Minutes - 03/27/2000 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 27, 2000 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, MARCH 27, 2000. CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. 0007 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Jennings Bjelland Chadwick Figley Kilmurray Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Park & Recreation Director Westrick, Finance Director Gillespie, Police Chief Null, Library Director Sprauer, Public Works Manager Rohman, City Recorder Tennant 0025 PRESENTATION: HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD. Scott Summers, Human Rights Commission Chair, reviewed the Commission's mission statement which is to foster mutual understanding and respect and to protect the human rights of all persons within the City. Annually, they award 6 Human Rights awards to recognize people who, in the course of their daily lives, are working to bring together people and cultures and contributing to a sense of community. He stated that this award is being presented to Joan Garren, immediate past president of Woodburn Together, who has been a driving force in that organization over the years. Joan Garren expressed her appreciation to the Commission for this award. 0093 Mayor Jennings stated that the Tierra Lynn/Marcel Ct. Neighborhood Watch Association had a recent candy sale in which they raised approximately $400 for the City's DARE Program. Most of the work was done by Kevin & Paulette Zastoupil' s son and he congratulated them on their efforts to improve livability within our community, 0116 PROCLAMATION - WOODBURN TULIP FESTIVAL MONTH. Mayor Jennings read the proclamation declaring March 20, 2000 through April 23, 2000 as Woodburn Tulip Festival Month and he encouraged local citizens and other visitors to Woodburn to participate and support this annual local event. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 27, 2000 ~ ..- --'--,~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 27, 2000 TAPE READING 0151 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Tulip Festival Shuttle Service: An experimental shuttle service operated by the City will provide transportation from the Wal-Mart parking lot to the Tulip fields on April 8th, 9th, 15th, and 16th between the hours of 11:00 am and 5:00 pm. The shuttle will arrive/depart every hour during those hours and cost for this service will be $1.00 per person roundtrip. Festival attendees are encouraged to utilize this service which is being offered this year on an experimental basis to help relieve some traffic congestion to the fields. B) Budget Committee Meeting: A budget workshop is scheduled for March 28, 2000,7:00 p,m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. C) Tulip Invitational Swim Meet: This event will be held on April 8, 2000 at the City's Aquatic Center, D) Spring Clean-Up Day: Residents are encouraged to participate in this annual event which has been scheduled for April 22, 2000. E) Filing Periods for Mayor and Council Positions: The deadline for filing nomination petitions for the positions of Mayor, Councilor Ward I, Councilor Ward II, and Councilor Ward IV is on Tuesday, August 28, 2000, 5:00 p,m., in the City Recorder's office. 0200 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Don Judson, representing the Chamber Board, provided the following information on upcoming Chamber events: 1) Business After Hours will be held on April 13th, 4:30 p.m., at the WCAT studio located on Meridian Drive; 2) The annual Student Job Shadow Day will also be held on April 13th and he encouraged businesses to participate in this program; 3) On April 13th, guest speaker at the Woodburn Rotary meeting will be Woodburn's Junior First Citizen James Audritsh; 4) On April 14th, the Tulip Tee-Off will be held at Evergreen Golf Course; and 5) On April19lh, the Chamber Forum will be held at 12:00 noon at the Woodburn Family Medical Center with the guest speaker being from the Fair Funding for Roads Committee which is an organization supporting the gas tax increase (Measure 82). The Chamber also presented Mayor Jennings with a Tulip Festival T-Shirt. He reminded the public that T-shirts are being sold for $10 each at several locations within the City, including City Hall. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 27, 2000 ""+-^--'~~'----~+'" ".,.-......_._.~--_._"'-.........~ ....-....... ....-- . COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 27, 2000 TAPE READING 0255 LIVABILITY TASK FORCE COMMITTEE REPORT. Pete McCallum, Committee Co-Chair, stated that the purpose of the Livability Task Force is to try to build community pride and provide common sense approaches to promote livability within the City. A wards presented since the last Council presentation include (1) a Neighborhood Award to the Park Circle Neighborhood located near Legion Park, (2) home awards to Vasilia Ruiz (Hayes St.), and Dave Matlock (Lincoln St.), and (3) a business award to the Northwood Business Park. He stated that there was much debate on who should receive of these awards, however, more awards will be presented in the future to recognize the efforts of local residents and businesses. He stated that the Committee was also reviewing the City codes and, overall, there were many excellent ordinances currently in place that will help livability. They feel that one of their strong points as a Task Force