Agenda - 07/24/2000 CITY COUHCIL AGEHDA JULY24, 2000 - 7:00 p./vL 270/Vlontgomery Street * * I/Voodbum, Oregon GAI.L TO ORDER AND FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND APPOINTMENTS A. Music in the Park - July 25, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. at Library Park: Joanie Harms B. Notice of 2 vacancies on Woodburn Library Board. Please contact the Mayor's office to receive an application. C. Cancellation of Special Council meeting of July 31, 2000. PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS A. Presentation of Human Rights Award to Carmen Encisco. B. Proclamation: National Night Out 2000 - August 1st ................. 4B So COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Chamber of Commerce. B. Woodburn Downtown Association. 6. COMMUNICATIONS - None BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC (This allows the public to introduce items for Gouncil consideration not already scheduled on the agenda.) CONSENT AGENDA - Items listed on the consent agenda are considered routine and may be enacted by one motion. Any item may be removed for discussion at the request of a Council member. B. C. D. E. City Council minutes of July 10, 2000 regular and executive meetings... 8A Building Activity Report for June 2000 ............................ 8B Claims for the month of June 2000 ............................... 8C Proposed EPA rule on reduction of arsenic limit in drinking water ...... 8D Sound amplification permit for Fiesta Mexicana .................... 8E 9. PUBLIC HEARING - None Page 1 - Agenda, July 24, 2000 10. GENERAL BUSINESS A. Buildahle Lands Urbanization Project ............................ 10A B. Council Bill No. 2058 - Resolution entering into Cooperative Improvement Agreement No. 18079 with State of Oregon to install sign bridges on State Highway 214/219 at the 1-5 Interchange ........ 10B Extension of No Parking on Evergreen ........................... 10C Authorization to close streets for National Night Out ................ 10D 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. TABLED BUSINESS PUBLIC COMMENT NEW BUSINESS SITE PLAN ACTIONS A. Site Plan Review 00-07 - Washington School parking lot addition ..... B. Site Plan Review 00-08 - placement of one temporary double classroom modular unit at Washington Elementary School .................... Do 14A 14B Site Plan Review 00-09 - placement of two temporary double classroom modular units at Lincoln Elementary School ...................... 14C Site Plan Review 00-10 - placement of one temporary double classroom modular unit at Heritage Elementary School ...................... 14D E. Subdivision 00-01 - Montebello Subdivision Phase II ................ CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS EXECUTIVE SESSION To conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations, pursuant to ORS 192.660(1){d}. Bo To evaluate the employment-related performance of the City Attorney pursuant to ORS 192.660(1)(i). 18. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 - Agenda, July 24, 2000 4B PROCLAMATION NATIONAL NIGHT OUT 2000 WHEREAS, the National Association of Town Watch is sponsoring a unique, nationwide crime, drug and violence prevention program on Tuesday, August 1,2000 called "National Night Out"; and WHEREAS, the "17th Annual National Night Out" provides a unique opportunity for the City of Woodburn to join forces with thousands of other communities across the country in promoting cooperative police-community crime, drug and violence prevention efforts; and WHEREAS, all citizens of Woodburn play a vital role in assisting the Woodburn Police Department through, joint crime, drug and violence prevention efforts in Woodburn and is supporting "National Night' Out 2000" locally; WHEREAS, it is essential that all citizens of the City of Woodburn be aware of the importance of crime Prevention programs and the impact that their participation can have on reducing crime, drug abuse and ~vioience in W0odburn; and WHEREAS,. police-community .partnerships and neighborhood safety and awareness cooperatiOn are important themes of the "National Night Out" program; NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR RICHARD JENNINGS, do hereby Call upon all citizens of Woodburn to join the Woodburn Police Department and the National Association of Town Watch in supporting the "17th Annual National Night Out" Tuesday, August 1, 2000. .' :~,~;.FU. RTHER,. LET . 'iT BE RESOLVED THA~ .T,,~I,'.MAYOR RICHARD JE,NNINGS, do 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 10, 2000 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JULY 10, 2000. CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. 0007 ROLLCALL. Mayor Jennings Present Councilor Bjelland Present Councilor Chadwick Present Councilor Figley Present Councilor Kilmurray Present Councilor Pugh Present Councilor Sifuentez Absent Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Park & Recreation Director Westrick, Community Development Director Goeckritz, Finance Director Gillespie, Deputy Chief Russell, Public Works Manager Rohman, City Recorder Tennant 0029 Bruce Thomas, representing Drums of Fire, Inc., stated that the musical event was a success and special thanks were given specifically the Mayor and Council, Parks & Recreation staff, Woodbum Transit System, volunteers, Woodburn School District, and to the event attendees. This was a wonderful event and their organization was proud to organize this event for our community. Molly Murphy, Woodbum Art Center, stated that paintings displayed in the Council Chambers were drawn by local artist Bill Howard. The oil paintings are predominately of a western theme and she invited the public to attend his reception at City Hall on Thursday, July 13~, from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m.. On behalf of the Art Center, she expressed her appreciation to the Council for the opportunity to use the Chambers for the purpose of displaying the work of local artists. Mayor Jennings also read a segment of an Ann Landers article which talked about our C,ountry's-4t~offful3~· celebrant}on and-the outcome of the origifml signers of the ~" Declaration of Independence. 0020 PRESENTATION: POPLAR TREE PLANTATION STATUS. Mark Madison, CH2M Hill project engineer, provided the Council with a brochure that provides general information on the poplar plantation which can be inserted in the water/sewer bill envelope. His slide presentation included pictures of the poplar tree Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2000 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 10, 2000 TAPE READING plantation from March 1999 to June 2000 to illustrate the growth pattern of the trees to date. He also showed slides of the demonstration plot planted in 1995. He stated that the tree farm utilizes effluent from the treatment plant facility that is not discharged to the Pudding River. The trees are growing approximately 10 foot per year and continue to use more water as they grow. The sprinkler irrigation system throughout the plantation is providing maximum tree growth since the water contains nutrients. He stated that there are 84 acres of trees planted of which 4 acres were planted in 1995. Additionally, a biosolids pump station is under construction that will pump the liquid biosolids, which is very high in nutrients and a good fertilizer, out to the trees and apply it to the tree bases. The plan is to harvest the trees located on the 80 acre site on a rotation basis whereas the original 4 acre demonstration plot will remain intact and be available for public access in a park-like setting with interpretative signs. Public Works Director stated that the City used to have a problem with all of the debris collected by the street sweeper however, with this process, the plastic can be removed through a screening process with the rest of the debris deposited onto the plantation. This method of disposal will save the City a lot of money in the future due to this alternative method of disposing debris. 0550 PRESENTATION: COMMENDATION AWARD TO HEATHER WEBBER. Karen Schultz, Executive Director of the Willamette Chapter of the American Red Cross, presented Heather Webber, lifeguard at the Aquatic Center, a Health and Safety Commendation from the Red Cross for her quick thinking in taking control of a situation at the pool which saved a swimmer's life. Kathy Willcox, Aquatics Manager, stated that Ms. Webber has only been on staff since the end of March 2000 and this incident took place about a month later. She was able to revive the young man by giving rescue breathing and the staff is very proud of her for her actions. O635 FRIENDS OF THE PARK AWARDS. Director Westrick stated that, as part of the Parks and Recreation Month celebration, the Parks Board has decided to recognize 3 supporters of various Park programs. The first award was presented to Dr. Jack Reeves, representing the Woodburn School District, for their support and cooperation in initiating a Drop-In facility at Lincoln School in the afternoons, following the morning summer school classes. - ....... The second award was presented to Dallas Figley for his volunteer work at the Aquatic Center and other community events during the year. Lastly, an award was presented to Leroy Limb and Beverly Parkhurst, representing the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, for their willingness to adopt the Senior Estates Park as an on-going project. Mr. Limb stated that they will be working at the Park on July 22~a to help put gravel on the paths, general clean-up and pruning. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2000 TAPE READING 0787 0841 O956 0980 1059 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 10, 2000 PROCLAMATION: PARKS AND RECREATION MONTH. Mayor Jennings proclaimed the month of July as Parks and Recreation Month in the City of Woodburn and urged local residents to recognize and enjoy the benefits and services provided by the Parks and Recreation Department. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Patrick Vance, representing the Chamber Board, provided information on the upcoming Chamber events: 1) Business after Hours on July 13th, 4:30 p.m, at the Best Western Hotel; 2) Business after Hours on July 27th, 4:30 p.m., at Woodburn CarCraft; 3) Chamber Golf Tournament will be held on August 25z at the Senior Estates Golf course; 4) Business Showcase will be held on September 21st at the Woodburn Armory; and 5) the Tourism Committee is tentatively planning for the kick-off of the Silver Falls Tour Route through Woodburn will be scheduled for the end of September. He also stated that the Russian group of architects and engineers that previously visited our area have requested for more information on the wastewater project and he expressed his appreciation to the Public Works staff for their quick response to this request. ANNOUNCEMENTS. A Special Council meeting will be held on Monday, July 17a', 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers, to discuss the I-5 corridor Refinement Study. The public is urged to attend this meeting to learn more about, and provide input, on the study which affects the I-5 interchange area. Patrick Vance, stated that Health Care professionals from Mexico are touring Woodburn on July 17th and the Mayor and Council are invited to attend a luncheon at the Salud Medical Clinic. These Health Care professionals are visiting Oregon to learn more about the health care delivery to farm laborers. These professionals are guests of the State and Clackamas Community County in a project called "Oregon-Mexico Health Professional Exchange 2000". CONSENT AGENDA. A) Council meeting minutes of June 26, 2000; B) Recreation and Park Board minutes of June 27, 2000 (draft copy); C) Planning Commission minutes of June 22, 2000 (draft copy); D) Museum Committee minutes of June 5, 2000 (draft copy); E) Police Department activities report for February 2000; and F) Summer water use information. 8A Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2000 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 10, 2000 TAPE READING FIGLEY/PUGH... adopt the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 1080 COUNCIL BILL 2058 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF SALEM FOR USE OF SALEM SENIOR CENTER FOR RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM (RSVP). 1113 Councilor Chadwick introduced Council Bill 2058. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2058 duly passed. REQUEST FOR CONNECTION TO CITY SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM. Mayor Jennings requested that the annexation be completed before the connection to the sewer system is made which is consistent with past action taken by the Council in a similar situation. The property is located at 770 N. Pacific Highway and is currently outside of the city limits. PUGH/KILMURRAY... amend recommendation that Condition ga, be added which requires the annexation of the property before the connection is made to the sewer ssystem. The motion passed unanimously. FIGLEY/BJELLAND... connection be permitted with the 4 conditions listed in the memorandum dated July 6, 2000 as amended. The motion passed unanimously. 1186 PARKS AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES BOND. Director Randy Westrick stated that the Comprehensive Parks & Recreation Master Plan updated was completed in November 1999 and the plan update calls for the renovation of parks and replacement of the Community Center. Since then, the Mayor challenged the Board to get community involvement to determine what a new Community Center should look like and, following several town hall and focus group meetings, came up with several options for consideration. The option being recommended by the Board for acceptance (Option//4) would provide for a 32,874 sq. ft. Community Center which includes an exhibit/recreation pavilion, multi-purpose room, food preparation kitchen, activity room, teen center, and performing arts center. Additionally, the Board is requesting that the bond include funds for making some renovations at each existing park. He stated lhae primary funding source for park construction is system development funds which is only available for expanding capacity. Facility renovation does not qualify for the utilization of system development charges and the bond measure would provide funding to make necessary renovations. Additionally, there are some grant programs that will be available within the next few years and, if the City is successful in obtaining grant funds, there will be some funds targeted for renovation. He briefly reviewed potential sites for the new Center and, due to prior utilization of grant funds at Legion and Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2000 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 10, 2000 TAPE READING Settlemier parks, the city-owned sites available for the Center are located at Centennial Park and the Community Gardens (Park Ave). Mayor Jennings questioned if a skate park was included in this bond proposal. Director Westrick stated that bond money will be set aside for a Skate Park. Darryl Kelly, Park Board Chairman, stated that the Board is committed to constructing a Skate Park and he also stated that he is a believer in renovating the parks within the City along with building a new Community Center. Phil Hand, Chamber President, stated that Woodburn is becoming a convention type of City and people are looking at Woodburn as a tourism type of locality. He cited a number of large groups that will be coming to Woodburn over the next couple of years for their state and/or regional conference site. However, Woodburn is lacking in having a facility that would provide a good place for people to meet and the Community Center will bridge this gap that we are now experiencing. A new Community Center will improve the image of Woodbum and the business community is in favor of the current proposal. Councilor Bjelland questioned the location of the community garden site and the amount of acreage at that site. Director Westrick stated that the 5-acre site is located just north of the Armory and the acreage would include the area currently being used as a community garden plus the public works shop area. Councilor Bjelland also questioned the distribution of bond proceeds for the Community Center versus park renovations. Director Westrick stated that approximately $3.8 million of the bond proceeds would be used to fund the Community Center and $1.2 million would be used to fund park renovations. The total estimated cost for the Community Center is $5 million and the balance of funds needed to complete the Community Center project would be obtained through liquidation of property (current community center), existing city funds, and possible grant funds. Following a brief discussion on the funding sources, Councilor Figley suggested that the financial chart previously submitted to the Park Board be included in the next Council packet since it more clearly outlines the breakdown of costs for the Community Center and park renovation project. Councilor Pugh expressed his concern as to how much support will be provided by the public in order to get this measure approved by the voters. Councilor Figley stated that she-has been involved in the process of trying to solicit citizen opinions on this issue and she is pleased with the comments she received. Additionally, the committee is looking at designs that will allow for expansion of either the facility and/or parking in future years if the need arises. FIGLEY/PUGH... adopt the Woodburn Community Center Project Program, Option No. 4; Park Renovation Project list; and direct staff to prepare an ordinance, ballot title, and explanatory statement for a $5 million bond election for the November 7, 2000 ballot. Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2000 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 10, 2000 TAPE READING The motion passed unanimously. 2038 CENTENNIAL PARK PHASE I1 DESIGN CONSULTANT. Staff recommended the acceptance of the proposal from Leisinger Designs for Centennial Park Phase 2. It was noted that this firm had prepared the final site plan, and plans and construction specifications for Centennial Park Phase 1 and staff was pleased with the service provided by the firm. FIGLEY/KILMURRAY... authorize staff to draft a contract with Leisinger Designs for preparation of construction specifications and plans and construction supervision for Centennial Park Phase 2 not to exceed $36,100. The motion passed unanimously. 2091 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT - NORTH MARION COUNTY YOUTH 2104 2118 2132 SERVICES TEAM. An ORS 190 agreement is currently in effect, however, the involved agencies have decided to update the agreement to be consistent with current state statutes. This update requires the signature of each involved agency and staff requested authorization to sign the memorandum of agreement on behalf of the City. FIGLEY/KILMURRAY... authorize the Chief of Police to enter into an ORS 190 agreement with the North Marion County Youth Services Team. The motion passed unanimously. STORM SEWER EASEMENT: LINKS AT TUKWILA. Staff recommended the acceptance of a storm sewer easement being conveyed by the Oregon Golf Association in conjunction with the Links at Tukwila Subdivision. FIGLEY/KILMURRY... accept the storm sewer easement as described on Attachment "B" in the agenda packet. The motion passed unanimously. SOUND AMPLIFICATION PERMIT. The House of Zion Christian Fellowship requested permission to use sound amplification equipment on Friday, July 14th, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, at Library Park for music and voice amplification. FIGLEY/BJELLAND... approve a sound amplification permit for House of Zion Christian Fellowship for Friday, July 14, 2000, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at Library Park. The motion passed unanimously. - - ' PROCESS FOR EVALUATING THE CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY ADMINISTRATOR. Administrator Brown stated that the state statute requires the Council, in public session, to evaluate the evaluation tool that is used to determine the performance of the Administrator. Last year, the City Attorney requested that this same process be used for Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2000 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 10, 2000 TAPE READING his position and the Council decided to follow the same evaluation process. By contract, the Council is required to evaluate the City Attorney annually each July and the Administrator in September. The evaluation format and process included in the agenda packet is the same as what was used last year. It was suggested that job descriptions be provided to the Councilors when the evaluation forms are distributed so that the evaluation of job performance is based on job responsibilities. Additionally, a list of major accomplishments during the year be forwarded to the Council. There were no comments made by the public on the evaluation form. PUGH/FIGLEY... continue to use the current evaluation form. The motion passed unanimously. 2313 Bill Wyatt, 1920 E. Hardcastle, stated that the signs which prohibited truck traffic on E. Hardcastle were removed when the sidewalks were installed along that street. Since then, large semi-trucks are using that street as a cut-off between Highway 211 and Highway 214. He is very concerned with the increased use of this roadway as a truck route and requested the replacement of the load limit signs at both ends of the street. Director Tiwari stated that he did not think that this road was a designated truck route and, if that is the case, staff will replace the load limit signs. 2610 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Kilmurray stated that she enjoyed the Drums of Fire and the fireworks display during the past week. Councilor Figley thanked Vee Ott for her role in coordinating the 4th of July celebration. She stated that there were many other people associated with the city as staff, elected officials, and spouses who also put in a lot of work on the 4t~ to help make this event a success. Mayor Jennings also thanked Larry Grosjacques who was also a co-chair for this event, and, for a short program, he felt that the fireworks was one of the best he has ever seen. Councilor Bjelland agreed that the fireworks was a spectacular display. Mayor .~ennings expressed his dismay in that3 out of 4 flags located in our parks were burnt and he reminded the public that it is a violation of a federal law to bum the US flag and violations of this law will not be tolerated. The Mayor also stated that the Tour Route sign on Settlemier near the Church Street intersection still has a cedar branch blocking the sign and he requested staff to trim the branch. Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2000 8A COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 10, 2000 TAPE READING The Mayor also thanked the community for their participation in the 4th of July event. There was an estimated 3,500 people at the high school field in addition to all of the spectators along the roadways. Over 1,000 hot dogs and 600 hamburgers were sold at this event and, due to the early sellout of food products, more will be ordered for next year. In regards to the Drums of Fire musical event, the Mayor stated that this event was sold out for the first time ever and it was a very good show. 268O EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mayor Jennings entertained a motion to adjourn to executive session under the authority of ORS 192.660(1)(h) and 192.660(1)(f). FIGLEY/PUGH... adjourn to executive session under the state statutes cited by the Mayor. The motion passed unanimously. The Council adjourned to executive session at 8:23 pm and reconvened the meeting at 8:47 p.m.. 2880 Mayor Jennings stated that no decisions were made in executive session. BJELLAND/PUGH... accept the settlement proposal offered by James W. Fowler Co. in the amount of $94,492.09 to settle the case of James W. Fowler Co. v. City of Woodburn, Marion County Circuit Court No. 00C14813, and authorize the City Attorney to prepare the necessary settlement documents for execution by the City Administrator. On roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. 2922 ADJOURNMENT. FIGLEY/PUGH... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m.. APPROVED RICHARD JENNINGS, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2000 Executive Session COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 10, 2000 8A DATE. CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JULY 10, 2000. CONVENED. The Council met in executive session at 8:28 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Jennings Present Councilor Bjelland Present Councilor Chadwick Present Councilor Figley Present Councilor Kilmurray Present Councilor Pugh Present Councilor Sifuentez Absent Mayor Jennings reminded the Councilors and staff that information discussed in executive session is not to be discussed with the public. Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, City Recorder Tennant The executive session was called under the following statutory authority: 1) ORS 192.660(1)(h) to consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed; and 2) ORS 192.660(1)(0 to consider records that are exempt by law from public inspection. ADJOURNMENT. The executive session adjourned at 8:45 p.m.. APPROVED RICHARD JENNINGS, MAYOR ATTEST ..... Mac,' Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 1 - Council Executive Session Minutes, July 10, 2000 Community Development 270 Montgomery Street Woodburn, Oregon 97071 MEMORANDUM (503) 982-5246 Date: To: From: Subject: June 30, 2000 Steve Goeckritz, Community Development Director Robert L. Mendenhall, Building Official Building Activity for June 2000 1998 1999 2000 Dollar Dollar Dollar No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount New Residence Value 17 $2,021,240 16 $2,035,874 2 $238,327 Multi Family 7 $3,138,047 2 $6,300,000 0 $0 Residential Adds & Alts 11 $104,382 0 $0 1 $25,000 Industrial 3 $2,880,000 0 $0 0 $0 Commercial Value 3 $41,000 I $400,000 0 $0 Signs, Fences, Driveways 6 $17,911 11 $19,240 2 $17,348 Manufactured Homes 4 $102,000 3 $142,065 2 $74,000 TOTALS 51 $8,304,580 33 $8,897,179 7 $354,675 July 1 - June 30 Fiscal Year To Date $53,938,957 $38,t 00,496 $28,662,078 RLM:nd Bldg~activity 6/00 A/P CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF .1UNE 2000 8C CHECK NO 50815 50816 50817 5O818 50819 50820 50821 50822 50823 50824 50825 50826 50827 50828 5O829 5O830 50831 50832 50833 50834 5O835 50836 50837 50838 50839 5O84O 5O841 5O842 5O843 50844 50845 5O846 5O847 50848 5O849 50850 50851 5O852 50853 5O854 50855 ' 5O856 50857 50858 50859 5O861 DEPAR'I~ENT POST MI'R-VARZOUS VOID VOID VOID SERV~CES-WTR SERVZCES-ENG REFUND-BUILDING SERViCES-HOUSING SERV~CES'-PUB WKS SERV~CES-ATTY SERV~CES-ATTY SERV[CES-ATTY SERV[CES-ATTY SERVZCES-AI'rY SERVZCES-ATTY SUPPLIES-WWTP SUPPI tES-ENG SUPPI tES-ENG SERV[CF_S-VAI:LtOUS SUPPLtES-ENG SUPPLtES-WWTP SUPPLtF. S-WWTP SERVZCES--POI/CE SUPPliES-WATER SERVICES-VARIOUS SUPPLZES-WWTP SERVICES-ENG SUPPL.[ES-ENG SERVICES-STREET SERVZCES-F~NANCE SERViCES-COURT SERVICES-SPEC ASSESS SUppI tES-FZNANCE SUPPLtES-TRAN/DAR SUPPL.T. ES-~ SERVICES-VARIOUS SERVZCES-PUB WKS SERVZCES-VARtOUS SERVZCES-ENG : ~ERWCES-POLiCE' PAYROLL-ATTY SERVZCES-RSVP SUPPLiES-WATER SERVICES-PUB WKS SUppI tES-WWTP VENDOR NAME US POSTAL SERV VOID VOID VOID NW NATURAL DISHON'S CARPET PLATT WHI'1'E GABRZELLA SANTOS EVENT SOLUTZONS CLAUDZA LZMA ROBERT P/ILL 3AMES KNIGHT AGAFIA OROZCO ANNE LtMA MARGARETTE MUEI I FR AM PUBLIC WKS ASSN A-1 COUPIJNG AT&T BI-MART CORP BUILD TECH BKSTRE C&H DIST INC CASE AUTOPlOT~E CONSOIJDATED SUPPLY DAtLY JOURNAL FAMIIJAN NW FEDERAL EXPRESS SUE FOFANA-DURA GW HARDWARE HIRE CALLtNG IKON OF~CE MSI GROUP MB MICRO CENTER METROFUEL~NG NORTHSTAR CHEMICAL NW NATURAL 1-DAY S~GNS ONE CALL CONCEPTS ONSTrE ENVIRON 'OREGON DMV - ~'' OREGON P.E.R.S. PACiFiC PRINTERS US I~LTER PARADIGM PRESS PBS ENV~RONMBfrAL PRAXAtR DIST VENDOR NO 020089 VOID VOID VOID NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 000136 000300 0OO623 001275 001587 002003 O02190 002770 003020 OO5O3O OO5O8O 005197 0O6405 007240 008119 012015 012087 012421 012448 013235 013350 014003 014054 014055 014240 014424 015058 015065 015114 015200 015480 DATE 6/1/00 6/2/OO 6/2/OO 6/2/00 6/2/00 6/2/00 6/2/00 6/2/oo 6/2/oo 6/2/00 6/2/oo 6/2/oo 6/2/oo 6/2/oo 6/2/oo 6/2/00 6/2/00 6/2/00 6/2/O0 6/2/00 6/2/oo 6/2/oo 6/2/0o 6/2/0o 6/2/00 6/2/0O 6/2/OO 6/2/OO 6/2/O0 6/2/OO 6/2/OO 6/2/OO 6/2/00 6/2/00 6/2/00 6/2/OO 6/2/00 6/2/OO 6/2/O0 6/2/00 6/2/00 6/2/00 61210O AMOUNT $1,200.00 $0.oo $o.oo $679.42 $170.55 $17.20 $307.16 $735.00 Ss.o0 $14.00 $5.00 Ss.oo $5.oo $5.oo $640.0o $149.00 $386.06 $93.64 $65.65 $247.35 $1,701.82 $1,396.38 $2,939.32 $297.38 $1,606.05 $39.80 $53.35 $466.38 $582.08 $125.00 $464.0O $252.35 $349.59 ~90~.00 $2,002.33 $151.00 $2O8.80 $803.2O $111.16 $199.76 $49.50 $433.85 $14.45 Page i A/P CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF 3UNE 2000 8C 5O862 5O863 5O864 5O865 5O866 5O867 5O868 5O869 50870 50871 50872 50873 50874 50875 50876 50877 50878 50879 5O88O 5O882 50883 5O884 50885 50886 50887 50888 50892 50893 5O894 5O895 50896 50897 50898 5O899 5O9OO 50901 5O9O2 50903 5O9O4 509O5 5O9O7 5O909 5091O SUPPLIES-POLICE SUPPLIES-WWTP SERVICES-BUILD SUPPLIES-TRANSIT SUPPLIES-WWTP SERVICES-ENG SUPPLIES-VARIOUS SUPPLIES-POLICE SERVICES-VARtOUS SERVICES-VARIOUS SERVICES-VARIOUS SERVICES-PARKS SUPPLIES-VARIOUS SUPPLIES-VARIOUS SERVICES-VARIOUS REIMBURSE-DAR REIMBURSE.DAR REIMBURSE.DAR REIMBURSE-DAR REIMBURSE. DAR REIMBURSE-DAR REiMBURSE.DAR REIMBU~AR REIMBURSE-DAR REIMBURSE.DAR REIMBURSE-DAR REIMBURSE-DAR SERVICES-WATER PETTY CASH-VARIOUS PAYROLL-PARKS SERVICES-WTR VOID VOiD VOID SERVICES-ATTY REFUND-PARKS REFUND-PARKS SUPPLIES-WWl'P SERVICES-RSVP SERVICES-VARIOUS SERVICES-RSVP SERVICES-RSVP SUPPLIES-MAYOR SERVICES-ATI'Y SUPPLIES-C STORES SERVICES-ENG R&T SPECIALTY 017006 6/2/00 3ACK RAWLINGS 017054 6/2/00 RIM CONSULTING 017257 6/2/00 SCHETKY NW SALES 018240 6/2/00 SIERRA SPRINGS 018460 6/2/00 TEK SYSTEMS 019046 6/2/00 US OFFICE PROD 019100 6/2/00 TREADWAY GRAPHICS 019243 6/2/00 UNITED DISPOSAL 020020 6/2/00 US WEST COMM 020091 6/2/00 us west COMM O2OO95 6/2/OO VERIZON WIRELESS 021123 6/2/00 WILL CHAP RED CROSS 022328 6/2/00 WrrHERS LUMBER 022~45 6/2/OO WBN INDEPENDENT 022630 6/2/00 KARL ANDERS 045070 6/2/00 DOROTHA BORLAND 045100 6/2/00 SALLY BUSE 04511O 6/2/O0 3ANICE DAVIS 045200 6/2/00 CORNELIUS DONNELLY 045230 6/2/00 LEONARD GIAUQUE 045290 6/2/00 AGNES HAGENAUER 045310 6/2/00 FRED HAYES 045315 6/2/00 ROBERT HURST 045318 6/2/00 BEULAH X)ROAN 045320 6/2/00 X)AN PREZEAU 045525 6/2/00 GERTRUDE REES 045545 6/2/00 STEVE STURN 045585 6/2/00 MARION Cfr BUILD O12O9O 6/5/O0 crrv OF WOOOBURN O15255 6/6/OO REGENCE LIFE 060450 6/7/00 VALLEW MARLING O21O44 6/8/00 VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID MAXINE CUELLAR NONE 6/9/00 MICHELLE MARRIOTT NONE 6/9/00 KlM WICKS NONE 6/9/00 BUS & LEGAL REPORTS NONE 6/9/00 BEST WESTERN EASTGATE NONE 6/9/00 OR NATURAL STEP NTWK NONE 6/9/00 DOUG SCHMIDT NONE 6/9/00 BILL ABBOTT ' NONE 6/9/00 MARION CrY HOUSING NONE 6/9/00 MARYANN XMBLUM NONE 6/9/00 ABIQUA SUPPLY 000034 6/9/00 ADVANCED LASER OOO066 6/9/OO AEROTEK INC OOOO8O 6/9/OO AI.BINA FUEL 000100 6/9/00 $253.20 $150.50 $16,133.39 $151.86 $36.50 $736.00 $296.07 $66.00 $1,641.55 $221.23 $1,255.85 $19.14 $261.06 $1,355.98 $1,687.58 $36.50 $106.25 $62.75 $19.50 $54.00 $218.50 $64.00 $211.75 $36.00 $62.25 $3O6.50 $65.50 $108.50 $156.22 $144.11 $14.64 $667.60 $o.