Agenda - 05/27/2008CITY OF WOODBURN WALTER NICHOLSTCOU CGOR WARD 1 RICHARD BJELLAND, COUNCILOR WARD II CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PETERMCCALLUM,COUNCILORWARDIII JAMES COX, COUNCILOR WARD IV MAY 27~ ZOOH ~ 7.00 P.M. FRANK LONERGAN, COUNCILOR WARD V ELIDA SIFUENTEZ, COUNCILOR WARD VI CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 270 MONTGOMERY STREET 1. CALL TO ORDER AND FLAG SALUTE 2. ROLL CALL 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND APPOINTMENTS Announcements: A. A hearing to consider the Urban Renewal Budget wili be held on June 9 at 6:45 pm. At its regularly scheduled meeting on June 9 at 7:00 pm, the City Council will conduct a hearing to consider the City's 2008-09 budget. Appointments: None. 4. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS Proclamations: None. Presentations: None. 5. COMMIITEE REPORTS None. 6. COMMUNICATIONS None. 7. BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC - This allows the public to introduce items for Council consideration not already schedvled on the agenda. ~•xabra interrrretes c~isponib~es para aquef[as personas que no G~ab[an Ingfes, previo acuerao. comuniquese c~~ (503) 980-2485... May 27, 2008 Council Agenda Page i 8. CONSENr AGENDA - ltems listed on the consent agenda are considered routine and may be enacted by one motion. Any item may be removed for discussion at the request of a Council member. A. Woo~dburn City Council minutes of May 12, 2008 1 RecQmmended Action: Approve the minutes. B. Woadburn City Council workshop minutes of May 12, 2008 10 Recammended Action: Approve the minutes. C. Woadburn Recreation and Parks Board draff minutes of May 13, 18 2008 RecQmmended Action: Accept the draft minutes. D. Woadburn Planning Commission draff minutes of May 8, 2008 21 Rec~mmended Action: Accept the draft minutes. E. Claims for April 2008 24 Recommended Action: Receive the report. F. Crime Statistics for April 2008 31 RecQmmended Action: Receive the report. G. Coc~e Enforcement Statistics for April 2008 36 RecQmmended Action: Receive the reporf. H. CorMmunity Services Statistics for April 2008 37 RecQmmended Action: Receive the report. I. Planning Project Tracking Sheet dated May 22, 2008 39 Recommended Action: Receive the report. J. Rental Housing Ordinance 42 Recommended Action: If the modified ordinance is acceptable to the City Council, forward to the Stakeholder Group of interested parties. 9. TABLED BUSINESS None. 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 1~1ay 27, 2008 Council Agenda Page ii 11. GENERAL BUSINESS -Members of the public wishing to comment on items of general business must complete and submit a speaker's card to the City Recorder prior to commencing this portion of the Covncil's agenda. Comment time may be limited by Mayoral prerogative. A. Council Bill 2722 - Ordinance levying assessments for the 50 improvement of Tout Street between SetFlemier Avenue and South Front Street Recommended Action: Adopt the ordinance. B. Council Bill 2723 - Ordinance levying assessments for the 55 improvement of Boones Ferry Road between State Highway 214 and Goose Creek Recommended Action: Adopt the ordinance. C. Council Bill 2724 - Resolution establishing a Rate Schedule for 60 Transportation System Development Charges (including the Interchange Development Charge and an Alternative Calculation Fee) and setting an effective date Recommended Action: Adopt the resolution. 12. PLANNING COMMISSION OR ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTIONS - These are Planning Commission or Administrative Land Use actions that may be called up by the City Council. A. Development Director's Approval of Partition 2008-03 and EXCP 68 2008-04, Located at 1220 Park Avenue, Tax Lot 051 W08CD03200 13. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT 14. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 15. ADJOURNMENT N1ay 27, 2008 Counci! Agenda Page iii SA COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. C~UNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, MAY 12, 2008. CONVENFD. The meeting convened at 7:23 p.m. with Mayor Figley presiding. 0025 ROLL CALL. Mayor Figley Present Councilor Bjelland Present Councilor Cox Present Councilor Lonergan Present Councilor McCallum Present Councilor Nichols Present Councilor Sifuentez Present Staff Present: Interim City Administrator Russell, City Attorney Shields, Asst. City Administrator Stevens, Community Development Director Allen, Public Works Director Brown, Police Captain Tennant, Recorder Tennant 0060 ANNOUNCEMENTS. A) Parks and Recreation Master Plan Findings Presentation will be held on May 13, 2008, 6:30 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers prior to the Recreation and Parks Board meeting. B) Budget Hearings on the Fiscal Year 2008-09 City Budget and 2008-09 Urban Renewal Budget will be held before Budget Committee on Monday, May 19, 2008, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. C) Primary Election - May 20, 2008: City Hall is a designated ballot drop site during regular business hours, however, the lobby area will remain open unti18:00 p.m. on May 20, 2008 to allow voters to deposit their ballot in the drop box until the election closing time. D) Wastewater Facility Plan Advisory Committee meeting will be held on May 22, 2008, 6:30 p.m., in the Police Department Community Room. E) Memorial Day Closures: City offices, the Library, and the Aquatic Center will be closed for business on May 26, 2008 in observance of Memorial Day. F) City Council regularly scheduled for May 26, 2008 is moved to May 27, 2008 due to the Memorial Day holiday (pending Council action on agenda item 11D). 0134 PROCLAIMATION: POLICE MEMORIAL WEEK - MAY 11-17 2008 Mayor Figley proclaimed the week of May 11-17, 2008 as Police Memorial Week within the City to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies and observances commemorating law enforcement officers, past and present, who have rendered a dedicated service. She also proclaimed May 18, 2008 as Police Officer's Memorial Day in honor of those officers who have died or become disabled in the performance of their Page 1- Council Meeting Minutes, May 12, 2008 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING 0285 duty. She t,hanked the City's Police Officers for all that they do for our community and to rememb~r Deputy Fredinburg who lost his life last year in the line of duty. Mayor Figliey proclaimed the week of May 18-24, 2008 as Public Works Week within the City to acquaint themselves with problems involved with public works and to recognize public works employees for the contributions they make daily towards the health, safety, and comfort of City residents. Public Wo~ks Director Brown introduced public works employees Larry Arendt and Mike Bergeron who are part of the staff planning group for the upcoming Public Works Showcase. Larry Arendt invited the community to Library Park and the Downtown Plaza on May 21, 2008, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, where each division within Public Works will showcase their operations by providing demonstrations, equipment displays and informational material. Mayor Figley stated that she and the Councilors will have a booth at this event to answer questions and provide information to attendees. 0510 PRESEN~'ATION: CITY COUNTY INSURANCE SERVICES TRUST Valerie Saki, representing City County Insurance Services (CIS), presented a distinguished award to the City for being a charter member of the Employee Benefits program through the League of Oregon Cities and City County Insurance Services over the last 50 years. The benefits program is a health benefits insurance pool for cities which gives member cities better insurance rates and flexibility in plan selection than if the city obtained group insurance as a single entity. At the annual CIS conference in February ~008, CIS recognized the 18 charter members and gave each member a pro-rata portion of a$50,000 distribution from CIS. She thanked the City for their continued membership and participation in CIS. Mayor Fig~ey accepted the award on behalf of the City. 0700 PRESEN~ATION: PALOMAR GAS TRANSMISSION Scottt Ferris, Director of Government Relations for TransCanada, stated that his company is a partner with Northwest Natural Gas in proposing the Palomar Gas Transmission project. A specific issue of concern regarding this proposal had been the placement of the proposed gas line within the southwest portion of the City's urban growth boundary expansion area, however, the most recent proposal would move the propose gas line to just south of the proposed urban growth boundary expansion area. He introduced Bruce Anderson, Regional Community Relations Manager for NW Natural Gas and D~ebra Olep, Community Outreach staff inember, who were also in attendance at this meeting. Mr. Ferris provided background information on this proposed project and its benefits to the citizens of Oregon. He stated that this proposal has been discussed for over 10 years since the Willamette Valley is served by only one interstate natural gas Page 2- Council l~teeting Minutes, May 12, 2008 2 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING pipeline. Northwest Natural Gas has had some concern about redundancy and that the Willamette Valley is one of the few major metropolitan areas in the United States that only has access to one interstate natural gas line pipeline. If something would happen to that line and an additional line installed, they would be able to provide natural gas to customers with minimal, or no, interruption in service. Additionally, another line would provide customers a diversity of supply to give ratepayers the best possible price on natural gas. In regards to global climate change, natural gas is considerably cleaner than coal, which nationally, accounts for 50% of the nation's electric generation and 40°Io in the State of Oregon. Standards have been adopted by Oregon, Washington, and California in which coal can no longer meet in terms of carbon emissions and natural gas is the source many are moving towards since natural gas is more than twice as clean as coal and natural gas is becoming the fuel of choice for electric generation until some other renewable source is able to carry the major share of the load for electric generation. Palomar project was initially designed to spur off of the natural gas northwest pipe that runs through Central Oregon from Maupin to Molalla which is where Northwest Natural Gas has a gate station which is then distributed to the local distribution network. It was then decided to propose another pipeline that would go from the mouth of the Columbia where another LNG terminal is also being proposed into Molalla. Northwest Natural Gas's involvement in this project is that they believe they would be major customers of LNG source gas which would benefit Oregon and Washington consumers. The proposed pipeline would be 220 miles in length from Maupin to Bradford Landing on the Columbia River with Molalla being the center point. The issue of concern is dealing with the base route. The City had contacted them early on in this project on the route and, as a result, they have redesigned the proposed route which be outside of the City's urban growth boundary expansion area and this alternative route will be used when they file their application later this year. Landowners around the alternative route have already been contacted and permissions have been received. These landowners will be asked for a 120 foot wide construction right-of-way, and a 50 foot wide permanent easement. Within the permanent easement, landowners will only be asked to restrict their activities on 10 feet on each side of the gas line. Landowners will be fully compensated for the real estate value of the right-of-way and easement, and for any damage to property and crop loss. The pipe is 36 inches in diameter and will carry up to 1.2 billion cubic feet of gas daily which is why they want to keep the pipe away from populated areas and structures. In regards to safety concerns, Gas Transmission Northwest has been operating in Oregon since 1961 and they have never had an unintentional release of gas from the pipeline that resulted in any third party damages or injury. They monitor the pipeline continually and they are able to detect any kind of reduction in pressure with valves being located along the line that will cutoff the gas supply quickly. Routine inspections are conducted both from the ground and from aerial patrols. They anticipate filing their application in December 2008, followed by an environmental impact statement in the spring or summer of 2009 with the hope that a final environmental impact statement issued at the end of 2009 so that approvals can be Pa~e 3- Council Meeting Minutes, May 12, 2008 3 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING adopted. Proposed time frame for right-of-way acquisition and construction will be in calendar y~ars 2010 and 2011. These pipelines are built to last 100 years or more and he stated that ~he pipeline in Central Oregon has been in place for 46 years. They are built to withstand all sorts of seismic issues and designed to minimize whatever seismic issues that would arise. Councilor McCallum questioned as to how much competition there is for this pipeline. Mr. Ferris stated that for the pipeline there are a variety of natural gas projects since there are 3 Liquidfied Natural Gas (LNG) ternunals being proposed (Bradford Landing about 35 miles up the Columbia River, Oregon LNG at mouth of Columbia near Warrenton, and one in Coos Bay). Each of those terminals would then have a pipeline affiliated with it. There a~re also several proposals to bring Rocky Mountain gas into Oregon. They are anticipating only one LNG terminal will be built and only one pipeline will be built. Councilor McCallum expressed his appreciation for this presentation and far the alternative route being proposed. Mr. Ferris stated that interstate natural gas pipelines have been federally regulated for 70 years but what change in 2005 was that LNG terminals are now under federal authority whereas previously they were under state authority. Councilor Bjelland stated that it appears that the biggest growth component in natural gas demand over the next 20 years is power generation and he questioned what constitutes power generation that uses natural gas. Mr. Ferris stated that electricity is generated by the burning of natural gas in turbines with 90% of new power generation which is providing electricity to homes and businesses being built in the United States. Mayor Fig~ey thanked Mr. Ferris for his presentation on this project and for the proposed relocation of the pipeline outside of the City's proposed urban growth boundary expansion area. 1910 CHAMB~R OF COMMERCE REPORT. Deb Yage~, Chamber President, stated that for the month of April, the Chamber office fielded 20~ calls of which 197 was on Chamber business and they received 62 Chamber visitors to the Chamber office. The Visitor's Center had 2,276 visitors which is up 700 from last month and 916 of those visitors were from outside Oregon. She also mentioned that their cyber visits were 6,173 which is following a similar trend level as in 2007 for the first 4 months of the year. The first class of graduates from the Woodburn Business Police Academy graduated on April 29, 2008. She stated that she was one of 13 graduates and she thanked the Police Department for providing Officer Rick Puente, class instructor, and, to date, they have logged that they have been able on three occasions to thwart activity based on what they had learned in the academy. She commended Officer Puente and Chief Russell on the whole asp~ct of this training which empowers them to create a business watch c~.