February 23, 2015 Agenda KF,M CW ATHRYN IGLEYAYOR ITY OF OODBURN TAL,CW1 ERESA LONSO EONOUNCILOR ARD LE,CWII ISA LLSWORTHOUNCILOR ARD CCA RC,CWIII ITYOUNCILGENDA OBERT ARNEYOUNCILOR ARD SS,CWIV HARON CHAUBOUNCILOR ARD FL,CWV RANK ONERGANOUNCILOR ARD F23,2015–7:00.. EBRUARYPM EM,CWVI RIC ORRISOUNCILOR ARD CHCC–270MS ITY ALL OUNCIL HAMBERS ONTGOMERY TREET 1.CALL TO ORDER AND FLAG SALUTE 2.ROLL CALL 3.ANNOUNCEMENTS AND APPOINTMENTS Announcements: None. Appointments: None. 4.COMMUNITY/GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS None. 5.PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS Proclamations: None. Presentations: None. 6.COMMUNICATIONS . None – This allows the public to introduce items for Council 7.BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC consideration not already scheduled on the agenda. –Items listed on the consent agenda are considered routine 8.CONSENT AGENDA and may be adopted by one motion. Any item may be removed for discussion at the request of a Council member. A.Woodburn City Council minutes of February 9, 20151 Recommended Action: Approve the minutes. This facility is ADA accessible. If you need special accommodation, please contact the City Recorder at 503-980- 6318at least 24 hours prior to this meeting. **Habrá intérpretes disponibles para aquéllas personas que no hablan Inglés, previo acuerdo. Comuníquese al (503) 980-2485.** February 23, 2015Council Agenda Page i B.Crime Statistics through January 20153 Recommended Action:Receive the report. 9.TABLED BUSINESS None. 10.PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 11.WORKSHOP A.Medical Marijuana Dispensaries:Regulations andProposed Ordinance8 Topic Introduction/Staff Report Council Discussion Public Comment on topic Close Workshop –Members of the public wishing to comment on items of general 12.GENERAL BUSINESS business must complete and submit a speaker’s card to the City Recorder prior to commencing this portion of the Council’sagenda. Comment time may be limited by Mayoral prerogative. A.Council Bill No. 2975 –An Ordinance Adopting a Medical Marijuana 15 Permit Process; Imposing Regulations on the Operation of Medical Marijuana Facilities; and Declaring an Emergency Recommended Action:That the Council provide policy direction on whether it wants to adopt any additional non-land use regulations for medical marijuana dispensaries as permitted by state law. – These are 13.PLANNING COMMISSION OR ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTIONS Planning Commission or Administrative Land Use actions that may be called up by the City Council. None. 14.CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT 15.MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 16.ADJOURNMENT February 23, 2015Council Agenda Page ii COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 2015 DATECOUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY 0:00 OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, FEBRUARY 9, 2015 CONVENED The meeting convened at 7:01 p.m. with Mayor Figley presiding. ROLL CALL Mayor Figley Present Councilor CarneyPresent Councilor LonerganPresent Councilor Schaub Present Councilor Morris Present Councilor Ellsworth Present Councilor Alonso Leon Present Staff Present: City Administrator Derickson, City Attorney Shields, Finance Director Head, Police Chief Russell, Economic and Development Director Hendryx, Assistant City Administrator Row, Public Works Director Scott, Captain Garrett, Captain Alexander, Communications Coordinator Horton, City Recorder Pierson PRESENTATION 0:01 Police Chief Russell, Police Captain Garrett and Police Captain Alexander provided a review of 2014 Crime and Ordinance statistics, 2014 Woodburn Police Department accomplishments and the Departments goals and objectives for 2015. BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC 1:33 Nancy Kirksey, 1049 McKinley St., announced that the Woodburn Kiwanis Mayor’s breakfast will take place on February 24 at 7:30 a.m. at the Methodist Church. She added that the speaker will beCatherine JH Millerand ticketscan be purchased at Piper’s, the Woodburn Chamber, Long Bros., Yes Graphics or at www.woodburnkiwanis.org. CONSENT AGENDA 1:36 A. Woodburn City Council minutes of January 26, 2015, B. Woodburn City Council Executive Session minutes of January 26, 2015, C. Woodburn Library Board minutes of January 14, 2015, D. Crime Statistics through December 2014 Lonergan/Ellsworth ... adopt the Consent Agenda. The motion passed unanimously. COUNCIL BILL NO. 2974 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WOODBURN 1:37 DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH ZONING REGULATIONS FOR MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Lonergan introduced Council Bill No. 2974. Recorder Pierson read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Councilor Ellsworth asked the City Attorney if he believes the ordinance is worded correctly for what they are Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, February 9, 2015 1 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 2015 trying to accomplish and City Attorney Shields answered that he believes it is.On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill No. 2974 duly passed. CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT 1:44 City Administrator Derickson stated that he took a tour of Heritage Elementary School and was impressed with the operation they have and appreciates the level of service they provide the community. He suggested that City Councilors take the time to take the tour and see how the school operates. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 1:45 Councilor Alonso Leon thanked the police officers for their thorough presentation. Councilor Carney thanked the police officers as well and thanked Mayor Figley for nominating him for the Urban Renewal committee. Councilor Lonergan stated that he appreciates our police department. Mayor Figley stated that she agrees with the City Administrator that people should take a tour of the schools to see how they look and how they run. Councilor Ellsworth stated that she would like to invite the Chief of Police, his staff and the community to attend the Relay for Life KickOff Brunch which takes place from 10:00 am to noon February 21 at the Woodburn Health Center. She added that the Relay for Life celebration will take place at Centennial Park on July 10 and 11. Councilor Schaub stated that she appreciates the Woodburn Police Department and that she has also visited the schools. Councilor Morris stated that he is concerned about how packed the schools are but added that they are showing impressive results. ADJOURNMENT 1:51 Lonergan/Ellsworth ...meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m. APPROVED KATHRYN FIGLEY, MAYOR ATTEST Heather Pierson,City Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, February 9, 2015 2 3 4 5 6 7 Agenda Item February 23, 2015 TO:Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM:Scott Derickson, City Administrator N. Robert Shields, City Attorney Scott D. Russell, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Policy Direction for Regulating Medical Marijuana Dispensaries RECOMMENDATION: That the Council provide policy direction on whether it wants to adopt any additional non-land use regulations for medical marijuana dispensaries as permitted by state law. Council should be aware that this topic is specific to medical marijuana and not recreational marijuana, which pursuant to Measure 91 will be regulated by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission(OLCC). The distinction between these two laws is discussed in more detail below. BACKGROUND: State law framework Today there are more than 70,000 Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (the OMMP) cardholders in Oregon. In January 2014, HB3460 became law allowing dispensaries to providemedical marijuana to them.The law allows medical marijuana dispensaries to be sitedunder certain restrictions in commercial and agricultural zones throughout the state. By statute, the Oregon Health Authority (the OHA) is tasked with managing the OMMP, which now includes licensing, inspecting and regulating medical marijuanadispensaries. In general, facilities may be located on commercial, industrial, mixed useand agriculturally-zoned properties. Facilities cannot be co- located with OMMP grow sites or use locations. Dispensaries also cannot be located within 1,000 feet of each other or of a private or public elementary, secondary or career school attended primarily by minors. They must follow the Agenda Item Review:City Administrator __x____City Attorney ___x___Finance ___x__ 8 Honorable Mayor and City Council February 23, 2015 Page 2 Secretary of State’s business rules, which arerelated to safety and health, and the dispensary owner must pass a criminal background check. However, the law providedvery little direction to local government on how to effectively manage community expectations for safety, security and livability with the opening of marijuana dispensaries. In response to these concerns, the 2014 Oregon Legislature enacted SB1531 providing the legal authority forlocal governments to regulate an OMMP dispensary’s hours of operation (“time”), location (“place”) and operations (“manner”). So that these issues could be further researched and resolved,SB1531specifically allowed for the imposition of up to a 12 month locally enacted moratorium on the operation of any new dispensaries. Local government actions In February 2014, pursuant to SB1531, the City Council imposed a oneyear moratorium on the siting of any medical marijuana facilities and initiated an amendment to the Woodburn Development Ordinance (“WDO”) to establish appropriate zoning regulations for medical marijuana facilities. With assistance from the Planning Commission and input from the public, these zoning regulations have now been finalized. At its January 26, 2015 meeting, the City Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance amending the WDO to be considered for passage. In the fall of 2014, the cities of Salem and Keizer (and many other Oregon cities) enacted ordinances that not only controlled the zoning of medical marijuana dispensaries butalso established “time, place and manner” regulations. These cities enacted their regulations after extensive review of the law and the needs and desires of their citizens. Although initially the City Council took only a zoning approach to the medical marijuana dispensary issue, staff believes that it is important that the City Council be aware of other local government actions, especially those in Marion County. As the third largest City in the County, the adoption of a Woodburn ordinance that has some uniformity with the other city’s ordinances would provide anequal playing field where dispensaries would not be encouraged, or discouraged, from locating based upon the absenceof a local ordinance. This uniform approach wouldalso provide an additional basis to defend against any claims brought against the cities if their authority for the regulatory ordinance is challenged. 