Minutes - 09/25/2000 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, SEPTEMBER 25, 2000. CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. 0012 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Jennings Bjelland Chadwick Figley Kilmurray Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Police Chief Null, Acting Community Development Director Mulder, Finance Director Gillespie, Public Works Manager Rohman, Park Director Westrick, Management Analyst Smith, Recorder Tennant Mayor Jennings stated that he had spoken with Councilor Chadwick who is still recovering from major surgery. She stated that she will be back to resume her Councilor duties, however, she was concerned about the number of meetings that she has missed so far. 0050 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) "Sacagawea Speaks": Dramatic portrayal by Joyce Badgley Hunsaker will be held on Friday, September 29th, 7:00 pm, in the Woodburn High School Lectorium. B) Fall Clean-up Day: Livability Task Force is coordinating this event and litter pick-up along the city streets will be held on Saturday, October 7'h. Volunteers are asked to report to the Woodburn High School parking lot at 8:30 am for equipment and assignments. C) Tree Planting Project: Volunteers are needed to help with this project which will be held on Saturday, October 21", at Legion Park. D) Public Hearings on Alley Project and Parr Road Local Improvement Districts: The hearings will be held before the City Council on October 23, 2000 as part of the regular Council meeting. E) Introduction of recently hired Building Official: Administrator Brown stated that a conditional offer of employment has been given to Dan Nelson pending completion of pre-employment tests. Mr. Nelson has been working for the City under a contract with the County over the last several months and completed successfully for the position which was part of an open recruitment process. It is anticipated that his work will begin Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 25, 2000 ..--.-...--...---....--..- ._-"'-_._.------_._.._~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 TAPE READING in about two weeks and he will be in attendance at the next regular Council meeting. F) Supplemental Budget: A supplemental budget will be reviewed by the City Council at their October 9th meeting. The proposed budget will provide for the appropriation of funds to pay for the document imaging system which is before the Council under a general business item at this meeting. Revenues for the purchase of this equipment include grant funds and city match funds. It was noted that changes in the budget law allow the Council to follow a supplemental budget process which does not involve the Budget Committee when the proposed budget is less than 10% of the operational budget of the fund proposed to be adjusted. 0137 APPOINTMENTS TO LIBRARY BOARD. Mayor Jennings appointed the following individuals to the Library Board: Position 1- Marie Brown to fill the unexpired term of Dorothy Jaeger with a term expiration date of December 31, 2002; Position VI - Ardis Knauf to fill the new position authorized by the Council with a term expiration date of December 31, 2003; and Position VII - Kevin Schiedler to fill the new student position authorized by the Council with his term to expire on September I, 2002. PUGHlFIGLEY... approve the appointments to the Library Board. Councilor Figley stated that she had reviewed the applications and feels that all of the appointees will do an excellent job on the Board. The motion to approve the appointments passed unanimously. 0207 PROCLAMATION HONORING STEVE GOECKRITZ UPON HIS RETIREMENT FROM CITY SERVICE. Mayor Jennings read the proclamation honoring Mr. Goeckritz for his 20 years of dedicated city service as our Planning Director and Community Development Director during which time the City has grown in residential, commercial and industrial developments and undertaken several major land use projects. Steve Goeckritz expressed his appreciation to the Council for their support. He also stated that the Planning Commission is very conscientious about their vision of what the City should be like in the future which will make transition easier for the new Director. In his opinion, the management staff is the best and they work well with the Council in accomplishing tasks benefitting the community. The Councilors expressed their individual thanks to Steve for his service to our community. 0402 PRESENT A TION . HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION AWARD. Scott Summers, Chairman of the Human Rights Commission, stated that 6 awards are presented throughout the year to individuals who, in the course of their daily lives, are Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 25, 2000 . >_'.____h"__"'_' ""___._._,_..____-_"-----~..;-----'-.--~..".--.,--. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 TAPE READING doing things that bring together people and cultures within our community. This particular award recognized Nari Mendenhall for her work in managing different apartment complexes. She took over at a complex which was having problems and did a good job in creating a sense of community by helping the residents to work through cultural barriers, coordinating social activities, and helping residents with financial statements and other legal documents. She expressed her appreciation to the Commission in honoring her for helping people, therefore, she did not expect public recognition for by the community. 