~mmunity. To the best of their knowledge, this academy is the first one of its kind in the northwest and possibly the only active business watch association in the nation. The Pa~e 4- Council Meeting Minutes, May 12, 2008 4 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING second Business Academy class will be specifically directed toward the Latino downtown merchants and it will be done in Spanish. A third academy is anticipated before the end of the calendar year. 2177 WOODBi;TRN SCHOOL DISTRICT REPORT. Walt Blomberg, Superintendent, stated that a recent fire behind French Prairie Middle School caused $250,000-$300,000 damage to the maintenance storage area. Vandals had started a portable toilet on fire which was placed next to the storage building that also served as a warehouse for the nutrition services department. All of the food products were contaminated so they are not able to use the food for the students, however, the can goods will be donated to the A.W.A.R.E. Food Bank. This loss did not create any delay for students attending school and they have a plan for distributing food to the school buildings, therefore, each facility will have less food on site for preparation until repairs are completed. He also mentioned that Public Works Director Dan Brown and the City's maintenance staff is working on a project between French Prairie Middle School and Lincoln Elementary School which includes student involvement to improve the drainage. He stated that several students had entered the Oregon Holocaust Resource Center annual essay contest with one student being a ls` place winner, another student was a 3`d place winner, and another student receiving honorable mention. Two students from Valor Middle School were invited to Washington D.C. to share what their school has been doing in the healthy choice program as part of the Alliance for Healthier Generation. He also stated that Nellie Muir and Lincoln Elementary Schools were both honared by the State Superintendent of Schools for closing the achievement gap. Sixteen schools were honored throughout Oregon and Woodburn was the only school district that had two schools receiving this honor. He informed the public that a Teen health fair will be held on May 15, 2008 from 3:00-6:00 pm at Woodburn High School which will address health issues involving teens. A group of Lincoln Elementary School students placed 2"`' in the Northwest 5`h and 6`h grade Thinking Cap Quiz and they competed against almost 30 teams from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. He stated that students in one of the small high schools alone (Arts, Science, & Technology Academy) has earned over $700,000 in scholarships. On May 20`h, the district's music festival will be held and he encouraged the public to attend this annual event. Lastly, the high school graduation ceremony will be held on June 6`h at the high school athletic field. 2630 CONSENT AGENDA. A) approve the Council meeting minutes of Apri128, 2008; B) approve the Council special meeting / workshop minutes of Apri123, 2008; C) accept the Library Board minutes of Apri19, 2008; D) receive the Building Activity report for April 2008; E) receive the Planning Tracking Sheet dated May 7, 2008; and F) receive the informational staff report on the Liquor License Request for Condition Page 5- Council Meeting Minutes, May 12, 2008 5 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING change submitted by Wellspring. NICHOL~/MCCALLUM .. adopt the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 2699 Mayor Figley declared the public hearing open at 8:05 p.m.. Public Works Director Brown submitted a corrected Exhibit A for attachment to the staff report. He stated that the public hearing notice in the newspaper had the correct amount listed for e~ch benefitted property and what was included in the Exhibit in the agenda packet had included a$500 fee for one property owner which will be collected separately. Councilor Cox questioned why the Bancroft bond interest rate was at 6.25%, whereas the interest rate on another project is at a lesser rate. Recorder T'ennant stated that the interest rates were established when the ordinances authorizing the improvements were adopted. No one in the audience spoke either for or against the proposed final assessment and no written rerlnonstrances were received. Mayor Figley closed the public hearing at 8:09 p.m.. COX/MCCALLUM.... instruct staff to prepare an ordinance for Council action establishing the final assessment amounts as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 3040 PUBLIC ~IEARING: BOONES FERRY ROAD IMPROVEMENT BETWEEN Mayor Figley declared the public hearing open at 8:10 p.m.. It was notad that there were no changes to the staff report in the agenda packet. No one in the audience spoke either for or against the proposed final assessment and no written remonstrances were received. Mayor Figley closed the public hearing at 8:11 p.m.. Councilor McCallum stated that he was unsure if he had a conflict of interest on this issue since he did not live right in this area but he would be abstaining from voting on this issue. LONERGAN/NICHOLS.... staff prepare an ordinance for Council action on establishing the final assessment amounts for Boones Ferry Road LID between Goosecreek and Highway 214. The motion passed 5-0-1 with Councilor McCallum abstaining. 3185 COUNCI~. BILL NO. 2720 - RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO GRANT Page 6- Cc~uncil Meeting '~'Iinutes, May 12, 2008 6 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING AGREEIV~ENT NO. 24844 WITH STATE OF OREGON AND AUTHORIZING INTERIM CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO SIGN 5AID AGREEMENT. Councilor Sifuentez introduced Council Bill No. 2720. Recorder Tennant read the bill by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill No. 2720 duly passed. 3253 COUNCIL BILL NO 2721- RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH MARION COUNTY FOR PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL PROGRAM SUPPORT AND AUTHORIZING INTERIM CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO SIGN SAID AGREEMENT. Council Bill No. 2721 was introduced by Councilor Sifuentez. The bill was read by title only since there were no objections from the Council. On roll call vote for final passage, the bill passed unanimously. Mayor Figley declared Council Bill No. 2721 duly passed. 3313 LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION (New Outlet) - DOS ARBOLITOS MUSICA LATINA~ MAS, 1585 N. Pacific Highway Suite B. Staff recommended the approval of the license application which would provide for the sale of alcohol for off-premises consumption. LONERGAN/SIFUENTEZ... approve the liquor license application. Councilor Cox questioned what type of business has applied for this license. Interim Administratar Russell stated that this business sells music and CD's with some general merchandise and they are located on the west side of Highway 214 in a business complex. Councilor Cox stated that this is not a typical store that would sell alcohol, and even though he may not agree with OLCC, they define the kinds of businesses that they license to sell alcohol and he did not see any reason for the City to deny the license. Councilor McCallum agreed that restaurants and stores that have food are locations that can sell alcohol but feels that OLCC has, over the years, gone from a control situation to a revenue generation. He felt that this change has, in part, resulted from legislative actions to increase revenues in the state budget. He did not object to sending a message to OLCC on this issue and wished more communities would do so. Following a brief discussion on this issue, the motion passed 4-2 with Councilors Nichols and McCallum voting nay. 3799 RESCHEDULING OF MAY 26. 2008 COUNCIL MEETING. NICHOLS/SIFUENTEZ.... regular meeting of May 26, 2008 be rescheduled to Tuesday, May 27, 2008. Councilor Bjelland stated that he would be out of the state on that date and will not be in attendance. The motion passed unanimously. Page 7- Council Meeting Minutes, May 12, 2008 7 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING 3860 PLANNII~fG COMMISSION OR ADMINISTRATOR LAND USE ACTIONS. A) Commpnity Development Director's Approval of Partition 2008-02 located on Stacy AlliSon Way (5anitary Sewer Lift Station): The partition allows for the division of one lot ~nto two pazcels with the intent to convey the parcel that houses the lift station to the City at a future date. B) Community Development Director's Approval of Partition 2008-O1 and EXCP 2008-05, lacated at 1050 West Hayes Street, Tax Lot OS1W07CC08200: The partition allows for the division of one lot into three parcels and an exception to the street righC-of-way and improvements for West Hayes Street. No action uvas taken to bring these land use actions up for review. 3923 CITY AD~VIINISTRATOR'S REPORT. Interim Administrator questioned if the weekly updates provided to the Council needed any changes in the amount of information provided. It was the eonsensus of the Mayor and Council that the information provided was sufficient. Councilor Lonergan expressed his appreciation of Public Works being so proactive in responding to a letter that was in the Woodburn Independent regarding a high water / sewer bill. The response from Public Works was extremely admirable by going out and finding a leak at the residence which shows true service to our community. 4104 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS. Councilor Nichols reminded the public that hot weather will soon be here and tall grass needs to be cut since tall dried grass is a potential fire hazard . Councilor McCallum reminded the Mayor and Council that the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast will be held on Tuesday, May 13`h, 6:30 a.m., at the United Methodist Church. He also reminded the public that Relay for Life will be held on June 20 and 21, 2008 and teams are out raising money for this annual event. He also thanked the businesses for their sponsorship and the teams who are working to raise funds. Councilor Sifuentez questioned how much advance notice staff had of Senator Obama's visit to Woodburn. Interim Administrator Russell stated that staff had about 45 minutes advance notice. 4354 EXECUT~VE SESSION. Mayor Figley stated that City Attorney Shields has informed her that no executive session is necessary. 4380 ADJOURJNMENT. MCCALLUM/SIFUENTEZ.... meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.. Page 8- Council 1'vteeting Minutes, May 12, 2008 8 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING APPROVED KATHRYN FIGLEY, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, Recorder City of Woodburn, Oregon Page 9- Council Meeting Minutes, May 12, 2008 9 8B COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING 0001 DATE. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF WOODBURN, COUNTY OF MARION, STATE OF OREGON, MAY 12, 2008. CONVEN~D. The workshop convened at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Figley presiding. 0010 ROLL CAELL. Mayor Figley Present Co~tncilor Bjelland Present Councilor Cox Present Councilor Lonergan Present Co~ncilor McCallum Present Councilor Nichols Present Councilor Sifuentez Present Staff Present: Interim City Administrator Russell, City Attorney Shields, Asst. City Administrator Stevens, Public Works Director Brown, Community Development Director A11en, Police Captain Tennant, Building Official Krieg, City Recarder Tennant 0012 RENTAL HOUSING DRAFT ORDINANCE. Interim Administrator Russell stated that the Housing Code had been discussed by the Council at their goal setting sessions since 2003 and was originally brought forward to address Council concerns on housing conditions in our community. This issue had been added to the Council's list of goals in 2007 and the initial presentation of a draft ordinance was discussed by the Council in a workshop on December 10, 2007. A second draft was presented to the Council on January 28, 2008 and staff was given direction to for a stakeholders group to review the draft ardinance. The stakeholders were identified from within property managers that the Police Department works with on a regular basis, housing advocates, and individuals that Community Development had worked with. This group was provided a copy of the draft ordinance and a meeting was held on February 29, 2008 to receive input from the stakeholders. Following this meeting, a staff report was prepared and presented to the Council at their Apri128, 2008 meeting. Stakeholders who requested to be notified when this issue was to come before the Council have been notified of this workshop. Mayor Figley stated that she would be offering anyone in the audience an opportunity to provide comments on the proposed draft ordinance. She referred to the staff report in the agenda packet and read the questions that staff had identified during the February 29, 2008 stakeholders meeting. She stated that she shared some of the concerns expressed by the stakeholders at their meeting. Some members of the Council had initiated this discussion with concerns to be addressed as a result of some very distressing situations where renters were living in units that were poorly maintained to the point that it is unconscionable. Even though there may be very few cases like this but they still exist. In regards to applicability, the Council wanted the draft ordinance to apply to rental Page 1- Councii Meeting Workshop Minutes, May 12, 2008 10 COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING property since a renter is paying a monthly rental amount to occupy the unit. She stated that the draft ordinance is not intended to be a revenue generated device, in fact, if there were many complaints, the City would be losing a lot of money trying to enforce the ordinance which will then be an additional concern to the City. Councilor Lonergan questioned if the amount that would be charged is one that had been brought forth by the stakeholders. Councilor Cox stated that earlier drafts had a registration fee and annual fee included in the ordinance but the Council had decided to take the fees out of this ordinance. 