Minutes - 06/26/2000 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 26, 2000 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JUNE 26, 2000. Mayor Jennings called for a moment of silence in memory of Lee Vetter who passed away on Saturday. Mr. Vetter was actively involved in numerous community service programs within our community. CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. 0017 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Jennings Bjelland Chadwick Figley Kilmurray Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Park & Recreation Director Westrick, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Finance Director Gillespie, Police Chief Null, Library Director Sprauer, Public Works Manager Rohman, City Recorder Tennant 0035 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Notice of Library Board vacancy: Mayor Jennings stated that two adult positions on the Board are currently vacant. Additionally, he is in the process of selecting a student to be one of the Board members as provided for within the new ordinance. Director Sprauer is interviewing 4 applicants for the position and he will interview those applicants once she has concluded her interviews. B) Chuckwagon Breakfast: The 47th annual Chuckwagon Breakfast will be held on July 4th at Legion Park from 6:00 am to 11:00 am. C) 4th of July Celebration: The Woodburn 4th of July Celebration will be held at the Woodburn High School athletic field beginning at 1:00 pm with the fireworks display beginning at 10:00 p.m.. Local citizens are encouraged to attend this annual event which provides games and entertainment for the whole family. D) Drums of Fire Musical Event: The Drums of Fire Drum Corp. competition will be held at Legion Field on Friday, July 7th, at 7:00 p.m.. Mayor Jennings stated that tickets are still available for this event. E) Office Closures: City offices and the Public Library will be closed on Tuesday, July 4th, in observance of the July 4th Holiday. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 26, 2000 ~. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 26, 2000 TAPE READING F) Oregon Heritage Grant Award for Woodburn Carnegie Library: Library Director Sprauer thanked the Mayor and Council for their part in securing the grant award in the amount of $25,000. She stated that (1) completion of the engineering study to determine the work and estimated costs for repairs were completed along with (2) the commitment from the Budget Committee to begin setting aside funds for this project in the next fiscal year provided the Oregon Heritage Commission with proof that the City was committed to completing this project. Even with this grant award, the Library Board will still be conducting fundraisers to generate an additional $15,000 to fulfill the Board's commitment to this project. G) Governor's Livability Award for Wood Park Terrace: Mayor Jennings stated that the City received the Governor's award at the Oregon Livable Conference which was held last week in Portland. The award was for Wood Park Terrace based on the innovative ideas of Administrator Brown, Woodburn School District Superintendent Dr. Reeves, Marion County Housing Authority, and many other private partners. He stated that this is the second award this project has received and it is now in for a nation-wide award. If the project receives the nation-wide award, it will receive a $50,000 grant. 0175 PRESENTATION: "READY TO READ" PROGRAM. Mary Kay Dahlgren, representing the Oregon State Library, stated that the Woodburn Public Library has been a recipient of grant funds for this program for several years. The purpose of the program is to establish, develop, or improve public library services for children age 0-14 years. In 1998-99, the State Library funded 109 projects and, out of those projects, the Woodburn project was chosen as one of 6 Outstanding Projects state- wide. The City's project utilized grant funds to continue a cooperative venture with Head Start by providing story times, a free book for each child, and festive programs during Spring Break and Summer Reading Program. Mary Parra, Childrens Librarian, accepted the award on behalf of the Woodburn Public Library. 0290 PRESENTATION: BUILDABLE LANDS. Community Development Director Goeckritz stated that, over the last several months, the Growth Management Committee, Planning Commission, and Council have evaluated alternative growth strategies for the City over the next 20 years. The Growth Management Committee was directed to 1) evaluate whether there is sufficient land within the existing Urban Growth Boundary to accommodate the needs for commercial, industrial, and residential growth, 2) evaluate whether there is adequate housing choices within our community, and 3) evaluate if housing and development needs can be met while carrying out other land use requirements under the statutes. He reviewed the issues the Growth Management Committee had to address in order to complete the project. He Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 26, 2000 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 26, 2000 TAPE READING stated that the Committee built two different scenarios one being a base case scenario (involving Urban Growth Boundary expansion) and the second being confining growth to the City's existing Urban Growth Boundary. The second scenario was developed by the planning consultants, however, it was the recommendation of the Growth Management Committee to