Minutes - 07/17/2000 Spec Mtg SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 17,2000 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JULY 17,2000. CONVENED. The special meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the 1-5 Interchange Refinement Plan. 0007 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Jennings Bjelland Chadwick Figley Kilmurray Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, Public Works Director Tiwari, Public Works Manager Rohman, Senior Planner Mulder, City Recorder Tennant 0025 1-5 INTERCHANGE REFINEMENT PLAN. Administrator Brown stated that this meeting was scheduled to begin the public information process on the 1-5 Interchange project Numerous public meetings and focus group meetings have been held over the last several months to produce the refinement study which presents 3 alternatives for modification to the existing interchange. The City will be asked to go through a process to formalize this refinement plan into the City's Transportation Plan with further processing to the state level for future funding of any final construction project Each process will have its own public hearing, however, at this meeting, the Council is being asked to make a policy choice to endorse the refinement plan and initiate the steps that need to be taken to make it part of the Transportation Plan. This meeting gives all affected citizens, including business owners, an opportunity to understand what the refinement alternatives are before the Council makes a decision on which alternative to select. He reviewed the different contacts made to let the public know of this meeting in an effort to get citizen participation on this issue. He also stated that discussion at this time is focused on making amendments to the existing 1-5 interchange only since this is the alternative that federal, state, county, and local technical staffhave determined to be the alternative that will provide the traffic relief necessary over the next 15 to 20 years. In order to see any interchange improvements in the future, the City is required to make some change in the Transportation Plan. He stated that he had invited Terry Cole, ODOT Project Manager on the interchange refinement study, and Dan Frickey, ODOT Senior Transportation Planner, to provide a presentation which (1) outlines how federal, state, and local policies have dictated how this project has taken Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2000 M'_~'_~____"'__'-""'_"'"'~-"_'-"-~-"'---'- .-----.-..- ".,-~ ., .. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 17,2000 TAPE READING shape, (2) to give another summary of the results of the refinement study, and (3) review the general effect the alternatives will have on individual businesses. Terry Cole, Project Manager, provided a general overview of the goals utilized in the process, the findings, and the next steps to be followed in this process. During this process, policies and standards established by the Federal Highway Administrator, Oregon Dept. of Transportation, Woodburn Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Planning Rule, and Quality Development Rules were all taken into consideration in determining a final recommendation. Goals that were established included (1) meeting travel demand associated with land uses within the City's Comprehensive Plan, (2) meeting the major investment policy, (3) meeting the highway plan mobility policy, (4) meeting the access management policy, (5) meeting the safety geometric standards, (6) minimizing the physical impacts through use of guard rails and retaining walls, and (7) minimizing the overall cost of construction and right-of-way acquisition. In reviewing the alternatives that were available, it was determined that the 3 options were (1) tight urban diamond, (2) standard diamond, and (3) partial cloverleaf. The refinement plan recommends the standard diamond and partial cloverleaf alternatives being included in an environmental document He stated that there is some concern as to whether or not the standard diamond would be able to achieve the appropriate approach grade without having to lower 1-5 a little bit in order to meet clearance standards. On the other hand, the partial cloverleaf would eliminate left-turns from the intersections onto 1-5 and it will provide for a 6-lane crossing over 1-5. It was also noted that internal traffic circulation in the surrounding area will need to be improved and median control will be required to keep traffic flowing down to Oregon Way. Additionally, the partial cloverleaf does have more right-of-way impact than the standard diamond. The estimated cost for the standard diamond is $21 million while the estimated cost for the partial cloverleaf is $16.9 million. He stated that the option that appears to have the best operating characteristics is also the least expensive and has the fewest local impacts. The refinement plan recommendation is to take both options forward into an environmental impact document so that the alternatives can be looked at in greater detail and then dealt with once the environmental assessment was in progress. He stated that ODOT is not looking at a specific endorsement, however, they are looking for clarification in the City's Transportation System Plan in that the appropriate way to deal with the traffic problem is to fix the existing interchange rather than a second interchange. and to make the appropriate circulation improvements to the surrounding properties. He reminded the Council that they can still make policy statements endorsing the County pursing second interchanges in North Marion County. In any event, improvements will still need to be made to the existing interchange and, in accordance with the State's major investment policy, it is appropriate to take care of the existing interchange first. In regards to right-of-way impact, it was noted that the partial cloverleaf does require the Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 10,2000 I.'-""""'~'"~''''' "-"~.,. - - -~'~';"--~'''~--- ."-~_.....,..._.~.- _.