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5.00 $30.00 $22.5O $295.00 $331.52 $125.00 $50.0O $I65.00 $5.00 $195.00 $948.30 $175.00 $2,800.00 Page 2 '7 r "IT' A/P CHECK 11'STING FOR THE MC)NTH OF JUNE 2000 8C 50911 50912 50913 50914 50915 50916 50917 50918 50919 50920 50921 50922 50923 5O924 50925 50926 50927 50928 5O929 5O930 50931 50932 50933 50934 50935 50936 50937 50938 50939 5O94O 5O941 5O942 50943 5O944 5O945 5O947 5O948 5O949 5O950 5O951 5O952 5O953 50954 50955 50957 5O958 50959 SERVICES-WATER SERVICES-VARIOUS SERVICES-VARIOUS SUPPLIES-PARKS SERVILT:S-PLAN SERVICES-DAR SUPPLIES-POLICE SERVICES-FINANCE SUPPI TES-PARKS SERVICES-WATER SERVICES-PUB WKS REIMBURSE-RSVP SUPPL.IES-POLICE SERVICES-ADMIN SERVICES-FINANCE SUPPLIES-~-T'REET SERVICES-POLICE SUPPLIES-WATER SUPPLIES-PARKS SUppI TES-VARIOUS SERVICES-V~S SUPPLIES-POLICE SUppI TES-STREET SERV~CES-VAI~OUS SUPPI TES-~WVTP SUPPlIES-WATER SUPPL~ES-WWTP SERVICES-POLICE SUPPL~ES-ATrY SERVICES-TRAN/DAR SERVICES-BUILD SUPPlES-PARKS SERVICES-V~OUS SUPPLIES-WWTP SUPPLiES-STREET SERVICES-POnCE SUPPL~ES-~ SUPPLIES-P.~/P SERVICES-POLICE SUPPLIES-STREET SUPPLIES-POnCE SERVICES-WATER SUPPLIES-STREET ARANARK UNIFORM ARCH PAGING BM CLEANING SERV HOUSEHOLD BANK ROGER 3 BUDKE MARGOT COMLEY DARE AMERICA DIRECT LINK EMERALD POOL FCS GROUP INC FIRST AM TtTt.E INS SUE FOFANA-DURA GAl I R INC HENEBERRY EDDY ARCH IKON TECH SERV IKON OF~CE L&L BUILDING MCCORMICK BARKDUb"I' NETROFUELING MUFFLERS HITCHES NATL ASSOC TOWN WI'CH NORTH COAST ELECTRIC NW NATURAL GAS NURNBERG SCIENTIFIC 1-DAY SIGNS ONSITE ENVIRON OR DEPT OF ADNIN OR DMV OR LAW REVIEW OR TRANSIT ASSOC OREGONIAN PUBLISH PAULS AUTO BODY PEPSI COLA PORT GENERAL ELEC PORT PACKAGING PRIER PIPE & SUPPY PUB WORKS SUPPLY RAIN MARION CTY ROTHS IGA ': SHOOTERS MERCANTILE SKAGGS PUBLIC SAFETY SMITH 8,. WESSON CAMERAS SOLO SPECIAL EDITION SPARKY ELECrRIC SPECIAL ASPHALT 000534 000535 001030 001199 001580 002686 003037 OO324O 004150 005072 005126 005197 006011 007140 008117 008119 O1OO8O 011010 012350 012448 012655 013018 013215 013350 013435 014003 014055 014107 014198 014240 014335 O1461O 014653 015185 015225 015420 O1544O 015515 015648 017042 017138 017340 018453 018515 018580 018603 018681 018690 6/9/O0 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9100 6/9/OO 6/9/00 6/9/OO 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 61910O 6/9/OO 6/9/OO 6/9/00 6/9/0O 619100 6/9/OO 6/9/00 6/9/OO 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/OO 6/9/OO 6/9/00 6/9/OO 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/00 6/9/O0 6/9/00 6/9/0O 6/9/00 6/9/OO 6/9/00 6/9100 6/9/OO 6/9/OO $225.75 $73.64 $211.78 $200.00 $6al.52 $1,147.50 $~0.00 $1,029.05 $315.00 $13.42 $2,579.55 $4,950.00 $210.00 $73.98 $8,287.36 $5,362.50 $78.00 $3,455.00 $3,068.01 $1,800.00 $1,861.63 $77! .50 $186.95 $292.58 $267.83 $225.05 $390.00 $621.23 $350.00 $11,765.00 $19.50 $24.00 $160.00 $311.86 $887.84 $192.10 $21,149.85 $240.50 $196.22 $129.00 $8,411.00 $174.20 $61.68 $50.00 $737.81 ~5o.oo $545.00 $2,467.93 $2,650.00 Page3 AlP CHECK LISTING FOR THE MONTH OF .IUNE 2000 50960 5O961 5O962 5O963 5096~ 5O965 50966 5O967 50968 5O969 50970 50971 50972. 50973 5O974 5O975 50976 50978 50979 50981 5O982 50983 50985 5O986 50987 5099O 5O991 50992 5O993 5O995 5O996 50997 5O998 5O999 51OOO 51001 ~ 51002 51003 5100~ 51005 51OO6 51OO7 51O08 SERVICES-VARtOUS SERV~CES-A~ SUPPLIES-P(~CE SUPPLIES-VARIOUS SUPPLtES-VARZOUS SUPPIJES-WATER SERVICES-VARIOUS SUPPLIES-PARKS SERVICE.~WWI'P SERVICES-NON DEPT SUPPLIES-VARIOUS SERVICES-PARKS SUPPLIES-VARIOUS RI~MBURSE-WATER PAYROLL-POLICE PEI-~ CASH-VAI~OUS SERVICES-WATER VOID VOID VOID WIT~ESS FEE-ATTY WITNESS FEE-ATTY SUPPLIES-RSVP SUPPLIES-STREET REFUND-WTR/SWR REFUND-WTIVSWR REFUND.-WTR/SWR REFUND-WTR/SWR REFUND-WT~SWR REFUND-WTR/SWR REFUND-WTR/SWR SERVICES-PUB WKS SERViCES-PUB WKS SERVICES-ENG SUPPLIES-WW~ SUPPLIES-PUB WKS SERVICES-VARIOUS SERVICES-PARKS SUPPLiES-STREET SUPPI./ES-VAR.~OUS SERV~CES-WWTP STATESMAN 3OURNAL 018760 6/9/00 SUSSMAN,SHANK WAPNICK 018877 6/9/00 TAYLOR MOTORCYCLE 019033 6/9/00 US OFFZCE PR.~ 019100 6/9/00 UNOCAL ERNIE GRAHA~ 02OO10 6Ri00 UNITED PIPE 020030 6/9100 US WEST CC)MM 020095 6/9/00 VIESKO QUAUTY 021140 6/9/OO WATER ENVIRON FED 022091 6/9/00 CHA~ OF COMMERCE 02Z510 6/9/OO WBN FERTILIZER 022590 6/9/00 WBN TRAVEL O22757 6/9/OO WBN YOUTH BALL 022785 6/9/00 YES GRAPHICS 024025 6/9/00 3OAN PREZEAU 0~5525 6/9/00 ICHA RETIRENENT 060050 6/9/00 CITY OF WOODBUP. N 01SZS5 6/12/00 LA UNICA NONE 6/14/00 VALLEY IqAZLING 0210~ 6/15/00 VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID MARY RAIqI~ NONE 6/16/00 MAXZNE CUEU.AR NONE 6/16/00 IFF NONE 6/16/00 PULLTARPS NONE 6/16/00 RALPH STEPHENS NONE 6/16/00 ]UDIE SKZNNER NONE 6/16/00 DAVIO BURKHOUSE NONE 6/16/00 E.POOLE & ] SEXTON NONE 6/16/00 6EO~GE SOUDERS NONE 6/16/00 CENTEX HOMES NONE 6/16/00 SANDSTRU~ HOI~ES NONE 6/16/00 THE LUCKEY CO NONE 6/16/00 LORMAN ED SERVICES NONE 6/16/00 CPAO NONE 6/16/00 KAAREN BRODESSER NONE 6/16/00 AEROTEK INC OOOO8O 6/16/00 PIONEER ANERZCA 000136 6/16/00 ~ PUBLIC WKS ASSN 000300 6/16/00 A-1 COUPLING 000409 6/16/00 ARANARK UNIr-oI~ 00053~ 6/16/00 AT~T :- =-= c 000623 '6/16/00 ~1ETROCALL OOO655 6/16/00 AT&T LAN6UAGE LINE 000659 6/16/00 BEN-KC)-I~TZC 001200 6/16/00 BII~M;tT CORP 001275 6/16/00 BOCHSLER HARDWARE 001359 6/16/00 BRDWN & CALDWELL 001573 6/16/00 $850.00 $1,236.12 $35.95 $1,074.19 $12.30 $3,522.37 $172.73 $280.00 $2,000.00 $2,246.14 $365.00 $4,612.75 $594.00 $28.50 $59.o:, $136.29 $105.00 $572.40 $o.oo $0.00 $o.00 Ss.oo $5.oo $46.0o $197.98 $103.62 $12.98 59.61 $33.65 $30.41 $51.73 $23.24 $44.16 $662.00 $25.00 $20.00 $180.00 $64O.OO $27.00 $123.74 $37.79 $5O.26 $17.03 $694.86 $1,101.66 $194.21 $36.95 $122,484.50 Page4 A/P CHECK LISTZNG FOR THE MONTH OF .1UNE 2000 8C 51OO9 51010 51011 51012 51013 51014. 51015 51016 51017 51018 51019 51020 51021 51022 51023 51024 51025 51026 51027 51028 51029 51030 51031 51032 51033 51034 51035 51036 51037 51038 51039 51O4O 51041 51042 51043 510~ 51045 51O46 51047 51O48 51O49 51O5O 51051 51052 51053 51054 51055 51056 51057 SERVICES-POLICE SUPPLIES-STREET SUPPLIES-PUB WKS SERVICES-ENG SUPPLIES-ENG SUPPLIES-VARIOUS SUPPLIES-PUB WKS SERVICES-WWTP SERVICES-PUB WKS SUPPLIES-POLICE SERVICES-ENG SUPPLIES-STREET SERVICES-WWTP SERVICES-PARKS SUPPLIES-POLICE SERVICES-STREET SUPPLIES-WWTP SERVICI~VARIOUS SERVICES-WATER SERVICES-WATER SUPPLIES-ENG SERVICES-STREET SERVICES-WATER SERVICES-STREET SUPPLIES-PUB WKS SERVICING SUPPLIES-STREET SERVICES-STREET SUPPLIES-RSVP SUPPLIES-PUB WKS SUPPLIES-PUB WKS SUPPLIES-STREET REIMBURSE-POLICE REIMBURSE-LIBRARY SERVICES-ENG SUPPLIES-LIBRARY ~ SUPPLIES-ATTY SERVICES-WATER SUPPLIES-POLICE PETTY CASH-VARIOUS VOID BULLARD,KORSHO3,SM1TH CANBY SAND & GRAVEL CASCADE NUT CH2M-HILL CIRCUIT crrY STORES COMARK ~ SALES CONSOLIDATED SUPPLIES CORP INC CRANE & MERSETH CRYSTAL SPRING WTR DE HAAS & ASSOC DAVID DRYDEN ENVIRO CLEAN F~RST CASCADE CORP C3 HANSEN CO HARR~ UNIFORMS HIRE CALU. NG IND WELDING IKON OFF~CE W~LL.TAM KOSTENBORDER T~MO KORKEAKOSI~ LEGACY LAB SERV LINDS MARKET MAR~ON CTY SURVEYOR MAR~ON CTY TREASURY MILES CHEVROLET NORCOM NORLIFT OF OREGON NORTH~DE FORD OFFICE MAX ONS~TE ENVIRON PAULS SMALL MTR PORT GENERAL ELEC ICIVER VALLEY GARDENS SALEM PRiNTiNG SASE CO JAMES SEELEY LINDA SPRAUER TEK SYSTEMS US OFF~CE PRODUCTS WALMART STORES 001584 002060 002224 002477 002486 OO2684 002770 002879 002896 002919 003108 003280 O042O6 005130 007055 00709O 007240 008119 010297 O10298 O11188 O11240 O122OO 012223 012490 O13198 013200 O13225 014031 O14O55 015175 O1542O 017250 018020 01811O O18180 O1835O 018710 O19O46 0191OO 022035 WEST GROUP WBN INDEPENDENT WBN RADIATOR YES GRAPHICS PRO TECH PLUS CONST CITY OF WOODBURN VOID 022160' 022630 022700 024025 015565 015255 VOID 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/oo 6/16/oo 6/16/oo 6/16/oo 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/i6/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6116100 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6116100 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/00 6/16/oo 6/16/00 6/20/00 6/21/00 $165.00 $181,82 $73.26 $2,000.O6 $1,553.98 $725.95 $36.94 $45,490.56 $12,141.32 $14.00 $6,897.71 $273.25 $410.00 $202.47 $842.85 $31.50 $15.74 $1o,18o.oo $2,150.00 $33.00 $30.00 $4.55 $5,258.92 $181.56 $20,681.25 $98.07 $198.'~3 $341.98 $426.70 $48.00 $10,046.12 $~.00 $117.46 $78.00 $685.55 $28.10 $39.95 $920.00 $526.32 $97.79 $404.68 $119.50 $45.00 $277.00 $1,620.00 $130.80 $0.00 Page5 'T r 'IT AJP CHECK 11ST~NG FOR THE MONTH OF 3UNE 2000 51058 51059 5106O 51061 51062 51063 51064 51065 51O66 51067 51O68 51O69 51070 51071 51072 51073 51074 51075 51076 51077 51078 51079 51O8O 51081 51082 51083 51O84 51085 51O86 51087 510BB 5108g 510go 510gl 51092 51093 51094 51O95 51096 51097 51098 51O99 51100 51101 51102 51103 5110~ 51105 51106 VOID VOID SERVZCF_S-POLZCE REFUND-PARKS SUPPLIES-WATER SUPPLIES-ENG SEP`V~CES-FINANCE SERV~CES-ENG SUPPLIES-I TBRAP`Y SERViCES-WATER SUPPI TES-PUB WKS SUPPI TES-PARKS SUPPLIES-WWTP SEP`V~CES-VA~OUS SUPPLtES-LIBRARY SUPPLIES-I TBRAP`Y SUPPLIES-POLtCE SUPPLJ. ES-I TBRAP, Y P`ETAINAGE-ADMIN SEP`V~CES-ADMIN SUPPLIES-PARKS SUPP! TES-PARKS SUPPLIES-PUB WKS SEP`V~CES..COUP`T SUPPLIES-WATER SUPPI TES-LIBRARY SUPPI tESd. JBRARY SEP`V~CES-PUB WKS SUPPLiES-PARKS SUPPLIES-LIBRARY SUPPLtES-I tBRARY SUPPLIES-I TBRARY SUPPLiES-LIBRARY SUPPLIES-I TBRARY SUPPLIF_,S--LZBRARY SUPPt~ES-LIBRAP`Y SEP`VZCES-LIBRAP`Y SUPPLIES-LZBRARY SERVZCES-F~ ~SUPpI rES-STREET SUppI YES-~BRAP`Y SUPPLtES-LIBRARY SUPPLIES-PARKS SERVZCES'WATER. SERViCES'VARiOUS SUPPI rES-VARIOUS VOID VOID OR EMER MNGMT ASSOC LISA STRUSS AS~ DRILliNG ~ IMAGING ADVANCED LASER AEROTEK INC AM INSTITUTE FOP, EDU AMTEST OREGON AWARDS & ATHLETICS HOUSEHOLD BANK BIMART CORP BOLDT,CARL~SLE,SMITH BULLIXX~ VIDEO BUILD TECH BOOKSTORE CAPITOL CELLULAR CHEMEKETA COMM COLL CITY OF WOODBURN CLASSIC INTERIORS COASTWIDE LAB COLORADO TIME SYS COMARK GOVNT SALES MAP,GOT COMLEY CONS SUPPLY CO CREATIVE 3OYS CREAI'IVE PUBLISH DAILY 3OURNAL DEL INDUSTRI~ DONARS SPANISH BOOKS EDUCATORS PROGRESS EMP AMERICA FRANKLIN COVEY GALE GROUP GAYLORD BP, OS GE CAPITAL HIRE CALLING INGRAM DlSml' GP`UP 3-2 DIST .... - ...... 3BAN KAEE & CO LABRADOR FILMS LENON IMPLEMENT MARION CTY BLDG INSPEC METROFUELING VOID VOID NONE NONE 000010 000017 0002~ OOO58O 001199 001275 001345 001586 001587 OO2OO9 O02O86 002410 002526 002570 OO2626 002650 0O2684 002686 O02770 0029O1 0029O3 O0302O 003111 003250 00~83 00~157 005073 005332 006015 O06O3O 006079 OO724O 008116 008117 008118 010030 011020 011210 012090 O122OO 012q~8 6/22/00 6/22./O0 6/22/00 6/22/00 6/22/000 6/22/00 6/22/00 6/22/00 6/22/0O 6/22/00 6/22/0O 6/22/00 6/22/00 6/22/00 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/0{3 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/00 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/00 6/22/{30 6/22/00 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/0{3 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO : '6/22/{30 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/0O $0.00 $o.oo $75.00 $2,880.00 $201.11 $359.75 $140.00 $89.90 $268.75 $6.50 $410.47 $24.47 $5,130.00 $1,00o.oo $106.98 $82,3~1.96 $422.00 $4,761.53 $4,333.78 $2,090.81 $3,266.06 $30.00 $127.61 $56.42 $138.42 $97.5o $117.25 $82.46 $52.90 $23.03 $19.96 $51.o4 $332.40 $51.70 $167.63 $474.81 $4,425.10 $2,775 .oo $692.80 . $1,077.17 $42.15 $69.30 $2.50.00 $344.54 $5.50 $1,481.45 Page 6 A/P CHECK LZSTING FOR'THE MONTH OF 3UNE 2000 51107 SUPPL[ES-4~BRARY 51108 SUPPLIES-PUB WKS 51109 SERVICES-VARIOUS 51110 SERVZCT_S-COUNCIL 51111 SERVICES-ENG 51112 SUPPLIES-PARKS 51113 SUPPL.[ES-WWTP 51114 SUPPLIES--PARKS 51115 SUPPL.[ES-WATER 51116 REiMBURSE-POLICE 51117 SERVICES-WATER 51118 SUPPLIES-WATER 51119 SUPPL[ES-V~Vl'P 51120 SERVICES-I tBRARY 51121 SUPPLIES-L.[BRARY 51122 SUPPI TF_~I TBRARY 51123 SUPPLIES-PARKS 51124 REIMBURSE-WWTP 51125 SER~C~NG 51126 SUPPLIES-VARIOUS 51127 SUPPLIES~STREET 51128 SUPPLTES-VARIOUS 51129 SUPPUES-L~BRARY 51130 SUPPI TES-LIBRARY 51131 SERVICES-POLICE 51132 SUPPI TES-I TBRARY 51133 SUPPI TES-PLAN 5113~ SUPPI TES-STREET 51135 SUPPI TES-J.IBRARY 51136 SERVTCES+-ZNANCE 51137 SERVICES-PARKS 51138 51JPPI TES-VARIOUS 51139 SERVICES-WATER 51144 SERVICES-PARKS 51141 SERVICES~ 51142 ADMISSIONS-PARKS 51143 SERVICES-WATER 51144 V O I D 51145 V O I D 511~6 V O I D 51147 SERVICES-I TBRARY 51148 SUPPLII~:~ENG 511,~ ~ ' REFUND=PARKS 51150 SERVTCES-L~BRARY 51151 SERVZ~STREL~ 51152 5ERVICES-WWTP 51153 SUPPLTES-~BRARY 5115~ 51155 SUPPLIi~-L[BRARY MOONBEAM PUB NATL BUSINESS FURN NEXTEL COMM NICOLI ENGINEERING ONSITE ENVIRON PACIFIC PRINTERS PAULS SMALL MTR PEPSI COLA CO THE PLANK CO ROBERT PRINSLOW PROTEC~ON ONE PUB WKS SUPPLY QUALITY CONTROL SERV R&W ENGINEERING RECORDED BOOKS REGENT BOOK CO SEW &VAC CENTER FRANK SINCLAIR TEK SYSI'EMS US OFFICE PRODUCTS TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLY UNOCAL:ERNIE GRAHAM UNIV OF OREGON USWEST DIRECT VERIZON WIRELESS WALKERS MANUAL WALMART STORES WEARGUARD WE[SS RATINGS WBN FAMILY CLINIC WBN INDEPENDENT YES GRAPHICS VALLEY MAI~NG LIVELY PARK SWIM CTR OAKS PARK VALLEY MAILING VOID VOID VOID ]OES TV &SATm. ITE ' ASHLEY BIRDWELL PNLA MEMBERSHIP ROY HC~JCK ¢ONST INGRAM L~BRARY PLAY'N TALK 012576 013023 013188 013192 0144S5 015058 015175 015225 015362 015539 015566 015648 016063 017010 017102 017148 018445 018502 019046 019100 019220 020010 020092 021124 022025 022035 022115 022128 022587 022630 024425 0210~ NONE NONE NONE 0210a~. VOID VOID VOID NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 6/22/00 6/22/oo 6/22/oo 6/22/o0 6122/00 6/'22/0O 6/22/00 6/22/00 6/22/oo 6/22/oo 6/22/oo 6/22/O0 6/22/oo 6/22/oo 6/22/oo 6/22/O0 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/OO 6/22/{30 6/22/OO 6/22/{)0 6/22/oo 6/22/oo 6/22/oo 6/22/oo 6/27/{30 6/27/{30 6/29/OO 6/29/OO 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 6/30/00 ~ 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO $341.70 $90.95 5819.02 $600.00 $577.3O 515.00 $424.70 $575.O5 $257.00 $27.44 $63.0O 5210.00 $824.65 $441.80 $12.77 54OO.0O $40.87 $1,656.00 $3,762.90 $414.70 $699.31 552.OO $13.43 $2.55 571.50 $299.72 $96.83 $184.95 $111.50 $67.50 5513.O0 $5O0.O0 $108.50 $130.00 $214.80 $o.oo $o.o0 $0.o0 $~0.o0 $3,529.54 $4,647.00 518~.oo $2~o2o.o0 $690.00 Page 7 A/P CHECK lISTING FOR THE MONTH OF .1UNE 2000 51156 51157 51158 51159 51160 51161 51162 51163 51164 51165 51166 51167 51168 51169 51170 51171 51172 51173 51174 51175 51176 51177 51178 51179 51180 51181 51182 51183 51184 51185 51186 51187 51188 51189 51190 51191 51192 51193 51194 51195 51196 51197 51198' 51199 51200 51201 51202 51203 51200 SERVICES-VARIOUS SUPPLIES-PU B WKS SERVICES-P~ SERVICES-ENG SERVICES-PARKS SERVIC, E~VARIOUS SERVICES-WATER SERVICES-POI.-[CE SUPPLIES-PARKS SERVICES-VARIOUS RE[MBURSE-ENG SERVICES-ADMIN SUPPLIES-PARKS SUPPLIES-PARKS SUPPLIES-LIBRARY SUPPLIES-VARIOUS REIMBURSE-ADMIN SERVICES-PUB WKS SERVICES-POLICE SUPPLIES-PARKS SUPPLIES-PUB WKS SUPPLIES-PARKS SERVICES-COURT SERVICES-ENG SERVICES-WWTP SUPPLIES.VARIOUS SUPPLIES-VARIOUS SUPPLIES-WATER SERVICES-WWIT SERVICES-ENG SUPPLIES-VARIOUS SUPPLIES-POLICE SERVICES-VARIOUS REIMBURSE-POLICE REIMBURSE-PLANNING SUPPLIES-LIBRARY SUPPLIES-LIBRARY SUPPLIES-LIBRARY SERVICES-PARKS SUPPI.Ir:S-V~S SERVIO:~PUB WKS AILA PEST CONTROL ABtE IMAGING ACE SEPTIC AEROTEK INC ALPHA PEST CCmffROL ARAMARK UNIFORM ASHLAND BROS AUTO ADDITIONS AWARDS & ATHLET'~CS AT&T PAUL B~ BELL ROOF CO HOUSEHOLD BANK BEN FRANK[/N BETTER HOMES B[MART CORP 30ANN B.1ELLAND BOB'S BACKHOE CASE AUTOMOT~E CASCADE COLUMBLa, CASCADE NUT CASCADE POOLS CASCADE SOUND CESSCO [NC CH2M-H[LL CH2M-H[LL CRY OF WOODBURN COASTAL FARM CC)MARK GOVT SALES CONS SUPPLY CORP [NC CRANE & MERSETH MARVIN DANIELS KRIST~ DAVIDSON DAVISON AUTO PTS DAVLSON AUTO FrS DE HAAS & ASSOC ALLEN DE'VAULT NANCY OEVAULT EBSCO SUB SERV EMERALD POOL ENGELMAN ELECTRIC FARM PLAN 3AMES W FOWLER CO 000011 000017 000031 000165 0OO534 OOO545 0OO558 OOO58O 000623 001170 001190 001199 001205 001250 001275 001285 001325 002190 002218 002224 002226 OO22.3O OO233O 002477 002478 002526 OO2625 OO2684 O02770 002879 002896 003035 003072 O03080 003081 003108 003217 003218 003250 003265 OO419O OO4264 OO5O8O OO5197 005215 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/30/O0 6/30/0O 6/3O/00 6/30/00 6/3O/00 6/30/00 6/30/00 613O10O 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/30/O0 6/3o/00 6/3o/00 6/3o/oo 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/3O/OO 6/3O/0O 6/3O/00 613O100 6/3O/O0 6/30/0O 6/30/OO 6/30/0O 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/3O/OO 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/3O/00 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 61301OO 613O10O 61301OO. 6130100 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/3O/00 613O1OO 6/30/00 $477.75 $504.69 $893.50 $360.00 $55.00 $1,385.35 $1,049.00 $81.95 $296.45 $81.69 $67.85 $20,765.00 $1,314.99 $92.99 $24.91 $212.50 $22.87 $5,906.85 $1,457.55 $550.00 $73.26 $1,035.22 $72.00 $172.92 $2,101.15 $15,868.76 $43,829.18 $306.78 $1,914.54 $3,615.55 $135,406.67 $6,100.15 $113.25 $10.oo $221.78 $73.84 $7,568.71 $280.00 $2.50 $52.70 $168.06 $6,923.54 $152.06 $222.21 $r~o.3o $621.34 $24.06 $552.47 $832,754.12 Page8 A/P CHECK I IS'I'JNG FOR THE MONTH OF .1UNE 2000 51205 51206 51207 51208 51209 51210 51211 51212 51213 51214 51215 51216 51217 51218 51219 51220 51221 51222 51223 51224 51225 51226 51227 51228 51229 51230 51231 51232 51233 51234 51235 51236 51237 51238 51239 51240 51241 51242 51243 51244 51245 SERVICES-POt.ICE SERVI~ SUPPLIES-LIBRARY SUPPLIES-VARIOUS SUPPLIES-POLIC:E SERVICES-PUB WKS SUPPLI~CE 5ERVICES.