Agenda - 06/09/2008CITY OF WOODBU RN KATHRYN FIGLEY, MAYOR WALTER NICHOLS, COUNCILOR WARD 1 RICHARD BJELLAND, COUNCILOR WARD II U RBAN RE hi EWAL AG E NICY PETER MCCALLUM, COUNCILOR WARD III .IAMES COX, COUNCILOR WARD IV FRANK LONERGAN, COUNCILOR WARD V JuNe 9~ ZOO~ ~ 6.45 P.M. ELIDASIFUENTEZ,COUNCILOR WARDVI CITT HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 27O MONTGOMERY STREET 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. Urban Renewal Agency minutes of March 10, 2008 1 Recommended Action: Approve the minutes. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Public Hearing to Consider the Woodburn Urban Renewal 3 Agency's 2008-09 Budget Recommended Action: Conduct a public hearing and receive public comment on the Budget Committee's recom- mendation, including allowable budget adjustments that do not change the tax levy requirement. 5. GENERAL BUSINESS A. Resolution adopting a budget for fiscal year 2008-09, making 8 appropriations and levying taxes Recommended Action: Adopt the resolution. B. Reimbursement Agreement for Services, Materials and 10 Projects Recommended Action: Approve and authorize the Chair of the Agency to execute the attached reimbursement agreement between the Woodburn Urban Renewal Agency and the City of Woodburn for fiscal year 2008-09. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT 7. ADJOURNMENT June 9, 2008 Urban Renewa! Agency Page i ~~ UItBAItii RENEWAI, AGEIY~'Y MEETIi~TG I~INUTES MARCH t4, 2U48 TAPE READING l~C~O1 DATE G4U~+~iCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HAI.L, CITY OF V[~(~OUBLTRrI, CUUNTY QF M,A-ItI4N, STA'T'E UF UREGON, MARCH tU, 2{}t18. CQNYEI~IE11. The U~an Renewal A~en~y m~ting ~onven~d at 6:43 p.m. ~tith ~hair Figiey presiding. 0010 R4LL GAL~L. Ghair Figley Pr~sent Member Bjelland Fresent Member Cox Present Mernber Lon~rgan Frese~tt Member McCallum Present Member ~Iichals Present Memb~r Sifitentez Absent Staff Present: Ciry Administratc~r Brown, City Attc~rney Shields, Asst. City Administraiar Stevens, Finance Director Gillespie, Police Captain Tennant, City Recorder Tennar-t ~42~ URBAN RENEWAL AGENt~Y tVIINtiTES. fYiCH4LS/MGCAI.LUM ... adopt the June 1 l, 2U47 minutes as pr~s~nteti. The matiar~ passed unanirnously. ~424 l~IN4~t FLAN AM~ND11~E1Y~' - I2ES#~}~,,UTIU~i NQ t,~;RA,2Q0&1 City Administratar Brawn stated that there are a numb~r a#'different vvays of dc~ing a plan amendment ~nd depending an big the chan~e is woute~ dictate haw rtiuch public notice and p~uhtic invalvement w~uld be r~uired. In this ease, it is a minor plan amendment which wauld Glarify language that is included thraughc~ut rhe t:ltban R~n~wal Plan in different places k~ut just nr~t as cnueh as it cou~d b~ sa the o~ty requir~ment ~s the adaptian of a ~esolutic~n. Member Cox stateti that his understanc~ing of the Resolution is that it seis farth ~ndin~s a~f fact to justify why the Agency is ~,iving the ~naney which has aLready been ec~mmitted in the Urban Rer~ewal Pian itsetf. Ar~rninistrator Brown agreed and stated that the specif~city is r~quired ar~~rtime money is being spent on a public buiiding under Oregon Revise~ Statutes. He stated that before the Ager~cy was aciu~tly formed, discussians were helc~ with the Fir~ ~?ist~ict about it~ n~~ds. ~I`h~re had been a number af taxing a~encies in the propvseti urban renewal district that ~~vould have been affected in a greater or lesser share and the Fire District had tlze greatest concerns about a patential loss in tax revenue dae tc~ their own capital needs fc~r ~re station e~cpa~nsian and operating ~xpenses. The adapted p~an prc~vid~~ f~r sc~me funcis to be transferred ta the Fir~ District during the urt~an ren~vval plan time period. Pa~e t- t.