09-27-2010 Presentation: Transit Plan Updatei 8I1 p1 L 0J: o I I BBCe ® o 9 B e uangpooM ao� uoi�e�oasuea� aggnd {o aan�n� aql a�epd� ueld �isueal Transit Program Definitions Fined route bus Regular, hourly "fixed" route and , schedule Only serves designated stops Dial•a•Ride o On- demand door -to -door service For seniorldisabled who cannot use fixed route Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Volunteer driver program Donation based B 1 1111 0 WAN h�o'I. �e ¢d ItB9 - I , Transit Program Definitions (Cont,) ADA — Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (as amended) ARRA - American Recovery &Reinvestment Act (2009) Paratransit — an alternative mode of flexible passenger transportation that does not follow fixed routes or schedules required by the ADA for individuals with disabilities. Elderly — individuals who are 60 years of age or older. STF - Special Transportation Fund TPU — Transit Plan Update (Current Study) TSP — Woodburn's Transportation System Plan (a component of Woodburn's Comprehensive Plan) �aa0� 1 IIIB o WooN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Overview of the Transit Plan Update (TPU) Planning Process Review how public transportation is currently being provided Identify opportunities for improving how public transportation is being provided Define objectives to close the gap between existing performance and desired performance B „� a B WooN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 The Woodburn Public Transportation Vision? "To provide a clean, safe reliable efficient sustainable and affordable public franspor�afion service for people (raveling Within Woodburn Wifh a focus on those who do not have other transportation options; and fo strive fo provide residents visitors and Workers (raveling fo or from Woodburn With efficient and convenient regional connections. a�a, a WooN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Specific Goals of the Transit Plan Update (TPU) Provide a detailed assessment of existing transit services and funding Assess community needs for public transit and obtain broad support for the plan Determine the feasibility of various types of transit services in Woodburn Develop a "flexible" transit plan that responds to community growth over the next 20 years ' 1 1 IIIB o WAN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Specific Goals of the Transit Plan Update (TPU) Serve as the transit element of the Transportation System Plan (TSP) Allow Woodburn to better coordinate with regional providers Plan for capital improvements over the next 20 years 0 „B o WooN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Transit Service Summary (FY 09110) Fixed Route Bus; N28,000 PassengerslYr, — Minorities 88 — Elderly 3 — Disabled 1 — General 8 Dial -A -Ride; N6,800 PassengerslYr, — Elderly 56% — Disabled 44% ' 1 1 1111 0 WAN h�o'I. �e ¢d ItB9 FY09110 cost to provide public transportation? Personnel Costs = $280,405 Supplies and Services= $124,812 Other Expenses = $41,898 iCapital0utla Total FY09 -10 Expenditure = $441,115 �B B 9881 0 WooN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Transit Revenues FY 2001.08; $328,510 FY 2008.09; $359,482 tooa�rOtl�ar Ratty °as! Revenues have remained fairly stable over the past two f scat years Local revenues and Federal grants comprise about 80 %of total funding for transit „� a a WooN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 lusai(O�ar fi?ra °u2si total m�timr3:ti FY09.10 Expenditures & FY10.11 Budget FY 2aa9.1 a = $43,222 Local;0lhar gG, 6 °w �t9lC 0 +Grarrts;� F�2a�a•�� = ��1s,�aa LacalrOkher ARR4Gr�rtl Rsveoassj� 'A,a 3'F C acal , Fares. local Federal` , (Indiraet Granfs� � "locludasactual 4'9� revenues leceiued but same accmetl fromplaviousfY 1 1 1111 0 7afe Federal Graatsi WAN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Tdkl 4pdn How Does Woodburn Compare? IIIB o WooN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Woodburn Canby (OR) Sanger (CA) Galt (CA) 1. Vernon McMinnvill a l Fixed Route Fares $1.00 Free $0.75 nia $1.00 $1.00 lone -way) Demand Response $1.50 Free $0.75 $2.50 Free $1.50 Fares (Dial -A -Ride lone -way) Dedicated Local No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Revenue Source? (Payroll (TDA— (TDA— (Local tax) sales tax) sales tax) sales tax) Productivity 13.8 12.9 5.7 nia 14.5 11.9 IPasslHour) Fixed Route Productivity 1.9 2.1 11.5 n!a 2.6 2.1 (PasslHour) Dial -a- Ride Cost Efficiency $61.91 $66.40 $66.44 n!a $109.32 $32.55 (Operating CostlHour) IIIB o WooN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Comparison of Woodburn to it's Neighbors 1 1 1111 0 WooN I "�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Modbum Cat R Wilsonville OR Sarnd;!OF'i Annual Operat'mg Budget jappz $350,000 $1,400,000 $3,000,000 $1 b00000 jFIR and demand response) Annual Service Hours jap 5,600 22000 32 000 13 ,800 Annual Ridership japp; 35,000 225,000 305,000 275,000 CosflPassengerjapprox $10 $6 $10 $4 City Population japproxj 24,000 15,000 18,000 