February 9, 2015 Agenda KF,M CW ATHRYN IGLEYAYOR ITY OF OODBURN TAL,CW1 ERESA LONSO EONOUNCILOR ARD LE,CWII ISA LLSWORTHOUNCILOR ARD CCA RC,CWIII ITYOUNCILGENDA OBERT ARNEYOUNCILOR ARD SS,CWIV HARON CHAUBOUNCILOR ARD FL,CWV RANK ONERGANOUNCILOR ARD F9,2015–7:00.. EBRUARYPM EM,CWVI RIC ORRISOUNCILOR ARD CHCC–270MS ITY ALL OUNCIL HAMBERS ONTGOMERY TREET 1.CALL TO ORDER AND FLAG SALUTE 2.ROLL CALL 3.ANNOUNCEMENTS AND APPOINTMENTS Announcements: None. Appointments: None. 4.COMMUNITY/GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS A.Woodburn School District 5.PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS Proclamations: None. Presentations: A.2014 Woodburn Police Department AnnualReport 6.COMMUNICATIONS . None – This allows the public to introduce items for Council 7.BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC consideration not already scheduled on the agenda. –Items listed on the consent agenda are considered routine 8.CONSENT AGENDA and may be adopted by one motion. Any item may be removed for discussion at the request of a Council member. A.Woodburn City Council minutes of January 26, 20151 This facility is ADA accessible. If you need special accommodation, please contact the City Recorder at 503-980- 6318at least 24 hours prior to this meeting. **Habrá intérpretes disponibles para aquéllas personas que no hablan Inglés, previo acuerdo. Comuníquese al (503) 980-2485.** February 9, 2015Council Agenda Page i Recommended Action:Approve the minutes. B.Woodburn City Council Executive Session minutes of January 5 26, 2015 Recommended Action: Approve the minutes. C.Woodburn Library Board minutes of January 14, 20156 Recommended Action: Accept the minutes. D.Crime Statistics through December 2014 Recommended Action: Receive the report. 8 9.TABLED BUSINESS None. 10.PUBLIC HEARINGS None. –Members of the public wishing to comment on items of general 11.GENERAL BUSINESS business must complete and submit a speaker’s card to the City Recorder prior to commencing this portion of the Council’s agenda. Comment time may be limited by Mayoral prerogative. A.Council Bill No. 2974 -An Ordinance Amending the Woodburn 13 Development Ordinance to EstablishZoning Regulations for Marijuana Dispensaries and Declaring an Emergency Recommended Action:Adopt Ordinance 2526 approving Legislative Amendment 2014-01. – These are 12.PLANNING COMMISSION OR ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTIONS Planning Commission or Administrative Land Use actions that may be called up by the City Council. None. 13.CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT 14.MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 15.ADJOURNMENT February 9, 2015Council Agenda Page ii COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 26, 2015 DATECOUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY 0:00 OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JANUARY 26, 2015 CONVENED The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Figley presiding. ROLL CALL Mayor Figley Present Councilor CarneyPresent Councilor LonerganPresent Councilor Schaub Present Councilor Morris Present Councilor Ellsworth Present Councilor Alonso Leon Present Staff Present: City Administrator Derickson, City Attorney Shields, Human Resources Director Hereford, Finance Director Head, Police Chief Russell, Economic and Development Director Hendryx, Community Services Director Row, Public Works Director Scott, Communications Coordinator Horton, Urban Renewal Manager Stowers,City Recorder Pierson APPOINTMENTS 0:00 Lonergan/Alonso Leon … appoint David Piper and Abigail Velasco to the Woodburn Recreation and Park Board. The motion passed unanimously. PRESENTATION 0:02 Mike Gushard, Heritage Outreach Specialistwith the State Historic Preservation office, provided a presentation on the Downtown Historic survey that was completed over the summer. CONSENT AGENDA 0:20 A. Woodburn City Council minutes December 8, 2014, B. Woodburn Planning Commission minutes of October 23, 2014, C. Woodburn Recreation and Park Board minutes of November 18, 2014, D. Crime Statistics through November 2014, E. Building Activity for December 2014, F. New Outlet/Name-Full On-Premise Sales. Councilor Ellsworth asked if it is possible to have a presentation on the survey that was done regarding the Fiesta Mexicana and Community Services Director Row stated that he would Lonergan/Ellsworth be happy to share those results with the Council. ... adopt the Consent Agenda. The motion passed unanimously. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 26, 2015 1 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 26, 2015 PUBLIC HEARINGS 0:24 A Public Hearing to consider Legislative Amendment LA 2014-01 (Medical Marijuana Dispensaries).Mayor Figley declared the hearing open at 7:24 p.m. for the purpose of hearing public input on Legislative Amendment LA 2014-01 (Medical Marijuana Dispensaries). City Administrator Derickson provided a staff report. Economic and Development Director Hendryx provided background information and information on land use standards. Mayor Figley asked if anyone from the public would like to speak on this subject. Lathen Gorbett and Zack Stratford with Oregon Resource Group in Portland, provided a packet of information on medical marijuana dispensaries to the City Council. Mr. Gorbett stated that they are a consulting group that helps people make real estate and business decisions when it comes to medical marijuana. He stated that having dispensaries in the proposed area may not be safe and he doesn’t believe it is a good place for them to be. Claudio Lima, Woodburn, stated that he is concerned about the information presented to Council and that marijuana is a drug and this is not something that should be taken lightly. Mayor Figleydeclared the hearing closed at 8:14 p.m. Councilor Lonergan thanked the Planning Commission for spending a lot of time on this. He stated that he believes the industrial park is a safe environment and that area is the best area for dispensaries in the City. Councilor Morris stated that he feels this is a solution that plugs us in to do what is required and that this is a good start. Councilor Alonso Leon concurred stating that this is new for the community and allowing dispensaries in this area is a good first step. Councilor Schaub concurred with Councilor Morris and Councilor Alonso Leon that putting them out in the industrial park area the Planning Commission has recommended is a good first step. Councilor Ellsworth thanked the Planning Commission for their work on this but stated that she was surprised to see that this is the only area where it will be allowed. She added that she was hoping there would be two or three areas where dispensaries would be allowed. Mayor Figley stated that she appreciates the work of the Planning Commission and is not going to second guess their decision. Councilor Carney asked staff to investigate how many medical marijuana cards holders are in Woodburn and bring that information to the Lonergan/Alonso Leon workshop. …direct staff to return with an ordinance for medical marijuana dispensaries in accordance with the Planning Commission’s recommendation. On roll call vote the motion passed unanimously. COUNCIL BILL NO. 2973 - AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING CERTAIN 1:31 RECREATION PROGRAM AND PARK RENTAL FEES FOR INCLUSION IN THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE AND REPEALING ALL RECREATION PROGRAM AND PARK RENTAL FEES AND CHARGES THAT ARE INCONSISTENT WITH THIS ORDINANCE Lonergan introduced Council Bill No. 2973. Recorder Pierson read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Community Services Director Row provided a staff report. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill No. 2973 duly passed. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 26, 2015 2 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 26, 2015 FY 2015/16 FINANCIAL PLAN 1:39 City Administrator Derickson provided a staff report and Finance Director Head provided information on the financial forecast. Lonergan/Ellsworth … adopt the attached FY 2015/16Financial Plan (Budget Policies & Fiscal Strategy andFive-Year Financial Forecast). The motion passed unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION OR ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTIONS 1:48 A.Planning Commission approval of Design Review 2014-03 and Variance 2014- 02,located at 2990 Newberg Highway (Chevron) B.Director approval of Partition PAR 2014-04, located at 516 and 530 Prairie Street C.Director approval of Partition PAR 2014-05, located at 3683 Sweetwater Avenue Council declined to call these items up for review. CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT 1:49 City Administrator Derickson stated they are looking at using the second meeting of each month to have less business and instead focus on having a workshop session on various policy issues. He stated that the marijuana issue is scheduled for February and that in March the focus will be on updating the Urban Renewal District. Councilor Ellsworth asked if they will be having any goal setting sessions and City Administrator Derickson stated that they th will be having a goal setting meeting on March 7. