUP INC, THE '""'051W07BD" "06400" TOWN GROUP INC, THE '""'051W07BD" "06500" M L MILLER CONSTRUCTION '""'051W07BD" "06600" TOWN GROUP INC, THE '""'051W07BD" "06700" HENRYS FARM HOMEOWNER (COM. AREA) '""'051W07BD" "06800" HENRYS FARM HOMEOWNER (COM. AREA) '""'051W07BD" "06900" HENRYS FARM HOMEOWNER (COM. AREA) '""'051W07BD" "07000" BURLACHENKO,ANDREY & NATALYA '""'051W07BD" "07100" VELIZ, RODOLFO & CANDE '""'051W07BD" "07200.. iTOWN GROUP INC, THE '""'051W07BD" "07300" TOWN GROUP INC~ THE '""'051VV07BD" "07400"TOWN GROUP INC, THE PAGE 17- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. 11A MARION COUNTY PROPERTY OWNER MAP # TA) LOT # '""'051W07BD" "(~7500" TOWN GROUP.INC, THE '""'051W07BD .... C7600" TOWN GROUP INC, THE '""'051W07BD" "07700" TOWN GROUP INC, THE I '""'051W07BD" "07800" GRUBB,MICHAEL S & REB ,! .... 051WO7BD .... C7900" GAUTHIER, PETER J & KA '""'051W07BD .... C8000" DUENES~THOMAS A&BELL,VVENDY ANN 112 ea. '""'051W07BD .... C8100" FLETCHER~IRVIN H & EV '"'"051WOTBD" "C8200" DORN,DANIEL A & CATHE REDUCED ACCESS PROPERTIES MARION COUNTY PROPERTY OWNER MAP # TA) LOT # '""'051W07AA" "C~0100" LEE, KIMBERLY A & HOCK '""'051W07AA" "C~0200" SMITH,CARL J & '""'051W07AA" "(~0300"ASHLEY, BENJAMIN A & J '""'051W07AA" "C~0400" SCHRENK, RONALD H & LI '""'051W07AA" "~0500" HANEBERG, ERIC B & PAM '""'051W07AA" "C~0600"HENDRICKS, KEVIN M & K '""'051W07AA" "(~0700" KOEPPING, pAUL R & KRI '""'051W07AA" "(~0800"GLAVNIK~NIKOLAY & LYU '""'051W07AA" "00900" WOLFER~JON A & DEBRA '""'051W07AA" "01000" NIELSEN,SHANNON T & R '""'051W07AA" "01100" SEETHOFF,PATRICK M & '""'051W07AA" "01200" FREY, KENNETH '""'051W07AA" "01300" BERRY, MICHAEL D & '""'051W07AA" "01400" BLOMBERG~WALTER M'& N '""'051W07AA" "01500" KITCHEN~FLOYD E & BRE '""'051W07AA" "01600" LUNEKE, KEITH E & BEVERLY L '""'051W07AA" "01700" CHRISTOFF,DAVID J & J '""'051W07AA" "01800" REINHARDT,JOHN A & RE '""'051W07AA" "01900" BARBOUR, MARGARET J & '""'051W07AA" "02000" MARCO'I-rE-LING,JULIA F '""'051W07AA" "02100" BEAM,THOMAS L &','BEAM, SUZAN T '""'051W07AA" "02200" CENTEX HOMES '""'051W07AA'' "02300" ANDERSON,jAMES S & MARILYN J '""'051W07AA" "02400" CENTEX HOMES '""'051W07AA .... 02500" CENTEX HOMES '""'051W07AA" "02600" BEC-rS,DONALD G &','BETTS,TERESA L '""'051W07AA" "02700" CENTEX HOMES PAGE 18- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. 'llA MARION COUNTY pROpERTY OWNER MAP # TAXLOT # '""'051W07AA" "02800" SHUMWAY, DAVID L & SALLY J ..... 051WO7AA .... 02900..JONES,JANICE I & DAVl '""'051W07AA" "03000" CENTEX HOMES , '""'051W07AA" "03100" CENTEX HOMES '""'051W07AA" "~3200" RIFFLE.DAVID S & LIND '""'051W07AA .... 03300" SHIM.HYONG W & MI YOU '""'051W07AA" "03400" DOOLEY, MICHAEL R & MA '""'051WO7AA" "03500" MILLER. MARl LEE '""'051WO7AA" "03600" MAXWELL. MICHAEL P & PATRICIA J '""'051WOTAA" "(~3700"WINDER, SHANE R & MICH '""'051W07AA" "(~3800" KAPSSOF. BILL& NOREEN '""'051W07AA" "03900" TORRES~MARIA L & '""'051W07AA" "(~4000"TELEUSHOV~IMASH Y '""'051W07AA" "(~4100"HANNON,JAY E & SALLY '""~)51W07AA" ",0~.200" CARR, KEVlN M & LISA H '""'051W07AA" "04300" SNOWHILL, GRANT W & JA '""'051W07AA" ",04400" BLANKE,DAVlD E '""'051WO7AA" "04500" KlM.ANNA B .--.051W07AA,. -04600.. HULSTROM,JO'HNR '""~351W07AA" 'i04700" SWANNACK, ROBERT D & A '""'051W07AA" ",04800" SMITH~LAURETTA F :'""'051W07AA" "04900" DEL CASTILLO~JESUS & '""~351WO7AA" "05000'' JAYNES,PEGGY A '""'051WO7AA" "05100" STUART~ROBERTA& CAT '""'051W07AA" "05200" BROWN,CURTIS L & ERIN '""'051W07AA" '"05300" STEPHENS~LAURENCE H & CRISTINE G '""'051W07AA" "05500" IRONWOOD AT TUCKWlLA(TOT LOT) '""'051W07AA" "05600" KENT,SANTIAGO A & KEL '""'051W07AA" "05700" BANUELOS,ROSA E & '""'051W07AA" "05800" CASS,DENNIS & LINDA L '""'051W07AA" "05900" ADKINS,RONALD L &','ADKINS,KATHY J '""'051W07AA" "06000" BROOKFIELD,JOHN M '""'051W07AA" "06100" NEWBURY, DOUGLAS T & J '""'051W07AA" "06200" VELIZ, RAUL JR & MARIE '""'051W07AA" "06300" NUSS~CHARLES H &','NUSS~SUSAN M' '""'051W07AA" "06400" IVES,DAVID C &','IVES,HEATHER L '""'051W07AA" ",06500" SHUBIN~GEORGE JR & TA '""'051W07AA" "06600" CARIGNAN,ROGER & JULI '""'051W07AA" "06700" VELASCO~ARMANDO A & D PAGE 19- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. I T I llA MARION COUNTY PROPERTY OWNER MAP # TAX LOT # '""'051W07AA .... (]6800" WHITEHURSTiN,ORMAN A '""'051W07AA" "(] 6900" PEDDICORD,CHRISTOPHER '""'051W07AA" "dTooo" SCHIEDLER, CURTIS G & '""'051W07AA .... 07100" TOMPKINS,MICHELLE D & SAKAI,GEORGE JOJI '""'051W07AA .... (]7200" MILLER, SHAWN L & CHRI '""'051W08BB" ';(] 0100 CAMACHO,ROSA C '""'051W08BB" "(]0200 FELLER,JAMES P & MAR '""'051W08BB" "(]0300 MITCHELL,TODD M '""'051W08BB .... (]0400 MI ,TTMANN,HUBERTUS J '""'051W08BB" "(]0500 SPRECHER,THOMAS W & '""'051W08BB" "(]0600 MINOR, GARY J & '""'051W08BB" "(]0700 STUCKI, vBERKLEY K &','STUCKI,ANGELA J '""~351W08BB" "(]0800 MCCALLUM,PETER J &'~'MCCALLUM,ILA F '""'051W08BB" "(]0900 DOZIER~STACIE L '""~51W08BB" "01000 MONTGOMERY, ARTHUR J '""~)51W08BB" "(] 1100 ROTH,RONALD D & EILEEN L '""~51W08BB" "(]1200 WALLACE~THOMAS J TRU '""'051W08BB" "(~1300 GRIMALDI,BOBBI L & P '""~)51W08BB" "(]1400 HEIDE,MICHAEL DEAN '""~51W08BB" "(]1500 TAYLOR, DORIAN D '""'051w08BB" "(]1600 POTTER, RANDALL J '""~51W08BB" "(]1700 MORELAND,DONNA M & J '""~351W08BB" "01800 OLSEN,BRANDON A & RA '""~)51W08BB" "02000 CANTU,JOHN SR & ALMA & JOHN A JR '""'051W08BB" "02100 COX, JEFFREY D & MARG '""~51W08BB" "02200 STERLING,MARK D &','STERLING,MARCIA '""~51W08BB" "02300 HINDMAN,LOUIS E '""~351W08BB" "02400 JAMISON,GILBERT D & SHIRLEY K '""~351W08BB" "02500 SANDERS,LON L &','SANDERS,PEGGY S '""~)51W08BB" "02600 MORTENSEN,JAMES V & '""'051W08BB" "02700 BAXLEY, RICHARD A & '""'051W08BB" "02800 ELLINGSON~DAVID B & KIMBERLY '""'051W08BB" "02900 LASSER, PETER R &','LASSER, JUDY D '""'051W08BB" "03000 KUZNETSOV, ANTONI K & EKATERINA '""'051W08BB" "03100 SCHMIDT, BRANDON J &','SCHMIDT~ELAINE M '""'051W08BB"' "03200 LUN~RICK L & SHEPPA '""'051W08BB" "03300 BEYERvBRIAN D & SARA '""'051W08BB" "03400 KIM,ANDREY S & EUNAH '""'051W08BB" "03500 MAGRUDER, KIMBERLY A PAGE 20- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. llA MARION COUNTY MAP # TAXLOT tt '""'051W08BB" "03600 '""'051W08BB" '""'051W08BB" '""'051W08BB" ..... '051W07AB" ..... '051W07AB" PROPERTY OWNER GRAFF,GERALD II & BR "03700 GROVE,DEREK& MICHEL "03800" FOX, AARON J & AMY E "0,3900" BAUMAN,JERRY "02600" TUKWlLA PARTNERS "02601" TUKWlLA PARTNERS "03200" TUKWlLA PARTNERS '"'051W07AB" SECTION 5. PROPERTY CATEGORY FOR BENEFIT DETERMINATION, ASSESSMENT METHOD, COST DISTRIBUTION TO BENEFITTED PROPERTIES:I A. PROPERTY CATEGORY FOR BENEFIT DETERMINATION: FULL ACCESS PROPERTIES: All properties within the district boundary that do not qualify for a reduced access property designation REDUCED ACCESS: Thc residential properties within thc district boundary that are served by Hazelnut Drive, and located south and southeast of the intersection of Tukwila Drive with Hazelnut Drive. These properties have the privilege of utilizing Front Street, minor arterial as their primary route, and these properties may be subject to a portion of Front Street improvement assessment at a furore date. DIRECT ACCESS: Properties, which have direct ingress and egress access onto Boones Ferry, shall be assessed an additional cost for approach installation Be METHOD OF ASSESSMENT 25% of the project cost will be distributed against the properties having structure(s) built on them or planned to have structures built on them at a future date be based on property area. The remaining 75% of the project cost will be distributed to all properties based on the impact created by the property that quantified by the vehicle trips generated. (Note: Trips generated by different uses are outlined in the Institute of Transportation Engineers) PAGE 21- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. Ce COST DISTRIBUTION TO BENEFITED PROPERTIES 1. FULL ACCESS PROPERTIES: Since these properties will utilize the proposed improvements as a primary route, these properties will be assessed 100% &the calculated assessment mount. The assessment amount for these properties will be calculated using the combination of property area and trip generation method stated earlier. 2. REDLIcED ACCESS PROPERTIES: Since these properties do have another prim~3~ route available, the amounts of these assessments will be reduced, based on the amount of benefit received. The r~duced benefit will be calculated at 65% of full access properties. The reduction is based on a traffic analysis provided for the specific area, which identifies 65% of the generated traffic will utilize Boones Ferry Road. DIRECT ACCESS PROPERTIES: Full access properties, that have direct access onto Boones Ferry, will be assessed a flat rate amount for the installation of the driveway approach to their property. REDUCTION OF ASSESSMENTS DUE TO SPECIFIC FUNDING: When dermal funds are received by the city, such as developer contribution, it shall be us~xl to reduce the assessments of specified properties. SECTION 6. ENGINEERS PROJECT COST ESTIMATE Estimated cost of the Boones Ferry from Goose Creek to Country Club Street Improvement Cost = Underground Existing Utilities = Sub total = $ 341,590 $150,O00 $ 491,590 Estimated cost of the Boones Ferry from Country Club to Vanderbeck Street Improvement Cost = Underground Existing Utilities = Sub total = $ 325,793 $144,000 $ 469,793 C. Estimated cost of the Boones Ferry PAGE 22- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. Estimated cost of the Boones Ferry from Vanderbeck to Hazelnut Drive Street Improvement Cost Underground Existing Utilities Sub total TOTAL PROJECT COST = $ 313,364 = $ lOO,OOO = $ 413,364 Note: Estimated costs include 10 % for contingency & administration SECTION 7. A. COST ALLOCATION FOR FUNDING SUPPORT PROJECT COST TO BE ALLOCATED TO THE CITY (Costs which are not to be assessed) Estimated capacity cost for additional 14 feet of width and additional structural Thickness a. Goose Creek to Country Club b. Country Club to Vanderbeck c. Vanderbeck to Hazelnut Dr. Capacity Cost Total Two thirds of the estimated cost for undergrounding the utilities Goose Creek to Country Club Coumry Club to Vanderbeck Vanderbeck to Hazelnut Dr. 2/3 Undergrounding Cost Total TOTAL CITY SUPPORT $ 99,630 $ 95,023 $ 91,398 = $ 286,051 $100,000 $ 96,000 $ 66,667 = $ 262,667 Be PROJECT COST ALLOCATED TO BENEFITTED PROPERTIES 25% of the project cost be distributed against the properties based on area, (square footage of property). PAGE 23- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. = $204,257 llA llA 75% of the project cost be distributed to all properties based on vehicle trips generated, property impact. $612,772 Approach cost will be distributed to property which requires the approach based on a flat rate fee of $500 each. $ 9,000 TOTAL BENEFITED PROPERTY SUPPORT SECTION 9. UNIT DETERMINATION FOR METHOD OF ASSESSMENT. AREA UNIT: Based on total square footage of individual parcel or lot. Calculated the same for both developed or underdeveloped p~toperty. TRIP GENERATION UNIT: Trip units are based on the trip generation rates as determined by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manuel, 6* Edition. Developed property is assigned a trip rate based on the current use. Trip units on vacant property, which have received land use approval either conceptual or final, have been based on the projected trips for the approved use. Single Family Residential 9.57 trips/mt (100%) 6.22 trips/unit (65%) Multi Family/Duplex = 6.63 trips/unit Golf Course = 5.04 trips/acre Ce Planned Unit Development UNIT AREA COST 46.78 trips/acre (100%) 30.54 trips/acre (65%) Total adjusted area of properties within the district 6,548,992sq.ff. PAGE 24- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. 1lA The project assessment cost to be distributed using property area. (25% of project cost to be assessed) $ 204,257 3. Cost per square foot = $O.03/sq. fi. D. UNIT VEHICLE TRIP COST Total number vehicle trips generated Within the entire district. 8611trips The project assessment cost to distributed using vehicle trips (75% of project cost to be assessed) $612,772 Cost per vehicle trip = $71.16Arip SECTION 10. DISTRIBUTION OF COST ALLOCATION TO BENEFITED PROPERTIES IMPROVEMENT COST ALLOCATED TO ASSESS~ME~ DISTRICT PROPERTIES. Standard Residential Street Improvemem Cost To Be Assessed Against The Benefiting Properties. = $ 679,729 One Third Of The Estimated Cost For Undergrounding The Utilities. Goose Creek to Country Club Country Club to Vanderbeck Vanderbeck to Hazelnut Dr. $ 50,000 $ 48,000 $33,333 Undergrounding Total = IMPROVEMENT COST TO BE ALLOCATED TO ASSESSMENT DISTTICT PROPERTIES = (Includes 15 approaches ~ $500.00 each) $131,333 PAGE 25- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. 11A PROJECT COST ALLOCATION TO PROPERTIES OUTSIDE OF THE CITY BOUNDARY BUT WITHIN THE URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY: Method Of assessment is based on same distribution as properties within the assessment district. Propertie~ Outside Assessment District But Within Urban Growth Boundary = TO BE ~UNDED BY UGBSDC FEES = (Includesl 3 approaches ~ $500.00 each) (Includesi undergrounding cost share) TOTAL COST DISTRIBUTION TO BENEFITED PROPERTIES = $14,967 $14:967 SECTION 11. REDUCTION OF ASSESSMENTS DUE TO SPECIFIC FUNDING RECEIVED i Defined developer contributions of $65,500 is to be used to equally reduce the assessmer~t amount of all lots in Heritage Park Subdivision as per agreement. SECTION 12. END1VIDUAL ESTIMATED PROPERTY ASSESSEMNTS Ae PROPERTIES WITH FULL ACCESS AND DIRECT ACCESS; 100% ASSESS~IENT BASED ON AREA OF PROPERTY AND TRIPS GENERATED. NO DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION AREA I KiP MAP & TAX LOT PROPERTY OWNER APPROACH ASSESSMENT NO. COST RATE COST ~ COST TOTAL Ssoo EA. PROPERTIES WITH DIRECT ACCESS "051W07AB"'00200"IRESCH,~TEVE F ,JR & COL $487.21 $500.00 $681.03 $1,669.17 "051W07AB'"'00300", SMITH,CINDY A & $652.79 $500.00 $681.03 $1,835.06 "051W07BA"'00200" WOODBURN ART LEAGUE $~.~.9.23 $500.00 $681.03 $1,631.12 "051W07BA'"00300" WOODBURN ART LEAGUE $298.84 $500.00 $1,021.54. $1,820.95 "051W07BA"~7:J00" GASCH0,EUGENE R ETAL $1,357.87 $500.00 $3,131.15! $4,991.62 "051W07BA'"01000" GASCH0,EUGENE R & JUD $2,086./! $500.00 $3,131.15 $5,721.92 "051W07BA"011IX)" PACIFIC NW BELL TE[I=p $1,071.23 $1,000.00 $6E~1.03 $2,754.31 "051W07BA'"'01200" NAUTA~LOUIS P & RHONDA $678.69 $500.00 $681.03 $1,861.01 "051W07BA'"01300" MILLER, STUART M & REBE $1,208.73 $1.000.00 $681.03 $2,892.07 PAGE 26- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. 'llA MAP & TAX LOT PROPERTY OWNER AREA APPROACH TRIP ASSESSMENT NO. COST RATE COST ~} COST TOTAL $soo EA. "051W07BD'"'00100" SAALF~LD,DONALD& TOBINi $873.43 $500.00 $(381.03 $2,05S.13 "051W07BD'"'00400" GASCH0,EUGENE R & JUDI $1,048.10 $,500.00 $3,131.1§ $4,681.26 "0§lW07BD'"'00500" LINDSTROM,DONALD E $713.52 $$00.00 $681.03 $1,895.91 "0§lW07BD'"'00600" AHO,ARMA$ & ELLA L $708.94 $${30.00 $681.03 $1,891.33 $11,63S.35 $7,$00.00 $16,544.2 $35,701.86 Be PROPERTIES WITH FULL ACCESS: 100% ASSESSMENT BASED ON AREA OF PROPERTY AND TRIPS GENERATED. WITH DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION TRIP REDUCTION TOTAL WITH ASSESSMENT AREA RATE DEVELOPER COST MAP & TAX LOT NO. PROPERTY OWNER COST COST CONTRIBUTION · PROPERTIES WITHOUT DIRECT ACCESS '"051W06CD'"'00100" MILLER,ALLEN $232.29 $681.03 $0.00 $913.76 "051W06CD'"'00200" RUDD, KENNTH M. $187.24 $681.03 $0.00 $868.63 "051W06CD'"~0300" M-C BUILDERS INC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051w06CD'"'00400" MEND,E.Z, JESUS $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"~30500" SCHMITZ, JULIA MILLER $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.1..6 "051W06CD'"'00600" ,HAMBERGER,JESSE $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 GRAHAM "051W06CD'"'00700" DELBRIDGE, DOROTHY A & $186.78 $681.03 $8.00 $868.16! STAN "051W06CD'"'00800" ALBRIGHT, GARY J & $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 LESLIE A. "051W06CD'"'00900" GUSTAFSON,DAVID M $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'01000" M-C BUILDERS INC $186.87 $881.031 $0.0{3 $868.25 "051W06CD""01100" ARELI~ANO FERNAND & $208.35 $681.03 $0.0(:] $889.77 SANDY "051W06CD'"'01200" MILLER, GARY LEE LLC $260.74 $681.03 $0.0G $942.27 "051W06CD'"'01300" MATYEEV, DIMITRY & $202.44 $681.03 $0.0~ $883.85 USTINA "051W06CD'"'01400" CHARLESWORTH,JARED W $187.90 $681.03 $0.00 $869.28 "051W06CD'"'01500" M-C BUILDERS INC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 PAGE 27- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. I T I 11A Map and Tax Lot ! Owner Area Trip Reduction Total "051W06CD'"'01600" M-C B~ILDERS INC $186.78: $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'01700" M-C BUILDERS INC( $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 DETENTION) "051W06CD'"'01800'' M-C B01LDERS INC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'01900" MCGII~!N.IS,BARBARA MILL $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'02000" MCGIr INIS,BARBARA MILL $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'02100" M-C B~JILDERS INC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'02200" M-C B;JILDERS INC $187.84 $681.03 $0.00 $869.22 "051W06CD'"'02300" MILLE ~,,ALLEN $227.09 $681.03 $0.00 $908.55 "051W06CD'"'02400" THOM ~SON,VERN $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"~)2500" M-C Bi IILDERS INC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'02600" M-C BiJILDERS INC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 q351W06CD'"'02700" M-C BiIILDERS INC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"~)280ff' M-C BiIILDERS INC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'02900" M-C B!IILDERS INC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'03(X)(Y' M-C B JILDERS INC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"~33100" MILLE {,ALLEN $227.46 $681.03 $0.00 $908.92 q351W06CD'"~k3200" MILLE ~,,DONALD $256.29 $681.03 $0.00 $937.81 q351W06CD'"~33300" BOSQi IEZ GUSTAVO E & $189.92 $681.03 $0.00 $871.31 ' AYDA '~)51W06CD'"~33400" M-C BUILDERS INC $189.92 $681.03 $0.0(] $871.31 '~351W06CD"~)3500" BRAVO TEODORO & $189.92 $681.03 $0.0~ $871.31 GONZ~ES ANDRES 'X)51W06CD'"'03600" M-C SI~ILDERS INC $189.92 $681.03 $0.00 $871.31 '~51W06CD'"m700" M-C B~JILDERS INC $189.89 $681.03 $0.0(3 $671.28 '~)51W06CD'"~3800" RIOS, tALFEDO & SHIRLEY $247.54 $681.03 $0.0(3 $929.04 "051W06CD'"~)3900" MILLE~,JOHN R-TRUST $257.50 $681.03 SO.Off $939.02 ~"051w06CD'"'04000" MORALES, MIQUEL & LUZI $189.89 $681.03 $0.00 $871.28 & JOSE A "051W06CD'"'04100" VBS CONST & STATSENKO $189.92 $681.03! $0.00 $871.31 VALDIMAR "~)51W06CD'"~)4200" MIRANDA, EVELIO & NOEM $189.92 $681.03 $0.00 $871.31 "051W06CD'"'04300" MILLER, DONALD' $189.92 $681.03 $0.00 $871.31 "051W06CD'"'04400" MILLER, DONALD $189.92 $681.03 $0.00 $871.31 '~)51W06CD'"'04500" FIOCCHI,JOHN J & $246.55 $681.03 $0.00 $928.041 '~)51W06CD'"'0460(~' FIOCCHI,JOHN J & $226.44 $681.03 $0.00 $907.901 "051W06CD'"'04700" M-C BUILDERS INC $193.10 $681.03 $0.00 $874.49 "051W06CD'"'04800" SCHM!TZ, JULIA MILLER $186.87 $681.03 $0.00 $868.25 "051W06CD'"'04900" YOUNG,SONJA F & $186.87 $681.03 $0.00 $868.25 "051W06CD'"'0500(Y' MILLER, GARY LEE LLC $213.61 $681.03 $0.00 $895.05 PAGE 28- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. 