8,000 Dedicated revenue source? No Yes, Payroll Tax Ves, Payroll Taz Ves, Payroll Tax RdministrafiveStaffjFTEJ 18 46 28 Fulhflme drivers jFTE� 2 5 Paddime Drivers jFTEj 18 3 5 3 5 FulhTimeEmployeeEquivalenfsjFTEsj 56 15,1 11,3 Operating BudgetlSeruice Hr $63 $64 $94 $80 RidershiplService Hr 6 10 10 20 BudgetlPopulation $15 $93 $167 $138 1 1 1111 0 WooN I "�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Community Input and Involvement Stakeholder I focus group meetings Onboard passenger surveys Regional Focus Group Meeting Community Survey Open House Website Articles in the Woodburn Independent ' 1 1 IIIB o WAN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Key Findings and Transit Needs Existing transit within Woodburn; Strong support for transit Improve existing services before adding new service Need for expanded service hours Need for weekend service Better coordination with regional providers Address on -time performance on fixed route Bus stop improvements Fares onDial -a -Ride are low OOOB o WooN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Key Findings and Transit Needs (Cont.) Expansion of transit beyond Woodburn; Need for a cohesive regional system Improved service connecting SalemlKeizer Improved service connecting southern Portland suburbs Need for expansion ofDial - -Ride service to nearby communities ' 1 1 IIIB o WAN h�o'I. �e ¢d ItB9 Key Findings and Transit Needs (Cont.) Awareness of existing transit services; Improved local marketing materials Improved schedule information at bus stops Transit information in Spanish Joint marketing with regional providers Transportation that supports transit; -5 interchange project is needed Improved sidewalks and crossings in some areas Continue expansion of bike network Taxis are playing an increasingly important transportation role a,,, a WooN h�o'I. �e ¢d ItB9 Goals for Transit Five goals established to realize the vision; Goal 1; Enhance local moty for primary user groups and potential new user groups in Woodburn, Goal 2; Provide the most efficient transit service to existing markets while also focusing on serving new markets, Goal 3; Increase the visibility and elevate the image of transit in Woodburn, Goal 4; Provide a transit service that iscost- effective and sustainable; identify a stable source of funding for transit, Goal 5. Improve coordination with regional transit providers, explore the feasibility of new regional transit service, and explore other transportation options like carpool and vanpool, More specific objectives were then established for each goal. „� a a WooN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Prioritized Service Strategies Shata # Des ,m O Ole No 1J 2 SheamlineLotalfhedRoute N 4 ShanomConn ettiorawilhRogiondl PiOders S B 1 Develop NewBrandiagandMmk¢ErgWIMs S N 9 InshIINeWBos$heheis S R IS Now DiaFAd¢Vehicles SS B IB Ensm¢ futlgme0ispick CusfomwServite and TmrahOpe�aSansManagmnml SS N 1 EapandSen+teHaus SSS M 3 EapandtotNfhetlRoule SS SS M S Ir�hadut¢SerdceanS�urday SSS M 6 Irdlotl�¢$mVt¢on$mtla� SSS M 6 PumhaseN¢wlowfloo�TmradVehiNe SSS M 11 P�at'ide Peaty• OnrylnhrtirySerdt ¢toSal¢mantlWilsomille SS SSS M 12 P�oNdeAlSDaylrrtmtiySemit ¢ta$al¢mandWilsomill¢ SS SSS M 14 InstallBikeRatpsonBuses S M 16 ConueneRegulaRegiorwlTranslfomm M 17 lkrim¢¢ UseafSahedulirgaodTimBManaganedSofllare S M 19 InsMMeProcess (mR¢gularDakColletdonantlRepoWng S S M 20 PsomoteR ¢giooNCaipoaWarpodPiogmm S 6 M 10 PsavideLimWtlDemandResponseSeMreBeyardWood6um S L 13 ImpioueS¢muefrequenty SSS SSS L 1111 0 .hy WooN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Potential New Funding Sources i Publc and Private Partnership Funding Programs / Rdvertising, employer transit pass program, etc, / fvioderafe probability of receiving, but relatively low amounts Federal and State Grants / Existing sources (5309, 5310, 5311, STF, BETC, etc,) Rmounts can be significant, and high probability of receiving, but require local match Taxes and Fees 1 Payroll tax, gasoline tax, transit access fee, etc, Rmounts can be significant, but local acceptance could be difficult 1 Many of Woodburn's nearby peer cities use the payroll tax � 1 1 1111 0 WooN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Contract versus In•House Operations In•House More direct control Better coordination between marketing and seNice provision Contract Contractors bring experience in transit operations Rllows for penaltieslincentives for seNice performance Difficult to findlretain local staff Response to seNicelcapital needs is typically slower Less direct control Some duplication of administrative staff Less flexibility in responding to customer concernslcomments Initial analysis suggests that OHAS (contract provider for CARTS and CAT) is about the same cost per service hour as in -house o,�, a WooN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9 Next Steps Receive comments Revise Final Draft TPU Public Hearing in October Finalize TPU P c B 1 1111 0 �? a. WAN h�orp, re ¢d ItB9