Agenda - 07/09/2001270 Mon~ome~ S~t ~ ~ ~oodburn~ Or. on
Vacancy on the Planning Commission: Position 8, term expires
December 31, 2001. Applications are available in the Mayor's office.
Saturday, August 18, 2001 - Walt's Run - 5k Run/Walk, 1 Mile Jaunt
8:00 a.m. at Centennial Park, 900 Parr Road. Contact Woodburn
Recreation and Parks.
Music in the Park:
Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at Library Park: The Maharimbas
Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at Library Park: Steve Krupicka's
Pudding River Band.
A. Friends oftl~ Parks Awards:
Donna Gramse and Joe Pardo
B. Parks and Recreation Month ..................................... 4B
A. Chamber of Commerce.
B. Woodburn Downtown Association.
7. BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC (This allows the public to introduce items for
Council consideration not already scheduled on the agenda.)
8. CONSENT AGENDA - Items listed on the consent agenda are considered routine
and may be enacted by one motion. Any item may be removed for discussion at
the request of a Council member.
page 1 - July 9, 2001 Woodburn City Council Agenda
Council minutes June 18, 2001 special meeting and June 25, 2001~--
regular meeting ................................................
Recommended action: ,4pprove the Council minutes of June 18, 2001
special meeting and June 25, 2001 regular meeting
Planning Commission minutes of May 24 and June 14, 2001 ...........
Recommended action: Accept the Planning Commission minutes of
May 24 and June 14, 2001.
Community Center Planning Committee minutes of June 28, 2001 ...... 8C
Recommended action: Accept the Community Center Planning
Committee minutes of June 28, 2001
Summer water use information ................................... 8D
Recommended action: Receive report.
Shuttle bus service for Drums of Fire .............................. 8E
Recommended action: Receive report.
Status report on general liability, property and worker's compensation
insurance coverage for FY 2001-02 ................................ 8F
Recommended action: Receive status report.
Building Activity Report for June 2001 ............................. 8G
Recommended action: Receive the Building Activity Report for June 2001.
Council Bill No. 2332 - Ordinance affirming the Woodburn Planning
Commission's approval of Site Plan Review 00-12, Variance 01-04,
and partition 01-01 to construct a retail shopping center on a 10.36
acre site located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Highway
99E and Highway 211 .......................................... llA
Recommended action: Approve the ordinance.
Council Bill No. 2333 - Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2272
(the 2000-2001 Master Fee Schedule) to increase the non-resident
library card fee for non-residents of the City residing inside the
CCRLS system boundaries ......................................
Recommended action: Adopt the ordinance.
Handicap parking request for Cupid's Court ....................... llC
Recommended action: Approve the installation of one handicap parking
space on the west side of Cupids Court at the south end near the stop sign.
Page 2 - July 9, 2001 Woodbum City Council Agenda
Right-of-way acceptance, Harvard Drive ~
Recommended action: Accept the right-of-way as being conveyed by
Capital Development Company.
Acceptance of utility easements, Montebello subdivision .............
Recommended action: Accept the utility easements as conveyed by
Capital Development Company.
Liquor license application - change of ownership and business name
from the Pier Restaurant to the Ranch Restaurant and Lounge ....... llF
Recommended action: Approve the liquor license application.
Sound amplification permit for Flor Y Canto for a community
performance on Saturday, July 14, 2001 from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
at Library Park ............................................... llG
Recommended action: Approve the sound amplification permit.
Sound amplification permit for Centro Cristiano Church for
Sunday, July 15, 2001 from 5:00 p.m - 8:30 p.m. at 257 W. Lincoln St .. llH
Recommended action: Approve the sound amplification permit.
Executive employee performance evaluations ....................... 1 lI
Recommended'action: provide an opportunity for public comment on the form
and process for evaluating the City Administrator and City Attorney.
PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS - These are Planning Commission actions
that may be called ~ by the City Council.
Planning Commission approval of Site Plan Review 01-04 and Lot Line
Adjustment 01-04 for property located on the west side of Hwy 99E
between Alexandra Avenue and Mt Jefferson Avenue at 1333 N. Pacific
Highway ..................................................... 14A
Page 3 - July 9, 2001 Woodburn City Council Agenda
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Sianedth 9 day of Jm;~ 2oo~
JUNE 18, 2001
CONVENED. The special meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings
Mayor Jennings Present
Councilor Bjelland Present
Councilor Chadwick Present
Councilor Figley Present
Councilor Mc Callum Present
Councilor Nichols Absent
Councilor Sifuentez Present
(7:03 pm)
Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director
Tiwari, Public Works Manager Rohman, Community Development Director Mulder, City
Recorder Tennant
Consultants Present: Terry Moore, ECO Northwest; Greg Winterowd, Winterowd
Planning Services
Mayor Jennings state_Od that this special meeting has been called for the purpose of
receiving the Woodbtrrn Economic Development Strategy which is the second phase of
the Economic Development study.
Administrator Brown stated that his staff report provides the background on this study
along with the direction being considered based on the Council's vision of the City's
economic future. This involves creating more opportunities for people to work in the
community in higher paying jobs rather than commuting outside the community which
broadens the housing opportunities that can be provided to the residents in our
community. It will assist in making the City more competitive and attractive to the kinds
of businesses that will allow the City to meet that type of economic future.
Terry Moore, ECO Northwest, stated that they are close to completing the economic
element of the City's Comprehensive Plan which is necessary to meet state standards as
part of the Comprehensive Plan update. In May 2001, the Council provided the economic
vision from which the economic strategy is developed. Since then, they have met with
staff and the State for technical review of the economic development strategy and are now
in the process of responding to those comments. He reiterated that the Economic
Opportunity Analysis looks at facts about the economy and the Economic Development
Strategy provides for Council vision on which direction to take, issues involved in
Page 1 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, June 18, 2001
JUNE 18, 2001
accomplishing that vision, and strategies to be pursued in the future. He summarized the
vision outlined in the Economic Development Strategy with the main components being
(1) encouraging economic development and growth, (2) avoid becoming a bedroom
community, (3) attract businesses that provide higher wage jobs, and (4) provide diversity
with good services and amenities for a wide-range of household and business types.
To achieve the vision, businesses will need buildable land, water and sewer services,
better transportation service, and skilled workers. The City policy would then be to take
action to provide these services at competitive prices in order to attract new businesses to
Woodbum and help businesses that are already in Woodburn to expand.
The key issues breakdown into the following five categories: (1) Land Use - with the
main issue being availability of suitable sites; (2) Infrastructure and services; (3)
Workforce - with the main issue being increasing the skills of Woodbum residents and
assist in finding suitable workers; (4) Business development - with the main issue being
supporting existing firms and offering competitive and effective incentives; and (5)
Coordination - with the main issue bing working effectively with other economic
development organizations. He stated that, within the report, each of the issues describe
the policy, why the City would want that policy, when the City would have to implement
that policy, who would do it, how much it might cost, and how you would know if you
achieved your goal.
He briefly outlined the sub-categories within each of the key issues that are provided for
within the report. In regards to land use, it was noted that the Council would need to
review zoning design~a~tions and, if applicable, expand the Urban Growth Boundary. This
issue would also involve providing land for a range of housing types and the adoption of
an urban renewal district. In regards to Infrastructure and Services, sub-categories
include (1) improving key intersections and corridors, (2) providing adequate water,
sewer, and stormwater service, (3) constructing new facilities as needed, (4)
implementing the Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan, and (5) maintaining
efficient public services.
Since the City does not have primary responsibility for education of workforce, this issue
focuses on working with those organizations to make sure they recognize what the City's
objectives are with respect to developing a training package that would help retain
existing firms and attracts other firms. A series of policies associated with business
development include supporting business expansion, encourage higher wage jobs, and
encourage development of social and cultural amenities. Another economic policy relates
to financial issues and it is suggested that the Council look not only at capital costs but
the on-going maintenance costs. Additionally, the City needs to ensure adequate and fair
financing for infrastructure including transportation funding and creation of a renewal
district. Lastly, the coordination issue would provide for the development of a City inter-
organization team and coordinate with other organizations to develop strategic
partnerships. Due to the large amount of work required to follow through with the
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JUNE 18, 2001
economic strategy, he recommended that the City hire an economic development
specialist since City staff already has a full workload and this program will take a
considerable amount staff time. He also stated that this study integrates with various
studies in the land use plan and updates will be made accordingly over the next year.
Mayor Jennings questioned if the County will reallocate the population forecast and
increase the Woodburn population since St. Paul has recently pulled back their population
Mr. Moore stated that local jurisdictions have the ability to adopt policies that might
provide for more or less growth than what has been its historical fair share. If the Council
adopts the policy before them, they are encouraging more growth within the community
which may result in a larger share of employment than what has been accounted for in the
Mayor Jennings also stated that the School District also received a large grant for distance
learning and he questioned if that would fit in with the workforce issue.
Mr. Moore stated that distance learning would work as part of the coordination factor
with the schools doing the workforce training.
Councilor Bjelland stated that, even though the City does have some updated documents,
population projections for many of these plans will be seriously understated which is
justification for m-examining some of the projections of population and employment as it
relates to the periodic review process. The data suggests a need to expand the Urban
Growth Boundary to_support the projections which may involve going back to the County
to see if Woodburn should receive a higher population projection. He also felt that the
City needs to continue working toward the improvement of the I-5/Highway 214
interchange in order to become more attractive to industry. In the future, the City may
also need to look at a southern by-pass which involves coordination with the County and
State. He also felt that the City needs to build an inventory of sites that the City should
have in order to accomplish its growth plans which will help drive the land use decisions
that the City will need to make in the future.
Mayor Jennings stated that the City is working on the issue of appearance and image. He
also stated that the Mayor's coalition is trying to get the Salem Economic Development
Corportion (SEDCOR) to change its name since SEDCOR would like to serve the entire
geographic area but people tend to associate SEDCOR with Salem rather than the
communities to the north. He also suggested that the Council be very careful with
potential financial incentives to bring industry into Woodbum as it relates to delaying tax
payments and/or waiving development fees.
Councilor Mc Callum stated that he had attended a SEDCOR meeting last week and was
told that Woodbum is one area businesses would like to locate in, however, Woodburn
does not have enough land to provide for the industry development. One of his interests
is quality of life in Woodburn and he questioned how much weight is placed on this issue
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JUNE 18, 2001
by the business decision makers.
Mr. Moore stated that quality of life issues is important to development, however, it is
difficult to have a quality of life without having economic resources. The reports he has
seen on how households make location decisions include the amount of space they can
get, lot size, and quality of schools. The businesses care about the location in that (1)
there is a trade off for them in how much they have to pay employees and (2) what those
employees have to pay for indirectly through other amenities.
Councilor Mc Callum questioned how workforce training is merged into this process in
order to attract businesses to the area.
Mr. Moore stated that Woodburn is located between Salem and Portland which provides
a variety of sources to obtain workforce training, however, a policy could be established
that addresses the availability of more localized training specific to the types of industries
that the City is trying to attract. This policy would give businesses additional assurances
that the City is committed to help create the labor force for the business.
Councilor Mc Callum also stated that he was pleased to see that the report made reference
to training managers which could result in partnerships with 4-year colleges to assist
students in obtaining training.
Councilor Figley stated that she felt that the document fairly represents the issues that
need to be addressed by the Council. She also expressed her opinion that the document
accurately describes the Council's vision.
Councilor Sifuentez stated that her concern is the transportation piece since
improvements are n~essary before further development can take place. She also
mentioned that the Oregon Youth Authority has a program in which they have partnered
with Western Oregon University to train staff which results in a 4-year degree for their
Councilor Chadwick reiterated that transportation improvements are necessary. In her
opinion, a second interchange is required somewhere in the vicinity of Woodburn to help
relieve traffic congestion.
Mayor Jennings stated that he did not believe that Woodburn would ever see a second
interchange within the City's Urban Growth Boundary. He suggested that the second
interchange be left in the Transportation System Plan, however, it not be site specific in
the plan. In his opinion, the Council seems to be committed to expanding the Urban
Growth Boundary and the steps necessary to pursue this expansion are outlined in the
Councilor Bjelland stated that the key is coordination with all of the parties involved in
this process and working at it in a non-confrontational approach. The City is in a position
to move forward since the two major barriers before the City are lack of available land
and transportation.
Mayor Jennings stated that communication is a necessity in order to gain support and, in
his opinion, City staff is a major contributor to the City's improved communications
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JUNE 18, 2001
between the County, Fire District, School District, and numerous state agencies. He also
suggested that the City have an informal meeting to discuss expansion possibilities and
invite representatives from the cities of Donald, Mt. Angel, Gervais, St. Paul, and Aurora
to gain their input on this issue.
FIGLEY/BJELLAND... accept the report and direct staff to begin the steps to
implement the report.
The motion passed unanimously.
FIGLEY/BJELLAND... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The
meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Mary Tennant, R~order
City of Woodburn~, Oregon
Page 5 - Special Council Meeting Minutes, June 18, 2001
JUNE 25, 2001
CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding.
Mayor Jennings Present
Councilor Bjelland Present
Councilor Chadwick Present
Councilor Figley Pm.~nt
Councilor Mc Callum Present
Councilor Nichols Absent
Councilor Sifuentez Present
Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, Asst. City Attorney Won, Public Works
Director Tiwari, Community Development Director Mulder, Deputy Chief Russell,
Finance Director Gillespie, Public Works Manager Rohman, Park & Recreation Director
Westrick, Library Director Sprauer, Building Official Nelson, City Recorder Tennant
Mayor Jennings stated that City Attorney Shields' father recently passed away, therefore
in his place, Asst. City Attorney Deniece Won is present at this meeting.
Mayor Jennings stated that, once again, Administrator Brown will be riding his bicycle
for the benefit of the American Diabetes Association and he is in the process of raising
donations for this cause. He informed the public that contributions can be made out to
the American Diabetes Association and donations can be either sent to or dropped off at
the Administrator's Office at City Hall.
Administrator Brown stated that he has raised $755 to date and he is hoping to receive a
match from Silverton Hospital.
A) All City offices, the Aquatic Center, and the Library will be closed on July 4th.
A) Council regular and executive session minutes of June 11, 2001;
B) Planning Commission minutes of May 24, 2001;
C) Claims for the month of May 2001;
D) Removal of large hazardous tree located in the public right-of-way on Country Club
Road adjacent to a city-owned well site;
E) Police Department activity report for May 2001.
Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 25, 2001
JUNE 2~, 2001
FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... adopt the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed
04, AND PAR'IITION g01-01 (Safeway Shoooim~ Center)
Mayor Jennings declared the public hearing open at 7:10 p.m..
Recorder Tennant read the land use statement required under ORS Chapter 197.
Councilor Mc Callum stated that, in reviewing the documents related to this issue, he
discovered that the appellant is represented by Davis, Wright, Tremalne of Portland.
Since his wife and daughter both work for this attorney firm, he is not going to participate
in the discussion nor the vote on this matter.
For the record, Councilor Figley also stated that she is very familiar with the site and has
driven by the location to view the site since it became apparent that it would be on this
Community Development Director Mulder stated that the purpose of this hearing is to
consider an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision regarding a proposal to
construct a shopping center on a 10.38 acre parcel of land located in the vicinity of the
Highway 99E and Highway 211 intersection. The proposed shopping center would
include a 57,860 sq. foot grocery store, a 12,000 sq. foot retail building, a gas station, a
fast food restaurant, and a bank building. The applicant had also requested 6 variances
that all relate to signage on the site, and a request to consolidate the three existing lots
into one large lot to ~commodate the shopping center. The Planning Commission
approved their final order in April and found that the proposal met all approval criteria
relevant to approving the site plan, variances, and the partition. The approval was
subsequently appealed by Northwest Real Estate Services and the notice of appeal listed
some statement of errors as to how they felt the Planning Commission erred in their
decision. Alleged errors were that the Planning Commission approved the project and
imposed a condition of approval requiring the applicant to dedicate property it did not
own. He stated that the appellant referenced Condition #20 and//22, and maintains that
the City is requiring that an approach permit from Oregon Dept. of Transportation
(ODOT) be obtained prior to approval of building permits for the project and that land be
dedicated necessary to construct improvements on both Highway 214 and Highway 211.
He stated that staff interprets the Planning Commission's condition to mean that the
dedication of land is adjacent to the project site which is property owned by the applicant,
and that the applicant is required to obtain an approach permit. Based on this
interpretation, staff feels that the appellants arguments that the Planning Commission
erred has no merit and should be rejected by the Council and the let the Planning
Commission's decision stand.
Councilor Figley questioned if the City would grant the permit but ODOT does not grant
an approach permit, what is the end result for the applicant.
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JUNE 25, 2001
Director Mulder stated that ODOT has the jurisdiction over the highway and failure to
approve an approach permit would result in the City not issuing the permits. The
applicant could then go back and work with ODOT to obtain an approach permit or they
could revise their project and re-submit the project to the City.
Councilor Figley questioned the location and nature of the access to the development, and
the location and extent of the signage requests by the applicant.
