02-28-2011 Presentation: Woodburn Community Resource Meeting)DBURN COMMUNITY RESOUR Z1440� Four Square Church Gymnasiu 1175 E. Lincoln Thursday, March 10, 2011 7:00 RM. to 9:00 RM. District by the Philosophy currently utilized Woodburn Police Department, and now this philosophy can generate enhanced organization and communication networking. hat is This? k meeting presenting the Three Define the districts and 'sustainable 19 momentum ". Re- connect with the community (citizens and groups). Discuss the benefits of community networking. Solutions to similar issues and concerns more likely. More resources are used when they are known about. Stronger community confidence generated through positive results. fhv Have This Meeting? 'he citizens of Woodburn demonstrate t positive support of the Police Department continually. They are a huge resource to WPD that we would like to utilize as effectively as possible in order concentrate on livability issues. By empowering and mentoring our citizens and associated groups, we can provide effective growth in many areas. mpowering and Mentoring - If we have a population of approx. 23,000, that is 46,000 eyes watching for criminal behavior in areas that our citizens are infinitely familiar with. Compare that with 5 -7 Woodburn PD officers (10 to 14 eyes) patrolling three districts and not being intimately familiar with each district like it's residents are. Could we profit with some empowerment and mentoring? example of Growth: r•IM are so many resources available to citizens. There is so much information available to our citizens. There There are so many organizations for our citizens. In order to tap into all to talk to each other. is our plan. available three, we just have On March 10t" that Communication: We would appreciate you taking a moment to let us know about you. Please fill out the questionnaire below and leave it at the door with one of our volun- teers on the night of the Community Meeting. Thank You! WANT TO HELP? LET US KNOW ABOUT YOU! Contact Information Name Address: Phone: E -Mail: District (ci,cle one): 1 2 3 History: Do you currently belong to any community groups? Which one(s)? What neighborhood /community issues concern you? Would you like to participate in organizing your District? Woodburn Community networking Meeting Approximately one year ago a Public Safety Coordinating Council Town Hall style meeting was held in Woodburn City Hall. Officials from Marion County and the City of Woodburn met with Woodburn citizen's to listen and discuss concerns and ideas. During the course of this meeting two areas of im- provement stood out. These areas were communica- tion and organization. We as a city have numerous resources available. The concern is how we get the information out to everyone in the most efficient manner. The standard model for doing this has been; start small and gradually grow larger. What we are trying to do is start big. On March 10, 2011, at 7:00 P.M. the Woodburn Police Department will be facilitating a Woodburn Community Networking Meeting in the Gymnasium of the Four Square Church. The focus of the meeting is to discuss how to improve communication and organiza- tion for everyone. Representatives of the Police Department will share the Three District Philosophy as it applies to generating improvements in these areas, as well as highlight those resources available to the community. What can you do? Just attend. Community participation is the key for making the City of Woodburn the best it can be. Information about resources, organizations and contacts will be provided at the Community Meeting. Let's start big and get the ball rolling! We look forward to seeing everyone on March 10th) I OODBUR 0 R E G O N March 10, 2011 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Four Square Church *Gymnasium 1175 E. Lincoln Street Woodburn, Oregon Contact Us: Woodburn Police Department Capt. Doug Garrett 1060 Mt. Hood Ave. Woodburn, Oregon 97071 Phone: 503-982-2345 Fax: 503 - 982 -2370 ... E -Mail: doug.garrett @ci.woodburn.or.us Apreciamos que usted tome un momento para permitirnos conocerle. Por favor Ilene la infor- macion al interior y deje este panfleto en la puerta. Esperamos verle muy pronto en el futuro. lQUIERE ANDAR? !PERMITANOS CONOCERL®! Contacto Nombre: Direccion: Numero de telefono : E -Mail: Distrito: (ci,cule uno): 1 2 3 H istorla: 1,Participa con algnnos grnpos de la comunidad? 1,Cndles? ,&Cuales asuntos de su comunidad o vecindario le preocnpan? ,&Le gustarba participar en organizer su distrito? Reuni ®n de la Red Comunitaria de Woodburn Hace un ano aproximadamente, se Ilevo a cabo una reunion del consejo coordinador de seguridad publica en la munici- palidad de Woodburn. Los oficiales del condado de Marion y la ciudad de Woodburn se reunieron con los ciudadanos de Woodburn para escuchar y tratar preocupaciones a ideas. Durante el curso de la reunion, dos areas de mejoramiento salieron a relucir. Estas areas fueron la comunicacion y orga- nizacion. Nosotros, como comunidad tenemos numerosos recursos disponibles. La preocupacion es como informamos a todos de la manera mas eficaz. El modelo estandar para esto ha sido, empezar con poquito y gradualmente aumentar. Lo que intentamos hacer es comenzar en grande. El 10 de marzo del 2011, a las 7:00 P.M. el departamento de policia de Woodburn presentaM la reunion de Redes comuni- tarias de Woodburn en el gimnasio de la iglesia Four Square. El enfoque de la reunion es para tratar la mejoria de comuni- cacion y organizacion para todos. Representantes del depar- tamento de policia compartiran la "filosofia de tres distritos" to que aplique, a generar mejoria en estas areas, y tambien destacar los recursos disponibles a la comunidad. LQue puede hacer usted? Asista. La participacion es to im- portante para hacer la Ciudad de Woodburn to mejor que pueda ser. La informacion sobre los recursos, organizaciones y contactos se proveera en la reunion. Vamos a comenzar grande y a poner las cosas en mar - cha. iEsperamos verlos a todos el 10 de marzo! Apreciamos que usted tome un momento para permitirnos conocerle. Por favor Ilene la informacion al inferior y deje este panfleto en la puerta. Esperamos verle muy pronto en el futuro. - OODBUR 0 R 5 G 0 N 10 de marzo del 2011 7:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. Gimnasio* de la Iglesia Four Square Calle 1175 E. Lincoln Woodburn, Oregon Contact Us: Woodburn Police Department Capt. Doug Garrett 1060 Mt. Hood Ave. Woodburn, Oregon 97071 Phone: 503-982-2345 Fax: 503 - 982 -2370 ... E -Mail: doug.garrett @ci.woodburn.or.us