0475 Mark Nyman stated that he was not aware of any changes to the draft ordinance since the stakeholder' s meeting and questioned if (1) provisions within the ordinance would be complaint driven and (2) how many complaints does the City receive annually. Mayor Figley stated that the ordinance would be complaint driven and it was noted that this would be the City's first housing ordinance so it was unknown as to how many complaints would be received. Interim Administrator Russell stated that staff does not receive complaints specifically about conditions since there is no ordinance regulating conditions. Complaints received are received about dangerous buildings and he recalled having about 3 enforcement issues in 2007. He stated that dangerous buildings are under a completely different ordinance and it is unknown as to how many complaints will be received if this ordinance is passed. Mayor Figley stated that issues of concern local citizens may complain about would include poor exterior maintenance units, large numbers of people living in a household, and various issues such as parking on lawns, monopolizing street parking, and concerns expressed by people who have gone by a rental unit and seen the interior condition. Councilor Cox stated that this issue has been talked about for about five years and within the last year has gone through several drafts. Some of the draft ordinances, which have since been abandoned, covered a punch list of the kinds of things that every rental unit had to have such as window space, maximum occupancy levels. The punch list concept met with a lot of controversy and, if an ordinance is adopted, it is not designed to bring everyone's housing up to some minimum standard. The purpose of this ordinance is to prevent the really terrible housing conditions since many of these renters are low income people who may not be aware of their rights and are afraid to complain in case they have a potential loss of housing. He feels that the City should at least have the power to regulate housing conditions and this ordinance will be complaint driven. He mentioned that several months ago there was a newspaper article about a terrible situation in Gresham and the City did not have an ordinance in place at that time. He stated that no one should have to live in unsafe or unsanitary conditions. By having an ordinance on the books and a condition like this brought to the City's attention, there will be a tool available to do something about it. This is not a general apartment inspection ordinance and it will not generate any fees at this time. The ordinance would adopt what the State Landlord Tenant Act calls habitability. City Attorney Shields stated that discussion draft #5, which is included in the agenda Page 2- Council Meeting Workshop Minutes, May 12, 2008 11 COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING packet, is the most recent draft ordinance prepared by staff following Council instruction after the Jamuary 28, 2008 workshop. Mr. Nyma~ questioned if he could receive a copy of the draft ordinance since at the stakeholdexs meeting he was under the assumption that an annual fee would be imposed. Councilor Cox stated that the City has not budgeted for enforcement and it is hoped that there would be minimal complaints. He personally did not think there would be more than a couple of complaints per year. In regards to enforcing habitability under state law only and not adopting an ordinance locally, he stated that state law only pertains in dealings between the landlord and tenant. If a tenant lives in a house that has a roof that leaks or otMer substandard conditions, then they can only sue their landlord under state law provisions. Under this ordinance, deficiencies would be fixed if a person lives in a rental unit. Mr. Nyma~ stated that his experience in cases where he has to evict a tenant due to non- payment involves going to court to evict the renter and explain the reason for the eviction. He questioned as to what would be different under this proposed ordinance and how renters would become aware of the ordinance provisions. Councilor Cox stated that complaints will most likely be generated from tenants, social service agencies, legal aid, or from other sources. Mr. Nyman also questioned where the responsibility is on the tenants since some conditions are created by tenants such as not turning on the heat in the winter months which then causes problems to the structure. Councilor Cox stated that the landlord has to provide availability of facilities which conform to code at time of installation and are to be maintained in good working order. If the tenant chooses not to turn on the heat, then it is not the problem of the landlord. Mr. Nyman stated that his problem has been that even though he educates his renters on use of the facilities, they do not always use them thereby creating other problems such as mold which will then be an enforcement issue. Mayor Figley stated that no procedural form has been established as of yet since an ordinance has not been adopted, however, she requested staff to make additional copies of the draft ordinance from January 28, 2008 to provide to members of the audience that did not receive it at the February 28`h stakeholders meeting or if they needed a copy to refer to at Chis workshop. She stated that if the tenant is the complainant, then the tenant has to provide proof that they did complain to the landlord in writing before they go any further in the process. 1524 Councilor Cox stated that it was his recollection at the last workshop that three things would occur: 1) delete the specific standards and go to the habitability standards, 2) tenants would have to let the landlord know of the deficiencies before a complaint is filed, and 3) a requirement would be added to make it clear that the City does not have the right ta enter the premises except under the usual standards for the constitutional statutory requirements for entering property. He questioned if those changes had been incorporat~d into draft #5. City Attorney Shields stated that Interim Administrator Russell had prepared a staff Page 3- Council Meeting Workshop Minutes, May 12, 2008 12 COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING report recommending changes at the Apri128`h meeting, except for habitability, and those changes have not been made to draft #5 as of yet but staff has not received any direction from Council as of this date to make the change. In regards to habitability, draft #5 does include all of the state statute language and the authorization made in January was to go ahead with the language in the document at that time. Therefore, not all of the state habitability language has been incorporated in this last draft document. Mr. Nyman stated that he would like to see a draft document with the changes that have been decided upon at this time so that he can address issues with the Council what is currently being considered. He stated that he has no problem with the process being complaint driven but does not want to annually pay a permit every time he rents his property. Councilor Cox stated that in Gresham, their solution is to do a permit with annual fee and to have annual inspections of rental units. At one point, the City Council had a draft to do something similar but the Council elected not to charge a fee. Interim Administrator Russell stated that draft #5 will allow for imposition of a future fee if it is on the master fee schedule but there is no fee proposed at this time. 1945 Dave Christoff questioned (1) if this will require business licensing for landlords and (2) if the public can file a complaint. Mayar Figley stated that landlords currently are required to have a business license under a different ordinance if they have more than 1 rental unit. In regards to complaints, anyone can file a complaint but if a tenant complains then they need to submit proof that they did complain to the landlord before filing a complaint with the City. 2084 Tim Doman questioned as to when a copy of the updates will be made available so he can review the proposed document and provide any comments he may have on the most updated information. Mayor Figley stated that staff should have an updated draft available within a month and copies will be made available to those individuals who have previously indicated that they wanted to be kept inform of this issue. Councilor Cox expressed his opinion that the public should have been provided an updated version of the proposed ordinance (draft #6) based on more recent Council discussion and consensus prior to this workshop. He also provided copies of the habitability standards from the State which should be included in this document. Interim Administrator Russell stated that staff was directed in January 2008 to utilize draft #5 to meet with the stakeholders to solicit input. Staff then came back to the Council on Apri128`h to let the Council know that the stakeholders wanted to speak to the Council. Other discussions on changes and bringing in the state law standard into the ordinance is not something staff was aware of. If the Council is looking to incorporate the state law and to remove the sections in draft #5, it will result in a complete change that can be done but staff wants to make sure that Council direction is followed. Mayor Figley stated that there is agreement to take out anything that would be in violation of the Fourth Amendment and make a modification that would refer to the state statute on habitability so that the ordinance will not need to be modified each time the Pa~e 4- Council I~~leeting Workshop Minutes, May 12, 2008 13 COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING statute is ck~anged. Attorney Shields expressed his opinion that the habitability language is a good idea if it is the CounciQ's intent. Councilor Bjelland felt that discussion was held on changes but no clear consensus or vote was made to make any changes to the draft ordinance. He expressed his concern that overcrowding is still an issue which is not covered under state law and did not feel that there vi,~as any consensus by the Council on how that issue should be addressed in the draft ordinance. Councilor McCallum felt that one of the purposes of this ordinance is to not only protect the tenant ~ut to have landlords understand what the standards are, what the Council is trying to do, and to solicit their cooperation which will in turn help in rental compliance. 2583 Mr. Doman questioned if the standards apply only to rental property and not private property. Mayor Figley stated that the standards are for rental property only and private property has no habitable standards unless it because of a nuisance, health hazard, ar dangerous building. Mr. Doman expressed his opinion that habitability should be applied to all property in the City and did not understand why a rental property should be treated differently than a privately owned property. Mayor Figley stated tl~at rentals involve property in which someone is paying an owner for the right to be at a specific location for housing needs and complaints involving rental units would come under this housing ordinance. Councilor Bjelland also mentioned that the owner has a choice on living conditions whereas a renter has no choice about the condition of the property. 2872 Councilor Cox stated that previous discussions involved an ordinance that followed the Uniform Housing Code which would apply both to owner-occupied and rental properties. This type of ordinance did not get Council consensus so a political decision needed to be made and, as a result, it was decided by consensus, to limit a housing ordinance to just rentals sinee situations that may come up are by people who are least able to protect themselves. Mayor Figley stated that provisions within this ordinance would be covering housing issues that are not currently covered under existing ordinances. Mr. Doman agreed with the definition of habitabiliry, however, he did request that the Council be careful as to not pass an ordinance just because the Council is tired of talking about it because a general ordinance adopted can sometimes lead to problems later. Councilor Bjelland stated that two issues are being addressed one of which relates to the physical characteristics of the property itself (habitability issue) and the other issue which is in curre~t draft ordinance is overcrowding (occupancy issue). 3162 Mark Nyrnan stated that he did not see in draft #5 where this is a complaint driven o~~dinance and, in Section 20, it does state that the City may impose an annual fee. He would like to know what the fee will be for each dwelling unit which would be included in the City's master fee schedule. Page ~- Council Meeting Workshop Minutes, May l2, 2008 14 COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING Mayor Figley stated that there had been some discussion on what the fee but there was some agreement from several Councilors that no fee be charged at this time since the City has no experience on complaints to be filed. Councilor Cox stated that there are two types of possible fees one of which is related to enforcement and he felt that it is okay to charge for actual enforcement on a specific rental property. He objected to the other type of fee which is an annual registration fee. Councilor McCallum stated that draft #5 is an older version that should have been updated but what is in draft #5 does say that the Council "may" and not "shall"impose a fee. This is a case where there was a consensus not to impose a fee initially but left it in the ordinance in case it was determined that it was a serious problem that required a lot of work by City staff. Mayor Figley stated that she was not clear in whether the Council intended to abandon the fee or just reserve the right to impose a fee based on the City's experience. Mr. Nyman stated that he has a problem with a blank check ordinance and feels that landlords have a right to know what fee will be charged. Additionally, the ordinance should be a document that has a complete process outlined rather than unknowns. Councilor McCallum stated that he has no problem with taking out the fee language at this time since the intent is to get landlord cooperation in this process. Like any other ordinance, if a problem surfaces later then the Council can come back and look at the ordinance and make changes at that time. Mr. Nyman questioned what the abatement process is as mentioned in Section 9 of the draft ordinance. Interim Administrator Russell reviewed the notification process followed by Code Enforcement Officers when they see a violation which they believe is in violation of an ordinance. In regards to preparing a new draft ordinance, Attorney Shields stated that he could complete a draft for consideration by the first meeting in June. Mayor Figley stated that the new draft would definitely clarify the Fourth amendment issue and replace language with habitability as defined by ORS. Councilor Cox also requested that the ordinance language relating to fees be removed since this issue will take some discussion before any decision is made and an ordinance amendment can be made at that time to impose a fee. Councilor McCallum questioned if the habitability standards have been taken through State Courts and cases litigated on vagueness. C Attorney stated that there is a lot of litigation on these standards which is general language but it seems to hold up in court and he has not heard of any rulings questioning it based on vagueness. 