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 1:58 Councilor Alonso Leon stated that she is excited to do strategic planning. EXECUTIVE SESSION 1:58 Mayor Figley entertained a motion to adjourn into executive session under the authority of Lonergan/Morris ORS 192.660 (2)(h) and ORS 192.660 (2)(f). … to move into executive session. The Council adjourned to executive session at 8:59 p.m. and reconvened at 9:30 p.m. Mayor Figley stated that no action was taken by the Council while in executive session. ADJOURNMENT 2:31 Alonso Leon/Ellsworth ...meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:31 p.m. APPROVED KATHRYN FIGLEY, MAYOR Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 26, 2015 3 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 26, 2015 ATTEST Heather Pierson,City Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 4 - Council Meeting Minutes, January 26, 2015 4 EXECUTIVE SESSION COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 26, 2015 DATECONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JANUARY 26, 2015 CONVENED The Council met in executive session at 9:06 p.m. with Mayor Figley presiding. ROLL CALL Mayor FigleyPresent Councilor Schaub Present Councilor Lonergan Present Councilor Carney Present Councilor Morris Present Councilor Alonso Leon Present Councilor Ellsworth Present Staff Present: City Administrator Derickson, City Attorney Shields, Police Chief Russell, City Recorder Pierson Media Present: Tyler Francke,Woodburn Independent Others Present: Karen Vickers, Mersereau Shannon LLP The executive session was called: To consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(h). To consider records that are exempt by law from public inspection pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(f). ADJOURNMENT The executive session adjourned at 9:30 p.m. APPROVED_______________________________ KATHRYN FIGLEY, MAYOR ATTEST_______________________________ Heather Pierson,CityRecorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page1 – Executive Session, Council Meeting Minutes, January 26, 2015 5 City of Woodburn Public Library Board Minutes January 14, 20156:30p.m. CALL TO ORDER 1. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL 2. Position I J.D. Mitchoff (12/17) Present Position II Vacant (12/17) Position III Nancy Kirksey, President (12/17) Present Position IV Neal Hawes, Vice-President (12/15) Absent Position V Ian Niktab (12/17) Present Position VI Phyllis McKean (12/16) Present Position VII Mason Brown (7/17) Present MINUTES April 9, 2014 3. JD Mitchoff/Phyllis McKean Motion to accept the minutes was offered and seconded. The motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC 4. None. BOARD REPORT 5. None. OLD BUSINESS 6. Local Library Cards John Hunter Hunterinformed the board that changes have been made to the librarys local library card program. To be consistent with other libraries within the cooperative that offer such cards, the 10-item card was eliminated and the price of the 25-item card was lowered to $15.All but one of the 230+ cards issued thus far were at the $15 cost. The impact of this change should be to increase borrowing among these card holders, which should then increase overall library circulation. JD Mitchoff/Ian Niktab Motion to endorse the modifications to the local library card program was unanimously approved. NEW BUSINESS 7. New Library Software System John Hunter 6 Hunterprovided a status update related to the librarys recent migration to a new library management system shared with other libraries within the CCRLS cooperative. While primary functions are working without issue (adding materials, adding patrons, and circulating materials to patrons), there are some functions that are not yet in place that are affecting patrons. These include: telephone notices; the CCRLS mobile application: self- check machine; statistics; items not appearing in the web catalog; and credit card acceptance.CCRLS and software vendor staff continue to work on these functional issues. Loans to Federal Prison John Hunter Presently, the library allows its materials to be borrowed by prisoners who are housed in the federal penitentiary in Sheridan. It was mentioned at the last CCRLS library directors meeting that some libraries do not loan materials to prisoners because the materials in the past have been be lost, damaged,or used for smuggling contraband. In one extreme case, loaned materials even became the basis of an FBI investigation. Hunter solicited the opinions of the boards members regarding the librarys participation in the program. The board offered its support. Kirksey asked if there were measures in place to ensure Woodburns materials were returned. Hunter offered that they were likely similar to measures in place for a typical patron. \[This information was later confirmed by Hunter. Lost materials are reimbursed by the prison or the prisoner.