Minutes - 10/23/2000 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2000 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, OCTOBER 23, 2000. CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Jennings presiding. 0012 ROLL CALL. Mayor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Jennings Bjelland Chadwick Figley Kilmurray Pugh Sifuentez Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Public Works Director Tiwari, Police Chief Null, Interim Community Development Director Mulder, Finance Director Gillespie, Public Works Manager Rohman, Park & Recreation Director Westrick, Library Director Sprauer, City Recorder Tennant 0021 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) City Hall office closures: In observance of Veterans Day, City Hall offices will be closed on Friday, November 10th. B) Woodburn Public Library will be open on November 10, 2000. C) Election Drop Box: Woodburn City Hall is a designated ballot box site for the upcoming general election. Voters can placed their ballots in the box located in the City Hall lobby during regular business hours. City Hall will be open until 8:00 p.m. on election day, November 7th, to allow voters an opportunity to deposit their ballot in the election box prior to the 8:00 p.m. deadline. He reminded the public that this is a vote by mail election and there will be no polling places open for this election. 0042 PRESENTATIONS. AMERICAN HOMETOWN LEADERSHIP AWARD. Scott Gavick, Manager of the Woodburn Wal-Mart store, stated that Wal-Mart, in conjunction with the National Center for Small Communities, annually gives awards entitled "American Hometown Leadership Award". Local officials are nominated for outstanding duties and great efforts that improve their communities. Throughout the country, there are approximately 300 winners of this award. This year, Mayor Jennings was nominated, and selected, for his outstanding services to the City. In addition to the Certificate of Award, Mr. Gavick presented Mayor Jennings with a $1,000 donation to be used within the community for a project of his choice. Mayor Jennings stated that the funds will be used towards the skate park facility. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 23, 2000 '.-....-.,.....-.- --~....,.__.. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2000 TAPE READING 0102 PRESENTATION: MARION COUNTY MULTI-AGENCY DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCE. Police Chief Null stated that local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies have been meeting to discuss methods of countering the increasing drug activity within Marion County. These discussions brought out the fact that the smaller law enforcement agencies do not have the resources available to work on the problem within their community. It was the consensus of the involved agencies to pool resources to enhance and impact the effectiveness of drug enforcement throughout the county. As a result, a county-wide task force is being proposed as a means of providing drug enforcement to all of Marion County. Lt. Dave Okata, Marion County Sheriff's department, stated that Marion County, along with Deschutes County and Jackson County, have been designated by the federal government as a high intensity drug trafficking area. To address this issue, the law enforcement agencies have developed a Task Force known as the Marion County Area Gang and Narcotics Enforcement Team (MAGNET). The mission of the team is to enhance community safety and livability by implementing a comprehensive community response strategy to the threat of illegal drugs. Principles and goals of the team include 1) joint command within this multi-agency task force, 2) unified commitment of all agencies to address the issues, 3) multi-agency cooperation and participation of cities, county, state, and federal government, 4) multi-discipline approach to not only get the criminals off the street but also address the narcotics use problem, 5) Task Force would work as a single entity with a single command structure, 6) improve county-wide communication on this issue, 7) serve all areas of Marion County, 8) be responsive to the needs and requests of all agencies, 9) share resources of all involved agencies for efficient operation. and 10) task force has a commitment to success. He reviewed the proposed organizational structure which is made up of an executive board (all Police Chiefs in Marion County, and representatives from Oregon State Police, Marion County District Attorney's office, FBI, and DEA), the operations committee (representatives of all participating agencies), and commanders for the Street Crimes and Gang Response Team. Once the Task Force is in full force, there will be approximately 40 members on the force. Lt. Ed Boyd. Salem Police Department, reviewed statistical information on crime rates that are tied to narcotics. It was also noted that drug related deaths are increasing in Marion County. Additionally, treatment admissions for methamphetamines and heroin are very high in Oregon which follows through as to why the narcotics problem has escalated to its current level. Lt. Okata stated that the Task Force is looking at a holistic approach which involves enforcement, community education, and school programs. He stated that methamphetamines is one of the current, and biggest, problems currently faced by enforcement agencies since the labs are very toxic and dangerous. Landlords could be Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 23, 2000 . 