is to help educate the public and they are in the process of developing a plan to reach all citizens for the this purpose. Following is the Task Force's list of top ten ordinances to educate the public on that they feel will make Woodburn a more livable community: (1) Animals running at large; (2) Abandoned vehicles; (3) Car and home stereo noise; (4) Exceeding occupancy limits in residents; (5) Trash removal; (6) Weapons discharge; (7) Sign boards; (8) Speeding through neighborhoods; (9) Children wearing bicycle helmets; and (10) Cars parked on front yards or sidewalks. Other projects the Task Force is working on include hanging baskets on Highway 99E and other locations in town; support for the Saturday Market being organized by the Downtown Association; and Woodburn Spring Clean-up on April 22nd (Earth Day). In regards to the Spring Clean-up day, the Task Force is looking at different projects in both residential and business areas in which the owners need assistance to make improvements. Volunteers will be gathering at the high school at 8:30 am, work teams will be formed and then sent out to work on a project. Mayor Jennings stated that the high school is making their final plans for their Adopt a Street Program and he will be steering them towards the Livability Task Force in an effort to coordinate programs. 0537 Mike Bergeron, Woodburn Downtown Assoc. member, stated that the WDA is actively trying to recruit vendors for a downtown Saturday Market which would be located at Warzynski Plaza (downtown parking lot). He requested that the Council authorize closure of the parking lot beginning at II :00 pm on Friday evening and until 2:00 p.m. on Saturday so that the area can be used by the vendors to set up their booths and for pedestrians to use the parking lot to visit the booths without having to worry about vehicular traffic in the parking lot. If their request is granted, signage will need to be placed at the entrances to the parking lot to let the public know of the times in which the lot will be closed. He also requested that the Police Department close the lot on Friday Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 27, 2000 . "t ~.,.--._~.--..,..~-..., ....... ,. .. -,.".~"-..-_. , ~-~.._-----_..."._..,------.._->,..__._.. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 27, 2000 TAPE READING night so that it would be free of cars when vendors come early Saturday to set up their booths. Mayor Jennings stated that he will be bringing this subject up under General Business. 0645 CONSENT AGENDA. A) Council regular and executive session minutes of March 13, 2000; B) Planning Commission minutes of March 9,2000; C) Recreation and Park Board minutes of March 14, 2000; D) Planning Projects tracking sheet FIGLEYIPUGH... consent agenda be approved as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 0659 PUBLIC HEARING: 1999 LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT. Mayor Jennings declared the public hearing open at 7:24 p.m.. Police Chief Null stated that the City was awarded with a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in September 1999 in the amount of $15,151 with the City's match being $1,683 for a total of $16,838.00. Funds from the grant can be used with minimal restrictions, however, the City must show that the funds used must reduce crime or increase public safety. In order to expend funds under this block grant, an advisory committee is required to review funding options and make a non-binding recommendation to the Council on the use of the grant funds. Additionally, this public hearing is being held to receive community input on the proposed use of these grant funds. Chief Null stated that the Advisory Committee is recommending a Traffic Safety Program which would include the leasing of 2 police motorcycles and to purchase related equipment for the motorcycles and officers. Additionally, the program will provide for training costs for the officers assigned to this traffic team program. No one in the audience spoke on this issue. Mayor Jennings closed the hearing at 7:27 p,m.. FIGLEYIKILMURRA Y... approve receipt and allocation of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funds for the lease of two motorcycles and associated emergency equipment The motion passed unanimously. 0786 COUNCIL BILL 2034 . ORDINANCE ANNEXING 3.32 ACRES. AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. GRANTING A CONDITIONAL ZONE CHANGE. APPROVING A SITE PLAN. AND ATTACHING CONDITIONS FOR BOONES FERRY CENTER RETIREMENT CENTER (ProDerty located south of Country Club Road and west of Boones Ferry Road). Council Bill 2034 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 27, 2000 .- ~._-,_._.....+.>.~.,-~_."..._......_-_..,......~.--~-~.".--. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 27, 2000 TAPE READING roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2034 duly passed. 