\] Niktab expressed an interest in establishing a relationship with McLaren Youth Correctional Facility. McKean agreed and expressed interest in a tour of McLaren, if possible. Hunter agreed to investigate and have relevant staff provide a report at the boards April meeting. MANAGER REPORTS 8. Library Statistics October-December 2014 John Hunter Quarterly statistics indicated decreased usage of the library facility and physical collections for the fall quarter. While the library is typically least used in the autumn, the library was slower than the previous year. Circulation continues to out-perform attendance, meaning fewer patrons are borrowing more items in aggregate. For the quarter (excluding December), an average of 12,172 items were borrowed and an average of 10,542 patrons visited the library each month. The library was a net lender for the quarter, meaning the library loaned more items to other CCRLS libraries than it borrowed. Online circulation of digital items from Library2Go continues to grow significantly, and was just under 1,000 circulations per month. Program attendance increased, and public computer use increased. FUTURE BOARD BUSINESS 9. Next scheduled meeting is April 8, 2015. ADJOURNMENT 10. JD Mitchoff/Nancy Kirksey Motion to adjourn meeting and seconded at 7:18 p.m. 7 8 9 10 11 12 Agenda Item February 9, 2015 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council through City Administrator FROM: Jim Hendryx, Director of Economic & Development Services SUBJECT: Ordinance Enacting Legislative Amendment 2014-01 Regarding Marijuana Dispensaries RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Ordinance 2526 approving Legislative Amendment 2014-01. BACKGROUND: The Oregon Medical Marijuana Act was approved by initiative petition (Ballot Measure 67) in 1998. In 2013, the Oregon Legislature passed HB 3460 creating a medical marijuana registration system and allowing medical marijuana facilities to be located in areas zoned for commercial, industrial, or mixed use. In 2014, SB 1531 was passed by the Oregon Legislature clarifying the authority of cities and counties regarding medical marijuana facilities and giving them the legal authority to enact a moratorium on the operation of registered medical marijuana facilities. The City Council imposed a moratorium pursuant to state law and formally initiated an amendment to the Woodburn Development Ordinance to establish appropriate zoning regulations for medical marijuana facilities. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 11, 2015. The City Council conducted a public hearing on January 26, 2015, heard public testimony and then instructed staff to prepare an Ordinance, with an emergency clause, for presentation at the February 9, 2015 meeting. DISCUSSION: As staff stated at the January 26, 2015 public hearing, the Planning Commission, pursuant to the City Council’s direction, also conducted a public hearing, considered the relevant issues and submitted recommended zoning regulations applicable to marijuana dispensaries. Those regulations are memorialized in the attached ordinance amending the Woodburn Development Ordinance (the Agenda Item Review: City Administrator __x____ City Attorney ___x___ Finance __x___ 13 Honorable Mayor and City Council February 9, 2015 Page 2 WDO). More specifically, the WDO is amended to provide for marijuana dispensaries as a Special Permitted Use in the Light Industrial (IL) and Industrial Park (IP) zones. Marijuana dispensaries are prohibited as a Home Occupation and from Outdoor Marketing and Special Events. Finally, the WDO is amended to provide locational and siting standards for marijuana dispensaries. An emergency clause was included in the ordinance so that it takes effect immediately upon passage and approval by the Mayor. This was requested by the City Council and is necessary because the moratorium expires on February 25, 2015. FINANCIAL IMPACT: This decision is anticipated to have minimal financial impacts to the City. 14 COUNCIL BILL NO. 2974 ORDINANCE NO. 2526 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WOODBURN DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH ZONING REGULATIONS FOR MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY in1998, Ballot Measure 67 established the Oregon Medical WHEREAS, Marijuana Act, which is codified in ORS 475.300 –475.346; and in the 2013 Special Session, the Oregon Legislature approved WHEREAS, House Bill 3460 which creates a medical