Minutes - 04/17/2001 MINUTES Woodburn Recreation and Parks Board Regular Monthly Meeting Tuesday, April 17, 2001 7:00pm City Council Chambers 1. The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Janet Greenwell. 2. Role Call Members present: Janet Greenwell, chair; Richard Hammond, Member; Patricia Watts, Member; Herb Mittman, Vice Chair. Staff present: Randy Westrick, Director; Brian Sjothun, Leisure Services; Jennifer Goodrick, AA. Members absent: Frank Anderson, Member; Sharon Felix, Member, Melissa Tittle, Member. 3. Approval of Minutes from March 13,2001 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Herb Mittman. The motion was seconded by Richard Hammond The motion was passed unanimously. 4. Business from the audience: there was none. 5. Business from the Director Division Reports 1. Leisure Services Division.-Kristi Davidson spoke about this years baseball and soft ball leagues, with over 225 participants from ages 2 to 14. In cooperation with Woodburn Together, we will offer an adult mens league next season. Summer camp 2001 will offer 8 weeks of fun for kids age 5 to 13. The program will employ 25 part timers, and a brochure will be mailed to every household in Woodburn on 4/30. Sports Festival is set for 8/18 and they are looking for volunteers. Drop-in centers are continuing to do well. Overall numbers are steady, but the number of children utilizing their time to do homework continues to increase. 2. Aquatics Division. -A report was provided in the packet. Kathy Willcox on vacation. 3. Parks Maintenance. & Facilities - John Pitt gave an update on the progress of Phase 2 of the Centennial Park Project. Sewer system, irrigation system and trees are in place. Bids for electrical and concrete work are in and work will begin soon. Community Garden has Page 1 of 5 been tilled and staked and is ready to be planted, and park restrooms are open. Woodburn Eagle had a good turn out for the Easter egg hunt in. Thanks extended from the department to the Eagles for their work and clean up. Flowering bulbs were due in part to over 900 hours put in by volunteers. Randy said that tomorrow about 30 middle school kids will be volunteering for Caesar Chavez day. 6. Hermanson III Wetlands Mitigation Project Workshop Paul Sedoruk of the Luckey Co. introduced himself, reported on the results of the workshop held on April 5 with the neighbors. He handed out a preference sheet (included in packet) to each participant, asking what was wanted and not wanted in the neighborhood. Gave results to board. Most people did not objected to a wooded corridor and forestation in moderation as long as there wasn't a dense undergrowth. Nicely wooded yes, dense thicket no. Paul then redesigned the site plan (included in packet) without thicket type foliage, and more open space and flowering shrubs. Concentrated plants closer to the creek and away from property lines. Also created the ability for light "ponding" since most people were positive to the idea. Security issues were addressed at the meeting. Grass buffer of 25' from property lines incorporated. Open space meadow land space was doubled from the original plan. Paul then held up both the first plan and the second side by side, showing the changes. Mel Schmidt said he wanted to see a plant list. Paul listed some of the plants that he would use. Mel raised again the concerns about flooding. Paul assured him that he had a letter from engineering that the plant material will not cause any flooding. Mel said he'd like a copy of the letter. Janet read aloud the part of the letter that concerned flooding. Penny Tischendorfasked if they were still planning to dredge out the creek. Paul said that some earth would be moved, about 3000 cubic yards. Richard asked if this would alleviate the flooding concerns. Paul said that it wouldn't raise them, and that it would increase capacity by 3000 cubic yards. Randy said that this project was not intended to alleviate 25, 50 and 100 year flood issues, but that the plan would not make them worse. Mel then led a discussion about flood insurance with his neighbors in the audience. Mr. Tischendorfspoke about the problems that could have been avoided if the Board had consulted the neighbors. Penny then gave her thoughts from the workshop, specifically that the police officer attending was concerned about the plan for dense underbrush. Paul said that many of the trees to be planted would be more willowy and twiggy than those originally selected. Richard Hammond brought up other problems with thickets and Janet assured that everyone that all thicket had been removed. Janet was concerned that there wasn't a plant list, but Paul assured her that garden type shrubs would be used. Richard thanked Paul for his work, Janet thanked the neighbors for their input. Janet called for a decision and Mel asked to make another comment. He expressed concerns about the plants that would be used, that they would not make for a secure area. Paul explained what kind of trees would be used and why. Randy asked Paul to describe the conditions and obligations that the Luckey Co would have to DSL on this project. Paul told that they would have to maintain an 80% survival rate for 5 years. Said that he usually plants twice as much as would be needed. A neighbor asked what responsibility the company would have if the plants were too shrubby and if there were flooding problems. Paul said that would be a legal issue, but that developers have been and would be held responsible if it could be proved they cause the problem. Penny stated that she thinks the Recreation & Parks department should have a master plan for all of the greenway before we just improve one section. Page 2 of 5 Randy assured the Board and the audience that the city would still maintain ownership of the site, and that the DSL said this week that the site was an excellent candidate for this type of project. Also reassured the neighbors that since the project wouldn't lower the elevation of their homes, which is what FEMA concerns itself with, that this project would not cause anyone to be required to purchase flood insurance. Janet then discussed with the Board that she thought they were ready to vote as to whether they should send the project to the City Council. Randy relayed the time line of the project thus far and stated that all we have to decide is if this is an appropriate use for the park. Said that it would be great to have a master plan for the greenway, for Settlemier, for Legion and for all of our parks. Herb Moved that the Board recommend this project to the City Council and requested that a master plan for the greenway and other parks be pursued. Pat seconded the motion and the suggestion for a master plan. The motion passed unanimously. 