9 Honorable Mayor and City Council February 23, 2015 Page 3 Using the regulatory ordinances regarding medical marijuana that are currently in force in Salem and Keizer, staff has drafted anordinance and is prepared to discuss it with the City Council. An emergency clause was included in the ordinance because the moratorium imposed by the City Council on the siting of medical marijuana facilities will expire soon. If, as a policy matter, the City Council wants to adopt an ordinance addressing this issue itis important that this be done immediately so that any new medical marijuana facility is subject to these local regulations. Workshop scheduled At the January 26, 2015 meeting, after a discussion with staff, the City Council scheduled a February 23, 2015 workshop concerning this topic. In a workshop setting, the City Council will have the opportunity to determine if it desires to include any“time, place and manner” regulations for medical marijuana dispensaries in addition to the zoning regulations already drafted. Staff believes now is the time to make such a determinationsince once a dispensary is open and operating under the WDO zoning provisions, the enforcement of any new regulations willprove extremely difficult. DISCUSSION: Public safety concerns Since 1998 the OMMP has been in operation as Oregon sought to allow medical marijuana use by patients in the most need. What began as a program intended for around 5,000 Oregon patients (original estimates by the framers of the OMMP) has now grown to anenterprise of over 70,000 cardholders. Further, the number of cardholder applications is reported to be drastically rising since the passage of Measure 91 as people are hoping to avoid some of the state and local taxes that have been aimed at recreational marijuana. Public safety concerns with dispensaries in other cities and states have included the potential for (and actual occurrence of) armed robberies for drugs and money at the dispensaries, illegal sales of drugs to non-medical users, extortion of dispensary owners/operators by criminal organizations, etc. Therefore, the police department has some basic public safety concerns about dispensary hours, locations and operations. These concerns revolve around three basic goals: 10 Honorable Mayor and City Council February 23, 2015 Page 4 1.The protection of the public (especially children); 2.The prevention of crime and violence related to dispensary operations; 3.The exclusion of criminal drug trafficking organizations from using OMMP dispensaries as a front for their business. While the OHA has regulatoryauthority over the OMMP, local experience is that the OHA has been underfunded and overtasked with administrating the OMMP program even prior to the creationof dispensaries. It is the combined opinion of most local law enforcement that the OHA will not be able to adequately manage the OMMP dispensary program once it reachesits full height of operations. Proponents will say that the OHA hasdone an excellent job of running the OMMP, but critics will counter that the OHA has been extremely challenged in effectively managing the OMMP and medical marijuana dispensaries. In August 2014, the newspaper reported that the OHA had issued 158 Oregonian dispensary licenses and 49 provisional dispensary licenses (remember this is during the period in which the moratorium was permitted) and that the OHA had conducted only 58 inspections on dispensaries and found at least 48 of them had violations. Two dispensaries were closed during these inspections. A flood of new dispensaries is expected as the moratoriums are expiring and it remains to be seen how effective the OHA will be in regulating all of them. Proposed regulations Due to the currentsituation, staffbelieves local regulation is necessary to reach the mentionedpublic safetygoals. Attached for the City Council's consideration and to serve as a point of discussion is a draft ordinance. The draft ordinance was created in collaboration with the City Administrator's Office, the City Attorney's office, the Woodburn Police Department, Community Development and the Finance Department. Ideally, localregulation should include the following areas, which are addressed by the referenced sections of the proposed ordinance: Enforcement: Requirement to follow all of the OHA rules (Sections 4 A 5 and 9 A); Local compliance inspections to confirm the OHA rule compliance (Section 8 C); Local denial of a new or renewal application and permit suspension or revocation based upon reasonable criteria (Sections 4 and 5). 11 Honorable Mayor and City Council February 23, 2015 Page 5 Operations: Requirement to follow all of the OHA operations rules (Section 6 A); Restricting hours of operations from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Section 6 F); No drive through or walk up access (Section 6 T); Require the OMMP Card to be displayed to gain entry to facility (Section 6 S); No access to minors (under 18) unless they are medical marijuana qualifying patients under state law (Section 6 M) ; Allowing facility access for government officials at any time (Section 8 C); Allowing City access to business records to assure compliance with the OHA rules and any applicable ordinance (Section 8); Follow the OHA rules for edibles (Section 9 A). Security: All the OHA security requirements must be met (commercialdoor locks, alarm, video