Minutes - 06/22/2009COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES J[JNE 22, 2009 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, JUNE 22, 2009. 0015 CONVENED. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Figley presiding. ROLL CALL. Mayor Figley Present Councilor Berkey Present Councilor Cox Present Councilor Lonergan Present Councilor McCallum Present Councilor Pugh Present Councilor Schmidt Present Staff Present: City Administrator Derickson, City Attorney Shields, Assistant City Administrator Stevens, Acting Police Acting Chief Blevins Blevins, Public Works Director Brown, Community Development Director Hendryx, Finance Director Gillespie, Community Services Director Row, Building Official Krieg, HR Assistant Sprauer, City Recorder Tennant 0046 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) City Offices will be closed on Friday, July 3ra, in observance of Independence Day. The Library and Aquatic Center will be closed on Saturday, July 4, 2009. B) Relay for Life will begin on June 26, 2009 at 6:00 pm at the Woodburn High School Athletic Field and will end on Saturday, June 27t", at 1:00 p.m.. C) Independence Day Celebration will begin at 4:00 pm on July 4t" at Centennial Park. In conjunction with the event, the Woodburn segment of the Marion County 150 mile relay will also take place. Ol 19 PROCLAMATION: NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARKS MONTH. Mayor Figley declared the month of July 2009 as National Recreation and Parks Month within the City of Woodburn and encouraged citizens to enjoy the City's parks and participate in recreation programs offered by the City. 0205 PROCLAMATION: NATIONAL GUARD MONTH. Mayor Figley declared the month of July 2009 as Oregon National Guard Month and encouraged citizens to honor the National Guardsmen with appropriate programs, ceremonies and activities. Page 1-Council Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2009 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 22, 2009 TAPE READING 0314 PRESENTATION: REDFLEX -Red Light Traffic Cameras. ~I~I~i II~~I 1 I ICI 1 ICI ~~.Iq~l 1 I I ii .A . I^ .~p~1.I..11~~P I~ 1~~~ Acting Police Acting Chief Blevins Blevins introduced Dawn Davis from Redflex Traffic Systems. Acting Chief Blevins Russell had begun the red light traffic camera project prior to his injury and staff now has the time to move forward with presenting this program for Council consideration. Ms. Davis stated that Redflex provides traffic systems in two forms of output, either by streaming video or still photos, to help cite those who run red lights. Video can also be used for evidentiary nature in the event of an accident and it can be used by Public Works for traffic counts. Ms. Davis reviewed statistics on how the program has worked in Qregon and nationwide, red light camera regulations within the State of ~Jregon, and gave an overview of Redfex. She explained that Redflex is a fully integrated offering and provides research and development, system design and integration, maintenance, software development, continuous training, an expert witness program, court support and a public outreach program. Councilor Cox asked if local police officers would review the photos and issue citations. Ms. Davis explained that local officers would make citation decisions. She explained that Redflex will perform a survey system to determine which intersections}would be a viable location for cameras. There can be multiple locations in which cameras can be placed. City Administrator Derickson stated that ODQT does not have a standard time limit for yellow lights. Timing is dependent on the size, angles, and lanes of the intersection. Councilor Cox explained that the cameras are only triggered by running a red light and not by running a yellow light. Ms. Davis reviewed the system hardware, placement, and detection methods, and explained the process flow for both the City's and Redflex's responsibilities. Councilor Berkey asked if the photos could only be used to grant red light infractions. Ms. Davis stated that Redflex is only used for red light infractions and explained the importance of public outreach. When Redflex enters into a contract with a city they perform a public outreach campaign to aware the citizens of the system, which include proper sign requirements, press conferences, and public forums. Redflex requires no upfront costs and is 100% violator paid. Councilor Cox asked if the City needs ODOT's permission to put cameras on ODOT highways. Ms. Davis stated that Redflex will work with ODOT to obtain approval. Councilor McCallum stated that one advantage of working with a company like Redflex is that local officers review the photos and/or videos and accept or deny the violations. He questioned how many employees would need to be staffed to review the photos. Ms. Davis stated that one half time employee would be able to review ten approaches. Acting Chief Blevins explained that the Police Department would utilize current light duty officers for review. There was discussion amongst the Council and Ms. Davis in regards to the why a Page 2 -Council Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2009 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 22, 2009 TAPE RFAn1NCT violation would be rejected by Redflex or a local officer. Ms. Davis stated that more citations are issued to transient traffic rather than local motorists. Councilor Berkey asked how Redflex handles customer service questions. Ms. Davis stated that they have a very large Customer Service Department. Councilor Cox stated that before he knew more about the program, he was very leery and concerned that it would penalize private citizens rather than businesses. He does not see the potential for abuse with this program and explained that motorists have multiple rights in order to pursue innocence. He supports the program. Councilor Councilor Pugh is also very supportive of the program. Councilor Cox stated that the City needs to have public support before it moves forward with this type of program. There was discussion amongst the Council and Acting Chief Blevins in regards to the police review of the photos or video. Councilor Berkey questioned why motorists are not cited for other violations. Acting Chief Blevins explained that this program only focuses on red light violations although the City may be able to issue a separate citation for any other infractions. He also explained the difficulty motorcycle officers have in pursuing violators and the usefulness of the video in evidence reconstruction. City Administrator Derickson explained that the intent of this program is to increase safety. The City would like to come back at a future date with a contract for services after input is taken from the public. 