marijuana registration system and allows for medical marijuana facilities to be located in areas zoned for commercial, industrial, or mixed use; and ; in 2014 the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 1531, clarifying WHEREAS the authority of cities and counties regarding medical marijuana facilities and giving them the legal authority to enact a moratorium for a period of one (1) year on the operation of registered medical marijuana facilities;and by Ordinances 2514 and 2518, the City Council imposed a WHEREAS, moratorium pursuant to state law and formally initiated an amendment to the Woodburn Development Ordinance to establish appropriate zoning regulations for medical marijuana facilities; and The Planning Commission held apublic hearing on December WHEREAS, 11, 2015, where unanimously they recommended approval of LA 2014 –01 (Medical Marijuana Dispensaries); and the City Council conducted a public hearing on January 26, WHEREAS, 2015, during which they accepted publictestimony, closed the public hearing and instructed staff to prepare an Ordinance effecting the proposed amendments thatestablishes the zoning regulations for marijuana dispensaries; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WOODBURN ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 2, Table 2.04A () of the Uses Allowed in Industrial Zone Section 1. Woodburn Development Ordinance(“the WDO”) is amended as provided in Exhibit “A”, which is attached hereto, identifying marijuana dispensaries as a Special Permitted Use in the Light Industrial (IL) and Industrial Park(IP) zones. Page 1 –Council Bill No. 2974 Ordinance No.2526 15 Section 2.07.10 () of the WDO is amended as Home Occupations Section 2. provided in Exhibit “A”, prohibiting marijuana dispensaries as a Home Occupation and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2.07.17 ( Temporary Outdoor Marketing and Special Section 3. ) of the WDO is amended as provided in Exhibit “A”, prohibiting marijuana Events and marijuana dispensaries from outdoor marketing and special events hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The WDOis amended to include Section 2.07.19, establishing Section 4. locational and sitting standards for marijuana dispensaries as provided for in Exhibit “A” andincorporated herein by this reference. The WDO amendments referenced in Section 1 to 4 above are Section 5. based upon and justified by the Staff Report (Application LA 2014-01) dated December 22, 2014, which was considered by the City Council, was made a part of the public hearing records and is incorporated herein. This Ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation Section 6. of the public peace, health, and safety since the City must adopt zoning regulations that take effect prior to the expiration of the moratorium, an emergency is declared to exist and thisordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and approval by the Mayor. Approved as to form: City AttorneyDate Approved: Kathryn Figley, Mayor Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST: Heather Pierson,City Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 1 –Council Bill No. 2974 Ordinance No.2526 16 Exhibit A New text italicized, underlined and highlighted Uses Allowed in Industrial Zones Table 2.04A UseZone Accessory Uses (A) Conditional Uses (CU) Permitted Uses (P)ILIPP/SPSWIR Special Permitted Uses (S) Specific Conditional Uses (SCU) ACivic Uses 1 Golf driving range PPCU 2Parks, play grounds and associated activities,golf courses P without a driving range 3Publicadministration, aquatic facilities, fire protection, P P CUP government and public utility buildings and storage yards 4Rights-of-way,easements and improvements for streets, water, sanitary sewer, gas, oil, electric and communication lines, P P P P stormwaterfacilities and pump stations. 5 Trade schoolsPPCUP BCommercialRetail and Services 1Ambulance servicePP 2Automotive maintenance andgasoline stations,including P P repair services 3Business servicesPP 4Contractors: a.Flooring and roofing b.Equipment and machinery P P c.Glass and glazing d.Masonry, drywall, insulation and tile contractors e.Other types of contractors 5 Delivery servicesSSSS 6 Fitness andrecreational sportsPPP 7 Hospitals and ancillary uses PCUP 8 Restaurants and drinking places PPP 9 Marijuana dispensaries SS CIndustrial 1 Auction houses,except livestock and poultry salesCU 2 Automotive wrecking yardsCU Exhibit “A” LA 2014-01 Page 1 - Ordinance No. 2526 Uses Allowed in Industrial Zones Table 2.04A UseZone Accessory Uses (A) Conditional Uses (CU) Permitted Uses (P)ILIPP/SPSWIR Special Permitted Uses (S) Specific Conditional