January 19, 2022 Special Meeting Agendav ERIC SWENSON,MAYOR CITY OF WOODBURN SPECIAL DEBBIE CABRALES,COUNCILOR WARD 1 ALICE SWANSON,COUNCILOR WARD II CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ROBERT CARNEY,COUNCILOR WARD III SHARON SCHAUB,COUNCILOR WARD IV MARY BETH CORNWELL,COUNCILOR WARD V JANUARY 19, 2022— 12:00 P.M. BENITO PUENTE JR.,COUNCILOR WARD VI VIA VIDEO CONFERENCING 1. CALL TO ORDER AND FLAG SALUTE 2. ROLL CALL 3. EXECUTIVE SESSION A. To Consider Preliminary Negotiations Involving Matters of Trade or Commerce in Which the Governing Body is in Competition with Governing Bodies in Other States or Nations Pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(g) 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 5. ADJOURNMENT This facility is ADA accessible. If you need special accommodation, please contact the City Recorder at 503-980-6318 or Statewide To//Free Relay (800) 735-1232, at least 48 hours prior to this meeting. Si usted necesita asistencia especial, comuniquese al 503-980-6322 o a la linea telef6nica gratuita, (800) 735-1232, con un minimo de 48 horas, antes de la reuni6n. **Habra int6rpretes disponibles para aquellas personas que no hablan Ingl6s, previo acuerdo. Comuniquese al (503) 980-6322.** January 19, 2022 Council Agenda Page i