4280 Nancy Ostergaard questioned as to how much discussion has been done about scenarios of the realities of what the consequences will be for tenants if this ordinance is passed. Mayor Figley stated that Council has had various discussions on what the odds would be Page 6- Council Meeting Workshop Minutes, May 12, 2008 15 COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING if a tenant is provided a 30-day notice by the landlord if a complaint was filed against the landlord. Ms. Ostergaard questioned the number of landlords in the City and the process used to directly contact the landlords about this proposed ordinance. Interim Administrator Russell stated that he was unsure as to the number of landlords. Individual$ who had been invited to participate are those landlords who had worked with the Police Department in the past on other projects and the Chamber of Commerce for their involvement in getting information out to their members. Staff was unable to contact each and every landlord within the City. Ms. Ostergaard felt that it is within the City's capability to contact each and every landlord a~d she encouraged the City to take that action so that they can participate in this proces~s. 4585 Mayor Fig~ey summarized the three changes that the Council would like to see made. Councilor ~Cox stated that in addition to the habitability standards, Councilor Bjelland has indicated the need to include a maximum occupancy standard. He stated that he would like to keep this ordinance as simple as possible and would like to leave out the occupancy issue at this time but he is willing to listen to further comments he may have. Councilor McCallum concurred with Councilor Cox's comments since he feels that the occupancy issue will take more studying and discussion. Councilor ~jelland stated that overcrowding was one of the issues that brought this ordinance up for consideration. He has received a lot of comments and concerns from people in neighborhoods where overcrowding seems to exist which is contributing to problems in their neighborhoods. Mayor Figley stated that her concern is on case law that puts real limits on how restrictive the Ciry can be. Councilor Cox stated that if the City were to try and incorporate occupancy into the rental ordinance, it would only apply to rentals. If there is a problem that the Council needs to legislate to limit occupancy levels, it should apply to all properties within the City since overcrowding leads to unhealthy and unsafe conditions to those who live in the house. In his opinion, it should be a separate ordinance and he felt that it would be some time befor~ the City would be in a position to regulate occupancy in terms of how it is organized or categorized. 4905 Deb Yager stated that she sees the City as trying to be a proactive resource to eliminate some of the problems in addition to the enforcement aspect of the ordinance. 5he proposed that before any further discussion held on the draft ordinance, the City consider initiating some educational workshops with landlords and tenants so they can understand what rights they have before an ordinance is adopted. She felt that research needs to be done to see if there is truly a current problem that needs to be enforced by the City. Mayor Figiey stated that staff will be providing the updated draft to those individuals who are in attendance at this meeting. She expressed her appreciation to those who attended this workshop and to those who provided comments to the Council for their Page 7- Council Meeting Workshop Minutes, May 12, 2008 16 COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES MAY 12, 2008 TAPE READING consideration. 5225 Mayor Figley closed the workshop at 7:22 p.m.. APPROVED KATHRYN FIGLEY, MAYOR ATTEST Mary Tennant, City Recorder City of V~Joodburn, Oregon Page 8- Council iVleeting Workshop Minutes, May 12, 2008 17 8C Minutes DRAFT Woodburn Recreation and Parks Board Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7:00 p.m. This Woodburn Recreation and Parks Board Meeting followed the Parks and Recreation Master Plan "Findings Presentation", which revealed the progress the City has made to date, including the results of the recently cornpleted citizen survey, parks and facility inventory, and level of service analysis. l. Ca11 to Order The meeting and was called to order at 8:10 p.m. 2. Rol~ Call Board Chair Bruce Thomas Present Board Secretary Rosetta Wangerin Present Member Vacant Vacant Member Joseph Nicoletti Present Member Judy Wesemann Present Member Eric Morris Present Member Charlene Williams Absent Staff present: Jim Row, Community Services Director; Debbie Wadleigh, Aquatic and Facilities Manager; Stu Spence, Recreation Services Manager; Paulette Zastoupil, A.A. 3. Approval of Minutes from Apri18, 2008. Joseph Nicoletti/Judy Wisemann - Motion to accept the minutes as written. The motion passed unanimously. 4. Business from the Audience Ric~ard Morris - 1210 Judy St. Woodburn, OR 97071 Richard opposes a paved walking path or wildlife viewing area at Hermanson Pond. He says during the winter months, the area is dark and flooded, but during the summer it is dry and accessible. He just mowed a wide pathway from Wilson St to the pond, which he says is adequate during the summer months for people to walk to the pond. He invited everyone to come and walk it on Wednesday, May 14`h at 6:00 pm. Beverlv Koutney - 2781 J Street Hubbard, OR 97032 Beverly came to report that the senior center committee is moving along. They have finished the by-laws, mission statement and they are registered with the state. Next, they will be applying for 501 3-C status. 5. Business from the Department Aquatics - Debbie Wadleigh In March, Debbie began sending out "Welcome Fish" to welcome the guests for cho~osing the Woodburn Aquatic Center. Additionally, she is sending out a"Thank You Fish" for using the aquatic and fitness areas at the Aquatic Center. Debbie reported that they have signed an agreement with Kompetitive Edge Retail Merchandising program. This program is for the purchase of re-sale of goggles, caps, Page 1 18 Minutes Woodburn Recreation and Parks Board Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7:00 p.m. and swimming supplies. The items will be displayed in a cabinet provided by the company, and this company will take back items that do not sell without charging restock fee. The registration software and point of sale have been upgraded and staff are currently being trained. May is National Aquatic Month and several activities are occurring during this time. Check Your Level is a no cost program that gives a parent the opportunity to come in and have the child swimming level tested to identify which class they should be signed up for. Also, the Check Your Level participant receives a 20 % off coupon to sign for summer swimming lessons. Stav on Top of It is a water safety event, where at different stations safety messages are taught and skills practiced. Attendees can enter a raffle for prizes which have been donated by Bi-mart and Joes's. Kathy has created a PowerPoint presentation that will run while the event is occurring. Stu and Debbie went to the French Prairie Middle School Career Fair and shared information about the recreation and aquatic professions and the employment opportunities it offers. In May, 128 people signed up for swimming lessons, and 13 are signed up for private and semi-private lessons. Recreation - Stu Spence Girl's softball has 27 participants and games will begin in early May. T-Ball season began on April 26`h and is going strong with 27 3-4 year olds, and 42 5-6 year olds. Men's Softball registration deadline is May 23 with games starting on May 27. Co- Ed Softball registration deadline is June 13 with games starting in late June. The Burlingham Build is on schedule; Thursday, May 15 a group of Chemeketa students and community members will be assisting the builder pouring concrete and setting the main support posts, then Friday, May 16`h, the actual installation of playground equipment with help from the Academy of International Studies students at Woodburn High School. There have been increased interest in our senior trips Stu has received several phone calls since the new brochure was mailed. Arbor Day Celebration on April 26`h was a huge success. He gave 200 trees out at the Library Park and over 300 kids participated in the coloring contest. The event was made possible by the networking Club of Woodburn's donation from a local nursery. Local winners from the major league Baseball Pitch, Hit and Run will play compete this weekend. If they continue to progress, winners will appear at the All Star Game in Yankee Stadium. Stu reported that he is currently taking applications for summer camp. He updated the WCAT Bulletin Board with current recreation programs and events. The new full color summer Rec Reporter has been sent out to homes and has been a huge upgrade from the old Rec Reporter. The teen program is partnering with Jeannie at the library on the 3rd Thursday of the month. He also has been working on a sustainability piece for the After School Program including a partnership with the Salem Boys & Girls Club. Parks and Facilities - Jim Row Jim invited the community to come and volunteer at the playground builds this Friday, May 16`h 6. Future Board Business None. Page 2 19 Minutes Woodburn Recreation and Parks Board Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7:00 p.m. 7. Board Comments No comments. 8. Adjournment 8:40 p.m. Rosetta Wangerin, Board Secretary Date Pa~e 3 Paulette Zastoupil, Recording Secretary Date 20 817 WOODBURN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES May 8, 2008 CONVENED The Planning Commission met in a regular session at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers with Chairaerson Lima presiding. Commissioner JenninQS led the salute to the flag. Chairperson Lima questioned members of the Planning Commission having potential conflicts such as family, financial, or business relationship with any of the applicants or with regard to the project in question. If such a potential conflict exists, he asked whether the commissioner in question believes he or she is without actual bias or whether he or she would like to step down from the Planning Commission during the case. There were none. There were no objections from those present. Chairperson Lima announced: agenda is available at the back of the room. We will consider cases one at a time according to the order listed in the agenda. We will follow the hearing procedure outlined on the I requested to come to the ~ from other than th~a podiurr ~ ~. ROLL ` Chair~ n Vice C~, : , person .-,......~~ ..,.. Comrr~i~~r~l"'~~ Hutchison Commissioner Jennings Staff Present: Jim Allen - Community Development Director Jon Stuart - Assistant City Attorney MINUTES A. Woodburn Planninq Commission Meetinp Minutes of Aaril 24, 2008. Commissiqner Jenninqs moved to accept the minutes. Commissioner Griaorieff seconded the motion, which unanimously carried. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE None. COMMUNICATIONS None. PUBLIC HEARING None. Planning Commission Meefing May 8, 2008 Page 1 of 3 ~g 21 ITEMS FOR ACTI~N A. Fin~l Order - Design Review 2007-14, Exception 2008-02, Variance 2008 - 01, Variance 2008-02, and Variance 2008-03 Commissia,ner Jenninqs moved to accept the Final Order for Design Review 2007-14, Exception ~008-02, Variance 2008 - 01, Variance 2008-02, and Variance 2008-03; Commissianer Hutchison seconded the motion, which unanimously carried. ROLL CALL B. Work Session - Woodburn Development Ordinance Update Commissioner Jer~ninQS commented on being part of the focus group and the many discussions held amongst the members to address each topic. Communitv Develqpment Director Allen commenced the presentation with the first topic on the conservation of significant trees on private property. The current ordinance allows certain amount of trees to be cut per year without a permit based on a certain diameter size of the tree. The recommendation is to have the property owner replace each tree with two new trees, replace one tree on the property and one at a location determined by the Woodburn Community Services Department, or replacing one tree on the property and paying a fee in lieu of the one tree placed by the Woodburn Community Services Department. The second topic is the Architectural walls. Currently the intent of the architectural wall is to create a buffer befinreen uses that may not be fully compatible and having a two color and/or two textures. The recommendation is having a percentage of color, texture and articulation for the face of the wall. The third topic is the Vision Clearance area. The current ordinance depicts the area at the intersection of two streets, a street and a driveway or a street and an alley in which visual obstructions are limited for safety purposes. The recommendation is a 30' triangular vision of at an intersection of iwo streets. At an intersection of a street and an alley, the vision clearance would be a 10 foot extension from the intersection along the back of the curb, along the alley P/anning Commission Meetrng May 8, 2008 Page 2 of 3 22 and across the corner of the lot that connects the ends of the lines creating a triangular vision clearance. At an intersection of a street and driveway, the visions clearance area is a 10-foot extension from intersection along the back curb, 10-foot extension along the side of the driveway, a triangular visions clearance at corner of the lot that connects the ends of the lines. In a Downtown District and Conservation (DDC) zone property, the vision clearance area is formed by a combination of a 20 foot extension line from the two curb lines and triangular vision clearance area from the corner of the lot. The fourth topic is the Public Hearing Notices for Type II, III, IV and V Applications. The current requirement for Type III, IV and V applications is a 20 day notice prior to a Public Hearing for property owners th.at are within 250 feet of the subject property. The recommendation is to mail and post the notice 10 days prior to the Public Hearing for Type III and IV applications and retain the 20 day notice for Type V applications. The appeal notices would have the 20 day notice prior to a Public Hearing for Type II, III and IV. The fifth topic is the 6.104 Use Classification Table of the WDO. This section details the type of use that can be applied to the particular property. This table is being updated to include the adopted zoning districts and modifications to the current allowed uses based on the zQr~~ to land u~applications rent reports supplied. Planning Commission members discussed signs at various locations, the attendance of Public Works personnel, and having another Planning Commission Workshop in the near future. Communitv Development Director Allen stated that the sign issues are being addressed by both the Planning Division and Code Enforcement, the sign ordinance section is being reviewed, and the best way to be community friendly and enforce the ordinance at the same time. The Public Works Director and Transportation Manager agreed on the need to have a member from the Public Works Department attend the Planning Commission meetings. The City Attorney and the Assistant City Attorney would conduct a Planning Commission workshop. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Vancil moved to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Jenninqs seconded the motivn, which unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm. APPROVED CLAUDIO LIMA, CHAIRPERSON Date ATTEST Jim Allen Date Community Development Director City of Woodburn, Oregon Planning Commission Meefing May 8, 2008 Page 3 of 3 23 w `a~r,~r ,:= r : . e, : w ~3 ~ ~ ~ . .q ?s ~n=a~ 8E A_'~ A ~'~ bcPOQ6G ,IM'.: '-,.~.1r q:"idi~'c~ ~FEGSS.E~~'. 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CHfi~2ES _Ot9 :P1~TIRTE~ . . .. . .. iHE~Ka~ ~ Q4 ?v~T 1S~DR:E£t 333 CfiBCKS 8a~. iU3 44 30 Woodburn Police Dept. DATB: 5/21/2008 TIME: 8:28:45 MONTHLY CRIMINAL OFFHNSES FOR JANUARY THRU APRIL 2008 ORIq: OR0240500 WPD RESULTS FOR ALL OFPENSES DATE USED: OFFENSfi DATE CHARGE DESCRIPTION ----- ----- JAN PEB MpR APR ----- ------------- AGGkAVATED ASSAULT -------- - 9 - ---- 2 -- -- 3 ------------- --- - -- - ---- 6 ANiMAL ORDINANCES 4 2 2 3 ARSGN 0 0 3 0 ASSAULT SIMPLE 15 12 14 14 ATTEMPTBD MURD&R 0 2 0 0 HURGLARY - BUSINESS 3 1 3 0 EtURGLARY - OTHER STRUCTURE 1 1 0 4 BURGLARY - RBSIDENC6 g g 2 12 CHILll NEGLECT 1 0 0 0 CITY ORDINANCE 0 1 0 1 CRIME DAMAG$-NO VANDALISM OR ARSON 16 20 7 15 CURFfiW 0 4 1 0 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE 0 1 0 0 CUSTODY - DSTOX 0 2 0 2 CUSTODY - MENTAL 2 1 3 1 DISORDBRLY CONDUCT 6 5 3 6 DRINKING IN PUBLIC 0 0 0 2 DRIVING UND$R INPLUENCE 13 12 14 9 ; LAW VIOLATIONS 12 24 3 7 :.~.vOK&D-MISDEMEANOR 1 6 5 1 .''~'L~ 1 1 1 1 fiMHBZ2LEM&NT 0 2 0 0 FAIL TO DISPLAY OPERATORS LICENSE 3 1 3 1 FORCIBLfi RAPB 2 0 0 1 FORG&RY/COUNTSRFSITING 6 9 1 1 FRAUD - ACCOUNT CIA3HD C}IECK 0 2 0 0 FRAUD - SY DEC&PTION/FALSE PRSTBNSES 2 D 0 1 FRAUD - CREDIT CARD/AUTOMATIC TELLSR MACHINH 1 3 2 2 FRAUD - IMP&RSONATION 2 5 2 q PRAUD - NOT SUFFICIfiNT FUNDS CHSCK 0 1 0 0 PRAUD - OF SfiRVICES/FALSfi PRSTSNSfiS 0 0 0 2 FUGITIVH ARRfiST FOR ANOTAER ApENCY 34 33 29 29 FURNISHING 0 0 2 0 GARBA(iE LITTERING 1 0 1 0 HIT AND RUN FSLONY 1 1 0 0 HIT AND RUN-MISDEMEANOR 10 9 11 14 ILLEGAL ALIEN - INS HOLD 1 2 0 0 INTIMIDATION /OTHER CRIMINAL THREAT 3 2 2 1 KIDNAP - FOR ADDITIONAL CRSMINAL PURp03B 1 0 0 1 MINOR IN P03SfiS$ION 2 3 7 4 MI3CfiLLANEOUS 7 8 5 2 MOTOR VEHICLS THBFT 6 6 4 5 OTHER 12 12 7 10 PROPBRTY - FOUND LOST MISLAID 6 10 12 7 PUBLIC HEALTH AND 3APSTY ORDINANCE$ 3 0 1 0 RECICLB83 DRIVING 1 2 q 2 ROBBERY - BUSINBSS 0 1 0 0 ROBBfiRY - CONV.STORB 0 0 1 0 ROBB6RY - OTHSR 0 0 1 3 ROBBBRY - R&SIDBNCE 0 0 0 1 ROBBSRY - SERVICE STATION 1 0 0 0 PAGE 1 PL6860 ~~.F SCOTTRU TOTAL 15 11 3 SS 2 7 6 30 1 2 58 5 1 4 7 ao 2 48 46 13 4 2 8 3 17 2 3 8 14 1 2 125 2 a 2 44 3 8 2 16 22 21 41 35 4 9 1 i 4 1 1 31 Woodburn Police Dept. PAdfi 2 DAT'S: 5/21/2008 PL6860 TIMfi: 8:29:45 MONTHLY CRIMINAL OFFfiN3B3 FOR JANUARY THRU APRIL 2008 SCOTTRU ORI#: OR0240500 WPD RfiSULTS FOR ALL OPFENSES DATE USfiD: OPP$NSB DATE CHARGE DESCRIPTION ------ - ---------------- ------------------ - ---- JAN ------- FEB ---- - MAR --- APR TOTAL RUNAWAY 3 5 --- 5 -------------- ----- ---- -------------- --------- 5 -------- 18 S£X CRIME - CONTRIBUTE TO SBX DELINQUENCY 0 1 0 y 3 SEX CRIME - 6XPOSBR 1 0 0 0 Ssx CRIM6 --~fOL&ST (PHY3ICAL) 1 1 1 1 1 SHX CRINE - PpRNOGRAPHY/OBSCBNS MATERIAL 0 0 0 1 q SEX CRIMfi - SSXUAL ASSAULT WITH AN OBJSCT 0 0 0 1 1 1 3TAL](ER 1 0 0 2 3 STOLfiN PROPERTY - RECEIVING,BUYING,POSSESSING 0 1 0 1 2 SUICIDE 0 1 0 0 1 THfiPT - BICYCLE 2 3 1 1 ~ 'THEFT - BUILDING 1 0 4 4 THEFT - PROM MOTOR VfiHICLE 23 27 15 9 g ~q TASPT - MOTOR VEHICLfi PARTS/ACCESSORIfiS 3 0 1 2 6 THEFT - OTHSR 14 19 5 9 q~ TH6PT - PICKPOCKBT 0 0 1 0 THSFT - PURSE SNATCH 1 2 0 0 1 THEFT - SHOPLIFT 10 B 7 11 ; 36 TRAPPIC ORDINANCES 1 2 0 1 TRAPPIC VIOLATION9 12 1B 9 8 q 4~ TRSSPASS 4 6 5 6 21 VANDAI.I5M 39 33 65 45 182 VEHICLE RBCOVERD FOR OTHER AGBNCY 1 1 0 0 WEAPON - CAARY CONCEALBD 0 1 1 1 2 WEAPON - pOSSES3 ILLEGAL 0 5 0 0 3 ------ ----- ------ - _- - S TOTAL: 309 352 279 ---------------------- ---------------- - ------- 285 ------ 1225 ------------------ 2008 TOTAL: --- --- 309 - - --- 352 ------ 279 -- -- ------------------ ------- -------------- 265 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- ---- 1225 2007 TOTAL: 389 416 493 328 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1626 2006 TOTAL: 444 432 499 469 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1839 32 i~:;odburn Police Dept. PAGE 1 LATE: 5/21/2008 PL6850 TIME~ 8:28:34 MONTHLY ARRESTS BY OFFBNSE POR JANUARY THRU APRIL 2008 SCOTTRU ORI#: OR0240500 WPD RBSULTS FOR ALL CHARGBS CHARGE DESCRIPTION JAN FEH MAR APR TOTAL - ----- -- AGGRAVATED ASSAULT ---- -------- --- 4 ---- 5 ---- 3 ---- ------- - -------------------- 5 ----- - -- ----- - - -- 17 AGGRAVATED MURDER 0 0 0 0 0 ANIMAL ORDINANCES 3 2 2 3 10 ARSON 0 0 0 0 0 ASSAULT S2MPLE 20 14 12 12 57 ATTIiMPTED MURDSR 0 2 0 0 2 BOMB THREAT 0 0 0 0 0 BRZBfiRY 0 0 0 0 0 HURGLARY - BUSINESS 1 0 1 0 2 B(3RC~LARY - OT3iBR STRUCTURS 1 0 0 4 5 BURGLARY - R6SIDENC$ 1 0 0 6 7 CHILD ADBANDOMENT 0 0 0 0 0 CHILD N$GLfiCT 1 0 0 0 1 CITY ORDINANCfi 0 0 0 0 0 CRIME DAMAGE-NO VANDALISM OR ARSON 2 1 2 3 8 CURFfiW 0 7 3 0 10 CUSTODIAL INTfiRFBRENCE 0 1 0 0 1 CUSTODY - DSTOX 0 2 0 2 4 CUSTODY - MSNTAL 3 1 3 1 8 CUSTODY - PROTfiCITVE 0 0 0 0 0 DISORDSRLY CONDUCT 10 8 3 9 30 DOCUM6NTATION 0 0 0 0 0 DRINKING IN PUBLIC 0 0 0 2 2 DRIVING UNDER INPLUBNCE 13 12 14 9 48 DRUG LAW VIOLATIONS 16 23 3 8 50 DRUG PARAPHERNALSA 0 0 0 0 0 DWS/RBVOKED - PELONY 0 0 0 0 0 DWS/RfiVOKHD-MI3DEMEANOR 1 6 5 1 13 ELUD& 1 1 1 0 3 EMBE2ZLfiMSNT 0 1 0 0 1 BSCAPB PROM YOUR CUSTODY 0 0 0 0 0 EXTORTION/BLACKMA2L 0 0 0 0 0 FAIL TO DI9PLAY OPERATORS LICENSE 3 1 3 1 8 FAMILY-OTHSR 0 0 0 0 0 FORCIBLH RAP& 1 1 0 1 3 FOROSRY/COUNTERPBITING 6 5 0 1 12 FRAUD - ACCOUNT CLOSED CHECR 0 0 0 0 0 FRAUD - BY DSCEPTION/PALSE PRETENSES 0 0 0 0 0 FRAUD - CRfiDIT CARD/AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE 0 1 0 1 2 PRAUD - IMPERSONATION 0 1 0 1 2 FRAUD - NOT SUPFICIENT FUNDS CHECK 0 0 0 0 0 FRAUD - OP SSRVICBS/PALSE PRBTSNSfiS 0 0 0 0 0 FRAUD - WIR6 0 0 0 0 0 FRAUD-OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 FUGITIVS ARRSST FOR ANOTHfiR AGIIVCY 36 32 32 28 128 FURNISHING 0 D 2 0 2 GAMHLING - GAME3 D 0 0 0 0 GAMBLING - OTfiBR 0 0 0 0 0 GARBAGS LITTBRING 2 0 1 2 5 HIT AND RUN PSLONY 0 0 0 0 0 HIT AND RUN-MISDSMEANOR 1 0 1 0 2 ILLEOAL ALIEN - INS HOLD 1 3 0 0 4 33 Woodburn Police pept. DATE: 5/21/2008 TIMS: 8:28:34 MONTHLY ARRBSTS BY OFFEN3E FOR JANUARY THRU APRIL 2008 ORIq: OR0240500 WPD RESULTS POR ALL CHARGfiS CHARGE DBSCRIPTION ---- ----------- ----- JAN F&B MAR APR ------------------ INTIMIDATION /OTHER CRIMZNAL THRSAT --- --- 3 ----- - 4 ----- 4 ------------------------ -- --- --- .7USTIFIASLE HOMICIDE 0 0 0 0 KIUNAP - FOR ADDITIONAL CRIMINAL PURpOSE 1 0 0 0 0 KIDNAP - POR RANSOM 0 0 0 0 KIDNAP - HI-JACK,TBRRORIST 0 0 0 0 KIDNAP - HOSTAGS/SHIELD OR REMOVAL/DELAY WITNESS 0 0 0 0 LICHN3ING ORDINANCE3 0 0 0 0 LIQUOR LAW-OTHSR 0 0 0 0 LIQUOR LICffidSB VIOLATIONS 0 0 0 0 MZNOR IN POSSSS9ION 2 3 17 5 ~I~ ~ ~~~~ 0 0 0 0 MISCSLLANBOUS 0 0 0 0 MOTOR V&HICLS THSFT 2 0 0 0 NSGLIGENT HOMTCIDE - TRAFPIC 0 0 0 0 NHGLIGHNT MAN~LAUGHTER 0 0 0 0 NON CRIMINAL DOMSSTIC DISTURBANCS 0 0 0 0 OTHER 11 9 6 12 PROPSRTY - POUNU LOST MISLAID 0 0 0 0 PROP&RTY RfiCOVER FOR OTHER AGENCY 0 0 0 0 PROSTITUTION - COMPHL 0 0 0 p PROSTITU'TION - EN(W1GE IN 0 0 0 0 PROSTITllT10N - PROMOTE 0 0 0 0 PUBLIC HBAI,TH AND SAFETY ORDINANCES 0 0 0 0 RSCKLESS DRIVING 2 2 5 1 ROBBfiRY - gApK 0 0 0 0 ROBBBRY - BUSINS3S 0 D 0 0 ROBBHRY - CAR JACKING 0 0 0 0 ROHBERY - CONV.STORS 0 0 0 0 ROBBSRY - HIGHWAY 0 0 0 0 ROBHSRY - OTHSR 0 0 0 0 ROBHHRY - RBSIDfiNCfi 0 0 0 0 ROBBBRY - SBRVICB STATION 1 0 0 0 RUNANAY 1 1 2 1 $EX CRIME - CONTRIBUTE TO S€X DHLINQUENCY 0 0 1 0 S8X CRIMfi - EXpOSER 1 0 0 0 SSJ[ CRIME - PORCIBLE SODOMY 0 1 0 0 SEX CRIMS - INCSST 1 0 0 0 SEX CRIME - MOL83T (PHYSICAL) 4 1 2 1 3EX CRIMB - NON FORCE 30DOMY 0 0 1 0 SfiX CRIMfi - NON-PORCfi RAPE 0 0 0 0 S8X CRIMS - OBSCENS PHONPs CALL 0 0 D 0 $SX CRIMB - OTHER 0 0 0 0 SEX CRIMS - PORNOGRAPAY/OHSCENE MATERIAL 0 0 0 1 38X CRIMfi - SBXUAL ASSAULT WITH AN OBJSCT 0 0 0 1 STALICER 0 0 0 1 3TOLSN PROPBRTY - RECSIVING,HUYING,POSSESSING 2 3 0 0 SUICIDfi 0 0 0 0 THTsFT - BICYCLF3 0 0 0 0 THfiPT - BUILDING 0 0 0 4 THEPT - COIN OP MACHINE 0 0 0 0 THS£T - PROM MOTOR VEHICLE 2 0 0 0 THSPT - MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS/ACCESSORIES 0 0 0 0 PAGE 2 PL6850 SCOTTRU TOTAL 11 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z7 0 0 2 0 0 0 3B 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 1 1 1 8 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 5 0 0 9 0 2 0 34 Wooci6urn Police Dep[. pAGE 3 DATE: 5/21/2008 PL6850 TIME: 8:28:34 MONTHLY ARRSSTS BY OFFENSE FOR JANUARY THRU APRIL 2008 SCOTTRU ORI#: OR0240500 WPD RESULTS FOR ALL CHARGES CHARGE DESCRIPTION JAN FEB MAR APR TOTAL ------- THEFT - OTHER ----------- --- ---- 0 --- -- 4 --- 0 -------- 0 - - ---- ---- ----- ---- -------- ------- - - --- - --- 4 THEFT - PICKPOCKET 0 0 0 0 0 THEFT - PURSS SNATCH 0 0 0 0 0 THEFT - SHOPLIFT 7 5 9 7 27 TRAPPIC ORDINANCES 0 0 0 0 0 TRAPPIC VIOLATIONS 21 32 19 17 89 TRESPASS 6 6 4 7 23 VANUALISM 1 4 3 13 21 VEHICLS RBCOVSAD FOR OTHfiR A(3ENCY 0 0 0 0 0 WARRANT ARRBST 80R OUA AGHAICY 0 0 0 0 0 WBAPON - CARRY CONC&ALED 0 1 1 1 3 WBAPON - EX FBIAN IN P03SESSION 0 0 0 0 0 WfiAPON - OTHBR 0 0 0 0 0 WF.APON - POSSESS ILLEGAL 0 1 1 0 2 WEAPON - SHOOTING IN PROHIBITBD AREA 0 0 0 0 0 WILLPUL MURDER 0 0 0 0 0 ZONING ORDINANCE 0 0 0 0 ----..-._ 0 ---- ---- - -- ---------------------------------- -- ------------------- - 2008 TOTAL: 195 ------- 207 ---- 164 --------- 172 ----- 0 ------ 0 --------------- 0 0 0 0 ----- - - 0 0 738 2007 TOTAL: 194 213 291 201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 899 2006 TOTAL: 213 218 322 253 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1006 35 8G WPD Mo~thly Code Enforcement Statisitcs Incident Type Abandon Vehicles Abate Nusiance Animal Complaints Business Licens~ Check Tall Grass Ordinance Violation Area Check FIR Other Total of All Inci¢lents Total 8 19 42 2 2 48 2 2 10 135 ril 2008 36 8H COMMUNITY $ERVICES DEPARTMENT STATISTICS APRIL 2008 Recreation Servlices Division Apr-07 Apr_08 2007 YTD 2008 YTD Revenue: $3,739.00 $8,321.00 $72,374.39 $103,015.07 Expenditures: $21,963.89 $16,373.41 $318,751.45 $264,443.24 Propram Attendance: Youth Sports: 3,263 69 11,495 997 Adult Sports:** 0 3,709 2,415 Youth Programs:' 202 0 4,056 1,610 Adult Programs:*" 0 0 804 28 Teen Programs:* 382 1,200 3,775 A~fter School Club:" 2,595 11,729 17,568 Special Events: 0 450 4,495 10,200 TOTAL: 3,465 3,496 37,488 36,593 Aquatics Divisic~n Apr_07 Apr_O8 2007 YTD 2008 YTD Revenue: 19,600.30 19,747.97 136,788.53 146,387.56 Exqenditures: 45,576.00 50,297.52 440,774.52 460,318.68 Cost Recoverv: 43°/a 39% 1 1 Attendance: 3,994 4,614 39,638 45,379 L~sson Enrollment: Group: 95 114 870 1,098 Adults: 0 7 3 49 Private: 0 16 11 55 4th Grade: 0 0 404 431 TOTAL: 95 137 1,288 1,633 Library Division Aqr_07 Aar_08 2007 YTD 2008 YTD Revenue: 1,454.31 2,274.02 63,825.45 69,243.00 Expenditures: 68,578.62 79,707.90 773,187.67 791,195.53 ~ .ibrarv Attendance: 17,807 19,644 176,135 165,162 Librarv Circulation: 9,784 12,060 103,289 115,546 Ad ~lt Proaram Count: 1 4 13 18 Adult Attendance: 25 50 6,273 3,890 Youth Serv~ce Procaram Count: 34 43 312 285 Youth ~ eroice Attendance: 1,075 1,552 5,996 6,285 Database Usaqe: 738 260 6,351 6,869 AduIC Computer Usaqe: 4,629 4,896 44,707 44,378 Youth Service$ Computer UsaQe: 829 989 8,898 8,937 New Adds: 495 408 Volunteer Hours Worked: 102APRIL 2008101 4,460 4,944 1,337 933 37 .. .m~.~...~..~..~~_.m ~...~....~..r~._.. .._._ . _s........ __ _ . . , . . _ _ _._......_~~. ~,_ - "This is the combined number for Youth Programs, Teen Programs and ASC in 2007 "` This is the cornbined number for Adult Programs and Adult Sports in 2007 APRIL 2008 38 -' '~ ~ . ..;. . ~' ~ ;r~ , a z.~.R ~ z~ < . . . , : ~'.. r~ ~ ~', 3 ';a , ~:" ~... ` ~ .~ : ,~ -~-_ _ ~~~~~~ . .. . .. , ' ' • z 'W ~, ~ ~ ~ 'e ~ s ~~ ~~ ` A ^i ~ k ~~ 1 ~ ` ~.,Y". 'i ~~~~ ~ & ~ ~ ~ ~ : .. . ~ : ... ~~ ~ k ~ , .. ~ .. .a .:,. ~. , ~.~.:~ ,. . . ;d' . , ~~. r~ , .. ~'.~. . .. . .' ..... ~ _ „~ ~ y ~ ~„ „ ~ ( ~ S.:S~.. ~. ~ i }.. ...4. €` 'y~r S » ti;= ..,.Y.._,.,.~ r.r...,.?~m~a~~Wau«?. ~ai..~ ~ ~~ ~~~. ...; . N .q.,~., . . ..~ ~ ~ ~iU . E.~ .~, ~..~, . ~~i . ,. ' ~~'R+~. . , i.!!,, .. ~~.l~+~'m~c`p ~ . ~°~~ W ~t.,,W rs'c?.Y»'» . . . ~5; ~ K¢A."^~'.".~,~~"«.