look at growth potential utilizing the base case scenario. The Buildable Lands document reflects the Committee's recommendation in addition to the recommendations of the consultants. As a result of the study, the Committee concluded that there is adequate land for residential development to the year 2020 based on a population base of 26,290. In regards to commercial land, overall, they felt that there is a substantial land already zoned, and potentially available, for expansion. In regards to industrial land, the Committee primarily focused on this area since they were trying to identify where industrial uses should be in the future. Before staff develops any policies or goals for the future, he requested Council guidance on the following issues: I) lot size minimums or maximums, 2) light industrial locations; and 3) mixed use campus district concept. He suggested that a Council workshop be held to clarify the issues sometime within the next few weeks. Brief Council discussion was held regarding the mixed use campus concept and how design standards might be incorporated to accommodate this type of land use. It was the consensus of the Council to meet in a workshop session as requested by staff. Administrator Brown stated that he had planned on holding public meetings on July l7tll and 31" to discuss the 1-5 refinement study. He suggested that a workshop be scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on July 31" for the purpose of meeting from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm on the specific issues addressed at this meeting. No objections were raised by the Councilors on this suggested workshop date and/or time. 0802 PRESENTATION: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT UPDATE. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the current plant has been operational since 1980 and the new plant will begin its operations in 2001. The new plant is now in the final stages of completion and within the initial financial forecasts. He reminded the Council that this project began in the early 1990's but is moving along as planned. Woody Muirhead, Brown & Caldwell project consultant, stated that the major components of this project are I) main plant upgrade, 2) collection system upgrades, and 3) poplar tree plantation. The existing treatment plant is reaching the end of its useful life and is at capacity. The new plant will meet new stringent water quality limits and it is designed for phased expansion as the City grows. This presentation focused on the treatment plant facility improvements which involved the following contracts: I) Headworks and Faculative Sludge Lagoons (this contract has been completed and is operational); 2) construction of maintenance building and the control building expansion (currently underway); and 3) construction of the remainder of the plant (to be completed this winter with start-up and testing through the summer of 2001). He stated that the Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 26, 2000 - ... . COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 26, 2000 TAPE READING construction is 65% complete and he informed the Council that the original electrical sub- contractor has been recently replaced by the contractor. In regards to plant operation, he stated that the draft operations manual for the new plant has been submitted to the Dept. of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for their review, and staff training has been initiated. Councilor Pugh questioned if the City has entered into any contract with paper companies regarding the poplar tree plantation. Director Tiwari stated that there is no contract at this time and the market will determine who will be the buyer/seller of the trees. It will be dependent upon the type of logs that can be harvested which is something that will not be known until the trees are further along it their growth. Brief discussion was also held on the use of ultraviolet rays for disinfection whether it be in wastewater or water treatment. 1465 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT Administrator Brown, representing the Chamber Board, provided information on the following upcoming Chamber events and activities: I) Employer Network meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 28th, 12:00 noon, at the Best Western. Guest speaker will be Trent Whitford, Director & Chief Staff Attorney of the Labor & Enforcement Law Services of Cascade Employers Association, who will speak on Discipline and Discharge. 2) The tourism committee of the Chamber will be meeting on Thursday, June 29th, 10:00 am with the topic being planning for the Silver Falls Tour Route which is scheduled for kickoff in Woodburn at the end of July. 3) Business After Hours will be held on Thursday, July 13th, at the Best Western Hotel beginning at 4:30 p.m.. 1530 CONSENT AGENDA. A) City Council regular and executive session minutes of June 12,2000; B) Planning Commission minutes (draft copy) of June 8, 2000; C) Building Activity Report for May 2000; D) Status report on the 1-5 sign bridge; and E) Rural Investment Program Grant application to assist in funding of sidewalk project along south side of Highway 214 between Neuvo Amancer apartment complex and Park Avenue. FIGLEYIPUGH... adopt the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings expressed his appreciation of the State's recent movement to proceed with the 1-5 sign bridge installation. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 26, 2000 .