Minutes - 03/10/2008URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY MEETING MINUTES MARCH 10, 2008 TAPE RF.anrNrT 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, MARCH 10, 2008. CONVENED. The Urban Renewal Agency meeting convened at 6:43 p.m. with Chair Figley presiding. 0010 ROLL CALL. Chair Figley Present Member Bj elland Present Member Cox Present Member Lonergan Present Member McCallum Present Member Nichols Present Member Sifuentez Absent Staff Present: City Administrator Brown, City Attorney Shields, Asst. City Administrator Stevens, Finance Director Gillespie, Police Captain Tennant, City Recorder Tennant 0020 URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY MINUTES. NICHOLSIMCCALLUM ... adopt the June 11, 2007 minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 0024 MINOR PLAN AMENDMENT -RESOLUTION N0. URA 2008-1. City Administrator Brown stated that there are a number of different ways of doing a plan amendment and depending on big the change is would dictate how much public notice and public involvement would be required. In this case, it is a minor plan amendment which would clarify language that is included throughout the Urban Renewal Plan in different places but just not as much as it could be so the only requirement is the adoption of a Resolution. Member Cox stated that his understanding of the Resolution is that it sets forth findings of fact to justify why the Agency is giving the money which has already been committed in the Urban Renewal Plan itself. Administrator Brown agreed and stated that the specificity is required anytime money is being spent on a public building under Oregon Revised Statutes. He stated that before the Agency was actually formed, discussions were held with the Fire District about its needs. There had been a number of taxing agencies in the proposed urban renewal district that would have been affected in a greater or lesser share and the Fire District had the greatest concerns about a potential loss in tax revenue due to their own capital needs for fire station expansion and operating expenses. The adopted plan provides for some funds to be transferred to the Fire District during the urban renewal plan time period. Page 1-Urban Renewal Agency Minutes, March 10, 2008 URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY MEETING MINUTES MARCH 10, 2008 TAPE R F A n1NCT 0233 Member Cox stated that he was committed to this transfer of funds, however, he was amazed at the what the District was proposing to build along with the cost of the prof ect. Administrator Brown stated that adoption of the Resolution will modify the plan but there will still need to be an intergovernmental agreement between City and Fire District to transfer funds and that agreement, which is still being developed, should be based on a not to exceed amount and on actual expenses. If the work costs less, then there will be less money to be conveyed to the Fire District through this agreement. Member Lonergan questioned how many years it would have taken for the District to acquire the $1 million in tax revenue that they would have received if the Urban Renewal Plan had not been adopted. Administrator Brown stated that he would need to do some research to see how much money the Fire District has given up on an annual basis and then figure out how many years it took to get to a million dollars. However, he did know that it would take several years into the Agencies life in terms of foregone taxes before the district would have lost $1 million. The Urban Renewal Plan does provide some schedules that show how the taxing agencies were affected and what each one gave up each year. COXINICHOLS....adopt Resolution No. UR.A 2008-1. Member Bjelland stated that on page 2 of the Resolution, Section lamending Subsection 600 A 7, fourth paragraph, the second sentence does not read correctly and it appears that either attracting or promoting should be deleted. Administrator Brown stated that the word "and" should be inserted between attracting and promoting. COXJMCCALLUM... amend the Resolution by adding the word "and". The motion to amend passed unanimously. The motion to adopt the Resolution as amended passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT. MCCALLUMINICHOLS..., meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adinurneri at annrnximatPly h•55 n m ATTEST Page 2 -Urban Renewal Agency Minutes, March 10, 2008 ---.---- City of Woodburn, Oregon