~rb~r~ Ren~~~~al ~1~e~icy Mi~nutes, Nlarch I0, 20Q$ URBAN RENEWAI~ AGENCY MEET~i`iG 11~I~UTE~- MARCH 10, 2048 Tr~PE READIAtG Member Cax stated that he was committal to this transfer of funds, hc~w~ver, he was arnaz~d at Ch~ what the District was pmpasing ts build alon~ with tt~e cost ofthe project. Administra~tor Brown stated that adopcivn of ihe Resalution e~rill mc>dify th~ p~an but th~re will still need tQ be an intergovernmental agreernent between ~ity and ~ire District ta transfer funds and that agreement, which is still b~ing develo~aed, shoutd be based on a not ta exceed amount and ~a~ actual expenses. If the vvork cc~sts less, then tk~ere will be less mon~X to he cnnveyai to ihe Fire District through this a;gr~~znent. Member Lonergan questior~ed how many years it would have taken far ihe District to acq~irc tlae $1 mil2ion in ta7c rcvenue that they would have rec~ived if the Lirban Renewal Ptan had not been adopted. Administrator Brown stat~d that he would need to da some r~search to see how much mc~ney the Fire Distri~t has ~iven up on a~ a€nnual basis arid then fi~ure out haw many years it took to ~et to a r~illian dollarsR H~wever, ~~ t~tt~ ~CIIO~V ~~~~ I~ WOtI~{~ ~~E' S~V~'~I ye~rs into the Agencies life in terrns of fore~one ta~ces befare the district woutd have tc~s~t ~1 miliion. The Urban Rertewal Flan does provide same schedules that shc~w haw the taxing agencies were affected and what each Qne gave up each year. COI~/NiC'HO~.S,...adagt Resolutian Na. t.TR.A 2Q08-1. Member Bj~ lland stated that nn page 2 of the Etesolutian, Seetion l anlending Subse~tian 604 ~- 7, fourth paragraph, the second sentenee dc~es nat re~d cnrr~ctly and it appears that either attraetin~ or pronioting shauld be deteted. ~c~rninistratrrr Brawn stated that the ward "and" should be insert~d ~etr~reen attra+~ting and pramatin~;. COXfMCCALLtJNi.,. arn~nd the Resolutiqn f~y aciding the warc3 ~`and". °Tt~e m~ti4n to amend passed unanimousiy. The motion to adopt the Resalution as amended passed unanirnc~usly. t~23~ 4DJUL~RNMENT. MCCALLt1M/NiCHaLS,... meeting be adjourned. °~he motian passc+d u~animousty. The meeting adjourned at a~proximatety 6:55 p.m.. AFPROVED: KATHRYN FIGLEY, CHAIR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City f~f ~4joodburn, Qregon i'a r~e '-~; ~'~:~r " ,~~al t"~geney l~tinutes, :viareh l 0, 2008 2 I ~ y: <. -"~_+ .~K~ I. ~ ~.,~~ ~ ~~~~~~. ~ ~ ~~.,.. ~fo~ ,~.,~ June 9, 2QUs Tp: Mayor and Gity Cc~unci( through City Administrator FROM: Ben Gill~spie, Financ~ Dirsctor SiJBJECT: Public Hearing to Consider the Woadburn lJr6-an R~r~ewat Agency's 2~8-Q4 Budget RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing and receive Gommittee's recarr~mendatian, ineluding do not change the tax levy requiremenf. RACK~RQUND: public comm~nt on the Budget allowabl~ budget adjustments that {~n May 19, 2008, the Budget Corr~mittee concluded a hearing on th~ Wc~odburn Urban Renewal Agency's 20Q8-C~9 budget and unanimausly recommended fhat the budget dQCUment be forwarded ta the Board af the Urban Renewal Agency for the next phase of the budget process. As required by Qregon Budget Law, the ncatice af th~is hearing date, along with the financial ~ummary, was published in 7he Woodburn tndependent on May 31, 2448. The financial summary documents an Agency budget totaling $3,Q2~,548. DI~.GUSS!(JN: No changes to the Budget Committee's Reeammencled Budget are pr4posed. FINANt~.IAI IMPACT; The praposed bu~lget is consistent with fhe budget palicies adopted by th~ Budget Committee in January 2Q08. ,~.~~nc-ic~ It~m Revi~w: City Administ~ator,~ City Attorney 1~~'"-` Fin~ 3 WooDBVxx Uxs~x REx~w~. AG~xc~r .Z008-09 Recommended Annuat Program Budget BUDGET MESSAGE Ladies and Gentlemen: Presented for your approval and recommendation to the Woodburn Urban Renewal Agency is the proposed Urban Renewal budget for 2008-09. The recommended budget of $3,022,548 represents an increase of $646,853 (27.2%) from the revised budget for 2007-08. The budget will reimburse the City for the Agency's share of completing the Front Street improvement project. The budget also supports debt service payments for the borrowing transacted in 2005-06, maintains a required reserve for debt service, reimburses the City for administrative costs, and includes a small contingency. Statute requires the Agency to expend funds for debt service. The budget is comprised of debt service appropriations, Contingency, and a Reserve for Debt Service (which is required by the loan agreement). The Front Street project is a joint City/Agency project and is budgeted in the City's Capital Improvement Program. The Agency reimburses the City for its share of costs. Reimbursements are made in accordance with an agreement between the City and the Agency. Debt was contractually established between the City and the Agency and will be reestablished prior to June 30, 2008 for