surveillance, etc.) (Section 9 A); Availability and daily use of a “cash drop safe” on site (Section 6 P); Allow law enforcement access to video surveillance when officer makes written request and asserts it is related to a criminal investigation (Section 8 B). Public Transparency: Facility owner must register by name with the City (Section 4). Health: Ventilation and filtration (Fungus Aspergillus)(Section 6 G); Require certification that adequate measures have been taken to protect the public and specification of what measures were taken (Section 6 H). Criminal Background Checks: The OHA requires that the owner must submit to a background check and that a limited class of convictions occurring within last 5 years are disqualifying from licensure. Local ordinance permit disqualification should include owner and all employees, and include any felony or drug related misdemeanor conviction (Section 6 N). Fees: Permit fee should cover at a minimum initial site plan review, background checks and site visits; Annual fee should do full cost recovery for at least one annual site visit. 12 Honorable Mayor and City Council February 23, 2015 Page 6 Locations: Already addressed in the recent amendment to the Woodburn Development Ordinance adopted by the City Council. Status of recreational marijuana (Measure 91) In November 2014 (at the same time local governments were in the process of considering and enacting medical marijuana regulations) Oregon voters passed Measure 91 allowing the use of marijuana and marijuana-infused products by persons 21 years of age beginning July 1, 2015. The measure tasks the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) with developing rules and regulations for overseeing the growth, manufacture, processing and sale of marijuana and marijuana-infused products. The OLCC has until January 2016 to develop rules and regulations and then begin to accept applications forfour types of licenses: , who will cultivate retail cannabis; Producers , who will buy cannabis from producers and convert it into other Processors marijuana products, like supercritical CO2 wax and shatter; , who will buy marijuana and marijuana products from producers and Retailers processors to sell to consumers; and marijuana , who will be licensed to purchase cannabis and related products to Wholesalers sell to retailers and other non-consumers. The OLCC Board Chair has indicated that the OLCC does not anticipate issuing any of these types of licenses until it has a complete regulatory structure and staff in placesometime in late 2016 or 2017. Measure 91 does allow local communities to “opt out” of allowing recreational sales but, only by local initiative process in a statewide general election year, which would become effective the following January 1. Therefore, the earliest “opt out” date for any community in Oregon would be January 1, 2017 and, depending how the courts rule, any OLCC licenses granted prior to that date could be considered vested or “grandfathered” in. There are currently 11 bills active in theOregon Legislature related to marijuana, and its regulationunder Measure 91 or the OMMP. The OLCC is currently in a public comment and fact finding stage and is not yet readyto indicate policy direction. 13 Honorable Mayor and City Council February 23, 2015 Page 7 Finally, the OMMP and Measure 91 have very different quantity and type possession restrictions which are outlined in an attached document (OMMP v. Measure 91)for your information. At this time it appears to staff that no local ordinance would have an impact on recreational marijuana as it was adopted by the Oregon voters by the passage of Measure 91. Furthermore, wedo not know when (or if) the Oregon Legislature and the OLCC will finish all their work on this topicand give guidance to local governments on how the two programs interact. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Staff believes that the implementation of HB3460 will have asignificant but unknown impact on City resources. This impactis anticipated to be primarily to the Police, Community Development, Finance and Legal Department’s budgets. 14 COUNCIL BILL NO. 2975 ORDINANCE NO. 2527 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A MEDICAL MARIJUANA PERMIT PROCESS; IMPOSING REGULATIONS ON THE OPERATION OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA FACILITIES;AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Section 4 of the Woodburn City Charter provides: WHEREAS, Section 4. POWERS OF THE CITY.The City shall have all powers which the constitutions, statutes, and common law of the United States and of this state expressly or impliedly grant or allow municipalities, as fully as though this charter specifically enumerated each of those powers; and the above referenced grant of power has been interpreted as WHEREAS, conferring all legislative power on the City of Woodburn that is reserved to Oregon cities; and the Oregon Legislature enacted HB3460 in 2013 (ORS 475.314) WHEREAS, which requires the Oregon Health Authority to develop and implement a process to register Medical Marijuana Facilities; and in 2014 the Oregon Legislature enacted Senate Bill 1531, which WHEREAS, specifically provides that an Oregon city has the power and authority to enact and impose reasonable regulations on the operation of Medical Marijuana Facilities; and under Oregon law, cities may regulate the operation and WHEREAS, location of certain types of businesses within their jurisdiction except when such