0490 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPORT. Doug Templeton, Chamber Board member, informed the Council of the upcoming Chamber events: 1) Silver Falls Tour Route opening will be held on September 28th with the opening ceremony to be held at the Woodburn Outlet stores; 2) The Chamber Business Showcase went well this year; and 3) Chamber After Hours will be held on October 12th at Cascade Retirement Center and on October 26th at the Mid-Valley Bank. He also briefly commented on this year's leadership of the Chamber and expressed his opinion that Phil Hand is doing an excellent job as Chamber President. He also stated that Jane Kanz continues to do a good job as Executive Director. 0589 WOODBURN DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION REPORT. Doug Templeton, WDA Chairman, expressed his appreciation to Administrator Brown and Mayor Jennings for their attendance at their last meeting. The WDA hopes to have some nice trash cans to show the Mayor and staff for placement in the downtown area. 0665 CONSENT AGENDA. A) Council Minutes of August 28, 2000; B) Draft Planning Commission minutes of August 10 & 24, and September 14,2000; C) Draft Library Board minutes of September 13, 2000; D) Claims for the month of August 2000; E) Planning Project Tracking Sheet; F) Building Activity Report for August 2000; G) Police Department Activities Report for April 2000; and H) Soccer field lighting at Woodburn High School. FIGLEY/PUGH... adopt the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 25, 2000 ~ or ,~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 TAPE READING 0692 COUNCIL BILL NO. 2263 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO A LEASE OF PROPERTY WITH UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Councilor Sifuentez introduced Council Bill 2263. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2263 duly passed. 0717 COUNCIL BILL 2264 - RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COMPENSATION FOR NON-UNION EMPLOYEES. Council Bill 2264 was introduced by Councilor Sifuentez. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2264 duly passed. 0741 COUNCIL BILL 2265 - RESOLUTION EXTENDING WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE TO CERTAIN VOLUNTEERS. Council Bill 2265 was introduced by Councilor Sifuentez. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2265 duly passed. 0768 CONSIDERATION OF DRAFT MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FOR 2000-01- Councilor Figley questioned the difference in the Council Bill adoption date versus the recommended December 1'( effective date of the proposed schedule. Management Analyst Smith stated that the Bill Sizemore measure on the ballot, if passed, would affect fees for services and it could have a retroactive impact on all fees that have been increased over the last couple of years. FIGLEYIKILMURRA Y....approve the 2000-01 draft master fee schedule with an October 9, 2000 adoption date and a December 1,2000 effective date. Staff noted that this schedule will be brought back before the Council at the next meeting in ordinance form. The motion passed unanimously. 0816 BID A WARD - UTILITY VEHICLE (WASTEWATER). Bids for a utility vehicle to be used for maintenance operations were received from the following vendors: Salem Farm & Garden, $5,412.00; Fisher-Ernst Group, $5,445.00; and Lennon Implement, $5,486.00. Staff recommended that the Council accept the low bid from Salem Farm & Garden. FIGLEY IKILMURRA Y .... low bid from Salem Farm & Garden in the amount of $5,412.00 for a utility vehicle be accepted. Mayor Jennings questioned if the City is required to accept the low bid when there is such Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 25, 2000 ~___,___.._,.u~.."~.... ...~_.~~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 TAPE READING a small difference in price between the bid from an out-of-town business and a local business. Councilor Pugh stated that there is less than I % difference in bids and he feels that the City could write in the bid quotes that a company outside of the City would need to have at least a 3% margin over a local business bid in order to receive the bid award. He also stated that he would vote against awarding bids with this small of a margin until such time as the City does give preference to local businesses. Attorney Shields stated that the City is governed by state bidding laws and any local laws are pre-empted. The vote on the motion was 4-1 with Councilor Pugh voting nay. 0866 CONTRACT AWARD - W ASTEW A TER TREATMENT PLANT LAB REMODEL PROJECT. Bids for this project were received from the following contractors: Corp Inc., $760,000; 2KG Contractors, $874,000; DGS General Contractors, $908,000; Bartel Contracting Inc., $910,000; Meng-Hannan Construction, $938,000; The Grant Company, $960,000; Magno Pacific, Inc., $971.500; and J.E. Inc., $1,072,000. It was also noted in the staff memo that not a single bidder fully complied with the rules of signing all appropriate documents. Therefore, the City Attorney drafted Findings for this bid which were presented to the Council for consideration acting in the capacity of the Local Contract Review Board for the City. FIGLEY/KILMURRA Y... accept the low bid from Corp Inc. in the amount of $760,000 based on the revised findings submitted by the City Attorney which was distributed to each Councilor at this meeting. The motion passed unanimously. 