another year. Because the tax increment received on an annual basis was insufficient to fund projects on a pay-as-you-go basis, the Agency borrowed $1.85 million in 2005-06 to complete Front Street. A debt service payment of $229,000 is included in this budget. $342,000 more is set aside as a debt service reserve, pursuant to the borrowing agreement. Because the Agency is currently involved in only one project, and because decisions remain to be made regarding projects to be undertaken in the future, no Capital budget or CIP plan is presented for 2008-09. This is the last year this budget will be so abbreviated. A downtown plan is being completed, which will recommend projects that will form the basis for the Agency's six-year capital plans beginning in 2009-10 and continuing through the life of the program. The Downtown Plan should be finished early in calendar 2009. When it is, and additional financial analysis related to debt timing is done, a comprehensive Agency budget and capital improvement plan can be developed. This budget includes $2,050,000 for the Front Street project, which is $290,000 more than was approved in 2007-08. The Urban Renewal Plan represented a snapshot of renewal need at a point in time and is not controlling on a project-by-project basis. The Agency can dedicate funds to projects that are not in the Plan if those projects fit into the expenditure categories outlined in the Plan, and the Agency can dedicate more or less funding to projects identified in the Plan than was originally estimated based on changing needs and priorities. It's important to remember that urban renewal is an incremental process. Changes occur one at a time, over time. Urban renewal requires time to build momentum, and it builds r:zomentum in two ways. 1 UrUan Reneix~al 4 Woonsvxrr U~ R~~~ A~~x~ 2008-09 Recommended Annual Program Budget First, tax increment increases gradually, until a borrowing can be supported. Then work is done. While that work is being done and that debt is being serviced, funding increases to build capacity to borrow again so more work can be done. And so on. Depending on cost, one project, such as Front Street, may be all an urban renewal agency can afford for a period of years. So it is important that agencies select projects carefully, to have the greatest positive influence on private investment. Our Agency has done this, thus far. The Downtown Plaza created a city-center where none existed, and has had a positive influence in upgrading the appearance of surrounding businesses. The Plaza is viewed as a pivotal asset and a key attractor to mixed use development in the Downtown Plan that is currently being drafted. Likewise, the Front Street project is integral to providing easy access to the Downtown; necessary if more people are going to live in the area, and if businesses there are to thrive. Second, private investment must take root, and grow. Urban renewal will not succeed if the Public is the only actor. The Public's role is to invest in projects that foster private investment. This means providing infrastructure: streets, utilities, and open spaces - the things public agencies do best; and the creation of incentives to entice private investars who would otherwise look elsewhere to generate returns on their investments, until such time as those incentives are no longer necessary because increasing property values and enhanced economic vitality are investment incentive enough. Ultimately the success of urban renewal relies on private investment, willingness to invest in properties and business ventures, the amount or timing of which cannot be accurately predicted. The projects the Agency undertakes and the programs it implements must generate the maximum private investment in the urban renewal area. This is why a thoughtful and thorough development strategy, in the form of a downtown plan, is so important. Staff is making a concerted effort to work with the consulting team and the community to prepare a practical plan that addresses all of the factors that influence private investment in, and the vitality of, a downtown. I am pleased to present this budget to you, and look forward to answering any questions you may have regarding it. Sincerely Scott D. Russell Interim City Administrator 2 Urban Reneix~~l 5 