Director Mulder stated that one access point would be located on Highway 99E which
would provide for a fight-in/right-out only with a median to be installed as required by
ODOT. The second access point would be on Highway 211 which is an unrestricted
access point. In regards to signage, the applicant is requesting variances from the sign
ordinance 1) to allow a 52 sq. ft. directional sign at the Highway 211 driveway entrance
which exceeds the maximum allowed of 12 sq. ft. to accommodate a price sign for a gas
station; and 2) to allow 5 wall signs for the Safeway store that does not exceed the overall
area allowed for wall signage on each place. This development is considered as an
integrated business center which only allows 1 free-standing sign for the entire shopping
center. The applicant is proposing to place one sign at the intersection but, under the
City's sign ordinance, it would not allow for signage at either of the entrances to the
development which are significant distances from the intersection.
Mayor Jennings reiterated that the appellant is objecting to Conditions g'20 and g22.
Attorney Mike Robinson, representing the applicant, Pac Trust, stated that he would
review the merits of~e appeal and legal issues to be addressed and that the applicant,
along with some of their consultants, would be able to answer questions relating to
specifics of this project. He stated that the Planning Commission had approved the
application as outlined in the staff report. In regards to access, he stated that the access
points shown on the site plan are a minimum that make a center of this size work and they
had hoped to have more right-in/right-out accesses onto Highway 99E but that was not
agreed to by ODOT. The full-turnout will be on Highway 211 which is agreeable to
ODOT. In regards to signage, he stated that they would not generally ask for that many
variances under the City' s sign ordinance, however, there were a number of reasons as to
why the variances were applied for. For example, the bank building will be located near
the street rather than being a part of the larger retail building and it made more sense to
have signs for the bank on both the street side and parking lot side. The variance for the
Safeway signs would allow for the name Safeway on each side of the building and the S
logo. In this case, the Safeway signs would not exceed the total area that the sign code
provides but the number of permitted signs would be in excess of code requirements. He
stated that the appeal focuses on whether it is a proper condition imposed by the Planning
Commission, at the request of ODOT, that might require some take of property on the
north side of Highway 211. Attorney Robinson stated that they had worked closely with
ODOT and the City to develop a set of conditions that would satisfy both agencies. The
Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 25, 2001
JUNE 2~, 2001
applicant understands that they need an approach road permit from ODOT and, if that is
not approved, they will need to come back to the City to seek a different approval or seek
a different approval from ODOT. In his opinion, Condition//22 does not require
anybody's particular property to be taken except for the applicant's. They are in
agreement with dedicating the 7' of property as provided for in the condition and some
improvements will be need to be made along Highway 211. If those improvements
cannot be made, the applicant will work with ODOT to seek an alternative and the
applicant will then come back to the City with the alternative. In his opinion, the
condition is entirely appropriate and it does not run with, nor impose a burden, on the
property on the north side of Highway 211. He stated that they are willing to work with
all parties, private and public agencies, in order to satisfy all of the conditions so that the
development can be built within the near future. He also mentioned that the appeallant
purchased the northeast corner of property along Highway 211 after they knew what
ODOT's conditions would be and they inserted themselves into the process.
Additionally, he expressed his opinion that their legal argument was rejected by the Land
Use Board of Appeals in a 1993 case (Choban v Washington County) whereby the
County could correctly impose a condition on property not controlled by the applicant.
LUBA's decision was that it is the applicant's burden to satisfy the conditions of approval
and, if the applicant is unable to do so, then the applicant needs to go back to the
approving agency and seek modifications to the conditions or come back with another
plan that would not require the same set of conditions. He stated that the appellant could
still challenge ODOrs issuance of a road approach permit. Lastly, he mentioned that
there are a series of letters between the appellant, Northwest Real Estate Services, to
Truss-T Structures and a responding letter from Truss-T Structures regarding the potential
sale of land to Northwest Real Estate Services for the purpose of building a retail facility
and to meet ODOT ingress/egress requirements. Attorney Robinson stated that the
responding letter from Truss-T Structures stated that they are interested in having the
intersection improved per ODOT requirements and they felt that the Pac Trust
development was in the best interest of the City as well as to Truss-T Structures. He
reminded the Council that the appellant is not complaining about the quality of the center,
access points, nor ODOT improvements. In his opinion, there is no basis under the City's
code for granting this appeal since the provision cited in Chapter 11 has nothing to do
with this issue rather it addresses criteria relating to driveways rather than improvements
to Highway 211. He asked that the Council affirm the Planning Commission's decision
and reject the appeal.
Councilor Bjelland stated that the issue seems to be whether or not additional property is
necessary to do the improvements at the Highway 211/99E intersection. He questioned if
the only property needed to make the improvements is that owned by the applicant.
Attorney Robinson stated that the only property that is specifically mentioned in the
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JUNE 25, 2001
conditions is the 7 feet adjacent to Highway 211 on the applicant's property. In order to
make the intersection improvements required by ODOT, there will be additional property
required. Even though additional property is needed on the north side of Hwy. 211 to
improve the intersection under the current ODOT approved design, obtaining the
additional land is not a part of the condition imposed by the Planning Commission. He
stated that Pac Trust will need to negotiate with the appellant for the property and, if Pac
Trust is unsuccessful in their negotiations over the next year, they will re-evaluate their
plan and try to come back with a different site plan that will meet City and ODOT needs.
Andrew Jones, Vice President of Pacific Realty Associates (PAC Trust), stated that he
had been involved with this property since 1992. Initially, the storm sewer capacity held
back development of this site and, after working with the City's Public Works staff, they
were able to install a storm sewer line system last summer. Other issues addressed in
planning this development included maintaining wetlands and meeting ODOT's
requirements for the approach road permits. A traffic analysis was completed and, based
on the analysis, they were able to mitigate the effects of the new trips in the traffic system
which resulted in additional left turn lanes and signal modifications. Fairly late in the
process, it was determined that some additional right-of-way would be necessary on the
north side of Highway 211. He has been trying to obtain the necessary property on the
north side but has been unsuccessful in his negotiations with the property owned by
Northwest Real Estate Services. He stated that he would like to continue to work towards
a solution that would...make this development a reality. In his opinion, this development
will be an asset to the-City. He reminded the Council that they have their consultants
present at this meeting to answer any questions the Council may have on this project.
Councilor Figley questioned if the intersection improvement shown on the map is the
improvement required by ODOT involving the dedication of land on the north side of
Highway 211 and, if that property is not available, what other options are available to the
Beth Wimple, Kittleson & Assoc, stated that the map shows a widening of the
intersection that involves property on the north side of Highway 211. Kittleson & Assoc.
has developed another concept that would modify the design so that the property on the
northside of Highway 211 does not have to be acquired by the applicant. However, this
concept has not been worked out with ODOT as of this date and they anticipate meeting
with ODOT in the near future on this concept. She stated that the roadway design shown
on the map is a longer term design as more properties develop in the area but the concept
will still maintain the traffic service level.
Dan Frickey, ODOT, confirmed that ODOT is working with the applicant for potential
alternative designs. The design on the map before the Council are the necessary
improvements for those identified in the original traffic study and the conditions only
require the acquisition of permits and completion of the improvements that are required
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JUNE 25, 2001
by the permits. In addition, conditions//38 through 041 were conditions that ODOT had
requested to deal with the same basic issues and he reiterated that the permits must be
acquired and improvements completed prior to opening of the center. ODOT understood
that there would be a need to obtain property on the north side of Highway 211 which is
the applicant's responsibility. If they are not able to obtain the property, then additional
options would be considered that would provide the same level of performance out of the
highway without needing the additional right-of-way and they are working on that issue
with the applicant.
Stan Chelton, representing the Woodburn Valley Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
(property owner to the south of the proposed development), confirmed that their dealings
with PAC Trust have been very good and issues they had brought forth have all been met.
They are very appreciative of PAC Trust's cooperation and they see some asset in the
type of development being proposed. Additionally, they appreciate the traffic safety
concerns expressed by ODOT.
333.___.~9 Chris Koback, attorney representing Northwest Real Estate Services, Inc, (appellant),
stated that his client owns North Park Plaza which includes the building Safeway is
currently leasing. He stated that his client's motives for purchasing the property located
on the northeast corner of Highway 211 was to protect the business opportunities of the
tenants at North Park Plaza. He also stated that Safeway has a long term lease on the
building they are currently occupying and they will not be leasing the building to a
competitor. In his opinion, the conditions read differently than staff's interpretation and
improvements required by ODOT will include property currently owned by his client as
designated by the plans before the Council. He referred to the condition of approval that
states that the development shall substantially conform to the drawings in the site plan.
He did not feel that the purchase of the property to protect their existing property and
their tenants is immaterial as commented on earlier by the applicant. He agreed that
conditions are appropriate to assure compliance but a condition must be feasible in order
to assure compliance. In his opinion, Condition 022 is not feasible since it is conditioned
upon acquiring all of the property required by ODOT. Since neither ODOT or the
applicant had submitted evidence in the record that there was an alternative, he felt that
the record should be decided upon what is in the record versus what is being discussed at
this time. He stated that the Kittleson & Assoc. report shows that the Hwy. 211
intersection currently operates at a level E and, once the development is in place, he feels
that it will have a negative impact with the additional traffic. He stated that his client is
challenging a condition that, which they believe as written, requires acquisition of
property that the applicant does not own. Therefore, the condition is not feasible and
would not assure compliance with the applicable criteria for approval. Unless there was
an alternative on the table to make it feasible at this time, he expressed his opinion that
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the Council should reject the application and send it back to the drawing board.
Mayor Jennings questioned Attorney Koback as to whether or not the development would
occur if the road approach permit is not granted.
Attorney Koback agreed that the development would not be constructed if the road
approach permit is not granted by ODOT.
Andrew Jones, Pac Trust, stated that he has had prior experience with Safeway's real
estate department and it has been their practice to look for other retail businesses to sub-
lease buildings no longer being used by Safeway. He assured the Council that Safeway
does care about the community and will do the best they can to get the building occupied
by another non-competing business. He disagreed with Attorney Koback's statement that
the tenants at North Park Plaza will be going out of business once the Safeway store
moves their operation to the new facility. He also stated that Northwest Real Estate
Services, Inc., has also been looking at parmering up for an Albertson's anchored
shopping center at the northeast comer of Highway 211. If a competing store was located
across the street from Safeway, it may hurt their business which is why they are looking
for a non-competing business. In regards to the pumhase of the right-of-way belonging to
Northwest Real Estate Services, Inc., he stated that they felt that they would be able to
purchase the property necessary to make the improvements on Hwy. 211 as shown on the
design, however, they are now having to look at an alternative design that will meet
ODOT requirements.
Councilor Bjelland qgestioned the length of lease remaining on the building currently
being leased by Safeway.
Mr. Jones stated that they are in their first or second of a series of 5 year options and their
control is for at least another 20 years. Since Safeway will be making a substantial
investment in the new development, they will not be looking for a competing business to
sub-lease the North Park Plaza building space.
Jeff Parker, Safeway Real Estate Manager, stated that they will be investing a tremendous
amount of money in the long term lease of the land plus also a majority of the cost to
construct the Safeway store. He reiterated that they will probably not sub-lease the
property to a competitor, and they control the property until August 31, 2029 which is
when the last option on the existing store expires. Even though they could leave the
building vacant based upon the lease agreement, however, it is not a good business
practice to leave the space vacant and continue to pay rent.
Beth Wimple reviewed different scenarios relating to traffic levels of service as provided
for within their report. She stated that the scenario being considered would also provide a
service level D and maintains a volume to capacity ratio of .82 which is required by
ODOT in order to develop the site.
Mike Robinson concluded the applicant's rebuttal by stating that, in his opinion, the
competitive issues do not fall into the approval criteria. He reiterated that Safeway does
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JUNE 25, 2001
look for businesses to locate in buildings they have vacated rather than leaving the
building vacant. In his opinion, the language in Condition g22 is broad enough so that
either the improvement on Hwy. 211 is completed as currently designed or an alternative
solution be required by ODOT and the improvement be made accordingly in order to
maintain the traffic level of service. He also stated that the City does not have a
Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) issue on this case and he encouraged the Council to
reject the appeal and approve the development.
Mayor Jennings declared the public hearing closed at 8:16 p.m..
Councilor Sifuentez stated that she had been concerned with the potential long term
vacancy of the building currently being leased by Safeway, however, the reassurance from
Mr. Parker that Safeway will look for building tenant(s) has lessened her concern on this
issue. She also felt reassured that ODOT and City staff will make sure that the traffic
improvements made will meet all requirements.
Councilor Bjelland felt that Condition g22 could be interpreted broadly from the
standpoint as to what property it refers to, based on the Commission and staff's report,
the intention of the wording of that statement was intended to mean the property that is
controlled by the applicant. Another issue brought up relates to the Commission's right
to approve something that does not have a chance of going into existence without
significant changes to the site plan that was approved. He questioned staff if the plan
would be referred back to the Planning Commission if there was a significant change in
the traffic diagrams and for handling the increased traffic at that intersection.
Director Mulder stat~l that Condition #1 states that the proposed development must be in
substantial conformance with the plans submitted. Ultimately, the Planning Director
makes the determination on substantial conformance and, if it does not meet substantial
conformance, it would go back to the Planning Commission for review. As a Planning
Director, he stated that anything major such as accesses or obtaining right-of-way on the
north side of property, the applicant would be required to go back to the Planning
Commission in a public hearing process.
Councilor Bjelland stated that, based on information brought up at this meeting, an
alternative might be to move a portion of Hwy. 211 further south to accommodate the
lanes of traffic needed and work out the alignment with Hwy. 99E/211 when further
development is made in the area.
Councilor Figley reminded the Council that economic competition is not regulated by the
Council, and she does not read into the conditions that the applicant is required to work
with the agency that has control over the abutting state highways. Based on testimony
from ODOT and Kittleson, she did not have any problem with the proposal on its merits,
however, she felt that they may be back before the Commission if they need to make
changes to the road design which impacts the site plan as originally submitted. At this
time, she agreed with the conditions in the Site Plan.
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Mayor Jennings stated that he had been concerned with having another vacant building
within the City. However, he felt that Safeway would be looking for a tenant to fill the
building rather than paying a large annual lease payment.
FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... Council concur with the Planning Commission's final order
and approve Site Plan Review//00-12, Variance g01-04, and Partitioning g01-01, and
instruct staff to prepare an ordinance substantiating this decision.
On roll call vote, the motion passed 4-0 since Councilor Mc Callum had declared a
conflict of interest at the beginning of this hearing.
6371 Mayor Jennings recessed the meeting at 8:28 pm and re. convened the meeting at 8:34 pm.
Pacific Hwy).
Council Bill 2326 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. Recorder Tennant read the
two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On
roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared
Council Bill 2326 duly passed.
Council Bill 2327 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. The two readings of the bill
were read by title only since there were no objections from the Council.
Councilor Bjelland questioned if the City had received any feedback from the public on
the change in the automatic sprinkler requirements for apartments.
Building Official Nelson stated that one contracted had expressed concern on this
requirement, however, it was also noted that the Fire Marshall can grant a variance. Most
of the agencies in the metro area have adopted this new requirement but the City would
be one of the first in our area.
Director Mulder stated that he had seen a study relating to costs and the new requirement
would increase the per unit cost by $700, however, he was unsure if the cost savings for
fewer fire hydrants were factored into the cost increase.
Mayor Jennings stated that the Fire District does not have the ability to issue citations but
they can send the City's Code Enforcement Officer to the location and, if necessary, issue
a citation for violation of the code.
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Tape 2
Councilor Bjelland stated that the sprinkler system is a worthwhile safety measure but it
does add to the cost of a building apartment complex.
On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared
Council Bill 2327 duly passed with the emergency clause.
ouncilor Chadwick introduced Council Bill 2328. Recorder Tennant read the two
readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll
call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared
Council Bill 2328 duly passed with the emergency clause.
Council Bill 2329 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. The bill was read by title only
since there were no objections from the Council.
Councilor Figley questioned as to the number of antennas that would be allowed on the
Public Works Manager Rohman stated that this would be the last antenna to be placed on
the water tower.
On roll call vote for f~nal passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared
the bill duly passed.
Councilor Chadwick introduced Council Bill 2330. Recorder Tennant read the two
readings of the bill by title only.
Councilor Figley questioned if non-resident patrons living outside of the CCRLS district
are affected by this increase.
Library Director Sprauer stated that the ordinance would increase the non-resident library
fee from $25 to $40 annually to those non-residents who reside within the Chemeketa
Cooperative Regional Library Service (CCRLS). Non-residents who live outside of the
CCRLS boundary are currently being charged $75 annually which is covered in the
current master fee schedule.
On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared
Council Bill 2330 duly passed with the emergency clause.
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Council Bill 2331 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. The bill was read by title only
since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the
bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2331 duly passed.
Mayor Jennings stated that the Council had instructed the Park Board to pursue this
concept with the developer and the Board now has a recommendation before the Council
to consider approval of a wetlands enhancement plan.