action has been specifically preempted by state statute; and in Marion County both the cities of Salem and Keizer have WHEREAS, already enacted ordinances addressing Medical Marijuana Facilities that are similar to this Ordinance; and the City Council believes that it is in the interest of both the public WHEREAS, and business owners to have Medical Marijuana Facilities subject to approximately the same regulations in Woodburn that they are in Salem and Keizer; and Council Bill No. 2975 Page 1- Ordinance No. 2527 15 in, Josephine County City of Cave Junction v. State of Oregon WHEREAS, Case No. 14CV0588, an Oregon Circuit Court ruled that the City of Cave Junction, a home rule municipality, was not preempted by HB 3460 and SB 1531 from regulating or prohibitingMedical Marijuana Facilities; and theWoodburn City Council wants to allow operation of Medical WHEREAS, Marijuana Facilities in the City in ways that protect and benefit the public health, safety and welfare of existing and future residents and businesses; and the City Council finds that the unique characteristics of Medical WHEREAS, Marijuana Facility operations and their potential impacts makes it necessary to establish particular time, place, and manner requirements for such operations and a separate permitting process for Medical Marijuana Facilities; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WOODBURN ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to minimize any Section 1. adverse public safety and public health impacts that may result from allowing Medical Marijuana Facilities in the City by adopting particular time, place and manner regulations as authorized under state statute and establishing a permitting process. Definitions. Section 2. A."Cash Accounting" means a cash basis system of accounting in which theOperator of an enterprise records revenue and expenses when they arepaid, regardless of when goods are received or delivered. B."City Administrator" meanstheCity AdministratoroftheCity ofWoodburnorhis/herdesignee. C."CompanyPrincipal"means a Person whoisanofficeror director of alegalentityorhas a controllinginterestintheentity,through ownershiporcontrolof10%ormoreofthestockintheentityor 10%ormoreofthetotal membershipinterest inthe entity or I0% or more ofthe totalinvestment interest in theentity. D.''ControlledSubstances"meanssubstancesdesignatedas ScheduleI orScheduleIIcontrolledsubstancesintheCodeof FederalRegulationsTitle21,ChapterII,Part1308. Council Bill No. 2975 Page 2- Ordinance No. 2527 16 E."Convicted"means foundguiltybyverdict orfindingenteredin acriminalproceedingin a courtofcompetentjurisdiction. F."DebtFinancing"meanssecuredorunsecuredloanstoprovide fundsforuseintheMedicalMarijuanaFacilitybusiness,exceptfor moniesowedforthereasonablecostofgoodsorservices received. G."FacilityorFacilities"means a MedicalMarijuanaFacilityor Marijuana Facilities. Medical H."FinancialInterest" exists when a Person,the Person's immediate family,or a legalentityto which the Person is a CompanyPrincipal (1) receives or is entitledto receive directly or indirectly anyoftheprofits oftheFacility; (2)rentsor leases realpropertytotheOperatorforuseby thebusiness;(3) rentsor leases personal propertytotheOperatorfor a commercially unreasonable rate;or(4)lendsor gives money, real property,orpersonalpropertytotheOperatorforuse in thebusiness. I."Marijuana" means allpartsoftheplantofthe Cannabis Moraceae, whether growing or not,the resin extractedfromanypartoftheplant; everycompound,manufacture,salt,derivative,mixture, or and preparationoftheplantorits resin, asmaybe defined byOregon Revised Statutesorastheycurrently exist ormayfromtimetotimebe amended. Itdoes notinclude thematurestalksoftheplant, fiber cake made fromtheseedsoftheplant, producedfromthestalks,oilor anyothercompound,manufacture,salt,derivative,mixture,or predation ofthematurestalks(excepttheresinextracted therefrom), fiber, oil,or cake,orthe sterilized seedoftheplantwhich is incapable of germination. J."Medical Marijuana" means allpartsofmarijuanaplantsthatmaybe usedtotreat or alleviate a Medical Marijuana Qualifying Patient's debilitatingmedical condition or symptoms associatedwiththepatient's debilitatingmedical condition. "MedicalMarijuanaFacilityorFacilitiesmeans a Medical K." Marijuana FacilitythatisregisteredbytheOregonHealth 475.300-475.346andthatsells,distributes, AuthorityunderORS transmits,gives,dispensesor otherwiseprovidesMedical Marijuanatoqualifyingpatients. Council Bill No. 2975 Page 3- Ordinance No. 2527 17 L."MedicalMarijuanaQualifyingPatient"means a registry cardholder(Person who has been diagnosed by a identification physician as having a debilitating medical condition) as further defined byORS475.302(3)orthe designated primary caregiver of the cardholder as defined byORS475.302(5). M."Minor''meansanyPersonunder18yearsofage. "Operator"meansthePersonwhoistheproprietorof a Facility, N. whetherin the capacityof Company Principal, owner, lessee, sub- lessee,mortgagee in possession,licenseeoranyothercapacity.If the Operatorisa corporation,thetermOperatoralsoincludes eachandeverymemberof thecorporation's BoardofDirectors whosedirectorshipoccursinaperiodduringwhichtheFacility isin operation.If theOperatoris a partnershiporlimitedliability company,thetermOperatoralsoincludeseachandevery memberthereof whose membership occurs in a period during which the Facility is in operation. "Person"meansnaturalPerson,jointventure,joint stock