1"- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2000 TAPE READING faced with a large financial loss if their property is used as a methamphetamine lab. He reiterated that the formation of a multi-agency team will make an impact within our county. Councilor Pugh complimented the presenters on their work to date and expressed his desire to see information on this program in the local newspapers so that the public is aware of what actions local agencies are taking to try to combat this problem. 0668 Evan Thomas, representing a local skate board group, stated that a skate park is needed in Woodburn and they are in support of the bond measure which would provide some funding towards a skate park. He stated that they do not want to upset property owners, however, in order to skate in a park, they have to travel to Salem, Canby, or Portland. Additionally, Donald and Hubbard are in the process of building a skate park and the local skaters would like the City to do whatever they can to proceed with constructing a skate park in Woodburn. He stated that the skaters are also willing to help in anyway they can to help get information to the voters on the bond measure. Mayor Jennings stated that he is committed to building a skate park during the next two years. As a temporary solution, staff is researching the possibility of utilizing a portion of the parking lot behind the post office. He suggested that Mr. Evans, along with 3 or 4 other skaters, meet with the City Administrator to further discuss this issue. Administrator Brown stated that he has discussed this with the Mayor, however, he also needs to discuss the liability issues with the City Attorney before a final decision can be made. Councilor Figley stated that she would like to talk to any of the skaters willing to help with passage ofthe park bond issue. 0825 CONSENT AGENDA. A) Council minutes of October 9,2000 regular and executive session; B) Draft Library Board minutes of October 11, 2000; C) Draft Planning Commission minutes of September 14 & 28, 2000, and October 12, 2000; D) Police activity report for May 2000; E) Claims for the month of September 2000; and F) Addendum to the City Administrator's employment agreement. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... adopt the consent agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 0852 PUBLIC HEARING - FINAL ASSESSMENT ON ALLEY PROJECT LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT. Mayor Jennings declared the public hearing open at 7:29 p.m.. Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 23, 2000 ""--- .... T' ....... COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2000 TAPE READING Finance Director Gillespie stated that this public hearing, along with the public hearing following on the Parr Road improvements, is the final step in assessing benefitted properties for improvements made in their area. He reviewed the local improvement district process which included various hearings. an engineering report, notifications to property owners, and an ordinance calling for the improvement. Once the construction is complete, final assessment can be imposed by the Council and property owners can either payoff their assessment in full within 30 days without interest or payoff their assessment in equal semi-annual installments over a IO-year period. He stated that the downtown Alley project began in June 1997 and the City elected to utilize our own funds rather than financing the project through a bond issue. It was also noted that, at the time of this project, Ballot Measure 47 had been passed by the voters and it was uncertain as to what authority local governments would have to issue bonds. Ultimately, local government authority was not diluted, however, under the circumstances, it was decided to finance the project internally. The interest rate to be applied on unpaid assessment balances will be 6.18% which is equal to the blended bond rate plus .5% which was authorized in the preliminary assessment to cover administrative costs. 1063 AI Sprauer, representing the Elks Lodge, stated that the notice of assessment came as a surprise and he questioned 1) when the ordinance was adopted and LID formed, 2) by what means were the Elks Lodge notified. 3) if a copy of the Planning Commission's action prior to the Council adoption of this LID could be obtained, and 4) if Council consider of tabling action on this issue for I month to allow them time to review the assessment proposed on their property. Public Works Director Tiwari stated that the process began in 1997 and the local improvement district process did involve notification to affected property owners by mail. The hearing did take place, however, less than 50% of the property owners objected to the assessment, therefore, the Council proceeded to adopt an ordinance authorizing the local improvement district and the project. He reiterated that the costs allocated to the benefitted properties in the original ordinance are the same as those costs proposed in the final assessment notices. Since the initial passage of the ordinance, there may have been changes in property owners which could be a reason as to why current property owners are not aware of this pending assessment. He stated that he is more than willing to provide the information requested by Mr. Sprauer. Mayor Jennings declared the public hearing closed at 7:43 pm. He questioned if the Council wanted to table the issue as requested by Mr. Sprauer, however, no action was taken by the Council to table the issue. PUGHJFIGLEY... direct staff to bring back an ordinance levying the final assessments on the Alley local improvement district. The motion passed unanimously. Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 23, 2000 ------,+-_...,,"~.,~._..~.__.,....._. COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2000 TAPE READING 1353 PUBLIC HEARING - PARR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS LID. Mayor Jennings declared the public hearing open at 7:45 pm.. Finance Director Gillespie stated that the total cost of this project allocated to assessments was $442,647 of which the School District has already paid their portion of the assessment in the amount of $277,042.91. There are two other properties within the district that have also paid for their share of the assessment and the Hope Lutheran Church has conveyed some property to the City for this project valued at $14,000 which is an offset to their total assessment. The interest rate for this assessment will be 6.18% and property owners can make equal semi-annual payments over a 10 year period. No one in the audience spoke either in favor or against the final assessment. Mayor Jennings closed the public hearing at 7:49 p.m.. FIGLEYIPUGH... direct staff to bring an ordinance levying the final assessment on the Parr Road LID. The motion passed unanimously. 1503 COUNCIL BILL 2268 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO A PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES IN MARION COUNTY CREATING A REGIONAL DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCE. Councilor Chadwick introduced Council Bill 2268. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2268 duly passed. 1577 EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. FIGLEYIPUGH... authorize the City Administrator to execute an agreement employing James Mulder as Community Development Director. The motion passed unanimously. 1596 COUNCIL BILL 2269 . RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO 2000 FUND EXCHANGE AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Council Bill 2269 was introduced by Councilor Chadwick. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2269 duly passed. 1631 COUNCIL BILL 2270 . RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH CHEMEKETA COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE CHEMEKETA COOPERATIVE REGIONAL LIBRARY SERVICES. Councilor Chadwick introduced Council Bill 2270. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final Page 5 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 23, 2000 . . ..'t- .... COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2000 TAPE READING passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Jennings declared Council Bill 2270 duly passed. 1666 NO PARKING ON LINCOLN STREET BETWEEN GATCH STREET AND WASHINGTON SCHOOL. Staff recommended the installation of No Parking signs for the purpose of improving visibility and safety for motorists and school children. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... approve the installation of No Parking signs along the north side of Lincoln Street between Gatch Street and the west driveway of Washington School. The motion passed unanimously. 1688 CONTRACT A WARD - PURCHASE OF DUMP TRUCK (Street Dent.) Proposals for the purchase of a used 10 to 12 yard dump truck were received from the following vendors: Hertz Rental, Inc. (1994 Ford), $47,500; DSU Peterbuilt, Inc. (1997 Peterbuilt), $48,500; and Valley Freightliner (1998 Freightliner), $64,900. Staff recommended the purchase of the 1997 Peterbuilt since this vehicle seemed to be the best value for the price quoted. PUGWFIGLEY.... award the contract to DSU Peterbuilt for a used dump truck in the amount of $48,500.00. Mayor questioned if the City had the ability to award the bid to DSU since the bid from Hertz Rental was lower. City Attorney Shields stated that the staff had requested proposals versus bids therefore, acceptance of the proposal from DSU Perterbuilt is allowable. The motion passed unanimously. 1735 OREGON LIOUOR LICENSE APPLICATION: SU CASA IMPORTS. INC. A change of establishment location liquor license application was submitted by Su Casa Imports located at 1032 N. Pacific Highway. The Police Chief recommended that the Council approve the license request for this establishment. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... approve the change in location of Su Casa Imports package store liquor license from 297 Front Street to 1032 N. Pacific Hwy both located in Woodburn. The motion passed unanimously. 