02-27-2012 Mural TestimonyChristina Shearer
From:Jim Hendryx
Sent:Monday, February 27, 2012 1:15 PM
To:Heather M. Pierson; Christina Shearer
I received this over the weekend about this evenings discussion on murals. It appears that not all of the Council was
Jim H
From: bruce crane [mailto:bcrane2323@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 2:42 PM
To: fcslonergan@aol.com; Jim Cox Yahoo Account; ecmorris@hotmail.com; Mel Schmidt Oregons Best Account; Jim
Regarding Murals in Woodburn:
I agree that PCUN and others should be given the opportunity to create and display artistic murals and that this
is politically correct, satisfying both this meaningful corporation, PCUN, and the larger cultural Hispanic
community. I also agree that opening a permanent mural program throughout the City without content control
may not be a good idea.
I have read Burkhardt's Independent article, Shields' Mural Memo Opinion and Hendryx's Agenda Item.
With these choices it appears to me that the only prudent direction would be the 60 day pilot mural program
with a fairly high fee structure and other conditions that would discourage non-responsible mural applications.
If there is a desire to have a permanent mural program, it appears to me that there may be another choice that
would be a modification of the Salem program although I do not pretend to comprehend the legal nuances
regarding this suggested modification. This modification would include only murals and have little financial
impact on the City. It would include the City’s leasing and owning the mural space and retaining content
control (following the Salem public program). The modification would be in the conditions of the lease
agreement (or some other contractual agreement) that would require the applicant to not only pay a fee to the
City (for inspections, administration, oversight, removal as needed, etc.) but also pay for the complete creation,
installation and maintenance of this City owned work of art.
Thank you for your attention and I look forward to your resolution of this apparently immediate mural question
in our community.
Bruce Crane
Christina Shearer
From:Jim Hendryx
Sent:Monday, February 27, 2012 1:16 PM
To:Christina Shearer
Subject:FW: City Council to Consider Changing WDO to Permit Murals in Woodburn
Attachments:CC_Agenda_Item_-_Mural_Art_Program_2-27-2012[1].pdf; Memorandum_Opinion_NO._
I received this also about the mural discussion before the City Council.
Jim H
From: Sharon Corning [mailto:sharon.corning@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 6:15 PM
To: Neighborhood Watch
Subject: City Council to Consider Changing WDO to Permit Murals in Woodburn
Dear Neighbors,
At tomorrow night's City Council Meeting, the Councilors and Mayor will consider a resolution
initiating a legislative amendment to the Woodburn Development Ordinance to permit murals in
If you have an opinion on murals in Woodburn, please either attend the meeting Monday, Feb. 27
at 7 pm, City Hall, or email it to the Mayor and Councilors.
Kathy Figley" <kfigley@fnf.com>, "Dick Pugh" <dickbarb@wbcable.net>, "Cheryl and Frank
Lonergan" <fcslonergan@aim.com>, "McCallum, Pete" <pimac@web-ster.com>, "Schmidt, Mel"
<mschimdt@oregonsbest.com>, "Jim Cox" <jimcoxlaw@yahoo.com>, "Eric Morris"
Woodburn ordinances currently define murals as signs, which effectively prohibits them throughout
the City.
Several groups from the community (PCUN, Chemeketa Community College, and various art
organizations) have expressed an interest in creating murals on exterior building walls.
The City Council was briefed on the subject at its November 14, 2011 meeting, and requested that
the City Attorney provide a legal opinion regarding any legal restrictions on permitting and
displaying murals within the City.
Tomorrow's mural program and the legal opinion are attached. You might find them interesting.
Sharon Corning
Historic Woodburn Neighborhood Assoc.