7. EMERGENCY ACCESS/LEGION PARK: Randy gave a summary of the project, over viewing what was in the packet. This proposed road would be used as an emergency access only and would go through Legion Park. Randy stated that the Board was being asked to make a recommendation to the City Council. Randy said that while researching this proposal, he found that the City has a contract with the National Park Service, and we could be in violation of that contract if we allowed this. We would have to replace every square foot of land that we converted from outdoor recreation space if we pave this road. Mr Kohl pointed out the property on a map. He said that when they spoke to the previous City Planner a few years ago they were told that they only needed one access road, and that through 214. They then prepared plans and presented them to the city. At that time they were told they would need 2 access roads, and that one of them could be an emergency access only. Now, he states that the planning department is interpreting the ordinance that the road would hae to be full access. Said the problem with this site is that there is an ODOT problem with getting another access, because there was an access once upon a time that has now been vacated-Mr Kohl believes that it is the gravel road in Legion park. There was a meeting with The Kohl Co., planning and engineering, which Randy was brought in on. ODOT has said they would appraise the land as is now, then as if it had secondary access; the difference being paid to ODOT. Property owners-Van Valkenbergs were not interested. Two other possibilities were offered, including improving the road in Legion park. Randy asked Mr. Kohl to clarify the access road he was envisioning, since Randy was told that it would be for emergency access only. Mr Kohl said the ordinance was not specific that the road could be an emergency access only. Randy stated that he would be absolutely against the road being used for anything other than emergency access, if access were to be granted at all. Chad Yuranek said that he was unsure of the requirement, but hoped that the board would recommend to Planning that the access be granted on the condition only that the road be used as emergency access. Richard asked for some clarification, then Chad proposed that they will improve the road from Queen city Blvd in through Legion Park to 214. Janet expressed concerns about safety issues, even if the road only be used for emergencies. Discussion ensued about the problems anticipated with any access, and Page 3 of 5 the uncertainly of what would be needed. Janet asked if we could get clarification before voting 3 weeks from today at the next meeting. Patricia Watts asked Randy how soon we could find out about the National Park Service about our obligation to them. Randy said it might take awhile, as long as 6 months. John Pitt said that they had the same problem in Settlemier Park, taking away open space when they put in the Drop in center and had to replace 1600' of open space. Paving removes open space. John said since the entrances and exits will be permanent, also since the back portion gets so much use, that the problem will be with the road being used as a parking lot. Fire department has a problem keeping the fire lane open. Richard stated that he lives near this park and is concerned that safety security and parking will have to be addressed for the park if the proposed development corns to fruition, that the road isn't enough. Richard asked what development was being proposed? Chad replied 150 unit multi family housings. Richard said that there are already mobility problems all around this park and that this proposed access road isn't nearly enough for the development and would compound these other problems. Chad said that there are recreation areas planned for the apartment complex. Chad asked if the interpretive center that the City hopes to put in the park would have to be replaced as open space. Randy said that an interpretive center has different rules than access roads, drop in centers and such, since it enhances the park visit by interpreting historic events that happened in the park. A Kohl consultant said that they might be able to provide the space that needs to be replaced. Janet restated that would not move to vote on this issue until they had an authoritative interpretation of the ordinance. Mr Kohl said that they need to do some more research. Randy will provide the language from State Regulations so they could know what would criteria would need to be met if this proposed road was approved. 8. 200 1-02 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Budget committee will consider our CIP on 4/30. Randy highlighted the report given to the Board. We will be applying for a grant to expand and repair playgrounds, and to build playgrounds closer to sports fields and picnic areas. Randy is also working on a matching grant for the skatepark, and plans to hire a consultant to help with design soon. The greenway project will add approximately $75,000 of value to that park. Randy reiterated that master plans need to be done for all the parks and will add an element to the CIP to reflect that. A Community Center is a top priority during the next two years, therefore there is $10,000 budgeted to continue the process of getting a new Community Center. The CIP reflects our approach to planning and spending. For instance, Centennial Park has no design work planned, since we're doing that this year. The North Front Street Park neighborhood committee is moving ahead, raising funds for a tot lot, writing to Woodburn Together to ask for assistance, and Randy is helping them apply for a $2500 grant. 9. Future Board Business: There was none. 10. Board Comments: There were none, but John Pitt invited the Board to get out and see the work being done at Centennial Park Page 4 of 5 11. Adjournment-meeting was adjourned by Janet at 8:50pm Page 5 of 5