1756 OREGON LlOUOR LICENSE APPLICATION: SENIOR ESTATES GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB. An application was submitted by Senior Estates Golf & County Club, Inc., and Tracy Northcutt for the purpose of dropping a previous licensee and adding Tracy Northcutt as a new partner. The Police Chief recommended that the application be approved. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ... approve the package store and restaurant liquor license for Page 6 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 23, 2000 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2000 TAPE READING Senior Estates Country Club and Tracy Northcutt at 1776 Country Club Road, Woodburn. The motion passed unanimously. 1780 LEAGUE OF OREGON CITIES CONFERENCE: SELECTION OF VOTING DELEGATE. Mayor Jennings stated that the conference will be held November 10 - 12,2000 in Portland, however, rooms have been reserved for November 9th since the first meeting is early Friday morning. Following discussion as to who will be attending the general Business Meeting, SIFUENTEZlBJELLAND... Mayor be selected as the Voting Delegate for the City. BJELLANDIFIGLEY... amend the motion to add Councilor Sifuentez as the alternate Voting Delegate. The motion to amend passed unanimously. The motion as amended passed unanimously. 1897 Al Sprauer, representing the Elks Lodge, stated that, after looking at some of the paperwork provided by staff during the meeting, the original notification was provided to Mr. Webster who was the property owner during the time period in which the LID was formed. His organization will be discussing this issue with Mr. Webster rather than with the City. 1954 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS: A) Site Plan Review 00-05: Conditional Use approval for a beauty salon (spa) located at 560 Glatt Circle B) Site Plan Review 00-23: approval of expansion of existing restaurant located at 523 N. Front Street C) Site Plan Review 00-24: approval to allow installation of lighting around the new soccer field at Woodburn High School. The Council took no action on the Site Plans listed above. 1960 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. A) Cable Television Franchise Renewal Update: Administrator Brown stated that he is moving forward with the Cable TV Franchise renewal request. In his discussions with Direct Link, they still intend to try and sell the cable portion of their system. He will be entering into an agreement with our Cable TV Consultant Steve Jolin within the near future. B) He also stated that the Planning Department is now at a full complement with the recent hiring of Senior Planner Naomi Tejeda Zwerdling who was formerly employed by the City as an Assistant Planner. He also congratulated James Mulder in his appointment as Community Development Director. Page 7 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 23, 2000 ,...,_._._.._._---~>-,->..,_.,_.-"-'-_.- COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2000 TAPE READING C) He requested that, before the Councilors leave after this meeting, they sign the proclamation which will be given to former Community Development Director Steve Goeckritz. 2046 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Bjelland stated that he had received the annual progress report of the Mid- Willamette Community Development Partnership (tri-county area which allocates the regional investment funds) and, in the material received, enclosed was a 2000 grant application form with a due date of November 30, 2000. He suggested that the City review the material and submit applications for the next funding cycle. Councilor Bjelland also stated that he had heard rumors that the Cable TV company was in the process of negotiating with another large purchaser. If this occurs, it would be good for the City since we are in need of a broad ban capability which allows for a tie-in with the internet with high-speed capabilities. Councilor Figley encouraged voters to exercise their right to vote. She also reminded the voters of the City's bond measure for the Parks and Community Facilities Bond which would provide funds to upgrade our community facilities. Mayor Jennings stated that the nomination for the American Hometown Leadership award was made possible through the efforts of Jane Christoff and Elida Sifuentez. He stated that the Mayor of Molalla also received an award and, to his knowledge, is the only other recipient from the State of Oregon. Mayor Jennings also stated that he had received a letter from Bill Mitchell, representing the Salvation Army, thanking the City and Chief Null for allowing them to use Library Park for their Outreach Program. They will be using the park on the 4th Friday of every month from approximately 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm to distribute food, coffee, clothing, and blankets to the homeless. The Council is invited to join them on a Friday evening so that information on their program can be disseminated to other church and local organizations who may be willing to help with this project. Their first usage of the park facilities will be on October 27th. 2370 ADJOURNMENT. FIGLEY/SIFUENTEZ.... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8: 12 p.m.. APPROVED~ ~. ~ RI HARD JENN GS. YOR ;1lc.~A ATTEST ~ ~~ Mary ant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 8 - Council Meeting Minutes, October 23, 2000 ..... .- ..~_.-w---