01-11-2011 Water Notice1'00 BUR
Incorporated �I889
Ref. Public Notice to Water Supply Customers
Dear Water Supply Customers,
Public WOTks Department
190 Garfield Street
Woodburn, OR 97079
(503) 982 -5240 (503)982 -5242 (fax)
www.woodburn- or.gov
This letter is forwarding to you notification of a Tier 2 violation of our water supply
system. This notification is required by regulation to ensure that full disclosure of
incidents involving a failure to provide water meeting established standards.
(Oregon Administrative Rule 333 -061 -0042 (3) (b))
Failing to meet our water quality standards is serious and I want to reassure you that
the City of Woodburn understands that this is our most important responsibility to the
community. I also want to reassure that the standards of testing and thresholds
required to be met are stringent. The prompt response of City staff assured that the
negative test results were not a more serious problem and that an immediate public
health risk was not present.
believe it is important that you are aware that the City of Woodburn is currently
completing a public improvement project that will provide secondary disinfection of our
water supply system. Secondary disinfection means adding chlorine to our water
supply system to maintain water quality as it flows through the piping distribution system
to the intended point of use. The chlorine will be added to the water system in low
dosages that will combine with naturally occurring ammonia to create a compound
called chloramrnes. The City of Woodburn will be providing you more information in the
corning weeks regarding our secondary disinfection public improvement and what you
should expect as we bring disinfection on line.
Please understand that while providing secondary disinfection is not guarantee that a
future incident of having water samples test positive for total coliform will not occur in
the future, it will remove the biological conditions within the piping system that can
breed bacteria and pathogens.
The City of Woodburn requests your continued support and awareness as we take the
necessary steps to improve the quality of water being provided to you. Please contact
me at (503) 982 -5249 if you have questions or comments regarding this notification.
Sinc �•
Tan ' wn, P.E.
Public Works Director
Incorporated IS89
Public Works Department
190 Garfield Street
Woodburn, OR 97071
(503) 982 -5240 (503)982 -5242 (fax)
www.woodburn - or.gov
Ref: Aviso Publico pars los Consumidores del Agua Potable
Estimado Consumidor de Agua Potable,
Esta carta sirve como notificacion tocante una violation nivel 2 en el sistema del aqua
potable. Como regulation se requiere una notificacion para asegurar que el
descubrimiento en total de los incidentes que fallan en satisfacer las normas del agua
potable. (Reglamento Administrativa Estatal 333 -061 -0042 (3) (b))
Fallando a satisfacer las normas en la calidad de agua potable es algo serio y les
quiero asegurar que la Ciudad de Woodburn entiende que es una responsabilidad
importante para la comunidad. Tambien les quiero asegurar que medidas de tomar
pruebas y satisfacer los reglamentos son rigurosas. El personal de la Ciudad respondia
a los resultados negativos y aseguro que no existieran otras problemas mas serial y
que no hubo otros riesgos a la saludo del publico.
Es muy importante que esten consiente de que is Ciudad de Woodburn esta iniciando
un proyecto de mejoramiento que suministrara una segunda desinfeccion al sistema de
agua potable. La segunda desinfeccion es agregando cloro al sistema de agua potable
para mantener la calidad de agua cuando entry a las lineas de distribution al punto de
uso. Al sistema de agua se le agregara el cloro en dosis minimas en combination con
el amonio que existe naturalmente creando un compuesto Ilamado chloraminas. En las
pr6ximas semanas, la Ciudad de Woodburn suministrara information tocante e1
proyecto de segunda desinfeccion y que se puede esperar cuando la desinfeccion se
Por favor entiendan que suministrando la segunda desinfeccion no garantiza que
puedan ver otros incidentes en el futuro y pruebas que resulten positivas de coliforme,
pero si retira las condiciones biologicas dentro las lfneas del sistema de agua potable
donde crece bacteria y patogenicos.
La Ciudad de Woodburn les pide su apoyo y conocimiento acerca los pasos necesarios
para mejorar la calidad del agua suministrada. Comuniquese con nuestra oficina al
(503) 982 -5249, si tiene alguna pregunta o comentario tocante este aviso.
�Den r n, P. E.
Director del Departamento de Las Obras Publicas
Tests Showed Coliform Bacteria in the City of Woodburn Water Supply System
The City of Woodburn Water Supply System recently violated a drinking water standard. Although this incident was not
an emergency, as our customer, you have a right to know what occurred and what was done to correct this situation.
City staff routinely monitors the water supply system for contaminants. Staff took 43 samples to test for the presence of
coliform bacteria during the month of December 2010. Four of the samples indicated the presence of total coliform
bacteria. The standard is that no more than one (1) sample per month may indicate the presence of total coliform bacteria.
What should I do?
You do not need to boil your water or take other corrective actions. However, if you have specific health
concerns, consult your doctor.
People with severely compromised immune systems, pregnant women, infants, and some elderly may be at
increased risk. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. General
guidelines on ways to lessen the risk of infection by microbes are available from EPA' Safe Drinking Water
Hotline at 1 (800) 426 -4791 or the Department of Human Services, Drinking Water Program, at (971) 673 -0405.
What does this mean?
This is not an emergency. If it had been, you would have been notified within 24 hours. Coliform bacteria are generally
not harmful themselves. Coliforms are bacteria which are naturally present in the environment and are used as an
indicator that other, potentially- harmful, bacteria may be present in the water supply system. Coliforms were found in
more samples than allowed and this was a warning ofpotential problems.
