02-14-2011 Minutes COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 2011 0:00 DATE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CIT Y OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, FEBRUARY 14, 2011. CONVENED The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Figley presiding. ROLL CALL Mayor Figley Present Councilor Cox Present Councilor Lonergan Present Councilor McCallum Present Councilor Morris Present Councilor Pugh Absent Councilor Schmidt Present Staff Present: City Administrator Derickson, City Attorney Shields, Police Chief Russell, Public Works Director Brown, Economic & Community Development Director Hendryx, Finance Director Palacios, Community Services Director Row, Police Captain Garrett, Recreation Services Manager Spence, Community Relations Coordinator Stowers, City Recorder Shearer. o:oo ANNOUNCEMENTS • City Hall and the Library will be closed on Monday, February 21 for President's Day. The Aquatic Center will be open during normal business hours. 0:01 APPOINTMENTS Mayor Figley proposed the following reappointments to City Boards and Planning Commission: Park Board: Claudia Urias - Guerrero for a term to expire December 2013 Lonergan/McCallum.....approve the appointment. The motion passed unanimously. Budget Committee: Dagmar Kinne for a term to expire December 2013 Cox/Lonergan....approve the appointments. The motion passed unanimously. 0:02 COMMUNITY /GOVERNMENT REPORTS A. Chamber of Commerce — Don Judson, Executive Director of the Woodburn Area Chamber of Commerce updated the Council on upcoming Chamber events. He also spoke of the Chambers support of City economic development efforts. B. Woodburn School District — David Bautista, Superintendent of the Woodburn School District provided an update on School District events and achievements. Page 1 - Council Meeting Minutes, February 14, 2011 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 2011 0:09 PROCLAMATIONS The Mayor declared February 16, 2011 Terrie Stevens day in recognition of her service as Assistant City Administrator. Terrie Stevens will be leaving the City for a position in California. 0:12 PRESENTATIONS A. Boys & Girls Club Teen Center: Recreation Services Manager Spence provided an update on the Teen Center agreement with the Boys & Girls Club. He also introduced Sue Bloom, Allison Weaver, and Tim Sinatra of the Boys & Girls Club who provided updates on the Boys & Girls Club programs and reach. B. 2010 Annual Crime Report: Chief Russell provided Council with the annual crime report for 2010. 0:49 PUBLIC COMMENTS Dick Jennings commented on the 99E Advisory Committee and the information provided by staff & consultants. He also mentioned that the Planning Commission will have a workshop in conjunction with the 99E Advisory Committee to discuss the future of 99E. 0:53 CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve the Woodburn City Council minutes of January 24, 2011, B. accept the Planning Commission minutes of December 9, 2010 C. accept Community Services statistics for November 2010, and D. recommend that OLCC approve a Liquor License Change of Ownership application for the 7 Seas Restaurant and Bar. McCallum /Schmidt... adopt the Consent Agenda. The motion passed unanimously. 0:54 COUNCIL BILL NO. 2855 — A RESOLUTION SETTING NEW FARE SCHEDULE FOR FIXED ROUTE TRANSIT AND PARA- TRANSIT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES McCallum introduced Council Bill 2855. Recorder Shearer read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Mayor Figley invited members of the public to comment on the proposed resolution. No one wished to speak. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill No. 2855 duly passed. 0:55 COUNCIL BILL NO. 2856 — A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE WOODBURN STRATEGIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DIRECTING THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO CONSIDER THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN THE PLAN IN THE CITY BUDGET PROCESS McCallum introduced Council Bill 2856. Recorder Shearer read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill No. 2856 duly passed. Page 2 - Council Meeting Minutes, February 14, 2011 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 2011 0:56 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO A FOUR -WAY AGREEMENT WITH MCDONALD'S CORP., GREENTREE ENTERPRISES INC., ODOT AND CITY OF WOODBURN FOR ACCESS CONTROL AND ASSOCIATED STREET MODIFICATIONS AT 2910 OR HWY 214 Cox/McCallum... authorize the City Administrator to execute, on behalf of the Council as the Local Road Authority, an agreement with McDonald's Corporation, Greentree Enterprises Inc, Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the City of Woodburn, to modify approaches to Lawson Avenue and road improvements to Lawson Avenue and Evergreen Road. The motion passed unanimously. 0:58 WEED & SEED IGA WITH MARION COUNTY JUVENILE DEPARTMENT FOR TRACKER PROGRAM SERVICES Lonergan /Morris... authorize the City Administrator to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Marion County for Probation officer services in support of the Weed & Seed Tracker Program. The motion passed unanimously. 0:59 CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT A. City Administrator Derickson introduced Sarah Jo Chaplen, interim Human Resources Director. B. City Administrator Derickson also recognized Nancy Boyer of the Mid - Willamette Valley Council of Governments. 1:oo MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS • Councilor McCallum reported on his progress towards 5 Million pages of reading through the Woodburn Public Library program. He also requested an update on the water disinfection project. Public Works Director Brown provided Council with clarification on chlorination vs. chlorimination. • Councilor Cox is looking forward to the implementation of disinfection. • Councilor Morris reminded Council of an upcoming 99E meeting. 1:08 ADJOURNMENT McCallum/Lonergan... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimousl . The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. 0 APPROVED `KATH'YNP AY /4) L a411briAattry hristina M Shear r, Recorder City of Woo e .urn, Oregon Page 3 - Council Meeting Minutes, February 14, 2011