'llA Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip I~eduction Total "051W06CD'"'05100" VALDEX, GUADALUPE JR & $197.80 $681.03 $0.00 $879.20 IRENE "051W06CD'"'05200" M-C BUILDERS INC $204.46 $681.03 $0.00 $885.88 "051W06CD'"'05300" M-C BUILDERS INC $186.84 $681.03 $0.00 $868.22 "051W06CD'"'05400" U-C BUILDERS INC $196.96 $681.03 $0.00 $678.36 "051W06CD'"'05500" MILLER, GARY LEE EEC $282.03 $681.03 $0.00 $963.60 "051W06CD'"'05600" M-C BUILDERS INC(TOT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 LOT) "051W06CD'"'05700" SCHMH'Z,JULIA MILLER $267.12 $681.03 $0.00 $948.66 "051W06CD'"'05800" SMITHiCRAIG W & CAROL $194.06 $681.03 $0.00 $875.46 "051W06CD'"'05900" M-C BUILDERS INC $200.94 $681.03 $0.00 $682.35 "051W06CD'"'06000" MILLER, JOHN R-TRUST $197.70 $681.03 $0.00 $879.11 "051W06CD'"'06100" M-C BUILDERS INC $188.89 $681.03 $0.00 $870.28 "051W06CD'"'06200" MILLER, JOHN R-TRUST $195.52 $681.03 $0.00 $876.92 "051W06CD'"'06300" M-C BUILDERS INC $197.98 $681.03 $0.00 $679.39 "051W06CD'"'06400" INZHIROV, PETR & SVETL $192.75 $681.03 $0.00 $874.15 "051W06CD'"'06500" M-C BUILDERS INC $193.19 $681.03 $0.00 $874.5g "051W06CD'"'06600" TOMPKINS,MARY MILLER $211.71 $681.03 $0.00 $893.14 "051W06CD'"'06700" BEAN,CANDY K $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'06800" MCGINNIS,BARBARA MILL $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'06900" M-C BUILDERS INC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'07000" GANOVICHEFF, ANNA $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'07100" ARELLANO-RODRIGUEZ,MA $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'07200" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $251.28 $681.03 $0.00 $932.78 "051W06CD'"'07300" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868..161 "051W06CD'"'07400" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'07500" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'07600" :HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 '~051W06CD'"'07700" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'07800" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'07900" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051WO6CD'"'08000" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $186.78 $681.03 $0.00 $868.16 "051W06CD'"'08100" -IERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $187.84 $681.03 $0.00 $869.22 "051W06CD'"'08200" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $191.32 $681.03 $0.00 $872.71 "051W06CD'"~38300" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $245.61 $681.03 $0.00 $.927.11 "051W06CD'"'08400" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $188.64 $681.03 $0.013 $870.03 "051W06CD'"'08500" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $188.80 $681.03 $0.013 $870.19 "051W06CD'"'08600" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $186.78 $681.03 $0.0G $868.16 "051W06CD'"'08700" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $189.17 $681.03 $0.0~ $870.56 "051W06CD'"'08800" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $202.34 $681.03 $0.00 $883.76 PAGE 29- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. 11A Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip Reduction Total "051W06CD'"'08900" HERIT ~GE MEADOWS LLC $186.78 $681.03 $0.0a $868.16 "051W06CD'"'09000" HERIT ~,GE MEADOWS LLC $196.55 $681.03 $0.0a $877.95 "051W06CD'"'09100" HERIT ~,GE MEADOWS LLC $256.32 $681.03 $0.00 $937.84 "051W06CD'"'09200" HERIT ~,GE MEADOWS LLC $207.32 $681.03 $0.0a $888.75 "051W06CD'"'09300" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $207.32 $681.03 $0.00 $888.75 "051W06CD'"'09400" HERIT ~GE MEADOWS LLC $207.32 $681.03 $0.00 $888.75 "051W06CD'"'09500" HERIT ~GE MEADOWS LLC $226.78 $681.03 $0.00 $908.24 "051W06CD'"'09600" HERIT ~GE MEADOWS LLC $226.78 $681.03 $0.00 $908.24 "051W06CD'"'09700" HERIT ~GE MEADOWS LLC $207.32 $681.03 $0.00 $888.75 "051W06CD'"'09800" HERIT'~GE MEADOWS LLC $207.32 $681.03 $0.00 $888.75 "051W06CD'"'09900" HERIT ~GE MEADOWS LLC $261.80 $681.03 $0.00 $943.33 "051W06CD'"'10000" HERIT ~,GE MEADOWS LLC $256.44 $681.03 $0.0a $937.96 "051W06CD'"'10100" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $216.88 $681:03 $0.00 $898.32 "051W06CD'"'1020(7' HERIT~,GE MEADOWS LLC $216.88 $681.03 $0.00 $898.32 "051W06CD'"'10300" HERIT ~,GE MEADOWS LLC $216.88 $681.03 $0.00 $898.32 'K)51W06CD'"'10400" HERIT~,GE MEADOWS LLC $217.47 $681.03 $0.00 $698.91 "051W06CD'"'10500" 'HERITAGE MEADOWS EEC $216.88 $681.03 $0.00 $898.32 '~)51W06CD'"'106(X)" ,HERITAGE MEADOWS EEC $213.61 $681.03 $0.00 $895.0,5 "051W06CD'"'10700" HERITI~GE MEADOWS LLC $213.61 $681.03 $0.00 $895.05 "051W06CD'"'10800" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $269.43 $681.03 $0.00 $950.97 "051W06CD'"'10900" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $263.60 $681.03 $0.00 $945.14 "051W06CD'"'11000" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $212.46 $681.03 $0.00 $893.89 "051W06CD'"'11100" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $212.46 $681.03 $0.00 $893.89 "051W06CD'"'11200" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $215.73 $681.03 $0.00 $897.17 X)51W06CD'"'11300" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $216.32 $681.03 $0.0a $897.76 '~351W06CD'"'11400" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $215.73 $681.03 $0.00 $897.17 "051W06CD'"'11500" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $215.73 $681.03 $0.00 $897.17 "051W06CD'"'11600" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $215.73 $681.03 $0.00 $897.17 "051W06CD'"'11700" HERITAGE MEADOWS LLC $275.15 $681.03 $0.00 $956.71 "051W08DC'"K)0400" OREGON GOLF $0.00 $3,095.23 $0.00 $3,095.23 ASSOCIATION "051W06DC'"'00500" TUKWILA PARTNERS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 'K)51W06DC'"'00600" HALTON DEVELOPMENT ET $223.23 $881.03 $0.00 $904.68 "051W06DC'"'00700" CHARITAR,DINA N & J S $305.29 $681.03 $0.00 $986.90 "051W06DC'"'00800" JUDSON,DONALD R & RHO $322.97 $681.03 $0.00 $1,004.61 "051W06DC'"'00900" TUKWILA PARTNERS $165.33 $681.03 $0.00 $846.67 "051W06DC'"'01000" TUKWILA PARTNERS $190.33 $681.03 $0.00 $871.72 "051W06DC'"'01100" TUKWILA $0.00 $0.00 So.oa $0.00 PARTNERS(ACCESS) "051W06DC'"'01200" TUKW!LA PARTNERS $212.02 $681.03 $0.0a $893.45 PAGE 30- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. tlA Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip Reduction Total "051W06DC'"'01300" TUKWILA PARTNERS $214.36 $681.03 $0.00 $895.79 "051W06DC'"'01400" TUKVV~I~ PARTNERS ; $239.98 $681.03 $6.00 $921.46 "051W06DC'"'01500" TUKWiLA PARTNERS $262.08 $681.03 $0.00 $943.61 "051W06DC'"'01600" TUKWlLA $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PARTNERS(ACCESS) "051W06DC'"'01700" TUKWiLA PARTNERS $262.08 $681.03 $0.00 $943.61 "051W06DC'"'01800" TUKWiI~ PARTNERS $239.98 $681.03 $0.00 $921.46 "051W06DC'"'01900" TUKWiLA PARTNERS $321.38 $681.03 $0.00 $1,003.02 "051W06DC'"'02000" EDWARDS,CAROL ANN $288.98 $681.03 $0.00 $970.55 "051W06DC'"'02100" TUKW!LA PARTNERS $172.96 $681.03 $0.00 $854.31 "051W06DC'"'02200" PIERCE,DENNIS & BEECH $186.03 $681.03 $6.00 $867.41 "051W06DC'"'02300" TUKWlLA $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PARTNERS(ACCESS) "051W06DC'"'02400" ANDERSON,FLORENCE E F $172.96 $681.03 $0.00 $854131 "051W06DC'"'02500" TUKWILA PARTNERS $186.03 $681.03 $0.00 $867.41 "051W06DC'"'02600" OREGON GOLF $4,881.60 $5,946.57 $6.00 $10,837.53 ASSOCIATION "051W06DC'"'02700" TUKWILA PARTNERS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (TENNIS) "051W06DC'"'02800" RENAISSANCE CUSTOM $146.31 $681.03 $0.00 $827.61 HOMES "051W06DC'"'02900" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $146.31 $681.03 $0.00 $827.61 "051W06DC'"'03000" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $146.31 $681.03 $6.00 $827.61 "051W06DC'"'03100" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $146.31 $681.03 $0.00 $827.61 "051W06DC'"'03200" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $146.09 $681.03 $0.00 $827.40 "051W06DC'"'03300" RENAISSANCE CUSTOM $183.98 $681.03 $0.00 $865.35 HOMES "051W06DC'"'03400" RENAISSANCE CUSTOM $198.95 $681.'03 $0.00 $880.36 HOMES "051W06DC'"'03500" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $163.46 $681.03 $0.001 $8z.4.80 "051W06DC'"'03600" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $136.97 $681.03 $0.00 $818.26 "051W06DC'"'03700" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $136.97 $681.03 $0.00 $818.26 "051W06DC'"'03800" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $136.97 $681.03 $0.00 $818.26 "051W06DC'"i03900" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $136.97 $681.03 $0.00 $818.26 "051W06DC'"'04000" RENAISSANCE CUSTOM $165.11 $681.03 $0.00 $846.45 HOMES "051W06DC'"'04100" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $169.87 $881.03 $0.00 $851.22 "051W06DC'"'04200" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $146.31 $681.03 $0.00 $827.6.1 "051W06DC'"~M300" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $146.31 $681.03 $0.00 $827.61 "051W06DC'"'04400" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $146.31 $681.03 $0.00 $827.61 PAGE 31- COUNCII, BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. Map and Tax Lot Owner Ama Trip Reduction Total "051W06DC'"'04500" UNITEI3 PROPERTIES ORE $193.19 $681.03 $0.00 $874.59 "051W06DC'"'04600" UNITE ) PROPERTIES ORE $146.31! $681.03 $0.00 $827.61 "051W06DC'"'04700" UNITE ) PROPERTIES ORE $146.311 $681.03 $0.03 $827.61 "051W06DC'"'04800" UNITE ) PROPERTIES ORE $146.31 $681.03 $0.00 $827.61 "051W06DC'"'04900" UNITE ) PROPERTIES ORE $146.31 $681.03 $0.03 $827.61 "051W06DC'"'05000" UNITE ) PROPERTIES( $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ACCE: iS) "051W07AA'"'07300" TUKW LA PARTNERS( $0.00 $0.00 $0.0(3$0.00 ACCE,'iS) "051W07AA'"'07400" TUKW LA PARTNERS $26,772.90$82,510.62 $0.00 $109,334.79 '~)51W07AA'"'07500" UNITE ) PROPERTIES ORE $138.99 $681.03 $0.00 $820.29 "051W07AA'"'07600" UNITE ) PROPERTIES ORE $138.9~ $681.03 $0.03 $820.29 "051W07AA'"'07700" UNITE ) PROPERTIES ORE $138.9S $681.03' $0.03 $820.29 "051W07AA'"'07800" UNITE ) PROPERTIES ORE $138.9S $681.03 $0.03 $820.29 "051W07AA'"~37900" UNITEI) PROPERTIES ORE $138.99 $681.03 $0.03 $820.29 "051W07AA'"'08000" UNITE ) PROPERTIES ORE $150.57 $681.03 $0.00 $831.89 "051W07AA'"'08100" UNITE ) PROPERTIES ORE $220.74 $681.03 $0.00 $902.19 '~351W07AA'"'08200" UNITE ) PROPERTIES ORE $174.39 $681.03 $0.00 $855.75 "051W07AA'"~)8300" UNITE ) PROPERTIES (TOT $0.0(3 $0.03 $0.00 $0.00 · LOT) '~351W07AB'"'00400" HAZEL'NUT A PARTNERS $529.58 $2,808.30 $0.00 $3,338.89 "051W07AB'"'00500" HAZE[ NUT A PARTNERS $1,132.8(3 $2,741.44 $0.03 $3,876.41 '~351W07AB'"~X)600" HAZE[ NUT A PARTNERS $772.91 $1,905.63 $0.00 $2,680.03 '~351W07AB'"'00700" WITHE RS LUMBER CO INC $718.69 $1,771.91 $0.00 $2,491.97 '~351W07AB'"'00800" HAZEL, NUT A PARTNERS $555.97 $1,370..72 $0.03 $1,927.76 "051W07AB'"'01000" PARKHURST, GLENN D & B $488.17 $681.03 $0.00 $1,170.13 "051W07AB'"'01100" THELEN,CHRISTOPHER H $288.69 $681.03 $0.03 $970.27 "051W07AB'"'01200" EPPS, WILLIAM A $337.82 $681.03 $0.00 $1,019.49 "051W07AB'"'01300" WALSH, SHARON F $236.99 $681.03 $0.03 $918.47 "051W07AB'"~31400" GRISE.I_L,RANDY G & DIA $246.55 $681.03 $0.03 $928.04 "051W07AB'"'01500" HERSHBERGER, WARDE & P $246.64 $681;03 $0.0(3 $928.14 "051W07AB'"'01600" REID,OLIVER A & MARIE $256.29 $681.03 $0.03 $937.81 "051W07AB'"'01700" WIETHORN,VALDON G & P $267.09 $681.03 $0.0(3 $948.63 "051W07AB'"'01800" JAMESON,FRANK O JR & $246.55 $681.03 $0.03 $928.04 "051W07AB'"'01900" PHIPPS, SAM & MARYLU $317.52 $681.03 $0.0(3 $999.15 '~)51W07AB'"'02100" POLING,HARPER A & JAC $343.92 $681.03 $0.03 $1,025.60 "051W07AB'"'02200" QUAN,SIU W $343.92 $681.03 $0.0(3 $!,02.5.60 "051W07AB'"'02300" KIGHTrLEONARD G & DEE $320.29 $681.03 $0.03 $1,001.93 "051W07AB'"'02700" OREGON GOLF SOCIATION $0.0(3 $6,893.43 $0.0(] $6,893.43 PAGE 32- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. llA Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip Reduction Total "051W07AB'"'03100" OREGON GOLF $0.00 $12,796.97 $0.00 $12,796.97 ASSO(~IATION "051W07AB'"'03300" TUKWiLA PARTNERS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 "051W07AB'"'03400" AIKEN~RONALD R 50% & $252.77 $681.03 $0.00 $934.28 "051W07AB'"'03500" BREWER, JEFFERY P & $234.72 $681.03 $0.00 $916.19 TAWANA "051W07AB'"'03600" wAGNER, MAVIN G & BONN $288.57 $681.03 $0.00 $970.15 "051W07AB'"'03700" BARNES,JACK W & ROSIN $263.2§ $681.03 $0.00 $944.82 "051W07AB'"'03800" TUKWILA PARTNERS (C. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.OB AREA) , "051W07AB'"'03900" TUKWILA PARTNERS (C. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 AREA), "051W07AB'"~)4000" BRADI~EY, BERNADETTE $315.09 $681.03 $0.00 $996.72 "051W07AB'"~)4100" GIBBS TRUST, GIBBS $256.23 :$681.03 $0.00 $937.74 ARDEN A TRUSTEES "051W07AB'"~34200" HILL, R ICHARD A & JANI $240.41 :$681.03 $0.00 $921.90 i"051W07AB'"'04300" BELLUM,RICHARD J &VI $246.61 $681.03 $0.00 $928.11 "051W07AB'"'04'!00" TUKWlLA PARTNERS $289.13 :$681.03 $0.00 $970.71: "051W07AB'"'04500" WOOISBURN $172.96 $681.03 $0.00 $854.31 · CONSTRUCTION '~351W07AB'"'04600" ZAUNER, CLIFFORD A & V $186.03 $681.03 $0.00 :$867.41 "051W07AB'"'04700" TUKWlLA $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PARTNERS(ACCESS) "051W07AB'"'04800" PATTERSON,EDWIN E & C $186.03 $681.03 $0.00 $867.41 "051W07AB'"~4900" MORSE,RICHARD L & SHA $172.96 $681.03 $0.00 $854.31 '%)51W07AB'"'05000" MONTGOMERY, JOHN & $236.58 $681.03 $0.00 $918.06 GAY "051W07AB'"'05100" MISTRY, AsHISH N & PIT $264.60 $681.03 $0.00 $946.13 "051W07AB'"~)5200" TUKWlLA PARTNERS $289.47 $681.03 $0.00 $971.05 "051W07AB'"%)5300" TUKWlLA PARTNERS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 "051W07AB'"'05400" TUKWILA PARTNERS $0.00 $0.00 $0.0(~ $0.00 "051W07AB'"'05500" PAYNE,ROBERT D & PATR $237.92 $681.03 $0.00! $919.40 "051W07AB'"'05600" POWERS,WILLIAM E & GL $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07AB'"'05700" MILLICAN, MARY L $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07AB'"'05800" KRAXBERGER,WILLIAM F $249.04 $681.03' $0.00 $930.54 "051W07AB'"'05900" TUKWlLA PARTNERS(C. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 AREA) "051W07AB'"'06000" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $159.17 $681.03 $0.00 $840.50 "051W07AB'"'06100" OWINGS, SANDRA LEE $193.63 $681.03 $0.00 $875.02! "051W07AB'"'06200" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $151.26 $681.03 $0.00 $832.57 "051W07AB'"'06300" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $138.99 $681.03 $0.00 $820.29 PAGE 33- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDIlqANCE NO. I4. 11A Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip Reduction Total "051W07AB'"'06400" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $138.99 $681.03 $0.00 $620.29 "051W07AB'"'06500" UNITEI:) PROPERTIES ORE $138.99 $681.03 $0.00 $820.29 "051W07AB'"'06600" UNITE :) PROPERTIES ORE $138.99 $681.03 $0.00 $820.29 "051W07AB'"'06700" UNITEI:) PROPERTIES ORE $138.99 $681.03 $0.00 $620.29 "051W07AB'"'06800" UNITED PROPERTIES ORE $164.43 $681.03 $0.00 $645.77 "051W07AB'"'06900" RENAI~;SANCE CUSTOM $138.06 $681.03 $0.00 $819.35 HOME, S "051W07AB'"'07000" UNITE 3 PROPERTIES ORE $~87.80 $681.03 $0.00 $869. 9 "05~W07AB'"'07~0(~' UNITE 3 PROPERTIES ORE $2~9.93 $68~.03 $0.00 $90~.38 "05~W07AB'"'07200" UNITEI3 PROPERTIES ORE $205.73 $68~.03 $0.00 $687.~5 "05~W07AB'"'07300" UNITE 3 PROPERTIES ORE $20~.75 $C:~.03 $0.00 $883.~6 "05~W07AB'"'07400" UNITEI3 PROPERTIES ORE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 "05~W07AC'"'00300" WOO~LEY, ROXLYN R-TRUS $~78.06 ~:~.03 $0.130 "051W07AC'"'(X)4(X)" VACHTER, BETTY S $156.89 $681.03 $0.00 $838.22 "051W07AC'"'00500" ZEHR~NG,DON L & MANET $156.89 $681.03 $0.00 $838.22 "051W07AC'~)0600" FILLMORE, KAY $156.89 $681.03 $0.00 $838.22 "051W07AC'"'00700" ZULEGER, ROBERT C & cA $156.89 $681.03 $0.00 $838.22i '~)51W07AC'"'00800" OLSON,NORMA $179.77 $681.03 $0.00 $861.14 "051W07AC'"'00900" DETERVILLE,ROCHE J & $266.78 $681.03 $0.00 $948.32 "051W07A(?'01000" STENI~UND,BARRY & JACQ $359.33 $681.03 $0.00 $1,041.04 '~)51W07AC'"'01001" DETERVILLE,ROCHE J & $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22.67 "051W07AC'"'01100" GRINNELL,PHILLIP H & $265.66 $681.03 $0.00 $947.1~t '~)51W07AC'"'01200" MILNE~STANLEY D & pAT $161.97 $681.03 $0.00 $843.3C~ '~351W07AC'"'01300" HEER,GARY & TERRIE J $287.64 . $6.81.03 $0.00 $969.21 '~351W07AC'"1)1400" FLOMER,THOMAS J $318..33 $681.03 $0.00 $999.97i '"~)51W07AC'"'01500" BAKER, JOHN E & DELISA $262.80 $681.03 $0.00 $944.32 "051W07AC'"'01600" LARIOS, SALVADOR $274.62 $681.03 $0.00 $956.18 "051W07AC'"'01700" JAMISON~THOMAS & GILL $285.36 $681.03 $0.00 $966.94 "051W07AC'"'01800" HOLCOMB,BURTON T & CA $245.27 $681.03 $0.0(3 $926.76 "051W07AC'"'01900" KRAITER, GENE R $349.83 $681.03 $0.00 $1,031.53 "051W07AC'"'02000" SCHWAN~F MARTIN & JUD $244.49 $681.03 $.0.013 $925.99 '"'051W07AC'"'02100" TYLER, SANDRA R $244.37 $681.03 $0.0(3 $925.86 "051W07AC'"'02200" HERMANSON,GLEN H $255.17 $681.03 $0.0C~ $936.68 "051W07AC'"'02300" SAWYER,MARGARET $272.76 $681.03 $0.0C] $954.30 BOONE "051W07AC'"'02400" MILLER FARM $0.00 $0.0(3 $0.0C3 $0.00 HOMEOWNER (SWIMMING) "051W07AC'"'02500" HATI=LNUT A PARTNERS $177.38 $0.0(3 $0.0(] $177.72 "051W07AC'"~)2600" HATFLNUT A PARTNERS $140.36 $681.03 $0.00 $821.66 "051W07AC'"'02700" IRONS,LLOYD & SWEENEY $140.36 $681.03 $0.00 $821.66 PAGE 34- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. llA Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip Reduction Total "051W07AC'"'02800" SEITZ,SUE ANN & MARTE $140.36 $681.03 $0.0(3 $821.66 "051W07AC'"'02g00" HENK~S,RICHARD J & KA $140.58 $681.03 $0.0(~ $821.88 "051W07AC'"'03000" HENNY, MILLARD T & LAU $140.58 $681.03 $0.00 $821.88 "051W07AC'"'03100" FABRIC,HAROLD A & JO O $140.61 $681.03 $0.0~ $821.91 "051W07AC'"'03200" BAKER,JOHN E $154.99 $681.03 $6.00. $836.32 "051W07AC'"'03300" MILLEI~ FARM $0.00 $0.00 $0.0C $0.00 HOMEOWNER (ACCESS) "051W07BA'"'00105" CITY OF WOODBURN $162.71 $681.03 $0.00. $844.05 "051W07BA"00400" GORM~N,THOMAS P & EAR $818.08 $681.03 $0.00 $1,500.68 "051W07BA'"'00500" KWDS LLC & SEC VENTUR $4,607.66 $33,918.93 $0.00] $38,535.42 l "051W07BA'"'00500" KWDS LLC & SEC VENTUR $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 "051W07BA'"'00600" REHD~R, DENNIS E ET AL $3,41.5.37$7,491.28 $0.0~ $10,913.20 "051W07BA'"'00700" CITY C F WOODBURN $778.24 $681.03 $0.00 .$1,460.75 "051W07BA'"'00800" CHURI~H OF JESUS CHRIS $3,368.83 $8,661.17 $0.00 $12,036.46 "051W07BA'"'01400" NELS(!N,WARREN F & CAR $264.04 $681.03 -$422.58 $522.99 "051W07BA'"'01500" KRASKOFF, EVAN & ANNA $194.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $453.60 "051W07BA'"'01600" MONTGOMERY, LOUISE $203.71 $881.03 -$422.58 $462.55 "051W07BA'"'01700" SILVER, DONALD M & RUB $256.88 $681.03! -$422.58 $515.82 "051W07BA'"'01800" VACHTER, SCO'I-r J & RUT $320.73 $681.03 -$422.58 $5.79.79 "051W07BA~"'01900'' CLARK JANIS H $342.89 $681.03 -$422.58 $601.99 "051W07BA'"'02000" MATHE,' RS, HANNAH & BEA $219.28 $681.031 .-$422.58 $478.14 "051W07BA'"'02100" .MARTINEZ, SILVERIO N J $313.10 $681.03 -$422.58 $572.15 "051W07BA'"~32200" JENNINGS,WILLIAM J & $296.17 $681.03! -$422.58 $555.18 "051W07BA°"'02300" ALDRICH,MARY ELIZABET $191.07 $681.03 -$422.58 $449.88 "051W07BA'"~)2400" CITY OF WOODBURN $459.72 $6.00 $0.0(3 $0.00 (DETENTION) "051W07BA'"'02500" JENSEN,BRIAN F & AMAN $201.47 $681.03 -$422..58 $460.30 "051W07BA'"'02600" PICKETT, CHRISTOPHER L $188.08 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.46.89 "051W07BA'"'02700" PHELAN,BILLY W JR & D $187.37 $681.03 -$422.58 $445.17 "051W07BA'"'02800" WARD,BARRY WILLIAM $208.94 $681.03 -$422.58 $467.79 "051W07BA'"'02900" LEACH,MARK H $326.98 $681.03 -$422.58 $586.06 "051W07BA'"'03000" KREBEDUENKEL,DIETER K $189.21 $681.03 -$422.58 $448.01 '"'051W07BA'"'03100" SNEGIREV, IVAN $202.22 $681.03 -$422.56 $461.05 "051W07BA'"'03200" HATCH,EUGENE R & NANE $140.1;I $681.03 -$422.581 $445.61 "051W07BA'"'03300" SONNEN,SIDNEY W $237.83 $681.03 -$422.58 $496.73 "051W07BA'"'03400" MOLINA, LUIS R & LUZ M $180.68 $681.03 -,$422.581$439.47 "051W07BA'"'03500" BROWN,JAMES D & LADON $186.65 $681.03 -$422.58 $445.45 "051W07BA'"'03600" GUYTON,GARY & JOCELYN $186.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $4~5.58 "051W07BA'"'03700" FORD,~JENNIFER L $186.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $~45.58 "051W07BA'"'03800" PARRACK, RONALD G & SU $246.36 $681.03 -$422.58 $505.28 PAGE 35- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. I'T 11A Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip Reduction Total "051W07BA'"'03900" CHAD 3.URN,MICHAEL W $207.35 $681.03 -$422.58 $466.20 "051W07BA'"'04000" LOPF; ',CHRISTINE V& $207.35 $681.03 -$422.58 $466.20 "051W07BA'"'04100" BUND f LEONARD & MARGA'i $207.35 $681.03 -$422.58 $466.20 "051W07BA'"'04200" ATKIN~;ON, JAMES T. $207.35 $681.03 -$422.58 $466.20 "051W07BA'"'04300" ROWELL,LAYNE N $249.53 $681.03 -$422.58 $508.46 "051W07BA'"'04400" SHEPi~JERD,NADINE $186.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $445.58 "051W07BA'"'04500" WOLF GANG,ERICH H & DE $246.36 $681.03 -$422.58 $505.28 "051W07BA'"'04600" TUPPI !R, KEVIN & PARTID $205.45 $681.03 -$422.58 $464.29 "051W07BA'"'04700" CALL/ ,HAN, BARBARA R $205.45 $681.03 -$422.58 $464.29 "051W07BA'"'04800" "HUN; ',DAVID W & HELEN $205.45 $681.03 -$422.58 $464.29 "051W07BA'"'04900" WRIG ~T, PAUL G & CAP, RI $186.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $4~.5.58 "051W07BA'"'05000" GODI~IEZ, MIGUEL $186.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $445.58 "051W07BA'"'05100" RITC~ IE,CALVIN G & JE $186.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.~.5.58 "051W07BA'"'05200" JACOI DS,NANCY J $186.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $~,5.58 "051W07BA'"~)5300" PEQUI-'NO,ISRAEL L & MA $186.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $445.58 "051W07BA'"'05400" EELL,<,ROCKY L $186.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.~.5.58 '~)51W07BA'"'05500" MAYF ELD,,CHARLO~-rE & $186.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.5.58 "051W07BA'"~)5600" ATWQOD,KATHARINA & DO $186.78 $681.03 -$422.581 $~.