Councilor Figley stated that she had attended a few meetings involving the Park Board
and the developer, Luckey Company, and she is aware of the effort made to secure
neighborhood input and address neighborhood concerns. From the initial proposal, some
changes were made to address security concern. She expressed her appreciation to the
respondents within the neighborhood and to Paul Sedomk, representing Luckey
Company, for his work with the Park Board, staff, and residents in preparing a plan that
accommodates as many of the residents as possible.
Janet Greenwell, Park Board Chairperson, stated that the Board had been working with
Paul Sedoruk since last October on the wetland mitigation project. The Board has had 3
workshops with neighbors and changes were made based on neighborhood concerns. The
Board is recommending that the Council approve the wetlands mitigation project.
Director Westrick stated that the neighborhood workshops began in November 2000 and
concerns expressed by the neighbors at that time included flooding, insects, and security.
The Board had asked Mr. Sedoruk to meet with the neighbors and an informal door-to-
door survey was conducted with a neighborhood volunteer which helped Mr. Sedoruk to
design a plan that would address some of the concerns of the neighborhood. He stated
that the planting plan being proposed is less than the amount originally planned which
will reduce the amount of denseness, and some of the plant materials are completely
eliminated. He also stated that, in working with the Division of State Lands, it is
necessary to bring two sets of ideas together in order to make this mitigation work.
Before any development can take place, the developer will need to obtain a floodway
encroachment permit from the City.
Mel Schmidt, 840 Hermanson, stated that the plan that he finally saw a few days ago does
have some merit, however, there are some things that are not spelled out in the plan and
he does have questions on these issues. He stated that this project has been discussed
with the Meadowpark Homeowners Association and the following questions/issues are as
a result of items brought up at the Homeowners meeting and before the Park Board:
1) what, if any guarantee, is that the area would be maintained on a regular basis;
2) he objected to the Luckey Co. being able to pick the site of wetlands mitigation rather
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than letting the Ci'ty electors deciding the location;
3) he questioned the reduction Park maintenance labor hours if the project is allowed;
4) notification of residents within the neighborhood did not encompass ail of those
residents, therefore, not all residents were given an opportunity to comment on the
5) the plan still provides for thicket areas that the Police Chief expressed opposition to
during the April 5t~ meeting;
6) the survey form was completed by 8 of 37 residents and a more concerted effort should
have been made to get the residents to complete the survey;
7) in his opinion, the summary to the Parks Board represented the feelings of those who
returned the surveys;
8) he objected to the findings submitted by Paul Sedoruk regarding the cooling of stream
since the stream only has water in it about 3 months of the year otherwise it is dry;
9) removal of the dirt will create a water detention area and he questioned if the water
will have a drainage system in which in can flow back into the stream or will it be trapped
in that-area and become stagnet and create a mosquito breeding area;
10) by requiring an encroachment permit, will homes be potentially damaged by flooding
when the existing wetlands area is changed;
11) as a natural resource area, he questioned how much work, if any, the Parks
department will do in this area since he did not want it to be an area that is overgrown and
unusable by the public; and
12) he questioned wl~y Luckey Company was not required to repair the damage to the
wetlands they had originally damaged.
He stated that the project has merit if done correctly, however, he did not want any loose
ends on this project.
FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... approve the Wetlands Enhancement Plan and authorize the
Luckey Company to use the park to make subject improvements subject to obtaining a
floodway encroachment permit through the Public Works Department.
Councilor Bjelland questioned if the creek overflows, will the grading be such that the
water will flow back into the creek.
Paul Sedoruk, representing Luckey Company, stated that the water will not drain back
into the original channel. This project will create a swale that will go downhill all of the
way and drain into the Wilson Street culvert. The reduction of the grade will purify the
water by slowing down the flow of the water. Dirt will be removed from the property in
order to accomplish the designed grade level.
Councilor Bjelland questioned the future maintenance of the wetlands.
Mr. Sedoruk stated that the plan is to mow the west side since there is no mitigation
occurring in that area whereas the east side would revert into a forested passive open
space that has low maintenance requirements.
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Councilor Bjelland questioned why the amount of trees on the original plan was cut in
half as shown on the current plan.
Mr. Sedomk stated that, as a result of the informal survey, most of the neighbors did not
want a densely forested site which is why the trees are placed in groves. Most of the trees
on the site are Ash and the trees to be planted will be diverse as suggested by the
Councilor Mc Callum questioned if the Division of State Lands (DSL) had accepted this
Mr. Sedomk stated that is has not been accepted as of this date but they are closely
watching the progress. In his opinion, the DSL will accept the final plan as a good
mitigation plan. It was noted that this is a restoration and enhancement project.
Councilor Bjelland questioned if the design and grading takes into account a bicycle
and/or pedestrian path in this greenway.
Mr. Sedoruk stated that this was discussed and the enhancement project is in a small
portion of the park itself and the location of the pathways could be placed on either side
of the-creek.
Director Westrick stated that recent plans do not show any pathways and he is fairly
confident that the City will be able to put in a pathway without compromising the
enhancement program. He also noted that master plans are needed for the greenway
system which would make the Park Board's decision making easier since they would be
looking at whether or not the project fulfill the master plan.
Councilor Bjelland slated that by having a path location in place the City might be able to
use some of the dirt ttfat was being removed as a ramp from Wilson Street down to the
creek without disturbing vegetation.
Director Westrick stated that the area will not require as intensive maintenance as
Settlemier or Legion Park. The grass will be mowed periodically and they will maintain
the area to insure that the plants growing in the area will thrive. Plants that compromise
the natural resource can be removed.
Mayor Jennings stated that, in years past, residents in that area had routinely complained
about the open space not be mowed and, in his opinion, the City should consider making
some improvements to the east side at some future date.
The vote on the motion to approve the Wetlands Enhancement Plan passed unanimously.
Recorder Tennant briefly reviewed the staff report which was distributed at this meeting.
In summary, quotes were being reviewed by the staff and the City's Agent of Record and
staff is recommending that the Council authorize the City Administrator to secure the
insurance contracts once the proposals have been reviewed and the decision has been
made as to which coverages best meet the needs of the City. There will be an increase in
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JUNE 2~, 2001
the cost for liability and property insurance with an additional cost adjustment necessary
if liability coverage limits are increased to either $3 million, $4 million, or $5 million. In
regards to workers' compensation insurance, consideration is being given to changing
from a retrospective plan to a guaranteed cost plan which may, or may not, have a
deductible program to reduce up front costs.
BJELLAND/SIFUENTEZ... authorize the City Administrator to secure insur .ance
contracts for fiscal year 2001-02 for general liability, property, and worker's
compensation coverage following further analysis of quotes received from the insurance
companies. The motion passed unanimously.
Administrator Brown reviewed his staff report summarizing the City's responsibilities
under the Charter to examine the ward boundaries after each decennial census. He
reviewed the statewide reapportionment criteria cited in ORS 188.010 and recommended
that the Council utilize that same criteria in performing their own reapportionment
process with the addition that each incumbent's residence should be retained within the
same ward. In the past, the City has contracted with the Mid-Willamette Valley Council
of Governments (COG) to do the reapportionment work. Staff is proposing to contract
with COG for this reapportionment and the budget for 2001-02 does include a $7,000
appropriation for this project. Since this project needs to be completed before the end of
the calendar year, he requested that the Council approve a set of criteria so that COG can
begin work on this project. He also stated that a letter was received from Anthony Veliz,
representing the Oregon Latino Voter Registration Education Project (OLVREP),
informing the Council of their desire to be a part of the reapportionment process to have a
fair and equitable redistricting process and to ensure that Latino voting strength is not
diluted. It was noted that the criteria outlined in the staff report would be consistent with
the goals of the OLVREP. Administrator Brown suggested that the Council meet in a
workshop with COG, along with inviting this group and the community, to review the
initial boundary designations and, based on comments received, either accept the initial
boundary designation submitted by COG or look at other alternatives before any final
decision is made by the Council.
Mayor Jennings stated that no ethnic group should be diluted by this process.
Councilor Figley expressed her appreciation to OLVREP for their proposal, however,
before information is sent to COG, other groups or individuals interested in submitting a
proposal should do so as soon as possible so that it can be taken into consideration.
Brief discussion was held regarding the proposed contract with COG for this service. It
was noted that the proposed contract would allow for a base cost of $3,750 with an
additional $1,000 for attendance at meetings if that becomes necessary. Since this is a
time sensitive project, he requested that additional proposals from the public be submitted
to him by the last regular meeting in July.
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JUNE 25, 2001
BJELLAND/MC CALLUM... utilize the criteria included in the ward boundaries memo
to the Council as the criteria for reapportioning the City's Wards and authorize the City
Administrator to execute an agreement with the Mid-Willamette Valley Council of
Governments to update Woodburn's ward boundaries in an amount not to exceed
$4,750.00. The motion passed unanimously.
Staff recommended the acceptance of the right-of-way being conveyed by the Woodburn
School District for future street widening in conjunction with the Boones Ferry Road
street improvement.
FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... accept the fight-of-way as being conveyed by the Woodburn
School District as described on Auachment "A" under agenda item 11J.
The motion passed unanimously.
Staff recommended the acceptance of the utility easement being conveyed by the
Woodburn School District which will allow for relocation and undergrounding of
franchised utilities in conjunction with the Boones Ferry Road street improvement.
FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... accept the utility easement being conveyed by the Woodburn
School District as described on Attachment "A" under agenda item 11K.
The motion passed unanimously.
FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ...approve and authorize the City Administrator to execute an
employment agreement with the Public Works Director effective June 26, 2001.
Mayor Jennings stated that both employment contracts before the Council at this meeting
are fulfilling a Council goal of having contracts with all of the City department heads.
Administrator Brown stated that there will be 3 more employment contracts before the
Council over the next couple of months.
The motion passed unanimously.
FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... approve and authorize the City Administrator to execute an
employment agreement with the City Recorder effective June 26, 2001.
The motion passed unanimously.
Quotations for this project were received from the following contractors: Sunhawk
International LLC, $6,500.00; and Nichols Welding-Metal Fabrication, $7,500. Staff
recommended the acceptance of the quote from Sunhawk International II£.
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JUNE 25, 2001
FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... award the contract for safety grating at Mill Creek pump
station to Sunhawk International, LLC, in the amount of $6,500.00. The motion passed
FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... approve a sound amplification permit for July 4, 2001 from
10:00 am to 11:00 pm, and to extend City liability insurance coverage for the Woodburn
4t" of July Celebration. The motion passed unanimously.
The event will be held at Woodburn High School.
FIGLEY/SiFUENTEZ... approve a sound amplification permit for PCUN for Sunday,
July 8, 2001, from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm.. The motion passed unanimously.
The event will be held at 300 Young Street.
FIGLEY/SIFUENI'EZ... approve a sound amplification permit for the Woodburn Public
Library for each Tuesday, July through August 2001, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; and
June 20, June 27, July 11, 18, 25; July 10, 2001 from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon; and
August 2, 2001 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm, at Library Park. The motion passed
unanimously. ~
The events will include "Music in the Park" and outdoor Youth events.
Councilor Bjelland expressed his opinion that the City's responses to this study were well
done and he intends on passing these responses onto ODOT.
BJELLAND/SIFUENTEZ... receive the attached Highway 99E Corridor Safety Report.
The motion passed unanimously.
Preston Tack, 2197 Camilla Way, stated that he had been in contact with individuals
involved with the State redistricting office and was made aware a computer program that
has 295 bits of information that contain all of the information from the census. He
presented the Council with a map that would provide possible redistricting boundaries
based on population only. He stated that he was impressed as to how quickly information
could be obtained once the boundaries were put into the computer. He stated that it was a
great process and that it is the same one the Council of Governments will be using to
work on the City's project. He presented Administrator Brown with a floppy disk which,
he was told, had all of the information COG needs to fit into their software program.
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Councilor Bjelland stated that he appreciated the comments made by Mr. Tack and agreed
that it is amazing as to what the GIS software will do once the information is in the
Mark Wolfe, part-owner of North Park Plaza, gave his perspective on the Safeway issue
which was decided by the Council following the public hearing held during the first part
of this meeting. He stated that his firm owns the Safeway building but not the Rite-Aid
building which is currently vacant. They have had a good rapport with Safeway and, up
until this issue came up, he felt that Safeway had similar feelings towards his finn. In his
opinion, this issue has affected his firm in other locations. He is very upset with
comments made by Mr. Jones regarding his disingenuous about the concerns of his
tenants and that it was a financial issue. He stated that he is very concerned about his
tenants and he knows every tenant within his company's 800 properties. He invited the
Council to talk to the businesses at North Park Plaza to verify their good rapport with
those business owners. He expressed his concern on the affect Safeway will have on
those businesses since they rely on customers visiting Rite-Aid and Safeway to shop at
their business. He stated that they had submitted a bid for the property to put a theater on
the property under former Planning Director Steve Goeckritz. They had approached
ODOT to obtain access off of Highway 99E, however, at that time, ODOT refused to
allow for an access. When Pac Trust approached ODOT at a later date since Albertson's
was interested in a building, once again, ODOT would not allow access onto Highway
99E. He became aware of the most recent proposal by reading the local newspaper and
he was very surprised~with ODOT's change in position. He had requested for an
opportunity to be included in the ODOT meetings, however, they were never invited to
attend those ODOT meetings. He also stated that Safeway could expand their current
location towards Highway 99E rather than building a new store. Albertson's would still
like to come to Woodbum and would like to be located in the building currently being
used by Safeway, however, Safeway is unwilling to allow a competing store to occupy the
site. He stated that he had purchased the comer property for the purpose of looking at
development possibilities in which they could build a development that would provide an
Albertson's store along with other retail businesses. He asked that the Council try to
understand their position on this issue since they are concerned about the businesses that
remain at North Park Plaza.
Mayor Jennings stated he partially agreed with the statements made by Mr. Wolfe,
however, he felt that many of the businesses will not suffer as much as what is being
anticipated due to the type of business they conduct at North Park Plaza.
Mr. Wolfe stated that he would not disagree with the Mayor's statements, however, the
point of sale indicates that less than V2 of the sales come from local residents.
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JUNE 25, 2001
Mayor Jennings assured Mr. Wolfe that the City does not want to see the buildings empty
and we continue to work toward finding businesses that would be interested in bringing
their businesses to Woodburn.
Administrator Brown expressed his appreciation to the Public Works Director and City
Recorder for their willingness to enter into an employment contract since it is a big step
in moving from a civil service slot to serving "at-will".
Tape 3
Councilor Chadwick stated that she had attended the RSVP Recognition Stawberry Social
last Friday at the Methodist Church. There was a large attendance at this annual event
and guest speakers were Mayor Jennings and Administrator Brown.
Councilor Sifuentez stated that she would not be in attendance at the next regular
Councilor Mc Callum stated that he was looking forward to the 4t~ of July Celebration
and feels that it will be another great day in Woodburn. He also complimented the staff
for the quality of the reports, both written and orally, which gives a great deal of
background and helps him to get caught up with what is going on in the City.
Councilor Figley stated that, once again, she will be handing out small flags to attendees
at the 4t~ of July Celebration. She encouraged local citizens to participate and/or
volunteer at this event.
Mayor Jennings complimented the Community Development Director for his politeness
towards developers even though the Director has to tell the developer that something
cannot be done without going through a process.
FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 10:12 p.m..
Mary Tennant, Recorder
City of Woodburn, Oregon
Page 18 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 25, 2001
May 24, 2001
CONVENED The Planning Commission met in a regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Chairperson Young
Chairperson Young P
Vice Chairperson Cox P (Arrived late)
Commissioner Fletcher A
Commissioner Miller P
Commissioner Lima A (On vacation)
Commissioner Mill P
Commissioner Bandelow P
Commissioner Lonergan P
Commissioner Heer A
Staff Present:
Naomi Zwerdling, Senior Planner
Chairperson Young provided an opening statement for Public Hearing.
A._= Minutes of May 10, 2001 Planning Commission
Commissioner Bandelow moved to accept the Planning Commission meeting minutes of May 10= as
written. Commissioner Loner.qan seconded the motion which carried.
A_.=. City Council Minutes of April 23, 2001
A_=. Site Plan Review 01=04 and Lot Line Adjustment 01-04, proposed commercial building
totaling 12,268 sq. ft. that shall be known as "The Home Center", 1300 N. Pacific Highway,
Pamela Brooks, applicant (Included is the request by the applicant for a continuance of this
public hearing to the June 14, 2001 Planning Commission Meeting).
Commissioner Loner,qan moved to continue the hearing to the June 14, 2001 Planning Commission
Meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Bandelow. Motion unanimously carried.
Vice Chairperson Cox made a notation for the record that there is nobody in the audience to speak on this
A_~. Site Plan Review 01-03, Variance 01-03 and Variance 0t-05, develop and operate a 96 unit
congregate cars facility, a 40 unit assisted living facility and 8 independent retirement
cottages and Variance requests to provide a 3-story structure in lieu of a 2 I/~-story structure
and to reduce special setback on Evergreen Road from 40 feet to 37 feet, located south of
West Hayes St., north of Evergreen Road and east of Harvard Drive, Crown II Development
LLC, applicant.
Commissioner Mill commented he was not present for this hearing but he did do a site visit, reviewed the
initial site packet, the minutes and the Final Order.