-STREET SERVICES-PUB WKS SUPPI TES-STREET SUPPI TES4..IBRARY SERVICES-FINANCE SERVICES-VARIOUS SUPPI TES-STREET SUPPI.IES-C GARAGE SUPPLIES-WATER SERVICES-PUB WKS SERVICES-WATER SUPPLIES--VARIOUS SUPPLIES-LIBRARY SUPPLIES..PARKS SUPPLiES--PARKS REIMBURSE-LIBRARY SUPPI TES-TRANS/DAR REiMBURSE-POLICE SUppI TES-VARIOUS SUPPLI~~Y Ri~MBURSE-PIAN SERVIa. S-PUB WKS SL:RVI~V~S SUPPLIES-FINANCE SUPPLIES-WATER S~VICES-WATr~ 5124.6.. SUPPLIEd:rATTY 51247 'SERVICES-WATER 51248 SUPPliES-WATER 51249 SUPPI./ES-WATER 51250 SUPPLIES-PARKS 51251 SUPPLIES-WATER 51252 SUPPLIE.$-WWI'P 51253 SUPPUES-PARKS FOTO MAGIC DALE FRASER SALES GATEWAY INC GW HARDWARE HARRIS UNIFORMS HDR ENGINEERING HILLYERS MID CITY HIRE CALLING ED HOOLEY IND WFI DING INGRAM DIST GROUP IKON TECH SERVICES IKON OFFICE INSERTA FITTINGS INTERSTATE AUTO KERR CONTRACTORS TIMO T KORKEAKOSKI LaL BUILDING LECTORIUM PUBLICATIONS LINCOLN EQUIPMENT MARK CARROLL SONS DONNA MELENDEZ MEFROFUELING X)HN MIKKOLA MR FS AUTO PARTS MOONBEAM PUB JIM MULDER NED(TEL COMM NICOLI ENGINEERING NORm SANTIAM PAVING NW GEOTECH INC NORVAC ELECTRONIC I-DAY SIGNS ONE CALL~ OR HEALTM DN OR STATE BAR OREGONIAN PUBLISH' · PACIFIC PRINTERS US FILTER PEPSI COLA PLATt ELECTRIC PRAXAIR DIST ROTHS IGA 005258 005324 006026 0O6405 O07090 007112 007228 007240 007301 OO81OO 008116 008117 008119 008135 008295 010035 010067 010298 011010 011180 011250 012227 012230 012420 012448 012485 012510 012576 012670 013188 013192 013215 013220 013287 013350 013373 014003 014029 014054 014055 014311 014500 014653 015058 015O65 015225 015340 015480 017340 6/30/00 6/3O/O0 6/30/00 6/30/OO 6/30/O0 6/30/00 6/3O/OO 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/30/O0 6/30/00 6/3O/O0 6/3O/OO 613O1OO 6/30/00 6/30/0O 6/3O/OO 6/30/00 6/30/0O 6/3O/00 613O1OO 6/30/OO 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 6/30/OO 6/30/OO 6/30/OO 6/30/OO 6/30/00 6/3O/OO 6/30/00 6/30/OO 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 6/3O/00 6/30/O0 6/30/OO 6/3O/O0 6/30/OO 6/3O/O0 6/30/OO 6/30/OO 6/3O/OO 6/30/0O 6/3O/OO 6/30/O0 $83.48 $3,5OO.OO $4,670.00 $2,153.34 $446.42 $2,500.00 $318.53 $469.19 $400.OO $154.08 $261.7O $1,650.00 $429.10 $454.99 $25.73 $119.76 $8,429.55 $27,281 .O6 $432.55 $2,084.08 $1,132.45 $5.79 $325.oo $44.0o $330.29 $120.00 $120.86 $26.70 $10.00 $297.26 $20,743.31 $357.79 $120,932.54 $517.80 $1,253.98 $177.85 $374.Oo $226.60 $282.60 $1,267.55 $50.00 $430.0o $601.56 $1,923.00 $5,275.04 $507.20 $8,231.10 $14.84 $252.44 Page9 A/P CHECK L/STING FOR THE MONTH OF .1UNE 2000 8C 51254 51255 51256 51257 51258 51259 51260 51261 51262 51263 51264 51265 51266 51267 51268 51269 51270 51271 51272 51273 51274 51275 51276 51277 51278 51279 51280 51281 51282 51283 51284 51285 51286 51287 51288 51289 51290 51291 51292 51293 51294 51295, 51296 51297 51298 51299 51300 51301 51302 SERViCES-PUB WKS SUPPLiES-PARKS SUPPLIES-VARIOUS SERVIC~CE SUPPLZES-VARIOUS SUPP! TES-DAR SUPPLTES-POL[CE REiMBURSE-MUSEUM SUPPL/ES-POL~CE SERVICES-PARKS SERVICES-WATER 5ERVICES-ENG SUPPLiES-FINANCE SERVICES-WATER SUPPL/F..S-TRANS SUPPL]ES-WWTP SERViCES-VARIOUS SUPPI TES-LIBRARY SERVICES-PUB WKS SERViCES-FINANCE SERV[CE~WWI'P SERVICES-PARKS SERViCES-VARIOUS RE~MBURSE-ATTY SUPPI./ES4./BRARY SUPPt/ES-PARKS SUPPl./ES--WATER SUPPU:ES-POI~CE RIAMBURSE-POL~¢E SUPPL/ES-WTR/STR SUPPLIES-STREET SUPPL/ES-PARKS SUPPLIES-LIBRARY SUPPLIES-VARIOUS SERVICES-PUB WKS SUPPL/ES-L~BRARY SUPPI./~RY SERV[CES-N(~ DEPT SUPPt/ES.-TRANS RI~MBURSE--RSVP ; RI~MBURSE-RSVP REIMBURSE~ RI~MBURSE-DAR ROY L HOUCK CONST SCHUCKS COMMERCLAL LES SCHWAB TIRE SHOOTER MERC. AN~LE SIERRA ~ 5KA~ UNIFORMS SLATER COMM MATT SMITH SOLO SPECLAL EDn"ION SON1TROL STADEI~ WATER SYS TEK SYSTEMS US OFFICE PRODUCT'S WES & ZINA~DA TORAN TRAFFIC SAFETY UNOCAL F_.RNIE GRAHAM UNITED DISPOSAL UNIV OF OREGON URBAN FORESTRY US WEST COMM VALLEY EXCAVATING VERIZON WIRELESS KAY VESTAL VIKING OFFICE VISIONS WALLACE VIDEO WAll iNG SAND WALMART STORES RICHARD WEAVER WESTERN POWER WILCO FARMERS WILL RED CROSS WILLAML~'TE WEEK WBN FERTILIZER WBN 24HR TOWING WORLD BOOK SCHOOL WORLD MEDIA EXPRESS XETA TECH YES GRAPHICS ALMEDA QUIRING MARIAN REED .IUNE WOODCOCK RICHARD SNYDER .1AY WOODS DOROTHA BORLAND SALLY BUSE CORNELIUS DONNELLY 017344 018283 018300 018453 018460 018515 018522 018569 018603 018605 018725 O19O46 019100 019183 019220 020010 020020 O2OO4O O2OO44 02OO95 021037 021123 021124 021126 021180 021203 022027 022029 022035 022125 022228 022292 022328 022375 O22590 022708 022755 O2281O O22815 023030 024025 035608 035615 035648 035655 035763 045100 045110 045230 6/30/00 6/3O/00 6/30100 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/30/0O 6/30/00 6/30/O0 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/3O/OO 6/30/00 6/30/00 6/30/oo 6/30/0o 6130100 6/3O/0O 6/30/OO 6/30/0O 6/30/OO 6/30/0O 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 6/30/OO 6/30/OO 6/30/0O 6/3O/00 6/30/OO 6/30/OO 6/30/0O 6/30/00 6/30/OO 6/3O/0O 6/30100 6/30/00 6/30/0O 6/30/00 6/30/OO 6/30/00 6/30/0O 6/3O/0O 6/3O/OO 6/3O/OO 6/30/OO 6/30100 613O1OO 6/30/0O $67,061.32 $32.78 $928.25 $50.00 $140.00 $26.95 $44.50 $669.25 $119.50 $50.0o $7,~~. .00 $920.00 $1,40o.0o $348.00 $1,817.26 $1,9ol.95 $52.oo $2,214.75 $216.00 $5,427.30 $19.14 $9.25 $38.26 $155.26 $1oo.oo $5,652.50 $17.46 $16.14 $13,975.00 $38.24 $16.00 $74.0O $2,443.58 $40.00 $330.00 $1,414.10 $252.46 $3,359.40 $1,264.00 $12.0o $1o.~ $19.20 $35.0o $35.00 $84.75 $109.75 $119.00 Page 10 A/P CHECK I IST~NG FOR THE MONTH Of: .1UNE 2000 51303 51304 51305 51306 51307 51308 51309 51310 51311 51312 REiMBURSE-DAR REIMBURSE-DAR REiMBURSE--DAR REiMBURSE-DAR REIMBURSE-DAR REIMBURSE-DAR/WTR REIMBURSE'DAR REiMBURSE-DAR REIMBURSE-DAR RI~MBURSE-DAR LEONARD G~UQUE 045290 6/30/00 $74.25 AGNES HAGENAUER 045310 6/30/00 $47.75 FRED HAYES 045315 6/30/00 $214.75 BEULAH .1ORDAN 045320 6/30/00 $124.75 3 WARD O'BR.IEN 045497 6/30/00 $99.00 .lOAN P~U 045525 6/30/00 $221.00 GERTRUDE REES 045.545 6/30/00 $22.00 LC)LA SPERATOS 045560 6/30/00 $4.00 STEVE STURN 045585 6/30/00 $129.50 HATTZE VANDECOVERZNG 045670 6/30/00 $11,00 $2,054,837.40 Page 11 ,~, r "IT' 81) MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: City Council through City Administrato,~ Public Works Program Manager Proposed EPA Rule on Reduction of Arsenic Limit in Drinking Water July 17, 2000 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published in the Federal Register on June 22, 2000 the notice of proposed rule making on the modification of the level of arsenic allowed in drinking water. This rule has been the result of lawsuits over many years and the proposed rule in nearly six months beyond what had been a court mandated publish date. EPA has proposed a maximum contaminate level (MCL) of 5 parts per billion (ppb) which is a tenfold reduction from the existing MCL of 50 ppb. Arsenic is classified as a carcinogen and EPA has historically set the MCL for substances that are classified as carcinogenic at the feasible limit which is the level at which it is technically feasible to remove the contaminate. The feasible limit for arsenic has been determined to be 3 ppb. EPA has had, since 1996, the authority to set an MCL higher than the feasible limit for economic cost reasons. This is the first time that they have used this authority to increase an MCL to a value greater than the feasible limit based on the magnitude of estimated implementation costs. The public comment period is open for 90 days and there is expected to be significant input to revise the MCL to the feasible limit or to increase it for additional cost benefits. Information from the state and from national water supplier groups indicate that it is unlikely that the proposed level will be modified. EPA is under court order to publish a final rule by January 1, 2001 and it is anticipated that every effort will be made to comply with that date. The 1999 results for city wells which varied from 6 to 9 ppb. In past years city wells have had test results as high as 13 ppb. All of these results are well below the existing EPA 50 ppb-li~T~it.---Tl~e,-Wstcr-Mastsr Plsn Cornmittee~-as part of its review. of potential water treatment, is evaluating the proposed arsenic rule in light of proposed reduction in the arsenic MCL. The water master plan looked at arsenic removal and it appears that removal of iron in the city's ground water supply by oxidation and filtration as recommended will also cause enough arsenic to be removed to comply with the new limit. City of Woodburn Police Department STAFF REPORT 270 Montgomery Street Woodburn OR 97071 (503) 982-2345 Date: From: To: Through: July 17, 2000 Paul Null, Chief of Police Mayor and City Council John Brown, City Administrator,; Subject: Sound Amplification Permit - Fiesta Mexicana 8E Ordinance 1900, 3, (5) The use or operation of an automatic or electric piano, phonograph, loudspeaker or sound-amplifying device so loudly as to disturb persons in the vicinity thereof or in such manner as renders the same a public nuisance; provided however, that upon application to the Council permits may be granted to responsible persons or organizations to broadcast programs of music; news speeches or general entertainment. The Police Department has received a request for a sound amplification permit from Margarita Garcia, President of the Woodbum Latin American Club. The Woodburn Latin American Club is requesting the permit to accommodate live music at their annual Fiesta Mexicana at Legion Park. The Woodburn Latin American Club is requesting the permit for the following dates and times. Friday, August 4, 2000 Saturday, August 5, 2000 Sunday, August 6, 2000 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. The Police Department met with the Woodbum Latin American Club and discussed ways to accommodate the sound permit and reduce citizen complaints of loud music. The following are actions identified and agreed upon: The band will not be allowed into the grandstands (which occurred last year due to the rain.) Monitor volume. Turn down~votmrre 'upon'police At 10:00p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 9:00 p.m. on Sunday the amplification will be reduced by 50%. Recommendation: The City Council approve a sound amplification permit for Woodburn Latin American Club on August 4 and 5, 2000, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and on August 6, 2000, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Woodburn Latin American Club 8E P.O. Box 321, Woodburn, Oregon 97071 JUNE19 2000 The Woodbum Latin American Club would like to request an Amplified Sound Equipment Permit. The permit is for music that will be played in Legion Park during the Fiesta Mexicana. This year the Fiesta Mexicana will be held on August 4,5,and 6th. The music will be on a stage by the picnic pavilion area. There will also be music on a stage in front of the grandstand. We would like the permit for the following days and times. Friday August 4,2000 10am- 11 pm Saturday August 5,2000 10am- 11 pm Sunday August 6,2000 10am- 1 Opm If you need more information please contact Margarita Garcia at 981-6248 or Bob Miley at 982-2563. Margarita Garcia President IOA Community Development 270 Montgomery Street MEMORANDUM Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-5246 Date: To: From: Subject: July 20, 2000 Mayor and City Council thru City Administrator~1~ Community Development DirectorsL~ Buildable Lands Urbanization Project At your meeting of June 26, 2000 the Planning Staff summarized the Council's response to the land use questionnaire that was circulated earlier in May. As can be expected, there were varying opinions on some of the issues raised in that questionnaire. Those differences were outlined in the June 22, 2000 memorandum. See Attachment A. These differences primarily focus on three land use issues. They require clarification by the Council so Staff may proceed in drafting amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and implementing ordinances. Those issues that need further clarification are: Mixed Use Campus Locations Light Industrial Locations Lot size minimum/maximum (outside the city limits but within the UGB). Mixed Use Campus Districts The Mixed Use Campus District was a concept the Council could agree with. However, a consensus on the specific locations (1 thorough 4 on the attached map) was not reached. A determination as to the locations for this land use designation is yet to be concluded. Site I Consists of approximately 51.5+ acres of property within the city limits south of Walmart Store. The site is presently zoned commercial. It is the city's interest to provide for a Mixed Use 'campbs'District (MUC) that would allow a-mix of indust?ial*arldCon~r,~erciat-uses.- Seeattached map. The property can be amended from what was an exclusive Commercial District to one that will accommodate Industrial use with specific design criteria to protect the inegrity of the commercial development. The property has arterial access. IOA · Water and sewer are available to the site. Site 2 The property consists of 30 acres presently identified as commercial on the city's comprehensive plan map. It is adjacent to Highway 211 on its south property line and MacLaren School on its north property boundary. The MUC designation could allow the rear portion of these properties that join MacLaren to be used for Industrial purposes with the road frontage accommodating commercial uses. The property has direct access to a state highway. The rear portion of the property backs up to MacLaren. Industrial uses could serve as a buffer between the state's correctional facility and commercial uses. Site 3 Site number three consists of 14 + acres located on the west side of Boones Ferry Road with its west property line adjacent to the railroad tracts. It is a triangular parcel that is presently planned for Iow-density single family residential use. The property is not real conducive for residential use since it abuts a railroad track. The property lies adjacent to an arterial street. Public facilities in regard to water and sewer are available to the site. A mixed use campus district would not be as affected by rail traffic. Site 4 Consist of approximately 20 + acres north of the Woodburn Company Stores. · Adjacent to Arney Road an improved street. · Public facilities are available at its south property boundary · Less conflict than a residential designation adjacent to a freeway. II Light Industrial Locations Originally three industrial sites were identified by the Growth Management Committee for inclusion into the City's Urban Growth Boundary. A fourth site was proposed by a Council member. What sites should be included in the Industrial Lands Inventory? Site 5 - The-site is. approximately 130 acres in size and lies on the south_si_de.of__S_t~at~ H. igh. w_ay ? 