~.5.58 "051W07BA'"'05700" WATTS, SHAWN M. & SKYE $290.28 $681.03 -$422.581 $549.28 '~)51W07BA'"'05800" GON7_~ALES,RONNIE N $363.90 $681.03 -$422.58! $623.05 '~)51W07BA'"~35900" LISOF~F,NICK $283.93 $681.03 -$422.58 $542.92 '~351W07BA'"'06000" iORTIZ, SYLVIA ARRDYO $220.9~1 $681.03 -$422.58 $479.86 '~51W07BA'"~)6100" WIENEKE,CARL W & .LoRI $350.55 $681.03 -$422.58 $609.67 'X)51W07BA'"~"200" PEOEi~,SON,NETTIE S $364.0~ $681.03 -$422.58 $623.23 '1)51W07BA'"~33(X)" BARTI :L, RICHARD& JANE $246.33 $681.03 -$422..58 $504.25 '~351W07BA'"'06400" MCCANIPBELL, SEAN D & T $205..45 $681.03 -$422.58 $464.29 "051W07BA'"'06500" MORRISON,DWAYNE F $234.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $493.67 "051W07BA'"'06600" COLEMAN,DIANA M $277.77 $681.03 -$422.58 $536.75 "051W07BA'"~700" HORTON,STEVEN E $190.51 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.~9.32 "051W07BA'"'06800" TORO,,SABINO. & SANDRA $190.51 $681.03 -$422.58' $449.32 -051W07BA'"'06900" MILLERrSTEVE. N D & CYN $190.51 $68.1.03-$422.58 $~.~.9.32 "051W07BA'"~)7000" YOUNG,REX S & KEENIN $190.51 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.~.9.32 "051W07BA'"'07100" SONNEN,TY & SHERI L $251.34 $681.03 -$422.58 $510.2! '~051W07BA'"~)7200" PALAFOX, HUMBERTO & WA $226.25 $681.03 -$422.58 $485.13 '~351W07BA'"'07300" MCDERMOTT, DAVID R $199.85 $681.03 -$422.58 $458.68 "051W07BA'"'07400" ROBERTS,RICHARD & MAR $199.85 $681.03 -$422.58 $458.68 "051W07BA'"'07500" HALTER, KAREN E $199.85 $681.03 -$422.58 $458.68 "051W07BA'"~37600" ROED, EL, CARSTEN M $265.25 $681.03 -$422.58 $524.21 "051W07BA'"~)7700" TEMPLE~ANTHONY J & MA $262.36 $681.03 -$422.58 $521.31 ."051W07BA'"~)7800" MICHELS,MICHELLE R & $239.11 $681.03 -$422.58 $498.01 PAGE 36- COUNCIL BII,L NO. ORDINANCE NO. 'llA Map and Tax Lot Owner Ama Trip Reductien Total "051W07BA'"'07900" ~.NDERSON,WADE E & DIA $187.62 $681.03 -$422.58! $446.42 "051W07BA'"'08000" KARP,~EAN D & MELANIE $192.26 $681.03 -$422.58! $451.07 "051W07BA'"'08100" KOVAI~,WALTER A & LOIS $196.93 $681.03 -$422.58 $455.75 "051W07BA'"'08200" POWERS, STEVE E & LYNE $201.56 $681.03 -$422.58 $460.39 "051W07BA'"'08300" VELA, J~ULIO C & KIMBER $270.39 $681.03 -$422.58 $529.35 "051W07BA'"'08400" BECHTOLD,JOHN E & KAR $250.84 $681.03 -$422.58 $509.77 "051W07BA'"'08500" FIGUERAS,ANTHONY & MA $190.64 $681.03 -$422.58 $d~.9.45 "051W07BA'"'08600" NEAL, BRUCE W & ANITA $189.77 $681.03 -$422.58 $448.57 "051W07BA'"'08700" NEJEDLO,NICOLE $188.89 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.~.7.70 "051W07BA'"'08800" WOLFE,LONNIE $188.02 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.d$.83 "051W07BA'"'08900" MALLON,DEAN A & SHELL $246.70 $681.03 -$422.58 $505.62 "051W07BA'"'09000" STUMpF,JERALD L & DEB $251.34 $681.03 -$422.58 $510.27 "051W07BA'"'09100" BACKMAN,ERIC $190.51 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.~.9.32 "051W07BA'"'09200" BENAVIDET_,AMANDO III $190.51 $681.03 -$422.58 $~?.9.32 '~)51W07BA'"'09300" LAUER,JOSH D & AMY $190.51 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.~.9.32! "051W07BA'"'09400" FtFTCHER, JEFFEREY S & $190.51 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.~.9.321 ,'051W07BA'"'09500" HUTI'ULA, DAVID W & $260.37 $681.03 -$422.58 $519.31: DORIS "051W07BA'"'09600" PARRACK, BRIAN C & PHY $192.88 $681.03 -$422.58 $451.69 "051W07B,~'"'09700" BAILEy, RICHARD J JR & $186.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $445.58 '~351W07BA'"'09800" LOFTIN,MARY M $186.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $445.58 "051W07BA'"'09900" BISHOFF, DAVID J & $278.83 $681.03 -$422.58 $537.81 ANGELAY "051W07BA'"'10000" HuTTULA, DAVID W & DOR $285.49 $681.03 -$4'22.58 $5~.~..48 "051W07BA'"'10100" WHITE,KERRY A & MELIS $196.15 $681.03 -$422.58 $454.9! "051W07BA'"'10200" BERNHARDT, PATRICK W $196.15 $681.03'-$422.58 $454.97 "051W07BA'"'10300" GARCIA-PERE~,POLICARP $196.15 $681.03 -$422.58 $454.9/ "051W07BA'"'10400" RYAN, DALE E & LAURA $196.15 $681.03 -$422.58 $454.91 "051W07BA'"'10500" ASTORGA, FELIPE & BENI $196.15 $681.03 -$422.58 $454.97 "051W07BA'"'10600" F! LIOTT,TENLEY K & $196.15 $681.03 -$422.58 $454.97 "051WO7BA'"'10700" HO~iAND,CATHERINE $193.19 $681.03 -$422.58 $452.00 "051W07BA'"'10800" FRONTIER HOMES LLC, $187.31 $681.03 -$422.58 $446.11 WADE, ROBERT i"051W07BA'"'10900" PARSONS,JIM P & DIAND $242.50 :$681.03-$422.58 $501.41 "051W07BA'"'11000" HIDDEN CREEK APARTMEN $194.68 $681.03 -$422.58 $453.50 "051W07BA'"'11100" TAYLOR,TRACY L $188.80 $681.03 -$422.58 $'H7.61 "051W07BA'"'11200" SANDSTRUM HOMES INC $190.48 $681.03 -$422.58 $449.29 "051W07BA'"'11300" FLEMING,DAVID K $190.48 $681.03 -$422.58 "051W07BA'"'11400" BOWMAN,BRUCE &JO ANN $190.48 $681.03 -$422.58 $'I'~.9.29 "051W07BA'"'11500" SANDSTRUM HOMES INc $190.46 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.~9.29! PAGE 37- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. llA Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip Reduction! Total '~351W07BA'"'11600" FREDI.'~.NI,FRED A JR $190.48 $681.03 -$422.58 $44.9.29 "051W07BA'"'11700" ROTH,!;)O.NALD C & ,DIANE J $190.48 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.~.9.29 "051W07BA'"'11800" SAND,~;TRUM HOMES INC $190.48 $681.03 -$422.58 $~'19.29 "051W07BA'"'11900" BRANI~IOCK, DUNYA $190.36 $681.03 -$422.58 $~9.17 "051W07BA'"'12000" BROWN,JOHN C & HAYDIE $294.27; $681.03 -$422.58 $553.28 "051W07BA'"'12100" JONE,< JEFFERY S & $199.85! $681, .03 -$422.58 $458.68 "051W07BA'"'12200" DESS[ LLIER, BRUCE R & $199.85 $681.03 -$422.58 $458.68 JAMIE "051W07BA'"'12300" PANKE Y, MARCUS $199.85 $681.03 -$422.58 $458.68 "051W07BA'"'12400" SAND,C;TRUM HOMES INC $199.85 $681.03 -$422.58 $458.68 "051W07BA'"'12500" HUTT[ ILA, DAVID W (ADJ.) $229.58 $681.03 -$422.58 $488.46 "051W07BA'"'12600" BAILEY, JAIME L $187.65 $681.03 -$422.58 $446.45 "051W07BA'"'12700" OSBUI~NE,NATHAINEL R & $191.94 $681.03 -$422.58 $450.76 '~)51W07BA'"'12800" CALLI$ON,JACK F JR & $196.21 $681.03 -$422.58 $455.03 "051W07BA'"'12900" CHARI~ES,CHERYL A $260.21 $681.03 -$422.58 $519.15 "051W07BA'"'13000" ARELL~NO,GUADALUPE & $253.36 $681.03 -$422.58 $512.29 "051W07BA'"'13100" FERN~,NDO,LUIS $186.78 $681.03 -$422.58 $~.5.58 "051W07BA'"'13200" MOESi:_R, CHAD L & sANDR $252.93 $681.03 -$422.58 $511.86 "051W07BA'"'13300" KILMURRAY, PAMELA & $227.00 $681.03 -$422.58 $485.88 ' MICHAEL '~351W07BA'"'13400" QUAN,IMON y & $225.32 $681.03 -$422.58 $484.1S "051W07BA'"'13500" WEMLINGER, MARJORIE SU $216.01 $681.03 -$422.58 $474.87 '~)51W07BA'"'13600" BLAC ~KMAN,BRIAN P $232.91 $681.03 -$422.58 $491.80 '~)51W07BA'"'13700" GILMQRE,BRIAN J & ANT $242.93 $68!.03 -$422.58 $501.84 '~)51W07BA'"'13800" HuTFuI_~. DAVID W & DOR $223.54 $681.03 -$422.58 $482.41 "051W07BA'"'13900" KULIKOV, PATTY P $230.39 $681.03 -$422.58 $489.28 "051W07BA'"'1400~' RUIZ, ALBERTO& MARGAR $229.52 $681.03 -$422.58 $488.40 "051W07BA'"'14100" CHAMBERLAIN,RICHARD& $189.98 $681.03 -$422.58 $448.79 BETH "051W07BA'"'14200" SANDSTRUM HOMES INC $187.37 $681.03 -$422.58 $446.1/ "051W07BA'"'14300" SANDSTRUM HOMES INC $189.3(3 $681.03 -$422.58 $448.11 "051W07BA'"'14400" GREEN,ROBERT C JR $194.65 $681.03 -$422.58' $453.47 "051W07BA'"'14500" FISCHER, JOYCE M $258.31. $681.03 -$422.58 $517.25 "051W07BA'"'14600" HERRIGES,GREGORY C & $197.98 $681.03 -$422.58 $456.81 REBEl(AH L "051W07BA'"'14700" ANDERSON,ERIC JOHN & $197.98 $681.03 -$422.58 $456.81 DAWN SHANNON "051W07BA'"'14800" BOETrCHER, PAUL A JR & $197.98 $681.03 -$422.58 $456.81 "051W07BA'"'14900" BOLSTER, ROBERT A & $197.98 $681.03 -$422.58 $456.81 -051W07BA'"'15000" GRAlVtZOW, ROBERT W $197.98 $681.03 -$422.58 $456.81. PAGE 38- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. 11A Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip Reduction Total "051W07BA'"'15100" HUTCHINGS,DA LORA C & $197.98 $681.03 -$422.58 $456.81 DOLORES G ~ "051W07BA'"'15200" GIROD~,TERESA D $197.98 $681.03 -$422.58 $456.81 "051W07BA'"'15300" TUCKI~R, TERRY L $197.98 $681.03 -$422.58 $456.81i "051W07BA'"'15400" ARND~,STEPHEN A & DIANE $197.95 $681.03 -$422.58 $456.78 "051W07BA'"'15500" ARMS'~RONG,JOHN R $196.15 $681.03 -$422.58 $454.97. "051W07BA'"'15600" CUZZONE,DAVID E $190.92 $681.03 -$422.58 $449.73' &PAT~ICIA A "051W07BA'"'15700" MCMURPHY, GERALD $187.15 $681.03 -$422.58 $~,45.95; L&MARY E "051W07BA'"'15800" iMCCI_~UGHERTY, NICHOLA $204.71 $681.03 -$422.58 $463.54 S J &,CATHERINE M "051W07BA'"'15900" TORRES-SOTO, ISlDRO $226.34 $681.03 -$422.58 $485.22. i&','CUI~VAs, BERNARDO "051W07BA'"'16000" ELLIOTT, GREGORY L $202.59 $681.03 -$422.58 $461.42 "051W07BA'"'16100" JONCI~H,SARABELLE I $201.75 $681.03 -$422.58 $460.58 "051W07BA'"'16200" JONCICH,SARABELLE ! $201.75 $681.03 -$422.58 $460.58 "051W07BA'"'16300" !McFARLAND, SCOTT & SHA $205.39 $681.03 -$422.58 $464.23 '~)51W07BA'"'16400" SNEGIREV, VASSA $266.22 $681.03 -$422.58 $525.17~ "051W07BA~"'16500" HANDRAN,TROY A & MELO $193.35 $681.03 -$422.58 $452.16 "051W07BA'"'16600" SNEGIREFF,VASILY & $193.35 $681.03 -$422.58 $452.161 ~ ANASTAS IA A '~)51W07BA'"'16700" HAMPHILAVONG,SAM & $193.35 $681.03 -$422.56 $452.161 "051W07BA'"'16800" STONE,JERRY L & KAREN A $193.35 $681.03 -$422.58 $452.16 "051W07BA'"'16900" WOOLBRIGHT,WESLEY L & $267.31 $681.03 -$422.58 $526.27i "051W07BC'"'17300" JOHNSTON,TERRY A $250.06 $681.03 $0.03 $931.57 "051W07BC'"'17400" VAN VELDHUIZEN,DONALD $250.53 $681.03 $0.00 $932.04 & BELINDA C "051W07BC'"'17500" TOWN GROUP INC, THE $251.03 $681.03 $0.00 $932.53 "051W07BC'"'17600" MAMETIEV, ALEX& ELIZA $187.40 $681.03 $0.03 $868.78 "051W07BC'"'17700" ITOWN GROUP INC, THE $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BC'"'17800" MYERS,STEWART & HEATH $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BC'"'17900" STRUTH, ERS,ARCHIE A & $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BC'"'18000'' GULLARD,MURRAY M & CA $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BC'"'18100" JAMES,RANDY L & KAREN $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BC'"'18200" BOECKMAN~DONNA .K $249.04 $681.03 $0.0(3 $930.54 "051W07BC'"'18300" AMICK~JOSEPH H & SHIR $249.04 $681.03 $0.0(3 $930.54 "051W07BC'"'18400" LARSEN,THOMAS J & $293.74 $681.03 $0.0(3 $975.33 "051W07BC'"'18500" BARTH,DENISE R $293.71 $681.03 $0.0(3 $975.30 "051W07BC'"'18600" BRANNON~TONYA D-ETAL $249.04 $681.03 $0.0(3 $930.54 PAGE 39- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. llA Map and Tax Lot ~ Owner Area Trip 'Reduction Total "051W07BC'"'18700" PFAU,WILLIAM & $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 GWEN )OLYN "051W07BC'"'18800" NULL,, EFFREY P & ROCH $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BC'"'18900" MASTERSON,MARC S & $272.17 $681.03 $0.00 $953.71 CAROLYN J "051W07BC'"'19000"' POLO~ SKI,ANDRES & MAZ $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BC'"'19100" NG, HEI~iRY W $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BC'"'19200" BOURI~I,JERRY $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 &','BO[RN,JANET "051W07BC'"'19300" NICHO _S,BERNARD J JR $300.12 $681.03 $0.00 $981.72 "051W07BC'"'19400" PERO'I '11,LARRY J & HAT $275.31 $681.03 $0.00 $956.86 "051W07BC'"'19500" HAWE. ;,NEAL A & LAURIE $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BC'"'19600" BAKER AARON DAVID $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54. "051W07BC'"'19700" M D CASE $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BC'"'19800" M D C/~,SE $294.36 $681.03 $0.0(3 $975.95 "051W07BD'"'00200" GASC~IO,EUGENE R & $0.00 $0.00 $0.0(3 $0.00 JUDIT~ ET AL "051W07BD'"~30200" GASCHO,EUGENE R & JUDI $1,106.22 $3,131.15 $0.00 $4,239.49 '~51W07BD'"'00300" GASCH~ O,EUGENE & JUDITH $291.62 $0.0(3 $0.0(3 $292.18 "051W07BD'"'00700" MILLER FARM $0.00 $0.00 $0.0(] $0.00 HOMEOWNER '~351W07BD'"'00800" BARR,WILLIAM S & MARY $140.36 $681.03 $0.00 $821.66 '~)51W07BD'"~3900" MCMULLEN,LAWRENCE H & $140.36 $681.03 $0.00 $821.66 DIANE '~351W07BD'"'01000" BRACI~BEVERLY JOAN $155.96 $681.03 $0.00 $637.28 LIVING TRUS~,'BRACI~ BEVERLY JOAN TRUSTEE "051W07BD'"'01100" MILLER FARM OMEOWNER $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 '~351W07BD'"'01200" HUSSEMAN,KENNETH L & $169.97 $681.03 $0.00 $651.32 "051W07BD'"'01300" POORMAN,DON A & DIANA $154.74 $681.03 $0.00 $836.07 "051W07BD'"'01400" HADE ,R,WILLIAM E & MAR $154.74 $681.03 $0.00 $836.0/ "051W07BD'"'01500" SEAMAN, BETTY M & $154.74 $681.03 $0.00 $836.07 "051W07BD'"'01600" HA~_FLNUT A PARTNERS $198.29 $681.03 $0.00 $879.70 '~351W07BD'"'01700" MILLER FARM $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 HOMEOWNER "051W07BD'"'01800" HAZELNUT A PARTNERS $160.29 $681.03 $0.0(3 $841.62 "051W07BD'"'01900" HATFLNuT A PARTNERS $140.61 $681.03 $0.0(~ $821.91 '~)51W07BD'"~)2000" HATF_LNUT A PARTNERS $140.61 $681.03 $0.0(] $821.91 '~)51W07BD'"'02100" HAZELNUT A PARTNERS $140.61 $681.03! $0.00 $821.91 "051W07BD'"'02200" TUKWiLA HOMEOWNERS $0.0(3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0~ PAGE 40- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip Reduction Total "051W07BD'"'02600" HENRYS FARM $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 HOMEOWNER "051W07BD"02700" GEMMA~ ,ELIZABETH A $290.63 $681.03 $0.00 $972.21 "051W07BD'"'02800" WILHELEM,NEIL $252.15 $681.03 $0.00 $933.66 "051W07BD'"'02900" ATKIN,SON,JAMES T & LA $248.41 $681.03 $0.00 $929.92 "051W07BD'"'03000" HUBENTHAL,ALLEN L & L $250:78 $681.03 $0.00 $932.29 "051W07BD'"'03100" LosCUTOFF, ELIZABETH $321.66 $681.03 $0.00 $1,003.30 "051W07BD'"'03200" HAM~cI~GARY D & ROSE $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BD'"'03300" ASBU ,P,Y, JULIE A $281.60 $681.03 $0.00 $963.16 "051W07BD'"'03400" BOYD,,VIRGIL A &SHARRO $282.72 $681.03 $0.00 $964.29 "051W07BD'"'03500" KIRK, EUGENE A $245.05 $681.03 $0.00 $926.55 "051W07BD'"'03600" CHADWICI~ELLIS W TRUS $251.87 $681.03 $0.00 $933.38 "051W07BD'"'03700" WOLCOTT, MARTIN W& $251.46 $681.03 $0.00 $932.97 PAULA K "051W07BD'"'03800" TOWN GROUP INC, THE $250.97 $681.03 $0.00 $932.47 "051W07BD'"'03900" FARIA~MELVlN A & MARl $250.50 $681.03 $0.00 $932.00 "051W07BD'"'04000" ZANE,TERENCE A & MONI $250.00 $681.03 $0.00 $931.51 "051W07BD'"~IL100" WISE,JUDITH A $275.87 $681.03 $0.00 $957.42 "051W07BD'"'04200" KAYSER, SUZANN J $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BD'"'04300" BANDELOW, ROBERT A & E $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 'q351W07BD'"'04400" HIM,HENG $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 &','HIM, DOMINIQUE A "051W07BD'"'04500" OSTERGAARD,DEWARD J & $300.62 $681.03 $0.00 $982.22 "051W07BD'"'04600" MORALES,SALVADOR & $278.39 $681.03 $0.00 $959.95 IMELDA "051W07BD'"'04700" JOHNSON,ROBERT J JR & $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BD'"'04800" KLIEN~WlLLIAM R & PAM $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BD'"'04900". WEGENER,HELEN D $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 '~351W07BD'"'05000" JOY, STEVEN & THERESA $300.68 $681..03$0.00 $982.28 "051W07BD'"'05100" BARNEKOFF,GREG $281.01 $681.03 $0.00! · $962.57 "051W07BD'"'05200" HERMANSEN,SONIA N & M $238.08 $681.03 $0.00 $919.56 "051W07BD'"'05300" WUBBEN,COURTNEY G & B $232.38 $681.03 $0.00 $913.85 "051W07BD'"'05400" NGUYEN,TAM & THERESA $247.36 $681.03 $0.00 $928.85 "051W07BD'"'05500" AGEE,WILLAS D & $264.85 $681.03 $0.00 $946.38 "051W07BD'"'05600" TOWN GROUP INC, THE $259.25 $681.03 $0.00 $940.77 "051W07BD°"'05700" IGNACIO,MURILLO ET AL $247.36 $681.03 $0.00 $928.85 "051W07BD'"'05800" JONES,RAYMOND A & CHR $228.68 $681.03 $0.00 $910.14 "051W07BD'"'05900" iVARGA. S,JORGE A & DIAN $257.50 $681.03 $0.00 $939.02 "051W07BD'"'06000" LARAMORE,EDWARD A & P $285.46 $681.03 $0.00 $967.03 '~)51W07BD'"'06100" CORT!NAS~OFELICA G $249.78 $681.03 $0.0(3 $931.29 PAGE 41- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. llA Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip Reduction Total "051W07BD'"'06200" TOWN GROUP INC, THE $244.27 $681.03 $0.00 $925.77 "051W07BD'"'06300" TOWN1 GROUP INC, THE, . ~$250.22 $681.03 $0.00 $931.72 "051W07BD'"'06400" TOWNi GROUP INC, THE $250.09 $681.03 $0.00 $931.60 "051W07BD'"'06500" M L MILLER CONSTRUCTI $247.76 $681.03 $0.00 $929.26 "051W07BD'"'06600" TOWN GROUP INC, THE $249.97 $681.03 $0.00 $931.47 "051W07BD'"'06700" HENRYS FARM $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 HOMEpWNER (C. AREA) "051W07BD'"'06800" HENRYS FARM (C. AREA) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 "051W07BD'"'06900" HENRYS FARM (C. AREA) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 "051W07BD'"'07000" BURLACHENKO,ANDREY & $251.96 $681.03 $0.00 $933.47 NATAI~YA "051W07BD'"'07100" VEL. IZ, RODOLFO & CANDE $250.53 $681:03 $0.00 $932.04 "051W07BD'"'07200" TOWN GROUP INC, THE $323.53 $681.03 $0.00 $1,005.17 "051W07BD'"~)7300" TOWN GROUP INC, THE $261.74 $681.03 $0.00 $943.26 "051W07BD'"~37400" TOWN GROUP INC, THE $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 '~)51W07BD"~7500" TOWN GROUP INC, THE $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 '~)51W07BD'"'07600" TOWN GROUP INC, THE $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BD'"~37700" TowN GROUP INC, THE $249.041 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 '~351W07BD'"'07800" GRUBB,MICHAEL S & REB $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 '~351W07BD'"~)7900" GAUTHIER, PETER J & KA $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 '~51W07BD'"'08000" DUENES,THOMAS A 1/2 $249.04 $681..03$0.00 $930.54 &','BEL, L,WENDY ANN 1/2 '~)51W07BD'"'08100" FLETCHER, IR.VIN H & EV $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 "051W07BD'"'08200" DORN,DANIEL A & CATHE $249.04 $681.03 $0.00 $930.54 PROPERTIES WITH DEFINED REDUCED ACCESS: 65% ASSESSMENT BASED ,ON AREA OF PROPERTY AND TRIPS GENERATED. NO DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION MAP & TAX LOT PROPERTY owNER AREA TRIP RATE TOTAL NO. COST COST ASSESSMENT COST "051W07AA'"'00100" LE, KIMBERLY A & HOCK $176.78 . $442.67 $619.45 "051W07AA'"'00200" SMITH,CARL J & $168.63 $442.67 $611.30 "051W07AA'"'00300" ASHLEY, BENJAMIN A & J $199.4g $442.67 $642.15 "051W07AA'"'00400" SCHRENI~RONALD H & LI $162.39 $442.67 $605.05 "051W07AA'"'00500" HANEBERG,ERIC B & PAM $161.86 $442.67 $604.53 i"051W07AA'"'00600" HENDRICKS,KEVIN M & K $169.16 $442.67 $611.82 PAGE 42- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. 'llA Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip Total "051W07AA'"'00700" KOEPP!NG, PAUL R & KRI $152.29 $442.67 $594.96 "051W07AA'"'00800" GLAVNI~NIKOLAY & LYU $145.131 $442.67 $587.80 "051W07AA'"'00900" WOLFER,JON A & DEBRA $158.151 $442.67 $600.82 "051W07AA'"'01000" NIELSEN,SHANNON T & R $177.59 $442.67 $620.26 "051W07AA'"'01100" SEETH~FF,'PATRICK M & $152.41 $442.67 $595.08 "051W07AA'"'01200" FREY, KENNETH& $106.98 $442.67 $549.65 "051W07AA'"'01300" BERRY, MICHAEL D & $103.881 $442.67 $546.55 "051W07AA'"'01400" BLOMBI-'RG,WALTER M & N $156.16 $442.67 $598.83 "051W07AA'"'01500" KITCHE~I,FLOYD E & BRE $172.22i $442.67 $614.89 "051W07AA'"'01600" LUNEKE, KEITH & BEVERLY $144.38 $442.67 $587.05 "051W07AA'"'01700" CHRISTOFF,DAVID J & J $143.59! $442.67 $586.26 "051W07AA'"'01800" REINHARDT, JOHN A & RE $139.881 $442.67 $582.55 "051W07AA'"'01900" BARBOUR, MARGARET J & $139.8B $442.67 $582.55 "051W07AA'"'02000" MARC ,oS-rE-LING,JULIA F $139.88 $442.67 $582.55 "051W07AA'"'02100" BEAM. ,T;HOMAS L &SUZAN $139.881 $442.67 $582.55 "051W07AA'"'02200" CENTEX HOMES $139.86i $442.67 $582.53 "051W07AA'"'02300" ANDERSON,JAMES '& MARILYN $148.28 $442.67 $590.94 "051W07AA'"'02400" CENTEX HOMES $121.09' $442.67 $563.76 ,. "051W07AA'"'02500" CENTEX HOMES $115.56 $442.67 $558.22 "051W07AA~"'02600" BETrS,DONALD G &,TERESA L $115.56 $442.67 $558.22 "051W07AA'"'02700" CENTEX HOMES $115.58 $442.67 $558.22 "051W07AA'"'02800" SHUMWAY, DAVID L & SALLY J $115.56 $442.67 $558.22 "051W07AA'"~)2900" JONES,.JANICE I & DAVl $115.56 $~.~.2.67 $558.22 "051W07AA'"'03000" CENTEX HOMES $115.56 $4~.2.67 $558.22 "051W07AA'"'03100" i CENTEX HOMES $115.56 $442.67 $558.22 "051W07AA'"'03200" i RIFFLE,~DAVID S & LIND $114.60 $442.67 $557.27 '~)51W07AA'"'03300" SHIM, HyONG W & MI YOU $110.93 $~.~.2.67 $553.60 "051W07AA'"'03400": DOOLEY, MICHAEL R & MA $113.33 $~.~.2.67 $555.99 "051W07AA'"'03500" MILLER, MARl LEE $129.36 $~.2.67 $572.03 "051W07AA'"'03600" MAXWELL,MICHAEL & PATRICIA $108.01 $442.67 $550.68 "051W07AA'"'03700" WINDER,SHANE R & MICH $118.98 $~.~.2.67 $561.65 "051W07AA'"'03800" KAPSSOF,BILL & NOREEN $110.30 $~2.67 $552.97 "051W07AA'"'03900" TORRES,MARIA L & $110.30 $442.67 $552.97 "051W07AA'"~)4000" TELEUSHOV, IMASH Y $101.20 $~.~,2.671 $543.87 "051W07AA'"'04100" HANNON,JAY E & SALLY $101.20 $442.67 $543.87 "051W07AA'"'04200" CARR, KEVIN M & LISA H $101.20 $~.~.2.67 $543.87 "051W07AA'"'04300" SNOWHILL,GRANT W & JA $122.37 $442.67 $565.03 "051W07AA'"'04400" BLANKE,DAVlD E $119.41 $442.67 $562.07 ,051W07AA'"'04500" KlM,ANNA B $121.23 $~.~.2.67 $563.90 "051W07AA'"~34600" HULSTROM,JOHN R $130.92 $~.