0915 AGREEMENT FOR CABLE TELEVISION CONSULTING SERVICES. FIGLEYIKILMURRA Y.... authorize the City Administrator to negotiate and execute agreements with MuniCom for 1) consulting services for cable television franchise renewal, for an amount not to exceed $21,300; and 2) consulting services for cable television franchise transfer in an amount not to exceed $5,760. Mayor Jennings stated that the law provides for a formal process that must be followed and staff will attempt to have it done by January 1,2001, however, the City is not bound by the January 1" date since DirectLink was outside ofthe window period which would require the January 1" deadline. The motion passed unanimously. 0965 ACCEPTANCE FOR PROPOSAL FOR DOCUMENT IMAGING. The only proposal received was from VP Consulting in the amount of $22,610 for software and implementation services. Staff recommended that this proposal be accepted Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 25, 2000 ----.--.-..----..'------.. ,..._~....,- . ". "Of COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 TAPE READING which would be partially funded from a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant that must be obligated by September 30, 2000. FIGLEY IKILMURRA Y .... accept the proposal of VP Consulting to provide an imaging and document management system for $22,610, and authorize staff to negotiate and the Mayor to sign a contract with VP Consulting for the purchase, installation, and maintenance of a document imaging and management system by Friday, September 29, 2000. Mayor Jennings stated that this project is one of the City's first steps towards having the ordinances and other city documents available for research on the internet. The motion passed unanimously. 1010 CONTRACT A WARD FOR CENTENNIAL PARK PHASE II PARKING LOT PAVING. Bids for the paving of the parking lot were received from the following contractors: Morse Bros., $74,423.25; Roy L. Houck Co., $74,880.85; and Parker Northwest Paving Co., $76,601.90. FIGLEYIKILMURRA Y.... award a construction contract to the lowest qualified bidder, Morse Bros., for the Centennial Park Phase II parking lot in the amount of $74,423.25. The motion passed unanimously. 1032 CITY LOGO REVISION. Administrator Brown stated that the City had utilized the services of a designer to provide several new logo designs for the purpose of updating the logo to be more in line with the way the City is today. The Councilors were given copies of 4 designs which have made it through various staff reviews. He briefly described what each design represented and reminded the Council that they could still make changes to anyone of the designs including the colors used. The logo would be used on city letterhead, business cards, caps, department insignias, uniforms, patches, and other symbols that the City may be developed in the future. The Councilors individually expressed their views on each logo with the "City Icons" and the landscape designs being the most popular of the 4 designs presented. PUGH! .... landscape design be selected as the new city logo. The motion died for lack of a second. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... treeless icon be adopted as the new logo. Councilor Kilmurray suggested that the business cards not include the picture since it may be too small by the time the picture is reduced in size. Staff will continue to work on revising the design based on comments made at this meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 25, 2000 _w_.~~ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 TAPE READING 1511 BROKERAGE ACCOUNT WITH MCDONALD INVESTMENTS. FIGLEYIKILMURRA Y.... authorize the Mayor, City Administrator, Finance Director, and City Recorder to sign a "Corporate Resolution to Open and Carry a Brokerage Account" form from McDonald Investments. The motion passed unanimously. Councilor Bjelland requested clarification of the interest earnings to be gained by utilizing a private brokerage house versus the Local Government Investment Pool. Finance Director Gillespie stated that, in any event, investing funds in the brokerage house will generate more interest income to the City. If interest rates decline, the investment yield will be greater to the City than if the interest rates increase. 1540 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - BULLET PROOF VEST GRANT. The Police Department has been awarded a grant from the Dept. of Justice in the amount of $2,189.00 which is approximately 50% of the cost to purchase 7 bulletproof vests. FIGLEYIKILMURRA Y.... approve receipt and allocation of grant funds for the purchase of bulletproof vests. The motion passed unanimously. 1650 OLCC LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION: ARANDAS TAOUERIA. 550 N FIRST STREET #5. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ.... approve a Restaurant Liquor License (R) for Isidro Sevilla DBA Arandas Taqueria located at 550 N. First St. #5. The motion passed unanimously. 