0875 COUNCIL BILL 2035 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH HENNEBERY EDDY ARCHITECTS. INC. TO CONDUCT AN ASSESSMENT OF CERTAIN CITY FACILITIES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. Council Bill 2035 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Mayor Jennings questioned which facilities would be assessed by the consultants since he is concerned with accessibility issues associated with the second story of the Community Center and hoped that minimal dollars would be spent on conducting a study which would include this particular area within the Community Center. Administrator Brown stated that the consultants will be looking at those facilities that have a lot of public interaction, It was noted that the City has done some assessment of our facilities since the adoption of the American with Disabilities Act and made changes as needed, however, this will be an assessment by qualified individuals, other than our Building Official, who will provide an updated assessment of our facilities. Administrator Brown stated that $30,000 has been allocated in the Capital Improvement budget for this project. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2035 duly passed. 1022 COUNCIL BILL 2036 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN "AGREEMENT FOR USE OF SPECIAL POLICE OPERATIONS TEAMS" WITH THE CITY OF SALEM POLICE. Council Bill 2036 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Mayor Jennings stated that the City has already utilized the services provided by this special team from the City of Salem along with the County-wide Special Response Team (SRT) twice this year with positive results. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2036 duly passed. 1083 COUNCIL BILL 2037. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF POLICE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT AMONGST VARIOUS LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES. Councilor Chadwick introduced Council Bill 2037 and noted that there is a typographical error in Section 1 in that the word "sing" should read as "sign". Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 27, 2000 ~ ... < ...~_.."._..0..4-_~_"",,__,~_-,-~"_'I",~.-.,..-,~......_,..,--- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 27, 2000 TAPE READING FIGLEYIBJELLAND... amend the bilI to correct the typographical error in Section 1 to read "sign". The motion passed unanimously. Recorder Tennant read the bilI by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bilI, as amended, passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council BilI 2037 duly passed as amended. 1128 COUNCIL BILL 2038 . ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE MOST CURRENT BUILDING CODES FOR THE CITY OF WOODBURN. Council BilI 2038 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. The two readings of the bilI were read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call for final passage, the bilI passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council BilI 2038 duly passed with the emergency clause. 1175 CONTRACT AWARD - TRANSIT BUS. FlGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... bid for the purchase of a transit bus be awarded to Western Bus Sales, Inc" in the amount of $137,822. Public Works Manager Rohman stated that a federal grant wilI pay approximately $121,000 towards the purchase ofthis vehicle. In this case, the City solicited proposals from vendors and bids were received from Schetky Northwest Sales ($135,985) and Western Bus Sales ($137,822). The Request for Proposal was modeled after proposals already used by other cities in Oregon and it gives the City an option to select a transit bus that would provide the City with the best value. There is a set of minimum specifications within the proposal and, in this case, both vehicles met the minimum specifications. However, staff is recommending the purchase of the bus from Western Bus Sales since it has advantages over the bus from Schetky that would justify the additional cost. It was also noted that proposal from Schetky Northwest Sales would increase by $2,650 if air brakes are installed thereby making it a higher bid proposal than the one from Western Bus Sales which already comes with air brakes. The motion to award the bid to Western Bus Sales passed unanimously. 1258 SATURDAY MARKET: COMMITTEE REQUEST TO CLOSE THE PARKING LOT. Mayor Jennings stated that he had attended several of their meetings and he is in agreement that it should be closed late Friday night and re-opened Saturday afternoon, FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... Police Department close the downtown parking lot on Friday night at 11 :00 p.m. and re-open the lot on Saturday at 2:00 p.m.. Councilor Kilmurray questioned as to where motorists wilI park since there is limited on- street parking available. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 27, 2000 . 'f --,.".....'-~---,-..' ',=, ,,-- <., ,-,..,,,.,,"._--~~-...-- ... +....;.,-...-. ~---~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 27, 2000 TAPE READING Michael Bergeron stated that they anticipate sufficient parking spaces to be available close to the Market area, In addition, there are the public parking lots behind the Post Office, across from City Hall, and behind the Public Works annex building. As of this date, they have 8 vendors and they are continuing to look for Arts & Crafts vendors in addition to the food and nursery vendors already signed up. BJELLANDIPUGH .... amend the motion to include examination of the existing signs and the need, if any, for additional signs which would then be provided by the Public Works Department or the appropriate agency, Mike Bergeron also requested that they be given a set of key(s) for the lock assuming that a chain will be placed across the entrance(s) to the parking lot. The motion, as amended, passed unanimously, 1500 SITE PLAN ACTIONS. A) Site Plan Review #99-28 - Arby's Restaurant: No action was taken by the Council on this site plan. B) Site Plan Review #00-01 . Familian NW Storage Yard: No action was taken by the Council on this site plan. 1509 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. Administrator Brown stated that he would be out of town March 28th through March 30th to attend Incident Command System training at Mt. Hood Community College and, in his absence, Public Works Director Tiwari will be acting City Administrator and he will see that work is prioritized and directed to the proper department heads. 