~.2.67 $573.59 PAGE 43- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. · llA Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip Total "051W07AA'"'04700" SWAN,ACK, ROBERT D & A $111.64 $442.67 $554.31 "051W07AA'"'04800" sMITH,~_AURETTA F ~ $105.14 $442.671 $547.80 "051W07AA'"'04900" DEL CASTILLO,JESUS & $101.24 $442.67i $543.91 "051W07AA'"'05(X)0" JAYNE,,PEGGY A $100.37 $'!,'!,2.671 $543.04 "051W07AA'"'05100" STUAR,T, ROBERT A & CAT $117.89 $442.67 $560.55 "051W07AA'"'05200" BROWH,CURTIS L & ERIN $119.20 $442.67 $561.87 "051W07AA'"'05300" STEPH -'NS,LAURENCE $112.45 $442.67 $555.12 "051W07AA'"'05500'' IRONWDOD AT TUCKWILA (TOT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 LOT) "051W07AA'"'05600" KENT, SANTIAGO A & EEL $141.36 $442.67 $584.03 "051W07AA'"'05700" BANUE _OS,ROSA E & $147.85 $442.67 $590.52 "051W07AA'"'05800" CASS,[ ENNIS & LINDA L $114.18 $442.67 $556.84 "051W07AA'"'059(X)" ADKIN,~,RONALD L & KATHY J $114.04 $~.~.2.67 $556.70 "051W07AA'"'06(0X)" BROORFIELD,JOHN M $177.65 $~.~.2.67 $620.32 "051W07AA'"'06100" NEWB[ IRY, DOUGLAS T & J $217.08 $~.~.2.67 $659.75 "051W07AA'"'06200" VELIZ, RAUL JR & MARIE $192.84 $442.67 $635.50 "051W07AA'"'06300" NUSS,(~HARLES H & SUSAN M $166.18 $442.67 $608.84 "051W07AA'"'06400" IVES, DAVI.D C &IVES,HEATHER L $187.24 $~.~.2.67 $629.91 '~)51W07AA'"~)6500" SHUBIN,GEORGE JR & TA $155.78 $442.67 $598.44 "051W07A/~"'06600" CARIGNAN,ROGER & JULI $158.68 $~.~.2.67 $601.34 "051W07AA'"'06700" VELAS¢O,ARMANDO A & D $115.56 $442.67 $558.22 '~)51W07AA'"'06800" WHITEHURST, NORMAN A $115.56 $~.42.67 $558.22 '~351W07AA'"~36900" PEDDI¢ORD, CHRISTOPHER $108.60 $~.~.2.67 $551.27 "051W07AA'"'07000" SCHIEE~LER, CURTIS G & $100.39 $442.67 $543.06 "051W07AA'"'07100" TOMP~ INS,MICHELLE D & $100.39 $~.~.2.67 $543.06 SAKAI,GEORGE JOJI JR "051W07AA" "07200 MILLER, SHAWN L & CHRI $100.39 $~.~.2.67 $543.06 "051W08BB'"'00100 C..AMAC, HO, ROSA C $123.18 $~.~,2.67 $565.85 "051W08BB'"'00200 FELLER, JAMES P & MAR $123.97 $~.~.2.67 $566.64 "051W08BB'"'00300 MITCHELL,TODD M $115.92 $442.67 $558.59 "051W08BB'"'00400 MITTMANN,HUBERTUS J $118.03 $442.67 $560.701 "051W08BB'"'00500 SPRECHER,THOMAS W & $147.61 $442.67 $590.27 "051W08BB'"'00600 MINORIGARY J & $176.17 $442.67 $618.84 "051W08BB'"'00700 STUCKI,BERKLEY K & ANGELA J $158.37! $442.67 $601.04 "051W08BB'"'00800 MCCALLUM,PETER J & ILA F $134.84 $442.67 $577.50 "051W08BB'"'00900 DOZIER, ,STACIE L $119.25' $442.67 $561.91 "051W08BB'"'01000 MONTGOMERY,ARTHUR J $123.56 $442..67 $566.23 "051W08BB'"'01100 ROTH,RONALD D & EILEEN L $119.87 $442.67 $562.54 "051W08BB'"'01200 WALLACE,THOMAS J TRU $110.30 $442.67 $552.97 "051W08BB'"'01300 GR!MALDI,BOBBI L & P $110.30 $442.67 $552.97 PAGE 44- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. '11A Map and Tax Lot Owner Area Trip Total "051W08BB'"'01400 HEIDE,MICHAEL DEAN $110.33 $442.67 $552.99 "051W08BB'"'01500 TAYLOR, DORIAN D $122.37 $442.67 $565.03 "051W08BB'"'01600 POTTER, RANDALL J $120.60 $~.~,2.67 $563.27 "051W08BB'"'01700 MOREi~AND,DONNA M & J $101.20 $~.~,2.67 $543.87 "051W08BB'"'01800 OLSENi, BRANDON A & RA $101.20 $442.67 $543.87 "051W08BB'"'02000 CANTU,JOHN SR & ALMA & $135.22 $442.67 $577.89 JOHN A JR "051W08BB'"'02100 COx, JEFFREY D & MARG $183.37 $442.67 $626.04 "051W08BB'"'02200 STERL!NG,MARK D & MARCIA $176.09 $442.67 $618.76 "051W08BB'"'02300 HINDMAN,LOUIS E $165.99 $442.67 $608.66 "051W08BB'"'02400 JAMIS0N,GILBERT D & SHIRLEY $182.86 $442.67 $625.53 "051W08BB'"'02500 SANDERS,LON L &,PEGGY S $167.90 $442.67 $610.57 "051W08BB'"'02600 MORTENSEN,JAMES V & $150.87 $442.67 $593.54 "051W08BB'"'02700 BAXLEY, RICHARD A & $110.37 $442.67 $553.03 "051W08BB'"'02800 ELLINGSON,DAVID B & $101.47 $442.67 $544.13 KIMBERLY "051W08BB'"'02900 LASSER, PETER R &JUDY D $101.47 $442.67 $544.13 "051W08BB'"'03000 KUZNETSOV,ANTONI K & $101.47 $~.42.67 $5~.4.13 EKATERINA "051W08BB~"'03100 SCHMIDT, BRANDON J & ELAINE $101.85 $442.67 $5~,.52 "051W08BB'"'03200 LUNA, RICK L & SHEPPA $141.20 $442.67 $583.87 "051W08BB""03300 BEYER, BRIAND & SARA $156.51 $442.67 $599.17 "051W08BB'"'03400 KIM,ANDREY S & EUNAH $105.48 $4~2.67 $548.15 "051W08BB'"'03500 MAGRUDER, KIMBERLY A $115.56 $442.67 $558.22 "051W08BB'"'03600 GRAFF, GERALD II & BR $115.56 $~.~.2.67 $558.22 "051W08BB'"'03700 GROVE,DEREK & MICHEL $100.39 $442.67 $543.06 "051W08BB'"'03800 FOX, AARON J & AMY E $100.43 $442.67 $543.10 "051W08BB'"'03900 BAUMAN,JERRY $124.84 $442.67 $567.51 "051W07AB'"'02600" TUKWILA PARTNERS $1,561.46 $4,782.09 $6,343.55 "051W07AB'"'02601" TUKWILA PARTNERS $9,078.13 $27,805.35 $36,883.49 "051WO7AB'"'03200" TUKWILA PARTNERS $2,091.15 $6,404.97 $8,496.12 SECTION 13. PROPERTIES EXCLUDED FROM CITY LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FOR ASSESSEMENT PROCESS: Certain properties identified to be benefiting form the proposed improvements are outside of the city boundary and they can not be included in the assessment district. This decision is based on the legal opinion of the City Attorney. Arrangements are being made to receive from City Urban Growth Boundary System Development Fees collected by PAGE 45- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. 1lA Marion County. In any event, other property owners in the assessment district will not pay for the benefit received by the property owners identified in this section. The properties proposed to be funded by the with City Urban Growth Boundary System Development Fees are identified as follows: MAP & TAX LOT PROPERTY OWNER AREA APPROACH TRIP TOTAL NO. COST COST ~ RATE TO BE ~ $500 EA. COST FUNDED "051W06C'"'01100'"' WELLIV ~,N,GENE M & PATRIC $2,269.82 $500.00 $681.03 $3,450.84 "051W06C'"'01400'"' TATE,J -'RRY E & MARY L $698.92 $500.00 $681.03 $1,879.94 "051W06C'"'01500'"' ENTEN ~,,MONCHITO C & ANT $3,099.95 $500.00 $681.03 $4,280.97 "051W06C'"'01200'"' WELLIV AN,GENE M & PATRIC $1~133.82 $0.00 $681.03 $1,814.84 "051W06C'"'01300'"' JONESiPAUL L & BARBARA $2,859.36 $0.00 $681.03 $3,540.38 subtotal $10,061.87 $1500.00 $3405.15 $14,966.97 TOTAL TO BE FUNDED BY UGBSDF $14,966.97 SECTION 14. PAYMENT PLAN FOR ASSESSMENT Pursuant to applicable law, assessments paid in installments shall be paid within 10 years. SECTION 15. INTEREST RATE The Finance Director is authorized to develop a schedule and charge an interest rate, which does not exceed one-half(l/2) percent above the estimated net effective rate of bond sale. Currently this interest rate is estimated at 6.5 percent. SECTION 16. CONSTRUCTION TIME FRAME Schedule A: Approximately 2300 lineal feet of Boones Ferry Road, from Goose Creek to Vanderbeck Lane (phase 2 & phase 3) is proposed to be completed in this construction season, summer and fall of 2002 Schedule B: Approximately 800 lineal feet of Boones Ferry Road from Vanderbeck Lane to Hazelnut Drive (phase 4) is proposed to be completed in the following construction season, summer and fall of 2003 PAGE 46- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. SECTION 17. FUNDING SUMMARY PROJECT FUNDING REQUIRED = $1,374,747 SUPPORT FROM OTHER SOURCES OTHER THAN LID ASSESSMENTS CITY SUPPORT Street CiP Boones Ferry Improvement Traffic Impact Fees Boones Ferry Improvement URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEES SUB TOTAL SUPPORT FOR LID ASSESSMENTS LID PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS = LID APPROACH ASSESSMENTS = SECTION 18. $ 262,667 = $ 286,051 = $14,967 SUB TOTAL= FUNDING TOTAL = $ 803,562 $ 7,500 MAXIMUM LIMIT OF ASSESSMENT AMOUNT The assessment amounts shown in this document shall be fixed as the maximum amount to be assessed against the properties for the said improvement. SECTION 19 CONTRACT METHOD The contract award will be in conformance with public contracting laws of the State of Oregon as outlined in ORS Chapter 279 and the laws, regulations of the City of Woodburn SECTION 20 AUTHORIZATION OF BOND SALE The Finance Director is hereby authorized to proceed with the sale of bonds and/or the issuance of general improvement warrants to finance the assessment portion of the project. PAGE 47- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. llA Staff is further authorized to utilize interfund borrowing until bond sale is needed. SECTION 21 : FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The action taken by the City Council is explained and justified by the findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law which are attached to this ordinance as Exhibit "A" and are by this reference incorporated herein. SECTION 22 DECLARING AN EMERGENCY This ordinance b9ing necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, an e~ergency is declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect immediately upop passage by the Council and approval by the mayor. Approved asto fbrm'~~.~~ _~- ~ '" ZOo 2-- ' City Attorney Date Approved: Passed by CounCil Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the office of the Recorder Richard Jennings, Mayor Attest: Mary Tennant, City Recorder City of Woodbum, Oregon PAGE 48- COUNCIL BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO. ~O'llBIT , of ~ FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Existing Street. Boones Ferry Road was built and upgraded over the years by Marion County. As Woodbum grew, the portion of Boones Ferry within the city improved over the years to adapt to the urbanizing needs and growth of the city, but was never built to city standard. The existing street provides two travel lanes approximately 11-12 feet wide. Transportation System Plan. In 1996 the city adopted the Woodburn Transportation System Plan (TSP), which identifies all the city's road, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facility needs for the next twenty years. Some of those needs result from existing deficiencies in the city's transportation system, others result from demands created by development. The TSP classifies Boones Ferry Road as a minor arterial. (See Figure 29, TSP). The TSP identifies Boones Ferry Road from Hwy. 214 northeast to the urban growth boundary (UGB) as in need of improvements in the near term (within 5 years). The TSP adopts a minor arterial standard that has a 48-foot street width, for two travel lanes, a center turn lane and bicycle lanes, curbs and sidewalks on both sides. Capital Improvements Program. The Woodburn Capital Improvements Program (CIP) contains the improvements identified in the TSP and includes funding the local street standard through a Local Improvement District (LID.) The improvement to be made in this project includes Phases 2, 3 and 4 of the Boones Ferry Road improvements, from approximately Goose Creek northeast to Hazelnut Drive. Phase 1 involves the Settlemier/Boones Ferry Road intersection with Highway 214 and the segment of Boones Ferry Road from the intersection to Goose Creek. The City Council determined to delay Phase 1 because it is not ready to go forward because some preparatory steps have not been completed, including coordination with ODOT. Procedure Followed To Form LID. This LID was initiated pursuant to Ordinance No. 2105 by resolution of the City Council. A public heating on the proposed improvement and formation of the Boones Ferry Road Local Improvement District was held on May 13, 2002, after notification to the property owners through published advertisement and direct mail. After the hearing was closed, the record was kept open to 5:00 p.m. on May 22, 2002. On May 27, at a regularly scheduled City Council meeting, the City Council received and considered the additional information submitted into the record and deliberated. Proposed Improvements. The proposed improvement project will widen the street surface to 48 feet, providing two travel lanes, one turn lane and bike lanes in each direction. The project also includes drainage improvements, sidewalks on both sides, ADA ramps at all intersections, installing street lighting and putting all utilities underground. The proposed project is consistent with improvements planned in the TSP. The proposed widening improvements to the existing street will provide additional -1- 1'"' vehicular and bicycle capacity. Pedestrian safety will also be improved because the project provides sidewalks on both sides (meeting ADA requirements) where none currently exists, i The LID funded portion of the improvement project will bring the structure and surface of the existing roadway up to city standards. No Change in A~cess. Parcels which are adjacent to Boones Ferry Road and have access to it will continue to have access to the improved street. Other properties which have access to surrour~ding streets will continue to have access to the surrounding streets. No direct access from lots to the public street will change because of the project or this funding decision~ The project will improve safety and convenience of the existing access points by Providing a center turn lane and sidewalks. Legal Limitation~s on TIF charges and LID Assessments. Under state law, a Transportation Impact Fee (TIF) may be charged only to finance capacity needed for new growth. Legallyi the city may not charge a TIF to finance the repair of existing roads or to build capacityI to satisfy existing deficiencies. The city may form a local improvement district when certain properties will specially benefit from the construction of a local improvement. A property has "specially benefitted" when the construction of an improvement "add[s] anything to the convenience, accessibility and use of the property as distinguished from benefits arising incidentally out of the improvement and enjoyed by the public geaerally.'" Hutchinson v. City of Corvallis, 134 Or App 519, 523-524, 895 P2d 797 (1995) quoting State Highway Com. V. Bailey et al., 212 Or 261,306, 319 P2d 906 (1957). Consistent with state law, the city's local improvement district ordinance (number 2105), provides that the Council may use "any just and reasonable method" to decide the boundary of the improvement district and to apportion the sum to be assessed among the benefitted properties." The City Council has wide discretion in determining the LID boundaries and the fair allocation of costs among the properties in the district. The fundamental determination is whether properties within the LID boundary receive a special benefit, other than the same benefit received by the general public. The city may assess property for an improvement even if the improvement also confers a general benefit, as long as the properties within the LID realize a special benefit that the general public does not receive. The amount of the LID assessment must be equal to the benefit received by the assessed property. However, many benefits measured in a local improvement project are not subject to precise mathematical computation. Consequently, reasonableness is what is required of a formula applied to the benefitted properties to apportion the costs according to the benefits. The Oregon Supreme Court has held that in determining whether the improvement benefits the property, its present use is not controlling. Western Amusement Co., Inc. v City of Springd2eld, 274, Or 37, 545 P2d 592 (1976). The rational for permitting assessment of vacant property is that if benefit had to be determined by the present use, an owner could change the use after the city made the assessment and receive full benefit -2- llA o of the improvement without contributing any payment. ~(HIBIT ~ Page ~ of (~ This decision is the city's final decision on the issue of forming the LID. After the project is completed and the actual costs are known, a public hearing will be held to decide the final assessments to be made on the properties within the LID boundary. At that hearing the Council will "consider objections and may adopt, correct, modify or revise the assesSment against each lot in the district according to the special peculiar benefits accruing to it from the improvement." Ordinance No. 2105, Section 9(3). Basis for TIF per Unit Charge. The city caused a study to be done to arrive at the portion of the TSP projects that relate to growth. That rate study resulted in the TIF fee that each property pays upon purchasing a building permit. The rate study began with all the projects in the TSP and excluded those related to local streets and existing deficiencies. To assure that the TIF charge would only be related to new growth within the city, the study also excluded projected "through" traffic on city streets (i.e., trips which originate and end outside the city), TSP projects related to deficiencies in the existing pedestrian/bikeway, and transit portions of the city transportation system. The TIF does not fund local streets nor existing deficiencies. TIF and LID Pay For Separate Parts of the Improvement. This Boones Ferry Road Improvement project consists of two parts. One part of the project corrects existing deficiencies in the basic roadway needed for safe two-way travel. This is equivalent to a local street standard. Only this part is proposed to be funded by the LID assessments. The portion of the project funded by the LID is the equivalent to a standard 34-foot wide local residential street with curbs and sidewalks. The second part of the project expands the capacity of the street. The capacity expansion part of the project includes an additional 14-foot street width, bicycle lanes and enhanced pedestrian movement. The city will pay this capacity increasing portion of the project from city funds, including funds from the TIF payments made in the past by developing properties as well as city and state gas tax revenues. No property within the LID assessment district will be paying twice for the same part of the Boones Ferry Road Improvement project. Although the construction project will result in an arterial street, the LID funded portion of the project is to correct existing deficiencies in the local street part of that project. The TIF calculations excluded local streets and existing deficiencies. Therefore, when a property owner pays a TIF that owner is paying only for capacity increasing needs to arterials and collectors, and is not paying for local street needs or correcting existing deficiencies. Through the Boones Ferry Road improvement project, the existing roadway will be brought up to city standard funded by the LID assessment. The LID resources will be used to complete the portion of the improvement which does not expand capacity and will come from properties within the district which specially benefit. As part of the same project, the capacity of the roadway will be expanded to an overall width of 48 feet funded by TIF resources. The capacity expansion portion of the project brings Boones Ferry Road into -3- 'llA 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. EXHIBIT~ of/~ Page "(' (~ compliance with the city's arterial street width and structural standard as specified in the TSP. Both the TIF ra~e study and the LID assessment use vehicle trips to calculate a proportionate per unit share of the respective costs. In the TIF rate study, vehicle trips were used as a divisor to allocate the total costs of future capacity increasing projects on a per unit basis. In the proposed assessment for the LID, trips are also used as one method to allocate the total costs for the LID portion among the various benefitted properties. Thelfact that vehicle trips is used to measure the impact of future growth to set the TIF and is used as part of the formula to spread the cost of the benefit of the LID does not result ih a property paying twice for the same improvement. Rather, a similar measure of burden and impact is used to allocate proportional shares of costs of two different parts o~f a construction project. Basis For LID l~oundarv. The north boundary of the LID assessment area was selected because that is the urban growth boundary. An area to the north, inside the UGB but outside the LID iboundary is discussed in the engineering report. The Senior Estates boundary formsi the west boundary of the LID. The south boundary results from dividing the Boones Ferry Road improvement into two projects. The TSP shows a needed improvement to i Boones Ferry from Hwy. 214 to the UGB. This project does not include a segment at the intersection of Hwy. 214 north to Goose Creek. That part of Boones Ferry will be irr~Proved in a separate construction project and properties east and west of that segment will be more directly benefitted by that future project than by this project. Authority To A~sess Vacant Property. An argument was made at the public heating that the city would he beyond its authority to assess land within the Tukwila PUD that allegedly they could not develop because it presently lacks an alternative access. That land is within the city's urban growth boundary and is planned to be developed for urban uses within the 20-year planning period. The land may be vacant now but it is expected to develop. That expectation is based upon the UGB and the comprehensive plan and the fact that the Tukwila undeveloped lands have received preliminary approval for a PUD. The city has made