1665 "NO PARKING" ON N. FRONT STREET NORTH OF HARRISON STREET. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that city standards are that "No Parking" would be on the east side of the roadway. However, the petition received had requested "No Parking" on the west side. Since this is a change in city policy, staff was unsure as to whether or not the Council would want to hold a public hearing giving the residents an opportunity to express their views. He reiterated that the hearing was not required and the Council could make a decision at this meeting. Councilor Figley expressed concern in (1) residents re-thinking their position and then deciding not to pursue the original plan and (2) making sure that adequate street parking is available so that residents do not park on lawns. PUGHlFIGLEY.... Public Works be instructed to install "No Parking" signs on the west side of N. Front Street north of Harrison Street. The motion passed unanimously. 1870 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS. A) Site Plan Review #00-06: Approval to construct a 14,400 square foot industrial building on a 1.27 acre site located north of 2725 N. Front Street. B) Site Plan Review #00-15, Variance #00-06, Partition #00-03: Approval to construct an Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 25, 2000 . l .~~____..,_.....__... . < ".,w,.w____,_._.,..__..~,_...--.d'__-_-_"-" ....-,,---- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 TAPE READING Auto Zone, Inc., auto parts store at 1041 N. Pacific Highway. No action was taken by the Council on these two Planning Commission actions. 1888 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. A) On the October 9th Council meeting agenda, a business item will be brought before the Council which is the consideration of the Urban Renewal District. The feasibility study is almost complete and discussion will be held on the boundaries which includes the downtown area and extends out to Highway 99E. B) He also stated that he would be out of state beginning Wednesday, September 27th and will return to the office on Monday, October 2nd. In his absence, Public Works Director Tiwari will be in charge of the daily operations and Chief Null in charge of police activities. 1936 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Pugh stated that he is very pleased with the new sidewalk which abuts the sound wall along Woodland Avenue. Councilor Bjelland briefly reported on the Rural Investment Fund allocation of projects for the upcoming year. Included on the funding list are 1) the Mill Creek watershed, and 2) the GIS improvement project, both of which will have some impact on the City. The only other project Woodburn had in the running was an Illustrated Childrens Story Anthology in three languages which was proposed by Woodburn High School. Hopefully, next year Woodburn will be in a better position to submit projects that will be specifically directed to Woodburn. He also stated that the Marion County Growth Management Steering Committee will be holding two community input meetings to review the work of the Growth Management Task Force. The meetings will be a workshop type of environment in which the consultants will provide a presentation on what Marion County is projected to look like in the year 2050. Additionally, growth boundaries will be shown under a base assumption that growth will occur and use up land as in the past. One of the meetings will be held in Woodburn and he encouraged our local citizens to attend and participate in this process. Specific dates will be made available at an upcoming Council meeting. Councilor Sifuentez stated that she will be coordinating a clean-up crew as part of the Livability Task Force October 7th program and she invited volunteers to participate in her group that will be working in the area of MacLaren School. Mayor Jennings stated that the City's Festival of Christmas Music will be held on December 1" , 4th, and 6th at the High School Lectorium. Additionally, he is working on Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 25, 2000 T T . ....,.,_._..._~-,..~..~---_._-_.-. .,.,---.".--.-.-..-- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 TAPE READING appointing a steering committee who will put together a full month of activities celebrating the Christmas season. He also stated that he will be out of town between October 2nd and October 9th but will return in time for the Council meeting. 2260 EXECUTIVE SESSION. The Mayor requested that the Council adjourn to executive session under the authority of ORS 192.660(l)(e), ORS 192.660(1)(h), and 192.660(l)(f). PUGHJFIGLEy.... adjourn to executive session under the state statutes cited by the Mayor. The motion passed unanimously. The Council adjourned to executive session at 8: 10 p.m. and reconvened at 9:02 p.m.. 2308 Mayor Jennings stated that no action was taken by the Council during executive session. He also stated that he will be attending the opening ceremony of the Silver Falls Tour route but will be unable to take the bus tour. Councilor Sifuentez stated that she will be on the tour. 2374 ADJOURNMENT. PUGHJFIGLEY... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m.. APPROVED ATTEST~ c. * Mary Ten nt, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 9 - Council Meeting Minutes, September 25,2000 . ,. ~_._,____~_,___""__".__"____H.