1534 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Pugh stated that in a recent letter to the Editor, published in the Oregonian, was written by Robert DeGraff regarding the upcoming gas tax. In his letter, he mentioned that, under the International Fuel Tax agreement, diesel tax revenues are directed to states where the trucks drive no matter where the trucks fill-up for fuel. He stated that he will be seeking verification of this statement since the biggest complaint from Triple A (AAA) is that truckers would not be paying their fair share, and if this statement is true, then the AAA argument is not valid. He reiterated that he is in support of the gas tax measure to improve roads within the State. Councilor Kilmurray questioned Pete McCallum as to whether or not a bio-hazard box and gloves will be made available for volunteers participating in the Spring Clean-up project. Mr. McCallum stated that provisions have been made to insure the safety of the volunteers. Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 27, 2000 ,_._~__._."~.~._._~..."_u,, .._".,,_-__~~_~~'__".___.._~' -.---'-.-""...'-'"'' ._- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 27, 2000 TAPE READING Councilor Kilmurray also stated that she had discussed speed bumps with the Fire Department and Chief Hendricks is willing to revisit this issue, especially if their bond issue passes and new equipment is purchased, based on the newer designs of speed bumps. She also stated that the homeowner of 1890 E. Hardcastle continues to have a 6" puddle of water in his driveway every time it rains which never occurred before the sidewalks were installed. Staff will look into this matter. Additionally, another complaint was received today about motorists running the red light at the intersection of Highway 99E and Hardcastle. Mayor Jennings stated that the individual who had witnessed a near accident at this location had contacted him earlier today. He stated that he explained to the witness that the City could not put a police officer at that location around the clock, however, the City will soon be putting a Motorcycle traffic team in place that will be dedicated to traffic issues. He stated that, for whatever reasons, motorists are running the red lights at most intersections and he has made it a habit to wait a few seconds before pulling out into the intersection. Councilor Pugh questioned if a photo red-light camera could be installed. Chief Null stated that, under a pilot program within the state statute, there are only 3 cities allowed to use the camera system. 1840 Councilor Sifuentez stated that Saturday Market brochures are available and she urged crafters to sign-up for this event which will be held every Saturday until the last week in October. She also stated that she had received a letter from the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission requesting public input on the development of a plan for the allocation of federal formula grants for juvenile justice and delinquency programs. A meeting is scheduled for April 14th, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm, at the Oregon Department of Administrative Services in Salem. The State of Oregon was allocated $907,000 which can be spread throughout the State for applicable programs. Councilor Chadwick informed the Council that Beverly Koutney is currently hospitalized in Salt Lake City, Utah, with a blood clot and it is unknown as to when she will return to her home in the W oodbum area, Mayor Jennings stated that he had a very successful "Let's Communicate" program and it is being aired on ChannelS several times during the day and evening hours. He also stated that WCAT will do live broadcasting of City Board and Commission meetings beginning in April. Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 27, 2000 . ~' ..._.._..-._,,-......---,~,_........ ~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 27, 2000 TAPE READING 2054 EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mayor Jennings entertained a motion from the Council to adjourn into executive session under the authority of ORS 192.660(d) and ORS 192.660(f). FIGLEy/SIFUENTEZ.... adjourn to executive session under the statutory authority cited by the Mayor. The motion passed unanimously, The meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:05 p.m. and reconvened at 8:21 p.m.. Mayor Jennings stated that no decisions were made in executive session. 2068 ADJOURNMENT. FlGLEYIPUGH... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.. APPROVE~ e.~~' ~ RICHARD JENN S, MA OR ATTEST (Y\~L~o-:J- Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 9 - Council Meeting Minutes, March 27, 2000 ._,',- ~^,.__. ~--..._----~--~,.~.,. ~""-~"""-'""+-" ~~......__."--,."-_._-~....._~~-_..._---