no final decision requiring an alternate access to that parcel within Tukwila. Case law on LIDs supports the assessment of vacant properties. Basis for Allocgting Costs among Specially Benefited Properties. The engineer's report contains the rational for the allocation of the assessments and the City Council accepts that rationale. Remonstrances. The total number of remonstrances received before the close of the public hearing on May 13, 2002 was insufficient under Ordinance No, 2105 to delay consideration of the LID. Effects of the Project. a. The widening will affect the appearance of the property frontage of those parcels -4- llA bo Page ~ ~ of ~ fronting Boones Ferry Road. The project will provide increased safety for vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic for both adjacent and surrounding property. It is possible that traffic that presently uses local streets to avoid congestiOn on Boones Ferry Road will use Boones Ferry Road after the improvements are completed. Taking through traffic off local streets and carrying that traffic on arterials and collectors is one objective of the TSP. Lack of the proposed improvements has not been a basis for denial or discouragement of development because the TIF fund will finance all the improvements to the arterial and collector street system that relate to new development. As development occurs, TIF revenues go into a fund to pay for planned improvements, such as this one. Improvements provide traffic capacity to accommodate furore development citywide. It is the TSP, not this specific improvement project, that sets the stage for future development. The impacts of the improvements made pursuant to the TSP and funded by the TIF were addressed when the TSP was adopted. The decision to improve the road to increase capacity was made when the TSP was adopted. The timing of when to improve:the road was further refined when the city included the project within its Capital Ilnprovements Program. This decision is merely carrying out the policy decisions made by the City Council when it adopted the TSP and the CIP. Most of the lands surrounding the proposed improvement within the UGB are already developed. See map attached to Randy Scott memorandum, dated May 20, 2002. Within the LID boundary, the undeveloped lands east of Boones Ferry Road are part of the Tukwila PUD and have received conceptual PUD approval. All the vacant lands within the LID boundary west of Boones Ferry Road have also received land use approval for development, except one parcel which the city owns. The city recently acquired that parcel for a water treatment facility. ConseqUently, the formation of the LID with its associated assessments will have no impact on the uses of land within the LID boundary. The project, which the LID only partly funds, also is not expected to have any land use effects because the lands within the immediately surrounding area are committed by existing development or approved development. Further, the applicable acknowledged Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Map and zoning regulations control the use of land. No change in land use from what is planned can occur without a change in one of those documents. The character of the area is predominately single family residential. The improvement proposed is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan because it is consistent with the TSP, which implements the transportation element of the Comprehensive Plan. This project will not alter the single family character of the area because the zoning will remain predominately single family residential and the area is substantially developed. This decision to form the LID to finance the deficient part of the existing road does not have any effects on the use of land, either within the LID boundary or within the surrounding area. The direct impacts of the decision improve Boones Ferry Road include reducing -5- 'llA Page ~-.-- of (z~ 11A congestion, both on Boones Ferry Road and within the surrounding street network, improved and safer access resulting from completion of a center turn lane, sidewalks and bike lanes. The direct impacts of the decision to form the LID include improving the surface and structure of the existing roadway and creating funding for a part of the overall construction project. C:'uMy DocumentsLMyFilesLkkATTORNEYXBoones Ferry Road LID Findings.wpd -6- MEMO liB To: From: Via: Subject: Date: Mayor and City Council Matt Smith, Management Analyst x ~-~ John C. Brown, City Administratora4'~" Grant Contract with the State for the Cipriano Ferrel Education Center June 10, 2002 Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached resolution entering into a grant contract (Project No. C02004) with the State of Oregon for a $600,000 Community Development Block Grant for the Cipriano Ferrel Education Center, making a declaration of policy regarding the use of excessive force by law enforcement personnel as a condition of grant approval, and authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract and the declaration of policy. Background: 'In November 2001, Council conducted a public hearing, received public comment, and directed staff to submit, in cooperation with the Farmworker Housing Development Corporation, a Community Development Block Grant application for the construction of the Cipriano Ferrel Education Center on the property of the Nuevo Amanecer Farworker Housing complex. The City received notice from the granting authority, the Oregon Economic Development Department, that the grant was awarded to the City in April 2002. The Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments (MWVCOG) will administer the grant, and ensure that grant requirements are met. The City will enter into an agreement with the Council of Governments shortly, and staff anticipates presenting the agreement to Council at an upcoming meeting for review and approval. The notice indicated that the grant contract would be sent to the City shortly. The grant contract was subsequently misplaced in the mail when it was received, and when it was discovered, staff requested and received an extension from the granting authority. The new date by which the contract must be executed by is June 28, 2002. The proposed grant agreement is attached. Grant requirements state that the City must also adopt a policy statement stating that the City's law enforcement personnel shall not use excessive force against any individuals engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations, and applicable state and local laws that prohibit physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such non-violent civil rights demonstration. The City Attorney and Police Chief reviewed the policy statement, and indicated that the provisions are acceptable. Conclusion: lib The City is functioning as a pass-through for grant funding to the Farmworker Housing Development Corporation. Grant contract management will be performed by the Council of Governments, and no cost will be incurred by the City for the project other than costs associated with basic administrative oversight of the project. Staff Report to Coundl re Contract mith the State Page 2 of 2 liB COUNCIL BILL NO. 2393 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO A GRANT CONTRACT (PROJECT NO. C02004) WITH THE STATE OF OREGON FOR A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR THE CIPRIANO FERREL EDUCATION CENTER; MAKING A DECLARATION OF POLICY REGARDING THE USE OF EXCESSIVE FORCE BY LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL AS A CONDITION OF GRANT APPROVAL; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE CONTRACT AND THE DECLARATION OF POLICY. WHEREAS, the city made application to the State of Oregon Economic Development Department for a $600,000 Community Development Block Grant for the Cipriano Ferrell Education Center; and WHEREAS, the Economic Development Department has awarded the city the requested Community Development Block Grant; and WHEREAS, as a condition of the grant award Grant Contract CO2004 must be signed, and WHEREAS, as another condition of the grant award, the city must make a Declaration of Policy Regarding the Use of Executive Force by Law Enforcement Personnel, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Woodbum enter into Grant Contract CO2004 with the State of Oregon, acting through its Economic Development Department, which is affixed as Attachment "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, for a $600,000 Community Development Block Grant for the Cipriano Ferrel Education Center. Section 2. That the City of Woodburn make a Declaration of Policy Regarding the Use of Excessive Force by Law Enforcement Personnel which is affixed as Attachment "B" and by this reference incorporated herein, as a condition of grant approval. Section 3. That the Mayor is authorized to execute Grant Contract CO2004 and the Declaration of Policy Regarding the Use of Excessive Force by Law Enforcement Personnel as required by the grant. Approved as to form.'~/~ '(~/~ t/~/~ ~"'- d"- ZO<"'0 Z N. Robert Shields, City Attorney Date Page 1 - Council Bill No. Resolution No. I':' i liB Approved: Richard Jennings, Mayor Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of th~ Recorder ATTEST: Mary Tennanl~, City Recorder City of Woodbum, Oregon c:wIy DocumentsWlyFiles~\CB\cdbg.wpd Page 2 - Council Bill No. Resolution No. RECIPIENT COPY Attachment "A" liB STATE OF OREGON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT GRANT CONTRACT This Grant Contract is made and entered into by and between the State of Oregon, acting by and through its Economic and Community Development Department ("State"), and the City of Woodburn ("Recipient"). The reference number of this grant is C02004. RECITALS WHEREAS, the OregOn Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") Program is funded in part by community development block grants ("federal grants") from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD"); WHEREAS, these federal grants and subgrants of these federal grants are subject to Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, 42 II.S.C. §§5301-5321 (1994) ("the Act"), the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, 24 C.F.R. §570.1-.5 (1997), ORS §285A.075 (1997), and OAR 123-080-0000 to 123-080-0050 (1998), all as may be amended from time to time; WHEREAS, the State has reviewed the Recipient's application, submitted on December 13, 2001 (the "Application") and determined the Project, as hereinafter defined, is feasible and merits funding; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: Contract. This Grant Contract shall include the following, which, in the event of inconsistency between any of the terms, are to be interpreted in the following order of precedence: A. this Grant Contract without any Exhibits; B. Special Conditions of Award, attached as Exhibit B; C. Notice of Grant Award, attached as Exhibit A; D. Recipient's Certification of Compliance with State and Federal Laws and Regulations, attached as Exhibit C; E. A description of the project approved by the State (the "Project"), attached as Exhibit E; F. Approved Project budget showing breakdown of sources of funds, attached as Exhibit D. This exhibit supersedes the Project budget submitted in the Recipient's Application; and G. Recipient's Application (which is by this reference incorporated herein). Grant. In reliance upon the Recipient's Application and Certification of Compliance with State and Federal Laws and Regulations as described in Exhibit C, the State agrees to provide the Recipient funds in the amount of $600,000, the use of which shall be expressly limited to the Project and the activities described in Exhibit E. The use of these funds shall also be subject to the approved Project budget in Exhibit D and the Special Conditions in Exhibit B, if any. liB Attachment "A' Grant Contract Page 2 of 8 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Grant Contract, including but not limited to, the authorization described in Section 3 below, State shall disburse the grant funds to Recipient on an expense reimb6rsement basis after State's receipt and approval of cash request forms from Recipient. Further Authorization Required. The obligation or expenditure of funds by the Recipient for the approved activities described in this Grant Contract is prohibited without the further express written authorizatil).n of the State, except that such funds may be obligated or expended by the Recipient for activ~ities that are exempt as specified in 24 C.F.R. §58.34 (1997), provided that each exempt activity or project meets the conditions specified for such exemption under the cited section. Prolect Complet~o9 Date. A. The approved grant activities must be completed within 36 months from the date of this Grant Contrac~ or by the date specified below the signature blocks of this Grant Contract ("Project Completion Date"). By the Project Completion Date, all Project activities must be completed, including submission of ihe Project Completion Report and all cash requests (except cash requests for audit costs, if applicable). Unless exempt by OMB Circular A-133, the audit for the final fiscal ycar'of the Project shall bc submitted to the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department as soon as possible after it is received by the Recipient, but in any event no later than December 31 aRer the Project Completion Date. Recipient's Coven~tnts - Compliance with Laws. A. The Recipient agrees to comply, and cause its agents, contractors and subgrantees to comply, with all applicable state and federal laws, regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements with respect to the use of and the administration, distribution and expenditure of the funds provided under this Grant Contract, including but not limited to the following: (1) the Act and with' all related applicable laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to Sections 109 and 110 of the Act. (2) Section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §5304 (1994), and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, and 12 U.S.C. §1735b (1994). (3) Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. §1701u (1994) (employment opportunities to lower income people in connection with assisted projects), and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, 24 C.F.R. §135.38 (1997). The Recipient shall cause or require the Section 3 clause in 24 C.F.R. §135.38 (1997) to be inserted in full in all contracts and subcontracts exceeding $100,000 for Section 3 covered construction projects receiving more than $200,000 under this Grant Contract. (4) Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Properties Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, 42 U.S.C. §§4601-4655 (1997), and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, 49 C.F.R. §§24.1-24.603 (1997); (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) , liB Attachment "A' Grant Contract Page 3 of 8 the Davis-Bacon Act, as amended, 40 U.S.C. §§276a to 276a-5 (1994); 42 U.S.C. §5310 (1994) (applicable to the rehabilitation of residential property by laborers and mechanics in the performance of construction work only if such property contains not less than eight (8) units); and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, 40 U.S.C. §§327-333 (1994), and all regulations promulgated pursuant to thereto and all other applicable federal laws and regulations pertaining to labor standards. the Hatch Act, 5 U.S.C. {}§7321-7326 (1994) (limiting the political activity of some employeeS). Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d (1994), and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, 24 C.F.R. {}§1.1-1.10 (1997). The Recipient will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this assurance. If any real property or structure thereon is provided or improved with the aid of federal financial assistanc~ extended to the Recipient, this assurance shall obligate the Recipient, or in the case of any transfer of such property, any transferee, for the period during which the real property or structure is used for a purpose for which the federal financial assistance is extended, or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, popularly known as the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. {}{}3601-3631 (1994), as amended by Pub. L. 104-76, {}{}1-3 109 Stat. 787 (1995); Pub. L. 104-66, Title I, {}1071(e), 109 Stat. 720 (1995); Pub. L. 90-284, Title VIII, {}814A, as added Pub. L. 104-208, Div. A, Title II, {}2302(b)(1), 110 Stat. 3009-3421 (1996); Pub. L. 104-294, title VI, §604(b)(15), (27), 110 Stat. 3507, 3508 (1996) Exec. Order No. 11,063, 46 F.R. 1253 (1962), reprinted as amended in 42 U.S.C. {}1982 (1994) and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, 24 C.F.R. {}{}107.10- 107.65 (1997). Exec. Order No. 11,246, 3 0 F.R. 12319 (1965), as amended by Exec. Order No. 11,375, 32 F.R. 14303 (1967), reprinted in 42 U.S.C. §2000e (1994), and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, 41 C.F.R. {}§60-1.1 to 60-999.1 (1997) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, 42 U.S.C. §{}6101-6107 (1994). Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 794 (1994). Section 302 of the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, 42 U.S.C. §4822 (1994), and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, 24 C.F.R. §{}35.1-35.98 (1997). the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C. {}{}41514157 (1994). the Copeland Anti-Racketeering Act, 18 U.S.C. §1951 (1997). liB (16) Attachment "A" ORS §§294.305-294.565 (1997) and other applicable state municipal administration. Grant Contract Page 4 of 8 laws for county and (17) Special program and grant administration requirements imposed by the State related to the acceptance and use of funds provided under this Grant Contract (which requirements have been approved in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Grant Management Handbook). Bo When procuring property or services to be paid for in whole or in part with CDBG funds, the Recipient shalli comply with Chapter 279 of the Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapters 137 (Divisions 030i 035, and 040) and 125 (Divisions 300, 310, and 360) of the Oregon Administrative iRules, and ORS Chapter 244. The State's performance under this Grant Contract is conditioned upon the Recipient's compliance with the provisions of ORS {}§279.312, 279.314, 279.316, 279.320, and 279.555 (1997), which are incorporated by reference herein. The State's mrglel rules for public bidding and public contract exemptions shall govern procurements under this Grant Contract if the Recipient or its public contract review board does not adopt those, or similar, roles. If the Recipient or its public contract review board has adopted similar rules, those rules shall apply. 