~...._.,".._,,----,--...-.------ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 26, 2000 TAPE READING 1570 Administrator Brown requested that an additional agenda item be considered by the Council under General Business (item K) relating to Liability, Property, and Workers' Compensation insurance coverage during fiscal year 2000-0 I. It was the consensus of the Council to add this item to the agenda. 1592 COUNCIL BILL 2054 - ORDINANCE ADOPTING A CITY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000-01 AND LEVYING TAXES. Council Bill 2054 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2054 duly passed with the emergency clause. 1634 COUNCIL BILL 2055 - ORDINANCE DECLARING CITY'S ELECTION TO RECEIVE STATE REVENUE SHARING FUNDS DURING FISCAL YEAR 2000- 2001. Councilor Chadwick introduced Council Bill 2055. The two readings of the bill were read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2055 duly passed. 1669 COUNCIL BILL 2056 - ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE TO INCREASE THE NON-RESIDENT LIBRARY CARD FEE. Council Bill 2056 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. The two readings of the bill were read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2056 duly passed with the emergency clause. 1717 COUNCIL BILL 2057 - ORDINANCE CREATING A PARK AND RECREATION BOARD. DEFINING ITS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1796. Councilor Chadwick introduced Council Bill 2057. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Mayor Jennings stated that the major change in the ordinance relates to the composition of the Board in that the 7"' Board member will be a Woodburn high school student serving a 2 year term. It was also noted that the current Park Board members are in agreement with the appointment of a high school student. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2057 duly passed with the emergency clause. Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 26, 2000 --.....---~'-- ., ........ ,-_.._.""~_.....,--"'- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 26, 2000 TAPE READING 1774 APPOINTMENT TO PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD. Mayor Jennings appointed Melissa Tittle to serve as the high school student representative on the Board with her term to expire on July 31, 200 I since she will be entering her last year at Woodburn High School. In the future, it is intended to appoint a student entering their junior year and the term would extend for two years. He stated that Ms. Tittle has been an enthusiastic member of the Community Center Visioning Committee and he feels that she would be an asset to the Board. FIGLEYIKILMURRA Y ... approve the appointment of Melissa Tittle to the Park & Recreation Board with her term expiring on July 31, 2001. The motion passed unanimously. 1847 CONTRACT AWARD: MOBILE DIESEL GENERATOR UNIT. Bids for the generator unit were received from the following vendors: Halton Equipment Co., $37,243.00; Cummins NW, $37,317.00; E C Power Systems, $39,965.00; and Pacific Detroit Diesel, $43,595.00. Staff recommended the acceptance ofthe low bid from Halton Equipment. FIGLEYIPUGH... award the contract for the purchase of a mobile diesel generator unit to the low bidder, Halton Equipment Co., in the amount of $37,243.00. The motion passed unanimously. 1862 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH DLCD FOR PERIODIC REVIEW GRANT. The City has been awarded a $50,000 grant from the State Dept. of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) towards costs associated with a Economic Opportunities Analysis and Land Suitability Study which is required as part of the City's periodic review process. The City's contribution towards this study is estimated to cost $35,000 which has been included in the general fund budget for fiscal year 2000-01. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ.... authorize the City Administrator to execute a grant agreement with the State Dept. of Land Conservation & Development for an Economic Opportunities Analysis and land Suitability Study. The motion passed unanimously. 1884 REOUEST FOR SOUND AMPLIFICATION PERMIT: MUSIC IN THE PARK EVENTS. Staff recommended the issuance of a sound amplification permit to the Woodburn Public Library in conjunction with their Music in the Park series which will be held on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm beginning July 11th and ending August 29th. FIGLEYIBJELLAND... approve a sound amplification permit for Woodburn Public Library for each Tuesday, July through August of 2000, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at Library Park. The motion passed unanimously. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 26, 2000 - '-~"-'-T-;-~ . ~ , -....--.-- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 26, 2000 TAPE READING 1907 SOUND AMPLIFICATION PERMIT AND STREET CLOSURE: DRUMS OF FIRE MUSIC EVENT. A sound amplification permit and street closure request was submitted by Drums of Fire, Inc., for their annual music event to be held on Friday, July 71h, at Legion Field. The street closure would affect Park Avenue from James St. to Alexandra Ave. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ.... approve a sound amplification permit for Drums of Fire on July 7,2000, from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm, and street closure of Park Avenue from Alexandra Ave. to James Street from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm.. The motion passed unanimously. 