3350 Gertrude Tomminger,1311 Astor way. Ms. Tomminger requested the City cut down the Sweet Gum trees in her front yard which may have been put in by the City. She explained that the trees are very messy and dangerous. The roots protrude from ground and have torn up her driveway, her gutters plug up from the leaves, and people trip and fall from the debris. She feels that better trees should be planted. She explained that she came to the City two years ago to ask that the trees be cut down but the City told her that the trees were healthy and they would not allow them to be cut. The trees are in within the public right-of way. Councilor Cox stated that in the past the City has denied healthy street trees from being cut down. Councilor McCallum explained that the City now has a tree removal ordinance and urged Ms. Tomminger to contact staff to review the situation. City Administrator Derickson stated that the Public works Director will look into the issue. Page 3 -Council Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2009 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 22, 2009 TAPE READING 401 S CONSENT AGENDA. A) Approve the Council regular and executive session meeting minutes of June 8, 2009; B) Approve the Council workshop minutes of June 8, 2009; C) Accept the Recreation and Parks Board minutes of June 9, 2009; D) Receive the Community Services statistics report for May 2009; E) Receive the Building Activity report for May 2009; and F) Receive the Planning Project Tracking Sheet dated June 16, 2009. LONERGAN/COX... Adopt the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously.. 4075 PUBLIC HEARING: REDFLEX PHOTO RED LIGHT (Legislative Hearing). Mayor Figley declared the public hearing open at 8:03 p.m. for the purpose of receiving public input on the potential use of photo red-light cameras. Councilor McCallum asked what the timeline for implementation would be if the program was adopted. Acting Chief Blevins explained that the ODOT intersection may take up to 18 months for implementation. Councilor Pugh would like to get citizens in agreement before the City moves forward with the project. Acting Chief Blevins explained that there would be no up-front cost for the program and there would be a tiered level on revenue over multiple years. He explained that although there are other vendors available, he was interested in Redflex because of their scale, customer service, and reputability. Councilor Cox stated that the City needs a reputable provider. Councilor McCallum would like to provide opportunities for citizen input and would like the program to move forward. Councilor Cox stated that he would like Redflex to make several presentations within the city before a final decision is made. Acting Chief Blevins listed several intersections that would be ideal to place cameras and explained that they will follow legal procurement procedures before a decision is made. No one spoke either for or against. Closed 8:15 p.m. PUGHICOX... Proceed carefully, get the City and local clubs involved with Redflex, and proceed at the greatest cautious haste. The motion passed unanimously. 5306 PUBLIC HEARING: CONTINUATION OF HEARING ON THE PARKS MASTER PLAN. Mayor Figley continued the public hearing open at 8:16 p.m.. Community Development Director Hendryx introduced the project and stated that the amendments to the Parks Master Plan would be reflected in the Comprehensive Plan, and staff would return to Council to present an ordinance reflecting the changes. Page 4 -Council Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2009 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE ZZ, Z009 TAPE READING Community Services Director Row presented background information and briefly reviewed the changes that have been made based on the items brought up at previous meetings. He gave an explanation on the standard 264 "N" number that was used in the household survey and explained the differences between the 1999 plan the proposed plan. The 1999 plan focused more on parks and facilities involving capital and maintenance while the proposed plan has a broader scope that uses a global view to determine the level of utilization. Councilor Schmidt would like to see the plan reviewed every couple of years since things change and Councilors may change over the life span of the plan. Mayor Figley agreed that priorities change over the years. Community Services Director Row explained that the plan is a vision document for prioritizing resources and direction. Mayor Figley stated that the plan is a living document but questioned if the changes would cause ramifications to the Comprehensive Plan. Community Development Director Hendryx stated that changes may eventually call for a Comprehensive Plan amendment. Councilor McCallum suggested that all plans be reviewed periodically. City Administrator Derickson stated that a list of plans could be put together for the Council. No one in the audience spoke either for or against updates. Closed 8:37 p.m. COX/PUGH... Approve the new Parks Master Plan as amended through this process and staff return with an ordinance. All aye. SCHMIDTBERKEY...Reuiew City plans every two years after City election. Mayor Figley suggested Council review the plans after January. Councilor Cox stated that review should mean reviewing whatever is appropriate at the time, rather than hiring outside consultants for in depth review. City Administrator Derickson asked if the advisory boards that are charged with the administration of the plans would