9_._. _ adjacent to the Waremart facility and is outside the City's UGB. Any site approved for UGB expansion by the City Council it will be subject to justification under ORS 197.298 and Statewide Goals 14 Urbanization and Goal 2 Land Use Planning exceptions process. Is contiguous to the city limits and Urban Growth Boundary. Complement the area adjacent to existing/successful industrial sites. IOA Site 6 Has direct access to Butteville county Road and Woodland Avenue and arterial that connects to State Highway 219. Has convenient access to the I-5 Interchange. Water, sewer, storm and the Woodland arterial are stubbed to the west property line of this tract. Site number six consists of approximately 40+ acres adjacent to Interstate 5 and north of the Factory Outlet and approximately 20 acres would be designated MUC. These properties are outside the city's Urban Growth Boundary but contiguous to that boundary. FINDINGS: · The use of these parcels for industrial activity serves as a buffer to freeway noise for the residential uses to the west. · Is a better neighbor to adjacent wetland/green ways and existing residential area than current farming practices, i.e., chemicals, and pesticides pollution. · Provides a buffer to vehicular pollution between freeway and farmland uses to the west. · Public facilities and an arterial street abut these parcels. · It upholds the concept of maintaining industrial uses on the periphery of the city. · Incorporate several small parcels of presently mixed uses into one meeting on land use objective. · Traffic generation from the site may cause congestions at the time of build out if proper mitigation measures are not implemented. Site 7 The eighty-two (82) acre area provides one attribute that the three other sites do not have and that is rail access. The property is located in the southeast quadrant of the city. The property lies contiguous to the city limits but outside Woodburn's UGB. · The parcels have access to State Highway 214 and Highway 99E. · The availability to access rail. · Lies adjacent to the city's Urban Growth Boundary. · The proposed area is contiguous to and industrial designated area. Site 8 This property consists of approximately 40+ acres adjacent to and east of I-5 and south of the Capital Development parc, eLs~nd lies outside but adjacent to the, city's U,GJ~ ................ The extension of the Evergreen arterial will allow connectivity to Parr Road. Future improvements to Parr the Butteville overpass and a south east west connection with Highway 99E could divert potential truck traffic around residential areas. The property is not "prime" farm land because of poor drainage. The use would be a Transition Farm a Mixed Use Campus District to the north to Light III IOA Industrial. Lot Size Minimums Outside the Existing City Limits Inside the UGB. The Council's majority and minority opinions regarding lot sizes are outlined on pages 2 and 3 of Attachment ~^". A Council directive to require a minimum lot size of 8,000 square feet for subdivisions and partitions will result in establishing a new residential zone district that could also allow PUD's with lot size averages of 6,000 square feet. Community Development 270 Montgomery Street IOA MEMORANDUM Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-5246 Date: To: From: Subject: June 22, 2000 Mayor & City Council thru City Administrator Steve Goeckritz_, Community Development Director,s~.~ Woodburn Buildable Lands and Urbanization Project Council Comments and Suggestions Over the last few weeks staff has had the opportunity to receive comments and suggestions from Council regarding the Woodburn Buildable Lands and Urbanization Project. Overall, the Council found the Growth Management Committee's recommendations basically coincide with the Council's vision of Woodburn's future growth. The Growth Management Committee's recommendations cover a number of subjects but the council focused it's discussion on those issues that were of the greatest interest and could have the most dramatic effect on the City's future growth patterns. As all of us are aware the Council's decisions will have a lasting effect on the land use patterns of Woodburn for years to come. The report, with any recommended revisions, will be incorporated in the Buildable Lands text and will be used as a tool to guide amendments to various land use documents, ordinances and maps. ATTACHMENT A APPENDIX L RECOMMENDED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS 10A Council Review OVERVIEW This report reflects the City Council's position on issues that will affect the future physical and social characteristics of our city. The report was finalized in January 2000 by the Growth Management Committee. In turn the Council has had the opportunity to respond to the Committees recommendations. As within any group and between groups there is never an absolute consensus as to how the city's growth patterns should evolve over the next twenty years. However, there exist more similarities than differences among the Council as a whole. Overall, there was strong agreement among all those involved that many of the land use proposals recommended by the consultant were not sensitive to the communities social or cultural characteristics nor did they have a good understanding that many of the recommendations would be more detrimental than positive to the city's future growth. The most obvious objections pertained to smaller lot sizes (smart development), location of industrial districts within the city's urban growth boundary on presently designated residential land, and prOviding additional multi-family acreage and raising the density requirements within that zone district. There was also an issue with the consultant's projected employment figures and the jobs to housing balance which the committee found low, (1.2 persons per household) based on our cultural make up it should reflect something closer to Portland's 1.6. Staff discussion with various City Councilors and responses from the questionnaire, circulated among the members, provided additional insights as to your position regarding various land use issues. This report is a reflection of those responses. This report is in draft form and provides the Council the opportunity to solidify your position to carry out additional dialog. In some cases the report not only identifies the consensus of the majority but also a minority position. It is important for the Council to keep in mind the majority consensus is what staff will carry forward in the way of draft language in future land use documents. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS & POLICIES: GOAL: Provide a wider range of housing alternatives that will encourage larger residential Page 1 lot sizes providing a balance to the City's housing needs. Policies: Require Single Family Residential properties that are annexed to the City to be a minimum of 8,000 square feet in size (exceptions for PUD's at 6,000). This will require amending the city's zoning ordinance. Encourage residential properties annexed to be designed as Planned Unit Developments (PUD's). Provide incentives that encourage the development of PUD's. Allow a mix of uses within a residential PUD being annexed which provides such amenities as private or public parks, open space and Iow intensity neighborhood commercial uses. Encourage a diversification in housing values and types that reflects a City in transition from a lower income community to a middle income community. Encourage a variety of densities and types of housing to accommodate Woodbum's growing middle and upper middle income housing needs. STAFF COMMENT: There was general agreement by all Council members that participated in the discussion that the goals and policies proposed by the Growth Management Committee and Planning Commission relating to residential issues were found to be acceptable. There were however, different positions held on a couple of the policies. For this reason and to assure all positions are heard the report contains "majority" and "minority" comments when necessary. OBSERVATIONS: Majority opinion on residential densities · To require a minimum average lot size of 5,000 square feet or a minimum density of 5.5 units per acres as suggested by the consultant is in strong opposition by the City Council. · The city has an abundance of small lot housing stock (1,540 dwelling in Senior Estates) representative of retirement housing. It is also the recipient of new and existing starter homes. · Except for a few of the newer subdivisions there is only a small housing market representative of the second or third time home buyer. · There is sufficient acreage within the City existing residential areas (535 acres within the UGB) to adequately accommodate the population projections to the year 2020 even. ifth~maj~ri~y of-the tots outside thocily limits were to be 8,000 square feet or larger. Under current standards a developer cannot; without approval, parcel lots less than 6,000 square feet in a Single Family Residential (RS) District. Conversely, a 10A Page 2 IOA developer can parcel lots larger than 6,000 square feet if he/she wishes to do so, but the majority of developers have not wished to do so. The 8,000 square feet forces that choice. Proposed subdivisions/partitions within the existing city limits could still realize lots averaging 6,000 square feet. It would only affect properties to be parceled outside the city limits. PUD's would also be allowed at 6,000 square feet per average lot size in areas outside the city limits but within the UGB. OBSERVATIONS: Minority opinion on residential densities: · Presently the zoning ordinance does not set a lot size maximum. If a developer wishes to have lots larger than 6,000 acres in the Residential District he/she may do SO. To allow for the greatest flexibility in housing types and values, let the housing market prevail. If the developers see there is a desire for people to live in a city surrounded by a rural setting and want a large lots that reflects a level of open space, then it will happen. GOAL: Provide for diversification in land uses by allowing for an Industrial and Commercial mix in a Mixed Use Campus District (MUC). POLICIES: Create a Mixed Use Campus (MUC) District that would allow the opportunity for specific Industrial and Commercial Uses to be in close association with one another. The Mixed Use Campus District is to be subject to strict design criteria to ensure the compatibility between uses. All Commercial Uses in the MUC District would be required to have a minimum floor area ration (far) of.4, e.g,, 4,000 sq. fi. x 4 = 16,000 sq. ft. for Commercial use. Basic design criteria call for vertical face recesses, extension of entrances, offsets or breaks in roof elevation and a combination of exterior materials no more than 50% of any one material. Properties to be designated for Mixed Use Campus should primarily be property presently designated on the Comprehensive Plan as Commercial with a minimum of 100 feet of frontage and with off street parking which is 20% less than minimum standard. STAFF COMMENT: Very little comment was raised by the Cotmcil regarding the Mixed Use Campus as an alternative land use concept. However, there were some objections as to some of the locations recommended by the Growth Management Committee. P~e3 IOA COUNCIL OBSERVATIONS: The parcel identified as between the rail road tracks and Settlemier Avenue is not an appropriate location for a Mixed Use District. This property is completely surrounded by Residential Uses with a slxeet that is already carrying a burden of through traffic that will be further stressed by the situation. The Mixed Use concept for that property to the north of the Woodbum Company Stores adjacent to the I-5 corridor will only compound the traffic concerns expressed by DLCD and ODOT. Furthermore, it has not been clearly demonstrated by the Committee that additional commercial property needs to be added to the City's inventory. In regards to the Industrial Commercial Mixed Use Campus, an alternative would be to increase the landscape and design standards for industrial development and keep the industrial uses entirely separate from the commercial uses. GOAL: Locate additional light industrial lands adjacent to existing industries and maintain those areas on the periphery of the City. POLICIES: The primary siting criteria of new light industrial properties is to locate them adjacent to major highways, with potential to rail access and potentially large parcels of land. Secondary concerns are that the light industrial properties should maintain a minimum conflict with adjacent land uses and expand in areas where light industry already exists. STAFF COMMENT: The Council was adamantly opposed to any proposal, as brought forward by the consultant, which proposed that land inside the City's UGB be utilized for light industrial purposes, especially existing residential land. The Council was in general agreement with the Committee's objectives to secure additional light industrial land on the periphery of the City with some reservations. COUNCIL OBSERVATIONS: There was concern voiced that although the site west of the Winco property is a logical choice-fOr futtm: tigl~ ind'ustriat~erxpmmion the practicality ofincorporating that property into the City's UGB would be difficult to justify to DLCD and ODOT. The lack of Highway 214/219 improvements, with an interchange at capacity nullifies any further industrial expansion in this area until substantial improvements Page 4 IOA are made in the interchange area. There is the proposal the City consider light industrial uses for properties south of the Capital Development parcels. This is expressed in Councilor Figley's memo of June 7, 2000 regarding comments on the Buildable Lands Report. Staff would find it difficult to express it more clearly, so I took the liberty of incorporating it into this report. "In preference to either the site north of the mall or the site east ofAgripac, I would prefer to see industrial expansion in the southwest quadrant of the city, south of the existing Capital Development parcels. Moving this property into the UGB and eventually annexing it offers continuity with existing commercial and industrial uses and offers an avenue for a higher level of surface street connectivity and function. It would mean that an upgrade of the Butteville Road overpass and a connection between Evergreen Road, Parr Road, and the eventual south side arterial could take place within the UGB, eliminating a layer of county bureaucracy in this process. Doing this would be consistent with our existing transportation plan and with likely amendments. If we are planning on building a new north-south street and a new east- west street because we need them for existing circulation needs, it makes sense for a type of business that tends to be location-sensitive to locate there and to help pay for the improvements. Design should be encouraged to direct truck traffic toward the west side of the I-5 interchange, where congestion does not seem to exist at the chronic levels that occur on the east side. Only a few parcels along I-5 could provide ample industrial acreage for the next 20 years. To the extent that any expansion took place that took the UGB south of Parr Road, we also might give thought to designating the partially-built residential area along Stubb Road as an Urban Reserve. In advocating expansion of the UGB in the southwest quadrant of town, I am looking at state-mandated priority issues. Woodburn has no urban reserve land, exception lands, or marginal lands next to the UGB that I am aware of. The southwest quadrant is flat, but is not "prime" farmland in a meaningful sense because of poor drainage and heavy soils. Further, its development would help fund necessary infrastructure improvements and offer efficiencies in their development. Areas with better soil, worse transportation services, and closer proximity to existing residential uses would be protected." OTHER SUGGESTIONS/ISSUES: The base case scenario, the Growth Management Committee used to project future growth received full support from council members, although many councilors found it objectionable to be restricted to the population figure Marion County projected the City would have by the year 2020. Elderly care facilities should be permitted as a conditional use in a Single Family District instead of allowing them only in a Multi-Family District. I:~Co~unu~ity iX.