~":~v% . . . Project Applicant Description Status: Date Deemed 120 Day Planner Referrals Facilities Mail Notice Notice to Post Stf Rpt Due PC Hearing PC Final Appeal Received Complete Comp Date Meeting for PC Paper Property Admin Dec. Order Deadline SiteLocation: LA 2007-02, City of Legislative Amendment Received 11126I2007 Jim Allen Woodburn Period Review Remand City of Woodbum LA 2007-03, City of Legislative Amendment Received 11126/2007 Jim Allen - ~~Q~~~ 270 Montgomery St. :; ~~~~ Fte ~~ _ _.. ~~.t; Project Applicant SiteLocation: Description Status: ANX 2008-Ot , Jesse Lovrien - Cascadia 2400 N. Pacifc Hwy Annexation into City limits Incomplete Development, LLC Incomplete Ltr Date Received Sent Out 04/21/2008 5/19I2008 DR 2008-01, EXCP 2008-03, George F. Brice III Hwy 214 & Evergreen Rd. Demolition and construction Incomplete 04/11/2008 VAR 2008-04 PAR 2008-04, Robert Engle 610 Glatt Circle Partition property into 2 lots Incomplete 04/23/2008 PAR 2008-05, EXCP 2008-06 Eugenia Yakubovich 855 Luba St. Paritioning into 3 parcels Incomplete 04/30/2008 I~UD 2006-01, ZC 2006-01, Boones Crossing, LLC - Parcels 1, 2 8 3 of Partition Modifications to Boones Incomplete 10I3112006 CU 2006-04, CPC 2007-01 Mike Hanks Plat 2006-55 Crossing PUD 4/21 /2008 120-App Received 180-Expiration: Planner 8119/2008 10/18I2008 Don Dolenc 819/2008 10/0812008 Don Dolenc 8/21/2008 10/20/2008 Don Dolenc 5/19/2008 8/2812008 10I27I2008 Don Dolenc 2128/2007 04/29/2007 Jim Allen ~ .; ,~::. ~, ;;~~; .~, ~.. .. ~. . . _ .. , . ~ ,~ _ ,: ~~ ~ ~s~ ~ , ~M~., ~ ; ~,, ..{ ..., ... m k ~ ~~~~:, ~ ,..~~ ...~;.:. .,_, ~: ~ ~ ~ :~: ~ ,.~.n s ~ r; ~" ~; . ~.,~' ~ ~.r~'~ . ~n~~.:.,_ ,..r.a ~c,a~~,~~'~.r~s,~,........z „~~. :'s C.. ~;~>. ~ „r.:,n f ~. ~;,~. ~^s'„ ~..r ~;~. s,^~:^~~: ~ d . ~. ~;,~`~ , .~Ta ~:s^;~ ~.. .,~ .r .-"~i.. `~" . „~ -~~~ z. 'xcz~.z~- ,w ~. , ~ ~ ~ ,, ti~, ~~ :; " ` ,~,'`a ~:~_a s~-' ,..., ~ ~ .,,! ~ , L?.'"';~__ ~:'. %r - - "° ., r' „ .„ ~ ~ = : '~~. -'- `S t .,x~~,~ r .> '' °=-~ ~, v"...,.... , b s ~<s; v ,.~" ..,.n - ,;; ° •'~ ~',~~~'"' -~ .t'^,"~C~.,~,y« T~°~`~.. s,r-~, x g~ ~,~ ~- : .~s2?. y '~ ~~ „... . ,.' .., .M ... ,,...iz .:~ -- : - . :. ~' . ~:~S;~a. .. `.~"~s4.s,. ..., . . s~a~'~'.,~"~ =~,~"~~:;~,r~.~~._am_ea~~.aa~&~ "w.~„~... ;~.~, .,.a~.,~;~ _ . . . . "";~scsz~....,.,. .. Y~.~~ r a~;~ Activity Report - NJay 8, 2008 through May 22, 2008 f older Nante .4pplica~tt Project SiteLocation Description Date Rec'd: App Con~ple Status: Planner: BL 2008-052 Yesica Yahel Yo! Graphics 449 N. Front St. Graphic design and printing 05/12l2008 05/12/2008 Approved Navarro BL 2008-054 Cristobal Lara Royal Prestige 307 N. Front St. Sales of Cookware 05/13/2008 05/20/2008 Approved BL 5008-053 Jorge and Ana A and J Jumper 363 Aksenia St. Recreational Equip Rentals 05/13/2008 Vera Rentals BL 2008-055 Steve Slack Advanced Electric Contractor ~gn sales, manufiactun`ng ~~d 6~f14i26b~ ffsi3212668 Approved Signs, Inc. installation services BL 2008-056 Silvia K. Ramirez Special Gift Shop 585 N. Front St. Gift Shop OS/22/2008 FNC 2008-OS Toribio Aguilera Toribio Aguilera 191 Bridlewood 3 1/2 foot high wooden fence 05/16/2008 05/16/2008 Approved SIGN 2008-11 Advanced Electnc Ca~l's Jr. Restaurant 1755 Mt. Hood Ave. (3) 25.75 sq. ft. wall signs 05/16/2008 Sign SIGN 2008-10 Advanced Electric Carl's Jr. 1755 Mt Hood Ave. 13.36 sq ft wall sign 05/16/2008 Sign TMKT 2008-08 Teresa Morales TNT Fireworks Fireworks sales @ Walmart parking lot 05/19/2008 dba TNT Fireworks TMKT 2008-09 Teresa Morales TNT Fireworks Fireworks sales @ Salem Hosp vacant 05/19/2008 dba TNT lot Fireworlcs TSP 2008-05 Connie Grade Portland-Woodbum 115 N. Amey Rd. 3'x2' signs for 4 days from r16-08 to 5- 05/14/2008 RV Park 19-08 Carrie Brenneck Don Dolenc Don Dolenc CaRie $renneek Carrie Brenneck Don Dolenc Natalie Labossie Natalie Labossie Don Dolenc Don Dolenc Carrie Brenneck »~ «-~~~,_ ~,~,,~~ ~~au , , ~,~.:.; . ,_,. _,~ _ ~.. ~,~,. . .__~ ..~~.., ~.. , , . ,, ..,.~, .. ~.~,~,~, ., a,~~:~.~~~~~.~~ ~,__ ___ ~,,.~..,,~~•~,~~,~.~~,~..~ ...m.~.,.w. o,.~~~~w r~~,_e~„_, .~m .~..y~~_ ._ ,. ...z. ~; ~. _ Thursday, ~'Ylay 22, 2008 BL = Business License EXT = Extension SIGN = Sign Permit TMKT = Temporary Marketing Permit TSP = Temporary Sign Permit PAPP = Pre-Application FNC = Fcnec Perm 41 8J ; "~ ., #,~r ,~,•h ~. ;~~.? ~,~~~ ~ ~ .,,...~.~~~~~~,t ,~~~~sa~ • May 27, 2~Q8 T~3: ~Ic~rrorable Mayor and City Gounci! FRUM: Sca~t Russefl, interim City AdministratQr SUBJECT: Re~tal Nousing ~'Jrcltn~~ce REGCIMM~~~}Aj! , N• If the m~dified ordinance is acceptable tc~ fihe City Council, forward tc~ the Stakehofder Gro~p of interested parfies. SACKGttE?UND AIN~ QtSG4lSS14N: After the City ~avneil workshop an May 12, 2Q08, th~ City Council reached ra consensus on m~-di~cations to the ordinartce. ~fhe changes ar~ c~s fc~[.Ic~ws: ~ Re-tit{ed it fhe Habitable Rental Hausing Ordinance ~ Section 7- remarred all definitions not ~sed in C?rdinance ^ Substituted the Ianguage af C)RS 9a.320 {habitability~ far the former r~quirem~nts t~f Section 8. ~ Removed overcrowding section fror~n this Ordinance. ~ Modified S~ction 17 A to specify thaf constitutiQnal rights wilC nat b~ violated when property is entered. ~ Removed the fee sectior~. AdditiQnally, after sta~f discussion, Ican~vage was added stating that where the Landiord is not the C}wner of the Dwelling Unit, reasor~able efforts must be made tQ provide the 4wner written natice af the violation. Thi~ modification was sugc~ested by the Stc~keholder Group and should help i~ ardinance adrrtinisfrc~tion. Finally, the effective date seetion was removed 4nd #he ardinQnce wifl go into eff~ct 30 days e~fter Mayar signs it. FINANCIAL INIPA~CT; l!nl~n~wn. Ar~;e~°,~~a Ifem R~v?~;~~~: Cify Adminis 42 City A~tcxn~y courvci~ e~~u MQ. C~INAlVCE NQ. AN QRQINAN E RE6~11RING HABITABL~ RENTAI k~4USING ANa PRQVIDING FCtR AQMlNISTRATI~N AMa ~NF4RGEMENT. THE CtTYiQ~ WQ4QBURN t}RGAINS AS FC?I.LCJ~WS. Secnan 1. Tit~gi. This tJrdlna~ce shall be knQwn as the "Habitable C~enfiai Hausing CJrdinc~nce," S~ect~on ~. L~[al~ye ~indin~. A, Thi~ Cit}r Cauncil finds that a safe, decent ~alace ~c~ live is a basie nec~ssifiy that ~er~Qbles fannilies to meet other basic nece~sities and sav~ far their future~ B, Th~e City CQUneil further finds tt~ere are 4~rc~win~ number of residentiai renjtal properties wlthin ~e City, and fihcst rrian~ of these prc~perties are in a declir~ing state Qf maintenar~c~a~ C, The City Councii further fir~ds fihat Inadequafie maintenctnce direct~y affe~ts the h~alth, -ife, sQfefiy and welfare of the resid~nts of the Gity af Woodburn an~i impacts the hec~lth and vita4ity af fihe surrounding neigt~b~arhaod and the Cit}r c#s a whole. D. Th~e ~ity Counefl fur~her fiinds that it is neces~ory ta adopt this (~rdinance so that Rentai Housing in the City is maintained in a goc~cl, src~~ffe, and sanitary condltion and doe~ not create a r~uisance~ a~ bli~ht~d conditions tc~ ifis surroundings, E. The ~ity CQUncil further finds th~rt the adaption af this 4rdlr~ance is a reasonablia mefihad of insuring suitable housing, safe and viabie neighborhaoc~s and a healthy Cifiy, Sectio~~ 3. _P~ur~sQ. The purpose of this CJrdinance is to prc~vide min~mum hak~itabifit~r criferia to sofeguard health, ~rape~fiy~and publlc w~~lfc~r~ Qf fihe C~wners, occupants ~nd users of residenfial rental bu~ldings. Section 4. ~tate of C}r~ R+a~identi+al la~,dtor~ ran~# Tenanfi Qct, This C}rdinance is inter~ded tQ supplement and noi~ cQn~ict with the habitabi~ity standards of the C~regon Resfden~al ~andiord a~d Tenant Act< ~'age 1 - ~C~t~NG(l. BILL R1C3. URDINA(~tCE NO, 43 Sec~on 5. ~gp,~. A. Exc~pfi as described below, these standards shai! ap~ly to Rentc~i ~i~+using Ioeafied wathin the Git~, ~ B. Not~uithstanding suE~sect~on 5A and eonsistent with the 4regor~ f~es~denfiai Lon~ilard and Tenan~ AGt, the fe~llc~wing are exerinpted ~rc~m the appiication of tfi~is Ordinance; 1. Hotels, matefs and ladging hQUSes; 2. Hospitals and other medical facflities; 3. ~lursi~g care fiacllities as def~ned in the Wsa~dburn Devela#~ment Oirdinance; and 4. Group homes and group care fic~~ilifiies a~s defined ir~ 4R~ ~haptQr 443. S~ecfian 6. C~rr~c~lcalrtts. A complaint under fihis Qrdfnance shail be submitted in wti~ing on a forr~ pr~vided by th~ ~ity ar~d shail in~lude th~ following: A, The rtame ~f the Person filing ths camplaint, if known, B. Th~ r~ame af the Lanc!lard, ~. The address of the alleged violation. D. A diescription of the alleged vicalation, E Wh~re the Tenant is the Camplainant, prc~Qf thczt reasonable effarts were made to provide the Lc~ndlord wifh written noti~e af the c~lleged via(at€or~. F, Wh~re the Landivrd is nc~t fhe Qwner of tF~e Qweliing Unifi, proc~f fih~afi reasonoble eff4rfs were made tc~ provide 1fie tJwner wlth writfien notice of the crlleged v~ofatio~. Sectic~n 7. Deflnitions. Far purposes of thls Qrdin~nce, the foflc~wing definitions shaff ~~ply: [?welling Unit. A sirtgl~ unit pro~iding complete indeper~dent living facilities far Qne- or mar~a Persons including provisic~ns fc,r livinc~, sl~aping, eating~ cooking, c~nd sanitatiQn. For purposes af thls C~rdlnar~ee, where pc~rtions af a residenfiial b~ilding t~re ac~upied under separate Rent~l Agre~mer~ts, but Pac~~e 2- C~UNClL BILL NO. QRQINA~ICE NC~. 44 tenants share ~ating, ~ookin~, and/ar sanitat~an facilities, eaeh pc~rtic~r~ und~r a separate Rentd~l Agre~ment s~oli E~e considered a Dwelling Un~t~ Enforce ent C?ffirer. A police officer, code enfc~rcem+~nt officer or other city a~ficial c~utl or~zed by the City Administrator ta enfiorce ~khis C~rdlnan~e, I.andlord~ The Owner, les~or, ar suk~lessar of a Dw~elling Ur~ifi. t~wner I~hcMudes a martgage~ in possc~ss~on and means an~ or more Perscros~ jointly br severcrlly, in wham is v~s#e~d: (a) ali or part of ths kegal title tc~ property; or (b~ ali c~r part of the benefieial owner~hip and a r~ghf to present use and enjoyment of the premises. Pers4n. ~1ny natural Person, flrm, I~artnership, associatian or corpc~rc~t~an. Rentai ~re~ement. AI1 agreemenfis, written or aral, Ganc~rning the use and accupar~~y of a E3welling Unit and premises. Rentat Mausin8. A Dwellir~g Unit whi~h is the subject c~f a t~ental Agreement. Section $. Maln~an~e of Qw~lins~ Un~t in Ha~~~ ~ondlt#c~n. A. A Londlc~rd shall c~t ail ~times d~r~ng t~te ~F~nar~cy r~aintair~ fihe Dweliing Unit in a habitak~le condit~c~nR Far purposes Qf this sectian, a Dwell~ng unit shccMi be c4nsidered unhabitable if it substantially lacks. 1. Effective watecpraofing and weather protecfiion Qf rca~f ar~d exterior wal~s, includfig windaws and doorsE 2. Piumbing faci{ities which~ conform to cappficable law i~ effect at the time of instaliatian, and maintained in good wcarking ~rder; 3. A water s~pply ~pproved under applicabl~ law« which is: a. Under the contrQl of the Tenant c~r ~.andlord c~nd is capable of producing hot and eold r~nning water; b. Fumished fio appropriate fixtur~s; c. ~annected to a sewcs~e disposal sysFem a~prov~d under appiicctble IQw; and Page 3- CC7U~JCII. BILL N4. URD11NA1VCE NO. 45 , . _ _ _ ....: . d, Maintained so as fio provide safe c~~nking wc~ter and to be En gc~od wortting order fio the e~cte~t that the sy~tem can E~e cc~nfral[ed by tfie l.oncflord; 4. Ad'equate heating fae~lities wh~ch conform fr~ app[lcabl~ law at tn~ time Qf in~tallatiQn and miaintained in gaod v+rorking c~rd~r; 5. Electrical ligt~fing with wiring and electricai equi~ment v~hich canform to ap~Rlicable law crt the time of instaliatian and main~ained in gc~od working c~rder; b. Bu`rldings, graunds and appurt~nances at fihe time ofi fit~e cammencemerat of the Rental Agr~emen# in every part safe far ~c-rmaE and reosonably fiore eeabie uses, clean, sanitary c~nd free fre,m all accumulations of debris, filth, rub~ish, garbage, rodents and vermin, a~d all areas under confiral c~f #he Landlord k~pt in every pc~rt safe far normal and reaso~abMy foreseeable uses, cl~an, samitary and free firQm all accumulafic~ns of debris, fi~ffi. rubbisf~. garbage, raderrts ~rr~d v~rmi~n, 7. Except as o#herwise provided by loca( ordinance or by wrifiten agreerrtent kaetween the Landiord and the fienant, an adaquat~a number of app~Qpria#e recepfiacles fio~ garbage and rubb~st~ in cl~an cs~ndltinn and good repc~Iir a~ tt~e time af the cammencernenfi of the f~ental Agreem~~t, and ~e l.onc~fard sk~alM provide and rnaintain appropriate servi~eable receptacles tt~~lreafter and arrange fQr th~~r remc~~al; 8. Flaors, walls, ~eifings, stairways and railings maintained in gooc4 repair, 9. Ventila~ing, air condit~ianing and c~t~ec fac~fi~ies ar~ci applianeas, i~c~luding elevators, mainfiai~ect in ~a4d ~epa€r If supp~I~d vr required to be slup~li~ed by the Landlord; 1 Q. Safety frorn fire hazQrds, includi~g a warkinc~ srrtoke alarm r~~ smoke detector, with warking batteries If solely E~attery-c~perated, p~ovided on[y ~,t the be~innin~ of any ~n~~nr tenancy when the Tenant firsfi takes pQSSessic~n ~f the prernises, ~s~ ~rrovic~ed in C7RS 479,270, but nat ~o ir~clude~ the Te~nar~fi's t~stinc~ of the smok~e eriprm or smake detector as prouided In C~[dS 90.325 ~6}; or 11. Working locks fc~r a!t dwefling entrance d~ors, and, unless cnntrary ta applicable Icaw, latches for pl( windo~s, by wh€eh aecess may be h~±d to that portic~n of the premises which the Tenant ~s entit(ed u~der th~ Rentaf A~r~ement to Crccxapy tQ the excfusian af Qthers crnd keys far sueh Ic~cks wl~ich r~quire keys. F _7g~ 4 - CC?U~fCIL BItL ~~3~JJ, rJRDINANCE N~J, 46 Se~tion 9, Abatem~tt c~tfce, Whenever a viola~an ~f th~s C~rdinc~nce is found to exist w~thin tt~e car~orate limit~ of the ~ity and fihe En~c~rcement C7ff€~er elecfis to praG~ed by abatement~, the Enforcement C~fflcer shall giv~ writt~n notice, by a ty~e of maiM that requires p si~ned rec~ipt, ta the ~.andlord of the property upon r~rhich the ~ialatio~ exists. Secfian 1 Q. Abatem~t. Upon rece~pfi af #he natice that a violatic~n exists, the Londiord ~~all have thirfy (3Q) days ta abate the viQCa#ion, Secrion 1 h. No~ic~ t~ t~ rerr~,~,enta, The nc~t~ea to abate th~ violatian shc~li ~Qntain the fQilpwing: A. An,order fio abate the violatlan within tfiirt~r (3~D} days: B. m~ loeatlo~ of the violc~tion, C. A diescripfiQn Qf what canstitu#es i~h~ violatiQn; Q, A~katement that if the violatlon ~s nof abated within tf7e pres~r~bed time, fi1~e City v~iil se~k civil penalties under th~ C~rdinanGe; anc! E. A$tatement that a Persan who is dissatisf~ed witt~ the c~bat~cne~t no#ice h~s fihe r~igt~i to judi~i~l -eview under ifi~s 4rdir~an~e. Section 1~. Re~twes# f+at Judlcic~l Review. The Landfard may file v written request for judi~ial rev~~w in the Woc~dburn Municipal Court w~fihin ter~ (10) days Q# fihe date thalt tt~e notice to abate was mailsd. Section ll~. R~ r . The reque~s~F for Juc~ic~al rev~evv~ need not iae irh any particular farm, but shauld substantially ec~mRly with th~ fiailowing requirlement~: A, 6e in wr~ting; B. Identity the place ond nature vf the alie~ed viQiatian; C, Specify the name and address of fihe Landlc~rd seeking judicial review; and D, ld~ntify fihe Enforcement 4fficer alleging tk~at a violatiQn exists, A copy of the req~est for judicial review shaN be served Qn the t1VoQdburn Ciiy Attorney's offic~e. Page 5- COUNCIL BILL NQ. ORDlNANCE NC?. 47 Section 1 i4, Schedu~n~,gf ,~4~~r~S~.R~~• A. Th~ judicial review hevring shafi be hQld vvi~ttin ten <10) days affer the request for Judicial revier~v is made, The day may be pastponed byr: 1 ~ Agreeme~tt afi th~ par~i~s; or 2. Qrder of f~t~e caurt fior gcaod ~ause,. B. Aft~r a hearing is scheduleci, the eourt shall prampt~y notify the parties as ta th~ time and locati4r~ af the hearing. Se~c#tt~n 1i5, Judlcia! ~evieNr HeQrirr~. At fihe judi~ial rev~€~~ hearirrg the City and the L~ndlord shall have the right to present evidence and witnes~es and to be represented !