be included in the review, or if they would be responsible for the review and recommendations for Council. There was discussion amongst Council in regards to the format of the review process. City Administrator Derickson summarized the review process. Council would like City plans to be reviewed every two years by the body that has been appointed to oversee and implement the plans, with any recommendations made to the plans to come to Council as recommendations. There was discussion amongst the Council and City Administrator Derickson in regards to creating a list that summarizes the review schedule for the plans. Councilor Schmidt and Councilor Berkey withdraw the motion and second to review City plans every two years after City election. Council would like City Administrator Derickson to return to Council at the following meeting with a suggestion for the review process. Page 5 -Council Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2009 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 22, 2009 TAPE R F A nTN(~T 0952 COUNCIL BILL N0.2791-RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY'S ELECTION TO RECEIVE STATE REVENUES DURING FISCAL YEAR 2009- 2010. Councilor McCallum introduced Council Bill No. 2791. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill No. 2791 duly passed with the emergency clause. 1010 COUNCIL BILL N0.2787 -RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE ELIGIBILITY OF THE CITY TO RECEIVE STATE-SHARED REVENUES DURING FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010. Councilor McCallum introduced Council Bill No. 2787. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill No. 2787 duly passed. 1091 COUNCIL BILL N0.2788 -ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS, LEVYING TAXES, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Council Bill No. 2788 was introduced by Councilor McCallum. Recorder Tennant read the two readings of the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill No. 2788 duly passed with the emergency clause. 1177 COUNCIL BILL N0.2789 -ORDINANCE ADOPTING BUILDING DIVISION FEES FOR INCLUSION IN THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE INCOMPLIANCE WITH OAR 918-050 AND REPEALING ALL BUILDING FEES AND CHARGES THAT ARE INCONSISTENT WITH THIS ORDINANCE. Councilor McCallum introduced Council Bill No. 2789. The two readings of the bill were read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. Councilor Cox asked when the ordinance would become effective. Community Development Director Hendryx explained that the ordinance would become effective after 30 days. Councilor Schmidt inquired of the purpose of the building fee increase. Community Development Director Hendryx explained that the state adopted a new methodology for adopting fees and the City's existing process does not come into conformance. With the adoption of the new methodology, a new fee table would need to come into effect. As of now, current fees do not cover costs of providing services. Councilor Schmidt asked if there was a loss of funds with the change in economic conditions. Community Development Director Hendryx stated that the building reserve would have diminished even if economic conditions had been favorable because the fees do not cover Page 6 -Council Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2009 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 22, 2009 TAPE READING the costs of the various services. The fees pay for design review, inspections, and staffing. Building Official Krieg stated that the Building Division has made cutbacks in personnel to decrease expenses. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill No. 2789 duly passed. 1691 COUNCIL BILL N0.2781-ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCES 2070, 2111, 2250LAND 2438 IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR INSTALLMENT AND DEFERRAL PAYMENT OPTIONS FOR SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGES. Mayor Figley called for a second reading of Council Bill No. 2781. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no obj ections from the Council. Councilor Cox stated that he had initiated the holdover and is now satisfied with the ordinance as written. However, there will still need to be another document setting forth the standards of the City approved deferral plan, to be approved by resolution. City Attorney Shields stated that the need for a resolution is a Council decision. Councilor Cox stated that the resolution will define what a City approved installment or deferral program is. He suggested adopting the staff report with the resolution and feels the program will make it easier for developers. City Attorney Shields stated that the statute allows for Bancroft. Staff would like to return to Council with a resolution that specifies what was approved in concept as outlined in the staff report. There was discussion amongst Council and staff in regards to a resolution. On roll call vote final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill No. 2781 duly passed. 2275 COUNCIL BILL N0.2790 -RESOLUTION DIRECTING THAT A STOP SIGN AND STOP PAVEMENT MARKING LINE BE INSTALLED ON ROBIN AVENUE, AND THAT A "RIGHT TURN WITHOUT STOPPING" SIGN BE INSTALLED AT THE NORTH END OF ARNEY ROAD. Council Bill No. 2790 was introduced by Councilor McCallum. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill No. 2790 duly passed. 2363 LIABILITY, AUTO PROPERTY, AND WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010. Councilor Pugh would like the City to contact all insurance companies in Woodburn for insurance quotes. There was discussion amongst Council and staff in regards to the selection process. Page 7 -Council Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2009 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 22, 2009 TAPE RFAnTNCT COX/LONERGAN... Authorize the City Administrator to execute liability, auto, property, and workers' compensation insurance contracts with City County Insurance Services (CIS) for fiscal year 2009-2010. The motion passed unanimously. 