O. company, partnership, association, club, company, corporation, business, trust,organization, oranygrouporcombination actingas a unit,includingtheUnited States of America, the State of Oregon andanypoliticalsubdivisionthereof,orthemanager,lessee, agent,servant,officeroremployeeofanyof them. P.''Premises"means alocationregisteredbytheStateofOregon as aMedicalMarijuanaFacilityandincludesallareasatthe locationthatareused in the business operated atthelocation, including offices, kitchens,restrooms,storerooms,and including all publicandprivateareas whereindividualsarepermittedto be present. Q."PublicProperty"meansallCityofWoodburnparks,andanyreal propertywithaPublicZone designation under the Woodburn Development Ordinance. Annual Permit Required. The Operator of any Medical Marijuana Section 3. Facility in the City must possess a valid annual Medical Marijuana Facility permit issued under this Ordinance and must comply with the requirements of any and all state or local laws. Council Bill No. 2975 Page 4- Ordinance No. 2527 18 InitialPermitApplicationRequirements. Section 4. A.Application forms for Medical Marijuana Facility permitswillbe availableattheWoodburn Finance Department. Applications for initialandrenewalMedicalMarijuanaFacilitypermitsmustbe submittedtothe Finance Department and mustbe signed under penaltyofperjury.A separate permit application must be submitted for each proposed Facility location. Theapplication documentsmustincludeatleastthe following: 1.The location of the proposed Facility. 2.The true names and addresses of the Persons or legal entities that have an ownership interest in the Facility; that have loaned or given money or real or personal property to the applicant for use by the Facility within the preceding year; or that have leased real property to the applicant for use by the Facility. 3.A detailed description of the type, nature and extent of the enterprise to be conducted. 4.A detailed description of the proposed accounting and inventory systems for the Facility. 5.Certification that the proposed Facility is registered as an Oregon Medical Marijuana Facility pursuant to ORS 475.300-475.346. 6.Certification that the proposed Facility has met all applicable requirements ofthe WoodburnDevelopment Ordinance. 7.Certification that all current fees and taxes owed have been paid. 8.Detailed illustrations (to scale) of all proposed signage and locationof such signage. 9.Such other information deemed necessary by the City Administrator toconduct any investigation or background check (including thenames andfingerprints) of the Operator(s), employees, volunteers,Persons with a Financial Interest, and Persons or entities providingDebt Financing for the Facility. Council Bill No. 2975 Page 5- Ordinance No. 2527 19 Expiration and Renewal of Permits/Facility Permit Fees. Section 5. A.At the time of submission of an initial Facility permit application, the applicant must pay a Medical Marijuana Facility permit application andinvestigation fee as provided by this Ordinance. Noportion of the Medical Marijuana Facility permit fee is refundable in the event operation of the Facility is discontinued for any reason. B.A Facility permit terminates automatically on June 30 of each year, unlessa permit renewal application is approved. C.A Facility permit terminates automatically if federal or state statutes, regulations or guidelines are modified, changed, or interpreted in such away by state or federal law enforcement officials as to prohibit operationof the Facility under this Ordinance and the City shall not be liable to the permit holder for termination of thepermit in this manner. D.A permit renewal application shall include information similar in nature tothat provided on the permittee's initial permit application and must besubmitted to the Finance Department no less than thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the permit. The permittee must paya MedicalMarijuana Facility permit renewal application and investigation fee at the time a permit renewal application is submitted. E.A non-refundable application/investigation fee of $500 and a refundable $1,500 registration fee shall be charged for a Medical Marijuana Facility permit application or an annual Medical Marijuana Facility permit renewal application.Theregistration fee shall be refunded to the applicant if an application is returned to the applicant as incomplete, if the City denies an application, or if an applicant withdraws an application.The registration fee will not be refunded to the applicant if the City suspends or revokes a permit for noncompliance with any City Ordinance or regulations, or violations of any state laws. F.In addition to the application/investigation fee and the registration fee, an appeal fee of $750 shall be charged for all appeals under this Ordinance. Council Bill No. 2975 Page 6- Ordinance No. 2527 20 Permit Conditions.Any Medical Marijuana Facility must comply Section 6. with the following requirements, in addition to any other state or local requirements: A.The Facility must continue to be registered in good standing as an e law. Oregon Medical Marijuana Facility pursuant to stat B.The Facility must provide written notification to the City Administrator of any sanctions imposed by the Oregon Health Authorityon the Operator and/orrestrictions imposed by the Oregon Health Authority on the operation of the Facility. The required written notification shall be provided to the City Administrator within ten (10) calendar days after the Oregon Health Authority has imposed the