Planning Commission Meeting - May 24, 2001 Page 1 of 3
Commissioner LonerRan indicated he too missed the Public Headng. However, he also reviewed the initial
site packet, the minutes and the Final Order. He stated he felt he could vote on this project at this time.
V~ce Chairperson Cox moved to accept the Final Order as presented by Staff and requested it be signed by
the Chairperson. Commissioner Bandelow seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carded.
V"me Chairperson Cox commented there are provisions in the Zoning Code as far as streets in new
subdivisions that the Planning Commission is supposed to have a hand in the naming of those streets. Vice
Chairperson Cox stated this has not always happened in the past and he is not sure what the Ordinance
states about selecting names for streets in areas which are not part of new subdivisions. He stated the
naming of streets should not be a Staff decision. Vice Chairperson COx used as reference the naming of
'Harvard Street" and inquired what is the process in selecting names for streets?
Staffexplained "Harvard Street' is actually an extension of the Montebello subdivision and the property to the
west of the Evergreen Retirement is a continuation of that street. She further indicated it is part of the
recorded plat on the Montebello subdivision just to the south of Evergreen Ddve. Staff indicated she will look
into the process of street naming.
A_~. Plannin.q Proiect Trackin_~ Sheet (revised 5-14-01)
Commissioner Mill complained that the weeds on the K-Mart property are getting really high. He stated he
contacted the developer and was told the K-Mart corporate office would take care of it. Commissioner Mill
indicated it has been a couple of weeks now and nothing has been done. He indicated this is an invitation of
all types of other problems and it really needs to be addressed. Additionally, he reported Shop-N-Cart are not
making everyday trips to pick up shopping carts that are left on the streets.
Staff will look into the weeds issue.
Commissioner Bandelow reported a parson can be mistaken about the way the road goes when you go
around to the cable company on Glatt Circle. She stated if you are headed to the cable company it looks like
the street goes right into the cable company when the reality is the circle comes around into it. Additionally,
Commissioner Bandelow comfnented people go in onto Meridian, make their left onto the Circle and go
straight into the cable company cutting right across the traffic pattern for the circle. She remarked a yellow
line would make a big difference because the street actually goes into almost like a court and that is not part
of the street.
Vice Chairperson Cox pointed out this is the fourth time this issue has been brought up and a letter regarding
this issue was sent to John Brown. He inquired if anything at all has been done regarding this issue? Vice
Chairperson Cox expressed his irdtation at the fact that something should be done about a problem and/or
issue once it has been pointed out.
The Commission expressed their concerns that they have not seen any report of what has been done on their
previous request to John Brown that this issue be looked into.
Commissioner Bandelow inquired whether there is any plan at all to change the intersection between Boones
Ferry and Highway 214 at the same time the widening project takes place? Additionally, she reported one of
the manufactured home lots has permanent signage up every ten feet. She stated she would like the
Ordinance Officer to look into this issue.
Commissioner Mill commended the Ordinance Officer for the success with Pizza Hut.
Planning Commission Meeting - May 24, 2001 Page 2 of 3
Commissioner Mill moved to adjoum. Vice Chairperson Cox seconded the motion which unanimously
carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Jim '
Comm~n'~j Development Director
City of ~oodburn, Or~on
Planning Commission Meeting - May 24, 2001 Page 3 of 3
June 14, 2001
CONVENED The Planning Commission met in a regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Vice Chairperson
Cox presiding.
Chairperson Young A
Vice Chairperson Cox P
Commissioner Fletcher A
Commissioner Miller P
Commissioner Lima P
Commissioner Mill A
Commissioner Bandelow P
Commissioner Lonergan A
Commissioner Heer A
Staff Present:
Jim Mulder, Community Development Director
Vice Chairperson Cox commented since there are only four Commissioners present the Ordinance allows
for the Planning Director to count as a fifth member for purposes of constituting a quorum.
Vice Chairperson Cox reported he will chair the meeting tonight because Chairperson Young has a conflict
this evening and could not attend.
A._= Minutes of May 24, 2001 Planning Commission Meeting
Commissioner Bandelow noted correction be made to indicate that it was Commissioner Lonergan whom
seconded the motion for the approval of the Minutes of May 10, 2001 not Commissioner Fletcher.
Commissioner Bandelow moved to accept the Planning Commission meeting minutes of May 24~' with the
noted correction. Commissioner Lima seconded the motion. Motion carded.
A._,. City Council Minutes of May 14, 2001
A.~. Site Plan Review 01-04 and Lot Line Adjustment 01-04, proposed commercial building
totaling 12,268 sq. fL that shall be known as "The Home Center", 1300 N. Pacific Hiahwav,
Pamela Brooks, applicant.
Staff read the applicable ORS Statement and provided a presentation as reflected in the Staff Report. Staff
recommended approval of the proposals subject to the conditions as outlined in the Staff Report.
Commissioner Miller inquired how high the bushes in the front will be and will that preclude vision
Staff replied there will be maple trees planted in planters and will be about 15 feet back from the sidewalk
which would meet any vision clearance.
Commissioner Miller also questioned whether it would be more advantageous for people going in and out
Planning Commission Meeting - June 14, 2001 Page 1 of 5
to have a little bit more room to negotiate since the highway is pretty busy?
S_.~_._~ff commented if the driveway is too narrow, vehicles would then have to slow down and almost COme to
a stop to make the turn. He indicated this would obviously provide for COngestion on the highway.
However, if there is a flare in the driveway, it would allow vehicles to get off into the ddveway easier.
_Commissioner Bandelo,,,, reported she spoke with two different residents in the area and simply mentioned
that they would try to attend tonight's hearing. She stated the only COnversation she had was that they
always hope that the residents in the area COme to Planning Commission meetings. She further indicated
the merits of the project were not discussed and she has no COnflicts.
Commissioner Lim~ also reported he visited the site and also lives near the proposed project but he has not
discussed the project with anyone.
_Commissioner Miller stated he only visited the site.
Commissioner Bandelo,;: referred to Staff comments contained on page 6 of the Staff Report regarding the
length of the parking stalls. She asked if Staff is referring to hanging over into landscaped area?
Sta_____ff answered the paved portion of the stall may only be 17 feet but the extra 2 feet may be provided over
landscaping. He indicated in this case it is provided over a walkway and also over a portion of the
landscaping along the north side of the property. Staff stated most vehicles will park in that space and not
overhang because there is no need to.
_Commissioner Lim~ asked if the applicant is anticipating that this project is a done deal or is grading
something that can ~)e authorized before coming to the Planning Commission?
Sta__._.ff replied he would have to ask the applicant as far as what their anticipation is. Secondly, he indicated
the City does not require grading permits and there is no Ordinance preventing someone to grade their site.
Staff reported this is something they are developing in the new Development Code where they would require
a permit before you may go out and grade a site.
Vice Chairperson Cox_ questioned what is the status regarding the proposed requirement that they grant an
easement in favor of the adjac_~nt property? He inquired if this will be a reciprocal easement?
Staff responded the intention is that it would be reciprocal. He clarified it is not reciprocal at this point and
it will only be the subject property owner granting it to the adjacent property. Staff indicated they do not have
the ability to require the adjacent property to grant it back to them at this point. He explained this would
happen at such time the adjacent property did something that would require Site Plan Review and at that
point then we would be in a position to require that to be done. Staff remarked they have only the ability to
require the applicant to provide the easement on their portion of the property.
~ce Chairperson Cox inquired if the form of the grant of the easement is a document that is prepared by
Staff or does Staff review it for accuracy?.
Sta____ff answered the form is prepared by the applicant and reviewed by Staff.
_Commissioner Lim~ asked if the applicant is required to build a fence even though one already exists?
Sta____ff replied affirmatively. He explained they have the obligation to buffer themselves from the adjacent
Property owner and not vice versa. He remarked the adjacent residential property owners could take their
fence down if they want to or if the fence becomes dilapidated over the years. Staff further indicated that
Planning Commission Meeting - June 14, 2001
Page 2 of 5
the residential property owner does not have the obligation to provide the buffedng from the commercial use.
Commissioner Lima. requested clarification regarding the location of the south fence.
Staff stated there is no fence on the south side other than the fencing around the trash enclosure. He said
there will be no fence and there is no requirement that there be any buffedng in that area.
Jeff Tross, 1720 Liberty St. SE, Salem, OR 97302 stated he is providing a presentation on behalf of the
applicant. He remarked the Staff Report is very thorough and goes through all the criteria. Mr. Tross
commented they have no objections of what was stated in the Staff Report and the applicant has no
objections to any of the conditions of approval and are acceptable as written. Additionally, he said this is
a very straightforward proposal that is commercial use that is permitted in the CR zone. The applicant has
worked with Staff to provide the plans and sufficient details to show everything that is required including the
parking area, number of parking spaces, location of the building and the landscaping plan. Mr. Tross
referred to the question raised regarding the access easement and stated they understand the concept
behind that. He commented it is pretty typical these days in planning practice to try to consolidate access
points on arterial streets. Mr. Tross stated that although at this time it does seem to be a one-sided affair
where this property owner has to grant an access to the advantage of an adjoining property owner without
a reciprocal easement. Furthermore, he remarked someday and at some point the opportunity for the other
half of the easement to be granted back may exist. Mr. Tross reported they do not object to that at this point
in time because the applicant understands the reasoning and concept behind it. In closing, he emphasized
that the fencing and arborvitae hedge along the west property line will be built as a part of Phase 1. He
stated that under the conditions of approval all phases have to be underway within three years of approval
but the fence and the landscaping along the west property line is to be a part of Phase 1. Lastly, Mr. Tross
indicated there seems to be a little bit of discrepancy between the width of the driveway that is allowed by
City code which is 28 feet and the turning radius and width of the apron that ODOT requires. He stated this
is a technical detail that will be worked out between the applicant and the City at the time building permits
are requested.
Commissioner Lima asked if this project will be a two or three phase project.
Jeff Tross answered it will be a two phase project. He stated technically speaking the first part of the
easterly 6,000 square foot building will be built and then there will be an addition onto that. He explained
it is considered one phase because it is all going to be one building. The back westerly building is
considered the second phase but technically you could consider it three phases because the entire project
will be built in three segments.
Commissioner Lima questioned what will the types of uses be for these buildings?
Jeff Tross replied it is intended to be various types of home furnishing or home improvement types of
businesses, i.e., cabinets, fixtures perhaps custom made furniture and upholstery, draperies etc. Mr. Tross
stated it is all intended to be a 'Home Center'which is furniture and accessories for the home. He clarified
it is not a home improvement type store in the manner of a Home Depot. Mr. Tross said they intend to start
the project as soon as the approval becomes official and building permits can be issued. He stated the
intent is to build it this construction season.
Cindy Vetter, 1650 Alexandra Ave., Woodbum, OR 97071 stated she lives directly behind the proposed
facility and said she favors the project. However, being directly behind it she would like the fence to be taller
than seven feet because they have been able to see what her house is going to look from the back now that
the site has been graded. Ms. Vetter commented her backyard has completely changed now that the trees
have been removed from the site. She remarked the higher fencing would be beneficial to her because it
Planning Commission Meeting - June 14, 2001 Page 3 of 5
would serve as a noise buffer since there is already a sound problem in that area.
Vice Chairperson Cox closed the Public Headng and opened discussion by the Commission.
Commissioner Lima commented this is a straightforward application and does not see any problems with
it. He further added it is a permitted use and is well laid out. Commissioner Lima said he does not oppose
the project.
Commissioner Bandelow concurred with Commission Lima. However, she hopes that the building to be
constructed as second phase will mitigate some of the noise coming through from Highway 99E. She stated
she has no objections with the project.
Commissioner Miller stated he also has no objections to the proposed project. He said the building will act
as a nice buffer.
Vice Chairperson Cox agreed with his fellow Commissioners. He remarked that he hopes that the neighbors
would work with the applicant regarding the fence height issue.
Staff explained the arborvitae will grow much higher than the seven foot fence and will actually provide some
softening of the back of the building wall.
Commissioner Lima moved to approve Site Plan Review 01-04 and Lot Line Adjustment 01-04 with the
recommendations as outlined by the Staff Report and instruct Staff to return with a Final Order.
Commissioner Bandelow seconded the motion which unanimously carried.
Commissioner Bandelow remarked she would like to see the neighbors work as a neighborhood with the
business if they have a problem with noise in a particular area.
None ~
A_.=.. 'Lot Line Adjustment 01-05, replat Lots 20 and 21 to consolidate into one lot at Flora Meadow,~
located at 1050 and ¶ 062 Elana Drive, Nancy Oster.qaard, al~31icant (Administrative Approval).
Staff reported this is a Lot Line Adjustment application. However, it is actually a replat to merge two lots
together and the Lot Line Adjustment process is being utilized for that.
Commissioner Lima moved to accept the administrative approval of Lot Line Adjust 01-05. Commissioner
Bandelow seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried.
A_ Building Activity for May 2001
Commissioner Lima reported he has been approached by many residents in the area of Woodbum Fertilizer
claiming poor state of repair of the railroad crossing and that Cleveland St., Young St. and Hardcastle Ave.
crossings have been all graded. He stated he has driven by that area and if he had a small car he would
have lost a tire because the road is horrible. Commissioner Lima indicated he does not understand why
this crossing is the only one that has not been fixed out of the four crossings in town.
Planning Commission Meeting - June 14, 2001
Page 4 of 5
Staff responded this issue was just on the City Council agenda this past Monday night and Public Works
provided a report regarding the Hardcastle crossing. Staff indicated Public Works has been in contact with
the railroad and that the railroad is planning on replacing the crossing with concrete. He explained he
believes the railroad has jurisdiction within two feet of either side of the right-of-way. Staff stated the
Commission may contact Staff if they want a copy of the report contained in the City Council packet.
Commissioner Bandelow requested an update regarding the status of a response to the letter sent to John
Brown regarding the problem with the traffic pattern on Glatt Circle.
Staff reported the City Administrator received the letter and has forwarded it to the Public Works
Department. He indicated he is not aware of any response to it and therefore, he has no further status to
report to the Commission at this point.
Commissioner Bandelow commented it is an issue that needs to be addressed quickly before someone gets
Vice Chairperson Cox remarked the lack of a response is unacceptable.
Commissioner Lima moved to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Commissioner Bandelow seconded the motion which carded.
Jim Muller,
Commd~r~ty Development Director
City of ~oodbum, Oregon
Planning Commission Meeting - June 14, 2001 Page 5 of 5
June 28, 2001
7:00 p.m.
Woodburn Community Center, Fireside Room
-I ..I _l _l -I ..I -I -1 -I -I
1. Call to Order
Chair Flurry Stone called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
Members present included Flurry Stone, Sharon Felix, Joan Garren, Carmen Ramirez,
Kevin Hendricks, Preston Tack.
Staff'present included Randy Westrick.
Randy said he would mail the packet to all members not in attendance. With the
Committee meeting weekly, mailing packets to the membership in a timely manner is
Flurry asked if staffcould keep minutes for the meetings. Randy stated that tonight he
will and in the future Jennifer Goodrick will attend to keep minutes.
2. Project Schedule
A. Meeting Schedule
The Committee reviewed the schedule of meeting dates between now and
November 1, 20~. Randy will ask each member to consider their schedules and
cross off the dates that they cannot attend. Based on the dates that members
indicate attendance, a final meeting schedule will be set.
The Committee agreed to meet next on July 19, 2001.
However, meetings will be held on the Project Milestone dates of August 16,
August 30 and November 1, 2001.
B. Project Milestones Timeline
The Committee reviewed the Project Milestones Timeline that sets dates for
critical decisions.
Joan moved that for adoption of the schedule and Preston seconded. The
motion passed unanimously.
3. Building Program
Bond Plan - Powerpoint Presentation
Randy presented to the Committee a Powerpoint presentation that was used to
provide information on the Parks and Community Facilities Bond. The
presentation described the visioning process that the Recreation and Parks Board
used to develop the Building Program.
Proposed Phasing Plan
The Board reviewed a Phased Building program that divided phasing into three
categories. Major elements of the first phase include a large multipurpose room,
activity room, classroom and a suite of offices. The major element of the second
phase includes the exhibition/recreation pavilion and the third phase is the
performing arts theater. The Committee agreed that this is a logical phasing
program and discussed in depth the program for the first phase. Below are the
modifications that the Committee will consider for the first phase building
o Make sure the 50'x50' Activity Room is included.
Provide at least six offices with at least one designated as a "visiting
services office."
o The multipurpose room should accommodate banquets for 400. That
could result in a room of 6,000 sq. ft.
o The kitchen should allow cooking from "scratch."
o The Committee should consider a stage or performance platform in the
multipurpose room (permanent or portable).
o The restrooms should include dressing areas or dressing rooms should be
considered as a part of the multipurpose room.
o The design needs to make sure that mechanical and storage rooms are
large enough to accommodate building needs.