6. ,Other Covenants o~ Recipient. A. The activities undertaken in this grant must meet one of three national objectives established by the U.S. Congress. The Recipient covenants the activities it will undertake with the grant will meet the following national objective (check one): (X) (1) Activities primarily benefitting (24 C.F.R. 570.483C0)) low- and moderate-income persons; ( ) (2)Activities which aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight; (24 C.F.IL 570.483(c)) ( ) (3)Activities designed to meet community development needs having a particular urgency; (24 C.F.R. 570.483(d)) No employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected or appointed official of the Recipient, or any subrecipient receiving CDBG funds who exercises or has exercised any functions or responsibilities with respect to CDBG activities assisted by the grant made pursuant to this Grant Agreement or who is in a position to participate in a decision-making process or gain inside information with regard to such activities, may obtain a financial interest or benefit from the activity, or have an interest or benefit from the activity, or have, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any contract, subcontract, or agreement with respect thereto, or the proceeds thereunder, for themselves or those with whom they have family or business ties, during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Recipient shall also establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their position for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain Co Do Eo liB Attachment "A" Grant Contract Page 5 of 8 for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family, business, or other ties. The Recipient Shall incorporate, or cause to be incorporated, in all purchase orders, contracts or subcontracts regarding the procurement of property or services paid for in whole or in part with CDBG :funds any clauses required by federal statutes, executive orders and implementing regulations. The Recipient shall, and shall cause all participants in lower tier covered transactions to include in any proposal submitted in connection with such transactions the certification that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation from the covered transaction. The Recipient shall insert a clause in all documents prepared with the assistance of grant funds aekno .wledging the participation of federal and state CDBG funding. The Recipient shall maintain all fiscal records relating to this Grant Contract in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for state and municipal corporations established by the National Committee on Governmental Accounting in a publication entitled "Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting (GAAFR)." In addition, the Recipient shall maintain any other records pertinent to this Grant Contract in such a manner as to clearly document the Recipient's performance. For fair housing and equal opportunity purposes, and as applicable, the Recipient's records shall include data on the racial, ethnic and gender characteristics of persons who are applicants for, participants in, or beneficiaries of the program. The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that the State and the Oregon Secretary of State's Office and the federal government (including but not limited to HUD, the Inspector General, and the General Accounting Office) and their duly authorized representatives shall have access to all books, accounts, records, reports, files, and other papers, or property pertaining to the administration, receipt and use of CDBG funds and necessary to facilitate such reviews and audits in order to perform examinations and audits and make excerpts and transcripts. Audits shall be conducted annually in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984, 31 U.S.C. §§7501-7507 (1994) as amended by Pub. L. 104- 156, §§1-3, 110 Stat. 1397 (1996) and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, 24 C.F.R. §§44.1-44.18 (1997), and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A- 133, 24 C.F.R. §§45.1-45.5 (1997). The Recipient shall retain and keep accessible all such books, accounts, records, reports, files, and other papers, or property for a minimum of three (3) years from closeout of the grant hereunder, or such longer period'as may be required by applicable law, or until the conclusion of any audit, controversy or litigation arising out of or related to this Grant Contract, whichever date is later. The Recipient shall provide citizens with reasonable access to records regarding the past use of CDBG funds consistent with State and local requirements concerning the privacy of personal records. The grant made pursuant hereto shall be conducted and administered in conformity with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. §§2000a-2000e (1994), and the Fair Housing Act, and the Recipient will affirmatively further fair housing. liB Grant Contract Attachment "A" Page 6 of 8 G. The Recipient will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted in whole or part with CDBG funds by assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of low and moderate income, including any fee charged or assessment made as a condition of obtaining access to such public improvements, unless: (1) such funds are used to pay the proportion of such fee or assessment that relates to the capital costs of such public improvements that are financed from revenue sources other than under the Act; or (2) for purposes of assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons Of moderate income, the Recipient certifies to HUD that it lacks sufficient CDBG funds to comply with the requirements of (1). H. The Recipient will assume all of the responsibilities for environmental review, decisionmaking and action pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 II.S.C. §43214370(d) (1994) ("NEPAD, and such other provisions of law that the applicable regulations sPeCify that would otherwise apply to HUD federal ~rojects, in accordance with Section 104(g)i of the Act, 42 U.S.C. §5304(g) (1994). The Recipient shall provide such certification as required by the Secretary of HUD. Recipients will perform reviews in accordance wi~h 24 C.F.R. §58 (1997) and the other federal authorities listed at 24 C.F.R. §§58.5 (1997). ~ I. All non-exempt Project activities must be reviewed for compliance with 36 C.F.R. §§800.1- 800.15 (Protection of Historic Properties) and Exec. Order No. 11,988, 42 Fed. Reg. 26951 (1997), reprinted as amended in 42 U.S.C. §4321 note (1994) (Floodplain Management), and Exec. Order Nb. 11,990, 42 Fed. Reg. 26961 (1997), reprinted as amended in 42 U.S.C. §4321 note (1994) (protection of Wetlands). J. The Recipient has adopted and will enforce (1) a policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in non- violent civil fights demonstrations and (2) a policy of enforcing applicable State and local laws against physically barfing entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such non-violent civil fights demonstration within its jurisdiction in accordance with Section 104(1) of the Act. The Recipient shall cause all its first tier contractors or subrecipients receiving subcontracts in excess of $100,000.00 to execute and file with the Recipient the certification set forth in Exhibit C-I hereof. Lo All construction projects in excess of $50,000.00, which are undertaken using funds from this Grant Contract, shall have a Project sign (which sign shall be in the form approved by the State) located prominently at the Project site acknowledging the participation of federal and state CDBG funding. This sign shall be installed prior to construction and shall be maintained for thc duration of the construction period. M. No lead-based paint will be used in residential units. o ' liB Attachment "A" Grant Contract Page 7 of 8 Determination. State has made the determination that Recipient is a subrecipient, in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 and Section .102 of Oregon Accounting Manual 04 03 00.P0 (effective June 1,1998). Recipient agrees to monitor any local government or non-profit organization subrecipient to whom it may pass funds. Termination. A. The State reserves the right to terminate this Grant Contract immediately upon notice to the Recipient: (1) if the Recipient fails to perform or breaches any of the terms of this Grant Contract; or (2) if the Recipient is unable to commence the Project within four (4) months from the date of this Grant Contract; or (3) if the state fails to receive funding, or appropriations, limitations or other expenditure authorityiat levels sufficient to carry out the terms of this Grant Contract; or (4) if federal or state laws, regulations or guidelines are modified or interpreted in such a way that either the grant made pursuant to the terms of this Grant Contract or payments to be made hereunder are prohibited. The State may impose sanctions on the Recipient for failure to comply with provisions of this Grant Contract or OAR Chapter 123, Division g0. When sanctions are deemed necessary, the State may withhold unallocated funds, require remm of unexpended funds, require repayment of expended funds, or cancel the Grant Contract and recover all funds released prior to the date of notice of cancellation. Miscellaneous. A. This Grant Contract shall be null and void if this Grant Contract is not executed and returned to the State by the Recipient by jUne 28, 2002 Bo The State and the Recipient are the only parties to this Grant Contract and are the only parties entitled to enforce its terms. Nothing in this Grant Contract gives, is intended to give, or shall be construed to give or provide any benefit or right, whether directly, indirectly or otherwise, to third persons unless such third persons are individually identified by name herein and expressly described as intended beneficiaries of the terms of this Grant Contract. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Grant Contract, any communications between the parties hereto or notices to be given hereunder shall be given in writing by personal delivery, facsimile, or mailing the same, postage prepaid, to the State or the Recipient at the address or number set forth on the signature page of this Grant Contract, or to such other addresses or numbers as either party may hereafter indicate pursuant to this Section 9.C. Any communication or notice so addressed and mailed shall be deemed to be given five (5) days after mailing. Any communication or notice delivered by facsimile shall be deemed to be given when receipt of the transmission is generated by the transmitting machine. To be effective against the State, such facsimile transmission must be confirmed by telephone notice to the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department at llB Grant Contract Attachment "A" Page 8 of 8 (503) 986-0123. Any communication or notice by personal delivery shall be deemed to be given when actually delivered. Do This Grant Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon without regard to principles of conflicts of law. Any claim, action, suit or proceeding (collectively, "Claim") between Agency (and/or any other agency or department of the State of Oregon) and Contractor that arises from or relates to this Contract shall be brought and conducted solely and exclusively within the Circuit Court of Marion County for the State of Oregon; provided, however, ifa Claim must be brought in a federal forum, then it shall be brought and conducted solely and exclusively within the United States District Court for the District of Oregon. THE RECIPIENT, BY EXECUTION OF THIS CONTRACT, HEREBY CONSENTS TO THE IN PERSONAM JURISDICTION OF SAID COURTS. This Grant Cotitract and attached exhibits constitute the entire agreement between the parties on the subject matter hereof. There are no understandings, agreements, or representations, · I oral or wntten~ not specified herein regarding this Grant Con-tract. No waiver, consent, modification or change of terms of this Grant Contract shall bind either party unless in writing and signed by both parties and all necessary State approvals have been obtained. Such waiver, COnsent, modification or change, if made, shall be effective only in the specific instance and foir the specific purpose given. The failure of the State to enforce any provision of this Grant C0ntraet shall not constitute a waiver by Agency of that or any other provision. This Grant Contract is hereby executed by the Parties on the dates set forth below. STATE OF OREGON acting by and through its Economic and Community Deve~artment By: BettyPon~~ Manager '-~ By: Valley/Mid-Coast Team Title: Date: t"////3'- [0 ~ Date: CITY OF WOODBURN (ReCipient) (Signature) ProjeCt Completion Date Exhibit .A lIB Page I of I Attachment "A" April 10, 2002 Honorable Richard Jermings Mayor of Woodburn 270 Montgomery Street Woodburn, OR 97071 RE: Oregon ComiC, unity Development Block Grant Award, Project Number #C02004, ($600,000), City of Woodbum, Cipriano Fen'el Education Center Dear Mayor Jennings: We are pleased to make the official announcement that your jurisdiction has been awarded a grant of $600,000 from the Oregon Community Development Block Grant Program. The award is to assist the city in completing the Cipriano Ferrel Education Center. '~he enclosed staff report presents our analysis of your application. Actual funding is subject to execution of a contract between your jurisdiction and the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department. Contract documents will be sent to you in a short time'for your review and signature. Enclosed is a current Ch'ant Management Handbook that is periodically updated. Section 5. A. (17) of the grant contract requires the recipient to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements with respect to the use and the administration, distribution and expenditure of the funds, as set forth in the Grant Management Handbook. It is recommended that you review, at a minimum, Chapter 2 of the Grant Management Handbook for any changes to these requirements. This offer will be extended 60 days from the date of this letter. If you have any questions, please call Karen Homolac at (503) 986-0191. S' cerely, t~eay rongracz, Manager Valley/Mid-CoastTeam Enclosures C: Jim Mulder, City of Woodburn Roberto Franco, Farm Workers Housing Corporation Ray Teasley, Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments Tom Fox, Oregon Economic and Community Development Department Governor John A. Kltzhaber llB Attachment "A" Exhibit B Page I of 3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF AWARD COMMUNITY FACILITY GRANT Special conditions pertinent to this grant are set forth below. 1. All matching funds must be secured in writing by October 4, 2002, or the Grant Contract may be terminated. No CDBG funds may be drawn down unless all Project matching funds are secured. 2. All Project-related co~tracts must be received by the State ten (I 0) days before they are signed. This includes all Project-related contracts between the Recipient and any person or entity who will be administering the grant or performing services under a personal services contract. All Project- related bid documents must be received by the State at least ten (10) days before they are advertised. 3. Where the approved Project budget includes local funds and CDBG funds for a specific line item activity, those local funds must be expended before the Recipient can request CDBG funds for the activity, unless otherwise authorized by the State. 4. Any locad funds remaining in an approved non-construction budget lihe item when that line item activity is completed Shall be transferred to the construction line item and shall be expended in accordance with pm'agraph 3 hereof. 5. Prior to the approval of the first drawdown of grant funds for this Project, the Recipient shall provide the following to the State: a. Copy of an adopted Fair Housing resolution and evidence that this resolution has been published within six (6) months prior to the grant drawdown. b. Copy of a completed self-evaluation checklist required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 794 (1994) or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, .42 U.S.C. §§12111-12213 (1994). 6. Prior to approval of the first drawdown of grant funds for a construction line item of this project, the Recipient shall provide the following to the State: a. Notice of the Start of Construction which includes the project name and location, date of bid opening, date of award, name of general contractor, and the number of the applicable federal Davis-Bacon Wage decision included in the construction contract. If there is no general contractor, a notice shall be completed for each specialty contract. b. Copies of the required certified payroll reports from the general contractor and subcontractors whose work is covered by the drawdown request. 7. The Recipient shall place a sign indicating the involvement of CDBG funds in the Project in a clearly visible location on or near the construction sites of facilities that will be available for use by the public. 8. Any recipient which has had prior CDBG grants or which is the recipient of more than one 2002 CDBG award must undertake at least one activity, in addition to adopting and publishing a Fair Housing resolution, to promote fair housing opportunities in its community. , ao bo Attachment "A" liB Exhibit B Page 2 of 3 Change of Use Requirements. The following condition shall be in effect until five (5) years following the date of issuance by the State of a Certificate of Completion for this Project: (1) The real property or facility acquired or improved in whole or in part under this Grant Contract shall be operated and maintained for the purposes described in the Exhibit E or for other purposes which meet one of the national objectives of the Community Development Block Grant Program and which are eligible under Section 105 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §5305 (1994). (2) Any change in use of the facility or disposition of property acquired or improved with CDBG funds must be made in accordance with the standards provided in 24 C.F.R. 570.4890) (1997). (3) In the case where the Recipient is not and will not be the owner of the real property or facility being improved with grant funds hereunder, the Recipient is responsible for ensuring that the owner of the real property or facility complies with 9:.a.(l) and (2) above. As a condition of using grant funds under this Grant Contract to improve any such real property or facility, the Recipient shall cause the owner of such real property or facility to duly execute and record a trust deed against such real property in favor of the Recipient, which trust deed shall be in form and substance satisfactory to the State. ,The following language must be included in any contract which transfers the property from the Recipient to another party: "It is understood and agreed that this conveyance is made and accepted, and the realty is transferred, on and subject to the covenant, condition, restriction, and reservation that the realty must continue to be used for [INSERT THE APPROVED USE OF THE PROPERTY] or for another eligible use under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as mended, 42 U.S.C. §§5301-5321 (1994). This covenant, condition, restriction, and reservation shall apply to and nm with the conveyed land. If the realty is not used for the above purposes, then all the right, title, and interest in and to the described property and to the improvements on such property, shall revert to and revest in [Recipient NAME] or its successors and assigns, as fully and completely as if this instrument had not been executed. No reversion shall render invalid or operate in any way against the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust given with respect to the conveyed realty in good faith, and for value; and on any such reversion [Recipient. NAME] shall take title to the conveyed realty subject to any such mortgage or deed of trust. Provided, however, that should any such mortgage or deed of trust be foreclosed, then the title acquired by 'such foreclosure, and the person or persons who thereby and thereafter become the owner or owners of the conveyed realty, shall be subject to and bound by all the restrictions contained in this instrument; and further provided, that [Recipient NAME] may enforce any covenant, condition, and restriction by any other appropriate action at its sole option." Attachment "A" liB Exhibit B Page 3 of 3 c. The following language must be included in any deed that transfers the property from the Recipient to another party: "This deed is subject to all covenants, restrictions, and agreements of record that are made a part of this deed by reference, including the [INSERT NAME OF DOCUMENT OF SALE OR TRANSFER] which by this reference is incorporated herein, as though such covenants, restrictions, and agreements were fully set forth in this deed. Should any mortgage or deed of trust be foreclosed on the property to which this instrument refers, then the title acquired by such foreclosure, and the person or persons who thereby and thereafter become the owner or owners of such property, shall be subject to and bound by all the restrictions, conditions, and covenants set forth in this instrument." 10. The Recipient shall obtain as-built drawings for buildings that will be available for use by the public. 11. The Recipient shall collect and maintain documentation satisfactory to the State that the community facility meets the natioxml objective of principal benefit to low- and moderate-income persons. Such documentation shall be: _ a. Evidence that shows that the primary use of the facility is by persons who are presumed under HUD regulations for the Community Development Block Grant Program to be principally low and moderate income (e.g., elderly or handicapped persons, abused children, battered spouses, homeless persons, illiterate persons or migrant farm workers), or b. ' Data showing the size and annual income of the immediate family of each person benefitting from the facility so that it is evident that at least 51 percent of the clientele are Iow and moderate income, or c. Income eligibility requirements which limit the benefits of the facility exclusively to low- and moderate-income persons, or d. Evidence that the benefits of the facility are available to ALL the residents in a particular area and that at least 51 percent of those residents are low and moderate income. 