sanction or restriction. TheFacilitymustmeetapplicablelawsandregulations,including, C. butnotlimitedto zoning compliance, buildingandfirecodes, includingthe paymentofallfines,fees,and taxes owingtothe City. D.TheFacilitymustnotmanufactureorproduceanyextracts,oils, resinsorsimilarderivativesofMarijuanaon-siteandmustnotuse openflamesor gasesinthepreparationofanyproducts. E.Marijuanaandtobaccoproducts must notbesmoked, ingested orotherwiseconsumedonthePremisesoftheFacility. F.OperatinghoursforretailsalestoMedicalMarijuanaQualifying Patientsmustbe no earlier than10:00a.m.orlaterthan 8:00p.m.on thesameday. TheFacilitymustutilize anairfiltrationandventilationsystem G. which,tothe greatestextentfeasible,confinesall objectionable odorsassociatedwiththeFacilitytothePremises.Forthepurposes ofthisprovision,thestandardforjudging "objectionableodors" shallbethatofanaverage,reasonable Personwithordinary sensibilities after taking intoconsideration thecharacterofthe neighborhood in whichtheodor is madeandtheodorisdetected. H.The Operator of the Facility must certify that adequate measures have been taken to protect the public from the Fungus Aspergillus and specify what measures have been taken. Council Bill No. 2975 Page 7- Ordinance No. 2527 21 I.The Facility mustprovideforsecuredisposalofMarijuana remnants orby-products;such remnants orby-productsshallnotbeplaced within theFacility's exterior refuse containers. J.The Facility's location shall conformto all requirements of the Woodburn Development Ordinance. K.TheFacilitymustnotbeco-locatedonthesametaxlotorwithinthe samebuilding with any Marijuanasocialclub, smoking club,orgrow site. Signageshallnotincludelogosorillustrations,andshall L. emphasizeidentification ofthe Premises without drawing undue attention. NoMinorisallowedonthePremisesunlesstheMinoris a M. MedicalMarijuana Qualifying Patient and is accompanied by a parent,guardian,orcaregiverwhosepurposeistoprocurethe Minor'sMedicalMarijuana. N.A Person with any felony convictions or a conviction forany drug related misdemeanor (including, but not limited to those under ORS 475)may not (1) be an Operator, Company Principal, employee, or volunteer of a Facility; or (2) have a Financial Interest in the Facility. The Facility must have an accounting system specifically designed for O. enterprises reliant on transactions conducted primarily in cash and sufficient to maintain detailed, auditable financial records. If the City Administratorfinds the books and records of the Operator are deficient in any wayor if the Operator's accounting system is not auditable, the Operator must modify the Facility's accounting system to meet the requirements of the City Administrator. P.The Facility must have a "cash drop safe" on site that is sufficient to secure all cashreceived. Q.Each Operatormustkeepandpreservefor a periodofatleast three (3)yearsrecords containing atleastthe following information: 1.Daily wholesale purchases (including grow receipts) and retail sales, including a cash receipts and expenses journal; 2.State and federal income tax returns; Council Bill No. 2975 Page 8- Ordinance No. 2527 22 3.Names of and any aliases of the Operator; 4.Names of and any aliases of employees/volunteers of the Facility; 5.Names of and any aliases of Persons with a Financial Interest in the Facility; and 6.The City Administrator may require additional information as he or she deems necessary. R.EachFacilitymustdisplayitscurrent permit inside the Facility in a prominent placeeasily visible to Persons conducting business in theFacility. S.Persons conducting business in the Facility must display their Oregon Medical Marijuana Programcard to gain entry to the Facility. T.Salesorany other transfersofMarijuanaproductsmustoccur completely inside theFacility building andmustbeconductedonly between the Facility and Medical Marijuana Qualifying Patients.No walk-upordrive-through service is allowed. Background Checks.The Finance Department will send to the Section 7. Police Department the information provided on each initial or renewal Facility permit application.The Police Department will conduct criminal background checks under ORS 181.534 to determine whether any Person therein (including, but not limited to, an Operator, Person with Financial Interest, Company Principal, employee or volunteer) has any felony convictions or convictions for drug related misdemeanors and inform the Finance Department whether or not all the Persons named in the permit application passed the required background checks. If, following an initial application or renewal, an additional person is proposed to be an Operator, Person with Financial Interest, Company Principal, employee or volunteer, then such person must pass the background check prior to assuming such position. ExaminationofBooks,RecordsandPremises. Section 8. To determine compliancewiththe requirements of this Ordinance, A. the Woodburn Development Ordinance, and any and all applicableregulations,theCity Administrator may examine or causetobe examinedbyanagentor representativedesignated bytheCity Administrator, atanyreasonable time, the Premises of Council Bill No. 2975 Page 9- Ordinance No. 2527 23 theFacility, including wastewater fromtheFacility,andanyandall Facilityfinancial, operational andFacilityinformation, including books,papers,payrollreportsandstateand federal income tax returns. Every permitteeis directed and required to furnish to the City Administrator the means, Facilities andopportunityformakingsuch examinations