Woonsuxrr Ux~rr RExswu, qcBxcY Z008-09 Recommended Annual Program Budget ' DEPARTMENT: URBAN RENEWAL ~~~~,~~, ; ~~,~, '' DIVISION: DEBT SERVICE : " FUND: DEBT SERVICE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program repays the Urban Renewal Agency's debt obligations. Statute requires that urban renewal funds be expended to support debt service. Revenues derived from property tax increment support the fund. Urban renewal agencies do not have permanent tax rates; they obtain funding through tax increment financing. Tax increment financing allocates revenues to an agency based on the amount of the urban renewal area's excess or "incremental" value, the amount of assessed value above a base value that was frozen at a specific point in time. Woodburn's Urban Renewal frozen base value is based on the 2001 tax year. Urban renewal does not place an additional burden on taxpayers. Rather, it shifts existing tax growth to the Agency from the taxing entities that would have otherwise continued to receive it had the Agency not formed. In Woodburn's case, these entities include the City of Woodburn, the County of Marion, the Woodburn School and Fire districts, Chemeketa Community College and the Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Service, and the Willamette Special Education District. Pursuant to State Law, the State of Oregon "backfills" on an annual basis the amounts shifted away from the School district. Proceeds for 2008-09 are estimated at $524,000. Debt obligations for 2008-09 are established in two ways: by contractual arrangement with the City of Woodburri, for charges associated with audit, legal, and consulting services and for the Front Street project; and for debt service of a$1,850,000, ten-year, obligation entered into with Bank of America during 2005-06. PROGRAM FINANCIAL SUMMARY Account 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 Change Change Received Received Amended Yr End Est Recom'd (S) (°fo) Working Capital CO 1,827,695 2,080,548 2,443,548 615,853 33.70% PropertyTax 419,961 460,301 493,000 499,000 524,000 31,000 6.29% Interest on Invest 54,857 96,937 55,000 92,000 55,000 0 0.00% Note Proceeds 1,847,650 0 #DIV/0i TOTAL REVENUE 2,322,468 557,238 2,375,695 2,671,548 3,022,548 646,853 27.23°k Object Class 2005-06 1006-07 2007-08 100T•08 2008-09 Change Change Expended Expended Amended Yr End Est Recom'd (5) (%) Debt Service 806,758 267,732 1,999,500 228,000 2,293,000 293,500 14.68% Equity 0 0 376,195 0 729,548 353,353 0.00% TOTAL EXPENSE 806,758 267,732 2,375,695 228,000 3,022,548 646,853 2T.23% 3 Ur6~tn Renetir~al 6 WOODgURN jJRBAN RENEWAI. AGENCY 2008-09 Recommended Annual Program Budget RECOMMENDED BUDGET The recommended budget of $3,022,548 for 2008-09 represents a increase of $646,853 (27.2%) from the revised budget for 2007-08. The Debt Service Budget of $2,293,000 increases 14.7 percent over 2007-08 and reflects budgeting for the Front Street widening and renovation project ($2,055,000). This budget also supports the cost of servicing the debt incurred in 2005-06 to pay for renewal projects ($229,000) and reimburses the City for special administrative, legal, and auditing services supporting the urban renewal program ($9,000). Equity for 2008-09 includes a$342,000 reserve for bond indebtedness and a Contingency of $387,548. The reserve for bond indebtedness represents 150 percent of the maximum debt service amount, and is required pursuant the Agency's agreement with Bank of America. Contingencies represent the amount of funding on hand after 2008-09 obligations are met. POLICY ITEMS (Recommended) O $2,055,000 in Debt Service increases the Agency's share of Front Street improvements, from Cleveland Street to the High School including undergrounding utility lines, renovating and widening the roadway streetscape, and renovating and installing curbs, gutters, and sidewalk, and installing landscaping and lighting. O $9,000 in Debt Service maintains the Urban Renewal Agency's share of the cost of a citywide audit ($3,000), and consulting services associated with project planning and financing ($3,000) and specialized legal services ($3,000). 4 Urban Reneix~al 7 C~~ ~f ~~~ ~~ ~~~ W N , .+.