The Committee agreed that the first phase footprint should be 15,000 sq. fi. The
architect analyzing building sites should consider a 15,000 first phase
development that is expandable to include at least the second phase. The site
analysis will be due on August 16 with the Committee finalizing a site on August
30, 2001. If the four sites under consideration are not suitable, other sites will be
considered after August 30, 2001. The architect will provide the Committee with
a comprehensive list of site opportunities and constraints at the August 16, 2001
4. Building Sites
The Committee agreed that the following sites should be given first consideration. If
none of these sites are determined to be suitable for Community Center construction,
others will be considered after August 30, 2001.
o Settlemier Park
o Centennial Park
o Legion Park
o Park Avenue (community Garden)
5. Preliminary Funding Options
The Board reviewed a list of project funding opportunities that include selling City
property, bonds, fund raising, grants and the use of Parks Systems Development Charges.
Flurry said he had talked with Chris Breshears who was active with the WMAC fund
raising campaigm She may be interested in helping with the Community Center.
Kevin moved to recommend to the City Council selling the Woodburn Community
Center. Sharon seconded the motion.
The Committee discussed the implications of selling the property. Concerns were
expressed about dispersing eurrem programs and uses throughout Woodburm Randy
stated that the Committee's action would only he advisory and would probably support a
future Council decision. Placing the building on the market will take about three months
and no one knows how long a sale might take. Randy told the Committee that the first
step to a sale is an appraisal and that the City is in the process of securing quotes from
qualified appraisers.
The motion passed unanimously.
6. Adjournment
The Committee will meet next on July 19, 2001.
City Council Through City Adminstrator
Public Works Program Manager ,~ ~"~-~'
Summer Water Use Information for the Public
July 3, 2001
The City of Woodburn has an adequate supply of water to supply the needs of its
residents. During prolonged streaks of hot weather in the summer, when water use is at
its highest, the city suggests that residents make some adjustments to how they use water
for outside uses such as watering of yards and gardens. Water use during the hottest part
of the summer is often three to four times the quantity used during the winter.
Lawn watering dudng the cool parts of the day, generally before 10:00 am, is best since
it reduces the amount of water that evaporates and reduces the potential for disease. A
good way to see if the lawn needs watering is to step on the grass. If the grass is stepped
on and it springs back it does not need water. If it stays flat it is time to water. When
watering do it long enough for the moisture to soak down to the roots where it will do the
most good. A good guide is to water long enough to fill up an empty tuna fish can with
water. Also position sprinklers so water lands on the lawn or garden and not on paved
Other hints to reduce outside water consumption include sweeping your driveway and
sidewalks instead of hosing them off with water. Do not run the hose while washing the
car. Also check for leaks fl'[at may be present in the sprinkling system or other outside
water devices.
Occasionally, although it hasn't happened yet this year, in the summer in the afternoon and
evening between 4:00 pm and 10:00 pm city water use will exceed the amount that the
wells can produce and the water tank is drawn down to make up the difference. By
reducing outside water use for watering of yards and gardens during the hottest part and
peak use period of the day from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm Woodburn residents can insure that
there is an adequate supply of water for use by residents and sufficient reserve capacity
to meet potential fire protection needs. Once again there is no shortage of water for
domestic use.
City Council through City Administrator
Public Works Program Manager
SUBJECT: Shuffle Bus Service for Drums of Fire
DATE: July 5, 2001
The city transit service has provided shuttle service to the Drums of Fire drum and
bugle corps event at Legion Park for several years. The most recent event, On July 2,
2001 saw the highest utilization of the service to date. The shuttle was provided from
Senior Estates Clubhouse and the High School. Although no passenger figures were
taken the drivers estimated that approximately 250 persons were transported from the
High School and Senior Estates. Service was provided from approximately 5:30 P.M.
until all riders were returned after the event.
Utilization of the bus service alleviates parking on residential streets in the vicinity of the
stadium. Bruce Thomas, who coordinates the shuttle for Drums of Fire, indicated that
from his perspective the operation went well. Two vehicles were used with one
providing service from the high school lot only and the second vehicle providing service
to both locations.
One modification that may be made to the service next year will be that one shuttle will
run to both locations startin_~_g approximately one hour before the anticipated end of the
show. Due to the length of the show some people wanted to return to their vehicles
early and this was not possible since the plan was to operate the shuffle for return trips
starting when the show ended.
The city receives reimbursement for driver participation. The transit service is pleased
to provide this service for this community event.
TO :
Mayor and Council
John Brown, City Administrator
Mary Tennant, City Recorder ~
July 5, 2001
Status Report on General Liability, Property, and Workers'
Compensation Insurance Coverage for FY 2001-02
Following the June 25~h Council meeting, staff completed the evaluation process of quotes
received from City County Insurance Services (CIS) and Northland Insurance for the insurance
coverages listed above. Final quotes received provided for a minimal difference in cost for
general liability/auto physical damage between the two companies, however, CIS provides for
broader coverage in addition to coverage limits being on a per occurrence rather than aggregate
Attached is a copy of the letter submitted to our Insurance Agent of Record, Huggins Insurance,
which authorized them to bind insurance coverage for fiscal year 2001-02 as follows:
City County Insurance Services:
Northland Insurance :
General Liability/Auto and Workers' Compensation
Financial Impact:
With the increase in general liability and auto physical damage insurance rates, along with
increased coverage limit to $5 million per occurrence, the City will pay approximately $124,775
which is an increase of $26,4'I8 from FY 2000-01, and property insurance will increase by
Incorporated 1889
June 29, 2001
Chuck Huggins
Huggins Insurance Agency
P.O. Box 270
Salem, OR
VIA: Fax
RE: Liability, Auto, Property, and Workers Compensation Insurance
July 1, 2001 - June 30, 2002
Dear Chuck:
After reviewing the insurance quotes received for the above insurance coverages, the City is
hereby authorizing your firm to bind coverage with the following companies:
City County Insurance Services: General & Auto Liability/Errors & Omissions,
Employment Practices Coverage, Auto Physical Damage, and Workers' Compensation.
The single limit liability coverage will be $5 million and the City will participate in the
Workers' Compensation guaranteed cost plan.
Northland Insurance: Property insurance
We appreciate your assistance in securing the final premium costs for the above insurances.
John C. Brown
City Administrator
Office of the City Recordex
270 Montgomen/ Street · Woodburn, Oregon 97071
Ph.~03-982-5210 · Fax 503-982-5244
Community Development
270 Montgomery Street
Woodbum, Oregon 97071
(503) 982-5246
July 5, 2001
Jim Mulder, Community Development Director
Building Department
Building Activity for June 2001
1999 2000 2001
Dollar Dollar Dollar
No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount
New Residence Value 16 $2,035,874 2 $238,327 16 $1,548,931
Multi Family 2 $6,300,000 0 $0 0 $0
Residential Adds & Alts 0 $0 I $25,000 2 $179,000
Industrial 0' $0 0 $0 0 $0
Commercial Value I $400,000 0 $0 1 $774,400
Signs, Fences, Driveways 11- $19,240 2 $17,348 7 $18,800
Manufactured Homes 3 $142,065 2 $74,000 1 $49,000
TOTALS 33 $8,897,179 7 $354,675 27 $2,570,131
July 1 - June 30
Fiscal Year To Date $38,100,496 $28,662,078 $17,940,436
I:~Comrnunity Development~ldg~Building Activity~Building Activity - 2001~activity - June 2001 ,wpd
Community Development
270 Montgomery Street
Woodburn, Oregon 97071
(503) 982-5246
Date: July 9, 2001
Honorable Mayor and City Council thru City Administrator
Jim Mulder, Director of Community Development/~
Ordinance Affirming Planning Commission's Approval of Site Plan
Review 00-t2, Variance 01-04, and Partition 01-01 (Pacific Realty
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the attached ordinance affirming the Planning
Commission's approval of Site Plan Review 00-12, Variance 01-04, and Partition 01-01.
BACKGROUND: The City Council, at its June 25, 2001 meeting, conducted a public
headng concerning an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to approve the above
referenced project. At the conclusion of that hearing, the Council directed staff to prepare
an ordinance affirming the Planning Commission's approval of Site Plan Review 00-12,
Variance 01-04, and Partition 01-01 and adopting findings in support of the Council's
decision. That ordinance is attached.
WHEREAS, the applicant, Pacific Realty Associates, requested approval of land use
applications for site plan review, variance, and partition to construct a retail shopping center on a
10.36 acre site located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Highway 99E and Highway
211; and
WHEREAS, The Woodburn Planning Commission held a public hearing on the matter at
their regularly scheduled meeting of March 22, 2001 and adopted a final order on April 12, 2001
approving said applications; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission's decision was appealed to the Woodbum City
Council by Northwest Real Estate Services, Inc.; and
WHEREAS, the Woodburn City Council has reviewed the record pertaining to said
appeal and heard all public testimony presented at the appeal heating; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. That the decision of the Woodbum Planning Commission approving Site Plan
Review Case No. 00-12, Vaff'ance Case No. 01-04, and Partition Case No. 01-01 is affirmed
based upon Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, affixed hereto as Attachment "A".
Section 2. That this ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of the
public peace, health, and safety, an emergency is declared to exist and this ordinance shall take
effect immediately upon passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor.
Appr°ved as t° f°rm 't"~' e)r¥"~""~ 7- ~- 20~1 City Attorney Date
Richard Jennings, Mayor
Passed by the Council
F~Qe ! of ~
In the Matter of an Appeal of the Planning
Commission's decision in that land use permit
application known as Planning Department File
Nos. Site Plan Review 00-12, Variance 01-04,
and Partition 01-01 ("the Application")
Pacific Realty Associates ("Applicant") submitted the Application to the City. On April
12, 2001, the Planning Commission adopted an order approving the Application with
conditions, which the City mailed to parties of record on April 13, 2001. On April 23, 2001,
Northwest Real Estate Services, Inc. ("Appellant") fried with the City a Notice of Intent to
Appeal the Commission's decision ("the Appeal").
At its June 25, 2001 meeting, the Council rendered a tentative decision denying the
Appeal and approving the Application, subject to conditions adopted by the Planning
Commission. These findings and conclusions supplement those set forth in the following, each
of which the Council adopts as its own and incorporates herein by this reference:
the Planning Commission's April 12, 2001 Final Order regarding the
Application (''the Commission Decision");
the March 22, 2001 Staff Report to the Planning Commission; and
the June 25, 2001 memorandum to the Council from Community Development
Director JimMulder.
To the extent that a conflict exists between the findings and conclusions set forth herein and
those set forth in those ancillary documents, the former prevail.
Procedural Matters
Description of Application
A description of the Application is set forth in Mr. Mulder's June 25, 2001
memorandum to the Council, which description the Council hereby adopts as its own.
Planning Commission Review
The Planning Commission reviewed the application at its regularly scheduled meeting
on March 22, 2001. Some Commission members described various ex pane contacts
Portl~ 1-2078.548.2 0075701-00233
Woodburn City Council Page ~ of
Supplemental Findings Re: Site Plan Review 00-12/Variance 01-04/Partition 01-01
regarding the application. No party requested further information regarding or an opportunity
to rebut those contacts.
At the March 22 meeting, the Planning Commission conducted the initial evidentiary
hearing on this application. The Commission took evidence and argument, written and oral,
from various persons at that time. No person requested that the Commission continue its
hearing or leave the record open for additional written comment. The Planning Commission
concluded the public hearing that evening and rendered a tentative decision to approve the
application subject to various conditions.
The Planning Commission adopted a written order approving the Application, with
conditions, at its regularly scheduled meeting on April 12, 2001.
Description of the Appeal
The Appeal asserted only one error in the Commission's decision, viz., that two
conditions of that approval "are beyond the control of the Applicant and are therefore
improper." The two conditions cited by Appellant read as follows:
Condition No. 20: "Access and improvement requirements on Highway 99E and
Highway 211 is contorlled and conditioned by the Oregon Department of
Transportation(ODOI). Applicant shall obtain road approach permit from
ODOT. " ~
Condition No. 22: "Dedicate a minimum of 7 aclditional feet right-of-way along
Highway 211 adjacent to subject property. However, the actual dedication shall
include all of the property needed to construct the improvements on both
Highway 211 and Highway 99E as required by ODOT. Provide an additional
lO foot wide public utility easement adjacent to such dedication for location of
franchised utilities."
The Appeal went on to assert that, stripped of these conditions, the record does not evidence
compliance with WZO § 11.070(d).
Council Decision
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The City Council considered the Appeal at its regularly scheduled meeting of June 25,
2001 with Mayor Jennings and Councilors Figley, Sifuentez, Bejelland, Chadwick, and
McCallum present. Councilor McCallum stated at that time that, because certain of his
immediate relatives are employed at the law finn that represents Appellant, he would recuse
him~lf from the proceeding, which he did. When asked by the Mayor, no person asserted that
the Council lacked jurisdiction to consider the matter, nor that any Councilor should stand
down for any reason.
The City Recorder read the statements required by ORS 197.763(5) regarding the
conduct of a quasi-judicial land use hearing. The Mayor then opened the public hearing.
During the Council hearing, Mr. Mulder presented an oral report. He noted that staff had
delivered to each Councilor before the hearing his memorandum dated June 25, 2001. That
memorandum included the following exhibits:
the March 22, 2001 Staff Report to the Planning Commission;
minutes of the March 22, 2001 Planning Commission meeting regarding the
the Commission Decision;
the Appeal; and
the June 7, 2001 letter from Applicant commenting on the Appeal.
The emirety of the Planning Department's file on the matter was made available to and placed
before the Council. All of these documents form the record of the City's proceedings to the
date of the Council hearing. %'At the hearing, the Council heard testimony from the following
people: Andrew Jones of Pacific Realty Associates, LP, Michael Robinson, attorney for
Applicant, Beth Whemple, traffic engineer, Dan Fricke of ODOT, and Christopher Koback,
attorney for Appellant.
No party requested that the Council either continue its hearing or leave open the written
record. Nor did anyone ask the Council to reject any evidence that had been presented to it.
The Council rejected none of the evidence presented.
The Council concluded the public hearing and closed the record to all evidence and
argument at the same June 25, 2001 meeting. Councilors proceeded immediately to discuss the
matter. Upon such discussion, Councilor Figley moved the Council to render a tentative
decision denying the Appeal and approving the Application, subject to conditions adopted by
the Planning Commission, and directed City staff to prepare fmdings supporting the decision
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for presentation to the Council at its July 9, 2001 meeting. Councilor Sifuentez seconded the
motion. All Councilors present - the Mayor is not a Councilor - voted to approve the motion.
Based on the foregoing, the City Council finds that no party asserted an error in the
procedures by which the City considered the Application, much less asserted that such
procedural error prejudiced that party's substantial right to prepare and present its case for
consideration. That is, no party asserted any of the following:
that the public notices of the Planning Commission hearing were insufficient;
that the Planning Commission failed, upon request, to continue its hearing or
leave the written record open;
that the Commission improperly rejected any of the evidence and argument
presented to it.
The Council specifically Concludes that all persons were given a full and fair opportunity to
raise any and all issues regarding the Application and its compliance or lack there of with
applicable law.
Scope of Council's Review
The Council reviews the Application de novo.
Substantive Issues
Approval Condition Nos. 20 and 2~
"Section l l.070(d) of Chapter 11 of the C~ty's Code (Site Plan Review) requires
that access to public streets shall minimize the impact of traffic patterns.
"fl]he Planning Commission approved Applicant's request with conditions
[Nos. 20 and 22] that Applicant dedicate property Applicant does not own or
control. The conditions are beyond the control of the Applicant and are
therefore improper." The Appeal, pages 2-3.
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The Appeal implicitly recognizes that, under the framework set forth in Burghardt v.
Molalla, 29 Or LUBA 223 (1995), the City must reach one of two conclusions regarding each
criterion in order to approve the Application. "A local government may properly grant permit
approval based on either (1) a finding that an applicable approval standard is satisfied, or (2) a
finding that it is feasible to satisfy an applicable approval standard and the imposition of
conditions necessary to ensure that the standard will be satisfied." Id. at 236.
The Council's task in considering Appellant's assertion, therefore, is two-fold. We
must first determine whether the City may lawfully impose Condition Nos. 20 and 22 on its
approval of the Application. If so, then we must determine whether it is feasible to satisfy
WZO § 11.070(d) and whether the conditions ensure that it will be satisfied. However, if we
determine that those conditions are not lawful, then we must determine whether WZO §
11.070(d) is satisfied.
LUBA has set forth a two-prong test for the validity of permit conditions.
"[C]onditions attached to land use approval must support some legitimate planning purpose,
and the local government must have authority under its comprehensive plan or land use
regulations to impose the conditions." Davis v. City of Bandon, 28 Or LUBA 38, 48 (1994).
Appellant presented no evidence or argument that Condition Nos. 20 and 22 fail either
prong of this test. We note that these conditions require improvements to the City's
transportation infrastructure and that such improvements will be made as required by ODOT.
We further note Compreheff~sive Plan policies that call for improvement of public facilities
through the development process and coordination in that endeavor with other jurisdictions.