Uses (SCU) 3Charter buses, special needs transportation, transit system, P P school transportation, limousine service and taxi service 4Chemical manufacturingCUCU 5Recycling centerCUCU 6Asphalt or Portland cement concrete batch plantCUCU 7Commercial and industrial equipment repair, transit and P CU ground transportation 8Electronic and other electrical equipment and components, including manufacturing machinery, apparatus, and supplies for the generation, storage, transmission, transformation, and utilization of electrical energy; electricity distribution equipment; electrical industrial apparatus; household P P P appliances; electrical lighting and wiring equipment; radio and television receiving equipment; communications equipment; electronic components and accessories; and other electrical equipment and supplies 9Fabricated metal products, including fabricating ferrous and non-ferrous metal products such as metal cans, tin ware, hand tools, cutlery, general hardware, non-electric heating CUP apparatus, fabricated structural metal products, metal forgings, metal stampings, and metal and wire products 10Industrial and commercial machinery and computer equipment, including engines and turbines; farm and garden machinery; construction, mining, and oil field machinery; elevators and conveying equipment; hoists, cranes, monorails, P P P trucks and tractors; metalworking machinery; special industry machinery; general industrial machinery; computer and peripheral equipment and office machinery; and refrigeration and service industry machinery Exhibit “A” LA 2014-01 Page 2 - Ordinance No. 2526 Uses Allowed in Industrial Zones Table 2.04A UseZone Accessory Uses (A) Conditional Uses (CU) Permitted Uses (P)ILIPP/SPSWIR Special Permitted Uses (S) Specific Conditional Uses (SCU) 11Heavy equipment and motor vehicle sales: a.Manufactured home dealers b.Motor vehicle and parts dealers, including new cars, used cars, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, boats, parts and tire dealersS S c.Truck dealers, including new trucks, used trucks, parts and tire dealers d.Tractor and farm machinery and equipment dealers e.Farm, garden and landscaping supplies 12Manufacturing: a.Beverage, food and tobacco b.Furniture and related products c.Leather and allied products P P d.Paper, limited to assembly e.Miscellaneous manufacturing f.Plastics and rubber g.Textile products 13Motor freight transportation and warehousing, including local or long-distance trucking or transfer services, storage of farm P CUP products, furniture and other household goods, and commercial goods 14Non-depository credit institutions engaged in extending credit P P in the form of loans, but not engaged in deposit banking 15 Paper manufacturingCU 16 Parking lots and garages PP 17Petroleum and coal products manufacturing with all storage CU underground 18Printing, publishing, and allied industries PPP 19 Professional services PP 20Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products including manufacturing flat glass, other glass products, cement, structural clay products, pottery, concrete and gypsum P P products, cut stone, abrasive and asbestos products, and other products from materials taken principally from the earth in the form of stone, clay, and sand Exhibit “A” LA 2014-01 Page 3 - Ordinance No. 2526 Uses Allowed in Industrial Zones Table 2.04A UseZone Accessory Uses (A) Conditional Uses (CU) Permitted Uses (P)ILIPP/SPSWIR Special Permitted Uses (S) Specific Conditional Uses (SCU) 21 Telecommunication facilities subject to Section 2.08.03SCUSCUSCU 22 Wholesale trade in durable and non-durable goodsPPP 23 Wood product manufacturingPCU DMiscellaneous 1 Facilities during construction S S S S 2 Fence or free-standing wall AAAA 3Temporary outdoor marketing and special event: a.Arts and crafts b.Food and beverages, including mobile food services c.Seasonal sales of fireworks, Christmas trees, produce or plant materials S S S S d.Amusement rides and games e.Entertainment f.Any other merchandise or service which is neither accessory to a primary, permanent use of the property, nor marketed by employees of that permanent use EResidential 1 One dwelling unit in conjunction with an industrial use PPPP 2.07.10Home Occupations Homeoccupations shall be conducted entirely within a dwelling or accessory structure and shall comply with the following use and development standards: A.Operations 1.The owner/operator of the home occupation shall reside in the dwelling in which the home occupation is conducted. 