1934 REOUEST FOR STREET CLOSURE: ALEXANDRA COURT NEIGHBORHOOD. Staff recommended closure of Alexandra Court on July 41h from 10:00 am to 11 :00 pm to allow their neighborhood to hold their annual Fourth of July activities. Mayor Jennings stated that this is the 12'h year in which the neighborhood has held this annual all-day gathering. FIGLEYIKILMURRA Y... approve the street closure of Alexandra Court on July 4, 2000 from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm.. The motion passed unanimously. 1965 INSURANCE PROPOSALS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000-01. A memo was distributed to the Council just prior to the meeting which recommended the acceptance of the following insurance proposals: (I) General liability, auto liability, and physical damage insurance from City County Insurance Services (CIS); (2) Property insurance from Northland Insurance; and (3) Workers' Compensation insurance from CIS. FIGLEYIKILMURRA Y.... authorize the following insurance contracts for fiscal year 2000-01: (I) continuation of Liability and Auto Physical damage insurance coverage through City County Insurance Services: (2) Property insurance coverage through Northland Insurance; and (3) continuation of Workers' Comp paid loss retrospective insurance coverage through City County Insurance Services. The motion passed unanimously. 2025 SITE PLAN ACTIONS. A) Site Plan Review 00-04: Centennial Park Phases 2 & 3: Councilor Figley questioned if the City should be pursuing the dedication of a 100 foot strip at the south end of the park and, if it is dedicated, what would be the ramifications as a result of grant funds being used to purchase the property. Administrator Brown stated that the Transportation System Plan currently indicates that the City will providing a south arterial that will be somewhere within the Urban Growth Boundary and the Centennial Park strip is as far south as the City can get at this time. In Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 26, 2000 ~ ~-_. --~'~-_.'----_.~-'---~_.'.~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 26, 2000 TAPE READING the planning process to date, dedication of the land is included. If the Council elected not to dedicate the land, then the issue of placement of the south arterial needs to be addressed. Additionally, there are issues involved in giving up the right-of-way and what it means to granting agencies that have helped to pay for the park acquisition. Discussion was held regarding the possibility of calling up the site plan and then limiting it to one issue - that being the dedication of the 100 foot strip. Attorney Shields stated that if it is called up by the Council for a public hearing, then any activity on the property will need to be delayed until after the hearing and final approval tS gtven. Director Westrick stated that all of the conditions of approval can be met, however, plans for beginning the park improvements will be delayed until late summer. Following some additional discussion, it was suggested that the 100 foot strip of land be dedicated as provided for within the conditions of approval, however, if at a later date it is determined that the land is not needed, then it be vacated. It was also stated that there is no specific date in which the property needs to be dedicated. Director Westrick stated that the State was recently given a site plan that includes park development and staff was careful not to include improvements within the 100 foot area that would be expensive to remove in the event the strip was to be used for transportation purposes. As long as the City uses the land for park purposes, the National Park Service is not going to be concerned. However, when the land is used for transportation purposes, they may, at that time, ask that funds used for the acquisition be refunded to the federal agency. It was the consensus of the Council not to call up this site plan review. 2439 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. A) Portable Toilet Ordinance: Administrator Brown stated that correspondence has been forwarded to the Council raising concern regarding portable toilets in school yards and in Centennial Park. The City's current solid waste ordinance allows portable toilets in special event situations or construction zones for a limited period of time. Otherwise, a property is required to hook-up to, and use, the sewer system. In the school yards and Centennial Park, the portable toilets have been placed to accommodate after hour sports events. With the recent approval of the Centennial Park site plan, restrooms will be constructed within the near future. Another concern has been that the portable toilets should have a higher level of hygiene such as ability to wash hands either with water or with a waterless product, and cleanliness of the portable unit. He stated that the schools have increased the maintenance schedule and hand washing facilities have been made available. He stated that he will be drafting an ordinance that would allow, under a permit process, the placement of portable toilets on public properties for a specified period of time. The concerns on maintenance and hygiene would also be incorporated into the ordinance language. Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 26, 2000 ~. --...,---- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 26, 2000 TAPE READING No objections were voiced by the Council on the proposed ordinance amendment. Councilor Kilmurray questioned if a portable toilet can be temporarily placed on private property for the purpose of providing an additional facility when a large party is being held. Attorney Shields stated that the current ordinance only allows for construction projects. B) 1-5 Refinement Study: Administrator Brown stated that he would be scheduling public meetings on the 1-5 Refinement Study on July 17 and 31, 2000. The meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. and representatives from Oregon Dept. of Transportation will be assisting in the presentations. He reminded the Council that a workshop will be held at 6:00 p.m. on July 31" to further discuss the Buildable Lands report. C) Building Inspections: Administrator Brown stated that the City has been trying to fill the newly created Building Official position, however, to date, the recruitment has been unsuccessful. He is obtaining building inspection proposals from RM Consultants and Marion County in which work would be paid for on an hourly basis. Numbers are still being compiled and he will enter into a short term contract with one of the two firms until a Building Official can be hired. He also stated that any money paid up front to RM Consultants for permits taken out prior to July I" will be inspected by RM Consultants as required by the current contract with RM Consultants. 2972 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Pugh stated that the concrete wall along Woodland Avenue looks better than he had originally anticipated, however, the curb on Woodland has been damaged and it needs to be either repaired or replaced. Additionally, he questioned if a sidewalk can be placed in the right-of-way next to the wall. Director Tiwari stated that the curb will need to be replaced if it has been damaged by the contractors. He will have his staff look into the sidewalk issue and report back to the Council. Tape 2 Councilor Figley questioned when the south Settlemier A venue resurfacing project would begin. Director Tiwari stated that the project will begin during the month of July 2000. Councilor Kilmurray questioned if Public Works staff has had an opportunity to look into the possibility of installing speed bumps in residential areas. Director Tiwari stated that staff has done some preliminary research on this issue, however, Administrator Brown would like to make sure that this issue is reviewed by all affected agencies before a policy recommendation is made to the Council. Councilor Kilmurray also stated that Mr. Sol has informed her that the City had initially talked to him 2 or 3 weeks ago about the storm water back-up on to his property (located at Hardcastle/Orchard Lane), however, no further contact has been made by the City and it is unknown as to what the status is on correcting this problem. Page 9 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 26, 2000 ~ ... .,."_._.___.__.......,.__.,.'_.__~,..'" ~___'."4-'_."" COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 26, 2000 TAPE READING Director Tiwari stated that one of his staff members will be contacting Mr. Sol tomorrow. Councilor Bjelland updated the public on the flower basket program. To date, 81 baskets have been acquired and contributions continue to be accepted. There have been many positive comments about the baskets and it is hoped that they will be flowering into the month of October. Councilor Bjelland also stated that there is a car repair business at the comer of Highway 214 and Highway 99E that leaves an excessive number of cars that are being worked on in the open area on whereas they are supposed to be worked on only in the garage. He stated that this area is an eyesore and, with the promotion of the Silver Falls Tour Route, he questioned if something can be done to improve this area. Administrator Brown stated that staff will look into this issue in order to try and get the are cleaned up. Councilor Sifuentez stated that she had recently had lunch at Tukwila and she was impressed with the beauty of the area. Councilor Chadwick expressed her appreciation to the Woodburn Independent for the printing of the Council agenda in the Saturday edition of the newspaper. Councilor Chadwick also stated that the Woodburn Independent had a very nice article on Dallas Figley. Mayor Jennings requested that a tree limb be removed that is blocking the Silver Falls Tour Route sign on Settlemier Avenue. Mayor Jennings also complimented the public works staff on the striping of Evergreen Road and, in his opinion, the traffic flow has improved. He also mentioned that Nita Marr, Police Dept. Secretary, has created an Activities Calendar that lists every activity going on in the City during the month of July. He expressed his surprise in seeing so many activities and it is his understanding that she will continue to develop a monthly calendar of events. Lastly, he stated that he had been asked by the League of Oregon Cities to participate in an assessment center for the selection of two senior staff assistants for the League office. This process was held earlier today and he felt that he had learned a lot from this expenence. 0325 ADJOURNMENT. BJELLANDIFIGLEY... meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.. The motion passed unanimously. APPROVED ATTEST fY/~ ~ Mary nt, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon ~~r-- RICHARD JENN GS~MA YOR Page 10 - Council Meeting Minutes, June 26, 2000 T