> - a1t;f f #,V.r ,lune 9, 2QQ8 TQ: Urban Renewal Agency Board thraugh Interim ~ity Administrator FROM: Ben Gillespie, ~inance Qire~tor SUBJECT: Adt~ption of Woadburn Urban Renewal Ag~ncy's 2t~8-t~9 Bu+dget ~~~ ~ t i ~~~~j That the Urban Renewal Agency Baard adapt the dttached resQ{uti4n setting the budget for 2~08-C19. BA~~Q~NQ ~~ISCU SIQN: 4n May 19, 2f)08, the Budget Commi~tee concluded their F~earing Qn the WoQdburn Urbctr~ Renewctl Agency's 2Qa8-Q9 bud~et c~n~l u~nanir~nausly recammended that the budget document be farwarded to the Soard c~f the URA for the nex# phase of the budget process. As required by C>regan Budget Law, the Bocard condueted a pubii~ he~ar~ng earlier this evenin~ to consider a URA budget of $3,022,54$. The Board occepfed the Budget Committee's re~ommendatit~n a~d ~nade no changes. FINAtVC1Al ~NI~'lA~T: The aitached resc~lution is cQnsisteni with the budge# polici~s adc~pfied by the Budget Committee in January 2008. Acenda It~m R~~ri~w: Ci#y Administratar `~ Cify Attorney 8 RES~}LUTIQN ~U. 08•42 A RESUI.UTIQN ADOPTING A BUDGET FUR FISC,A-L YEAR 2~}08-Q9, MAKIt~VG APPRUPRIATZUNS A,PTD LEYYING TAXES. THE WQUDB~JRN URBAN RE1~1E1~AL AGEIYCY RESOLYES A9 ~4L,L(JWS: Seetian 1. '~'hat th~ bud~et for fiscal yeaz 2Q08-05~ is hez~by adopted as set farth beir~w. Sectiua 2. That the budget arnounts far the fiscal year be~inning July 1, 2C1(}8, and f+~r the purpvses shown below, aire herehy apprcapriat.~d. DE~T SERVICE FUNDr: Debt Service 4peratin~ Conti~~en~ey $ 2,293,OU0 3~7,5~8 T()TAL APPRt7~P`RIA'I"IQNS ~Tnapgr€-priated Reqnirements: Reserve for Urban Renevval Agency I)ebt Tf~TAL [[.~NN~PFRtJPRiAT`~L? REQUIREM~NTS TOTAL 2008-Q9 ITI~BAI~ RENFWAI~ Bi1D~ET ~ 2,b$0,5~18 $ 342,(~Q S 3~2,OU4 S 3,Q22,548 S~chcrn 3. "I'hat th~ Woodbum Urban Renewal Agency hereby r~solv~s tc~ certi~'y to the Caunty Assessor a request fc~r the Woodbum Urban Renewal Pla~ Ar~a far the znaximum amount of revenue that may be raised by d~viding the taares under Sectic~n l c, Article IX arf the Qre~;c~n Cc~nstitution and QRS Chapter ~57. `~~.~"~~~-~ ~ ~ 2~~ ~' Appr4veci a~ ro Fc-rm L~ga[ Gounset ~ ate APPRtaVED Passed by the ~lgency Submitted to th~ Chair Approv~ed by the Chair ATTEST ~Iary Tennant, Recorder t: ity of WoodE~urn. t~regon I'a~ge I - ResAluti~n 1~n.08-02 KA"THRYl~1 FIC~LEY, CHAIR 9 ~~~~µ~ '~`~~ ~ i" ~~ F~..:~~~=~a..r ~,,,~~, JUne 9, 2QQ8 TO: Woadburn Urban Renewai A~ency M4~norak~le Mr~yor and Cify Couneif ~R4M: Ben Gille~pie, Finanee Director ~~~~~ SUBJECT: Reimbursement Agreer~nt for Servl~es, Mdterlals or~d Projects REC4MMENDA~IQ1+~: it is recommended thc~t the Urban RenewaC Agency a~d fihe City Covneil approv~ and authorize, respectively, the Chair of the A~ency an~f the lnterir~t City A~dministrator to execute fihe attached reimbursement agreement between the Woadburn Urban Renewal Agency and th~ City of Woodburn fQr fiscal year 2008-Q9. BACK~RQUf~,D: Urbcan Renevval law requires tax receipts received by ar~ urbc~n renewal ~gency #o be used to retire debt. indebtedness ean t~e establ~shed by issuing bonds or similar det~t instruments, thro~gh loans from public or privqte ager~cies, car b~r ~contractual arrangement. in April 2~5 the City Councii and Urban Renewal Agency authorized the execution of a reimbursement ag~reement for fiseal''yeors 2pQ4-Q6. Subsequer~t annual extensians have ext~nded the agr~ement to June 30, 2t~)8~ Dl~~,l~„~SION: Tax receipts of ~524,000 and interest of $55,004 are estirnated to be rec~ive~! in 2008-09, and Beginning Fund Balance is fore~QSt fa be $2,443,54$, provi~ing totQl resaurces of $3,022,548 for FY 2Q08-Q9. Of fhat amount, $34~2,OQ(~ musf be reserved for debt service. The balance (~2,~80,54$j cctn be u~ed oniy ta refi~re debt. In Sepfiember 2005, the Agency issued $1,850,QOa in ctebfi, fhrcaugh a privqte barrowing~. Debt service an this amounf is $229,QQQ in 2Q0$-09. ~'~ ~± ;~r~,:,l~a It~m k~vie°~v: City Adminisirator~~~ Cify Atte~rney~~~1 ~i,~~<~; 10 HonQrable Mctyor and City Gouneii June 9, 2008 Page 2 In 2Q0~-~9, the City wi11 cancentrate on compieting the Front Stee~t reconstruct~an and widening pr4ject. The Agency`s share of the coxt of tl~e project wos increased ta $2,05fl,~0. Budgeting fcar 2~}Q8-CY9 also requites fhe Agency to support the cosf af an ar~nual audit, anel specaalized legal t~nc# eons~(ting services ($9.OOOj . ~penses continue tr~ b~ buclgeted in Cify occounts, c~nd reimbursed by the Agency pursuanfi to #his agreerr~ent. Funds necessary tQ reimburse the City will be provided from the urban renewal funds Qn hand. The attached agreement faciiitates the Ager~cy's reimbursement of cosfs advonce~l by the City for the fisca! year, This is the ~ame agreer~ent format approved by fihe Caunci~ c~nd Agency for #he ~arevious three years. FINAP~CIAI. IMPACfi• The attoched agreement facilitates, consistent with the schedule provided ir~ Exhibit A to the Agreement, debt af the agency, and repaymen# ~o the C'tty af a total for Fiscol Year 20a8-09 of $2,O~Q,Qf~. 