2.No outside employees shall work on-site or use the site as a base of operations that requires a daily visit to the site of the home occupation for instructions, assignments or the distribution of tools or other goods. B.The home occupation shall be continuously conducted in such a manner as not to create any off-premise nuisance, including, but not limited to, noise, odors, vibration, fumes, smoke, fire hazards, or electronic, electrical, or electromagnetic interference. C.The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within a building. Exhibit “A” LA 2014-01 Page 4 - Ordinance No. 2526 D.The total floor area devoted to the home occupation shall not exceed 500 square feet. E.Structural alterations shall be permitted, provided the residential character of the building is not altered. F.Parking 1.The number of required off-street parking spaces shall not be reduced; however, no additional parking shall be required. 2.The outdoor parking or storage of vehicles licensed as commercial vehicles or displaying commercial advertising shall be prohibited on-site. G.Visits by suppliers or customers shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. H.Prohibited Activities 1.Vehicle Repair:Repair of vehicles, including automobiles, motorcycles, tractors and similar mechanized equipment, shall be prohibited. Repair of vehicles includes, but is not limited to, mechanical repair, vehicle service, body work, vehicle painting and vehicle detailing. 2.Retail or Wholesale Sales and Distribution:The retail or wholesale sale or distribution of a product or goods shall be prohibited. This prohibition shall not apply to the operation of a business where customers do not come to the site. 3.Marijuana dispensaries. I.The provisions in this section shall not apply to child care providers. 2.07.17Temporary Outdoor Marketing and Special Events A.Permitted Uses 1.Seasonal salesof fireworks, Christmas trees, produce or plant materials,except marijuana 2.Amusement rides and games 3.Entertainment 4.Any other merchandise or service,except marijuana dispensaries B.Duration 1.Singleevents shall be limited to a maximum duration of three consecutive days, with all goods, temporary facilities and signs removed within 24 hours of closing on the last day of each event. 2.Recurring events shall be limited to a maximum duration of one day, with all goods, temporary facilities and signs removed within 24 hours of each event. Events may reoccur once per week for a maximum of 24 weeks. 3.Seasonal sales shall be limited to two events, with each event not exceeding more than 30 consecutive days. Exhibit “A” LA 2014-01 Page 5 - Ordinance No. 2526 C.Events shall only be conducted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and midnight. D.The use shall not block driveways, entrances or parking aisles. E.The required parking for all other uses of the property shall not be diminished below that required by this ordinance (Section 3.05). F.The use shall conform to all setback standards for the zone. G.Responsibilities 1.The event operator: a.Shall possess a valid special event permitfor each event; b.Shall be responsible for compliance with use standards, crowd and traffic control, and for sanitation, including rest rooms, waste disposal, and cleanup. 2.The operator of a special use shall possess valid certification of compliance for all applicable health, sanitation and safety standards of the City and other applicable jurisdictions. H.The temporary outdoor marketing and special events shall not be located within a public right-of-way unless authorized by the appropriate jurisdiction (City of Woodburn, Marion County, or the Oregon Department of Transportation). I.Existing businesses with outdoor product display areas are not required to obtain a Temporary Outdoor Marketing and Special Events permit, but are limited to the following: 1.Products sold within the primary building; 2.Covering no more than ten percent of the gross square footage of the buildings on the property; 3.Retaining a minimum of four feet for pedestrian clearance along any adjacent walkway. 2.07.19 Marijuana Dispensaries A.The dispensary shall not be located within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising: 1.a public or private elementary, secondary or career school attended primarily by minors; 2.a child care facility; 3.a public park or public recreational facility; 4.property designated residential on the Comprehensive Plan Map; 5.another marijuana dispensary; B.The dispensary shall be located entirely within a permanent building. C.Drive-through service is prohibited. D.Maximum allowed gross floor area for a dispensary is 3,000 square feet. E.Enhanced exterior security lighting is required for a dispensary. Exhibit “A” LA 2014-01 Page 6 - Ordinance No. 2526