~y legaf counsel at their c~~nrn expense. Affer due consideration pf pertinenfi ir~farmation and testimony, the ~ourt shall mak~ ifis findings. The fir~dings shall be based or~ substantial evidence cand shall be finr~l. Sectit~n 1~6, i~~~~c~c tion of Yicrl~,t~n. The Lar~dlord shall be natified by c~ type of mail th~at requires a signed receipt posfirnarked no later than five days affer the f~~di~gs are entered by the court or !ay persc~nal delluery by a representative ~f the City. Upan notification ~f violatior~, the Land{ord shall hav~ 30 days to ak~te fihe violation. Secti4n 17. Er~tor~~„nt. A. Insae~tic~n anc! R~~t of Entrv. Whenever fihe Enfarcement tJffice~ has reasonable cause to suspect a vialafion of ~ny prc~uisican of this C.~rd~e~ance; the Enfo~Geme~nt 4~cer may entQr e~n any site or inta any struet~ure fc~r fihe purposes c~f inv+estigation provided tt~afi na premis~s shc~ll be entered wiffiout first attempting to obtain the canse~t of the Qwner or person in cantroi af the premises if ot#~er than the ~'Jwner. if cansent cc~nnot be ab#ained, the Enforcern~nfi Officer shr~ll seGUre a se+arch warrae~f before furfher at~empt~ tc~ gain entryr, and shall have recourse fio every ofiher rernedy provided by law to seeure entry. B. Ci~i! [nfractlon. In addi~i4n to, and nat i~ lieu af any c~tt~er enfarcement mechanisms, a~ri~lat~on of any pravisiQn of this Qrdinanc~ constitut~es a Giass I Civil (nfractiorr which shctli be pracessed ~ecording to the~ praeedures co~ta[ned in the Woodburn ~~vil f~fracfiic~n Grdlnan~c~. C, ~iy~il Proceedin~ InitiQ~ed k~,y ~ity Ai~ornav. The Cify Att~orney~, c~ffer c~btaining authorization from the C~ty Gouncii, may init~ate ~a ci~ril preceeding c~n behalf of the eity ta enforee the pravisians of thfs ~rdinance. This civil pr~ceedir~g may i~clude, b~t 'rs not Iimited to, in~unct~on, rr~andc~mus, P*~_-~~ 5 - ~C:UN~CIL ~31LL ~1Q. ~RpIN1~NC~ ~IQ. 48 abafement, or ofher appropriate proceedin~s to preven#~ tempQra:rily Qr permanentiy er~join ar abate ar~y vialations Of fhis Ordinance. Sectiont~. Frohib~Nan gQ ~~~~.li~~y C°nd~t by t.ar~dlard. Na Landlorc~ may terrninate ~a tenancy, increase rent, decrease services or refuse t+~ ~enew a iease ar tenanciy because a Tenont has in c~ood fia~th: A. ~i{e~d a cc~mplctint under this~ Qrdinan~~, Qr B. Requ~sted the LandEord to make repairs ta a premiSes as required by this Ordinran~e; or C. Prc~vided i~formation ar testified in ar~y proceeding invc~lvir~g the enfore~ment Q~ this 4rdinan~e. Sec#on 1~4, ~~I,~ofe Q~~~,~s. Eacf~ day dur~n~ wt~ieh a~ vic~la~ia~n of fihis C~rdinance car~tinues shail cansfitut~ a separate offens~ for which a separate penalt~ may b~ imposed. Sectior~ ?~Q. Severabilitv, If any sectian, ~aragraph, subdivision, ~[ause, s~ntence, or plrovisions of this 4~dinanee shall be adjudged by any court af competent juri$dictiQn #o be ~nconstituti~ana{ or invalid, ~uch judg~nent sha[[ nc~t affect, impair, invalidate, or nullify the remainder af the title, but the eff~ct thereaf shaf( be eonfined to the section, ~arr~graph. subdivi~ion, ~lause, sentenee or provision immediateiy involved in the cQntroversy i~ which such judgment ar d~cree shall be ~endered, it being the intenfi of fihe go~eening body to enact th~ remainde~ c~f fihis (Jrdirtance natwithsfiandir~~ the parts to be declared uncc~nstitut~onal and invalid. Approved as ta farm: Passed by fihe ~ouncii Submitted ta th~~ Mayor Approved by the Mayor Ap~raved: Kathryn ~igley, Artcryor ~i1ed in the Offi~~e of th~ Re~~rder AITEST: _ _ __ __ Mary Tennant City Reearder City of Woodburn, 4regan P~~e 7- C4lJM1lCIL BILl. NO. ~RDINAN~E NO. 49 City Atfiorne~+ Date ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~m~~~ ~~~~ " ' ~r..~,~>,.,~~~r ,,,.r~ Ntay 27, 20Q$ TO: Manorabl~ Mayar and Gi~y Council through ~ity Adminis#rator FR4M: Dan Brown, Public WQrks Directar SUBJECT: To~t Street l.l~ Final Assessmen#s Ordtnance RE~QMMENDA~IQN: -,- That the City ~ouncil adopt the attached C7rdinance to levy finak assessments on prapert~ wi~hin the Tout Streef Lc~cal fmprovem~~t Distri~f. BACKG~OUND: The City ~oun~il initiated the Loeal Improvement District (LI[~j process for To+~t Street street improv~;ments between SoUth Setflemi~r Avenue and Sauth Frc~nt Street, apprav~d fihe engineering report, held c~ ~ublic hearing and ada~ated Ordinance NQ 24l $ tha# established the legal foundatic~n for the L1D assessments. The City has fallow~d the procedures as autlined in Qrdinance No. 2105 af the farmc~tion of a Loca[ lrnprovement District and levying final as~essments to benefited property awners. Th~ final casts h~ave been determined, prQperfy owr~ers were n~tified by mail and through E~gal putali~afion en th~ IQCaI pap~r. The publie heqring on t}~e final assessrnents wcss he~ld on May 12. 2QC1$. ~oun~il closed the hearing and direeted staff to prepare #he final assessment ~rdFndnce. ~3fSCUSSI4N: PrQper legal nc~tice has been publi~h~d in the lo~al newspQper and a letter ~tas be~n maiied tc~ eQCh individuak property awner of r~~ord. Upon pc~ssa~e of the ordinance, property owners will receive a nafiee of' final assessment. The property c~wners with unpaid assessments wiCl also receive a Bancroft bc~nd informr~tian pa~kage. Tt~is information pac~Cage wi~l provide a I~~~nc,'a ~tGm ~?~vi~:.~J: t:::°~,~ ~..~minisfra City Atfc~rn~y ~ V~""'~ F~n an 11A 50 Hc~norable h~ay~or and ~ity Council May 27, 2~8 Page 2 2Q-year paymejnt pla~ option at b.251~ int~rest rate. Tt~e properfy cawner mc~y pay the ant~re ~mour~t ~f ~ny time within tt~e ~Q y~t~~ periad. lt is recommenq~ed ~hat the City Gc~unc'tl adapt th~ afitaehed ordinanc~ fio levy final assessme~n~s. ~I~ANSI.A~.1w1P ,~T: Passage of this ordinance wilf authori~e #he City to collecfi ~3l ,SQQ in assessmenfi ~osts aflacated to the benefifed property owners wifihin ~he UD. 51 cc~uwc~~ e~i~~ r~o. C?RDINANCE N4. AN C}RQtNANCE ~EVYIN~ ASSESSMENT~ F4R THE IMPRCxY~ENT ~J~ TC1UT S'i'REEf BETWEEN SETTkEMIER AVEN E AND ~a0U1'H FR4Nfi STREET. WHEREAS., the City Council review~d ~nd apprQVed the ~ngine~ring report c~n the improvemen'~ of Tout Str~et can Jur~e 2b. 20Qb; and WHEREAS, the City Caun~il by Resolufiion No. 1853, declc~red its inten# ta improve Tout Street thro~gh a Locol lmprovement Dist~ict proc~ss, ~ado}~t~d the method af assessme~t, ~sfa~lished a date for the public Mearinc~; ar~ci 1lYHEREAS, fhe Public Hearing was held on ~lprrl 23, 204~ to re~eive ~nput fr~am offected proper~y owners. 4nly one w~tten remc~nstrc~nce was re~eived by the city, ond therefore, siuspensian and reconsideration by the city ~c~unci{ was nQt rer~uired; and WHEREAS, the assessment to each benefited property is ba~ed upon th~ spe~ia! benefit reeeived for the scrid irnpravement ~sing o distribution method as c~ut[ir~ed for each I~# identifi~d in C}rdinance Na. 24~18; and WHEREAS, lega[ notice af the public hearing on #he proposed final assessment was provid~d c~nd mailed ta the owner oF each iot proposed to be czssessed at fhe address of recard shawn in fihe offieial reco~ds of Mc~ric~n County; and WHEREAS, the final csssessm~nt h~arir~g was canducted on iv1ay 1~, 2(308; N41f11, TNEREP4RE, THE ~lTY QF W44L3BURN 4RDAINS AS FQllOWS; Sectlon 1, fia The actua[ assessvbfe cost raf the local imprc~vement of Toufi Street betwe~n Settiemier Avenue and South Fronf Sfreet is $31,SQCl, whick~ is hereby assess~d against the property described her~in the Qmounts listed, Section ~, L i n . The City ~auncil levies the fir~al assessments c~gainst the real prc~perty ir~ the I~cal irnprovement di5firict as set forth on the Assessment Roll a~#ached and incorporater~ as Exhibit "q,,` Section 3. Dete~mtnafton af Soecioi Bene~t, The City Caunc9l determines that each IQt described or~ the Assessment RQlI is specially benefited to th~ exter~t of the assessment set forth on #he Assessment Rali aga"rnst that Eot. ~=~ge i- Ca~n~il Bill Na 2T22 Qrdir~~n-~~ No. 52 Sectian ~. RaKma~nf 4~,ons. Pursuant to QRS Gha~ter 223 (Lacal IrnprQVements}, benefited property owners have the following opfi~ons: A. Full payment of the final assessment within 30 deays Qf #h+e effective date o~ this ordinance wifihout ir~cu~ring interest charges; or B. instkallment payment plon ov~r a tw~nty (20j yerar p~riod wt~~re anr~ual p~}~ment wiH be made equal #0 1/20 of t~ie casf af their share af the ass~ssment plus interest. If an instalfinent payment plcan is elect~d by the ber~e~t~d proper#y owner cand the outstQnding (ienl is paid off kaefore the ~nd af the 2Q-year period, interes# wll b~ calculated to th~ dote oi the lien payoff. Section 5. lnfierg~. P~rsuant to Secfi~on l t Qf C~rdinQnce No. 241$, the interest rate is established at b.25~4 and tk~e aGCrupl date shalf starf from the effeGtive dafe of' this Qrdinance unless payment is mad~ within the first 30 days. Secfta-~ 6~ ,~otic~ of Asseasments. The ~ity Record~r shall send a natice of assessments fio all awners of assessed p~operfy and publish noti~e c~f the ossessments pursuant to the requir~rt~ents of Qrdinc~n~~ l~4, 2 ~ a~. ~' ~~''1 ~'~r~.'..~~,~~~ ,~' ~'. 2 `~ ~ t? ~ Approved as fio form: ~ ~ City Aftomey Da~ Approved: Kathryn Figley, Mayor Passed by the Council Submitted to th~ Mayor Approved by fh~e Mayor Filed in fihe Office of the R~carder ATTEST: Mary'fen~ant City Recorder ~ity af Woadburn, Qregan Page 2- Council Bill No, 2722 Jrdin~ar~ce ~la. 53 EXHIBIT "A" TOUT STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT ROLL (NOTE: BA6t8~~ ~T°"~~^"T denotes tax lots or names, which have been modified since the adoptiqn of the original ordinance.) Map/Tax Lot Numbers Owner Assessment Amount 051W18BC0210 D Doman, ~A:, Ste hen N& Sheree L $1,890.33 051W18BC0850 Glavnik, Nickola & L udmila $1,931.02 051 W18BC0200 Garcia, Abel 8~ Ofelia $3,054.39 051 W 18BC0190 Nobles, Marian E. $3,151.79 051 W18BC0860 b Carlson Noah M. & Eulalia l. $4,360.39 051W18BC0180 q Koffler, Frieda $3,737.44 051W18BC0870 q Perfecto, Jose $5,519.68 051W18BC0170 p Daurov, Ivan G. 8~ L ubov V. $2,880.64 051W18BC0160 0 Zavaleta, Perla Perez $3,044.12 051W186C0930 b Rios, Ana L 8~ Molina, Ale'andrina Astor a $1,930.20 TOTAL $31,500.00 Page 3- Council Bill No. 2722 Ordinance Nc. 54 11 B' '~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ r~.~~.~,~:,~,~a f +~a ~1t~U~/ ~~, ~{~~$ T~O: Ha~orable hAayor and ~i~r CQUn~il t~hrc~ugh City Adm~ir~istrat~r~ ~RQM: Daln Brawn, Publie Works Director SUB.~ECT: ~o~nes F~rry Road E.ID final Ass+~asmeflts t)tdinance RECt~MMENDA~~4N: That the City ~ouncil adapt fihe attached Ordinanee to levy final assessm~nts an property wi~F~in the Boones Ferry Roar~ Local Impravem~nt District. BA K,,,~„RQ,,,I~,_ND~ The Gty Coun~il initiated the Loeai Improver~ent Disfirict (LCQj prcac~ss for ~caanes Fem,r RoQd Str~et improvements between S#ate Highway 214 and ~ocase Creek, approved fhe~ engineering report, held a~a~blic hearing and actopted Ordinance Nc~, 2357 that established the legaf faundation for the LIL~ assessments. The City has fc~llowed the procedures as outlined in CJrdinance No. 21OS c~f t~~ farmatic~n of ~~.ocai ~~,~ro~er~~nt a~strict c~nd levying final assessments tc~ benefited ~raperty owr~ers, The final costs have been dete~mined, prapec~y owner$ were notified by mail and thraugh legc~l publicaiion in the locai paper~ The public hearing on the final assessments vvas h~ld on May 1~, 2C148. Gouncil cfosed the }~earing crnd directed staff to prepare the final assessment ordinance, DISC~SSI4N: Proper legal notice has been published in the local newspaper and a letter has been rr~ailed to each individual properfy owner or record. Upon passag~ of the ordinance, properfy Qwn~rs will re~eive a r~otice of finai assessment. 1'he property owners with unp~id ass~ssments will alsQ receiv~ ~ Bancroffi band information package, This information pac~cage will provide a 10-year paym~nt plan apfion ot ~.89~ intere~# rate. The prop~rfi~r awner rnay pay the entire amount at any fiime within the 10-year Reriod. Ageneia -tem ReWi~w: City Administrafor~~ City Attorney 55 Ha~orable Ma}+or and City Couneil May 27. 2048 Page 2 It is recommended that the City Cauncil adopt the atte~~hed ors~ina~ce ta lev~ final assessnn~nits. FINAI~CIAL [MP1ACfi: Passage of thlis ordinance wili authorize fihe City tc~ collect $26$,323,72 in assessment easts allocated to the k~enefit~d properfy ovvners witt~in fihe lla. 56 ~t7UNGll BILL N+~. QRDINANCE NQ. AN QRDINANCE LEYYIfV+G ASSESSMENTS FOR THE IMPRC'~VEMENT QF BQ4NES EERRY ~QAO ~ETWEEN STATE HIGMVItAY 214 AND G44SE +~REEK. WHEREAS, the Gity ~ouncil reviewed the proposed improvement of Boones ~er ~oose ~re~k an Jonuary 12, 2~4; and and approved the engineering repor~s on y RQad befiw~en Sfiate ~lighway 214 and WHE~EAS, the City Council, by Resalution 175U, decl4red its in:tent tc~ ir»prQV~ Boones Ferry Rood through a local lmprc~vement District ~rocess, adc~p~ed the method of assessment, estabfish~ed a date for the ~ubfic hearin~; and VIiHEREAS, a public hearing on the formation c~f fihe Lla wc~~ ~eld on F~bruary~ 3, 2404 fo receive input From affected ~aro~erty owners ond insuFf~cient reman,stranc~ were reeeived to suspend such improvement, and; WHEREAS, the assessment ta each benefited pre~perty is based ~pon the specical benefit receiv~d fQr the said im{arQ~~ment using ~ distribufior~ rr~efhod as ouftined ~ar eoch lat identified in Qrdinanc~ 2357; and IMNEREAS, iegal notice of #he public hearir~g an th~e praposed final assessment was provided and mai{ed t~ the Qwner of ~ach (ot praposed to be assessed at th~ address of record shown in the Off~ciQl records ofi tv~~~ion County.' artd WHEREAS, the final assessment hea~ing was conducted on N1ay 12, 2008; Nt~W, THEREFQRE, THE GtTY 4F V1144~BU4N QRDAINS AS FC?lIC~WS: Sec~ton t. Totef Asse~~e Cosf. t`he acfiual assessatale cast af the local imprQV~ment of Boones ~erry Road between State Nighway 214 and Gaose CreeK is $268,323,72, which is hereby assess~d against tl~e property described herein the arno~n#s listed. Section 2. ,~errv ef ~ii„~ assessments - As~e~sment Roll. The City Coun~i~ levies final assessrnents against thte real praperfiy in tt~e locai improvement dis#rict as set forth on the Assessment Roll a#taehed and incorparatec! at Exhibit `"a". Section 3. Qetermination of ~-~ 1 Ben~fit. The City Couneil determines that each lat described ~n tf~e Ass~ssrn~nt Rcall is s~ee~aGly k~enefited to the extent of the assessment set far#h on the Assessment Roll agains~ thc~# lat. PaC~ 1- Caunei! BiIN NQ. 2~723 C~rdinance No. 57 section 4. P°vme~L.