11 AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES BETWEEN WOODBURN URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY AND CITY OF WOODBURN This Agreement for Services (Agreement) is entered into between the City of Woodburn (City), an Oregon municipal corporation, and the Woodburn Urban Renewal Agency (the Agency), the urban renewal agency of the City of Woodburn, created pursuant to ORS 457.035 through ORS 457.460. Recitals Whereas, by Ordinance No. 2283 the City activated its urban renewal agency pursuant to ORS 457.055, and designated the City Council of the City of Woodburn to exercise the urban renewal powers pursuant to ORS 457.045 (3); and Whereas, by Ordinance No. 2298 the City Council adopted the Woodburn Urban Renewal Plan (Plan), Section 1100 of which states, in part: "...the Agency may borrow money from, or lend money to a public agency in conjunction with a joint undertaking of a project authorized by this plan."; and Whereas, Section 600 of the Plan identifies as projects which may be undertaken pursuant to the Plan in the urban renewal area: A) Public Improvements including construction and repair of parks, streets, and sidewalks; and C) Plan Administration including personnel and other administrative costs incurred in management of the renewal plan; and iNhereas, the City and the Agency work in partnership to accomplish the provisions of the Plan adopted by the City Council and put before the Agency for implementation, and Whereas, the City and the Agency wish to clarify the relationship between the City and the Agency with respect to services to be provided by the City to the Agency, and the Agency's obligation to pay the City for those services, and NOW THEREFORE, the City and the Agency agree as follows: Terms of Agreement In consideration for reimbursement for the costs of services and materials and projects according to the terms of this Agreement, the City will provide the following services and materials to the Agency according to the terms of this Agreement: Personnel Services. 1.1 City staff to provide all staff services required to implement and administer the Plan and any other Agency activities. Staff assigned to perform functions in support of the Agency will continue to be PAGE '1 - (~ITY!AGENCY REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT, 2008-09 12 employees of the City and will provide services to implement Plan as directed by the Agency. The City will not charge the Agency for these staff services pursuant to this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement, however, shall prevent the City from requiring reimbursement from the Agency for these services in future written agreements. 1.2 The City Administrator has final and exclusive authority over decisions to hire, fire and discipline the City employees assigned to perform functions in support of the Agency, under the City's personnel rules and policies. 1.3 Except as specifically provided in other sections of this Agreement or as set out in a future written agreement of the parties, charges to the Agency for materials will be the same as any inter-departmental City charge. 2. Insurance. 2.1 The City will procure and maintain property and liability insurance covering the Agency's activities at such levels as the Agency deems necessary and appropriate. The City will not charge the Agency for insurance premiums pursuant to this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement, however, shall prevent the City from requiring the Agency to pay for this coverage in future written agreements. 3. Professional and Consultina Services. 