~l~m~6Pla~ing~Mi.~llat~o~l~ - 2000~M~dix L. wpd Page 5 10B MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: City Council through City Administrator Public Works Program Manager Cooperative Improvement Agreement for I-5 Crossing Sign Bridges July 17, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: Approve the attached resolution entering into Cooperative Improvement Agreement No. 18079 with the State of Oregon for installation of two sign bridges on State Highway 214/219 at the I-5 interchange. BACKGROUND: As one of the conditions of approval for construction of the Woodburn Company Stores the developer, Craig Development Realty, along with the city and the State of Oregon agreed to participate in the installation of two sign bridges on Highway 214/219 at the I-5 interchange. The city and Craig Development Realty were to contribute $50,000 each and the state was to fund the remainder. The state has programmed federal funds for their share of the project. In order to proceed with additional consultant engineer work required for document preparation for bid advertising and award, the state needs the cooperative improvement agreement signed at this time to allow allocation of federal funding for the project. After the additional engineering work has been completed and documents have been prepared the project will be advertised for bid. The sign bridges are similar to traffic signal mast arms and often have a significant lead time for delivery. It is, therefore, anticipated that the actual installation will not be completed until early next year. Craig Development Realty did pay the consultant engineer $7,400.00 for preliminary design preparation on the sign bridges. This amount has been deducted from their agreed to share which is why their share in the agreement is. $42,600.00. -~ ~ The state has requested that the agreement be entered into at this time to allow commitment of federal funding for this project. Staff recommends that the resolution authorizing entering into the agreement be approved. lOB COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. 2058 A RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO COOPERATIVE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT NO. 18079 WITH THE STATE OF OREGON TO INSTALL SIGN BRIDGES ON STATE HIGHWAY 214/219 AT THE I-5 INTERCHANGE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY RECORDER TO SIGN SUCH AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the State of Oregon acting through the Oregon Transportation Commission is authorized to enter into agreements and disburse funds for the purpose of supporting public transportation pursuant to ORS 184.670 to 184.733, and WHEREAS, as a condition of approval for a factory store development, the City, Craig Development Realty, and the State of Oregon agreed to share in the costs of installation of two sign bridge on State Highway 214/219 at the I-5 interchange, and WHEREAS, the State of Oregon, Department of Transportation, has programed a funding source for the state's share of the sign bridge project, and WHEREAS, the State of Oregon, Department of Transportation, has developed a cooperative improvement agreement that is required to secure state funding and to outline responsibilities for completion of the project, NOW THEREFORE; THE CITY OF WOODBURN RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Woodburn enter into Cooperative Improvement Agreement No. 18079, which is affixed as Attachment "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, with ,the State ef Oregon acting by and through its Department of Transportation to provide for installation of sign bridges on State Highway 214/219 at the I-5 interchange. Page 1- COUNCIL BILL NO. RESOLUTION NO. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Recorder of the City of Woodburn are authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the City. 10B Approved asto form:~.E-~~'~~ City Attorney Date APPROVED: Richard Jennings, Mayor Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST: Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon June 9,2000 ATrACHMENT~/~ Page ! of /-'~ Misc. Contracts & Agreements Agreement No.: 18079 10B COOPERATIVE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION FINANCE THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between THE STATE OF OREGON, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, hereinafter r~ferred to as "State"; and THE CITY OF WOODBURN, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, acting by and through its City Officials, hereinafter referred to as "City". RECITALS The Hillsboro-Silverton Highway, also known as State Routes 219 and 214, is a part of the State Highway System under the jurisdiction and control of the Oregon Transportation Commission. By the authority granted in ORS 190.110, 366.770 and 366.775, State may enter into cooperative agreements with cities for the performance of work on certain types of improvement projects with the allocation of costs on terms and conditions mutually agreeable to the contracting parties. By the authority granted in ORS 810.210, State is authorized to determine the character or type of traffic control devices to be used and to place or erect them upon State highways at places where State deems necessary for the safe and expeditious control of traffic. No traffic control devices shall be erected, maintained, or operated upon any State highway by any authority other than the State, except with its written approval. By the authority granted in ORS 366.425, State may accept deposits of money or an irrevocable letter of credit from any county, city, road district, person, firm, or corporation for the performance of work on any public highway within State. When said money or letter of credit is deposited, State shall proceed with the Project. Money so deposited shall be disbursed for the purpose for which it was deposited. NOW THEREFORE, the'premises .being in general as stated ,in the foregoing RECITALS, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: .*f,t~rccmcnl/Vo 1,¥079 .h.w 9, 2000  AOHMENT~ O~of- 10B TERMS OF AGREEMENT State and City, in their judgment, have deemed it necessary and desirable, in 'order to maintain a safer and more expeditious flow of traffic on the Hillsboro-Silverton Highway in Woodburn, to install two signs and sign bridges over the Hillsboro- Silvedon Highway, one on each side of the I-5 interchange, hereinafter referred to as "Project". The location of the Project is approximately as shown on the sketch map attached hereto, marked Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part hereof. The Project will be financed with funds available to the City and State. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $180,000. The project estimate is subject to change. This agreement shall begin on the date all required signatures are obtained and shall remain in effect for the purpose of on-going maintenance responsibilities for the useful life of the facilities constructed as part of the Project. STATE OBLIGATIONS State shall identify and obtain or issue the required permits; arrange for relocation or adjustment of any conflicting utility facilities located on State or City right-of-way; perform any necessary preliminary engineering and design work required to produce plans, specifications and cost estimates for Project; arrange all right-of-way easements if any are needed; advertise for bid proposals; award all contracts; pay all contractor costs; and furnish all construction engineering, material testing, technical inspection and project manager services for administration of the construction contract entered into for this Project. 2. State shall pay for all costs of the project beyond the funds contributed by City (including funds City obtains from the developer). State shall, upon execution of this agreement and prior to award of Project, forward to City a letter of request for a lump sum payment of $92,600 to be used toward Project. State shall not award a construction contract for Project until the required funds have been received from City. 4. Upon completion of Project and at its own expense, State shall maintain the signs and sign bridges. (.'it), Of Woodburn / State o/Oregon Agreement No. 18079 June 9. 2000 I'ag¢ 3 10B CITY OBLIGATIONS City shall be responsible for obtaining the required lump sum payment from the developer of the Woodburn Company Stores to pay the remaining amount of the developer's share of the project ($42,600). The developer's contribution of $42,600 plus what they have already spent on early preliminary engineering and design work equals $50,000. City shall, upon a letter of request from State and prior to award of Project, forward to State a lump sum payment of $92,600 ($50,000 of City funds and $42,600 from the developer). 3. City grants State the right to enter onto and occupy, if necessary, City right-of-way for the completion of Project and future maintenance of the signs and sign bridges. 4. City represents that this agreement is signed by personnel who have been duly authorized to do so by the City Council. City shall, to the extent permitted by the Oregon Constitution and the Oregon Tort Claims Act, indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless the State of Oregon, Oregon Transportation Commission and its members, Department of Transportation, its officers and employees from any and all claims, suits, and liabilities which may occur in the performance of this Project. GENERAL PROVISIONS State and City agree and understand that a mutual review and approval of the Project plans and specifications will be conducted prior to the advertisement of the construction contract for the Project. All employers, their subcontractors, if any, and all employees working under this agreement are subject employees under Oregon Workers' Compensation Law and shall comply with ORS 656.017, which requires them to provide workers' compensation coverage for all their subject workers. This agreement may be terminated by mutual written consent of both parties. State may terminate this agreement effective upon delivery of written notice to City, or at such later date as may be established by State, under any of the following conditions. City Of Woodhurn / Agreetnen! No 18079 ,hme 9. 2000 ATTAGHM ENT .~..~.~ /'age 4 10B a. If City fails to provide services called for by this agreement within the time specified herein or any extension thereof. If City fails to perform any of the other provisions of this agreement, or so fails to pursue the work as to endanger performance of this agreement in accordance with its terms, and after receipt of written notice from State fails to correct such failures within 10 days or such longer period as State may authorize. c. If City fails to provide payment to State as described in this agreement. d. If State fails to receive funding, appropriations, limitations or other expenditure authority at levels sufficient to pay for the work provided in the Agreement. If Federal or state laws, regulations, or guidelines are modified or interpreted in such a way that either the work under this agreement is prohibited or if State is prohibited from paying for such work from the planned funding source. Any termination of this agreement shall not prejudice any rights or obligations accrued to the parties prior to termination. Both parties shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, executive orders and ordinances applicable to the work under this agreement, including, without limitation, the provisions of ORS 279.312, 279.314, 279.316, 279,320, and 279.555, by this reference made a part hereof. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the parties expressly agree to comply with: (i) Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964; (ii) Section V of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; (iii) the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and ORS 659.425; (iv) all regulations and administrative rules established pursuant to the foregoing laws; and (v) all other applicable requirements of federal and state civil rights and rehabilitation statutes, rules and regulations. 'City acknowledges and agrees that State and the Oregon Secretary of State's Office and the federal government and their duly authorized representatives shall have access to such fiscal records and other books, documents, papers, plans and writing of City that are pertinent to this agreement to perform examinations and audits and make excerpts and transcripts. City shall retain and keep all files and records for a minimum of three years after completion of the Project. o As federal funds are involved in this agreement, Exhibits B and C are attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this agreement and are hereby certified to by State and City representatives. C'tt)' Of Woodburn / State of Oregon Agreement No. 18079 June 9. 2000 ATTAOH~IENT Page ~ of Page 5 10B This agreement and attached exhibits constitute the entire agreement between the parties on the subject matter hereof. There are no understandings, agreements, or representations, oral or written, not specified herein regarding this agreement. No waiver, consent, modification, or change of terms of this agreement shall bind either party unless in writing and signed by both parties and all necessary State approvals have been obtained. Such waiver, consent, modification or change, if made, shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose giveh. The failure of State to enforce any provision of this agreement shall not constitute a waiver by State of that or any other provision. SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW City Of Woodburn / State of Oregon Agreement No. 18079 June 9. 2000 ATTACHMENT Page.... of Page 6 10B IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have set their hands and affixed their seals as of the day and year hereinafter written. The Oregon Transportation Commission approved this project on June 7, 2000, by adding it through an amendment to the 2000-2003 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program. On March 18, 1999, the Oregon Transportation Commission approved Subdelegation Order 2, in which the Director grants authority to the Executive Deputy Director/Chief Engineer to approve and execute agreements over $75,000 for work in the current Statewide Transportation Improvement Program. STATE OF OREGON, by and through its Department of Transportation CITY OF WOODBURN, by and through its elected officials By Executive Deputy Director/Chief Engineer Date APPROVAL RECOMMENDED By Region 2 Manager By Title By Title Date Date By Date By State Traffic Engineer State District 3 Manager APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By City Legal Counsel Date Date APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By Assistant Attorney General Date R. 1 10B ~ I I I I I / / We~l W o~:~ll:~m / / / / / l )JECT J ~ SILVERTON CITY OF WOODBURN EXHIBIT A ROUTES 214 AND 219 SIGN BRIDGE PRO3ECT EXIIIBIT B (Local Agency or State Agency) CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION ATTACH..M ENT Page 10B Contraclor certifies by signing this contract that Contractor has not: (a) Employed or retained for a commission, percentage, brokerage, contingency fee or other consideration, any firm or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or lhe above consultant) to solicit or secure this contracl, (b) agreed, as an express or implied condition for obtaining this contract, to employ or retain the services of any finn or person in connection with carrying out the contract, or (c) paid or agreed to pay, to any finn, organization or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above consultant), any fee, contribution, donation or consideration of any kind for or in connection with, procuring or carrying out the contract, except as here expressly stated (if any): Contractor further acknowledges that this certificate is to be furnished to Iht Federal I lighway Administration, and is subject to applicable State and Federal laws, both criminal and civil. AGENCY OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION (OI)OT) Department official likewise certifies by signing this contract that Contractor or his/her representative has not been required directly or indirectly as an expression of implied condition in connection with obtaining or carrying out this contract to: (a) Employ, retain or agree to employ or retain, any finn or person or (b) pay or agree to pay, to any firm, person or organization, any fee, contribution, donation or consideration of any kind except as here expressly stated (if any): Department official further acknowledges this certificate is to be furnished to the Federal Highway Administration, and is subject to applicable State and Federal laws, both criminal and civil. EXHIBIT C Federal Provisions Oregon Department of Transportation I. CERTIFICATION OF NONINVOLVEMENT IN ANY DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION Contractor certifies by signing this contract that to the best of its knowledge and belief, it and its principals: I. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery falsification or destruction of records, making false statements or receiving stolen property; Rev 5/10/'2000 AGR FI~IK'IiRI Arc not presently indicted for or olhcr,,v~sc criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with commission of any of Ihe offenses enumerated in paragraph (I)(b) of this certification; and tlave not within a Ihree-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default. Where the Contractor is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall altach an explanation to this proposal. last exceptions. For each exception noted, indicate to whom the exception applies, initiating agency, and dates of action. If additional space is required, attach another page with the following heading: Certification Exceptions continued, Contract Insert. EXCEPTIONS: Exceptions will not necessarily result in denial of award, but will be considered in determining Contractor responsibility. Providing false information may result in criminal prosecution or administrative sanctions. The Contractor is advised that by signing this contract, the Contractor is deemed to have signed this certification. II. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MA'I-FERS-PRIMARY COVERED TRANSACTIONS I. By signing this contract, the Contractor is providing tile certification set out below. The inability to provide the certification required below will not necessarily result in denial of participation in this covered transaction. The Contractor shall explain why he or she cannot provide the certification set out below. This explanation will be considered in conneclion with Ihe Oregon Department of Transportation dete/'mination to enter into this transaction. Failure to furnish an explanation shall disqualify such person from participation in Ibis transaclion. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when the Department determined to enter into this transaction, if it is later determined that the Contractor knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available Rev ~,,'1017000 fi(iR t'EIX.'I~R I ATTACHMENT /,~ 10B P ge,,, of to the Federal (;overnment,or the l)eparlmenl may terminale this transaction for cause of defauh. The Contractor shall provide immediate written uotice to Ihe Department to whom Ihis proposal is submitled if at any time the Contractor learns that its certificalion was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. Tile terms "covered transaction", "debarred", "suspended", "ineligible", "lower tier covered transaction", "participant", "per.~on", "primary covered transaction", "principal", and "voluntarily excluded", as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of the rules implementing Executive Order 12549. You may contact the Department's Program Section (Tel. ($03) 986-3400) to which this proposal is being submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations. The Contractor agrees by submitting this proposal that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transactions with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the Department or agency entering into this transaction. The Contractor further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will include the Addendum to Form FtlWA-1273 titled, "Appendix B--Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion--Lower Tier Covered Transaclions", provided by the Department entering into this covered transaction without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transaclions. A participant in a covered transaclion may rely upon a certification ora prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended, ineligible or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows thai the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and freq0ency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may, but is not required to, check Ihe Nonprocurement List published by the U. S. General Services Administration. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall bc construed to require establishment of a system of records to render in good faith tile certification required by this clause The knowledge and infom~ation of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings 10. Except for transaclions authorized under paragraph 6 of ii, ese instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in tl~is transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government or tile Department. the Department may terminate tl~is transaction for cause or default. III. ADDENDUM TO FORM FItWA-1273, REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS This certification applies to subcontractors, material suppliers, vendors, and other lower tier participants. Appendix B of 49 CFR Part 2c) - Appendix B--Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion--Lower Tier Covered Transactions Instructions for Certification By signing and submitting this contract, thc prospective lower tier participant is providing the certification set out below. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the prospective lower tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available Io the Federal Government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to which this contract is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. Res $110t2000 ^GR I I-iIX.'ER 1 ATTACHMENT Page ~ of 10B '['he terms "covered Iransaction". "debarred", "suspended". "ineligible", "lower tier covered transaction", "participant", :'person", "primary covered transaction", "principal", "proposal", and "voluntarily excluded", as used in this clause, have the meanings set oul in the Definitions and Coverage sections of rules implementing Executive Order 12549. Vou may contact Ihe person to which this proposal is submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations. The prospective lower tier participant agrees b) submitting Ihis contract Ihat. should the proposed covered transaction be entered into,' it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction x¥ith a person who is debarred. suspended, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency with which this transaction originated The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting tills contract that it will include this clause titled, "Certification Regarding Debannent, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion--t.ower Tier Covered Transaction", without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended, ineligible or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may, but is not required to, check the nonprocurement list. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed thai which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 5 of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspendcd, debarred, ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation.in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal ATTACHMENT Page Government, the deparlmenl or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion--Lower Tier Covered Transactions The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals is presenlly debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in Ihis certification, such prospective participant shall al~ach an explanation to this proposal. IV. EMPLOYMENT Contractor warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Contractor, to solicit or secure this contract and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Contractors, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts or any other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this warranting, Department shall have the right to annul this contract without liability or in its discretion to deduct from the contract price or consideration or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. Contractor shall not engage, on a full or pan-time basis or other basis, during the period of the contracl, any professional or technical personnel who are or have been at any lime during the period of this contract, in the employ of Department, except regularly retired employees, without written consent of the public employer of such person. Contractor agrees to perform consulting services with that standard of care, skill and diligence normally provided by a professional in the performance of such consulling services on work similar to that hereunder. Department shall be entitled to rely on the accuracy, competence, and completeness of Contractor's services. Rev '{110/?000 ^(;Rtll I~('IR f V. N()NI)I.%CRIMINATION [)tiring Ibc performance of lhis contracl, Contractor, for himself, his assignees and successors in interest, hereinafter referred to as Contractor, ngrces as follows: Compliance with Regulations. Contraclor agrees to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Section 162(a) of the Federal-Aid Itighway Act of 1973 and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987. Contractor shall comply with the regulalions of the Department of Transportation relative to nondi'scrimination in Federally assisted programs of the Depamnent of Transportation, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 2 I, as they may be amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are incorporated by reference and made a pan of this contract. Contractor, with regard to the work performed after award and prior to completion of the contract work, shall not discriminate on grounds of race, creed, color, sex or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment. Contractor shall not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices, when the contract covers a program set forlh in Appendix B of the Regulations. Solicitation for Subcontractors, including Procurement of Materials and Equipment. In all solicitations, either by competitive bidding or negotiations made by Contractor for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurement of materials and equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by Contractor of Contraclor's obligations under this contract and regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex or national origin. Nondiscrimination in Employment (Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act). During the performance of this contracl, Contractor agrees as follows: Contractor will not discriminate againsl any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex or national origin. Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and Ihat employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, sex or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limiled to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff' or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notice setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of Contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex or national origin. Information and Reports. Contractor will provide all information and reports required by the Regulations or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and his facilities as may be determined by Department or FHWA as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts he has made to obtain the information. Sanctions for Noncompliance. In the event of Contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of the contract, Department shall impose such agreement sanctions as it or the FHWA may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to: a. Withholding of payments to Contractor under the agreement until Contractor complies; and/or b. Cancellation, termination or suspension of the agreement in whole or in part. Incorporation of Provisions. Contractor will include the provisions of paragraphs I through 6 of this section in every subcontract, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt from Regulations, orders or instructions issued pursuant thereto. Contractor shall take such action with respect to any subcontractor or procurement as Department or FHWA may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance; provided, however, that in the event Contractor becomes involved in or is threatened with litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, Department may, at its option, enter into such litigation to protect thc interests of Department, and, in addition, Contractor may request Department to enter into such litigation to protect thc interests of thc State of Oregon. Rcv &/lOf2000 AGR FI{IXI{RT VI. ATTACH...MENT /._.~ I=age of 10B DISAI)VANTAGEI) BUSINESS I~]N'I'ERPRISE (DBi-]) POt. ICY In accordance with Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 26, Contractor shall agree to abide by and take all necessary and reasonable steps to comply with the following statement: I)FIE POLICY STATEMENT DBE Policy. It is the policy of thc United States Department of Transportation (USDOT! to practice nondiscrimination on the basis of raco, color, sex and/or national origin in the award and administration of USDO'F assist contracts. Consequently, the DBE requirements of 49 CFR 26 apply to this contract. Required Statement For USDOT Financial Assistance Agreement. If as a condition of assistance the Agency has submitted and the US Department of Transportation has approved a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Affirmative Action Program which the Agency agrees to carry out, this affirmative action program is incorporated into the financial assistance agreement by reference. DBE Obligations. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and its contractor agree to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises as defined in 49 CFR 26 have the opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts and subcontracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds. In this regard, Contractor shall take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with 49 CFR 26 to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises have the opportunity to compete for and perform contracts. Neither ODOT nor its contractors shall discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the award and performance of federally-assisted contracts. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of such contracts. Failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy as ODOT deems appropriate. The DBE Policy Statement and Obligations shall be included in all subcontracts entered into under this contract. Records and Reports. Contractor shall provide monthly documentation to Department that it is subcontracting with or purchasing materials from the DBEs identified to meet contract goals. Contractor shall notify Department and obtain its written approval before replacing a DBE or making any change in thc DBE participation listed, if a DBE is unable to fulfill the original obligation to the contract, Contraclor must demonstrate to Department the Affirmative Action steps taken to replace the DBE with another DBE. Failure to do so will result in withholding payment on Ihose items. The monthly documentation will not be required after the DBE goal commitment is satisfactory to Department. Any DBE participation attained after the DBE goal has been satisfied should be reported to the Departments. DBE Definition. Only firms DBE certified by the State of Oregon, Department of Consumer & Business Services, Office of Minority, Women & Emerging Small Business, may be utilized to satisfy this obligation. CONTRACTOR'S DBE CONTRACT GOAL DBE GOAL By signing this contract, Contractor assures that good faith efforts have been made to meet the goal for the DBE participation specified in the Request for Proposal/Qualification for this project as required by ORS 200.045, and 49 CFR 26.53 and 49 CFR, Part 26, Appendix A. VII. LOBBYING The Contractor certifies, by signing this agreement to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf&the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress or an employee ora Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form Re.,, StlOt?000 AGR FEDCERT ATTAClTI~ENT -~ Page /,e- of ~ 10B to Report Lobbying", in accordance with its instructions. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into Ihis Iransaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 3 I, U S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. The Contractor also agrees by signing this agreement that he or she shall require that the language of this certificalion be included in all Ibwer tier subagreements, which exceed $100,000 and that all such subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. FOR INQUIRY CONCERNING ODOT'S DBE PROGRAM REQUIREMENT CONTACT OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS AT (503)986-4354. 10C TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: MEMO City Administrator for Council Actiofl~O/ Julie Mooreq~. E. Tech III through Public Works Director Extension of No Parking on Evergreen Road July 18, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the No Parking along both sides of Evergreen Road be extended to the south of Stacy Allison Way intersection by approximately 200 feet. BACKGROUND: Council approved no parking in April 2000 along both sides of Evergreen Road from Hwy. 214 to Stacy Allison. The road was recently resurfaced and re-striped to include a continuous left mm lane from Stacy Allison to Hwy. 214 and traffic flow in this portion has improved. However, the lane transition starts approximately 200 feet south of Staey Allison, which accommodates a left turn lane onto Staey Allison. It has now been requested to extend the no parking on both sides from Stacy Allison south approximately 200 feet to cover this area of transition from two lanes to three. Therefore, to increase safety and provide for better flow of traffic it is recommended that the no parking zone be extended on both sides of Evergreen south of Stacy Allison, approximately 200 feet to the northern driveway into French Prairie Care Cemer. STATE H[6HWAY NO. 214 ZLU ~ 988 985 986 10C ',7 ~so [-I PANOR 90 UNITS mmmmmmmm LEGEND ExisUng No Parking Proposed No Parking IRE 70 UNITS FRENCH PRAIRIE 42 UNITS 703 I EVERGREEN CLINIC 601 FRENCH PRAIRIE CARE CENTER 40 UNITS WEST HAYES 770 EVERGREEN ESTATES 64 UNITS 0 IOD 270 Montgomery Street, Woodbum~ oregon.. 97071. Phone (503) 982-:2345 Fax (503) 982-2370 Paul E. Null ° Chief of Police Scott D. Russell · Deputy Chief Date: To: Thru: From: July 12, 2000 Mayor and City Council Paul Null, Chief of Police Officer Linda Heddcks Re: STAFF REPORT National Night Out, Tuesday, August 1, 2000 On Tuesday, August 1st, neighborhoods throughout Woodbum are being invited to join forces with thousands of communities nationwide for the "17th Annual National Night Out." National Night Out will involve over 9,420 communities from all 50 states in the United States, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases around the wodd. In all, over 31.1 million people are expected to participate in America's Night Out Against Crime and Drugs on August 1st. National Night Out is desig ned to: (1) heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; .(2) generate support and participation in local anti-crime efforts; (3) strengthen neighborhood spirit and police- community relations; (4) send a message to criminals, letting them know neighborhoods, communities, businesses and the police are organized and fighting back. ': From 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. on August 1st, residents in neighborhoods throughout WoodbUm and across the nation asked to lock their homes, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with their neighbors and the police. Many Neighborhoods throughout Woodbum will be hosting a variety of special events such as block parties, cookouts, ice cream socials, organized flashlight walks, visits from the police and McGruff the crime fighting dog.' National Night Out Coordinator, Matt Peskin said, )ut is an ideal opportunity:for citizens and law enforcement nationwi~leto fOrm mor ',;'In 14A Community Development 2ZO Montgon~ry Street M M( I ANDUM Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-5246 Date: To: From: Subject: July 20, 2000 Mayor & City Council thru City Administrator ~--'~ ~' Planning Commission SPR 00-07; Washington Elementary Parking Addition At their regularly scheduled meeting of July 13, 2000, the Planning Commission approved with conditions a request by the VVoodburn School District to expand the parking lot at Washington Elementary. II. APPLICATION INFORMATION: Applicant: Bill Key VVoodburn School District 965 N. Boones Ferry Road VVoodburn, OR 97071 Property Owner: Woodburn School District 965 N. Boones Ferry Road Woodburn, OR 97071 Application Deemed Complete: June 6, 2000 120 Day Rule Deadline: October 5, 2000 Staff Report Available for Public Review: July 7, 2000 NATURE OF APPLICATION The applicant requests preliminary site plan approval for a parking lot expansion at Washington Elementary. The intent is to provide 35 additional off-street parking spaces for school staff to alleviate the on-street parking on the adjacent street (Lincoln). The addition is to be connected to an existing parking lot, and it is proposed to tap into existing on-site drainage facilities. As part of this proposal, the existing lot is to be resurfaced and restriped. 14A III. RELEVANT FACTS The property is located on the north side of E. Lincoln Street in between Gatch Street and Park Avenue. The site is addressed at 777 E. Lincoln, further described on Marion County Tax Assessor Maps as Township 5 South, Range 1 West, Section 18AA, Tax Lots 100 & 200. It is zoned PE (Public Education) District and is designated on the Comprehensive Plan Map as Public Use. There is an existing parking lot on the southwest portion of the property which is proposed to consist of 33 parking spaces after being resurfaced. However, the total number would be 4 or 5 less spaces due to necessary reconfiguration to meet City requirements. The proposed addition would be attached to the northern edge of this parking area and would utilize its existing drainage facilities for storm runoff. There is an existing hedge on the west property line which abuts single-family residential homes. The applicant is proposing to put in additional landscaping as needed for screening. This portion of the school property was rezoned in 1977 from RS (Single-Family Residential) District to PE (Public Education) through Ordinance No. 1581. There were several conditions of approval as part of the rezone, some of which apply to this project. Those conditions include: 1) The parking area shall be no less than 15 feet from the west property line, 2) No structures shall be built on this portion of the property, and 3) No bus traffic or maintenance shall take place on this portion of the property. These have all been satisfied. 14B Community 270 Montgomery Street Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-5246 Date; To: July 20, 2000 Mayor & City Council thru City Administrator-~/ From: Planning Commission Subject: SPR 00-08; Washington Elementary Modular Classroom At their regularly scheduled meeting of July 13, 2000, the Planning Commission concurred with the Planning Director's decision to approve one temporary, double classroom modular at Washington Elementary to accommodate increase in student population. I. APPLICATION INFORMATION Applicant: Bill Key VVoodburn School District 965 N. Boones Ferry Road Woodburn, OR 97071 Property Owner: Woodburn School District 965 N. Boones Ferry Road Woodburn, OR 97071 Application Deemed Complete: June 8, 2000 Staff Report Available for Public Review: July 10, 2000 120-Day Rule Deadline: October 6, 2000 NATURE OF APPLICATION: The applicant is requesting administrative approval for the placement of one temporary double modular classroom at their Washington Elementary School site. The applicant states "The Woodbum School District has a need to place one temporary double classroom modular unit at our Washington Elementary School site. The intent is to provide for temporary classroom place to meet the growth demands of our student population in this area. This unit will be factory assembled by a licensed and certified modular manufacturer and will conform to 14B the current Uniform Building code. Each classroom will be wired into the fire alarm system of the main building and will be equipped with ramps for handicap access. All electrical work will be done by licensed electrical contractors. There will be no plumbing in these classrooms ~. 14C Community Develooment 270 Montgor~ery Street M MO ANDUM Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-5246 Date: To: July 20, 2000 Mayor & City Council thru City Administrator From: Planning Commission Subject: SPR 00-09; Lincoln Elementary Modular Classrooms At their regularly scheduled meeting of July 13, 2000, the Planning Commission concurred with the Planning Director's decision to approve two temporary, double classroom modulars at Lincoln Elementary to accommodate increase in student population. I. APPLICATION INFORMATION Applicant: Bill Key Woodburn School District 965 N. Boones Ferry Road VVoodburn, OR 97071 Property Owner: Woodburn School District 965 N. Boones Ferry Road Woodburn, OR 97071 Application Deemed Complete: Staff Report Available for Public Review: 120-Day Rule Deadline: June 8, 2000 July 10, 2000 October 6, 2000 II. NATURE OF APPLICATION The applicant is proposing to locate two additional classroom modulars on the Lincoln Elementary site. They are to be adjacent to the two existing modulars on the northwest side of the main building. The proposed modulars are necessary to accommodate growth in student population within the VVoodburn School District. 14C III. RELEVANT FACTS Each modular consists of two classroom spaces, resulting in four additional classrooms as part of this proposal. The proposed location is removed from the adjacent rights-of-way and is well screened by the existing school building. They are to be identical in design to the existing modulars and would consist of similar landscaping surrounding the structures. The property is located on the northwest corner of Hwy 214 and Boones Ferry Road at 1041 N. Boones Ferry Road, further described on Marion County Tax Assessor Maps as Township 5 South, Range 1 West, Section 7BD, Tax Lot 2300. r7 i T~ 14D Community Develooment 270 Montgomery Street M MOI ANDUM Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-5246 Date: To; July 20, 2000 ,^~),~ Mayor & City Council thru City Administrator ~-~.,v From: Planning Commission Subject: SPR 00-10; Heritage Elementary Modular Classroom At their regularly scheduled meeting of July 13, 2000, the Planning Commission concurred with the Planning Director's decision to approve one temporary, double classroom modular at Heritage Elementary to accommodate increase in student population. I. APPLICATION INFORMATION Applicant: Bill Key Woodburn School District 965 N. Boones Ferry Road Woodburn, OR 97071 Property Owner: Woodburn School District 965 N. Boones Ferry Road Woodburn, OR 97071 Application Deemed Complete: Staff Report Available for Public Review: 120-Day Rule Deadline: June 8, 2000 July 10, 2000 October 6, 2000 II. NATURE OF APPLICATION The applicant is proposing to locate an additional classroom modular on the Heritage Elementary site. They are to be adjacent to the two existing modulars on the northeast side of the main building. The proposed modular is necessary to accommodate growth in student population within the Woodburn School District. 14D III. RELEVANT FACTS The modular consists of two classroom spaces, resulting in two additional classrooms as part of this proposal. The proposed location is to be screened from the adjacent right-of-way, and the properties to the east are currently screened by an existing landscape hedge. They are to be identical in design as the existing modulars and would consist of similar landscaping surrounding the structure. The property is located on the south side of Parr Road and east of Centennial Park at 440 Parr Road, further described on Marion County Tax Assessor Maps as Township 5 South, Range 2 West, Section 13, Tax Lot 500. 14E Community 270 Montgomery Street Woodburn, Oregon 97071 (503) 982-5246 Date: To: July 20, 2000 Mayor & City Council thru City Administrator/~''/' From: Planning Commission Subject: SUB 00-01; Montebello Phase II Subdivision At their regularly scheduled meeting of July 13, 2000, the Planning Commission approved with conditions the Phase II subdivision of the Montebello PUD. The request also consisted of a proposed modification to the PUD that a cedar good neighbor fence be permitted along the east property line instead of a block wall, which was originally required. This proposed modification was denied. I APPLICANT: Wilhelm Engineering Inc. 1771 Mt. Jefferson Ave. Woodburn, OR 97071 II OWNER: Capitol Development Company 711 Sleator Kinney Road S.E. Lacey, WA 98503-1068 III NATURE OF THE APPLICATION: The applicant is proposing to subdivide 14.88 acres into 72 residential single- family lots. The proposal is part of the Montebello Planned Unit Development and is to be processed as Phase 2. The proposal also includes a request to modify a condition of approval applied to Phase 1 that the fence along the east property line, adjacent to Senior Estates No. 7, be permitted as a cedar "good neighbor" fence instead of being required as a a brick or cinder block wall. IV RELEVANT FACTS: The project site is located directly to the south of Montebello Phase I and is proposed to be connected to the subdivision. The Montebelio PUD is directly west of Senior Estates No. 7 and is located to the southeast of Walmart and east of I-5. Montebello 1, which has received approval, will include two right-of-way extensions from West Hayes Street which will line up opposite with Lawson Street and Evergreen Road. With the addition of the 72 lots as part of this phase, 14E the total number of lots for the PUD will be 148. The lots in Phase 2 range from 6,000 to approximately 11,500 square feet in size. The site is fiat and contains no significant vegetation or sensitive wetland areas. As part of Phase 1, under Subdivision 98-03, Condition of Approval No. 9 stated that a brick or cinder block fence would be required along the extension of Evergreen Road and the eatern side of the subject site. The applicant is requesting as part of this proposal that this condition be modified.