06-14-2010 Salinas StatementZimbra: soymiguel@comcast.net
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Re: Monday's Presentation
From: soymiguel@comcast.net
To: Jim.Row@ci.woodburn.or.us
Friday, June 11, 2010 2:52:29 PM
Cc: aveliz@izomarketing.com; bmiley@outdrs.net; batis@me.com; vzauner@wbcable.net;
stepanek5329@q.com; ddc@lapantera940.com; don@woodburnchamber.org; e.alonso@Iapantera940.com;
emaldonado@mapscu.com; licos@revistaelgallo.net; isam0622@hotmail.com; jaimearredondo@fhdc.org;
jaimevalverde79@hotmail.com; josegonzalez29@aim.com; juanrt@yahoo.com;
Kathryn.Figley@ci.woodburn.or.us; tourism@woodbumchamber.org; flynut7226@hotmail.com;
lvilla@kwip.com; pugarice@peoplepc.com; marlentorres@PCUN.org; mkirkpatrick@woodburn.kl2.or.us;
martac8464@yahoo.com; matthew@easystreet.net; caseauto@oregonsbest.com;
rcavanaugh@woodburnindependent.com; Latinoprimero@yahoo.com; mamarosiee@yahoo.com;
elhappypapi@yahoo.com; sharon97@q.com; Stu.Spence@ci.woodburn.or.us;
ted@yourhometownmagazine.com; teresa_urzua@comcast.net; tjohnson@co.marion.or.us;
urojas@sre.gob.mx; victorg@wbcable.net
Hi Jim and people who were cc:'d RE: Monday's Presentation
It is with the utmost respect that I submit to everyone my thoughts. My letter below outlines my
I don't believe in surprising people and I wish to be as direct and factual as I can with respect to
the Chamber or anyone else taking
over the FIESTA. I taped and took good notes of the first meeting and it seems that things are
shifting from the original message given by city officials.
'The purpose of this communication is to ALERT the membership of the Fiesta
Transition Committee that I am not in favor of the Chamber or anyone else to take
over the Fiesta in 2011. Proceeding with such a plan and not returning to the earlier
conversation that the group organized by the city was going to continue with the
Fiesta until a new group could take over the FIESTA. The newspaper article cited that
someone had suggested that the Chamber take over the Fiesta; that someone should
be identified and at this point not only is the action or suggestion premature, but also
lacks respect to the folks who tried to do the right thing for the last 40+ years; not
withstanding recent problems between the City and the WLAC. Therefore, I would
recommend that any reference to anyone taking over the FIESTA be postponed until
such time that a process is put in place so that the transition is not a "decision" that is
made behind closed doors and/or that the transition does not involve members of the
entire community particularly the Mexican-American Community. Keep in mind that
the FIESTA has been organized mostly by members of the Woodburn Community
who have SW-US and/or Mexican roots.
It was my understanding that the City took over the Fiesta due to anon-payment that
was due from the Woodburn Latin American Club. I personally met with school
o_ffi_cials a_nd was appraised of the situation. Having heard some of tihe facts I was
relieved that the City was showing good faith to continue a tradition. I still support
the City, but will not support a decision that at this point seems like a unilateral act.
I have followed the progress of the FIESTA since it begun in 1964 and I am
http://sz0030.ev.mail.comcast.netlzimbra/mail 6/11 /2010
Zimbra: soymiguel@comcast.net
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personally not proud or happy with the dilemma that occurred between the City and
the Woodburn Latin American Club. I have had the privileged of working with and
knowing many of the former members and leaders and regret that the situation was
not amicably resolved. Many of these folks are still with us and many have moved on
(RIP); we need to think of their integrity and legacy! I remember some WLAC
members working on their vacatation, at times spending their own money to fulfill an
annual dream. It is sad to see that the hard work and self-sufficiency pride has been
diluted over time.
In conclusion, I appreciate the City's gesture to maintain the FIESTA alive and hope
that when the time for "Transition" comes ...that FULL INCLUSION AND
DISCLOSURE are part of the menu that can generate a FIESTA beyond 2011. You
all remember that when I passed out the brief-historical timeline of the FIESTA
1964-2009, that our "Golden Anniversary" was just around the corner. Let's keep the
original goal in front of us, and that is, to build a GOOD EXAMPLE on how the
FISTA can be continued.
Thank you ALL for your attention and I would welcome your comments.
Miguel A. Salinas, Historian 503-998-1480
JIM: The reply to your questiuon RE: Grand Marashal and music...see last paragraph
of previous email
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Row" <Jim.Row@ci.woodburn.or.us>
To: "soymiguel@comcast.net" <soymiguel@comcast.net>
Cc: "Anthony Veliz" <aveliz@izomarketing.com>, "Bob & Cleo Miley" <bmiley@outdrs.net>,
"Bruce Thomas" <batis@me.com>, "Cliff Zauner" <vzauner@wbcable.net>, "Cristina Stepanek"
<stepanek5329@q.com>, "Don Coss" <ddc@lapantera940.com>, "Don Judson"
<don@woodburnchamber.org>, "Eddy Alonso" <e.alonso@lapantera940.com>, "Eggie
Maldonado (ealdonado@mapscu.com)" <emaldonado@mapscu.com>, "F. Javier Navarro S."
<licos@revistaelgailo.net>, "Isam Urzua" <isam0622@hotmail.com>, "Jaime Arredondo
(jaimearredondo@fhdc.org)" <jaimearredondo@fhdc.org>, "Jaime Valverde"
<jaimevalverde79@hotmail.com>, "Jose Gonzalez" <josegonza1ez29@aim.com>, "Juan
Ramirez" <juanrt@yahoo.com>, "Kathryn Figley" <Kathryn.Figley@ci.woodburn.or.us>,
"Kristin Graybeal" <tourism@woodburnchamber.org>, "Lisa Miley"
<flynut7226@hotmail.com>, "Lucy Villastrigo" <lvilla@kwip.com>, "Maggie Flores"
<pugarice@peoplepc.com>, "Harlan Torres (marlentorres@PCUN.org)"
<marlentorres@PCUN.org>, "Marlene Kirkpatrick" <mkirkpatrick@woodburn.kl2.or.us>,
"Marta Carrillo" <martac8464@yahoo.com>, "Matthew Miner" <matthew@easystreet.net>,
"Mike Summer" <caseauto@oregonsbest.com>, "Rachel Cavanaugh"
http://sz0030.ev.mail.comcast.net/zimbra/mail 6111 /2010