3.1 The City and the Agency will consult with one another regarding selection of independent contractors providing professional and consulting services, including bond counsel and the financial advisor for debt issuance for the Agency, if any; general or specialized urban renewal consulting, and audit services for the Agency. 4. Leaal Services. The Agency may obtain legal services from the City Attorney and/or outside legal counsel as the Agency determines, in consultation with the City, best meets the needs of the project or issue at hand. The Agency shall not reimburse the City for legal services requested of the City Attorney for the period of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement, however, shall prevent the City from requiring reimbursement from the Agency for these services in future written agreements. The Agency shall be responsible for the PAGE 2- CITY/AG~NCY REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT, 2008-09 13 cost of legal services provided to the Agency by outside legal counsel. 4.2 If legal services are provided jointly to the City and the Agency, the City and the Agency will agree on a cost allocation for such services prior to such services being rendered. 5. Accountinq Services. 5.1 The City shall provide all accounting services related to the Agency's debt service fund and investment of funds pursuant to this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement, however, shall prevent the City from requiring reimbursement from the Agency for these services in future written agreements. The City will not charge the Agency for these accounting services pursuant to this Agreement. 6. Financial Matters. 6.1 Except as specifically provided herein, the City agrees that it will not make any charge against any Agency account without first obtaining the approval of the Agency. 6.2 The Agency will cooperate with providing all necessary financial information to the City for the City to include in its annual financial statements. 6.3 The Agency's financial records will be available for inspection by City at all reasonable times. 7. Public Imqrovements. 7.1 The City will act as the lead agency for the purpose of constructing projects in the urban renewal area, and will be responsible for project design and engineering, obtaining any planning approvals and permits, for forwarding payment of any standard fees, and for construction management for construction projects. 7.2 Projects that will be constructed in the urban renewal area during the term of this Agreement, consistent with those shown on Exhibit A, are joint projects of the City and the Agency. The Agency and the City shall share the costs of these projects according to the reimbursement schedule in Exhibit A. 7.3 All public improvements constructed by the City and Agency during the term of this Agreement shall be accepted, owned, and maintained the City after construction is complete. PAGE 3- CiTY/AGE~JCY REI(~4BURSEMENT AGREEMENT, 2008-09 14 8. Compensation. Agency shall pay to the City an amount not-to-exceed $2,059,000 for the services and projects described in this Agreement during the term of the Agreement. Payment shall be for the amounts actually expended by the City for the services and projects listed on the schedule for Agency's payment for such services and projects, which is attached hereto and incorporated as Exhibit A. Exhibit A may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. 9. Term and Termination. 9.1 The term of this Agreement shall be effective July 1, 2008 and shall continue through June 30, 2009, unless terminated pursuant to this section. 9.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the other party written notice not less than ninety (90) days prior to the proposed termination date. DATED this day of June, 2008. WOODBURN URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY Chair CITY OF WOODBURN, OREGON City Administrator PAGE 4- CITY/AGENCY REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT, 2008-09 15 Exhibit A CITY of WOODBURN SCHEDULE of SERVICES, MATERIALS, and PROJECTS REIMBURSED by the WOODURN URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY Reimbursable Management Consulting Services Independent Legal Counsel Audit Services Front Street Reconstruction Project TOTAL 2008/09 Maximum Reimbursement 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,050,000 $2,059,000 16