See, e.g., Plan Policy K-l-2 ("Develop a street system wherein arterial streets are of sufficient
width to accommodate traffic flows without interruption."); Plan Policy K-l-3 (''To insure that
state and federal highways with routes through the City are improved in accordance with
projected traffic volumes and the elements contained within this plan."); Plan Policy K-l-10
("In order to bring Highway 214 and Highway 99E into compliance with the Access
Management Policy guidelines, the City of Woodburn shall coordinate with
ODOT .... ")
Appellant does not appear to dispute the City's authority, as a general matter, to
approve a land use permit application subject to conditions. The Council finds that such
authority is set forth at WZO § 11.030(b): "Any conditions attached to approval of the Site
Plan shall be conditions on the issuance of a building permit." Indeed, as the Applicant noted
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Woodburn City Council age ~ of. /o _
Supplemental Findings Re: Site Plan Review 00-12/Variance 014)4/Partition 014)1
in its testimony to the Council, ORS 197.522 mandates the Council to "impose reasonable
conditions.., to make the propos[al] consistent with the plan and applicable regulations."
Appellant appears to assert that Condition Nos. 20 and 22 are unlawful because they
require "that Applicant dedicate property that it does not own." Appellant fails, however, to
provide any explanation of why such a requirement, as a condition of permit approval, is
unlawful. Appellant fails even to present evidence that these conditions require the Applicant
to dedicate property that it does not own.
As an initial matter, the Council notes that Condition Nos. 20 and 22 specify merely the
extent to which additional right-of-way is needed. They do not, individually or collectively,
specify the property that must provide that right-of-way.
Furthermore, Applicant provided testimony from experts in the field of traffic
engineering, Beth Whemple of Kittelson and Associates, Inc. and Dan Fricke of ODOT. Ms.
Whemple and Mr. Fricke testified to their familiarity with the traffic intersection at issue and
to the fact that they have identified means of completing the needed improvements without
using any portion of Appellant's property. Each rendered an expert opinion that it is feasible
to satisfy the approval conditions without constructing improvements on Appellant's property.
We find that testimony both credible and persuasive in rebutting Appellant's contention, and
conclude that the Condition Nos. 20 and 22 do not require Applicant to dedicate property that
it does not own.
Finding that its essential factual premise - that Applicant can satisfy the conditions only
if it dedicates property that it does not own - is wrong, we reject Appellant's argument and
conclude that Appellant has failed to demonstrate that Condition Nos. 20 and 22 are unlawful.
Notwithstanding this conclusion we will assume, for purposes of argument, that Appellant can
establish that, indeed, in order to satisfy Condition Nos. 20 and 22, Applicant must dedicate
property that it does not own or control.
Appellant cites us to, and we find, no law to support a conclusion that an approval
condition that an applicant is able to satisfy only upon obtaining a property interest from
another entity is unlawful. In fact, such an argument has been rejected by the state's Land Use
Board of Appeals ("LUBA").
In Choban v. Washington County, 25 Or LUBA 572 (1993), the applicant requested
approval of a construction project in which wetlands would be filled. The County approved
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the project pursuant to a wetland mitigation plan that included property owned by an entity
other than the applicant. Petitioner asserted that there was insufficient assurance that the
mitigation plan could be implemented. LUBA disagreed, finding the approval conditions
"adequate to ensure [applicant] will have the right to control the land upon which the off-site
improvements will be constructed .... "Choban, 25 Or LUBA at 585-86. We thus conclude
that it is not unlawful for the City to impose an approval condition that c. an be met only if the
applicant obtains property from another entity.
Finding no proscription in law, it is possible that Appellant simply invites the Council,
in deciding this case, to adopt a City policy against such conditions. We find that such a
policy choice by the Council would be unwise and we decline to adopt it. The City's ability to
require public facility improvements as a condition of project approval is critical to building
and maintaining adequate public facility infrastructure.
Appellant went on to present other reasons, unrelated to any approval criteria, why the
Council should not uphold Condition Nos. 20 and 22. We are thus left to determine whether,
as urged by Appellant, there are reasons for the Council not to uphold the Planning
Commission's use of this authority.
In its oral testimony to the Council, Appellant asserted that Condition Nos. 20 and 22
bind Appellant's use of its property. The conditions do not run with Appellant's property.
Rather, they bind only Applicant's ability to use and develop its property in the manner
approved in the permit. Appellant is free to refuse to work with Applicant to implemem the
highway improvements. Nothing in the Planning Commission's decision forces the Appellant
to accept on its property im~-ovements that it does not want.
The Transportation Planning Rule
The Appellant then raised the issue of compliance with the Transportation Planning
Rule, OAR 660-012-0000, et.seq. Neither the Staff Report nor the Commission Decision
identifies any provision of the TPR that it believes constitutes a relevant approval criterion to
this Application. The Appellant failed to identify the specific TPR provision that it believes
applies to the Application.
The Council notes that the TPR is the LCDC administrative rule that implements Goal
12, Transportation. The Council also notes that the TPR consists mainly of directives for City
action (i.e. to adopt a TSP), rather than regulatory criteria. The Council also notes that the
City has addressed the TPR through adoption of a Transportation System Plan (TSP)
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OAR 6604)12-0060 applies directly to post-acknowledgment plan amendments, of which the
Application is not.
As such, the TPR clearly applies to plan amendment and zone change applications.
Without citation by Appellant to a specific provision of that role that it believes to apply,
Appellant fails to raise this issue with specificity sufficient for us to address the issue. Based
upon the foregoing, the Council concludes that the TPR is not a criterion applicable to the
Impact on Adjacent Property
Appellant asserted that approving this Application will cause the existing Safeway store
to go vacant. This issue clearly does not relate to the City's authority to approve the
Application subject to Conditions 20 and 22. Appellant does not identify, and the Council does
not find, a criterion to which this assertion relates. Rather, the Council finds that the assertion
relates primarily to regulation of business competition, an issue upon which it specifically
declines to judge the Application. The Council thus concludes that Appellant's assertion that
approval of the Application will tend to force the existing Safeway to become vacant is not
relevant to the Application.
WZO § 11.070(d)
As noted above, the Council concludes that the City may lawfully impose Condition
Nos. 20 and 22 on approvagof the Application. Therefore, in order to approve the
Application, we must conclude that it is feasible to satisfy WZO § 11.070(d) and that the
approval conditions ensure that it will be satisfied.
WZO § 11.070(d) reads as follows:
"Access to public streets shall minimize the impact of traffic
patterns. Whenever possible, direct access shall not be allowed
to arterial streets. Whenever possible, access shall be shared
with adjacent uses of a similar nature."
This criterion regulates the placement of access from private property to public rights-
of-way. Specifically, it requires that driveways be placed in locations that minimize impact to
traffic on the adjacem road.
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Appellant presented no evidence regarding the extent to which placement of driveways
on the site would negatively affect traffic flow on public streets. The Council has reviewed the
traffic study submitted by Kittelson. The study describes the site's access locations and the
safety and efficiency of traffic operation. It concludes that placement of those access
driveways does not undermine such safety and efficiency. This testimony was ullrebutted. We
fred it credible and persuasive in demonstrating that the site's access driveways minimize
impact to traffic on the adjacent road.
Appellant implies that this criterion regulates the extent to which traffic generated by a
proposed development may affect traffic patterns. Assuming for purposes of argument that
this is the case, the criterion does not prohibit such affect, but merely requires that it be
reasonably minimized. As such, the focus of inquiry is the sufficiency of the Applicant's
mitigation plan. Specifically, does the plan mitigate to the extent practicable the impact of
traffic generated by the proposed development? The criterion also enumerates two specific
impact-mitigating techniques that must be investigated.
The Council has reviewed the traffic study submitted by Applicant. The study
estimates the amount of traffic that the project will generate and the impact that added traffic
would have on the surrounding street system. No party rebutted that testimony. We find it
credible and persuasive.
The March 22 Staffd~eport (pages 7-9) describes ODOT's review of the Application
and the highway improvements that the agency suggests are necessary to mitigate the above-
described traffic impacts. We find ODOT's comments regarding traffic impacts and mitigating
road improvements to be highly credible and not effectively rebutted. We are persuaded,
based upon those comments as summarized in the March 22 Staff Report, that it is feasible for
the Applicant to comply with this criterion and that Condition Nos. 20 and 22, which
implement the mitigation plan suggested by ODOT, ensure such compliance.
Appellant appears to suggest that it is infeasible for Applicant to satisfy the conditions
themselves because they require Applicant to dedicate property that it does not own. We
conclude above that, contrary to Appellant's assertion, satisfaction of Condition Nos. 20 and
22 does not necessitate dedication by Applicant of property that it does not own. For example,
the conditions could be satisfied by alternative intersection improvements. We further
conclude above that, assuming that those conditions do make that requirement, the City
remains authorized to impose them.
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Supplemental Findings Re: Site Plan Review 00-12/Variance 01-04/Partition 01-01
We now conclude that, assuming Condition Nos. 20 and 22 require Applicant to
dedicate property that it does not own, it is feasible for Applicant to satisfy those conditions.
Feasibility is a determination of technical capability (e.g., whether it is feasible for a site's
soils to accommodate the development without eroding away). Appellant presents no evidence
that Applicant is incapable of completing an acquisition of the property from Appellant (or any
other property owner). The unwillingness of a present owner to sell does not render a land
purchase "infeasible."
The Council hereby approves the Application subject to the conditions set forth in the
Commission Decision.
Portlnd 1-2078548.2 0075701-00233
July 5, 2001
Honorable Mayor and City Council ~.-~--.--.--.--.--.--~
John C. Brown, City Administratm
Increase in Non-Resident Librar~ Card Fee
It is recommended that the City Council pass the attached ordinance amending the 2000-2001
Master Fee Schedule to increase the non-resident library card fee.
At your last meeting, the City Council authorized an amendment to the 2000 - 2001 Master Fee
Schedule to increase the non-resident library card fee applicable to non-residents of the City
residing inside the CCRLS system boundaries from $25.00 to $40.00 per household. However,
because the ordinance number of the 2000 - 2001 Master Fee Schedule was incorrectly stated, it
was necessary to redraft the ordinance. The ordinance submitted to you with this staff report
correctly references the 2000 - 2001 Master Fee Schedule and increases the non-resident library
card fee.
WHEREAS, libraries in the Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Service (CCRLS)
area are coordinating an increase in the non-resident library card fee for non-residents of their
jurisdiction living inside the CCRLS system boundaries; and
WHEREAS, the Woodburn Public Library Board has recommended the fee increase to
the City Council of this fee; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. Ordinance No. 2272 (the 2000 - 2001 Master Fee Schedule) is hereby
amended to increase the non-resident library card fee applicable to non-residents of the City
residing inside the CCRLS system boundaries $25.00 to $40.00 per household for use of
the full range of library services.
Section 2. This ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public
peace, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect
immediately upon passage by the Council and approval by the MaNor.
Approved as to form:'e'~') ~ e~P~-' ~
City A~ttorney Date
Richard Jennings, Mayor
Passed by the Council
Submitted to the Mayor
Approved by the Mayor
Filed in the Office of the Recorder
Mary Tennant, City Recorder
City of Woodburn, Oregon
lncorF, oratear ~88q
Woodburn City Council and Mayor
through John Brown, City Admininstrator
Woodburn Public Library Board
through Linda Sprauer, Library Directo
June 6, 2001
Increase in the out-of-city resident fee
Background Information:
For the past 25+ years city libraries in Polk, Yamhill and Marion counties have provided
library services to out-of-city residents through a contract with the Chemeketa Cooperative
Regional Library Service (CCRLS). This service is supported by city and out-of-city residents
through property taxes of eight cents (8¢) per $1,000 assessed valuation, or $8 a year for a
$100,000 home. In addition, city residents supporting a public library within CCRLS pay an
average of sixty-two cents (62¢) per $1,000 assessed valuation or $62 a year for a $100,000
home. This tax inequity has prompted the majority of cities in CCRLS to institute a user fee for
out-of-city residents. This fee has been endorsed by the CCRLS Advisory Council, library
governing boards and city councils.
In 1999, several CCRLS libraries, including Woodbum's, began to charge a $10 fee to
adjust for the disparity between the amount city and Silver Falls Library District residents were
paying for library service when compared to residents of unincorporated areas. The intention
last year in moving from $10 per year per household to $25 per year per household (approx.
50%) was that the library would continue to increase the fee to 75% of parity (approximately
$40 per year per household) in the 2001-2002 fiscal year, and to100% of parity (approximately
$60 per year) in fiscal year 2002-2003. These increases allow Woodburn to remain consistent
with most other libraries within CCRLS thus reducing confusion of patrons who encounter
different amounts being charged by libraries for essentially the same services and also to bring
the library closer to 'equity' with the amount paid by city residents through their taxes for this
level of library services.
To 'ease the pain" of this increase somewhat, the Library Board further recommends
the library join with most of the libraries throughout CCRLS in instituting a "Kid's Card," also
beginning July 1, 2001.
The Woodburn Public Library Board recommendation:
· / The fee charged for library service to out-of-city residents, beyond the
Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Service (CCRLS) basic service (one
item checked out and one hold at a time per card holder), be increased from $25
per household to $40 per household effective July 1, 2001 for the fiscal year of
2000-2001; and
,/ The Woodburn library issue Kid's Cards to out-of-city resident youth ages infant
through age 14.
To increase the fee, Council will need to amend the 2000-2001 Master Fee Schedule.
Woodburn Public Library'
280 Carfield Street" 'ilTootlbum, Oregon 97071
Ph. 503-982-52~3 ° Ftoc 503-982-5258
City Administrator for Council Action
Julie Moore, C.~e~h HI through Public Works Director
Handicap parking request for Cupid's Court
July $, 2001
It is recommended Council approve the installation of one handicap parking space on the west
side of Cupids Court at the south end near the stop sign, to allow more convenient access to the
adjoining church.
Members of the Christian Science Society requested a handicap parking space be provided along
Cupids Courts so their members who have walking problems could have easier access to the
ramp up at the front of the church. Currently, the church has permission to use the Chemeketa
parking lot across the street but it is diffi~ for some members to walk that far. The church on
the corner of Doud and Lincoln Streets also uses the same parkin~ lot. Both churches have no
off street parking. The church provided a petition signed by all but one property supporting their
request. They have not been able to contact the residents of the last property but will continue to
Cupids Court is a gravel stree~ which hms north of Lincoln Street and serves as access to five
homes and the church. The right-of-way width varies from 38 to 40 feet. Currently there is no
parking along the east side of the street so that emergency vehicles could access the properties.
The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices does not have any specific requirements for the
placement of restricted parking signs. But with the installation of one space closest to the
intersection there would still be room for at least three other cars to park by the church.
The Police Department does feel a parking space is appropriate for this locatiom The department
does have volunteers who do enforce these spaces on a very limited basis.
Therefore, it is recommended that a l~mdlcap parking space be established along the west side
Cupids Court near the south end to allow pexking closer to the entrance of the church.
Attachments: Map of area
Letter from Church
~ 0
~0~ 0
i ·
JUN 2'6 ZOO1
June 26, 2001
Mr. Frank Tiwari
Director Public Works
270 Montgomery St.
Woodburn, OR 97071
Dear Mr. Tiwari:
Since our conversation a week or so ago, my thought is that it would be
more to the advantage of our members who have a walking problem if
a handicap zone could be located nearest the Lincoln Street and Cupid
Court intersection as the access ramp is close. Also those who have the
most trouble could come in one car in the case of bad weather.
Another thought that could work is to have a zone for handicapped drivers
at the back door of the church. I mentioned the existing concrete steps
are in our plans to be replaced as they are old and badly eroded. The plan
is to replace the concrete steps with a wooden structure that will have
lower risers and broader steps that will not be so steep and easier to climb.
It may be as long as two years before we can undertake that project.
One of our members has volunteered to call on some of the neighbors to
ask them to sign their names and addresses to show their approval.
Respectfully yours,
Horace E. Bixby
Copy to Julie Moore
I approve the City of Woodbum assisting the Christian Science Society by providing
temporary parking space during their church services at 195 East Lincoln St. Woodbum, OR.
6/as /o~
To: For Council Action, through the City Administrator
From: Randy Scott, C.E. Tech III, through the Public Works Director OdL~--
Subject: Right-of-Way Acceptance, Harvard Drive
Date: June 19, 2001
It is being recommended that the City Council accept the Right-of-Way as being conveyed by the
Capital Development Company and as descn"oed on Attachment "A".
The right-of-way is being conveyed by Capital Development in conjunction with the Montebello
Subdivision, Phase One Improvements. The fight-of-way being conveyed is 70 feet in width and
provides for the extension of Harvard Drive between Evergreen Road and West Hayes.
Included as Attachment "A" is the properly signed Quitclaim D~,.ed.
Included as Attachment "B" is a map showing the location of the right-of-way.
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. that Capital Development Company.. hereinafter
called grantor, for the consideration hereinafter stated, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim
unto City of Woodburn hereinafter called grantee, and unto grantee's heirs, successors and assigns
all of the grantor's right, title and interest in that certain real property with the tenements.