~ " T' SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 17,2000 TAPE READING acquisition of more right-of-way to the east/west. Mr. Cole also stated that, even if funding was allocated in the next legislature. it will still take 5 or 6 years before the improvement project would be completed. Brief discussion was held regarding the length of approach on a cloverleaf and, in this case since it is a rural area, the approach would be longer thereby allowing motorists to pickup more speed before entering the main stream of traffic. Brief discussion was also held on spacing standards for a second interchange. Currently, rural area spacing standards are 6 miles while current minimum urban standards are 2 miles. Administrator Brown stated that the next step is proceeding with an actual amendment to the Transportation Plan. Staff is working towards a January 2001 date in which to have the amendment before the Council. There will be other issues to be addressed in the Plan such as circulation, south by-pass, and street improvement standards. The zoning ordinance and access management ordinance will also need some updates as part of this process. The City will be asked to provide for a share of the cost towards this project, however, the estimated cost for the project does not take into account the access management circulation improvements needed both during and after construction. The City's goal is to try to get the project on the ODOT statewide transportation improvement plan (STIP) which at least be the portion that would proceed with the environmental studies. The City will have to come up with a way of paying for the off-system improvements which may include negotiating with the State the payment issue versus credits towards improvements. The City has talked about a consolidated project ofthe 1-5 interchange improvement plus Highway 214 widening all of the way to Boones Ferry Road. Currently, the City has approximately $2 million that will be available as system development fees are collected. however. more funds will be necessary to make this project proposal work out with the State. Staff's approach is to try to keep the City's cost as low as possible and to try to get credit for the money being put into off-system improvements. Staff will also explore new state funding sources that has been made available through the Governor's office and any other grant sources that can be identified. Mayor Jennings stated that he had heard that some federal funds had been obtained for the NewberglDundee project which will free up some ODOT funds. Terry Cole stated that approximately $900,000 is now available to finish an environmental assessment and funds were obtained from various federal, state, and local sources. 1409 Dan Frickey stated that the project needs to be on the STIP for funding of the environmental assessment study. ODOT is currently working towards the next budget period in 2001 and the City needs to have the Transportation Plan amended by early 2001- It was also noted that ODOT will formally adopt the STIP in July 2001, however, the project list needs to be compiled by the end of this calendar year for review by applicable Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, July] O. 2000 ,.-,,--.. --- ,...,...~._~....~_.,. .~.-----..~- -"_,~",-~",,"~"''''''---'' ._----_..-----_.".~..~. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 17, 2000 TAPE READING agencies. 1684 Terry Cole stated that the Highway 214 widening project previously outlined in the Strobeck list would provide for widening from Woodland Avenue to Oregon Way. He stated that extending the widening project to Boones Ferry would be a feasible extension when completing an environmental assessment. Councilor Pugh stated that the necessary median to Country Club will result in an infrastructure problem to the City. therefore. the State should consider additional funding that would help offset widening costs to Boones Ferry Rd. In regards to right-of-way acquisition, Terry Cole stated that right-of-way discussions could begin with affected property owners as soon as the City's Transportation Plan is amended. Closure of the right-of-way issues need to be done by the conclusion of the environmental document. 1826 Administrator Brown stated that a second meeting date had originally been schedule for July 31 ", however, since there does not seem to be a need for the second meeting, he suggested that the Council cancel the July 31" meeting. The Buildable Lands workshop scheduled for 6:00 p.m on July 31'1 can be added to the regular Council meeting agenda. Phil Hand questioned the length of time for this proposed construction project. Terry Cole stated that, if money could be placed in the 2001-03 budget, the environmental documentation process can take from 18 months to 2 years to complete depending upon the complexity of the project. The next step is the right-of-way and preliminary/final engineering process which can then take another 2 years to complete. Lastly, it will take about a 2 season construction time frame. Mick DeSantis stated that the widening of Highway 214 from Boones Ferry to 1-5 is necessary to make the interchange work. Terry Cole stated that the refinement plan looked at the area from Woodland Ave to Oregon Way. however, the traffic problem from Oregon Way to Settlemier will continue to get progressively worse as the community grows. It was noted that the City has been committed to try and extend the Highway 214 widening to Settlemier Ave/Boones Ferry Rd,. Some discussion was also held regarding right-of-way acquisition along Highway 214 near the intersection of Highway 214 and Cascade Drive. No objections were expressed by the Council regarding the staffs progression towards amendment of the Transportation Plan. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2000 w__,_,."._"..._~.._~_"..__..___ ......-.....--.._. '1 T'- SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 17,2000 TAPE READING 2359 ADJOURNMENT. FIGLEYfKILMURRA Y... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m__ APPROVEO~/ RI HARD JENNIN S, M9?fOR ATTEST-JQ~~d Mary Te nt, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, July 10. 2000 - ---..~_."."~.- .--"*.~.._.