2866 TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY GRANT DISBURSEMENT FOR FISCAL YEARS 2009-2012. Don Judson, Executive Director Woodburn Area Chamber of Commerce. Last year Woodburn Area Tourism (WAT) was established as a subset of the Woodburn Area Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Judson presented WAT's priorities, which include being the front door to Woodburn, attract more visitors, and increase overnight stays. He shared seven areas that WAT would like to focus their investments: l . create a website; 2. work closely with area festivals and attractions; 3. produce a new visitor guide; 4. operate a booth at each festival; 5. run cooperative ads in tourism publications; 6. include a visitor guide in each "goody" bag distributed to tour bus occupants; and 7. send current visitors to other areas of the city. Mr. Judson presented a letter by Teri Sunderland, General Manager of the Woodburn Company Stores, which expressed the importance of tourism. Mr. Judson stated that he is very pleased with initial efforts made with tourism program and hopes that the City will continue to partner with the Chamber in reaching economic growth in the community. There was brief discussion amongst Council and Mr. Judson in regards to the revenues collected by City annually and the distribution of revenues for tourism, economic development, and city operations. Mayor Figley expressed a concern in the varying degrees of accountability from both the City and the Chamber. She would like to see Mr. Judson and City Administrator Derickson work together to define and quantify success. Mr. Judson stated that one of the most obvious measures of success is Transient Qccupancy Tax (TOT) funds. There is also an increasing amount of membership dollars which will continue to increase after WAT proves their success. They need to be able to have amulti-year program to measure the level of success. Councilor McCallum stated that he is supportive of staff s recommendation and hopes that a three or five year plan can be developed over the next year which would include operational costs so the plan can be measured. He would like to see a more detailed budget, reports to Council, copies of publications, and a plan that includes measurable outcomes. Mr. Judson responded to comments made by Councilor McCallum. He explained that WAT has already been working on many of the changes that Councilor McCallum had suggested, which include a detailed budget and booths at festivals. He stated that publications are printed for WAT and the Chamber members. They have contacted many local business owners who have declined membership. Mr. Judson also stated that he had presented a written report to Council earlier in the year which included publications. There was discussion amongst the Council and Mr. Judson in regards to business Page 8 -Council Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2009 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 22, 2009 TAPE READING involvement in the Chamber and potential revenues for the City and the Chamber. Councilor Cox stated that he is in support of the staff report and would like to give Chamber the additional funds that they need ($48,000 versus $44,000). Councilor Pugh stated that he would like Mr. Judson and staff to define projects that the City and the Chamber would like to accomplish and to define revenue requirements. City Administrator Derickson stated that the $44,000 had been determined to allow for an additional $5,000 in grants to be available in the community. There is one other local business that had expressed interest in applying for a grant although it is unsure whether they will submit. Changing the amount from $44,000 to $48,000 would leave $2,000 remaining. Mr. Judson stated that the business wishing to apply for a grant with the City can join WAT and receive funds. COX/PUGH... Direct the City Administrator to enter into a Transient Occupancy Grant Disbursement agreement for FY 2009-10 with the Chamber of Commerce in an amount to be determined by a second vote, and direct staff to work with the Chamber of Commerce over the next year to draft amulti-year agreement that would delineate the scope and description of proposed projects, programs, project deliverables, timelines, milestones, detailed project budgets, and status reports including financial reports that outline all project expenditures. The motion passed unanimously. COX/PUGH... Amount of the grant be $48,000. Councilor McCallum stated that he would like to see money remaining for other organizations. The motion passed unanimously. Tape 3 0258 PLANNING COMMISSION OR ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTIONS. A) Community Development Director Hendryx's approval of preliminary partition plan and street exception at 417 Gatch Street: Applicant requested a Type II partition to divide one lot into two parcels in addition to a Type II Exception to street right-of way and improvements for Gatch Street. B) Community Development Director Hendryx's approval of a design review for a pole sign at 2515 Newberg Highway: Applicant requested a Type II Design Review to replace an existing non-conforming sign with a pole sign that meets the requirements of the Woodburn Development Ordinance (WDO}, No action taken on either 0316 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Page 9 -Council Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2009 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 22, 2049 TAPE READING Councilor Pugh would like to see a resolution to keep Country Cottage and Trailer World in Woodburn at different locations when the interchange project begins. Councilor Lonergan inquired whether water rates would be decreased since a 100,000 gallon leak was identified. Councilor McCallum reminded everyone that Relay for Life will be this weekend and thanked those who have contributed to the City's sponsorship. Councilor Schmidt challenged the Councilors to walk at the event. 631 ADJOURNMENT. COX/LONERGAN... Meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.. APPRO TTEST ~~~ ~~ ~~ .~~.~~= A Mary Te ant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 10 -Council Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2009