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining, situated in the
County of Marion. State of Oregon. described as follows, to-wit:
A parcel of land situale in the A. Oubois Donation Land Claim No.61 S.W ¼ of section 12. Township 5
South. Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian. Marion County, City of Woodburn. Oregon. said parcel is more
parhculady described as follows
Commencing at a 518' iron rod at the Southwest corner of the A. Dubois Donation Land Claim No. 98 in
said Township and Range: Thence North 32015'09- East 243722 feet to the True Point of Beginning:
Thence 27 91 feet along a counterclockwise curve to the left with a radius of 20 00 feet a delta angle of
79°57'15" a chord length 25.70 feet with a bearing of North 40°48'47" East to a point: Thence Nodh 0050'09
Easl, a distance of 469.22 feet to a point; Thence South 88°52'09'' East, a distance of 70.00 feet to a point:
thence South 00°50'09" West, a distance of 453.28 feet to a point; Thence 33 54 feet along the arc of a
20.00 foot radius counterclockwise curve to the left a delta angle of 96°05'02" a chord length of 29.75 feet
with a bearing of South 47°12'22" East to a point: Thence 109.74 feet along the arc of a 1587 foot radius
counterclockwise curve to the left a delta angle of 3°57'43- a chord length of 109.72 feet with a bearing of
South 82°46'16" West to a the Point of Beginning.
Said parcel contains 33810 square feet, more or less.
To Have and to Hold the same unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns
The true and actual consideration paid for this transfer, stated in terms of dollars, is $1.00.
In construing this deed, where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural and all
grammatical changes shall be made se~that this deed shall apply equally to corporations and to
Capital DevelOpme'n! Co., Inc. Robed L. Blume - President
on .2001
State of Washington )
County ofT~,,.l~.~,'{'o,,~) S.S. Mary Tennant, City Recorder
City of Woodbum. Oregon
Be it remembered that on this "~ I'~-{--day of ~/~,,,,w . 2001 before me a Notary Public
in and for the State of Washington. personally appeared Rober{ L. Blume to me personally known,
who did-say that he, Robed L Blume is president and of Capital Development Company, Inc. and
that this agreement was signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors
and said Robed L Blume does hereby acknowledge execution of this instrument to be a free act and
deed. In witness thereof I set my hand and affix my stamp.
My Commission Expires:
After Recording Return to:
City of Woodburn
270 Montgomery Street
Woodburn, OR 97071
· liD.
For Council Action, through the City Administrator
Randy Scott, C.E. Tech m~ through the Public Works Director]r~'
Utility ~ent Acceptance, Montebello Subdivision
It is being recommended that the City Council accept the Utility Easement as being conveyed by
the Capital Development Company and as described on Attachment "Al"," A2", "A3" and "A4".
The Utility Easements are being conveyed by Capital Development Company in conjunction with
the Montebello Subdivision, Phase One Improvement.
Al, easement varies in width, between approximately 74 and 60 feet and is currently being used
for the storm sewer and sanitary sewer serving the development. The easement is also located in
the proposed alignment of the future street extensions.
A2, easement 24 feet wide, specifically for storm sewer and sanitary sewer serving MontebeHo
A3, easement 60 feet wide, specifically for storm sewer and sanitary sewer serving Montebello
A4, easement approximately 70 feet wide, specifically for storm water detention pond serving
Montebello Subdivision.
Included as Attachment "Al" through "A4' is the properly signed Utility Easements.
Included as Attachment "B 1" through "B4" is the corresponding map showing the location of the
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that The Capital Development Company, for the
consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations to them paid, the receipt
whereof hereby is acknowledged, hereby do forever grant unto the CITY OF WOODBURN, a
Municipal 'Corporation of Marion County, Oregon referred to herein as the CITY, a permanent right-of-
way and easement over and along the full width and length of the premises described as follows, to
A parcel of land situate in the A. C)ubois Donation Land Claim No.98, in the S.W. % of section 12, Township
5 South. Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, Madon County, City of Woodbum, Oregon, said parcel is more
particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a 5/8' iron rod which marks the South West comer of the A. Dubois Donation Land Claim
No.98. in said Township and Range; Thence No~th 32015'09- East 2437.22 feet to the True Point of
Beginning; Thence 21.82 feet along the arc of a clockwise curve to the fight with a radius of 1587.00 feet a
delta angle of 0O47'16' a chord length of 21.82 feet and a bearing of North 81°11'02- East to a point; Thence
South 00049'42- West 98.91 feet to a point; Thence 35.12 feet along the arc of a counterclockwise curve to
the left with a radius of 20.00 feet a delta angle of 100036'58- and a chord length of 30.78 feet with a beadng
of North 49°31'13- West to a point; Thence 1482.56 feet along the arc of a counterclockwise curve to the left
with a radius of 1513.00 feet a delta angle of 58°08'34' with a chord length of 1423.95 feet and a chord
beadng of South 52°08'17- West to a point; Thence 39.63 feet along the arc of a counterclockwise curve to
the left with a radius of 20.00 feet a delta angle of 113°32'13- a chord length of 33.46 feet with a beadng of
South 32°42'07- East to a point; Thence South 89°28'13- East 1070.87 feet to a pointL.Thence South
89°28'13- East 17.39 feet to a point; 'Thence 28.62 feet along the arc of a counterclockwise curve to the left
with a radius of 170.00 feet a delta angle of 9038'42- a chord length of 28.58 feet with a bearing of North
85042'26- East to a point; Thence NoAh 80053'05- East 78.75 feet to a point; Thence 27.96 feet along the
arc of a counterclockwise curve to the left with a radius of 20.00 feet a delta angle of 80005'08- a chord
length of 25.74 feet with a beadng of NoAh 40O50'11' East to a point; Thence North 00°47'17- East 94.78
feet to a point; Thence North 79024'20- East 61.20 feet to a point; Thence South 00°47'17- West 208.37
feet to a point; Thence North 89012'43- West 60.00 feet to a point; Thence 34.87 feet along a
counterclockwise curve to the left with a radius of 20.00 feet a delta angle of 99°54'12- with a chord length of
30.62 feet with a bearing of North 49009'49- West to a point; Thence South 80o53'05- West 61.29 feet to a
point; Thence 38.72 feet along the arc of a clockwise curve to the right with a radius of 230.00 feet a delta
angle of 9o38'42- a chord length of 38.67 feet with a beadng of South 85042'26- West to a point; Thence
North 89°28'13- West
17.66 feet to a point; Thence NoAh 89°28'13- West 1109.94 feet to a point; Thence 24.64 feet along the arc
of a counterclockwise curve to the left with a radius of 20.00 feet a delta angle of 70O35'17' a chord length of
23.11 feet with a bearing of South 55°14'09- West to a point; Thence North 70o03'30- West 74.00 feet to a
point; Thence 1685.40 feet along the arc of a clockwise curve to the right with a radius of 1587.00 feet a
delta angle of 60050'54- and a chord length of 1607.31 feet with a bearing of NoAh 5(7°21 '57- East to the
point of beginning
Said parcel contains 210901 square feet, more or less.
with the right, privilege and authority, to said City, to construct, maintain, replace, reconstruct, remove,
and add to, utility pipeline or pipelines, with all appurtenances incident thereto or necessary
therewith, in, under and across the said premises, and to cut and remove from said right-of-way any
trees and other obstructions which may endanger the safety or interfere with the use of said pipelines,
or appurtenances attached or connected therewith; and the right of ingress and egress to and over
said above described premises at any and all times for the purpose of doing anything necessary or
useful or convenient for the enjoyment of the easement hereby granted.
THE CITY SHALL, upon each and every occasion that such utility facility is constructed,
maintained, replaced, reconstructed or removed, or added to, restore the premises of the Grantors,
and any improvement disturbed by the City, to as good condition as they ware in prior to any such
installation or work, but if not practicable, then pay to Grantors reasonable compensation.
THE GRANTORS, heirs and assigns, reserve the right to use the premises for walkways,
driveways, planting, and related purposes, and all utility facilities shall be at a depth consistent with
these purposes. EXCEPTION: No structure shall be placed within the easement, or within 45°
projection upward from the bottom of the pipe.
Accepted by the Woodbum City Council
on ,., 2001
State of Washington )
County 0~ S.S. Mary Tennant, City Recorder
City of Woodburn. Oregon
Be it remembered that on this ~/"a~Lday of ~v/~t'., 2001 before me a Notary Public in and
for the State of Washington, personally appeared Robert L. Blume~to me personally known, who did say that
he, Robert L. Blume is president and of Capital Development Company, Inc. and that this agreement was
signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors and said Robert L. Blume does
hereby acknowledge execution of this instrument to be a free act and deed. In witness thereof I set my hand
and affix my stamp. ~
My Commission Expires: .///~/~'-"O ~
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that The Capital Development Company, for the
consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations to them paid, the receipt whereof
hereby is acknowledged, hereby do forever grant unto the CITY OF WOODBURN, a Municipal
Corporation of Marion County, Oregon referred to herein as the CITY, a permanent right-of-way and
easement over and along the full width and length of the premises described as follows, to wit:
A parcel of land situate in the A. Dubois Donation Land Claim No.98, in the S.W. % of section 12 and the NW.
¼ of section 13. Township 5 South, Range 2 West. Willamelte Meridian. Marion County, City of Woodbum,
Oregon. said parcel is more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a 5/8" iron rod marking the Southwest comer of the A. Dubois Donation Land Claim No.98,
in said Township and Range; Thence North 1°03'22" East a distance of 2299.55 feet to the True Point of
Beginning; Thence North 35°53'54" East, a distance of 24.58 feet to a point; Thence South 41°39'49" East,
a distance of 774.45 feet to a point; Thence 24.03 feet along the arc of a counter clockwise curve to the dght
with a radius of 1587.00 feet a delta angle of 0°52'04' and a chord length of 24.03 feel with a beadng of South
51°17'33- West to a point; Thence North 41°39'49" West, a distance of 767.91 feet to the Point of Beginning.
said parcel contains 18508 square feet, more or less.
with the right, privilege and authority, to said City, to construct, maintain, replace, reconstruct, remove,
and add to, utility pipeline or pipelines, with all appurtenances incident thereto or necessary
therewith, in, under and across the said premises, and to cut and remove from said right-of-way any
trees and other obstru~ons which may endanger the safety or interfere with the use of said pipelines,
or appurtenances attached or connected therewith; and the right of ingress and egress to and over said
above described premises at any and all times for the purpose of doing anything necessary or useful
or convenient for the enjoyment of the easement hereby granted.
THE CITY SHALL, upon each and every occasion that such utility facility is constructed,
maintained, replaced, reconstructed or removed, or added to, restore the premises of the Grantors, and
any improvement disturbed by the City, to as good condition as they were in prior to any such
installation or work, but if not practicable, then pay to Grantors reasonable compensation.
THE GRANTORS, heirs and assigns, reserve the right to use the premises for walkways,
driveways, planting, and related purposes, and all utility facilities shall be at a depth consistent with
these purposes. EXCEPTION: No structure shall be placed within the easement, or within 45°
proj~fion upward from the bo...Eom of the pipe.
Ca--pital Development Co., Inc. Robert L. Blume - President
on ,2001
State of Washington )
County o~ S.S. Man/Tennant, City Recorder .
City of Woodbum. Oregon
Be it remembered that on this ~ 1~.~ day of ~i4ta~4 , 2001 before me a Notary Public in and
for the State of Washington, personally appeared Robert L. Blun~e to me personally known, who did say that
he, Robert L. Blume is president and of Capital Development Company, Inc. and that this agreement was
signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors and said Robert L. Blume does
hereby acknowledge execution of this instrument to be a free act and deed. In witness thereof I set my hand
and affix my stamp.
My Commission Expires: //"'/? -~3
After Recording Return To:
Stale of Wa~.l~
MV Appolnl,'nent Expl~e~ Nov. 19,
City of Woodburn
270 Montgomery St
pA;:~I=L t
~1.91 AC
I "\ ~
103 O0 03
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that The Capital Development Company, for the
consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations to them paid, the receipt whereof
hereby is acknowledged, hereby do forever grant unto the CITY OF WOODBURN, a Municipal
Corporation of Marion County, Oregon referred to herein as the CITY, a permanent right-of-way and
easement over and along the full width and length of the premises described as follows, to wit:
A parcel of land situate in the M. Lore Donation Land Claim No.61 and the A. Dubois Donation Land Claim
No.98. in the S.W. ~ of section 12, Township 5 South. Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, Madon County,
City of Woodbum, Oregon, said parcel is more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a 5/8' iron rod marking the Southwest comer of the M. Lore Donation Land Claim No.61 in
said Townsip and Range, North 1°03'22- East a distance of 2299.55 feet to the True Point of Beginning;
Thence North 54°06'06" West, a distance of 60.00 feet to a point; Thence North 35°53'54" East, a distance of
48.13 feet to a point on the right of way of Interstate Highway no. 5; Thence North 35'57"00" East along the
right of way of Interstate Highway no. 5, a distance of 248.21 feet to a point; Thence South 88°52'09" East
along the north line of reel 882, page 388 Madon County Deed records recorded September 9"' 1991 to Captial
Development Company, a distance of 73.06 feet to a point; Thence South 35°56'20" West, a distance of
336.00 feet to the Point of Beginning.
Said parcel contains 18913 square feet, more or less.
with the right, privilege and authority, to said City, to construct, maintain, replace, reconstruct, remove,
and add to, utility pipeline or pipelines, with all appurtenances incident thereto or necessary
therewith, in, under and across the said premises, and to cut and remove from said right-of-way any
trees and other obstructions which may endanger the safety or interfere with the use of said pipelines,
or appurtenances attached or connected therewith; and the right of ingress and egress to and over said
above described premises at any and all times for the purpose of doing anything necessary or useful
or convenient for the enjoyment of the easement hereby granted.
THE CITY SHALL, upon each and every occasion that such utility facility is constructed,
maintained, replaced, reconstructed or removed, or added to, restore the premises of the Grantors, and
any improvement disturbed by the City, to as good condition as they were in pdor to any such
installation or work, but if not practicable, then pay to Grantors reasonable compensation.
THE GRANTORS, heirs and assigns, reserve the dght to use the premises for walkways,
driveways, planting, and related purposes, and all utility facilities shall be at a depth consistent with
these purposes. EXCEPTION: No structure shall be placed within the easement, or within 45°
proje/~tion upward from the bottom of the pipe.
Capital Development Co., Inc. Robert L. Blume - President
on ,2001
State of Washington )
County of"l~,.,,s~o,~) S.S. Ma~/Tennanl, Cb Recorder
City of Woodbum. Oregon
Be it remembered that on this '-~J'~t-day of l~A.a~ , 2001 before me a Notary Public in and
for the State of Washington, personally appeared Robert L. Blume to me personally known, who did say that
he, Robert L. Blume is president and of Capital Development Company, Inc. and that this agreement was
signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors and said Robert L. Blume does
hereby acknowledge execution of this instrument to be a free act and deed. In witness thereof I set my hand
and affix my stamp.
My Commission Expires:
After Recording Return To:
y_~. 5~l:~,n_t,~-~ t_E~ I_m~: Nov:.~_. 19.20~
City of Woodburn
270 Montgomery St
~03 O0
TAXLOT 290 ON I.(AP 0~2W-13
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that The Capital Development Company, for the
consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations to them paid, the receipt whereof
hereby is acknowledged, hereby do forever grant unto the CITY OF WOODBURN, a Municipal
Corporation of Marion County, Oregon referred to herein as the CITY, a permanent right-of-way and
easement over and along the full width and length of the premises described as follows, to wit:
A parcel of land situate in the M. Lore Donation Land Claim No.61 and the A. Dubois Land Claim No. 98, in the
S.W. % of section 12, Township 5 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian. Marion County, City of
Woodbum. Oregon, said parcel is more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a 5/8' iron rod marking the Southwest comer of the A. Dubois Donation Land Claim No.98.
in said Township and Range; Thence North 1°03'22' East a distance of 2299.55 feet to a point; Thence North
54°06'06' West a distance of 30.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence South 35°53'54" West, a
distance of 782.89 feet to a point; Thence North 54'06'06" West, a distance of 69.96 feet to the right of way
of Interstate Highway No.5; Thence North 35'53'54" East along said right of way, a distance of 887.32 feet to
a point; Thence South 00°31'55" West along said right of way, a distance of 69.04 feet to a point; Thence
South 35'53'54" West, a distance of 48.13 feet to a point; Thence South 54°06'06" East, a distance of 30.00
feet to the Point of Beginning.
Said parcel contains 57820 square feet more or less.
with the right, privilege and authority, to said City, to construct, maintain, replace, reconstruct, remove,
and add to, utility pipeline or pipelines, with all appurtenances incident thereto or necessary
therewith, in, under and across the said premises, and to cut and remove from said right-of-way any
trees and other obstructions which may endanger the safety or interfere with the use of said pipelines,
or appurtenances attached or connected therewith; and the fight of ingress and egress to and over said
above described premises at any and all times for the purpose of doing anything necessary or useful
or convenient for the enjoyment of the easement hereby granted.
THE CITY SHALL, upon each and every occasion that such utility facility is constructed,
maintained, replaced, reconstructed or removed, or added to, restore the premises of the Grantom, and
any improvement disturbed by the City, to as good condition as they were in prior to any such
installation or work, but if not practicable, then pay to Grantors reasonable compensation.