12. The obligation of the State to make any disbursements under the Grant Contract is subject to receipt by the State of a grant administration plan in form and substance satisfactory to the State. Attachment "A" ' lib Exhibit C Page I of 3 RECIPIENT~S CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS Funds for the Oregon Community Development Block Grant Program are provided through a grant to the State from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §5301 (1994). These funds are subject to various federal siatutes and regulations as well as state laws and administrative rules. The Recipient hereby repre~sents, warrants and certifies that: 1. it has complied with 011 relevant federal and state statutes, regulations, executive orders, policies, guidelines and requirements with respect to the application for and acceptance and use of Oregon Community Development Block Grant funds, including but not limited to the Act; 2. it possesses legal authority to apply for and accept the terms and conditions of the Grant and to carry out the proposed Proj~t; - 3. its governing body has! duly authorized the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained ~erein; 4. the person identified as the official representative of the Recipient in the application and the Grant Coatmet is duly authorized to act in connection therewith and t9. provide such additional information as may be required. 'The Recipient's official representative rhas sufficient authority to make all certifications on its behalf; 5. the Grant Contract do~s not and will not violate any provision of any applicable law, nde, regulation or order of any court, regulatory commission, board or administrative agency applicable to the Recipient or any provision of.the Recipient's organic laws or documents; and 6. the Grant Contract has been duly executed by the Recipient's highest elected official and delivered by the Recipient and will constitute the legal, valid and binding obligations of the Recipient, enforceable in accordance with their terms. The Recipient further represents, warrants and certifies that it is following a detailed citizen participation plan which: 1. provides for and encourages citizen participation, with particular emphasis on participation by persons of Iow and moderate income who are residents of slum and blighted areas and of areas in which funds are proposed to be used; 2. provides citizens with reasonable and timely access to local meetings, information, and records relating to the Recipient's proposed use of funds, as required by applicable regulations, and relating to the actual use of funds under the Act; lib Attachment "A" Exhibit C Page 2 of 3 3. furnishes citizens information concerning the amount of funds available in the current fiscal year and the range of activities that may be undertaken, including the estimated amount proposed to be used for activities that will benefit persons of low- and moderate-income, and the proposed activities likely to result in displacement and the plans of the Recipient for minimizing displacement of persons as a result of activities assisted with such funds and for relocating persons actually displaced as a result of such activities; 4. provides for technical assistance to groups representative of persons of low and moderate income that request such assistance in developing proposals, with the level and type of assistance to be determined by the Recipient; 5. provides for a minimum of two public hearings to obtain citizen views and to respond to proposals and questions at all l stages of the community development program, including at least the development of needs, the review of proposed activities, and review of program performance, which hearings shall be held after reasonable notice, at times and locations convenient to potential or actual beneficiaries, and with! accommodation for the handicapped; 6. identifies how the needs of non-English speaking residents will be met in the case of public hearings where a significant number of non-English speaking residents can be reasonably expected to participate; 7. provides reasonable advance notice of and opportunity to comment on proposed activities in a grant application to the State or as to grants already made substantial changes from the Recipient's application to the State to activities; and 8. provides the address, phone number and times for submitting complaints and grievances and provides for a timely written answer to written complaints and grievances, within 15 working days where practicable. The Recipient represents, warrants and certifies that: 1. it has complied with its obligations as described in Section 6.F of this Grant Contract; and o it is following the State of Oregon Residential Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan unless it adopts and makes public its own plan which complies with 24 C.F.R. 42.325 (1997). The Recipient also certifies that it will minimize the displacement of persons as a result of activities assisted with Oregon CDBG funds. The Recipient further represents, warrants and certifies that: 1. the grant will be conducted and administered in conformity with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. §§2000a-2000e (1994), and the Fair Housing Act, and the Recipient will affirmatively further fair housing; and 2. no lead-based paint will be used in residential units. Attachment "A" liB Exhibit C Page 3 of 3 The Recipient further represents, warrants and certifies that: 1. it has carried out its responsibilities as described in Section 6.H of the Grant Contract; 2. the officer executing this certification is its chief executive officer (or other designated officer of the Recipient who is qualified under the applicable HUD regulations): 3. such certifying officer 4consents to assume the status of a responsible federal official under NEPA and other laws specified by the applicable HUD regulations, 24 C.F.R. {}{}58.1-58.77 (1997); and such certifying officer is authorized and consents on behalf of the Recipient and himself/herself to accept the jurisdiction of the federal courts for the purpose of enforcement of his/her responsibility as such an official. In addition to the above c~rtifieations, for grants of $100,000 or more, the undersigned also makes the certification regarding lobbying set forth in Exhibit C-I attached to the Grant Contract and incorporated herein by this reference. Signed Title City/County City of Woodbum Proomm lib Attachment "A" CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING (CDBG Awards of $ 100,000 or more) Exhibit C- 1 Page I of l The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congre~, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of. a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award doetunents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcomraets, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subreeipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who falls to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Signed Title Date 0 Z~ 0 r~ Attachment "A" 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 o ~ '-- ~ '~ ~ 0 ~ --- ~ .-- o o.- = '=E=8~ OE ~o <88 . lib Attachment "A" PROJECT DESCRIPTION City of Woodburn liB Exhibit E Recipient will construct a 9,000-square-foot building to house a Head Start Center and a day care center and to provide space to conduct a variety of adult education services. The facility will primarily serve migrant farm workers, but some sessions will be open for attendance by other Woodbum residents. The facility will contain two large classrooms for children's programs and two for adult programs as well as a computer center accessible to both youngsters and adults. A large commercial kitchen will be used to prepare meals for children's programs and for cultural events or meetings. Classes on citizenship preparation, development of leadership skills, English (spoken and written), financial management, income tax preparation, home ownership, counseling, computer skills, and credit application will be offered. Adults will use the computers to take college courses via the Internet, to conduct job searches, and to gain job skills. The facility will also have indoor and outdoor play areas. liB Attachment "B' OREGON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROGRAM Excessive Force Po Declaration ~ /fl/[~ "It is the policy of the City (1) Its law engaged in (2) .ersonnel shall not use excessive force against any individuals civil rights demonstrations, and Appli state and local laws that prohibit physically barring entrance to or exit from a fac or location which is the subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstrations. Date Richard Jennings, Mayor City of Woodbum Attachment "B' ~.~d OREGON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ~ 0~ r~c~ ~ Excessive Force Policy Declaration (~/[ O/~ "It is the policy of the City of Woodbum that: ~Its law enforcement personnel shall not use excessive force against any individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations, and (2) Applicable state and local laws that prohibit physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstrations within the jurisdiction of the city shall be enforced. Date Richard Jennings, Mayor City of Woodburn llC COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. 2394 AN RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY'S ELECTION TO RECEIVE STATE REVENUES DURING FISCAL YEAR 2002-03. Whereas, ORS 221.770 requires cities to pass a resolution annually declaring their election to receive state revenue sharing, now, therefore, THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Pursuant to ORS 221.770, the City hereby elects to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2002-2003. - City Attomey Date APPROVED RICHARD JENNINGS, MAYOR Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodbum, Oregon Page 1 - Council Bill No. Resolution No. llC April 17, 2002 CITY OF WOODBUP-N CITY TP~EASURER 270 MONTGOMERY WOODBURN OR 97071 155 Cottage St. NE U-90 Salem, OR 97301-3872 (503)378-2350 ext 329 FAX (503)373-1273 KevinHerburger~state.or.us Finance Director, e,t:ttc Rexenae Sharing Lay, ()R:~ 2-' ;.770, requ,es cities lc, annuail? pass an o<lh~ar~.:e or res,_,lut:..~ r¢,:ltJusiil,g st~t~ revenue sharing money. The law mandates public hearings be held by the city, certification of these hearings is required. in order to receive state revenue sharing in 2002-2003, your city musl have levied property taxes in the preceding year and: 1. Pass an ordinance or resolution approving participation in the program and file a copy of that ordinance with the Office of Business Administration prior to July 31. 2. H~31d the following hearings on the use of state revenue sharing funds: a) a public hearing before the budget committee to discuss possible uses of the funds; b) a public hearing before the city council on the proposed uses of the funds in relation to the entire budget. 3. Certify to the Office of Business Administration by completing the attached ordinance/resolution form, prior to July 31, that these hearings have been held. The Actual Use Report and Long Range Fiscal Projections were repealed by the 64th Legislative Session. It is no longer required to file these reports. If you have any questions, you can contact me Monday through Friday 7:45 AM -4:i5 PM. Sincerely, Kevin Herburger Disbursement Accountant Office of Business Administration llC RETURN TO: ()i linc of Business AdTniifist~adon 155 Cottage St. NE U-90 Salem, OR 97301-3972 (503)378-2350 ext 329 FAX (503)373-1273 DEP~IT~NT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SEWVICES OFFICL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTI~TiON ATTN Kevin Herburger 155 COTTAGE ST NE U-90 SALEM OR 97301-3972 AN ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY'S ELECTION TO RECEIVE STATE REVENUES The City of WOODBIiJRN ordains as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to ORS 221.770, the city hereby elects to receive state revenues for fiscal year 2002-2003. Passed by the Common Council the Approved by the Mayor this day day of .,2002. ,2002. Mayor A~est I *certify that a public hearing before the Budget Committee was held on ., 2002 and a public hearing before the City Council was held on ,2002, giving citizens an opportunity to comment on use of State Revenue Sha.-h]g. City Recorder DEADLINE JULY 31. 2002 * NOTE: Please return certification only. We do not need copies of notice MEMO To: For Council Action, through the City Administrator From: Randy Scott, C.E. Tech III, through the Public Works Director Subject: Contract award for Resurfacing Improvements Date: June 5, 2002 lid RECOMMENDATION: It is being recommended the City Council award the construction comract to the lowest responsible bidder, Roy L Houck Construction for the Resurfacing Improvements for Clackamas Circle, Hawley Street, Judy Street and Julie Court in the amount of $129,873.15. BACKGROUND: The contract is in conjunction with Project No. 2001-075-20, Bid No. 22-29, for resurfacing all of Clackamas Circle, Judy Street and Julie Court. Hawley Street will be resurfaced from Wilson Street to the South. The project includes surface repairs for the area offailare and then placement of either a 1" or 1 1/2" asphaltic concrete wearing course. The project will be funded using approved resurfacing/maintenance budgeted funds. Staff[, received a total of six qualified bids as listed below 1. Roy L Houck. $129,873.15 2. Parker Northwest Paving $130,233.10 3. D & D Paving $145,027.55 4. Morse Bros. $147,843.80 5. North Santaim Paving $149,652.30 6.. Salem Road & Driveway $149,718.50 Engineers Estimate $147,330 The low bidder is 12% below the engineer's estimate, therefor staff is recommending the contract be awarded. liE MEMO TO: FROM: SUJECT: DATE: City Council through City Administrator Frank Sinclair, POTW Superintendent through Frank Tiwari, Public Works Director Contract Award for Pak-Flail Mower June 5, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for the purchase of a 96" Pak-Flail mower to Fischer Mill Supply for the amount of $5,489.00. BACKGROUND: The City requested bid number 22-19 for a 96" Pak-Flail Mower attachment. The bids were opened at 1:30 p.m. on May 24, 2002, and the results were as follows: Biddgr Amount Bid Fischer Mill Supply Ernst Hardware Lenon Implement Jensen Equipment $5,489.00 $5,499.00 $5,675.00 $5,844.30 The rear-mounted mower will be attached to the orchard tractor and used in the poplar plantation for mowing between the rows of poplar trees and on flat ground adjacent to the poplar plantation. The cost of this mower is included in the approved budget for the Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion project. llF MEMO TO: FROM: SUJECT: City Council through City Administrato~ /~~-"'~ Frank Sinclair, POTW Superintendent through Frank Tiwari, Public Works Director Contract Award for Offset-Flail Mower DATE: June 5, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for the purchase of a 98" Offset-Flail ~aower to Ernst Hardware for the amount of $5,499.00. BACKGROUND: The City requested bids for a 98" Offset-Flail Mower attachment. The bids were opened at 1:30 p.m. on May 24, 2002, and the results were as follows: Bidder Amount Bid Ernst Hardware Lenon Implement Fischer Mill Supply Corvallis New Holland Jensen Equipment $5,499.00 $5,600.0O $5,788.00 $5,825.00 $5,888.OO The mower will be attached to the orchard tractor and used in the poplar plantation for mowing sloped areas and other parts of the plantation where the rear mounted mower is not usable. The cost of this mower is included in the approved budget for the Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion project. llG MEMO To.' From: Date: Subject: May0r and Council through the ~-~ ~ministrator<~ Ben Gillespie, Finance Director J 0o' May 29, 2002 Renewal of Audit Contract Recommendation: It is recommended that the Council by motion authorize the Mayor to sign the attached contract. - Background: The public accounting firm of Boldt, Carlisle, & Smith have successfully completed a five year contract to audit the City's general purpose financial statements. The policy of the Finance Department is to subject financial services contracts to a competitive process every three to seven years. If management is dissatisfied with the level of service the cycle between requests for proposals will be shorter. Under no circumstances is a business relationship allowed to survive beyond seven years without the City requesting proposals. In this case the service provided by Boldt, Carlisle, and Smith has been more than satisfactory. Management asked the fu-m to provide a proposal for a two year extension. Their proposal and a copy of the contract are attached. Because Woodburn is adopting major changes in the two years to be audited, it is important to retain an audit team that has experience with and knows the background of the City's financial affairs. In 2001-02 Woodburn began two major projects: Implementation of a new Financial Management System (FMS) Conversion to GASB 34 reporting requirements These projects will be competed in 2003-04 Financial Implications: The prices proposed for the audits of the years ending June 30, 2002 and June 30, 2003 are $24,600 and $28,300 respectively. The year 2002 figure represents a 11% increase over the prior year's billings, and the 2003 amount is a 15% increase. When questioned about the magnitude of the increases, Doug Parham, the Boldt, Carlisle, & Smith partner responsible for this engagement responded that the prices reflect three things. First, the labor market for public accountants is tight and has been so for over a year. He justifies 6% of the increase in each year as reflecting his firm's increasing labor costs to attract and hold qualified staff llG Second, GASB 34 stipulates additional disclosure, which requires more time of the audit team to prepare the financial statements. 3% of the second year's increase is due to financial statement preparation. This will be an ongoing cost. Third, 5% of first year's increase and 6% of the second year's increase is attributed to the cost of convening the City's reporting model to GASB 34. These are costs that will not be incurred in the following years. LDT~ ARLISLE t_.~ &SMITLHLc, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANYS May 15, 2002 llG 480 CHURCH STREET SE SALEM, OR 97301 (503) 585-7751 FAX 370-3781 408 NORTH THIRD AVENUE STAYTON, OR 97383-1797 (503) 769-2186 FAX 769-4312 Ben Gillespie, Finance Director CITY OF WOODBURN 270 Montgomery Street Woodburn, OR 97071 Dear Ben: In re: Audit contract and related fees We have successfully completed audits of your general-purpose financial statements for the years ended June 30, 1997 through June 30, 2001. We welcome the oppommity to continue to serve as your independent auditors. We have prepared a two-year contract with a cancellation clause that provides an oppommity for either party to terminate. The significant factors, which influence the cost of professional services, include proper measurement of the scope of services to be performed, planning and control of the engagement, and careful matching of the skills a~d experience levels of personnel with the requirements of the engagement. We have reviewed your 2001-02 adopted budget and appropriation resolution, which include thirty-six funds and plans for $35,757,292 of expenditures. Fees for the renewed contract are based on the following: Evaluation of audit requirements and scope (including 6/'30/03 GASB 34) · Application of current hourly rates for appropriate staff · Evaluation of the adequacy of fees during the initial contract term Therefore, our fee for audit services for the years ended June 30, 2002 and 2003 will not exceed $24,600 and $28,300, respectively. Enclosed are three copies of the new contract. Please sign all three copies and return them to me in the enclosed envelope. I will sign all three copies, return one to you, submit one to the Secretary of State, Audits Division, and retain one for our files. If you have any questions, please contact me, or Brad Bingenheimer. enc Very truly yours, Douglas C. Parham, CPA llG AUDIT CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT, made this 8th day of May, 2002, in accordance with the requirements of Oregon Revised Statutes 297.405 through 297.555 between BOLDT, CARLISLE & SMITH, LLC, Certified Public Accountant(s) of Salem, Oregon, and the CITY OF WOODBURN, Oregon, provides as follows: It hereby is agreed that BOLDT, CARLISLE & SMITH, LLC shall conduct an audit of the accounts and fiscal affairs of CITY OF WOODBURN, Oregon, for the period beginning July 1, 2001, and ending June 30, 2002, and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, in accordance with the Minimum Standards for Audits of Municipal corporations as prescribed by law. The audit shall be undertaken in order to express an opinion upon the financial statements of CITY OF WOODBURN, Oregon, and to determine if the CITY OF WOODBURN, Oregon has complied substantially with appropriate legal provisions. BOLDT, CARLISLE & SMITH, LLC agrees that the services they have contracted to perform under this contract shall be rendered by them or under their personal supervision. In the performance of services under this contract, BOLDT, CARLISLE & SMITH, LLC agrees that it shall use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstance by reputable members of its profession practicing in the State of Oregon. It is understood and agreed that, should unusual conditions arise or be encountered during the course of the audit whereby the services of BOLDT, CARLISLE & SMITH, LLC are necessary beyond the extent of the work contemplated, written notification of such unusual conditions shall be delivered to the CITY OF WOODBURN, Oregon, who shall instruct in writing BOLDT, CARLISLE & SMITH, LLC concerning such additional services, and that a signed copy of each such notification and instruction shall be delivered immediately to the Secretary of State by the Party issuing the same. The audit shall be started as soon after this contract is executed as is agreeable to the Parties hereto and shall be compleX'ed, and a written report thereon delivered within a reasonable time, but not later than six months, after the close of the audit period covered by this contract. Adequate copies of such report shall be delivered to the CITY OF WOODBURN, Oregon, and its form and content shall be in accordance with and not less than that required by the Minimum Standards for Audits of Oregon Municipal Corporations. o It is understood and agreed that the CITY OF WOODBURN, Oregon, is responsible for such financial statements as may be necessary to fully disclose and fairly present the results of operations for the period under audit and the financial condition at the end of that period. Should such financial statements not be prepared and presented within a reasonable period of time, it is understood that BOLDT, CARLISLE & SMITH, LLC shall draft them for CITY OF WOODBURN, Oregon. The cost of preparing such financial statements shall be included in the fee for conducting the audit as set forth in Paragraph 7 below. 