~Q~. Pursuont to C~~S' Chapter 223 (Local Improvements}, ber~efited praperty owners t~ave fh~ fc~lowing pa~ment options; A. Fiufl payment of fih~ final assessm~nt within 34 days ofi the effective date c~f thi ordinance withaut incuering interest charges; or B. I~hs~alirr~ent paym~nt plon over a ten ~1 Q~ year periad~ where a~tr~ual pcr,~rment w~ll be mctd~ equal to 1{10 Qf the cost c~f their share af fhe as~essment plus ir~terest. If an ir~stailmein~, paym~nt plon is ~lected by the ber~efited prcaperty ov~rner esnd the outstanding Ii~r1 is paid off befor~ the End of th~e 14-year period, interest will ~~ calculated to thi~ date of the lien payo~f. Se~tian 5; I rg~#, ~ursuont to Seetion 11 c~f 4rdinonee No. 2357, the interest rafie is establi5hed at 5.89~ and tF~e accn~pl rate shalf start from the e~fecttve date c~f this ordinonce unless payment is m~c~e within th~ first 3a days, Sectton 6; Not~ce~,-~ Assessment. The ~ity Reco~c~~r shc~ll send a notiee Qf c~~s~ssment~ tc~ ali ~~rners of~ c~ssess~d pr~per~ and pubtish npti~e QF assessments ~ursuant to the requirements of 4rdinQnce 2i05. Approv~d as to form: ~r " " ' ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cify Attorn~y Dpte Approved: Kafihryn Figl~y. Mayar Passed by the Couneif Submitted ta th~ Mayor Approved by th~e Mayor Filed in the 4ffice of the Reeorder a~~sT: Ntary fi~nnant Gity ~eeorder City oif Woodburn, Qregon P~c~e 2- Covnc~E Bili No. 2723 -~r~in~nce ~~a. 58 EXHIBIT "A" BOONES FERRY ROAD (State Highway 214 to Goose Creek) ASSESSMENT ROLL (NOTE: nni iQi ~ cTO~u~TUOn~ ir~u~ Denotes tax lot or names, which have been modified since the adoption of the original ordinance) UNMODIFIED PROPERTIES Map/Tax Lot Numbers Owner Assessment Amount 051 W07CA00500 First Presb terian Church of Woodburn $24,050.38 051W07CA00400 Boones Fer Develo ment Co. $21,381.95 051 W07CA00300 , Frank, Bradford LoefFler $5,366.01 051 W07CA00200 Caba, Nicholas Rust U/T/A 8~ Caba, Nicholas, P. $7,098.09 051 W07CA00100 Woodburn Ambulance Service $7,255.30 051 W07BD02501 Bershen le Enter rises ' LLC $2,866.51 051 W07BD02500 Webstar III LLC c/o En le, Robert $3,089.83 051 W07BD02400 Cornwell Famil LTD Partnershi $9,401.36 051 W07BD02300 Woodburn School District No. 103C $187,814.29 TOTAL $268, 323.72 Page 3- Council Bill No. 2723 Ordinance No. 59 11G !+ "°"","".^t ~i: ~ ~ ~ A~~ ".. ws~~~ _ .~ f~#fdl~pfiAt6~'.~ lf} Nlay 27. 2t~8 TC}: H~morable Mc~yor and Cifiy ~:our~cil through ~ity Adminis#rator VIA: D~n Brown, Public Warie~ Directar FR~~l: Rar~d Rohmc~n, Public VYorks Pr4 ram Mana er ~ Y 9 9 ~"'~~ SUBJEGT: Tnc~aportation System Deve~loprt~nt Charg+e Scherdule R,~,C+~31VtM E N DaA'~I O N: Approve th~ attached reso[utiQn that establishes Transportatic~n Sysfiern Develapment ~harges, Interchesnge Development Chare~es and A(t~rnativ~ Caiculafion F~es. ~R~K.. RQUNC}: On April 2£~, 2(3a8 CQUneil ap~roved Qrdinance 2438 which impos~~l Trranspartation System Q~velapment Charges including a~ Int~rchanc~e Development Charge based upon an established methodology. o~~cuss~or~: Urdinar~ce 2438, the Transpvrtafiion System Develcrpment Charge C}rdinance, directs that th~e Trar~spcarfiatican System Deveiopment Charges, Interchange Development Charges and Alterr~atiue Calcukation Fees be a~iopted by resolution. The resolutian tk~at is attached establishes Transpcartatiar~ Systern Developnnent ~harges, Interchange Development Gharges and Aiternafrve CalGUlation Fees, An effecfiv~ dafe of Jur~e 1, 2Q48 is established ~r~ th~ attached resQlutian. FI IVANClAI 11V1~'~t~T: No significqnt i~npact on the currer~t k~udget. There wos a modifieatior~ i~t fihe proposed 2(~3&-2~9 budget far tne anticipated increases ir~ Transporta~ic~n System C?evel4pment Charges. fl.~, ~~~a Item R~-~view: C~it~ Administrcator~~~' City AftQrneyE ~~`'~-~ Finc 60 , , .. . . CQUNG~L BILL tJC?. RESCJLUTION NC1. A RESE)LUT14N ESTABtISN~1VG A RATE S~HEQtlLE FC7-R TRAN5PC'~RTATI+QIY SYSTENI DEVEk4PMENT CHARGES (INGLUDING THE ~NTERGHANGE t?EYEE.t)PMENT CHARGE ANQ AN ALTERf~ATIVE CAL~ULATtC3N FEE) ~RND SETTING AN EFFECTIYE QATE WHEREAS, QRS 223.297-223.314 grants IQCaI governments the power ta impase system development chcarges; and WHEREAS, the Gity autht~rized the preparatian o# the City of 1~Yoodbum Transportation System develapment ~harge Stud~ daf~d ~rlarch 200$ ("fihe Methadology"~; and WHEREAS, the ~ity, in ~om~aliance with C?RS 223.297-223.314, provid~d notice and receive pubfic input Qn the t~lethodalogy; ~anel WHEREAS. fihe City adopted C~rdinance 2438 impc~sing Trar~spartestic~n System Develapm~nt Charges, including th~ interchang~ C7evelopment ~harge~ based upon the Methodola~y; and WHERE~S, pursuant to Qrdinance 2438, this ResoMutiQn aelc~pts a Rate Scheduie for Trc,nspQrtatian Systern Development Charg~s, the Interchar~ge Develapment Gharge and an Alternative Cafculation Fee, NQW THEREft?RE: THE CITY C-F W4QDBURN RESQLVES AS FQLIQWS: Se+~tion 1. Rate Schedu[e Pursuont to C)rdinar~ce 2348 cxncf the Methc~dQlcagy, a Rate Schectufe af Tronsportatian System Development Charges, incfuding the Int~rchanc~e Development Gharge, is hereby adopfed and attached to this R~SQIU~IQC1 C]S ~X~'1Ik.?tt `",~~1e Section . Alternotive Calculation RevierK Fee A. The f~e for review of an alterna#ive rate or credit calculafiQn shall be three=hundred-twenty-five dollars ($325~, to be paid at the fiime the alt~rnative cal~ulation is submitted' fr~r rev~ew, Par~e 1- CQUnci( Bifl No. 2~24 RaS~fution NQ. 61 B. Th~ f~e far rev~ew Qf an alternative exemptian r~quest shalf be ane- hundred dallans ($100~, fiQ be paid crf the tirne fh~ r~quesfi is su~~K~rnifted f~or review. ~. (f the City hires a cansultant to c~~sis# in reviewing the inf4r~rtati4n submi~ted, fhe cost Qf the cor~sultant's reuiew shall k~e paid in equai ~ha~es b~ the Cify anc~ ''~the appficant, and the applicant st~all ~aay its share of this additional fele at the time the City decides whether or nof to acce~t fhe alternative ratd. ~g.,c.tiT. Effecttve Date This Re~a~ufton is effective June 1< 24Q8. ~,ectio~h ~. R~peal All priwr resolutians establishing amoun~s Qf Transportc~tian S~stem Developmen~ (~h+~rges a~e her~by repealed. Approved as tc~ form: r~•~l~~ ..~ ~~' 2 0~'~ City Atfiorney Dat~ ApprQVed: KatF~ryn FigleyF Mayor Passed by th~ ~ouncil Submitted to tFre Mayc~r Appraved by the Mayor Filed in the a~ffi~ce of the Recc~rder ATTEST: Mary Tennant City i~ecQrder City qf Woodburn, C~regan Pa~~ 2- Gauncil Bill Na. 2724 ResQlu~ion I~io. 62 EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 of 5 SCHEDULE OF TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE ~3,497 er PH-T ITE Code Customer Type Peak-Hour Trips Transportation SDC Units 110 General Light Industrial 0.98 $ 3,427 KSF 130 Industrial Park 0.86 $ 3,007 KSF 140 Manufacturing 0.74 $ 2,588 KSF 150 Warehouse 0.47 $ 1,644 KSF 151 Mini-Warehouse 0.26 $ 909 KSF 152 High Cube Warehouse 0.12 $ 420 KSF 210 SF Detached 1.01 $ 3,532 DU 220 Apartment 0.62 $ 2,168 DU 230 Condo/Townhouse 0.52 $ 1,818 DU 240 Mobile Home 0.59 $ 2,063 DU 253 Elderly Housing 0.17 $ 594 DU 310 Hotel 0.59 $ 2,063 Room 320 Motel 0.47 $ 1,644 Room 411 * Local Park 0.09 $ 315 Acre 430 Golf Course 2.74 $ 9,582 Hole 435 Multipurpose Recreation Facility 5.77 $ 20,178 Acre 437 Bowling Alley 3.54 $ 12,379 Lane 493 Athletic Club 5.76 $ 20,143 KSF 495 Recreational Community Center 1.64 $ 5,735 KSF 520* Elementary School 0.28 $ 979 Student 522 Middle School 0.15 $ 525 Student 530 High School 0.14 $ 490 Student 540 Junior/Community College 0.12 $ 420 Student 560 Church 0.66 $ 2,308 KSF 565* Day Care 4.35+ $ 15,212 KSF 0.27+ $ 944 Student 590 Library 7.09 $ 24,794 KSF 591 Lodge/FraternalOrganization 0.03 $ 105 Member 710 GeneralOffice 1.49 $ 5,211 KSF 63 EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 5 SCHEDULE OF TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ITE Code Cu~tomer Type Peak-Hour Trips Transportation SDC Units 715 Sin~le Tenant Office Building 1.73 $ 6,050 KSF 720 Medical-DentalOffice 3.72 $ 13,009 KSF 750 Offi~e Park 1.5 $ 5,246 KSF 760 R~s~earch 8 Development Cen~er 1.08 $ 3,777 KSF 770 Bwsiness Park 1.29 $ 4,511 KSF 812 Bwilding Materials & Lumber 4.49 $ 15,702 KSF 813 D~sCount Super Store 2.78+ $ 9,722 KSF 814 Speicialty Retail 2.71 $ 9,477 KSF 815 Discount Store 2.40+ $ 8,393 KSF 816 Hardware/Paint Store 2.18+ $ 7,623 KSF 817 Nur~ery/Garden Center 3.80 $ 13,289 KSF 820 Shopping Center 1.47+ $ 5,141 KSF Leasable 841 Newr Car Sales 2.64 $ 9,232 KSF 848 Tire Store 4.15 $ 14,513 KSF 850 Swp~ermarket 2.76+ $ 9,652 KSF 851 Convenience Market 14.80+ $ 51,756 KSF 880 Pha~rmacy w/o drive through 2.75+ $ 9,617 KSF 881 Phairmacy w/ drive through 3.30+ $ 11,540 KSF 890 Furniture Store 0.07+ $ 245 KSF 911* W'alk-In Bank 8.95+ $ 31,298 KSF 912 Driv~e-In Bank 12.35+ $ 43,188 KSF 931 Quality Restaurant 2.15+ $ 7,519 KSF 932 High Turnover Sit-Down Restaurant 3.44+ $ 12,030 KSF 933* Fast Food w/o Drive-Thru 6.94+ $ 24,269 KSF 934 Fast Food With Drive-Thru 9.20+ $ 32,172 KSF 936* Drinking Place 3.58+ $ 12,519 KSF 944 Gas Station 3.26+ $ 11,400 Fueling Position 945 Gas/Service Station with Convenience Market 1.65+ $ 5,770 Fueling Position 946* Gas/Service Station with Convenience Market, Car Wash 5 09+ $ 17,800 Fueling Position 947 Self-Service Car Wash 5.54 $ 19,373 Wash Stall 64 , , . , _ _. ~m._.._. . .~_ W.~.._.~.... _ ~..~~.~,~.....____ _~.~.~.~..~.~ ..~W...... _.. . ...._ __~ EXHIBIT "A" Page 3 of 5 SCHEDULE OF TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES INTERCHANGE DEVELOPMENT CHARGE $~,~o$ er PH-T ITE Code Customer Type Peak-Hour Trips Transportation IDC Units 110 General Light Industrial 0.98 $ 1,086 KSF 130 Industrial Park 0.86 $ 953 KSF 140 Manufacturing 0.74 $ 820 KSF 150 Warehouse 0.47 $ 521 KSF 151 Mini-Warehouse 0.26 $ 288 KSF 152 High Cube Warehouse 0.12 $ 133 KSF 310 Hotel 0.59 $ 654 Room 320 Motel 0.47 $ 521 Room 520" Elementary School 0.28 $ 310 Student 522 Middle Schaol 0.15 $ 166 Student 530 High School 0.14 $ 155 Student 540 Junior/Community College 0.12 $ 133 Student 560 Church 0.66 $ 731 KSF 565* Day Care 4.35+ $ 4,820 KSF 0.27+ $ 299 Student 710 GeneralOffice 1.49 $ 1,651 KSF 715 Single Tenant Office Building 1.73 $ 1,917 KSF 72p Medical-DentalOffice 3.72 $ 4,122 KSF 750 Office Park 1.5 $ 1,662 KSF 760 Research 8~ Development Center 1.08 $ 1,197 KSF 770 Business Park 1.29 $ 1,429 KSF 812 Building Materials 8~ Lumber 4.49 $ 4,975 KSF 813 Discount Super Store 2.78+ $ 3,080 KSF 814 Specialty Retail 2.71 $ 3,003 KSF 815 Discount Store 2.40+ $ 2,659 KSF 816 Ha~dware/Paint Store 2.18+ $ 2,415 KSF 817 Nursery/Garden Center 3.80 $ 4,210 KSF 820 Shopping Center 1.47+ $ 1,629 KSF Leasable 65 EXHIBIT "A" Page 4 of 5 SCHEDULE OF TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ITE Code Customer Type Peak-Hour Trips Transportation IDC Units 841 Ne~w Car Sales 2.64 $ 2,925 KSF 848 Tire S~ore 4.15 $ 4,598 KSF 850 Supermarket 2.76+ $ 3,058 KSF 851 Cor~v~nience Market 14.80+ $ 16,398 KSF 880 Pharrriacy w/o drive through 2.75+ $ 3,047 KSF 881 Pharrthacy w/ drive through 3.30+ $ 3,656 KSF 890 Furniture Store 0.07+ $ 78 KSF 911* Walk-In Bank 8.95+ $ 9,917 KSF 912 Driv~e-In Bank 12.35+ $ 13,684 KSF 931 Quality Restaurant 2.15+ $ 2,382 KSF 932 High- turnover Sit-Down Res~aurant 3.44+ $ 3,812 KSF 933* Fast Food w/o Drive-Thru 6.94+ $ 7,690 KSF 934 Fast Food With Drive-Thru 9.20+ $ 10,194 KSF 936 * Drinking Place 3.58+ $ 3,967 KSF 944 Gas Station 3.26+ $ 3,612 Fueling Position 945 Gas/Service Station with Corrvenience Market 1.65+ $ 1,828 Fueling Position 946* Gas/9ervice Station with Convenience Market, Car Wash 5 09+ $ 5,640 Fueling Position 947 Self-Service Car Wash 5.54 $ 6,138 Wash Stall NOTES 1. Transporta~on SDC is the charge per applicable unit for all projects that are required to pay transportation system development charges within the City Limits. 2. Transportat!ion IDC is the charge per applicable unit for all projects that are required to pay system development charges for transportation within the area identified a~ the Interchange Management Area in the Transportation SDC Ordinance. 3. ITE code ~s land use from the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation. 66 EXHIBIT "A" Page 5 of 5 SCHEDULE OF TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES 4. ITE codes identified with an asterisks (*) includes information derived from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) manual (e.g. the pass-by factor is derived from pass-by counts for a similar land use or are estimated by traffic engineers). 5. Peak-Hour Trips identified with a plus (+) have been reduced by a factor to account for pass-by trips and diverted linked trips. 6. For ITE codes not listed in the schedules above the Transportation SDC and Transportation IDC, if applicable, will be calculated in accordance with the March 2008 Transportation System Development Charge Study. 7. For those land uses that are not specifically identified by an ITE code the Public Works Director or designee shall use the land use category that is most similar in respect to trip generation. 8. PH-T is peak-hour trips, weekday; peak-hour of adjacent street traffic. Most often, this represents one hour between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. 9. Land Use Unit Abbreviations: KSF = 1,000 gross square feet building area DU = dwelling unit Room = number of rooms for rent Fueling Position = maximum number of vehicles that can be serviced simultaneously Student = number of full-time equivalent students enrolled Wash Stall = maximum number of vehicles that can be washed simultaneously Hole = number of individual putting holes that are paired with driving tees Acre = 43,560 square feet of park space Lane = number of bowling lanes Member = number of active members 67 -! '~ 4 ~~IK ..~~ ~~~~r~ Ni~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~rY.Wfp.=.~z..r ~~r.,~v MQy 27. 2oc}$ TQ: Hc~ncarc~ble Mayar and City C4uncil thrc~ugh ~ity At~ministrafior FRQN1: Jirr~ Alien, Community Development Director SUBJE~T: ~o~nmunliy Developm~nt Qirect~r's Apprarrc~l of Partition 2t1Q8-43 on~ EXCP 2dQ8•04, Locc~ted at 122Q Pttrk Avenue, T+~~ ~.ot OS1 Wt18CQ032Q0. REG4MMENDl4~'I~,?N: , Nc~ action is ~ecommend~d. This item is placed befr~re the Gaunci{ far infQrmQtion purposes in compliance ruith the Vt~aQdburn Dev~ic~prt~ent CJrdinance, Th~ Couneil may cal! up this item far rev~ew if if desires. BACK~RC~UN~!• Tt~e appiican~, John ~rigorieff, requested a Type EI Pc~rtitisar~ to divie#e c~ne lof ir~#c~ three parcels. 'The applicant also requested a Type II ExeeptiQn to Street Right- of-Way and Irr~prQvements fQr Park Avenue. Tk~e ~omr~nunity D~velopm~nt Director approWed both applications s-~bjeet to epnditions. TI1E? CI~GISIO(1 C~tC~ t~fl~ ~equire specific public street improvements at this time buf did require the owner to si~n a non-~ernonstrance doeument far partieipati~n in fu~ure street improvement~. DISCUSSI~N: None. FINANCtA~ IMF~-CT: This decisian i~ anticipated to hav~ no pubfic sector financial impact.. ~~.c~encto ltem Review: City Adminis Gity Attorney 12A 68