THE GRANTORS, heirs and assigns, reserve the right to use the premises for walkways,
driveways, planting, and related purposes, and all utility facilities shall be at a depth consistent with
these purposes. EXCEPTION: No structure shall be placed within the easement, or within 45°
p~~upward from the bottom of the pipe.
~ .~'/~_ ~ "~ Accepted by the Woodbum City Council
Capital Development Co., Inc. Robert L BLume - Preside~
on ,2001
State of Washington )
County of~ S.S. Mary Tennant, City Recorder
Cily of Woodburn, Oregon
Be it remembered that on this '~/'l~-'day of ~V[ ~-v , 2001 before me a Notary Public in and
for the State of Washington, personally ap .pe~ed Robert L. Blum~ to me personally known, who did say that
he, Robert L. Blume is president and of C~pital Development Company, Inc. and that this agreement was
signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors and said Robert L. Blume does
hereby acknowledge execution of this instrument to be a free act and deeck In witness thereof I set my hand
and affix my stamp.
My Commission Expires:
After Recording Return To:
City of Woodburn
270 Montgomery St
5,00 '31 ' 55
69 Oa'
EXH.[B ~[T
1 "=300
City of Woodburn
Police Department
270 Montgomery Street
Woodburn OR 97071 (503) 982-2345
July 3, 2001
Paul Null, Chief of Police
Mayor and City Council
John Brown, City Administrator
Liquor License Application - Change in Ownership and Business Name
JB-DB and Company LLC
P.O. Box 21780
Keizer, OR 97307
Jack and Donna Babbitt
1896 Modoc St.
Keizer, OR 97307
Ranch Restaurant and Lounge (formerly The Pier Restaurant and Lounge)
980 N. Pacific Hwy.
Woodbum, OR 97071
Ph. 503-981-7112
Licence Type: Full On-Premise Sales - Allows for the sale of Distilled Spirits, Malt Beverage, Wine,
and Cider
The V~oodbum City Council approve a Full On-Premise Sales liquor license
for the Ranch Restaurant and Lounge.
On June 26, 2001, the police-~epartment received an application for a liquor license from Mr. and Mrs.
Babbitt, owners of the Ranch Restaurant and Lounge. The department has completed an extensive
background and criminal records investigation on the applicants. The applicants have no criminal
record and nothing of a questionable nature was found in their backgrounds.
Mr. Babbitt was contacted during the course of the investigation in regards to the operational plan for
his establishment. Mr. Babbitt's business hours of operation are 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Monday
through Sunday. Mr. Babbitt advised he has also made application for an Oregon Lottery license.
Mr. Babbitt advised he will continue to operate the restaurant as established with a dinning room and
separate lounge; no live music or pool tables.
A police records check of the business revealed the police department has responded to this location
four times in the last year on minor calls for service. The police department has received no
communication from the general public or surrounding businesses in support of or against this
establishment receiving a liquor license.
City of Woodburn
Police Department
270 Montgomery Street
Staff Report
Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-2352
July 3, 2001
Chief Paul Null ( [~. ~1~/
Mayor and City Council
Through: John Brown, City Administrator
Subject: Sound Amplification Permit - Flor Y Canto - Library Park
Ordinance 1900, 3, (5)
The use or operation of an automatic or electric piano, phonograph, loudspeaker
or sound-amplifying device so loudly as to disturb persons in the vicinity thereof
or in such manner as renders the same a public nuisance; provided however,
that upon application to the Council permits may be granted to responsible
persons or organizations to broadcast programs of music; news speeches or
general entertainment.
Christina Torres, on behalf of Flor Y Canto who perform Aztec dance and Mexican
Folkloric music, has submitted a letter to the City requesting an amplified sound permit
for a community performance on Saturday, July 14, 2001 from 4:00 p.m. to 11 '.00 p.m.
at Library Park. The groulS'has applied for a park use permit for this event through the
Parks Department. The applicant has amended the park use permit from 4:00 p.m.
through 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. through 10:00 p.m.
Recommendation: The City Council approve a sound amplification permit
for Flor Y Canto, on Saturday, July 14,2001, from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at Library
cc Randy Westdck - Parks Dept.
752 Hawthorne Ave. N.E.
Salem, OR 97301
Telephone: [503) 3 ! 5-8448
Fax: (503) 589-9914
June 20, 2001
Paul Null, Chief of Police
Police Department
City of Woodburn
270 Montgomery Street
Woodburn, OR 97071
503-982-5243 FAX
Dear Chief Null:
Our group, Flor y Canto, is applying for a~anp~ed Sound Permit. Our group
performs Aztec dance and Mexican Folkloric music. We are planning a community event
at Library Park, scheduled for July 14, 2001, 4:00 p.m. tol 1:00 p.m. As an aside, we rent
space fi~om the City of Woodburn, Recreation and Parks Department.
We will have drums, microphones, speakers and amplifiers. I do not know the
decibel level, but do know that it would only be enough to project the folk musical
instruments, song, and drum to the audience.
We are in the p~x~3cess of applying for the Park Use Permit with the Recreation &
Parks Rental Department. This morning, I spoke with Jennifer and she said that the above
date is available and that she foresees no problems with permits. I also spoke with Kay
Vestal as to the process.
We would like to be put on the agenda for the the Council Meeting on Monday,
June 25, 2001, 7:00 p.m.
If you have any questions please contact me at 503-315-8448.
Christina Torres, D.C.
City of Woodburn
Police Department
270 Montgomery Street
Staff Report
Woodburn, Oregon 97071
July 5, 2001
Paul Null, Chief of Police
Mayor and City Council
John Brown, City Administrator
Sound Amplification Permit - Centro Chistiano Church
(503) 982-2352
Ordinance 1900, 3, (5)
The use or operation of an automatic or electric piano,
phonograph, loudspeaker or sound-amplifying device so
loudly as to disturb persons in the vicinity thereof or in such
manner as renders the same a public nuisance; provided
however, that upon application to the Council permits may
be granted to responsible persons or organizations to
broadcast programs of music; news speeches or general
The police department has received a request for a sound amplification permit from
Noe Pineda, Pastor of Ce~tro Cristiano, to accommodate two outdoor services. The
request is for Saturday, July 14, 2001, from 4:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Library Park and on
Sunday, July 15, 2001 from 5:00 - 8:30 p.m., at Centro Cristiano, 257 W. Lincoln
Street. The Parks Department has already scheduled an event at Library Park for
Saturday, July 14th and cannot accommodate Pastor Pineda's request for that day and
Recommendation: The City Council approve a sound amplification permit for Centro
Cristiano for Sunday, July 15, 2001, from 5:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at 257 W. Lincoln
cc Randy Westrick, Parks Dept.
257 W. Llncol~ St. ~, PO BOX 476 ~, Woodbum, Oregon 97071 e Country
Phone 503. 931-1744 ~, Ernail nnr197(
July 03, 2001
City of Woodburn
270 Montgmry
Woodbum, Oregon 97071
Dear City Hall,
Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pause for a moment to express first of all my
gratitude for your service and dedication to this growing community. I'm praying God's will be
done and God would prosper Woodburn. I know he will.
It's that time of year that we at Centro Cristiano plan for an outdoor event. We are asking for a
City permit to have an out door service, July 1~, 2001 at the platform of the Public Library from
4:00 P.M.- 8:30 P.M. Saturday afternoon. Also Sunday July 1~', 2001 at Centro Cristiano 257 W.
Lincoln St. Woodburn from 5:00 P.M.-8:30 P.M. Both events would be having live music and
require a PA System.
Pastor Noe Pineda
July 9, 2001
Mayor and City Council
City Administrator
Executive Employee Performance Evaluations
It is recommended the City Council provide an opportunity for public comment on the form and
process for evaluating the City Administrator and City Attorney.
In each of the last two years, the City Council discussed a form and process for evaluating the City
Administrator and City Attorney. State statute requires an opportunity for public comment on the
process for evaluating the City Administrator. The City Attorney suggested the same opportunity for
public comment be given before the Council evaluated his performance. An evaluation format was
approved and used for the Attorney and the Administrator. The approved form allowed you to rate
your executive managers on the basis of how well we perform our job responsibilities, on our work
methods, and our personal work characteristics. It also allowed you to establish a performance
development plan for us for the coming evaluation period. The plans are the basis for subsequent
evaluations. The form also defined criteria and provided a framework for compensation adjustments.
Based on comments received during last year's evaluations, the compensation portion of the form has
been revised. Forms used in 1999 and 2000 provided for five percent (5%) salary increases upon a
finding of satisfactory performance, and allowed for negotiation of a higher percentage with findings
of better than satisfactory performance. Revisions eliminate the 5 percent for satisfactory
performance, and base any salary increase on negotiation.
Attached is the revised evaluation form. It is provided for your review and comment, prior to that
evaluation, so any changes you want to make can be publicly discussed.
You are again requested to approve the evaluation format. Each of you will complete the form prior
to evaluations of the City Attorney and myself. Mr. Shields' evaluation is scheduled for July 23,
2001. My evaluation is scheduled for September 10, 2001. Evaluations are conducted in closed
session unless either of us requests an evaluation in open session. You will discuss your individual
rating responses and comments in the evaluation session, and assign, by consensus, an overall rating.
Compensation adjustments will be based on that consensus and the result of negotiation. Actions to
be taken in conjunction with the evaluations will occur in open session.
Your July 9, 2001 meeting offers opportunity for public comment on the evaluation process required
by statute, prior to Mr. Shields' evaluation in July, and my evaluation in September. Should you have
any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the proposed form or evaluation process, please
contact me at your earliest convenience.
Name Title/Classification Evaluation Date
Department/Division Time in Classification Date of Last Evaluation
Part 1. Rating on Performance of Job Responsibilities. List in priority the four or five job
responsibilities performed by the employee, referring to job description for the classification. Evaluate
and assign the standard which best relates to the employee's performance during the review period.
State the reasons for your selected rating in the space provided for comments.
Part 2. Rating on Work Methods and Desirable Characteristics. Rate the Employee on the work
being performed and on achievement of desirable work characteristics by assigning the standard
which best relates to the employee's performance during the review period. State the reasons for
your selected rating in the space provided for comments. Ratings should be awarded based on
employee's performance for the entire rating period, and not based on an isolated incident.
Part 3. Summary of Overall Performance. Rate the employee's overall performance, based on the
ratings assigned in Parts I and 2.
Part 4. Compensation Adjustment. Indicate, based on overall performance whether employee's
performance warrants a merit increase or other compensation adjustment. Compensation
adjustments shall not be gran~d for overall performance which does not consistently meet job
requirements. Compensation adjustments may be granted for performance which consistently meets
or exceeds job requirements, and shall be negotiated between the City Council and the executive
Part 5.
Performance Development Plan.
A. Detail areas where improvement in employee's performance is required.
B. Indicate specific goals and objectives to be achieved by employee durin~l coming rating
C. Identify, with employee's assistance, actions to be taken, and resources needed to assist
employee in improving performance and achieving goals and objectives for the coming
Executive Employee Pedorrnance Evaluation
Page I of 6
1. Unique and exceptional performance achieved by very few individuals.
The employee consistently exceeded all key performance expectations: required practically no
direction and work quality and quantity were consistently excellent. With this rating, you are
recognizing really outstanding worth to the organization. This performance category should be
reserved for performance that clearly exceeds expectations in all key areas.
2. Performance that consistently meets and frequently exceeds job requirements.
The employee fully met and frequently exceeded performance expectations: quality and quantity
of work were very good and minimal supervision was required, assignments were completed on
time or ahead of schedule, and extra projects and tasks were taken on while principal
responsibilities were done well. This rating means the employee clearly achieved more than a
manager might have been reasonably expected to achieve.
3. Performance that consistently meets job requirements.
The employee met and sometimes exceeded performance expectations with a normal amount of
supervision: completed projects and programs on time and with normal follow-up required while
quality and quantity of work were good. This rating is for those who have surpassed expectations
in some elements of performance while meeting or even occasionally falling short of expectation
in others. Since this category represents fully competent performance and it will be given to about
half of the employees, it should be viewed as a good appraisal rating.
4. Performance where improvements are needed to meet some job requirements.
The employee is performing slightly below the minimum requirements for the position:
improvement is needed to meet the normal performance requirements to remain in the current
position. This rating indicates that without significant improvement in the near future, termination
should be considered. J
5. Performance which is unacceptable.
The employee did not meet several performance expectation: assignments were not
accomplished as scheduled or quality of quantity of work was unacceptable and intensive
direction and corrective counseling were required. This rating signifies that, overall, the work was
not satisfactory and immediate significant improvement required if the employee is to remain in
the position.
Executive Employee Performance Evaluation
Page 2 of 6
Job Responsibilities I 2 3 4 5
[] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] []
Executing Work I 2 3 4 5
Job Knowledge [] [] [] [] []
Quality of Work [] [] [] [] []
Quantity of Work [] [] [] [] []
Timeliness of Work [] [] [] [] []
Overall Rating for Category~ [] [] [] [] []
Personal Work CharacteristicS: t 2 3 4 5
Judgement and Decision Making [] [] [] [] []
Ethics [] [] [] [] []
Attitude [] [] [] [] []
Initiative [] [] [] [] []
Problem Solving and Creativity [] [] [] [] []
Accessibility [] [] [] [] []
Taking Calculated Risks [] [] [] [] []
Executive Employee Performance Evaluation
Page 3 of 6
Stability Under Pressure I-'] [] I'~ [-i
Political Skills [] [] [] [] []
Overall Rating for Category [] [] [] r-i []
Interpersonal Relations 1 2 3 4 5
Teamwork [] [] [] [] []
Communication [] [] [] [] []
Customer Service [] [] [] [] r-I
Overall Rating for Category [] [] [] [] []
Management and Supervisory Skills I 2 3 4 5
Financial Management [] [] [] [] []
Resource Management [] [] [] [] []
Leadership [] [] [] [] []
Supervising and Motivating Su-T:)ordinates [] [] [] [] []
Overall Rating for Category [] [] [] [] []
Other Skills Specific to this Position I 2 3 4 5
[] [] [] [] []
2. [] [] [] [] []
3. [] [] [] [] []
Overall Rating for Category [] [] [] [] []
Executive Employee Performance Evaluation
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Overall Rating (Check One) i 2 3 4 5 -
Recommended Compensation Adjustment
Areas where improvement in employee performance is required:
5. J
Goals and objectives for coming rating period:
Actions and resources to assist employee in improving performance and achieving goals and
objectives for the coming period.
Executive Employee Performance Evaluation
Page S of 6
Rater's Signature Date
Employee Signature Date
Employee Comments (if any):
Executive Employee Pedormance Evalua#on
Page 6 of 6
Community Development
270 Montgomery Street
Woodburn, Oregon 97071
(503) 982-5246
Date: July 9, 2001
To: Honorable Mayor and City Council thru City Administrator
From: Jim Mulder, Director of Community Development/~r2'J!
Subject: Planning Commission Action on Site Plan Review 01-04 and Lot Line
Adjustment 01-04.
At their meeting of June 14, 2001, the Planning Commission approved a final order
approving a proposal to construct two (2) commercial buildings totaling 12,600 square feet
on a 0.96 acre site. The Planning Commission's action will be final unless called up for
review by the City Council.
Trifan Kamas
13029 NE Miller Road
Gervais, OR 97026
Pamela J. Brooks
7585 Arbor Glen Court
Wilsonville, OR 97070
The applicant requests Site Plan Review approval to construct two (2) commercial
buildings totaling 12,600 square feet on a 0.96 acre site. The site is proposed to
be utilized as a home furnishing and equipment retail center. The site is currently
made up of two (2) separate parcels, and the applicant further proposes to
consolidate the parcels into one (1) through a Lot Line Adjustment.
The subject property is located on the west side of Hwy 99E between Alexandra
Avenue and Mt. Jefferson Avenue at 1333 N. Pacific Hwy. The property is further
described on Marion County Assessor Maps as Township 5 South, Range I West,
Section 8DB, Tax Lots 2100 and 2200.
The size of each parcel is 0.48 acres (70 x 300 feet). Once consolidated into a
single parcel, the property will be 0.96 acres (140 x 300 feet) in size. The property
is virtually fiat with some existing trees along its southern portion. The applicant
proposes to remove these trees for the development and replace them as part of
the required landscaping.
The applicant proposes to develop the site in two phases. The first phase is to
include an approximate 6,000 square-foot building space for carpet retail. The
second phase is to include a 2,700 square-foot addition onto said building and a
separate 3,600 square-foot building on the rear of the property, both to be utilized
as future retail spaces for home products. The 3,600 square foot building on the
west side of the site is to consist of separate tenants for each of its five (5) spaces.
The property is zoned Commercial Retail (CR) District, and the proposed use is
permitted outright.
The adjacent properties to the north and south are under the same CR zone,
and the properties to the west are zoned Single-Family Residential (RS) District.
The property to the east (across Hwy 99E) is zoned CR. The front portion of the
adjacent property to the south is developed with a dental clinic, and the property
to the north has a multi-tenant professional center. The two adjacent properties
to the west have single-family homes.