Usually, coliforms are an indication that there may be a problem with the water supply system' treatment or distribution
(pipes). Whenever staff detects Coliform bacteria in a sample, follow -up tests are performed to see if other bacteria of
greater concern, such as fecal coliform or E. coli, are present. We did not find any of these bacteria in our subsequent
testing, and further testing indicates that this problem has been resolved.
What happened? What was done?
On December 20, 2010 two water samples taken as part of 25 routine monthly samples tested positive for total coliform
bacteria. These positive samples were at Cleveland Street near the Alley and at Cascade Avenue in Driftwood Mobile
Home Park. Water distribution lines in these areas were flushed and six repeat samples and four source (well) samples
were taken. After the first round of flushing there remained one positive sample in the Cleveland/First ,Street area, all
other samples were negative for the presence of total Coliform. The Cleveland/First Street area was again retested and
one positive sample remained, another set of samples were collected and all of these follow -up samples were negative
for the presence of total coliform. NO fecal coliform or E. cols were found in any of the samples tested.
For more information, please contact Randy Scott at 503 - 980 -2427 or by mail at 270 Montgomery Street, Woodburn, OR
Please share this information with all the otherpeople who drink this water, especially those who may not have
received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can
do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.
This notice is being sent to you by the City of Woodburn, State Water System 1134: 4100959. Date distributed: January
12, 2011.
Pruebas de Bacterias Coliforme en el Agua Potable de Woodburn
Reciente hubo una violaci6n en los estandares en la Reserva de Agua Potable de la Ciudad. Aunque no es una
emergencia, siendo consumidor, ustedes tienen el derecho de saber que ocurri6 y que se realiz6 para corregir esta
EI personal de la Ciudad frecuentemente monitorea contaminantes en el agua potable. El personal cumpli6 con 43
pruebas do bacterial coliforme, durante el mes de Diciembre, 2011. Cuatro de las pruebas indicaron el existente de
bacterias coliforme. Los estandares pertniten solamente una (1) prueba por mes en total en donde existe la bacteria
GQue se puede hater?
No es necesario de hervir el agua o tomar otras medidas correctivas. Sin embargo, si tiene dudas de salud
especifcas, consulte con su medico.
Individuos con sistemas inmunol6gicos severos, mujeres embarazadas, infantes y algunas personas de mayor
edad pueden toner riesgos mayores. Tal individuos deben de consultar con su medico tocante bebiendo el agua
potable. Lino puede reducir el riesgo de microbios par medios y directrices en general y son disponible con la
Agencia de Protecci6n Ambiental, Agua Potable Seguro al (800) 426 -4791 o con el Departamento de Recursos
Humanos, Programa de Agua Potable al (971) 673 -0405.
GQue significa esto?
lEsto no es una sitaaci6a de emer2encia? Si fuera una emergencia, se le avisara inmediatamente. Las bacterias
coliformes no son peligrosas on si mismo. Las coniformes son bacterial que se encuentran naturalmente ambientales y
se utilizan coma indicadores de otras bacterias que potencialmente pztedan ser peligrosas. Los resultados de las
pruebas indican que existen coliformes mas de to permitido y fue tin indicador de peligro de problemas potenciales.
La presencia de coliformes indican que puede haber una problema con el tratamiento del agua potable o la distribuci6n
(lineas). Cuando el personal hate pruebas y detectan la bacteria coliforme, se hate un seguimiento de pruebas para ver si
existen otras bacterias de alto peligro tal coma coliforme fecal (E. Coli). Las pruebas indican que no existen estas
bacterias en las pruebas subsi uientes y pruebas mas adelante indican que se resolvi6 el problema.
GQu6 pas6? GQue se realizo?
En 20 de Diciembre, 2010, se tomaron 25 pruebas mensualmente del agua potable y dos pruebas resultaron positivas con
respecto a la bacteria de coliforme. Dichas pruebas se tomaron en la calle Cleveland cerea del callej 6n y en la avenida
Cascade en el parque de casas en Driftwood. Las lineas de distribuci6n en dichas areas fueron enjuagadas y seis pruebas
fucron repetidas y tomaron cuatro pruebas de las norias. Despues de la primera vez de enjuague, resulto una prueba
positiva en 1 area de las calles Cleveland y Front, todas las otras pruebas resultaron negativas de la presencia de
coliform. Se repitieron las pruebas en las areas de las calles Cleveland y Front y resulto on una prueba positiva en las
pruebas que se colectaron y las sobrantes resultaron negativas de la presencia de coliforme. NW2una bacteria fecal
coliforme o E soli resultaron en una de las pruebas.
Para obtener mas information, comuniquese con Randy Scott al 503 -980 -2427 or par correo al 270 Montgomery St.,
Woodburn, OR 97071.
Por favor comparta esta information con todos quienes tonian el agtta potable, especialmente con agttellos que no
reciben notification directamente (por ejemplo, agttilinos, hogares. de ancianos, escuelas, y negocios). Lo puede hater
con distribtrir en un lugar p6bico, por mano o correo.
Esta notificacion es suministrado por la Ciudad de Woodburn, ID# del Sistema de Agua Potable Estatal: 4100959. Fecha
de Distribuci6n: Enero