and investigations. B.Aspartofinvestigationof a crimeorviolationofthisOrdinance whichlawenforcementofficialsreasonablysuspecthastaken Premises,thePoliceDepartmentshallbeallowed placeonthe to viewsurveillancevideotapesordigitalrecordingsatany reasonabletime. C.WithoutreducingorwaivinganyprovisionsofthisOrdinance,the PoliceDepartmentshallhavethesameaccesstotheFacility,its records anditsoperations,asallowedtostateinspectors.Denial orinterferencewithaccessshallbegroundsforrevocationor suspensionof a Facilitypermit. Administrative and Other Remedies for Noncompliance, Section 9. Administrative Appealsand Penalties. A.TheCity Administratormay deny, suspend,orrevoke a Facility permit forfailuretocomplywiththisOrdinanceorrulesadoptedunder thisOrdinance,forsubmitting falsified information totheCityor the OregonHealthAuthority, or for noncompliance with any other City ordinances orregulations,orviolationofanystatelaws. 1.Any suspensionorrevocationpursuantto this sectionshallbe in writing, settingforth the reasons therefor, andwritten noticeshall be given to the permittee by first-class United States Mail at least ten (10) calendar days prior to effective date of the revocation or suspension. 2.A decision to deny, suspend, or revoke a Facility permit may be appealed by filing a Notice of Appeal accompanied by the appeal fee of $750 in writing physicallydelivered to the City Administrator on or before the effective date. Unless City Administrator has declared imminent dangertothepublicwill exist, theCity Administrator's decision to revoke or suspend is stayed pending appeal. The matter shall be heard bya Hearings Officer appointed by the City Council who shall determine, by preponderance of the evidence, whether the City Administrator's Council Bill No. 2975 Page 10- Ordinance No. 2527 24 decision should be upheld or reversed, or upheld in part and reversed in part. The hearing shallbe conducted no later than sixty (60) days from the date of appeal, unless a different date is stipulated by theCity and the applicant, or good cause is shown for setting the matter forward. Testimony at the hearing shall be taken upon oath or affirmation of the witnesses.The Hearings Officer shall consider only the matters setforth in the Notice of Appeal.The Findings and Decision of the Hearings Officer shall be served upon the appellant by first class mail within ten (10) days after thehearing concludes.The Hearings Officer decision shall be effective ten (10) days following the date of the decision. The Findings and Decision of the Hearings Officer shall be final and conclusive, subject only to writ of review under ORS 34.010 to 34.100, which shall be the sole remedy. B.In addition tothe remedies ofsuspensionandrevocation,failureto complywiththe requirements of this Ordinance constitutes a class 1 civil infraction under theCivilInfractionOrdinance.Eachday in violationconstitutes a separate offense. Company Principals, severably Operators, employees, and volunteers arejointlyand liableforsuch offenses. C.Theremediesprovidedhereinarenotexclusiveandshallnot prevent theCityfrom exercising anyother remedy available under thelaw, norshalltheprovisionsofthisOrdinanceprohibitorrestrict otherprosecutorfrompursuingcriminalchargesunder theCityor state lawor City ordinance. Suchremedies include, butare not limited to, anyequitableremediessuchastemporary restraining ordersor other injunctive relief. Confidentiality. Except as otherwise required by law, and Section 10. provided by this Ordinance, it shall beunlawful for the City, any officer, employee or agent to divulge, release or make known in any manner any financial or employee information submitted or disclosed to the City under the terms of this Ordinance. Nothing in this section shall prohibit: A.The disclosure of the names and addresses of any Operator or provider of equity or Debt Financing for a Facility; or B.Thedisclosureofgeneralstatisticsin a formwhichwould prevent identification of financial information regarding a Facility Operator; or Council Bill No. 2975 Page 11- Ordinance No. 2527 25 C.Thepresentationofevidence to a court,orothertribunalhaving jurisdictionintheprosecutionofanycriminalorcivilclaimbythe CityunderthisOrdinance;or D.Thedisclosureofinformationwhensuchdisclosureis required by public records law procedures. Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence Section 11. or word in this Ordinance is deemed to be invalid or beyond the authority of the City, either on its face or is applied, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the other sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, or words of this Ordinance, and the application thereof; and to that end sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences and words of this Ordinance shall be deemed severable. Emergency Clause.This Ordinance being necessary for the Section 12. immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, so that regulations applicable to Medical Marijuana Facilities can be adopted prior to the expiration of the moratorium on the siting of Medical Marijuana Facilities that the City Council imposed pursuant to state law, an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Approved as to form: City AttorneyDate Approved: Kathryn Figley,Mayor Passed by the Council Submitted to the Mayor Approved by the Mayor Filed in the Office of the Recorder ATTEST: Heather Pierson,City Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Council Bill No. 2975 Page 12- Ordinance No. 2527 26