6. It is understood and agreed that either Party may cancel this contract by giving notice in writing to the other Party at least ninety days prior to July 1 of any year. o In consideration of the faithful performance of the conditions, covenants, and undertakings herein set forth the CITY OF WOODBURN, Oregon, hereby agrees to pay BOLDT, CARLISLE & SMITH, LLC the sum not to exceed $24,600 and $28,300 for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2002 and 2003, respectively, and the CITY OF WOODBURN, Oregon, hereby affirms that proper provision for the payment of such fee has been or will be duly made and that funds for the payment thereof are or will be made legally available. Boldt, Carlisle & Smith, LLC CITY OF WOODBURN, Oregon by G :~Clientg_\98408~atandard contzact.doc by llH MEMO TO : THROUGH : FROM : DATE : SUBJECT : Mayor and Council ~_~A~ John C. Brown, City Administrator Mary Tennant, City Recorder ~"~ June 5, 2002 Extension of City Liability Insurance Coverage Recommendation: By motion, the Council authorize extension of City Liability Insurance for the July 4th celebration to be held on July 4, 2002 at the Woodburn High School athletic field. Discussion: The City has been a co,Sponsor for the July 4t~ celebration since it's inception in 1990. The event is held at the Woodbum High School athletic field and, even though the School District does not charge a fee for the use of their facility, they do require a Certificate of Insurance naming the School District as an additional insured. The event will be similar to last year's program and a fireworks display will conclude the event. Financial Impact: There is no financial impact to the City for extension of liability coverage in that no additional premiUms are assessed by our insurance carder. City of Woodburn Police Department STAFF REPORT 270 Montgomery Street Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-2345 Date: From: June 4, 2001 Scott Russell, Chief of Police)On// To' Through: Mayor and City Council John Brown, City Administrato~~k~7~ Subject: Grant Award - Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Program 11I Recommendation: The city council approve receipt and allocation of thh Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant funds for Woodburn Peer Court and authorize the City Administrator to sign the Grant Agreement In Jti_ne 2001, the city council approved receipt and allocation of Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JAIBG) funds for Woodbum Peer Court. The grant program is administered by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and is designed to promote greater accountability among juveniles who are involved in the juvenile justice system. Once again this year the City of Woodburn has been awarded a Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) in the amount of $7,096. The grant requires a $788. local match which will come from the police department's public education budget. The Youth Peer Court allows for the implementation of a cohesive, community-based program of prevention and intervention for first time youth offenders. The program is currently training youth to act as peer court members and plans to have their first court soon. The grant funds received from JAIBG will be used as partial funding for Woodburn's Peer Court. The total Peer Court budget for FY2002-2003 is $14,440. The police department will pass the grant funds offto the Marion County Sheriff's Office who has agreed to act as fiscal agent and supervisor for the Peer Court Program. The Peer Court Program Manager, formerly a Sheriff's Office Employee, will now to be a contract employee, that is yet to be hired by the Marion County Sheriff's Office. The Peer Court Program Manager will administer the program under the Sheriff's Office direction and oversight. Oregon John A Kitzhaber M D Governor May 30, 2002 11T .l. ll Department of State Police Criminal Justice Services Division 400 Public Service Building Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378-3720 FAX (503) 378-6993 V/TTY (503) 585-1452 Deputy Chief Scott D. Russell Woodburn Police Department 270 Montgomery St Woodburn, OR 97071 Dear Deputy Chief Russell: Congratulations on your 2001 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) award. Enclosed please find two copies of the Grant Award Conditions and Certifications (contract). Review the award document and budget and notify me if any revisions are necessary. If there are no chan'ges, please have both contracts signed and return both copies to my attention no later than Friday,_[une 21, 2002. Once the Director signs both contracts, one original will be returned to you for your files. Please remember that grant funds must be used to supplement, not supplant existing program funds. Neither grant nor match funds may replace funds that would otherwise be available for any of the JAIBG Authorized Purpose Areas. As you are aware Mona West's last day with CJSD is Friday, May 31, 2002. We are in the process of filling her position and are confident we will hire an excellent coordinator for the JAIBG program. Until that time, I will be the contact for the program. Thank you in advance for your patience during this transition. If you have any questions please call me at (503) 378-3725 ext. 4146. Sincerely, Karen Green, Grants Manager Criminal Justice Services Division JOHN A. KITZHABER, M.D. GOVERNOR May 23, 2002 llI Woodburn, City of Attn: Deputy Chief Scott D. Russell Deputy Chief Police Department Woodburn, OR 97071 Dear Deputy Chief Russell: It i's my pleasure to infbrm you that $7,096.00 in federal funds has been allocated to the Woodburn, City of. These funds have been made available to the State of Oregon through the Juveniie Accountability Incentive Block Grant Program, which is administered by the Criminal Justice Services Division of the Oregon State Police. This notice does not constitute a legally binding grant agreement tbr these funds. Staff from the Criminal Justice Services Division will forward a Grant Award Conditions and Certifications (contracO, to finalize the grant agreement for your program. It is not until the grantee and the Director of the Criminal Justice Services Division signs the grant agreement that funds will be available for expenditure. This award vlaces the Woodburn / Marion County Youth Peer Court in the forefront of Oregon's ef{orts to promote greater accountability in the juvenile justice system. We hope that these funds will be coordinated with the use of your county's juvenile crime prevention funds. I look forward to hearing of your accomplishments. Sincerely, JAK/osp:cjsd:C Merlo STATE CAPITOL, SALEM 97301-4047 (503) 378-3! ! ! FAX (503) 378-4863 TTY (503) 378-4859 WWW.GOVE RNOR.$TATE.O R. U S - llJ June 6, 2002 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council John C. Brown, City Administrator (~ C Yard Waste Disposal Charge Request from United Disposal, Service, Inc. Recommendation: It is recommended the City Council authorize a rate adjustment for United Disposal Service, Inc. to include a $1.50 per month yard waste disposal charge. Background: Ordinance No. 1641, as amended by Ordinances 1945, 2008, and 2072, regulates the solid waste franchise with United Disposal. Section 13 addresses rates, and provides that changes in rates shall be approved by City Council resolution. In determining the appropriate rate to be charged, the Council shall consider: 1) The cost of performing the service provided by the Franchisee. 2) The anticipated increases in the cost of providing service. 3) The need for equipment replacement and the need for additional equipment to meet service needs; compliance with federal, state and local law, ordinances and regulations; or technological change. 4) The investment of the franchisee and the value of its business and the necessity that the franchise have a reasonable rate of return. 5) The rates in other cities for similar service. And, 6) The public interest by assuring reasonable rates to enable the franchisee to provide efficient and beneficial service to the residents and other users of the service. United Disposal's most recent rate adjustment was approved in December 1997, and went into effect in July 1998. That adjustment implemented the yard debris and mixed paper recycling programs. To promote separate collection of yard waste, Marion County offered to pay, for a limited period, tipping fees associated with the program for participating communities. Tipping fees are the per ton fee charged by the processing facility. Woodburn and several other cities have benefited from the subsidy since 1998. Discussion: Attached is United Disposal Service's request to adjust rates to include a yard debris tip fee. The Marion County subsidy ends on June 30, 2002, and United Honorable Mayor and City Council June 7, 2002 Page 2. llJ will be subject to a $22.85 per ton tip fee to continue the separate yard debris program. To support that cost, United requests adjustment of the rate schedule to include a $1.50 per month, per household, yard debris tip fee. A similar request is being made in the other cities served by United, where the Marion County tip fee subsidy has ceased. Upon receipt of United Disposal's request, City staff explored the possibility of Marion County continuing to subsidize a portion of the program for another year, and asked United Disposal to consider absorbing a portion of the tipping fee. Neither agency was able to oblige that request, in both cases due to budgetary constraints. The separate yard waste program has been well received by customers. Beyond it's value to customers who want to recycle green waste, it also reduces the size of containers required for household solid waste disposal, and attendant costs. United Disposal's request appears to satisfy most or all of the six criteria upon which the Council can base its consideration of a rate adjustment. Accordingly, your authorization of the requested adjustment is recommended. Should you authorize the recommended action, an implementing resolution will be prepared for your approval at your June 24, 2002 meeting. A public notice regarding your consideration of the proposed increase on June 10, 2002 was published in the Woodburn Independent. Financial Impact: The requested rate adjustment will increase residential rates by $18 per year. That will increase the franchise fees paid to the City by 54 cents per household per year and result in an overall increase in franchise fees of approximately $2,200 per year, depending on the number of households receiving service. Under the franchise, the City receives 3 percent of United's gross revenue. JCB United Disposal Service, Inc. P.O. BOX 608 2215 N. FRONT STREET WOODBURN, OREGON 97071-5999 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - RECYCLING TELEPHONE 503-981-1278 FAX 503-982-7930 http://www.uniteddisposal.com City of Woodbum City Council 270 MontgomeD' Street Woodburn, Or 97071 llJ Subject: Request approval for yard debris tip fee - County subsidy ends June 30. 2002 YARD DEBRIS TIP FEE United Disposal Service, Inc. respectfully requests approval of a new disposal cost for yard debris composting (or more commonly known as a tip-fee). History: To encourage cities to move toward separated yard debris collection anc~reduce the overall waste stream, Marion County offered to subsidize the cost of disposal (processing fee) in 1998 for 2-years. Marion County continued the subsidy far past the original 2-year promise, but will end the subsidy as of June 30, 2002. This new cost represents a tip-fee of $22.85 per ton. The proposed tip-fee, which represents new additional costs are due to the discontinuation of the County yard debris tip fee subsidy. The additional cost for yard debris tip fee is: $1.50 per month per household. Early estimates predicted the cost per month per household would be in excess of $1.50mo. (from 1998 original dollar estimates). United Disposal Service, Inc. has secured an agreement with a local processing facility, thus reducing the original estimate. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Robert M. Sigloh General Manager PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M / F / D I V 'IlK MEMO To: From: Via: Subject: Date: Mayor and City Council Matt Smith, Management Analyst ~ John C. Brown, City Administrator<:J- ~ Recommended Amendments to the 2001-2002 Master Fee Schedule June 10, 2002 Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council review the recommended revisions to the Community Development and Finance fees, and authorize staff to prepare an ordinance amending the 2001-2002 Master Fee Schedule. Background: The 2001-2002 update to the Master Fee Schedule was adopted by Council on September 24, 2001. Occasionally it is necessary to amend the fee schedule prior to the regularly scheduled annual review in September to account for changes requiring immediate attention. The City amended the fee schedule in May to account for changes requested by CCRLS for the Library fee charged to non-residents living within the CCRLS boundaries. The adoption of the new Woodbum Development Ordinance prompts another such amendment to the fee schedule to account for changes in existing fees and the addition of new fees that will take effect on July 1, 2002. One additional amendment to the fee schedule is recommended to allow staff to improve the lien search service. Discussion: Community Development. With the exception of sign ordinance compliance permit fees, all of the fees charged by the Community Development Department are changed per the new Development Ordinance, and one fee, the "Appeal of Land Use Action to the Planning Commission," is eliminated. Seventeen new fees are added, also per the Development Ordinance. Finance. The technology is available to provide lien information to tide companies on the Intemet. Title companies are interested because it decreases the turn around time when processing title insurance. The City is interested, because it will decrease the time spent responding to lien search requests. Net Assets is an Oregon company providing such a service at a cost of $8.00 per inquiry. To recover the total cost of lien searches, the City must increase its fee from $15.00 to $23.00. The recommended fee is within the range charged by other cities. The revised Community Development and Finance fees (see table in Attachment llK "A") are set to reflect the City's policy of recovering the actual cost of providing a service. Staff utilized the same criteria for establishing the cost of providing services developed for previous master fee schedules in determining the revised fees. Said criteria includes: all personnel costs associated with the service (i.e., salaries and benefits), operating expenses (including noticing costS), and all applicable indirect costs (e.g., building and equipment maintenance). Noticing costs for Community Development fees were not included in the fee in previous fee schedules, but were recovered by charging the applicant directly for actual costs. Conclusion: It is recommended that the City Council review the recommended revisions to improve the delivery of the Lien Search service, and to update the Fee Schedule per changes adopted in the Woodbu~n Development Ordinance, and to authorize staff to prepare an ordinance amending the 2001-2002 Master Fee Schedule. Financial Impact: The increase in fees and charges resulting from the recommended amendments are based on costs of service determined in 2001-2002. The financial impact for the changes will be, determined in september as part of the regularly scheduled annual review once the costs of service have been recalculated to reflect actual costs for labor and other cost criteria for 2002-2003. Staff Report to Coundl re Fee Schedule ,4mendment Page 2 of 2 Attachment "A Page 1 of 3 Recommended Community Development and Finance Fees Table COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FEES Annexations $1,365 $1,594 Zone Map Amendment $1,435 $2,249 Comprehensive Plan Amendment $1,435 $2,249 Conditional Use $883 $1,014 ~ retitled "Zoning Adjustment" $674 $662 Major Variance $984 $1,121 A ........ , _,, ., ,, ,,_,:__ s_ '~'---:-- "'----=--:-- $250 eliminated Appeal of Land Use Action to City Council $916 $1,035 Minor Po,~,t,,,,, ,,.,,o ~,, ,~oo~ to $979 $929 retitled "Partition (Preliminary Approval)" Major Pod,t,,.,,, $1,161 eliminated (plus $11 per loO "Partition (Final Plat Approval)" new fee $168 Lot-Line Adjustments "and Consolidation of Lots" $299 $360 Subdivision (4 lots or more) $1,623 divided into two fees below (plus $11 per lot) "-Preliminary Approval' -- $2,456 (plus $11 per lot) "-Final Plat Approvaf' -- $598 P. U.D. (4 lots or more) $1,928 divided into three fees below (plus $15 per lot) "-Preliminary Plan Approval" -- $2,071 (plus $15 per "-Design Plan Final Approval" -- $900 "-Final Plan Approval" -- $451 Regulation, Site Plan Review (based on sqUare footage) IlK Attachment "A " Page 2 of $ "-under 1,000 sq. ft." new fee $611 --under 4,000 sq. ,'t. "1,000 sq. ft. - 4,999 sq. ft." $1,172 $1,608 --25,000 sq. ft. - 99,999 sq. ft. $2,740 $2,958 --100,000 sq. ft. - 199,999 sq. ft. $5,920 $6,563 --200,000+ sq. ft. $11,653_ $12,169 Sign Ordinance Compliance Permit --under 30 sq. ft. $28 $28 --30-75 sq. ft. $100 $100 --76-150 sq. ft $150 $150 --150+ sq. ft. $264 $264 'Exception to Street ROW and Improvement Requirements" new fee $1,121 'Specific Conditional Use for a Historically or Architecturally new fee $1,014 Significant Site" "Formal Interpretation of the Woodbum Dev. Ordinance" new fee $1,524 "Manufactured Dwelling Park" "-Preliminary Approval" new fee $2,242 "-Final Plan Approval" new fee $532 'Phasing Plan" new fee $1,141 "Residential Architectural Standards Substitution" new fee $238 "Significant Wetlands Overlay District (SWOD) Permit" new fee $411 "Telecommunications Facility Specific Conditional Use" new fee $1,270 .~.IK Attachment ",4" Page 3 of 3 R~'cbm!d Fbe "Temporary Outdoor Marketing and Special Event Permit for new fee $113 a Woodburn Development Ordinance Special Use" "Tree Removal Permit" new fee $86 "Formal Pre-Application Conference" new fee $357 "/nterpretation of Uses" new fee $1,746 (plus Measure 56 notice costs, if applicable) "Interpretation of Zoning District Boundaries" new fee $1,746 (plus Measure 56 notice costs, ff applicable) FINANCE FEE Lien Search Fees (per request) $15 $23